The magical world of Sega and good old computer games. Tiny Toon Adventures (NES) - full video walkthrough Tiny toon dandy walkthrough

A - call an assistant;
B - slip;
C - jump;
C + "right" or "left" in a jump next to the wall - re-jump (super jump).

Passwords for the English version

Plains Levels

Forest Levels

Cave/Desert Levels

Passwords for the levels before the bosses

Passwords for the Russian version
Plains Stage

forest stage

Stage of caves and deserts


To get to the bonus level, you need to find the rainbow icon. Here is where they are:

On stage 1 (lower right corner of the map) directly below the red boss area. When you find Gogo at the far right end of this area, jump down to the ground and head right past the rats. There you will find a rainbow icon.
On stage 2 (the word "TINY" lined with carrots) go past "TINY" and go right to the end of the cliff. Jump off the cliff by pressing left while jumping to land in an invisible tunnel. Then turn left (take the 1-Up and the bell), left again and jump into the rainbow symbol.
On stage 3 (where the waterfall is) go until you reach a ledge from which the upward movement begins. Jump off the ledge before crashing into the ceiling. Go through the tunnel until you reach the gray platforms. Jump down from the platform, go left and jump straight into the wall on the left, blocking the entrance to the hidden tunnel. Rainbow icon at the end of the tunnel.


The Adventures of Tiny Toon has a lot of HIDDEN OBJECTS. We will tell you about them. You will learn where to look for extra lives (1-UP) and other less important items at every stage of the game.
You can go through the same stage several times to EARN YOURSELF EXTRA LIVES. There are several stages, which contain two extra lives and one stage (just before the end of the game), where there are already three of them.
When you come across a GOGO DODO, you should not always immediately rush to him. Jump over him and see if there's a 1-UP behind him or anything else useful.
There are THREE TOP SECRET PREMIUM LEVELS - so secret they are not even mentioned in the manual. Marvelous! These premium tiers can be accessed by finding (and touching) round rainbow icons. We call them Wekeland badges. Each stage has a similar icon.

PASSING Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster's Hidden Treasure


STAGE 1-1 (EXIT 1): You must explore all the hidden corners on this level - below and above: you must find all the Carrots. You are NOT LIMITED IN TIME, so take your time and be careful.
Go down into the MUDDY WATERFALL (Buster won't drown) and run left into the secret room with 1-UP, then go right and you'll find some Carrots and a spring that will bounce you up again.
STAGE 1-2 (2 EXITS): EXIT N1 (Leads to Stage 1-3): go right until you see a small ledge in the air and a black bird flying nearby Jump onto the ledge and then jump down and left to land next to the tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the left and use the platforms to jump over the peaks. Togo Dodo is at the end of the tunnel. EXIT N2 (leads to Stage 1-4) is located at the right edge of the screen near the three mice. Push the mice out of the way and touch the Togo Dodo to open your way to Stage 1-4.
STAGE 1-3 (EXIT 1): Use the SPRINGS to give yourself a boost, collect the Carrots that are hanging in the air while flying, and quickly run across the LOG BRIDGE because it will fall apart shortly after you touch it.
Gogo Dodo is on top of the hill on the right, but don't touch him just yet. Fall back to the ground and go right to collect more Carrots and pick up the BELL.
STAGE 1-4 (EXIT 1): There is a maze of UNDERGROUND TUNNELS here. Explore them carefully for Carrots and other items, including 1-UP. If you can't find the 1 -UP icon, back off to the left and then follow the ground until you find a tunnel that will lead you to it.
Just like in Step 1-3, Goto is standing on top of the hill on the right edge, and like in Step 1-3, you don't have to touch him right away. Climb back to the ground and head right past the rats until you see a strange rainbow icon. This is the entrance to the TOP SECRET WEAKELAND PREMIUM LEVEL. Touch it and you will be din.
In this PREMIUM LEVEL you slide down the white ropes and grab the Carrots. We advise you to keep to the right edge of the screen - there you can find 1 -UP. When you're done, you'll be back at Stage 1-4. Jump up to Godou and touch him.
STAGE 1-5 (EXIT 1): This is where DR. SPLICER first appears, commanding Dizzy Davy's crowbar with a remote-controlled helmet. Jump on Dr. Slicer's head five times: then the helmet will explode and Dizzy will be released. Dr. Slicer and Dizzy both move slowly, so dodging Dizzy's attack is easy. Then you can jump on the doctor's head. The best of the launching pads is the highest of the branches. Wait until the Doggor Slicer jumps to the branch below and jump on it.


STEP 2-1 (EXIT 1): In this long stage there is only one hidden object and a huge number of Carrots hanging from the trees, so climb on them and grab everything.
Look for a place where TWO BEARS are walking around the foot of a high rocky wall. Jump on the bears and climb the tree near the wall. Jump on the bird throwing tomatoes, then jump to the right, from the branch on which the bird was sitting, into the HIDDEN TUNNEL. Go right and find the BELL.
STAGE 2-2 (2 EXITS): EXIT N1 (leads to Stage 2-3): go right and stay at the roots of the trees until you find the entrance to the tunnel leading into the rocky wall. Jump into the tunnel and go to the right, over the peaks and rotating platforms, to meet Godo Dogo. EXIT N2 (leads to Stage 2-5): This exit is located at the right edge of the screen behind several swinging pendulums. You will meet similar pendulums in the next stages.
STEP 2-3 (EXIT 1): You will reach the place where there are piles of Carrots that say the words "SECRET" without much adventure. Take them all and go right to the trees. Climb the one closer to the cliff and jump on the bird, then jump to the right into the HIDDEN TUNNEL where the HEART is stored. Then exit the tunnel and jump up the branches of the tree until you reach the top of the cliff.
Move right to the end of the cliff (where a tin can sticks out of the ground), then fall off the cliff and try to land as far left as possible - 8 secret tunnel. Walk left to pick up the 1-UP and the BELL, then keep moving left and drop down onto the WACKLAND BADGE.
Once on the PREMIUM LEVEL, go right to the tunnel entrance and jump (using the platforms) to the tunnel on the right. Gogo Dodo is at the end of the tunnel.
STEP 2-4 (EXIT 1): There are no extra lives or other useful features in this hard level. What can you do! The path to Gogo is not very obvious, but, most importantly, remember the places where you have already been, so as not to get lost and start to stagnate.
STEP 2-5 (EXIT 1): From the beginning, go right and jump on the bear, then drop off the ledge and head left to the hidden tunnel. Go left and take the Bell, then turn right and fall out of the tunnel. Go right and hit the bears, then keep going right until you reach the end of the ledge. Climb down the ledge and fall into the water. You won't drown, don't worry. Go to the left and grab some yummy Carrots, then jump onto the tree that's blocking the path to the left. Jump to the left straight into the wall and you will find yourself in a secret tunnel where you can find 1-UP.
Further down this stage, there is another tunnel next to two bears under the rotating platforms. Jump onto one of the platforms, then jump to the right onto the wall and (keep as far to the right as you can) land in the tunnel. Take HEART.
STEP 2-6 (EXIT 1): This stage is a lot like 2-4: very long and boring with no useful stuff and no real danger for you. Finish it quickly and move on to more interesting stages.
STEP 2-7 (EXIT 1): Keep jumping, trying to stay on the largest of the Asme boxes, and when DR. SPLICER peeks out of any box, jump on his head. Calemita Coyote will throw bombs at you, but they won't hurt you as long as you jump from package to package.


STEP 3-1 (2 EXITS): From the very beginning, go left and jump on the frog, then super jump and grab the Bell.
When you reach the WALL WITH SPEAKS, go down and quickly run to the left: the wall will begin to move smoothly as you run past. Jump on the frog, then go down and jump on the bat. Jump on the wall to the right and (stay right) you will land in the HIDDEN TUNNEL. Go right while collecting the CARROTS and don't forget to take the SPECIAL HELPER MARKER.
Later, after you pick up the Diamond, go right and down the tunnel until you run into a mouse. Jump left and up and use your super jump to grab 1-UP on the ceiling. Then go right and up to the HEART, then keep going up and left. Run past the boulders to the chute, where you will encounter one rolling boulder. Wait for the moving platform and jump on it, and then jump further along the platforms and you will reach the ledge on the right. Go right and crawl through the narrow tunnel. Jump right across the gap. From here you can go to either of the two exits. EXIT N1 (leads to Stage 3-2): go left and fall off the ledge. Stick to the right side to land next to the strange creature. Jump right into the HIDDEN TUNNEL. Grab the HEART and jump onto the right wall to find another HIDDEN TUNNEL. Go right and you will find Gogo. EXIT N2 (leads to Stage 3-3): you will see TWO TRAILS near the waterfall. Head down and right over the waterfall, then keep going right until you find a HEART. From here head left and up the hill, then jump right and up the ledge. Jump to the right on the wall and you will enter the most HIDDEN TUNNEL. Go right to find the BELL.
STEP 3-3 (EXIT 1): Follow the left stream of the waterfall and go left to find an area full of frogs and bats. Go left and jump on the frogs, then jump on the wall on the left to enter the secret tunnel. Go left and find TWO HEARTS AND 1-UP. Exit the tunnel and go back, where the waterfall splits into two. Follow the right jet and go right.
In the end, you will find yourself on a ledge, which will immediately begin to move up. Jump and hit the bats, then jump off the ledge before it crushes you on the ceiling. Follow the tunnel to the left until you see some gray platforms. Go down to the platforms along the chute with the rolling boulder inside. Go left and jump into the wall to enter the HIDDEN TUNNEL. The tunnel will lead you to the WEAKELAND ICON,
At the PREMIUM LEVEL, you will have to jump to the right on the springs, avoiding Gogo Dods There will be several up to extra lives in the air.
STAGE 3-4 (EXIT 1): From the very beginning, swim to the right and you will see Carrots that say the word "TUN". Collect them all, then swim to the right and jump onto the ledge. Jump on the crocodile, then go right and enter the water. Swim all the way, then go straight down and find 1-UP.
After you swim through the group of SPIKED BALLS, swim up and to the right and you will see a ledge and several platforms above the water. Jump up the platforms and you will find the Bell at the top.
STAGE 3-5 (EXIT 1): Stay at the right edge of the screen and PLUCKY DAK won't be able to hit you with the hammer. As Pluca's hammer hits the ground, stalactites fall from above and DR. SPLICER falls to the ground. Dodge the stalactites and jump on Dr. Slicer's head. As usual, to win the fight, you will need to make five jumps in a row.


STAGE 4-1 (2 EXITS): After you climb over the lava pool on the yellow bricks, go left and crawl through the narrow tunnel. Keep moving left to the brick lying in the lava. Jump on it and wait for the brick to rush forward. When the brick is up in the air, you can jump off it to the left (see Exit N1) or right (see Exit N2). EXIT N1 (leads to Stage 4-2): after waiting for the brick to rise into the air, jump on it, and from it - to the ledge on the left. Go left and crawl through the narrow tunnel. Keep going left until you meet Gogo. EXIT N2 (leads to Stage 4-3): go right and up the hill, then super jump to get the HEART on the ceiling. Go right and jump over the rifts using the yellow bricks. When you get over the second rift, go right and up the hill, then superjump to grab another HEART hanging from the ceiling. Go right to the yellow brick. Do a super jump to get 1 -UP. From here, head right to look for Gogo.
STAGE 4-2 (EXIT 1): This is a very short stage, but there will be a serious test of your jumping ability: you must manage to climb up the brick platforms before the lava flow covers you. You can afford to fall once or twice, but if you fall more than twice, you are doomed. Honestly.
STEP 4-3 (EXIT 1): Continue searching the roof for hidden items (hearts, bells, extra lives) that you can get if you super jump.
Go further until you see platforms rotating above the lava, to the right of which three Carrots hang. Collect the Carrots, then jump onto the wall on the right and you'll end up in a POOT TUNNEL. Go right and touch the WEAKELAND ICON. to get to the premium level.
When you finish this premium level, go left and go up the platforms, then go right and up the hill. Do a super jump to grab the 1-UP hidden on the ceiling. Go right and up the next hill, then superjump to the yellow brick. Jump right and up to the second brick, then super jump to another 1-UP.
STAGE 4-4 (EXIT 1): Too easy! Just jump on Dr. Slicer's head five times and victory is in your pocket.


STAGE 5-1 (EXIT 1): Save the big waterfall at this stage! three items worth finding. Jump to the left on the ledges to the top of the waterfall and find the WACKELAND BADGE. (He will take you to the level with the springs.) Continue down the right side of the waterfall and you will find a tunnel with a 1-UP inside. At the foot of the waterfall, swim down and to the left to find another 1-UP.
STAGE 5-2 (EXIT 1): Go right and go down the hole, then go right and jump into the next hole. Go right and push the keg to the left, then jump from the keg to the mast. Run up and jump to the next mast on the left. Keep jumping up the masts, climbing up until you get to the very top mast on the right and pick up 1-UP there. Climb back and jump into the hole.
Go left and wait for the spikes to retract back into the floor. then go down the hole and go to the left, and then jump off the ledge. When you fall, reach to the right to get into a secret tunnel. Go through the tunnel to the right and take the DIAMOND. Super jump back up to the ledge and crawl through the narrow tunnel. Keep going right until you fall off the ledge. Jump off the bollards and go left behind the Bell, then go back. Jump to the ledge, go left and jump up to the topmost ledge with two bollards. Go right and jump up into the hole.
Jump up past the mast and go right until you find another hole. Get down into it and run to the left to the crumbling slabs. Fall with them down to the next ledge and go right. Super jump to the right and up to the ledge with the frog. From there, go right and follow the ledges to the next hole in the ship. Jump into the hole.
Go right to the next hole and jump into it. and then go down until you are on the wall; go left on it until you fall. Move left and drop down the ledge, then run left past the crumbling ledges and down past the spikes Keep running left until you reach a DOOR MARKED "IN"
Go right to find the treasure. This will cause MONTANA MAX to attack you. Stand next to the chest where the treasures are kept and wait. when Montana breaks through the bottom of the ship and starts throwing octopuses at you. Jump on the octopuses to destroy them. For Montana himself, the same five jumps are enough.


STAGE 6-1 (EXIT 1): This little stage is nothing interesting. Know row yourself. Row up and to the right until you find a ledge sticking out of the water, then move to the right past the swinging spade balls and look for Gogo.
STEP 6-2 (2 EXITS): Look for two cloud platforms. Use the one on the left to get to the Bluebell, then use the one on the right to get to the platforms moving to the right. Keep walking to the right until you reach a ledge. Go down to the ledge if you want to get to Exit N1. If not, then continue jumping over the cloud ledges to Gogo Dodo and Exit N2 (which leads to Stage 6-4). EXIT N1 (leads to Stage 6-3): drop down to the ledge and go right, picking up all the Carrots. Climb down the right edge of the ledge, then head left to find 1 -UP. surrounded by snowmen. Now go right until you find Gogo. Jump over Gogo and find 1 -UP. then go back and touch it. All.
STEP 6-3 (EXIT 1): Use the spring to jump into the cannon, which will shoot you high into the air. You will fly past 1-UP and the Bluebell. When you start to fall, turn left so that you are under the small blue planet in the background. As you fall down, pick up 1-UP. Stick to the right side to get under another blue plaque and catch the Bell. The GUN only fires once. so don't miss, you won't get another chance.
STEP 6-4 (EXIT 1): There is a cannon here that works the same as the cannon in 6-3.
When you get to the waterfall, you can go right and dive into the waterfall to find a hidden tunnel. (The tunnel leads to the right and you can pick up the BELL along the way.) But we advise you to jump over the waterfall: then you will find the WEEKLAND BADGE and another cannon.
Go through the waterfall and crawl through two narrow tunnels. Jump up the hill at the end of the second tunnel and go left and up to the WAKELAND icon- (This icon will give you access to the premium tier. Great!)
STAGE 6-5 (EXIT 1): Jumping at the beginning of this stage is very dangerous. If you can do without them, you will find a 1-UP somewhere halfway to the end of the stage. Here you can lose a few lives.
STEP 6-6 (EXIT 1): Jump onto the block of ice floating in the air, then jump onto the head of the DOCTOR SPLICER flying across the screen. The Hampton vacuum is very powerful, but easy to avoid.


STAGE 7-1 (EXIT 1): Jump on the robot at the very beginning of the stage, and then jump on its head. Jump off his head onto the moving platform, then super jump up and through the roof to the secret room where the 1-UP is stored. Take 1-UP and get back down. Go right and jump up the steps, then jump onto the moving platform. Jump left and up to the next platform and then jump up the steps.
When you get to the Spring switch, push it to the right to fly over the rift. You will crash into the ramp on the other side of the span. Go right to the very end of the ledge. Fall off the ledge and keep to the left to avoid the spikes below. Now run to the left and jump over the two springs. If you hit them, they will throw you up and you will land on spikes sticking out of the ceiling. Jump left again.
STEP 7-2 (EXIT 1): Jump onto the moving platform, then left and up onto a small ledge, then up and right onto a large ledge. Keep moving up, then go right until the robot (same as at the beginning of 7-1) starts chasing you. Go right and go down the ledge, then go right to the blue presses. Go right and jump onto the wall to enter a secret tunnel. Collect 1-UP. BELL AND HEART, and then go along the right wall. Jump on the wall and you will find yourself in another tunnel.
Go right and go down the ledges until you reach the next blue gears, then jump left into the wall to enter the hidden tunnel again. Go left and touch the WEAKELAND ICON. (You will end up in a premium tunnel.) When you're done with the premium level, go right and go through the tunnel. Go past the blue gears and you'll find Gogo Dodo.
STEP 7-3 (EXIT 1): From the beginning of the level, always run; do a super jump and grab a 1-UP. Drop back down to the floor and go left to the next hole. Do a super jump, then jump to the ledge on the left and run to the left after three screens. Do a super jump and crawl to the left through a narrow tunnel. Do a super jump across the span and go right. Jump to 1-UP and let the spades kill you. Of course, this is not very pleasant, but repeat this process over and over again to gain more lives.
When you have enough of them, move on to the next part of the stage. From the very beginning, run all the way to the right, do a super jump and take a 1-UP. Drop down to the floor and go left to the next hole. Super jump through the hole, then jump to the ledge on the left and run left three screens. Do a super jump, then jump to the right into the narrow tunnel. Crawl through it and do a super jump. Enter the DOOR SIGNED "IN", and without too much difficulty reach the end of this stage.
STEP 7-4: The first half of the stage is RUN WITH ELMIRA. The trick is. that it is necessary to slow down Elmira's run several times. Jump over Elmira on the left first. She will stop and run to the left. Jump over it again and run to the right. She will turn again, but she will lose her speed. You should not use this trick too often, otherwise you yourself will hesitate and be caught.
After you leave poor Elmira far behind, MONATANA MAX will appear with his giant robot. Wait until the robot fires three lasers, then superjump off the wall and hit the robot in the head (as you can see, they all have this sore spot) and it will crash to the ground. Run to the other side of the room; the robot will start collecting itself to your right. Wait until both of the robot's legs fly at you, and then do a super jump from the wall and hit the robot on the head again. Repeat in the same spirit. When you have performed this procedure five times, the head will split and reveal Max in person; after ten hits, the robot will be completely destroyed, and the game will be won by you.

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The player controls a bunny named Buster Bunny who goes to rescue his friend Babs Bunny, who has been kidnapped by the evil rich Montana Max. Along the way, the player is assisted by the duckling Plucky Duck, the Tasmanian devil Dizzy Devil and the kitten Fluffy (eng. Furball). Also, as a friend, Hamton the pig appears. Other heroes of the series act as enemies: Elmira Duff, Roderick Wrath, Janie Splicer and others.



  • A- non-fixed jump (on land), swim up (under water), swim faster (for Plaka underwater). For Plaka: plan (in a jump). For Fluffy: climb the wall (when hooked on the wall). Swimming, gliding and wall climbing require multiple taps.
  • Turbo A- multiple fixed small jump. Swimming, gliding and wall climbing is as easy as pressing and holding once.
  • B or Turbo B- on the ground: for Dizzy - turning into a whirlwind (use - 2.5 seconds, recharge - 6.5 seconds), for the rest run (holding). Underwater: Shoot forward with a whirlwind of air flying along a sinusoid (recharge time - 6.5 seconds).
  • Arrow to down- on level ground: lie down on the ground. If before that the character was running, then by inertia he will move forward a little. So you can squeeze into narrow places and slip past enemies. On a slope - slide down, sweeping away enemies (except bosses).


There are 6 zones in the game, 3 levels each (with the exception of the Mansion; Chudiya has 3 levels, but they go in a circle):

  • Hills (Level for Cannon as there are a lot of holes)
  • Ocean (level for Plaki Daka)
  • Forest (level for Dizzy Devil, also the level is easy to complete with Fluffy the kitten, because this level has a lot of trees, and it is great for this)
  • City (Level for Cannon, however, as it seems to some players, it is more convenient to pass it, playing for Dizzy)
  • Freak (level for Plucky Duck, since he can fly)
  • Montana Max's Mansion (a level for Dizzy Devil that becomes invulnerable when using a tornado; also easy to complete with Fluffy the kitten)

The game also contains a secret bonus level, which can be reached by collecting a number of carrots by the end of the zone that is a multiple of 11, but with an odd multiplier (that is, 11, 33, 55, 77 and 99). At this level, the player is confronted Duck Vader and a parody of imperial stormtroopers. You can spend only one life per level. If the player manages to defeat him, he will immediately receive 3 extra lives as a reward (in the form of a heart with the inscription: "Acme").

  • One hit. It looks like a heart with wings. Gives you the opportunity to take damage from enemies once, but not lose life. If you take the same bonus without losing the previous one, one life will be added to the reward. If you do not take the bonus in time, it will fly away.
  • transformation. It looks like a ball with a drawn star. The ability to transform into the chosen character (i.e. Plucky Duck, Dizzy Devil or Furball). If you go forward in the level, and then go back, you can again choose the transformation and turn into Buster Bunny.
  • stop time. It looks like a clock. Found only once, on the level with flying pumpkins (that is, on the third level of the first zone). This bonus stops the timer and enemies for a while.

You cannot collect more than 99 carrots in the game. Also, you can not score more than 9 lives. Initially the player has 3 life. Gradually (in the Hamton shop, after defeating Dak Vader, when taking the One Hit bonus twice or for 20 thousand points), you can bring the number of lives to 9. The life indicator in the lower left corner shows the supply of lives, not the number, so the number is zero there is also (it shows that the supply of lives is exhausted). When the stock is zero (i.e. the player uses the last life), it should be remembered that the next hit will be a critical hit (with the exception of the One Hit bonus and when falling into the pit), after which the player can start playing from the very beginning of this zone with three lives and a zeroed counter of points and carrots.

At the end of the second level of each zone (except the last two), Buster Bunny is confronted by Elmira Duff, a passionate lover of squeezing animals. The player must run away from her until the exit from the level opens. If the player does not have time to run away from her, she will kiss the hero immediately, even with the "One hit" bonus. In this case, he returns to the beginning of the zone as Buster Bunny with the right to choose a character and with the same number of lives, points and carrots as before the kiss. The One Hit bonus will also continue.

Carrots on the third level are replaced by acorns.



  • Roderick Wrath. Either patrols the area, or stands still and jumps. When he stands still, he can be knocked down with an ordinary tackle.
  • Albatross. Hanging over one place, then rising, then falling.
  • Pitbull Arnold. It occurs once, on the second level. Thrown with dumbbells, destroyed with two jumps or one hit by a tornado with Dizzy Devil.
  • Flying pumpkins. They meet in the dungeon. Easily destroyed, but endlessly reappear in the middle of the level.
  • Ghosts. They fly out from under the player's feet when he steps on a certain place. Invulnerable.

Boss: A crazy scientist named Gene on a skateboard. Tries to knock the player down and throws anvils. Very predictable.


  • Cancer hermit. Slowly crawling on the sand. When it sees a player, it throws its shell in their direction, after which it doubles its speed and becomes vulnerable when touched.
  • Fish. Floats back and forth. Accelerates if the hero swims too close.
  • Crab. Crawls along the bottom and walls of caves. Invulnerable.
  • Jellyfish. Floats underwater.
  • Pirate. Walks back and forth along the yard, sometimes descending lower or jumping higher. Occasionally throws a saber at the hero.
  • Roderick Wrath with an anvil. When a player is in range, throw an anvil at them. After that, it behaves like a normal rat.

Boss: Pirate Captain. Jumps around the level after the player, trying to stab them with a dagger. After taking damage, it jumps off the edge of the screen and drops a barrel down.


  • Owl. Sits quietly until the player approaches. After that, it quickly flies in an arc towards him.
  • Squirrel. Climbing trees, describing circle after circle.
  • Hedgehog. Rolls into a ball when the hero is too close (while rolling, he is only vulnerable to tornadoes).
  • Wasps. They are small, but they fly in flocks and appear from nests at a relatively close position of the player in unlimited numbers, when less than three of them hunt the player at the same time.
  • The bats. Appear periodically. Also appear in dark forest from a wood-lined nest that flashes from lilac to red when the player is relatively close from below or to the side.
  • Roderick Wrath.
  • Fish.

Boss: Werewolf. It falls from above, runs a little and jumps into the abyss. The player must have time to deal damage to him. If the ceiling moves to the left, it will drop to the right, and vice versa.


  • Bulldog. He leans out of the window and throws down the plate.
  • Stray cat. Leaning out of a trash can or a pile of tires and throwing a tin can. You can kill him by standing on the tank or tires.
  • Roderick Wrath.
  • Rat Rubella. Appears only on the second level. Suddenly jumps out from behind the fence and runs towards the player.
  • Canary Sweety. Appears on the third level. Plans from above, descending along a sinusoid, sometimes flies upwards.

Boss: Gorilla. To defeat him, you need to destroy the monkeys by jumping (monkey tornadoes are also killed, but the platform under the gorilla will not be destroyed). As they are destroyed, the platform under the gorilla shrinks, after which it falls.


This zone consists of three looped levels. To leave this zone, you must collect 5 small Gogo Dodos. The passage requires the ability to jump far and accurately, as well as to slide.

  • Running eye.
  • Jumping egg.
  • Giant pen. Jumping from one place to another.
  • Wash basin. Releases subtle and dangerous soap bubbles.
  • Snake. Grows out of the ground in certain places. Infinitely regenerates. Happens several times per level.

There is no boss in this level.

Montana Max Mansion

This zone consists of one long level divided into 5 stages.

  • Falling chandelier.
  • Clerk walking on the 2nd floor. Temporarily turns off the light, which also complicates the passage (occurs only at the very beginning of the level).
  • Guards. They throw knives, which is very unpleasant, since the room for maneuver is limited.
  • Pointed passages that make it difficult to pass the path and can still kill the player even with the One Hit bonus.
  • Pitbull Arnold. Here it falls from above and rushes towards the player.
  • Money gun. Shoots a bag of money when the player approaches her.

Boss: Montana Max.

Additional level. UFO

If at the end of the level the number of carrots the hero has is a multiple of 11 with an odd multiplier, that is, 11, 33, 55, 77 or 99, then when moving to the next zone (except for moving from the fifth zone to the sixth one), the character is abducted by a UFO. Three lives are given for defeating the boss. The ringleader's name is Duck Vader, which means "Duck Vader", which he actually is.


There is a bug on some pirated cartridges: if you press all four directions on the joystick (that is, simultaneously hold down the buttons "left", "right", "up" and "down" (you can do this by pressing on the middle of the D-Pad), then your character will rush forward at a staggering speed.This helps to pass places where it is necessary high speed, such as the haunted castle in the first zone, or running away from Elmira in subsequent stages.

Complete walkthrough of the game in one life.

Passing one old game by Konami. Back then, they weren't particularly compassionate towards gamers, and that's why Tiny Toon is a rather difficult game. When I played it before, my problems started after stage 1-2. And there are six of them, so you can imagine how many good and not so good words I said to the developers.

After watching the introductory video, in order to understand, in fact, what we will do, we press the "Start" button, as we are asked. Next, you need to choose an assistant at this stage. I don’t know why many people praise the cat and the duck so much, but there is almost no benefit from them (unless the duck is needed at one single stage), so you can safely choose Dizzy the savings in nerve cells are huge. The most important thing to remember: touching the enemy = death. And the heart, which makes it possible to survive in this case, is nothing more than a pleasant bonus, which, to put it mildly, is undesirable to lose. I will say in advance that the pits and spikes do not care about the presence of an additional hit for the player they kill immediately. Well, now you can start.

Stage 1. Levels 1-1 and 1-2 do not cause any problems and are more needed for mastering control and other nuances. Separately, it is worth mentioning the end of any x-2 stage: here you need to run away from Elmira for some time. And it is necessary to do this, because if it catches the whole stage will have to be started all over again (here it is the humanism of the developers). But at level 1-3, many problems may already begin. Some enemies are located off the screen and it is quite possible to run into them by jumping in the wrong place. The ghosts at the end are also quite dangerous (oh, how they drove me as a child ...). The boss, however, as befits the first, no.
If anyone wondered why I did not collect all the carrots, I will answer: to show one little secret. If you finish the stage with the number of carrots that is a multiple of 11 and odd, then you will have to fight the bonus boss. The boss is quite unpleasant, so it's best to fight him after the first stage, and then follow the number of carrots and don't hit him again. For the victory over him, they give three lives although I don’t need them in this passage, it’s still nice.

Stage 2. The beginning here is not much more difficult than the very first levels in the game, although the enemies, nevertheless, will be more dangerous. But the underwater level 2-2 can pretty spoil the nerves due to not very convenient controls. In addition, it is very difficult to attack enemies the direction of the released whirlpool is too random. It is easiest to “run away” from Elmira at this stage. The last level is quite easy at the beginning, but you have to be very careful inside the ship. Otherwise, you can either get hit on the head with an anvil, or run into spikes, and even the last three barrels at the stage explode if you stand on them. The boss, although easy, must always be ready to jump from below and not hope that he will move to another platform he will jump in most cases.
Well ... The easiest stages have been passed. Next will be a lot of fun.

Stage 3. The first level is not particularly difficult, but there are some moments that may well ruin your life in particular, an owl flying out while jumping on falling platforms. But 3-2 is one of the most challenging levels in Game. The most annoying enemies here are bats with rather awkward flight paths. It is also very easy to fall into the abyss here. It is best to stay at the top of the level where possible, as it is quieter there. The room with Elmira here is pretty lousy done: if you fall off the platforms, then it’s almost a khan, because. it is very difficult to jump under them. The last sub-level of the stage is simple but long. It’s better not to rush, especially with jumping down, otherwise you can land next to some enemy and not have time to do anything to him not the best the best option, since health can only be corrected at the end. The boss, if you understand what to do, is easy: in which direction the platforms above are moving, he will run in that direction. Well, we got to the most inadequate stage in the game ...

Stage 4. I can say very little good about this place. Once I abandoned the game on it: well, it was unrealistic to survive there, and then stretch a few more stages to the last boss. The worst thing is at the first level pots and cans are constantly flying at the character, and towards the end you will have to dodge all flying objects by jumping along narrow blocks. However, if you don’t yawn there, it won’t be particularly difficult. The next level is a little easier, but not much. Here I have already decided not to risk it and used Dizzy's attack wherever necessary and not necessary. By the way, I will mention that almost all barrels explode, so it is categorically not recommended to stand on them. At this stage, Elmira was also unlucky - as if on purpose, they made a terrible room for the last meeting with her. Perhaps this is the only place in the game where a cat would really be useful, but I had to make do with traditional timing jumps. Level 4-3 is easy, but this simplicity is successfully offset by the complexity of the boss. To defeat him, you need to destroy eight small monkeys that fall down after the boss jumps (the whirlwind does not count only jumping on them). It may be easy to do this, but jumping over a wide gap every time is very nerve-wracking, and especially for passing without loss of lives .
So, the most difficult stage in the game has been passed, but they will not let you rest further.

The final part of the passage.
Stage 5. Inadequate place in every sense. This applies to both enemies and the layout of a single level. Here you will often have to jump on the platforms without seeing where you are jumping at all. And the behavior of the enemies is so chaotic (especially in the last zone) that when meeting with them, you should rely more on luck than on anything else. Well, at least the stage is quite short. And yet, this is the only stage where it is best not to take Dizzy as an assistant: both characters must have a tackle, otherwise, if you accidentally take a star, you won’t be able to take the last Gogo Dodo and you will have to go to the second round, and this is suicide.

Stage 6. Montana Max's house is divided into several very short parts. The first one is easy if you destroy enemies in time. The second part is very dangerous, unless you take Dizzy as an assistant maybe you can go through tackles here, but I didn’t want to check. The most difficult part of the stage is the third one. Bags flying from the right are safe if you duck, but those flying from the left will have to be jumped over, and with a low jump. The last two parts are nothing complicated: in the fourth, you just need to react to the pit bull in time, and in the fifth, jump on retractable platforms, but the abyss there is not very wide, so it's not so scary. The boss here is very unpleasant and infrequently sets himself up for an attack. You can jump on coins and boxing gloves when they have completely stopped, but I can’t give any more specific advice on tactics except “don’t rush”, which by the end of the game, I think, is already clear to everyone.

That's it... The game is over. I have a lot of memories of her, I also received a lot of pleasure when recording the passage it's always nice to go through one of my favorite games once again. I hope those who played will appreciate the record. And who has not played get acquainted with the game by passing. At the same time I advise you to try to pass: fun is guaranteed.

game on Dendy (Dendy) - funny adventures of Bugs Bunny the rabbit.

Funny cartoons in a fun adventure - both easy and interesting.

Bugs Bunny is a cheerful broken rabbit who has a lot of buddies and friends, but his enemies, who, although few, give him a disproportionate amount of trouble. Here and here there is a bad man Montana. He is actually from another opera, that is, a cartoon, but he climbed here solely because of natural depravity. So, this bad boy Montana kidnaps baby Babs Bunny, and even manages to impudently announce this to Bugs on TV. The gallant rabbit, of course, became furious and gave chase. Luckily, he was not alone in his outrage. Simple Shirley promised the rabbit the help of her friends: Duck the duck, Snark the mouse and even the famous Tasmanian Wolf or, as it is also called, Whirlwind.

The rabbit will have to overcome six difficult levels (three sublevels each), where there are a lot of enemies everywhere, and deal with several Montana's henchmen - bosses.

TIPS by passing Tiny Toon advetures (Tiny Toon) games on Dendy (Dendy):

1. You can choose a partner at the beginning of each level (joystick, button BUT), and in certain moment he will replace the tired rabbit. A "player change" occurs when Bunny or one of his partners pierces a balloon and something like a ball with a star falls out. True, a heart can still fall out (double life for this sublevel), a clock that stops time, and other interesting items.

2. Don't miss meetings with Porky the Porky (here, out of modesty, he took the pseudonym Haimton). His role is important - he will gladly exchange the carrots you have collected for additional lives (30 per life).

3. Rooms where you can get an extra life for every 30 carrots or apples are in stages 1-2 , 2-2 , 3-2 and 5-1 .

4. In order to defeat Captain Hook on the second level, you need to dodge barrels and jump on his head three times.

5. In the dungeon, try to take the watch from balloon- while they are ticking, no one is afraid of you.

6. At the third level, turn into a tornado - you can pass through tree trunks.

7. To make it easier to pass the boss on the third level (this is a gorilla or some kind of caveman), consider the following: he falls out onto an island opposite to the direction of rotation of the top roulette and always runs towards the middle of the screen.

8. On an incline, crouch down, and, moving down, you can knock down your enemies without risk to yourself.

9. To move from the fifth level to the sixth, you need to collect all the birds. In this case, the boss himself will die, without your help.

10. When collecting carrots, keep in mind that if you have nine lives, the tenth will still not be given. But carrots are still worth collecting, as nine lives can also be used up and you will die. But at least the carrots will remain for the continuation.

CONTROL in Game Tiny Toon advetures on Dendy (Dendy):

BUT- jump, confirmation of partner choice;

AT- shooting (from the third level).

Character Super Moves

Wolf, spinning in his famous whirlwind (button AT), just sweeps everyone off the face of the earth. At the same time, make sure that he has time to replenish his energy supply (shown by dots at the bottom left).

Mouse able to get out of the abyss ( A + "up").

Duckling flies ( A + joystick in flight direction).

SECRETS in Game Tiny Toon advetures (Tiny Toon) on Dendy (Dendy):

1. If you give yourself four kisses to a girl who only wants it, then for the fourth time on the screen, when a card without music appears, press the button SELECT, and an alien ship will appear.

2. After you have passed the first level, the rabbit starts jumping from the completed stage to the next one. At this time, press several times SELECT, and then push the joystick in any direction. The flying saucer will arrive shortly. This is the boss. Killing him will take you directly to the next level.

3. If there is no music playing when the card appears, do not rush to press START will arrive spaceship. You need to kill the boss of the ship by jumping on his head three times. Gain three extra lives.

Rabbit Tiny Tun not only lit up on Dandy. There are also several Sega games about him. We offer you to download one of them. This game is Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure.

This is a fun arcade game with groovy music in which you have to go through 7 levels as Tiny Tuna, during which you will be thrown into different parts of the world. Jungle, mountains, etc. Your task is to save your bunny friends and find the treasures stolen by the evil Jin.

  • After finding three rainbow signs on the first level, clean up to the right corner of the map, right under the red boss. Bonus levels will open for you.
  • When you find Gogo, go down to the ground. go right past the rats. There you will find a rainbow sign.
  • To get to the secret tunnel in the second stage, find the word TINY made from carrots. When you reach the edge of the cliff, jump from it while holding the Back cross. You will enter a secret tunnel. go to the left, you will see life and a bell. If you go further, you will find a rainbow sign.
  • The glyph in the third stage can be found by climbing up to the ledge by the splitting waterfall. When the ledge starts to rise, jump off it and follow the tunnel to the gray platforms. You will reach a half-pipe with a boulder. Walk to the left and jump into the wall where a cache is waiting for you. At the end is a symbol.