South park is a game like archery. South Park: The Stick of Truth. Walkthrough. Linen Gnome Winner

New in town

We accept the offer of parents to get used to the city. We take the money that our father left us, we go to the town to look for new friends. On the way we meet our neighbor Butters the Merciful. Now we have one friend. We follow Butters to Cartman's house, he is also the "Grand Master". We go to his house, in the bedside table near the sofa you can take the key to Cartman's garage.

A flower for a princess. Equip your weapon

We find ourselves in the kingdom of the Kupa fortress. We examine it near the fence; a Narcissus flower should grow; we give it to Kenny. Then we approach Clyde, we buy weapons from him, depending on what class you have, if a Jew, then we buy a Jewish staff, a magician, then a magic wand, and so on, after which we carry out a turn-based battle with him. First we strike him with a weapon, he puts a block. After we put the block ourselves, when he attacks us and a shield appears, we will appear. After using the "power points" we apply the ability of assault.

Protect the stick of truth

stick of truth

The battle is written for the warrior

We speak with Cartman in his tent, we look at the stick of truth. Then the alarm rises. The elves attacked the fortress. We fight with two elves, an archer, and a warrior. We cut down the archer with “assault”, one blow should be enough for him, and then we deal with the warrior. We select from the archer "bow of sediment" we go to the next group of elves. the archer is covered by the defender, melee will not help, we shoot the archer from the bow. After the assault, we cut down the defender. We fight with the third group of warriors, an intercessor with a shield and a sentry, we break through with ordinary melee weapons or use an ability.

Call the best

We need to call the best warriors into our army to recapture the stolen stick of truth. We go first to Craig's house. On the way, we will come across detachments of elves who will attack us all the time. In Craig's house, his father will open to us and say that his son was left at school after school. for showing the middle finger to the director.

Hot coffee

Of course, the parcel will not work just like that to take

We go to Tweek's Coffee to look for Tweek. In the cafe we ​​go to the back room and see Tweek, tortured from work, we give him a letter. Tweek does not have time to cope with his tasks, so you need to help him do part of the work, go for the package. Let's go to Kenny's house. The door will be opened to us by Mrs. McCormick (Kenny's mom), to whom we will give Tweek's receipt to receive the package. She will give us the key to her garage, in which we will need to pick up the package.

Inside the garage, there are meth thugs hanging out who gave the package to Tweek all the time, and when they see unfamiliar boys, they think they are cops. We fight with them, after which, having climbed the stairs and dropping the board on which we pass, we pick up the package. put the Manbearpig sensor upstairs, bringing down the ceiling with arrows. We return to the cafe, give the package, recruit Tweek.

Uninvited guest

We go to Jimbo's store and buy a gas mask from him, after which we head to Token's elite house, put on a gas mask. The guard will spray pepper spray in our faces. We fight him. We give the letter to Token. We return to Cartman's house and learn the new magic "dragon roar"

Detention after class

We go to school to rescue Craig from detention. We see through the window that he is sitting in the classroom with Mr. Mackie. We go to the school and make our way through the red-haired attendants. the door to the classroom with Craig is closed, we move on in search of the key. the passage will be closed in front of us with a grate. With the help of Kenny, we enchant the red-haired duty officer on the opposite side, pointing first at Kenny, and then at the duty officer, and he himself will open the door for us.

Opening the closed gate

Advice : always inspect items near red-haired attendants. You can shoot at different objects (books, ventilation, a picture, an ashtray) above them that gleam and they will fall on them and then we can avoid a direct fight.

We beat the next group of red-haired attendants and get a brass key. We go back and use this key to open an optional class (faculty only). We shoot at the ashtray and books, we eliminate the blockage of chairs with the “roar of the dragon.” A wounded boy is sitting in the corner, if we have Kenny, we change him to Butters and treat the boy. We take the silver key.

We open the office of Mr. Maki with a silver key, on top of the shelf, there will be a golden key, we knock it down with an arrow. We go to the dining room (cafeteria), the first boss is waiting for us there - the main duty officer.

The chief duty officer is also a red-haired curator

red curator

We don’t let the attendant prepare for a crushing attack, “dragon roar” is suitable for this, if you have the ability (depending on the class) to stun, for example, “robbery”, “soft-boiled”, then it’s best to just stun him. By the way, throwing poop at him is also an excellent solution, deal with it faster. After the victory, we go to Cartman's house, we deserve a promotion - the new proud title of Sir Scum and learn the new magic "Stink-Chary"


We go to the tavern "Neighing donkey", we go down to the basement, where the stuttering Jimmy Bard is waiting for us. We fight with the elves to the songs of the Bard. We get out of the basement by farting "Stink-Charm" on the fire in order to destroy the barricades, we fight more with the elves. We shoot at the window to open the window to Craig, when he falls with Butters' ability, we heal him, we leave the basement. In the kitchen, we fight more with the elves and heal Cartman.

With a fart of a dragon, we remove sticks with nails from our path, we shoot at a heating pad near the door to break the glass, after we fart into the fire, the front door will explode and our allies will enter, who will clear the way for us further, in front of the stairs to the second floor, we fight with the elves one of they will be in a gas mask - bleeding works well against it.

We go up to the second floor, go into the room with Kenny and the elf on the bed, hit the table, shoot the shelf, climb them to the ceiling, shoot the chandelier and slide down the wire to the bed. You can get to the attic if you attract the elf upstairs with Kenny's ability, then he himself will lower the stairs down. In the attic, we fart into the fire to demolish the barrier, shoot at the chest, it will fall and break through the ceiling making a hole. We jump down into the room. We fight with the Bard, we call him negative effects.

alien abduction

We return home and go to bed. We are abducted by aliens, and experiments are carried out on us, as a result of which they leave an alien probe in us, which we can use by moving ourselves to different points and bypassing force fields. We go down the stairs to exit the laboratory in which experiments were carried out on us.

Use a probe to move yourself

We go to the right, bypassing the force shields that the aliens set up using an alien probe, and fight with them. They will always put up shields that are well penetrated by long-range weapons, such as a bow. We go to the elevator, Randy Marsh will tell us what to do. We find ourselves in a room where we move the platforms and move to them using the probe.

We go down, into the space corridor we fight with the alien-guardian and a simple alien. The guard has the ability to dodge, from ranged and melee attacks, so it is best to use abilities on him. We go along the corridor and on the panel we see Randy on the screen, we press the buttons correctly (if not, then our friend will be very bad), we will see how the path will appear near the elevator. on which we arrived, to another room with red elevators.

we go down first with the help of an alien probe

We move upstairs, destroy the aliens using the "Stink-Chary". We open the door on the panel to another room, in which we repeat again as the buttons sounded. The door to the room with red screens will open. We go there and fight with the head of security. After we turn off the ship's alarm.

We go back to the room with Randy Marsh and free him, select the white energy crystal. We go to another elevator and insert the resulting crystal to activate the elevator. We rise into the wheelhouse, fight with the pilots and protection. After that, the plate falls and the task is completed.

Find new allies

recruit ready

We go to the backyard of the school, talk to the Goths, they will refuse us and demand first that we become like them.


In "Coffee Tweeks" we buy "Strong roast". When we leave, the elves will meet us, capture us and take us to their camp, where they will offer to join them. You can buy a goth suit, hat and gloves from a homeless person next to Keep It Yourself, after which we put on our outfit and go to Jimbo's store to the trash, where the snooty smokers hang out, fight with them and get cigarettes.

We return to the Goths, we receive from them a new task to commit a daring act, in the house of culture during the parent meeting of the city, attach a poster to the table. When we approach the table, Randy Marsh will come up to us - we are learning from him a new method of fart "Whisperer"

Problems of the parent committee

After mastering the Whisperer technique, we go to the Taco Bell construction site. We distract the guards with the Whisperer to get inside. We bring one military man to a puddle under voltage. We use an alien probe and move up and climb into the ventilation. We defeat the German zombie, pick up the recorder. We go to the house of culture, we give the found recorder to our parents, we get a photo for ready. We return to the Goths, dance their dance, get new allies.

After we are ready, we need to choose a side, Stay with Cartman or go to the side of the Elves. In general, in any case, you will need to pick up the stick of truth at school.

attack the school

We go to the backyard of the school, we treat the Goth with Butters' ability, then he will open the passage inside for us, well, or Bard to open the partition for the disabled, depending on which side you have chosen. We get to the dude who is watered with a fire hose, go around behind the back through the ventilation in the wall. We break the wall with the Stink-Chary ability.

In the lobby, we turn off the fan, shoot at the fire indicator in the ceiling, and then set fire to the obstruction of Stink-Chary. We go down to the basement and fight with the turned red-haired attendants, we leave the basement in another part of the school, they fight behind bars, we get a medallion by farting their school lockers. We go into the hall, where they shoot at us with burning oil, use the Stink-Chary or an alien probe. We beat opponents, after which we start fire and fart into the fire to blow up the door and let in our other allies. We fight with Stan - nausea and bleeding work well against him.

In the final battle, it's up to you to figure out which is stronger than your fart or blowing machine.

On the second floor, we make our way through the opponents, we get to the class with Kyle. Again, we will be given a choice with whom to fight. At the end of the fight, we will have to use all our fart power. Only with Kyle blowing a fan on us and Cartman farting too.

Defeat the linen gnomes

We return home and go to bed. At night, linen gnomes will come to us, we fight with them. After decreasing, we follow them into a hole in the wall, make our way through the boards, rats, and climb into the parents' room along the wires, where we will see the gnomes, fight with them, and then with the dwarf sorcerer, managing to get away from the eggs under the parents))) . Works well against him bleeding and fire. For this we get the opportunity to decrease.

Building alliances

Meet Kyle at his house. We get the task to recruit girls.

Recruit the girls

Near the house of culture, we approach the girl Annie, she will take us to a meeting of girls, in which we accept a task from them that must be completed so that they agree to consider our hero's proposal to join the boys' game. Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend, we go to Monica, after setting up we fight with her boyfriend.

Unplanned parenthood

We carry out the following task girls. We change into a girl, we go to the abortion clinic, we go into the doctor's office, when his apparatus breaks down and he leaves, we take his clothes in the office, put them on and go to the archive of the city. After the security agents run in. We decrease and climb into the hole in the wall. We shoot pipes above the opponents if you do not want to fight them. We leave in the operating room and perform an operation on Andy Marsh.

We leave the operating room, in the room the mutant germs will attack the agents. We reduce ourselves and pass through the body of the military, in the wall we get to the ventilation in front of the rats, we pass through it, watching through the bars as the military fight the mutants. In the place where the machine gun stands, we reduce ourselves, after which we move to the valve, close the water and then move ourselves inside the pipe from which the water was flowing. We make our way to the ceiling above the machine gun and shoot the wire to bring down the ceiling on it. We go down to the machine gun and finish it off with the help of "Stink-Chara". We fight with a huge germ.

On North

We go to the boys, they will send us to the “Photo Dojo to take a passport photo. We fight with a fake photographer and get a photo. now we have to go to Canada. You can get to it by going along the paths from the church, bypassing around Stark's pond, and after all the time we go up, well, or through the farm - a little longer to go. In Canada, we are heading to the city of Ottawa (Ottawa) to the prince.

Oh Canada

We leave the prince at the exit, get pictures with them and head to the Earl of Winnipeg. The count will demand to destroy the dire bear. The bear is located to the right of the count, right in the city, so you don’t have to go far. for the victory we get his skin. From the count we go to the prince, we receive from him the task to kill Bishop Banff.

In search of a dire bear

We go to the bishop and pick up his eggs. After the prince, we go to the Duke of Vancouver. From him, without leaving the city, we go to the monks, we show them all our farts that we know. We study the bunch of "Nagasaki" which will help to break the walls. We go into the cave, use "Nagasaki" to open a passage in the cave to the Minister of Montreal. On this you can leave Canada going to the girls.

Bang Clyde

We use "Nagasaki" to destroy the first gate, turn off the current to the puddle on the right by moving with the help of a probe. You can also go around the main entrance on the right, where there is a generator behind it, you can find a gap into which we can go if we decrease. We make our way through the opponents to the place where the cow was raised. You can get to the stairs if you hit the platform, and then fart "Nagasaki".

Worthy title Sir Chmo

On the tower, we use "Stink-Chary" and "Nagasaki" to set fire to the fireworks, and destroy the houses on which there are valves to raise the gate. Inside, while Krag is picking up the third cow, use the bunches on the sides of the windows to let our allies in. On the left is Stink-Chary, on the right is Nagasaki. then in the battle with Krag there will be only one cow.

We fight with Krag, we hang on him as many negative effects as possible, when he multiplies, then the real one is possible if he loses fewer lives than others. We defeat him and go up the stairs.

looking for a bomb in the gut

Then the interesting begins, we decrease and penetrate into the back door))). We move through the intestines. Electricity can be passed by Stan's ability to summon Sparky the dog. Next, shoot the bubble to find the alien stuff and move through the poop. We remove the big ball with the Nagasaki ability. We chase away the bat by standing on the flashlight button. We get to the sparrow ghost. The sparrow is immune to bleeding and nausea. Magic works well for him.

After the sparrow, use the Nagasaki to swing the ball and the alien probe to put yourself on the button. We go to the two guards and deal with them. We penetrate the intestines with a bomb. Use the bard to open the panel. We're doing a bomb job.

Now Clyde is left, we go to him, we fight with the boss, we throw negative effects on him to which he is vulnerable. We watch the dialogue of a healthy man and Morgan Freeman.


Friendship is stronger than the magic of the stick of truth

We buy before the last battle in the store and go to fight with Kenny. She does not have as many lives as other bosses, but you have to beat her 4 times. We throw negative effects on it, and of course we beat it by consuming amplifying substances. In the end, our heroes will have to break the gentleman's code and fart on the balls with Dragon's Roar.

We start the game by creating our hero. Main character New Kid, just moved in South Park and then the adventure begins.

To make friends

Search your house carefully and go out for a walk. It is even better to inspect all the houses in the game, as in this way you can find a lot of useful items. So, move on and see a fight involving Butters and an elf, help Butters. Then move Jo Eric and get the task of collecting friends.

Call the best

We leave from Cartman's house, go to the left side to Craig's house, it turns out that he was punished by his parents. After that, go to Tweek's coffee shop and after, to Clyde's house, where you will be given a new task, after completing the tasks, go to Cartman.

Flammable coffee

Go to Kenny's house, then talk to his parents. After that, go to the garage and engage in battle with the amphetaminers and take the bag from the shelf near the doors. Now you can return to the coffee shop and turn in your task.

Uninvited guest

The watchman will not let you in, so now move to Jimbo's store. In the shop you need to take a gas mask.

Detention after class

Now go to the school, after which you need to fight with the redhead. In the hallway of the school, use your "dragon roar" to clear the hallway. Well, you can reach the iron grate that blocks your path. Therefore, you need to select the character Kenny and use his special skill. After Kenny opens the grate for you, you will need to fight Red again. After the victory, go to the locked doors, in battles it is better to use what surrounds you, thanks to this, the battle process will go much faster. Now switch to the Butters character and heal the child who is huddled in a corner. Take the key and go out into the corridor, and go straight to the door, when you get there, open the door with the key. Then knock down the golden key and take it immediately. Travel to Maki and free Craig. Now you can go back to Cartman.


Go to the tavern, where you will have to fight the elves. Where there is a candle, use a fart to clear the passage for yourself. After, shoot the window where Craig is. Next, choose Butters and heal Craig from the wounds that he received. Get out and save Eric. For the allies, you need to clear the passage and go to the second floor. Once in Kenny's room, you will need to shoot at objects that glow in order to "build" your way. Drop the chandelier and you will immediately kill the elf. Now go back to Kenny and use his "unique skill" on the trapdoor. At the top, fight the elves and shoot at the chest. Then go down to the first floor and fight Jimi. After the victory, you can return to Cartman.

Go home

Return to your home and go to sleep. As you find yourself with aliens, follow all their instructions.

alien abduction

You will gain the ability to teleport when using a probe and special points. Now you can move through these fields and leave the room. There will be a pipe above the aliens, shoot it. Then teleport to those who are still left and kill them. Use the probe to open the doors for yourself. Near the laser, you again need to destroy the aliens, and then climb to the top. Finish off the opponents that are still left and go to the right side. Open these doors, then play a mini game with music. Go to the bottom and turn on the switch, thus drop the alien. Go to the central platform and go down, here you need to beat the alien. Now you need to save Randy again. After making a few "mistakes", you will find it simple and you need a combination. Go to the top and fight again with the alien offspring. And now you can free your friend Randy. Next, you have the opportunity to complete the task "The Problem of the Homeless" by going down to the basement and defeating the homeless. Well, the final station is the cockpit, go there and fight the last time with aliens.

Find new allies

Cartman will give you a new task, about new allies.

recruit ready

Go to the school, then find the gate on the right. Here the party is ready. To join them, you must change clothes and find cigarettes along with coffee.


Go to Jimbo's shop and on the right side there will be cigarettes from high school students, but pick them up. After that, coffee can be taken from the Twinks in the coffee shop and clothes from the bum, who will be located near the garages. You will now meet elves who will offer to meet their leader. The choice is unimportant, you will be taken to Kyle anyway. After you talk with Kyle, you can return to the ready, but before that, dressed in the attire of a bum. Goths will ask you to go with a poster to a meeting of local residents. After fulfilling their request, return to the Goths and dance the Gothic dance.

Problems of the parent committee

Chat with Randy and go with him to the toilet. Here you will learn a new skill, after which you will need to test it on Macs. Now go to the place where the space saucer fell and use the new skill on the soldiers that will be there, after they start to pass, you can go past them. Then again you need to distract the fighters and use the probe to teleport to the roof of the building. Get into the ventilation shaft. After your descent, you will need to fill up a couple of zombies. Take the item you need and return to Randy's friend. Now you will have a choice of sides, which will change little in the future.

attack the school

Return to the school and again go to the place where the Goths were somehow. Here you need to switch to Jimmy and open a passage designed for the disabled. Go to school where you have to fight enemies. Can still be used at school environment to make the fight easier. To go beyond these barricades, then go through the ventilation shaft. Also, if you do not want to fight, you can shoot at the hose in the lamp. Now it remains only to fart on the torches and finish off the enemies that are left. Then shoot under the fire detector and break the fan and fart on the torches again. Next, you will have to fight the red zombie and then go higher. Turn the valve and climb into the ventilation, break the electrical panel there. Now you just need to break the pipe and turn off all the electricity that is near you. Fight now with the local security. Then meet Buters and his friends. When using a probe, you will be able to teleport to the top, and hit the enemy from the rear. On the barrier that says, you need to fart.
Fight now with Baters himself and climb the stairs to the top. After a couple of fights, you will have the main fight, with the Boss. The boss will be Kyle or Cartman, it all depends on what you have decided above. After the victory, go home.

Linen Gnome Winner

At night, gnomes will arrive before you, who will begin to reduce you in size. After that, fight with these gnomes and go to the hole of the local mouse, which is in the wall. There are no stairs, instead of them there are wires. Climb up and break the pipe. Shoot the wire to kill the rat in combat. Now go down, then go forward a little and go up again. You need to destroy a couple of rats to make it easier to fight. To do this, you need to drop a tree on one rat, and then fart on another. Now go through your parents' bedroom and fight the gnomes along the way. In the end, there will be a gnome-shaman. When you fight with him, then be as careful as possible and try to dodge dad's attacks, as he does them unexpectedly.

Building alliances

Go to Kyle's house, after which you will find out what you need to do next.

recruit girls

After that, you will need to save Justin Bieber's doll so that the girl takes you to the others, and they will give you a new task.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Go to the park and have a fight with a bully. Now go back to the girls and change.

Unplanned parenthood

Go to the hospital where they do abortions. Go to the doctor's office and wait for him to pass. Take the doctor's clothes and change into them. Then go to the doctor's room. Here you need to climb into the hole that is in the floor. As you go down, you will have to fight with zombie rats, it is better to shoot at the pipes. After getting out, put on the doctor's suit again in order to have Randy's abortion. The button must be pressed when the tools are aimed at the middle. Go into the corridor, after which you need to decrease and go through the corpse of a soldier who has a hole in his chest. Then you will fall to the abyss, where you need to knock down the beam, which is at the top. Go down to the grate and exit the room. Now shoot the grenade, then shrink down and teleport to the valve. Shut off the water. Use the probe to teleport into one of the pipes in order to drop the platform onto this machine gun. Use a fart to blow up the platform, after which you can move on. You will now have a giant germ zombie boss fight. I recommend that you change. First, attack half. Then the embryo itself. After the victory, you can turn in the task to the girls and return to Kyle.

On North

Go to the photo salon and take a photo for your passport. After that, you will need to fight with the pervert photographer and pick up your passport from him. Now go to the farm, where you will need to fart on local mice so that they leave and clear the way for you. As you are in the forest, then in each new territory move up, after passing a couple of locations, find yourself on the border with Canada. Go to the first town you come across and go to the palace.

Oh Canada

To avoid fighting dire wolves and a bunch of other animals, just run away. After going to the neighboring town, you will receive the task to fill up a couple of fierce bears. After winning, turn in the quest and return to the prince. After that, you will receive a quest for a showdown with the bishop. After you go to his castle, get the item you need. Now you will be sent to another city, but already send a letter. Move to the South-East, as you reach the river, there will be a pier that you need to use to swim across the river. Now you have a meeting with Phillip and Terence. Use all your abilities in fart areas. Then learn a new ability - nagasaki. Go to the cave and use your new ability there. Then you will save the person who was there in the trap. Well, now, you can go back to South Park. But first, go to the girls, and then to Kyle himself.

Bang Clyde

Use the new ability on the bridge. Go around the gate, then shrink down and go through the hole in the wall. Now go to Buters and heal the gnome. To kill a rat, fart on the lighter. Then go straight ahead and break the beam. Climb up and defeat the Nazi zombies. Fart on one of the legs and break the whole structure. Then climb up the stairs. Now you will be faced with the task of destroying two towers. Inside the left tower, fart on the fire. Fart on the rocket to the right. Then pull a couple of levers and open the gate. Now you have to fight Craig himself. In battle, beat only him, but not copies.

After that, you will need to climb into Mr. Masochist. Inside, you will need to fight bacteria and other enemies. On the corn you can climb up, after choosing the Wall, get rid of electricity. Now you need to teleport over the fence. Go down the guts, and then up Mr. hat. Use a fart to blow up the ball. Go to the flashlight and put the batteries back in. There will be a button at the top, click on it and kick out the bat. After that, you will need to fight the ghost of a sparrow. After the victory, open the passage using the nagasaki ability. Take it as high as possible and when using your probe, you will teleport, after which you need to turn on the vibrator. And here is the battle with the soldiers. After defeating them, you will need to defuse the pizzbombs. The meaning of neutralization is the same as Randy's abortion.


Now watch the cutscene and follow Princess Kenny. After a very long fight with the immortal Kenny. You will have to perform a bunch of actions for a variety of characters. After the victory, the passage of the plot will be over.

Attack the fortress of the Clyde. Cross the moat with the Nagasaki ability. At the entrance to the fortress, use the Whisperer on the water to electrocute the enemies.

South Park walkthrough guide: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Teleport to the generator and turn off the electricity. Come inside.

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Break the barrier, defeat the enemies. Shoot the stairs or the bowling ball shelf (no difference, just two ways to get up). Neutralize the enemies and go upstairs. Approach the fence, wait until the Nazi, who was raising the cow, goes down to the cages.

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Then shoot the tire from above, this will neutralize both that Nazi and the cat. The remaining cats will run up to the fence, use Stink-Charm on the lamp. Break the barrier and fight off the remaining Nazis. Break the wooden support and use the Nagasaki on the crack. Rise upward. Go right and beat the guys who offended the kids, and turn the "steering wheel". Use the anal probe and teleport to the roof. Shoot the lamp, it will fall down and start a fire. Fart on this fire with the Stink-Char.

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Get down and turn the second "steering wheel". Go through the gate. Stop Craig from releasing the Nazi cows.

Stan will ask for help (you will find him in the upper left corner), he will throw a lamp, shoot at it, and then fart. Ike is waiting for you on the other side, use Nagasaki to help him in and use the Stink Charm on the ignited mechanism.

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Fight Clyde and the last cow. Rise upward. We need to defuse the pizbomb in the stomach of Mister Masochist. Use dwarf dust and climb right into his ass.

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Pass through the rectum, sometimes bumping into the "white substance". Once inside the condom, tear it up and then climb over the corn (I even hate to write about this). Choose Wall as a partner and use his help in overcoming the electrical barrier.

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Shoot the red growth to kill the microbe and teleport away.

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Walkthrough South Park: The Stick of Truth

Move on, climb up Mr. Hat. Break the billiard ball with Nagasaki. Get to the flashlight. Climb it and go down a small hill of poop. Insert the battery and turn on the flashlight by pressing the yellow button. Make your way further until you meet the Sparrow Prince. Prove to him that you deserve to go further by defeating him. Break the critter's skeleton, use Nagasaki, climb up the pile of poop, teleport to the button and turn on the vibrator.

A funny, entertaining, witty game, but to get the most out of it, you have to know and love the TV show that spawned it. You can, of course, come up with a “clean slate” - it will still be fun, only you will miss the lion's share of references to past seasons.

In general, watch a few episodes of South Park and, if you like them, come for "". And I will continue with those who do not need to explain who Kyle, Stan and Cartman are, why space aliens abduct people and where the zombie fascists come from.

Goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time!

Over the 17 years of its existence, South Park has become the basis of several games: a shooter, a couple of quizzes, TD strategy and, oddly enough, rally racing. However, she only made a real interactive cartoon. Of course, not without the help of the founding fathers, Matt Stone and Trey Parker - they wrote the script and kept the development under constant control. I drew the animation and “backs”, so “” looks exactly like on the TV screen and even better.

The characters, I think, should not be introduced - connoisseurs already know everyone by sight. But main character only gets acquainted with the eccentric inhabitants of this eternally winter town. It doesn't matter what name you specify at the very beginning - for the local kids, he is simply "The New Kid". Or Sir Douchebag, as Cartman immediately called him.

The young man moved with his parents to South Park just in time - here the war between the human kingdom and dark elves. They are fighting for some branch of the great artifact "Stick of Truth", because, according to a courtyard legend, the one who owns the Stick owns the Universe. For the sake of possessing such a valuable thing, you will have to beat up a crowd of people, including polite people in camouflage, save schoolchildren punished by the boring Mr. Mackey, master the difficult art of mini-abortions, crawl through Canada stuck in the 1990s and, finally, do the unthinkable - make friends with girls.

However, first you have to learn martial arts. Turn-based battles - like in classic JRPGs, although here you need to quickly and in every way press the buttons to repulse or strike. QTEs are sometimes very angry, and at first it will be hard, because there are an insane amount of options: in addition to the cold and small arms each of the four classes (warrior, wizard, thief and, ahem, jew) has 5 skills, plus 4 ways to fart loudly... I mean, cast a spell on the enemy. In battle, we are supported by one of our friends, who have been drawn amazingly cool videos for special attacks. Dr. Chaos and a wave of rats are especially good, washing away all life at the behest of Kenny.

Even if the battles are designed effectively and do not bother, many plot skirmishes can be avoided. South Park is stuffed with interactive objects, and the hero can shoot, release flammable gases, teleport (don't ask how) and give commands to his comrades. This is an adventure game without five minutes, however, we run with the help of WASD, and not by poking the cursor. Guessed, say, knock down a beam and crush the reptiles or fart next to an open flame - an early victory! And they will give you experience.

If anyone wants to fight and gain "exps" (why? something, and there is plenty of it) - go to the surrounding dense forest, where wolves and scarier monsters are constantly born. Or engage in "cleansing" the city from the homeless, so that they do not spoil the image of the mayor with their stink.

Come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine

There is no need to rush to the final. Walk, enjoy great picture listen to pleasant music. Many locations (for example, a huge sewer) are not involved in the plot in any way, however, there is something to see there. side quests enough, although all of them - to bring, file and kill. Some, like rescuing a family of talking poops, are carefully crafted and will reward their efforts with, if not valuable equipment, then a hilarious cutscene.

By the way, starting work on the series, Parker and Stone had no idea about the geography of the city they invented. Now South Park has a full-fledged map with 12 points for instant movement. There are also dozens of "secrets", a crowd of potential friends for a friend feed on Facebook (collectors are entitled to useful "perks"), 30 chinpokemon and one manbearvin.

Vladimir Goryachev

South Park: The Stick of Truth