Turgor how to extract color from stones. Turgor Voice of Color. Features and passage. Tricks and features of passing the game

In developing - new game in the genre of survival adventure from the studio Ice-pick Lodge and company New Disc, in which you have to survive in the Interval or get out of it in a short time; sustain life in its frightening inhabitants and sad inhabitants - or take it away from them. How the player will pass through this world, so he will remain.


3) In the Interval*, it is customary to call turgor the limiting concentration in a living being (including a person) of Color lymph**, which allows him not to die for a short period of time, but sufficient to make the right decision and reach the state of turgor again. Such concentration has a detrimental effect on the life span, but it gives a chance to perform the impossible [miracle] and even transform environment.

* Gap (approx.) - a dangerous distortion in which space acquires illusory, fantastic features, the flow of time is disturbed, the influence of cold, necrosis and fear is aggravated. Living beings, caught in the Interval, rapidly lose their life, mind and will to develop. The State of the Interval is not a circumstance of a specific place and time, it can come at any moment and under any conditions. Also known as "dead environment aggression".

** Lymph of Color (conventional) - a group of living substances that awakens in a person the ability to perform actions on the verge of a miracle. Each Color has its own will, both friendly to humans and hostile, dangerous, unreliable colors are noted. The nature of the Lymph of Color and the logic of the origin of its sources, both internal and external, are still not clear.

game world

Turgor (lat.) - 1) a tumor, 2) increased pressure of juice in the cells, maintaining their shell in a tense state ... ... Turgor is probably the reason for the growth of plants. A decrease in turgor is accompanied by the processes of decay, withering and aging of cells. "Encyclopedic reference.

The main goal of this game is to get out of one very unfriendly place as quickly as possible. Secondary - to leave it behind you so that you can be proud of.

The surrealistic world of "Turgor" is built on a substance that gives all living things the opportunity to act and exist - this is the Lymph of Color.

In the process of tense, hourly struggle for survival, the hero will have to face rivals - the same victims of this strange world as he is. The Brotherhood of Nightmare Hunters idolize the Lymph of Color and guard the world of the Between. The purpose of their life is knowledge and service. Their voluntary captives, the Sisters, are ready to do anything to escape from here - each leads a deadly intrigue for this and seeks to involve the hero in it.

The blood of the Hunter, the captured creature, the favor of the Sister, the cultivated plantation: everything around is a source of Lymph. Any action: a fight, a conversation, a hunt, a search, a road is her expense. A short life passes here in a greedy search for a new Lymph to maintain strength and turn it, at the cost of one's own soul, into a palette of masterful colors with which one can survive in this world and unravel its mystery.

Only Lymph of Color gives life, but it also poses a serious threat to the hero. Each of the seven colors has its own character and its own characteristics that affect game factors. While the color is hidden inside, it gives the wearer an advantage, but it is worth spending even a drop, and the world will change - slightly, but irreversibly.

The situation of acute resource hunger and flexible environmental factors constantly put the player in unpredictable situations. The player is free to use any colors to solve immediate problems, but at the same time he is forced to think about strategy. How to color the world, this will be the finale. Often the player has to put up with the fact that the case provides only those colors that are dangerous to him or contrary to his chosen survival tactics.

"Turgor" provides the player with many options for passing the game, real freedom of choice, the possibility of forming the game world and full-fledged creativity.

Game Features:

  1. Lymph of Color is a single game resource: currency, health of the hero, his arsenal and tools, a means of forming the characteristics of the character and setting hostile factors in the world.
  2. All actions are performed by drawing. The amount of injected lymph affects the effectiveness of the result. The hero always "draws" the action with his own lymph and actually spends his life forces on it.
  3. Rich variability of the game, based on the randomness of the occurrence and distribution of resources.
  4. A flexible balance of random factors serves a variety of ways to survive: the 7 colors of Lymph are interchangeable in general as a nutritional resource, but give different effects when used in similar situations.
  5. Each color has useful and dangerous features. The player uses the advantages of color in a particular situation, but a drop of each color enhances the aggression of the external environment in its own way.


The brothers say:

“Here are your commandments for the first time, Junior. When you become one of us, none of the prohibitions will be replaced by permission, but their meaning, now terrible, will become clearer, and you will understand that they are good.

  1. It is only allowed to store, it is forbidden to act. Lymph of Color is not for criminal waste, only for multiplication, for it is the basis of life and joy. Giving your Lymph for the sake of vain actions is a taboo.
  2. The lymph of any Color is priceless, therefore it is necessary to listen to the will of each Color. Every drop of every color remembers you, beware of their wrath. Colors do not like each other, it is taboo to combine them carelessly.
  3. To absorb more than you are entitled to, Junior is a taboo.
  4. To your Sister, don't you dare give more than you need to keep her alive. Corrupting your Sister with gifts, thereby pushing her to deadly heresy is taboo.
  5. Talking to someone else's Sister, thus exposing her body and soul, is taboo.
  6. Calling this place Death, Hell and Between is taboo. Listening to the heretical lies of the Sisters begging to be taken upstairs is taboo. To believe that there is a better world than this is the strongest taboo.
Even if you manage to hide the broken taboo from us, you will never hide the offense from Lympha, and she will dislike you. At first he will start to avoid you, then he will leave from everywhere.
Therefore, breaking a taboo is punishable by execution. Tenfold violation of the taboo is punishable by expulsion Down, and not everyone will be able to return. Repeated violation after exile is punishable by absolute Death.
Listen to the taboo, Junior, do not succumb to temptations, and you will be exalted among all the Righteous, and the secrets of Life will be revealed to you."

Sister says:

"Run away from here!

Your main and only goal is to escape at any cost, while your own Lymph is still warm in you. There are many. If you manage not to lose it on the way to the Adit - perhaps that will be enough. There is real life at the top, that's where you belong.

If you reach the Adit, but you can't overcome the dash, take everything you can find here. Be cunning and brave - but be careful! Don't feel sorry for anyone and don't think, we can't be saved anymore. Let everything perish, and the sooner the better.

Do not listen to other Sisters, they will always betray and deceive! If they start asking you to take them upstairs, don't give in. They know how to charm and seduce, one has only to give vent to pity. Give them no more than they need so that they let you go further to the Adit.

Remember that each serves the Brother to whom it belongs - and obeys him.

Fear Brothers! Pretend to be one of them, listen to their commandments, but then avoid them. They are terrible and ruthless. Without breaking the commandments, you will not be able to step a step. Lymph is a servant, not a master, for you this is only a guarantee of escape! Once they figure out where you're going, you won't be at peace.

When I die forever, remember me. Only I tell you the truth, because my life was for you.

Run before the Brothers have time to understand your true nature! Do not learn anything, do not delve into, do not figure out who is right, who is not, who is lying, and who is wrong. If the Between draws you in, it will enchant you, and you will stay here forever."

Minimum system requirements

  • Operating system Windows® XP
  • Processor Pentium® 4 2GHz (recommended: Pentium® 4 3.6GHz)
  • Memory 512 MB (recommended: 1 GB)
  • CD-ROM drive 8x CD-Rom
  • Free place on HDD 6 GB
  • Video card GeForce FX 5600 128Mb (recommended: GeForce 6800 256Mb)
  • Sound card DirectX 9.0c compatible

Technical features

The game is developed on its own Ice Peak Engine:

  1. Realistic lighting. Point, directional, extended light sources. Cubemap sources, skylight. Support for global illumination and HDR.
  2. Flexible system of materials and rendering of surfaces. Support for reflections, refractions, volumetric fog.
  3. Author's R-buffer technology that allows you to create surreal liquid special effects.
  4. Particle systems. The ability to design fundamentally new particle systems.
  5. A system for combining 2D images to implement complex post-effects and UI effects.
  6. Realistic physics based on AGEIA PhysX.
  7. Own scripting language that simplifies writing complex AI and game logic.
  8. WYSIWYG level editor.

If you decide to play a truly non-standard game, then this is Turgor, the Voice of Color. The game is surreal, not a "walker", not a "shooter", something else. The game was released in 2009 from a Russian company, but still remains very interesting and attractive. After all, the main thing in it is the opportunity to look at the world differently, really differently. Here I will talk about the characters of the game, the mechanics and some of the features of the passage.

The plot and characters of the game

Ava's Alcove

You, that is, the soul, find yourself in another world. It is assumed that you are "dying". It is lower than the world familiar to us, and is called the Between. As it turns out later, there are lower levels. The gap is like a paranoid delusion, it looks so strange or frightening. And the main task is to leave this place. Of course, just don't do it. The space itself is divided into rooms: gardens, shafts and rooms. From the outside, the scheme of the Gap is more like a nerve cell. This place is inhabited, there are Sisters and Brothers. Of course, they are not related in any way. Sisters are charming women different ages, character and appearance. Their dream is to escape. They gradually tell the hero about the world of the Interval and weave their intrigues. The first Sister you meet does not have a name. She lives inside a hollow tree and looks like a frail freshman.

She then tells about the Color and the basis of the foundations of life in the Between. So if two of her five hearts are filled with Color, the road to another area will open. Actually, each of the sisters has "keys" to other chambers. Not far from the rest of the Sister is Ava's alcove, similar to an Egyptian temple. Ava herself looks charming, very cunning by nature. Not far from her lives Uta. This is a cold sister by nature. She lives in a grotto where the moon shines through a hole in the ceiling. There is a peace-forge here, in which Yuna lives. She stands in front of the horn and during the "feeding" of the Color shakes her like a shaman during a trance. There are also runaway sisters, Echo and Aya. The latter moves all the time along the Interval without having her own home. There are eleven sisters in total.

One of the few Brothers who looks almost human.

Now about the Brothers. They have risen from the depths of the Nightmare, a level where there is no Color. Their appearance changed dramatically, as apparently their souls. Some of them, even remotely, but resemble a person, like Whaler. Others don't look alike at all. They are differently configured in relation to the Hero. Some consider him the new Brother. Most of all you can learn from the dialogues with Mangolfier. The oldest of them is Mantis. He looks like part of a man on huge stilted peaks. He appears first and tells the Hero about the opinions of the other Brothers and about the laws of the world. The brothers believe that spending the Color is a sin, and therefore they impose a taboo on it. But without breaking the taboo, it is impossible to win the game. And because they will sometimes attack the player. There are still inhabitants of the world. These are ugly. As the Sisters explain, drops of color fell on the rock, and it came to life. But it hasn't become "normal". Some of these creatures look like large bats. Others on legless birds. They are updated every cycle.

Color and its production in Turgor

A tree growing from the ceiling in one of the gardens

The only resource for life in the Between is Color. It has a physical embodiment in the form of strange flowers. But they run out quickly. And so the color must be grown. There are gardens and mines. There are dead trees in the gardens. They can be applied Color using a special sign. How exactly to do this right in the game will be shown. When returning to the garden, the tree can be harvested. Everything is different in the mines. Here it is necessary to break the rock with the help of "mountain" signs. Color exit points are usually highlighted. But it’s better to save yourself before entering the mine and find out by experience where exactly Tsvet lies. In the very first mine, I always had a vein on the left side of the path, opposite the post in the middle of the mine. The second one walked all over the mine, and every time she found herself in a new place. I couldn't find any other colors. It's probably a game bug.

Trees full of color

As soon as you fill all five of Sister's hearts with color, you will be able to leave the gap with her. To do this, you need to go to the location of the Well. There are several varieties of Color. And the use of each of them affects the balance of the game. So silver brings good luck, more Color is born, but it also hastens the death of the Between. The first Color that appears in the game is gold. Sisters become more favorable to the player, but Brothers are more jealous. They may rip open their hearts more often. Purple gives strength to the hero's attacks, but at the same time, there are more bugs in the gardens and mines. Azure - the more blue the Hero has, the faster he will move through the gap. But visiting the chambers will take more time. Lilac, as the color of creativity, will reduce the amount of waste on drawing. But at the same time, the power of attacks will decrease. The more Emerald will be in the hero, the less damage will be done to him by enemy attacks. Influence on Gap: Nerve cost to draw all Signs is increased. Because of the amber, the Brothers will destroy the gardens more often, but the Lampha will become Nerva faster.

Tricks and features of passing the game

Una's Rest

The brothers love to destroy gardens. Therefore, something must be found to drive them away. So in the very first garden, a piece of rock hangs over the entrance. Fill it with Color and the Brother cannot enter. But from time to time they need to be updated, because Color is spent on Brother's attacks.

Don't forget to look around - the ugly ones are silent, some of them have the ability to attract the Hero like a magnet.

During the fight with the Brother, look in the upper right corner. What colors are indicated there, so it should be beaten. The Praying Mantis can only be hit at the moment when he stops to “drink” from huge vessels with Color. The rest of the time, run away.

Brother Praying Mantis

If the tree is left untouched, after the first "harvest", then the Color will begin to accumulate on it. So trees left for a long time can give a lot.

It is possible to cheat the game by moving along the Gap. Select an empty cell with a color and swipe over the desired distance. There will still be movement, and Color will not be wasted.

The duration of the game is 35 cycles, each of which is divided into 100 heartbeats. After the 35th cycle, the game will definitely end. If you do not get out, you will see a sad video - you have become a Brother.

All Color is stored in containers called Heart. There are 21 of them in total. Having filled them to the limit, you can leave the Gap. They will have to be collected throughout the gap. The more of them appear, the greater the capacity of the Palette.

All absorbed Color is placed in the Lymph. From there, the color can be typed in and placed into the Hearts. Only being in the gap is it processed into Nerva. Already from there Color can be taken for different needs. Actually Turgor is a state when all Hearts are filled to capacity.

It would seem that an ordinary house and yard. But this is the place where the Sisters dream to go

And at the end of the game, with a successful outcome, you will see a short video clip with our world and Voloshin's poems.


Turgor can be called an RPG, but instead of points and experience, color is used here. The goal of the game is to upgrade the character to reach the state of turgor, and ascend to the upper world alone or with the Sister. The color can simply be collected in the form of flowers growing everywhere or grown by yourself, for example in gardens.

Gardens are locations with trees that can be revived with color and then harvested from them. The more color you put in them, the bigger the harvest will be.

All interaction in the Turgor game takes place with signs drawn in color. Signs can be viewed by pressing "J". For example, in order to revive a tree, you need to strike a color over it and draw a "donor" sign.

You can move between locations by entering the Gap (enter the water), for any action you will have to spend color, including for movement.

But you can spend only the color sprouted in the heart - Nerva. Press "B", fill the heart with color, after a while the heart will sprout and a nerve will appear around it.

Turgor passage

Click on it, so the nerve can be collected in storage. To the left of the nerve storage, it can be used to influence objects - attack, revive trees, talk. On the right is just a flower, not yet sprouted.
Each color is responsible for its own property, emerald for defense, purple for attack, etc. (press "J" to see the description of all colors). The color is constantly lost and needs to be replenished, if all the hearts are empty your character will die. As long as you cannot move around the entire gap, the older sisters will not let you in. Whatever they let in, you need to fill each with the color that she likes. To communicate with sisters, use the "medium" sign, sisters can teach a lot by color. Eli or Yuna, give the Gadfly weapon. Ima and Ire give signs for the extraction of color in the mines.

First of all, you need to collect the flower that you find and germinate it in the garden. It is better to fill the trees in the garden to the end. you can’t re-fill them, they will yield a crop several times and dry out.

Save up the color to open the sisters, they will let you through after you fill them twice. The brothers will constantly interfere with you, so that they do not ruin the planted gardens, they have traps. In the very first garden, the trap is a rock with hanging roots, it must be filled with color and it will not let anyone in here.

Passage Turgor

Grow gardens, filling them with the color you need to open the next sister. It is better to fill the garden with a margin of color than to collect color all over the gap later. It's also a good source of color # get it in the mines, Ima and Ira will give you hearts with #hit# and #harpoon# abilities, use them to get color. Try not to waste time, fill all the hearts with the right colors, if not enough, then distribute the color between the hearts and invest the nerve in the gardens or open the hearts of the sisters. The game itself, though quite complex, but the mechanics of the game is simple.

Each sister will open a heart for you, the more hearts, the more abilities and opportunities you have to process color in a nerve. Also, hearts can be found throughout the gap, in the chambers of each of the sisters there is at least one heart (the chambers are not the location of the sister, but a node with all branches). If the heart is not taken, then it can be taken when you find the #magnet# ability.

The Turgor game is divided into chapters, time only passes when you are in between, its speed can be adjusted in the lower left corner of the screen or with the "1", "2" keys. The "1" key is especially important, because often when you go into the gap, the speed increases, and time goes by, the game is limited to 35 cycles, which, in my opinion, is a big drawback. If you have not reached turgor within 35 cycles, then some short incomprehensible video is shown.

The Turgor game has a lot of different development options, depending on what you do and when, you can take the side of brothers or sisters, you can move faster or slower through the story.

Turgor walkthrough

I first opened Ava and killed a few especially stubborn brothers with the "tumbleweed" sign, it all depends on what kind of hearts you get. And what kind of brothers will be in the beginning. When you kill a brother, color flies out of him, like all living things. By the way, a good way to get color, only, you must first release the vessels with color, otherwise it will simply disappear. For more effective battles, fill hearts with purple for attack and green for defense. It is possible to complete the game without killing a single brother at all. Immediately after the discovery of another sister, I killed her brother. Firstly, you don’t have to refill the torn heart. Secondly, a good source of color, and the brothers are always dragging along the gap, freeing the chambers from color.

Every time you spend a color, it affects the situation throughout the gap, for example, if you use a lot of gold, then the brothers will be jealous of their sisters and tear out their hearts, purple will heat up the combat situation. If the sister's heart is torn out, then it will have to be filled again.
In general, there is no mandatory ending in the game, while playing, you make your choice, you can either stay in between and become a brother, or finish a breakthrough. You can go upstairs alone or with your sister. In order to leave alone, you need to reach the state of turgor, go into the well and revive the tree with the sign of a breakthrough, then draw a bridge up. To leave with your sister, you need to fill her with 5 hearts and draw a breakthrough sign on her, and then go into the well. To achieve turgor, you need to find 21 hearts and fill with lymph all the hearts and processes in which the nerve accumulates. The letter #T# will appear below. The last heart will appear in the well after you collect 20 hearts.

I told you how to play, it is difficult to give more specific instructions for passing Turgor, you will have to make your own choice in the game.

Turgor. Voice of color


This game is a first-person survival quest. The proposed passage is not step by step instructions, but only a set of tips on the gameplay.

To move from one Peace to another, you need to draw this path with Color on the map. You can, in order to save money, draw a path with a color that is not in the palette flasks. The path will be shown as a transparent line, but the hero will still move from Rest to Rest.

To enter Rest, you need to click on it with the left mouse button. The mouse wheel is used to zoom the map. You can move the map by holding the right mouse button.

Game structure

The game is divided into chapters. Game time runs while the hero is in between. The speed can be adjusted in bottom left of the screen using the keys "1" and "2". The game is limited to 35 cycles. If during these 35 cycles the state of Turgor is not reached, then the game will be over.

The game has several development options. Depending on what and when you do in the game, the main character will choose the side of the Brothers or the side of the Sisters. Also, the plot can develop faster or slower.

The goal of the game is to reach the turgor and make the Potlatch (breakthrough to the upper limit). Main character can perform the Potlatch alone or together with one of the sisters. To achieve turgor, it is necessary to collect Color. Alternatively, the hero may not make Potlatch, but become a Brother.

Collecting Colors

Color can be collected in several ways. The easiest is to collect flowers , which grow everywhere, but they give little color. With each new cycle, new flowers appear on locations. To collect the Color, you need to get close to the flower until the vessel icon appears, then squeeze the Color right click mice.

Color can be squeezed out of some dead crops. To do this, you need to come close to the body so that the vessel icon appears, and collect the color with the right mouse button.

You can also collect excess Lymph of Color, which is occasionally found in locations. The principle of collecting Lymph is the same as when collecting Color from flowers.

Color can also be grown on trees in special garden locations. The more colors are invested in the tree, the greater the yield will be in the future. Trees bear fruit only once per cycle.

In other special locations, mines, you can find veins of color. Each vein must be opened and a channel drawn from it to extract color.

Gathering Color from Trees

The tree bears the fruit of the Color with which it was revived. In order to charge a tree with Color, you need to come close to the tree and when it appears drawing sign, touch it with a drop of Color. The tree obscura opens. After that you need to draw Donor sign, (so as not to waste the Color), and the tree will bloom. To exit the Tree Pinhole, left-click on the exit icon at the bottom right of the screen.

With the onset of the next cycle, the tree will give its first fruits. The color is collected by right-clicking. The trees will bear fruit for several cycles in a row, but then they will finally dry out.

- these are such special emptiness in the soul, capable of receiving and germinating Color - that is, Life. At the beginning, there are few of them, because the Spirit is still cold and dead, but with time you can open them all and, having filled with Color to the limit, reach Turgor.

The heart can contain a lot of Color, or maybe just a little. At the same time, each Heart is also a special knowledge, a Sign that can be used to act. The Spirit opens the Hearts to reach Turgor, while the Brothers take them by force from the Sisters for the sake of knowledge.

Nature of Hearts

If the Heart is open, one can see and feel the Color, one can be filled with this Color and become at least a little alive. But the Lymph of Color does not rest in the Heart - it transforms its nature, grows, causing unbearable torment to the spirit. The sprouted Nerve becomes a part of the Spirit, mixing with its blood, and it is impossible to pull it out without pain - but it is necessary, otherwise it will begin to evaporate, and the Color will be wasted. But the investment of Color in anything causes nothing but delight and happiness.

One can hear from the Sisters and Brothers that their Hearts are of a different nature, but from further random remarks it becomes clear that this is not so. All Hearts cannot but sprout Color. The process can be accelerated by being filled with Amber, it can be slowed down by the weight of Iron, like the Brothers. Stopping is impossible. In addition, Sister's Hearts are stepping stones to her warmth or even love.

Hearts can be found in the Chambers, they are given by the Sisters, the Heart can be opened even by accident. In total, the Spirit is able to withstand twenty-one Hearts - and the same number of special knowledge, called "signs".