Where in fallout 3. Storyline. Traditional small arms

A key feature of Fallout is that the game can be played in a variety of ways. Someone will prefer to do without special effects and kill enemies quietly, someone will stock up on tons of ammunition and get the biggest gun. For other travelers, a strong team is already the key to success. This article will focus on friends and followers who are waiting for the second Vault Dweller in the history of the game.

About the benefits of friendship

Without strong friendship in the Wasteland nowhere. Yang, a hard worker, wore our stuff more than a hundred years ago and tried not to die from an accidental rocket. The exotic Sulik served as a truck, but effectively dealt with enemies with the help of the Ripper. I hope that Cassidy's exploits with the help of the M72 Gauss remained in your memory. Fallout 3 also has followers, although a new approach to interacting with the world and a constant real time at first glance, they are not very suitable for team action tactics. That's right, they don't fit. Fortunately, this is not Fallout Tactics. All planning misses are solved by additional stimulants (although there are not so many of them). It is gratifying that friends in Fallout 3 are not far behind the player. They are full-fledged fighters, not annoying parodies of the main character.

It is interesting: because of the gap between the followers and the character, I never took fellow travelers in Fallout 2. They didn’t fit into my vision of the battle, and often just got in the way. Remember at least Sulik's favorite pastime - to stand in the line of fire of the Bozar.

Let's start with the main thing - equipment. Remember that the weapon and armor that the follower wears by default (at the time of joining the team) does not break at all. Standard weapons do not require ammo. Jericho doesn't need ammo, and the paladin Cross will never ask for batteries for his personal laser pistol. But not everything is so rosy. Any other item, weapon or armor will wear out in the same way as the main character. So don't be surprised when Jericho dies after a single shot from an assault rifle even though he's wearing power armor. The player will have to follow the repair himself. Other weapons will rightly require ammo.

The next important point concerns the increase in levels. Companions and followers do not gain a level on their own, but adapt to the main character. In other words, if you get level 20, then your companion will be at the twentieth mark. This rule applies to everyone of people. Other followers do not level up. Gaining experience affects the skills and health of followers. People to the maximum level get to a certain amount of health and increase three base skills up to level 100. Those who are not considered human (Fox, Dogmeat, RL-3) have six basic skills and a fixed supply of hit points. They will not change these values ​​even by the end of the game.

On this, perhaps, everything. Otherwise, followers are like your enemies. They also know how to shoot from afar, outflank, hide behind rocks and make breakthroughs.

There are eight characters in Fallout 3 that you can take on a hike. They all hold some kind of views, so overtly evil or neutral followers will never follow a good protagonist. The converse is also true.

All friends except Dogmeat can carry things. But the items deposited will not lie idle. If you give, for example, good armor to Charon, he will take off his own and put on the best one. The same is true with weapons. If you did not order to shoot from afar, then a partner can easily rush into battle with a club or sword. Some characters calmly use grenades if they have one in their inventory. If you are going to use a companion as a "truck", then it is better not to give him unnecessary items. Weapons should be transferred exclusively without cartridges. There is nothing to shoot - it will not work to use.

It is important: friends fully restore health after the battle. But if you gave them stims, they still use them if their health is low. Obviously, hardy companions do not need to give out stimulants, otherwise they will simply waste them.

Who is better to be friends with?

All followers are different. Someone is stronger in one, someone is weaker in another, so you need to choose carefully. Interestingly, although only one satellite is officially allowed, tricks allow you to carry several with you. For more on this, see the “Assembling a Team” sidebar.

Putting together a team

According to the rules of the game, only one partner can accompany you when traveling. Gathering a crowd in the manner of Fallout 2 will not work, but there are still tricky ways to circumvent the restrictions. Let's start with the fact that Dogmeat does not count as a follower at all, so you can take someone else along with him. As a result, it will be completely legal to travel with two companions. What if you want more? Easy.

There is a useful bug in the game that allows you to hire Charon, and then the high paladin Cross. At the same time, Dogmeat can easily run after you, which in total already gives three followers. But the inquisitive mind of the Vault dweller does not stop there. Instead of Charon, you can buy RL-3, and then take Cross. Together with Dogmeat, this is another trio. Another trio consists of Fox, Charon and Dogmeat. It is important to hire Fox before Charon, otherwise nothing will come of it. Finally, for the evil ones, there is a special trio: Jericho, Clover and Dogmeat.

Dogmeat is a unique companion. He does not occupy a cell for a satellite, but he has one. So, for example, you can hire Cross and Fox. To do this, you need to attach Cross, then Dogmit. You just need to kill the dog to free the cell.

There is a way to create a group of four followers (together with Dogmeat). This is the essence of manipulation. First you need to hire Charon and come with him to Paradise Falls. There, he should be fired and Clover bought out. We return Charon, and then we attach Clover. The third companion will be RL-3. We go to "Robko", fire one of the satellites and buy out the RL-3. We attach the dismissed person back, and then we take the RL-3. Dogmit can be taken to the group at any time. His presence will not affect the final result anyway.


Jericho and the flamethrower. A bewitching picture.

The first satellite lives in Megaton. Once he was a raider, but now retired and settled in the city. In memory of the old days, Jericho had his machine gun and a not very durable leather jacket. It is clear that the raider life left a special mark on him, so Jericho will not go with you if you are good or neutral. He prefers evil and money. To hire Jericho, you will have to lay out 1000 caps, and this amount cannot be reduced.

Jericho can be considered one of the best mercenaries, especially for the evil Vault Dwellers. His initial health level is 235, which is not so low. The final figure of 310 hits, of course, is no longer impressive, but with proper booking, Jericho is able to live for a relatively long time. His basic skills are exclusively combat. Jericho owns light guns, knows how to fight with knives, and feels good with heavy guns. Already at the initial level, his basic skills are at around 50. You will immediately feel help in any battle.

Jericho is armed with an ordinary Chinese machine gun, a board with nails, and is equipped with a leather jacket. Obviously, in the starting configuration, you should not let him into the thick of the battle, since with minimal protection and a not too outstanding physique, he will be quickly killed.

Raider on the left. On the right is Jericho with Shish Kebab.
Wearing a wig so no one would guess.

It is important: If Jericho is fired, he will return to Megaton. Even if you blew it up, he will still be waiting for you there.

What to wear and how to use Jericho? In the early and mid stages, he is at his best as a ranged fighter. Large groups of not too armored raiders, yao guai, scorpions and wild undead are the best targets for assault rifles. At this stage, Jericho will get by with a standard jacket. If there is, you can give him combat armor.

By the end of the game, when the companion's skills are close to a hundred, you can use it for close combat. The former raider effortlessly controls the Shish Kebab and knows how to wear power armor. I do not recommend large guns, since they all require constant replenishment of ammunition. If the player can use ammo sparingly, then a computer companion can't be counted on.

Jericho can use stimpacks in combat, so be sure to equip him with enough. Also, talk to him more often. For example, he may give a tip that Moriarty hides the day's earnings in the locker by the bed, and wears the key around his neck.

It is interesting: Jericho is arguably the most swearing character in Fallout 3. He swears even more than the Raiders. He also smokes a lot, so he cannot keep up with the main character. Finally, Jericho is comfortable doing good deeds when he is with you. But once you let him go, he won't join you until you become evil again.


Charon is a ghoul that lives in the Underground. He has been brainwashed since childhood, so he is blindly loyal to his master. Charon is notable for the fact that he is indifferent to the karma of the protagonist. If you have received his contract, he will follow you. However, while his contract is with Azrukhal, master of the Ninth Circle, you will not be able to hire Charon. Azrukhal is still a huckster, so he'll happily sell Charon's contract for 2000 caps (or 1000 if your "barter" is over 50). You can kill Greta and remove the contract from her body. Whichever way you choose, Charon will faithfully serve you.

It is interesting: after the transfer of the contract, Charon will go to "settle" one business. Very atmospheric scene, don't miss it.

Charon is considered almost the best companion in the game. It's all about its amazing accuracy. He stuffs enemies with shot even at an average distance, where assault rifle not as efficient. His unique shotgun with a reduced magazine (only 5 rounds) shoots much more accurately than any other combat shotguns, so I do not recommend changing it, at least at the initial stage of the game. There will be problems with cartridges anyway, and supplying a follower is also an unaffordable luxury.

Charon has a comparable level of health to Jericho. By level 20, he has 315 hit points. It's not that much, but Charon also knows how to wear power armor and uses stimulants with ease.

The last "hello" Charon. One from him, one from the shotgun.

It is important: it looks like the armor that Charon wears doesn't wear out at all. This applies not only to his "native" jacket, but also to all other types of personal protection.

Charon's main skills are explosives, light weapons, and unarmed combat. The first two skills are well developed, and unarmed combat is initially in its infancy (11 points in total). You shouldn't give Charon power fists - he likes to shoot, so leave him a shotgun. You can additionally equip him with grenades, since a high skill score will allow him to use them effectively.

What to wear and how to use Charon? I advise you to immediately dress him in the best armor. Fighting or power - it does not matter. It is possible even in iron, but just do not forget to fix it. Charon is a very effective fighter at all stages of the game. It does not require investments and is always loyal to the player. Charon can handle almost any fight. The real danger is the Enclave's heavily armed units and deathclaw groups. However, these enemies are dangerous for everyone without exception. By the way, do not try to steal under Charon. He will attack you if he notices the theft in the Dungeon. But he doesn't mind killing. If you open fire on the inhabitants, he will also start killing the ghouls.

It is interesting: Charon's name and the name of the bar are an obvious reference to Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy. The Ninth Circle is Dante's last circle of hell. Charon is a ferryman who transports the souls of the dead to Hades (Underworld is a direct reference).

High Paladin Cross

She lives in the Citadel, which can only be accessed after significant advancement in the main storyline. Cross once defended the father of the protagonist, so she wants to help the common cause and you personally at all costs. Unfortunately, Cross will not help evil characters. She follows only those whose karma is high. If your reputation falls below her requirements, then she will return to the Citadel.

Paladin Cross is the thickest-skinned of all possible followers. At level 20, she has 520 health. Add the armor effects, and we can assume that Cross is almost invulnerable. Everything would be fine, but she can only be hired in a certain place in the plot. That is, only when you gain access to the Citadel.

It is interesting: Cross's basic armor set does not include a helmet. Do not forget to give her some, because extra protection will not hurt anyone.

Too bad you can't take this as a friend.

Cross is unusually good when armed with energy weapons. In fact, she is the only specialist in energy weapons among all friends and companions (except Fox). Give her plasma and she will turn enemies into goo. Cross is also skilled with both large and light guns, so you can choose any weapon for her. By the way, by default, she is armed with a laser pistol and a super hammer. The gun has infinite ammo, but the damage from it is extremely small, so immediately change her useless gun for something more powerful.

What to wear and how to apply Cross? First of all, tell her to stay away and shoot, not fight. Cross loves to crash into the ranks of opponents with a hammer at the ready. This is very sad, since she is not very good at brandishing melee weapons. Moreover, she will not be able to master a hammer or a knife as well as a plasma rifle.

You can not think about Cross's personal protection. She will only change armor for something better, and this is the T-51b and the Tesla. Obviously, these armors are not too different from each other, so there is no point in changing indestructible armor.

In battle, Cross shows himself exclusively on the positive side. She fearlessly rushes into the thick of battle and is not afraid of large groups of opponents. High Paladin Cross would have been the best companion if she hadn't shown up so late.

It is important: Cross is a very good person. She does not tolerate evil deeds, theft and broken locks. If you do such things, then at some point she may shoot you in the head. Also, if you made it to the end of the storyline, Cross will not join you.


Clover is the personal bodyguard of Undertaker Jones, who runs the Paradise Falls slave settlement. Clover is such a personal bodyguard that he won't even talk unless Jones tells him to. This, however, is not surprising, because Clover is a slave. A special necklace flaunts around her neck, which blows up the head of a slave if he decides to escape.

She is absolutely devoted to the one who has her "leash" in her hands, so she will always try to please the main character. This is probably why she doesn’t care what your karma has become while traveling. You only need to be evil to redeem her. Since the slave is a thing, Clover is not interested in the rest. Jones will sell Clover for 1000 caps. And if you own the eloquence or barter skill at the proper level, then it will throw off half the cost.

Clover is the most agile follower in the game. Her agility is 11, but it doesn't seem to affect anything at all. Even the profile skill “Light Weapons” is very slightly developed for her (32 in total). Clover is a pretty average warrior. In style, she is most similar to Jericho. Toward the end of the game, it's hard to think of a better role for her than a melee fighter.

What to wear and how to use Clover? The first thing to do is to give Clover a better weapon. Her Chinese officer's sword is too weak. Standard cut, albeit with infinite ammo, is also no better. Instead of armor, Clover wears a pre-war dress, so protection also needs to be considered. The best option, of course, is power armor, since she can use it. It doesn't matter if it's Enclave armor, Tesla or Forsworn armor, she can use any. With weapons, things are more complicated. If at the initial stage Clover feels good with shotguns and assault rifles, then later you will have to give her a sniper rifle, otherwise she simply won’t be able to kill anyone.

Do not forget about melee weapons, which Clover has a priority. Shish Kebab, along with power armor and a dozen stimulants, is the key to victory.

Keep a close eye on Clover when the fight is over. She happily collects and uses captured weapons. Take away her cartridges, and let everything else carry to the store. There is a dangerous situation associated with the selection of weapons. There are several places in the game where you can pick up the Fat Man. Clover does not know how to use heavy weapons effectively, but if she has ammunition, she will try to shoot. Often, instead of enemies, she falls under her feet, and this ends badly for everyone.

It is important: if you decide to kill all the slaves in Paradise Falls, then Clover will attack you, and it will no longer be possible to hire her, even if you run away or put away your weapons. Also, try not to steal in Paradise Falls if Clover is nearby. She won't like it.

Butch De Loria

Since Butch is on the team, you need to dress him wisely. Sniper rifle and Enclave armor - just right.

Remember the main bully of Vault 101? You can also take it with you, but only at a certain moment. After our departure from Vault 101, riots begin there. Part of the population, led by Amata, wants to leave this place and live as they want, and not as the Overseer orders. Butch joins Amata's rebels. In general, he is the same rebel as he was.

To hire Butch, the character must be completely neutral. This is due to the fact that he is just a bully, but not a villain. He calmly reacts to changes in karma while he is around. But it is worth dismissing him, and he will not return until you restore the required level of karma. After solving the problem in Vault 101, Butch will be waiting for you at the Helm Tavern in Raivet City.

This is a bug: he can appear in the tavern after death. In one of the passages, I killed Butch, and he appeared in Rayvet City as if nothing had happened. However, it is impossible to hire him - the necessary line of dialogue simply does not appear.

Butch is the owner of the most unremarkable parameters in the game. None of his characteristics exceed five points. He also does not stand out with health: only 285 hit points at the maximum level. His base skills are "Science", "Light Guns" and "Unarmed" (all do not exceed 30 at the start). Surprisingly, his main weapon at the same time is a nominal knife (“Buch's Toothpick”). The rest of the equipment is also not happy. A regular 10mm pistol, even with infinite ammo, would only come in handy at the beginning of the game. By the time you can return to Vault 101, these types of weapons will become irrelevant.

This is how things go in their native Vault 101. I am sure that this inscription is the work of Butch.

Case from practice: I returned to Vault 101 with a plasma rifle. A test shot at Butch showed that he turns into snot from the first hit.

What to wear and how to use Bucha? If you already had a chance to take him to the team, then you should dress him in the best armor. Surprisingly, Butch knows how to handle power armor. Agree, there is some kind of injustice in this, because no one taught him! I immediately gave him a Tesla and a Reservist rifle. There were not many cartridges, but it was still better than fighting with a regular 10mm pistol. Unfortunately, Butch doesn't use power fists. At least, no matter how hard I tried, he always got into close combat with a spring knife, although there was “Fist!” in the inventory. This is really strange, because Butch has the “Unarmed” skill, but he doesn’t know how to fight with knives at all.

When compared to other followers, Butch falls hopelessly behind. Cross is stronger and more efficient, Jericho is “fatter”, and Charon generally gives a hundred points ahead. Butch's only advantage over them is that he knows how to cut his hair. Yes exactly. Remember, after the K.O.Z.A. Butch resents being assigned to be a hairdresser? He still became one.


Dogmeat is an iconic character in the Fallout series. He was completely legal to hire in Junktown in the first part of the game. In Fallout 2, he lived in a random location in the Cafe of Broken Dreams and was associated with another reference to the movie Mad Max: Road Warrior. Dogmeat has become a tradition that has not been broken in Fallout 3 either.

While I was in a hurry to help, Dogmeat ate everyone himself. What a shame.

Dogmeat is the only follower that joins you at any karma value. It doesn't matter to him how many companions you already have - he will always follow the main character. A faithful dog cannot carry objects and use weapons. His "built-in" weapon - fangs - deals very modest damage, but at the same time, Dogmeat has 500 hit points, so he is quite capable of distracting the enemy. With the raiders, the dog is well versed without the help of the player.

To hire Dogmeat, visit the Garbage location, which is not far from the town of Minefield. There you will see raiders who are trying to kill the dog. We deal with the raiders and offer Dogmeat a company. He won't refuse.

It is important: if for some reason you do not take Dogmeat with you, then he will disappear from the dump and will appear in random places. Sometimes he can come to the rescue when you are fighting against superior forces.

Dogmeat does not wear armor, and therefore it must be protected. He is very afraid of energy weapons, deathclaws and missiles. In all other cases, the dog shows himself to be a fearless and useful fighter. He detects the enemy much earlier and reports this with a roar, and in battle, without hesitation, he rushes at the enemy. Unfortunately, often such thoughtless attacks ended in the death of a brave dog.

A brave dog is not even afraid of the claws of death!

Another useful ability of Dogmeat is that he can find ammo, weapons or food. You just need to talk to him and select a dialogue branch. This skill of his is useful, for example, if you encounter a UFO crash, but cannot find the Firearm. It took me forty minutes to explore the Anchorage Memorial to find the "magic" cannon. Dogmeat did it in seconds.

This is a bug: if you leave Dogmeat waiting for you at home, and then buy a new theme for decoration, then the dog may be lost.

If you prefer covert movement, then Dogmeat is not the best choice. He begins to growl as soon as he notices the enemy, and then rushes into battle. Obviously, by the time you crawl in stealth mode, he will already be killed. The dog will not give you away, but because of the habit of rushing into battle, he disrupts all planning. Rumor has it that Dogmeat can be armed with the "Lazel Piss", which the player acquires from Little Lamplight. So far, there is no evidence for this. Dogmeat has another notable ability. He, like no one else, knows how to block passages and get up where he should not. This is most disturbing in the narrow corridors of the Vaults.

It is interesting: Dogmeat has heterochromia. Look closely, the irises of his eyes are of different colors. The dog will be waiting for you near Vault 101 if you let him go for some reason. At the end of the main story, talk to Dogmeat and you will see a unique dialogue.


Fox is one of two sentient super mutants in the Capital Wasteland. However, unlike Leo, he can be hired. You will meet Fox in Vault 87 when you go after the GECK. He sits in one of the FEV cells, from where he can be released or killed. However, Fox can only be truly taken into the company after a showdown with the Enclave in Raven Rock. Fox bravely fights the Enclave in front of the military compound's door. After the fight, he will start a conversation. If you have good karma, then the option to join will appear. Fox is very well armed - the Gattling laser alone is worth something, because the cartridges for it do not end. The melee variant is no worse - his hammer has a higher attack speed. It's a pity Fox can't wear armor, though 500 hit points makes up for that.

It is interesting: many years have passed since Fallout 2 and Marcus, and armor for super mutants has not been invented.

Fox is very good when he shoots from a laser.

Fox is not a human, which means that his stats do not increase with level. He has six basic skills, which are developed up to level 75. He is able to control large guns, energy weapons, perfectly manages a hammer, explosives and guns. In addition, he can fight with his bare hands.

What to wear and how to use Fox? Fox cannot be dressed, and there is no point in changing his weapons. You can give him a few stimulants to compensate for the lack of armor, but that's about it.

It is interesting: Fox is a possible reference to the film V for Vendetta. The cell numbers and characters' names are the same. Only there is nothing to blow up in the Wasteland.

In combat, Fox prefers to shove right through. Apparently, he does not know how to sneak at all, so for characters with a high stealth rate, he is not the best choice. Anyway, Fox is considered one of the best companions, as he has a really powerful weapon and enough health to withstand several direct hits from a rocket launcher. Couple Charon - Fox easily cracks down on any enemies even without player intervention.

It is important: Fox lives at the Museum of History. He will wait for you there unless you hire him or fire him. If you chose a science theme for your house in Megaton, then in no case do not sleep at home, as Fox will not let you leave the room afterwards.

Sergeant RL-3

RL-3 is the only follower robot in the game. He, like Fox, does not grow in levels along with the main character, but immediately has established characteristics. Sergeant RL-3 was created before the war. It differs from ordinary robots in its experimental pseudo-personality. This person hates communists and is patriotic to the point of insanity.

The sergeant is armed with a relatively weak plasma rifle and a flamethrower. While flame weapons are much worse than similar "human" weapons, the flamethrower is much more effective than its conventional counterpart. However, the RL-3 uses the flamethrower only at close range, which is too dangerous with its health (350 hit points). He does not tolerate attacks from any energy or heavy weapons very well. Strong melee attacks are also not good. A deathclaw or yao guai can take out a sergeant in a couple of hits.

To hire RL-3, you need to go to the Robko factory. There you will meet Joe the tinker who will sell you a robot if your karma is neutral. In all other cases, Joe will answer that RL-3 does not like you. Please note that if Tinsmith Joe is dead, then you will not be able to hire RL-3.

It is important: if Joe was not at Robko, then jump to another location and return. Maybe he'll be around somewhere. Joe walks around the Wasteland, but always returns to "Shy".

What to wear and how to use the RL-3? RL-3 does not wear armor and does not use any types of weapons other than its relatives. He is good in combat only at the initial stage, when his weapon surpasses the possible defense of the enemy by a head. However, the closer you get to the higher levels, the more useless the RL-3 becomes. After encountering the Enclave, any patrol with plasma weapons will quickly deal with the RL-3.

It is interesting: the sergeant is the best truck in the game. It is known for certain that he can carry three sets of power armor and a bunch of weapons. Fox, for example, cannot carry more than two sets of power armor.

This concludes our story about satellites, but the journey in the world of Fallout 3 does not end there. In the next issues, we want to tell you about enemies and secondary quests, caches and the most interesting items of the Wasteland. See you soon!

Fallout 3- a computer game in the Action/RPG genre, the third canonical game in the Fallout series. It was developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Media. Fallout 3 was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game consoles, as well as for personal computers running Microsoft Windows. The game was released on October 28, 2008 in the US, October 30 in Europe and Australia, and December 4 in Japan. The localization of the game in Russia was carried out by 1C. During 2009, 5 additions to the game were released, published in Russian by 1C.

The story of Fallout 3 continues the events of the Fallout series of games, set in a world slowly resurrecting after a nuclear war in 2077. The game is set in the year 2277 and takes place 36 years after the events of Fallout 2. As with previous games in the series, Fallout 3 features a network of underground shelters built by the Vault-Tec corporation, as stated, to save some of the population of America from the aftermath of the war, although outside the shelters there are survivors who are much less secure. The protagonist of the game is the Lone Wanderer, who lived in Vault No. 101 from an early age. Although, according to his ideas, the Vault has never been opened since the nuclear war, his father once goes outside. A lone wanderer sets off in search of him to find out the reasons for his departure.

Upon release, Fallout 3 received mostly positive reviews from critics and reviewers from gaming publications. Only the PlayStation 3 version was left unfinished. Most gaming publications and festivals awarded the game a victory in the "Game of the Year" nomination. As of January 2009, the PC version sold 610,000 copies, the Xbox 360 version 1.14 million copies, and the PlayStation 3 version 552,000 copies as of January 2009, according to the NPD Group, surpassing sales of The Elder Scrolls IV. : Oblivion - the previous product of Bethesda Softworks, which sold half a million copies. However, in countries such as Australia, India and Japan, due to legislation or moral standards, there were problems selling the game.

On the page:

“…These communists hate all our values: freedom, independence, apple pie!
Did I mention freedom?

G. Ackerman, C&C Red Alert 3

Say a word about poor mutants...

For the role-playing series Fallout, you can endlessly pick up the epithets that characterize it. One of the most striking epithets can be considered "paranoid", i.e. based on paranoia.

According to prehistory, in 2077, humanity still played war games, and nuclear missiles rained down on the United States. America did not remain in debt, and struck a blow at its main adversary - China.

What happened in Fallout 3 to other countries is unclear. We only know that from the West Coast of the United States the action has moved to Washington. How the super mutants and other creatures got to the East Coast, we do not need to know (although such an opportunity will present itself).

All it takes is to find meaning. The meaning of your existence is in this terrible, dangerous, and such an alluring radioactive desert.

As in all previous parts, one of the main dangers is not people, but mutants, of which there are a great many in the Wasteland. When meeting with them, you need to know which weapon is suitable for a certain type of monster, because what will kill a zombie is unlikely to overwhelm a super mutant.

As you can see from this list, there are enough mutant species to make your stay in this world unforgettable.

1001 ways to kill the enemy

“...Chinese hackers dug into the software of the Tomahawk rocket”
Now it is called "Boomerang" ... "
... From the report of the head of the Pentagon to the President of America

Of course, such a variety of opponents (not to mention the enemy factions) makes it clear that the number of weapons in the game is overstated by the most I can. Let's see what the developers have prepared for us, and what is best to take with you on a hike.

Traditional small arms

  1. Pistol. Regular pistol. Weak lethal force, low accuracy of fire. Effective only in the early stages of the game.
  2. Chinese pistol. Even weaker than a regular pistol. There is no point in carrying it with you. That is absolutely.
  3. Revolver. They made some kind of lewdness out of the super-killer Colt. Absolutely useless thing, which is suitable only for the initial stages.
  4. Magnum. A more advanced version of the revolver, equipped with an optical sight. Quite effective against the manpower of the raiders.
  5. Submachine gun. An interesting machine that serves as a good alternative to the machine in the early stages.
  6. Shotgun. An ordinary, unremarkable gun. Ineffective.
  7. Assault rifle. Apparently, some kind of M-16. Quite an effective thing with which you can go on super mutants.
  8. Chinese machine. From the very beginning, the developers emphasized that this is not an AK-2074, but a Chinese assault rifle. In the game - one of the most powerful traditional killers.
  9. Shotgun. Well, what can I say? He approached point-blank, fired twice, ran away. Uncommon, but quite effective.
  10. Combat shotgun. A wonderful mix of Thompson and shotgun. One of the most effective guns in the game.
  11. Sniper rifle. I don't think comments are needed here.
Energy weapons
  1. Laser pistol. Pretty useless stuff. It is best used when there is nothing else at all.
  2. Laser Rifle. Powerful toy. With three or four shots, it will calmly fry a super mutant. The disadvantage is extremely rapid wear.
  3. Plasma pistol. More powerful gun. You can only get it if you have completed most of the game, because. only the Enclave has such things
  4. Plasma rifle. Five minutes to an absolute weapon. Powerful projectiles destroy anyone who dares to poke his head. From such "gifts" the enemy turns into a green goo.
  5. Blaster Alien. As in the second part, here you can find a small surprise - an alien blaster. This is the most powerful energy weapon in the game. Almost any monster or person is killed with one blow.

heavy weaponry

Well, you rarely encounter such a number of weapons in games. And now it's time to consider the main storyline of the game.

Walkthrough Fallout 3

“... You may not be a Jedi,
But he must master the Force! ... "
Master Yoda

Washington Stalker

Attention! This walkthrough is written for a character who is the embodiment of goodness. If so, you have been warned.

The whole story can be roughly divided into three parts. The first is in Vault 101, the second is before the incident at the Project Purity complex, and the third is before the end credits.

Part one. Vault 101.

After the introductory video, you start the game... as a one-year-old child! For RPGs, and indeed for games in particular, this is new. Your first task will be to read a book about the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Thus, it is possible to distribute the parameters of this very S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Further more. Nine years later (they show a splash screen), you are given your personal Pip-Boy 3000. This PDA has many different functions, ranging from inventory, ending with a radio station and a map. Also in this passage, you are given an air gun and shown how the V.A.T.S system works. (Vault-Tech Tactical System). Later there is an exam in which you are given to distribute the basic skills. Then - the final stage, which is the beginning of the whole plot - your father left the shelter, you need to catch up with him! To do this, you need to get into the Overseer's office, open a secret passage and escape (do not forget the baby doll).

Actually, the episode with the Vault is a very stretched tutorial. However, the very first minutes in the open air will make you forget about Vault 101.

Part two. In search of a father.

When you see a city on the horizon, go there. This is Megaton, a city built around a nuclear bomb.

Note: Megaton resembles the city of Junk Town from the first part. Fans of the series are likely to find a lot of similarities here.

In the city, you need to find the local boss, Colin Moriarty, and by all means available convince him to tell where your father has gone. He will report that he has gone to the ruins of Washington, where the Galaxy News radio station is located. Go there, but don't forget that the city is full of mutants.

A surprise awaits you near the Galactic News building - a behemoth has broken free, and you, along with the Brotherhood of Steel, must destroy it. Fortunately, near the fountain there is a corpse of one of the paladins of the Brotherhood, from which you can seize the "Fat Man".

After defeating the monster, go and talk to the intercom to the right of the door. Then go up to the 3rd floor and talk to Tree Dog, the local DJ. He will tell you that he will tell you about his father only if you help his radio station. Agree. He will say that you need to go to the Technical Museum (located on the Mall), and pick up a plate from the Virgo-2 lunar rover. After that, you will need to get to the Washington Monument, and set this plate at the very top.

Arriving at the museum, be on the lookout. Several super mutant masters and beasts loiter in it.

It is interesting: in the Museum you can see a model of the Vault. Be sure to listen to what they say to you from the speakers - at least cheer yourself up.

After picking up the plate, take it to the Monument. After this heroic deed, go back to the radio station. Three Dog will tell you that your father has gone to Rivet City. Go to the embankment and walk along the river. Almost at the end of it you will see an old aircraft carrier. That's where you need to be.

On the ship, find the middle deck. There, at the very end is a scientific laboratory. Find Doctor Li in it and talk to her. She will say that your father went to the Project Purity complex, which is located inside the Jefferson Memorial. Go there. There will be super mutants inside, be prepared. In the rotunda of the Memorial, look for documents that indicate that your father went to Vault 112. It is located in the Casey Smith Garage location. Get inside. In the shelter itself, you have to find a free Chaise Longue and take it. You will be transported to another reality, to a town called Tranquility Lane.

There you should find Betty. A girl plays on the playground in the center of the town. Talk to her. She will say that you can leave here if you follow her instructions. If you agree, then your karma will drop sharply, and it's a chore. Another way is to go to an abandoned house. There, at the entrance, there are several items on the table, TV and armchair that need to be activated. Find the desired combination (you need to search for it by sounds, only 5 items). This way you will call the console. Activate the Chinese Invasion program. Betty, who turns out to be Dr. Bron, will open the way back for you.

There you will meet your father. He will offer you to go with him. Agree. Return to Rivet City and go to Dr. Lee. Then head back to the Purity Project complex. There you will need to go through all three levels (shop, rotunda and basement), and destroy all the mutants. Then follow the instructions from your father. When you open the valves, you will see that Enclave soldiers have landed on the territory of the Memorial. Run to the control room and watch the dramatic development of the situation. When the explosion is heard, take Dr. Li to the Tufa Tunnel.

Part three. Project "Purity"

Escort Dr. Li and her team to the exit from the tunnels. On the way you will meet Enclave soldiers and ghouls. Get out of the ground.

In front of you you will see the Pentagon, now the Citadel, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Steel. After talking with the head of the Brotherhood and the scribes, go to the caves of Little Lamplight, through which you can get to the shelter 87, where the cornerstone of the entire series is located - GECK (Compact Garden of Eden Generator). The Vault can ONLY be accessed from the caves. Do not try to go through the "title" entrance, there is radiation that will kill you before you take antirad.

Go down to the Vault. There you need to reach the experimental laboratories. Be careful - along the way you will meet a lot of super mutants. In the laboratories, find a super mutant named Fox. He sits in a cell and asks you to let him out. Do it. In gratitude for this, Fox will go ahead and help you get the GECK.

After taking the GECK, go back. At one of the turns you will be stunned and taken to Raven Rock - the main base of the Enclave. Upon arrival, get nasty to Colonel Autumn. You will be released and told to go to President Eden. It's on the 3rd floor. Climb up there and find a huge (half-wall) monitor. This is the president. Talk to him.

It is interesting: The Enclave used to have President Richardson. So it turns out he was a machine too?

Make him destroy Raven Rock and leave the base. Along the way, don't forget to pick up the Gatling Laser in the container at the entrance. There won't be another chance. Go to the Citadel and report to Elder Lyons that the GECK has been taken. HE will order you and Lion's Pride to attack the purifier and take it back from the Enclave. By the way, the huge Liberty Prime robot will also go with you. After reaching the purifier, go inside, and in the Rotunda, talk to Autumn. If persuasion does not work, eliminate the threat. After talking on the intercom, it will become clear that you need to turn on the cleaner, otherwise it will explode. Say that you will do it, and go ahead. Cleaner code - 2-1-6 . By entering it, you will sign a sentence for yourself, since a huge dose of radiation will hit you at the moment you turn it on.

Watch the final video and enjoy. You completed Fallout 3.

Guide to finding unique items

I present to your attention a guide to finding unique items in the game.
First of all, I want to note that not all the unique Fallout 3 items are collected here, this is just a selection of interesting weapons and armor. I played the English version, but I tried to make it clear to the owners of the 1c version. The damage may differ from yours, as it depends on the leveling of the skill. All other data is verified, I found all the items myself.
Since this is all one big spoiler, we'll hide it there. Recommended primarily for those who ran through the game quickly and are now starting the second detailed walkthrough. So:
Moonbear's Guide For Most Useful Unique Gear In Fallout 3
WG - Weight
DR - Damage Resistance
AP - Action Points
DMG - Damage
Clip - Magazine capacity
1. The best armor in the game.
Ranger Combat Armor (WG 27, DR 39, Small Guns +10, AP +5, Luck +1).
Someone may disagree with me, but I consider this armor to be the best, since it provides protection not much worse than power armor (39 vs. 40), but, unlike the latter, it has no penalties, it weighs almost 2 times less (27 vs. 45) and gives a bunch of bonuses. In addition, it is repaired with both the usual battalion armor and the armor of Talon mercenaries, which are in abundance in the game.
How to get a:
Taking it is not so much difficult as tiring. Reilly herself is in the city of ghouls in the historical museum. Lies in the hospital. You need to either cure it yourself (60 medicine), or persuade the doctor. She will ask you to save her group. She will try to explain how to get to the Statesman Hotel, you don’t need to listen to her, just go down the subway at the historical museum and get off at the Vernon Square station. It is very close to the hospital and the hotel. After that, everything is basically simple. You can first go to the hotel lobby and kill the mutants to make it easier to bring the group out.
As a reward for this quest, you will be offered a choice of either this armor or the unique Eugene minigun (see below). Settle for armor, tk. the minigun can be easily stolen from Brick right there.
2. The best helmet.
Ledoux's Hockey Mask (WG 1, DR 4, AP +25)
I’ll make a reservation, the best for those who use V.A.T.S. , sorry, a whole Action Boy perk, repaired with regular hockey masks.
How to get a:
Starting the Quantum Cola quest in Gerderscheid will give you the location of the Nuka Cola plant. While searching the factory, you will stumble upon the body of Mercier (Winger Mercier), take a note from the corpse, after which you will realize that he was looking for a formula for the production of pure cola at the factory. The formula is in a safe on the first floor, not far from the entrance, it can only be opened with a key, the key is with a robot named Milo, if you can’t talk, “then guns will speak instead of me,” as John Silver said. Take the formula and move to the Red Racer Factory, it's not far away. On the way you will be met by three in hockey masks. You need someone to start the conversation, Gawley Ledoux. He will offer you 250 caps for the formula (despite the price of 150 listed on it), you can sell, you can try to bargain for 400 or be rude and open fire. There is also a Munchkin version: to sell, and then solve everyone, they don’t reduce karma for them. You can first try to listen to his naive nonsense about hockey.
3. Unique set of power armor.
T-51b Power Armor (WG 40, DR 50, Radiation Resistance +25)
T-51b Power Helmet (WG 4, DR 10, Radiation Resistance +8%, Charisma +1)
I can’t unconditionally recommend the kit, for one simple reason: I couldn’t fix it myself (and, as you know, merchants don’t repair up to 100%). None of the sets of power armor I had, neither the enclave, nor the brotherhood, nor the outcasts, were suitable for repair. A helmet is just useful: no penalties, better protection, increases charisma and gives a small resistance to radiation. Considering that helmets are damaged many times slower than armor, it can be used.
How to get a:
You can start the "You Gotta Shoot "Em in the Head"" quest by talking to Crowley in the ghoul city, which is in the historical museum. During this quest, you will need to get 3 keys. Or you can just steal these keys and go directly to Fort Constantine without talking to Crowley (the quest can still be started and turned in later, the keys won't go anywhere from you). a fraction of karma, which is more than replenished with a bottle of clean water given to beggars.
Ted Strayer, in Rivet City, hangs out either in a rooming house, or in a church, or in a tavern.
Dyukov, an alcoholic and a womanizer, is in his home, not far from the Anchorage Memorial
Dave, in the Republic of Dave, upper right corner of the map (bobblehead +1 Perception there)
Having obtained the keys, we advance to Fort Constantine, the top of the map, closer to the left edge. We penetrate into the officer's building (the lowest) and stomp into the basement, in front of the first closed door, by the way, lies in the baby doll +10 to heavy weapons. Then everything is simple, I will not spoil the impression of exploring the bunker
4. Happy billiard ball.
Lucky 8-Ball (WG 1, Luck +1)
What is there to say especially - a billiard ball weighs one, gives +1 to Luck while you carry it in your inventory.
How to get a:
You go to the Big City (two cells up from Vault 101), take a quest there to save two comrades. Rescue them from the Germantown police station (it will be marked on the map) and bring them home. After that, you will be asked to repel the attack of the mutants. I advise you not to bother with robots and choose the replica "I'll hang out here, I'll kill all the mutants myself." When the attack is repulsed, go to the local infirmary, there will be a wounded man named Timebomb (I don’t know how the 1s-sheep called him, but there is one patient anyway). He needs to be cured, he will need a medicine skill of 40. After that, he will get up, bow and roll off. You need to approach him again and then he will say something about his great gratitude and give you the treasured ball.
5 Alien Blaster
Alien Blaster (WG 2, Clip 10, AP 20, DMG 100, Chance to disintegrate enemy on death, Ammo: Alien Power Cell)
A cheat gun that allows you to shoot an entire city as a joke without even noticing how. If not for the limited ammo, the already precarious balance of the game would be irrevocably skewed. There is a chance to turn the enemy into a pile of ashes, for some reason it always happened to me.
How to get a:
Three squares up from the Minefield in the lower left corner of the square will be the crash site of the Alien Ship, in short, a broken plate. The blaster is lying right on the ground next to the corpse of a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization. Ammunition is scattered all around.
6 Alien Blaster #2
Firelance (WG 2, Clip 10, AP 20, DMG 80, Sets target on fire, giving it -2 HP effect for 5 seconds, Ammo: Alien Power Cell)
Cannon-cheat number 2 differs from the previous one in reduced damage, which is compensated by setting fire to the target, like a flamethrower or shishkebab.
By the way, these blasters are repaired exclusively by each other.
How to get a:
Randomly, while walking through the wasteland, a strange pop will be heard and, in the literal sense, alien ammunition (blue cones) will fall from the sky. It can happen anywhere, it is argued that there is a dependence on luck. It happened to me with Luck 1, even when I didn’t even score 10 levels. It happened at night, naturally I did not find the blaster itself. I returned 2 times a day to this place, still did not find it. The dog helped, gave the command "look for a weapon", brought it in 30 seconds.
7. Unique plasma gun.
A3-21"s Plasma Rifle (WG 8, Clip 12, AP 25, DMG 50, Ammo: Micro Fusion Cell)
It differs from a regular plasma gun only in increased damage from 45 to 50. As you can see, nothing special, but the hype around this gun.
How to get a:
First you need to take the quest about the android from Mr. Zimmer in the Rivet City laboratory. In the process, an aunt will come up to you and ask you to help the poor fellow android hide from the evil Zimmer. The choice is yours, you can honestly help the android and get a gun, or you can promise him to keep his secret to him and hand it over to Zimmer, then you will receive both rewards.
8. Unique minigun.
Eugene (WG 18, Clip 240, AP 30, DMG 105, Ammo: 5mm)
Slightly increased damage (from 75 to 105), the rest is a regular minigun.
How to get a:
Either take as a reward for the quest about the rangers Riley, or just steal from Brick (see point # 1 of this guide)
9. The best carabiner.
Lincoln's Repeater (WG 5, Clip 15, AP 25, DMG 50, Ammo: .44 Round, Magnum)
The Lincoln Rifle is repaired with ordinary hunting rifles, but compared to them it has twice the damage, three times the clip and weighs one unit less. True, it shoots with a rather rare (both among merchants and in general) cartridge .44 magnum, stock up.
How to get a:
It's very simple: in the historical museum we go up to the second floor, there in one of the far rooms it lies in a small glassed-in window. Brainy Abraham Washington from Rivet City will offer you 100 caps for him, stifles laughter. It is better to collect everything that is connected with the name of Lincoln in the same place in the museum: a collection of coins, a hat and other rubbish - he will buy it all from you.
10. The best firearm pistol.
Blackhawk (WG 4, Clip 6, AP 32, DMG 55, Ammo: .44 Round, Magnum)
One of the deadliest weapons in the game, on par with the Lincoln Shotgun, which is inferior in range but superior in damage. In theory, this is a regular magnum 44 caliber with optics, only the damage has been increased from 35 to 55.
How to get a:
Start the quest about Agatha's song. To do this, you must first find Agatha's house, it is between the landfill and the Meresti depot, you need to go along such a flimsy bridge. After that, she will send you first to look for the Vault-Tek Headquarters (near Vernon Square). If you have already been to the Citadel and marked all the Vaults on the map, then you can not go to the headquarters itself. Go straight to Vault 92. You can get lost there, look for a sign to the laboratory, there the violin will be found. You will pass by the men's bedroom - be sure to look into the men's room. Behind one of the pushes, a music notebook will be lying around; without it, you won’t get a pistol. That's it, now you can turn in the quest to Agatha, and then hand over a music notebook, for which she will be happy to give you this cherished copy.
11. The best shotgun.
The Terrible Shotgun (WG 10, Clip 12, AP 27, DMG 80, Ammo: Shotgun Shells)
If you like shotguns, you should definitely get this barrel. Moreover, the choice of shotguns is very poor in this game. It is repaired with a regular combat shotgun, compared to it has a slightly increased weight (10 vs. 7) and significantly increased damage (80 vs. 55).
How to get a:
One cell to the right of Casey's garage (Vault 112), where you are directed in the story, in the center of the right border of this cell is Evergreen Mills. There is a building inside which the entrance to the underground market is located. There is a trader Smiling Jack in this market, he is the only one who will not pounce on you if you have good karma. In any case, to pick up the shotgun, it must be killed. Decide what is more important to you - an extra merchant or a unique trunk. Don't forget to get +10 to barter to the right of him in a small corner on the shelf of the baby doll.
12. The best assault rifle.
Xuanlong Assault Rifle (WG 7, Clip 36, AP 23, DMG 66, Ammo: 5.56mm)
One of the best barrels in the Light Weapons category. For repairs, "Chinese Kalash" is used, in comparison with them it has an enlarged horn (36 rounds instead of 24) and noticeably increased damage (66 versus 53). For some reason the price is lower than usual...
How to get a:
A bit confusing, but overall not very difficult. First you need to get to the Technical Museum, it is practically "across the road" from the Historical Museum, which has already fed us. There, during the usual cleaning of the premises, you need to pay attention to information computers that look like payphone booths. But not all of them are "equally useful", we need 3: the first is at the bottom of the foyer, the second just as you enter the west wing, and the third at the foot of the large rocket. On the screen of these computers, a line like # 001 will appear at the bottom of the menu, in which you need to enter the code. Attention! Save before entering, after one wrong entry, the computer will lock up and everything will be lost. You need to enter the following codes, in the order the computers are listed:
terminal #001 - 19
terminal #002 - 53
terminal #003 - 113
Sequentially entering three correct codes will open the safe in the west wing. When you open the safe (this can only be done through the nearby computer), a message will be displayed on the screen, after reading which you will understand that you need to move to the Jury Street subway station (two cells down and one cell to the left of Vault 101). You don’t need to enter the metro itself, there is a mini-café near the entrance to the metro, a corpse will appear there, from which this is taken unique weapon. Until you pass all the dances with a tambourine in the technical museum, it will not be there, I checked.
13. Unique sniper rifle.
Reservist's Rifle (WG 10, Clip 3, AP 32, DMG 40, Ammo: .308 Caliber)
One of 2 unique sniper rifles. The magazine capacity has been reduced (from 5 to 3), but the price of a shot has been reduced (from 38 to 32) and the rate of fire has been increased by more than one and a half times.
How to get a:
When you go to Fort Constantine, you will most likely stumble upon the WLKM Broadcast Station (2 tiles down from the fort). The station is on a hillock, from which a small chapel, Dickerson's Church, will be visible not far away. There's a sniper sitting upstairs in this church with this rifle. You can’t get up to him, so you need to kill him so that at least an eye falls down.
14. Unique knife.
Jack (The Ripper)(WG 6, AP 65, DMG 30, 50% extra limb damage)
Repaired by ordinary rippers, it differs from them only in that it deals 50% more damage if shredding limbs.
How to get a:
Slightly to the left and slightly above Dickerson's Church (in the same cell) is the Deathclaw Sanctuary. There it will lie on the corpse of an Enclave officer, in the southern part of the location. The corpse appears if your paths with the Enclave have already crossed, in other words, the father is already dead. If you go for a sniper, at the same time look at the claws of death.
15. Killer Gatling Laser.
Vengeance (WG 18, Clip 240, AP 30, DMG 150, Ammo: Electron Charge Pack)
Slightly increased damage (from 100 to 150), otherwise a regular Gatling Laser.
How to get a:
It lies (regardless of your progress in the story) in the same Deathclaw Vault (see item 13) in the southeastern part, in such a mini-grotto with a pool of blood and thickets of radioactive mushrooms. Right in the mushrooms and will lie.
16. The best weapon for fisticuffs.
Fisto! (WG 6, AP 25, DMG 25)
If there are maniacs who use fisticuffs in this game, here is a tool for you. Repaired with the usual "power fists", the impact cost is reduced from 28 to 25 points, damage is increased from 20 to 25.
How to get a:
If you go after the +1 Agility bobblehead or the alien blaster, you will most likely stumble on the road to Power Plant MDPL-13. It is located one cell above the Minefield, in the middle of the left border of the cell. Fisto is located in a large building in the upper part of it, lying right on the table. In a small house, by the way, you can grab a railway rifle assembly diagram.
17. Unique saber.
Vampire's Edge (WG 1, AP 28, DMG 15)
In general, nothing special, just a unique vampire checker. As a melee weapon, the same shishkebab is much cooler. It is repaired with the usual sabers of Chinese officers, which is noticeable in appearance. He took a Chinese saber, nailed the vampire hilt to it, and went to swing to the right, to the left, and in other directions. Reduced weight (from 3 to 1), increased damage (from 10 to 15).
How to get a:
As a result of the "bad ending" of the "Blood Ties" quest, namely, we go down to the subway at the Mereshti station and kill all the vampires. From the box of the main vampire we take the saber, from his corpse - a unique cloak, which has good protection for a rag - 10, and also gives +2 to light and melee weapons. The quest is initially taken in Megaton from Lucy West, then you need to stomp into Arefu, do not forget that in Arefu, in Evan King's house, a baby doll +10 to repair is languishing.
18. Unique laser pistol.
Protectron's Gaze (WG 3, Clip 20, AP 17, DMG 24, Ammo: Energy Cell)
A laser pistol that deals double damage. This is achieved simply - a double shot. To prevent life from looking like honey, the magazine capacity has been reduced from 30 to 20. There are no more differences from the usual one.
How to get a:
Take the quest in the Canterbury Community to resolve problems with 2 comic characters, take the side of the Mechanic and kill AntAgonizersha. The mechanic will demand her suit, give it back and tell him not to stop there, then he will present you a pistol. If you do the opposite and take the side of the "ant woman", you will receive a poison knife as a reward.
19. Unique helmet.
Crow's Eyebot Helmet (WG 10, DR 5, Perception +1)
A helmet made from one of the ibots that fly around and broadcast on Enclave radios. Nothing special in principle, looks funny, good enough protection for a tin, and gives +1 Perception.
How to get a:
In the same Canterbury Community, the same Uncle Ro who gave the quest for "superhumans" can help you get rid of extra caps. Namely, to invest in one caravan, of which there are 4 in the game. In each of the caravans, you can first invest 200, and then another 500 caps, after which their assortment becomes noticeably more diverse. Each of the caravaners at the meeting will thank you for the investment (if you unfastened 700 caps). Crow, who sells armor, will donate this helmet.
20. Unique wig.
Button's Wig (WG 1, DR 1, Speech +10, Barter +5, Intelligence +1, Perception -1)
It provides almost no protection, looks out of place, but it increases Eloquence by 10, Barter by 5 and Intelligence by 1, while reducing Perception by 1. Considering that it weighs only one, it can be carried with you for conversational situations.
How to get a:
Take the quest regarding the Declaration of Independence from Abraham Washington in Rivet City and move it to the National Archives. At the very bottom, where the Declaration is stored, there will be a boring robot, and next to it, on one of the chests of drawers, this wig will lie.
by Moonbear

Additions to the guide from Gentle Man
21. The Tenderiser
damage 18 weight 12
Anchorage Memorial
Hunters have become game. Everything is simple in this world.
Find an ownerless warehouse and along the way behind a broken door lies it.
22. Cue "Zalom" (The Break)
damage 5 weight 1
Made with cues. Nicely.
Paradise Falls, outdoor pool table.
I didn't ask what you were doing there.
23 Lucky Shades
defense 1 weight 1 Luck +1
Always with you, sometimes you can wear helmets,
Women love - well, isn't happiness in this?
depot "Warrington", Grocery "Happiness" (Lucky "s)


When thinking about Karma, you must remember 4 things:

1. Karma affects the reaction of the npc and the choice of lines in the dialogues.
2. It depends on karma whether you get to certain locations or not.
3. Opponents may stop attacking you, depending on your karma.
4. The ending of the game depends on karma.
As the game progresses, the meaning of karma is not shown; you can only see the "steps" she has reached:

1000...-750 Very Evil
-749...-250 Evil
-249...+249 Neutral
+250...+749 Good
+750...+1000 Very Good
You can see the current state of your Karma on the statistics tab in Pipboy. You can find out the numerical value using console command player.getav karma

What gives Bad Karma (-250 and less):

Access to Paradise Falls
The ability to take two "bad" followers: Jericho and Clover "a
Ease in dealing with evil characters
Regular npc's can react negatively in conversation
What does Neutral Karma give (-250...+250):

The ability to take two "neutral" followers: Butch "a and Sergeant RL-3
You will not be attacked by either "good" or "bad" liquidator units (such as mercenaries from Talon)
What gives Good Karma (+250 and more):

The ability to take two "good" followers: Fawkes "a and Paladin Cross" a
Difficulty communicating with evil characters
Normal npc can react positively in conversation
Raiders will always attack you
Gifts from good characters (caps, ammo, food, stimpacks, etc.)
Why Karma is reduced Action Amount of penalty
Stealing from a good or neutral character (per item) -5
Picking the lock in the house of a neutral / good character -5
Killing a good or neutral creature -25
Evil action during a side quest -50
Killing a good or neutral character -100

When killing a bad character/creature, Karma does not change.

Why increase Karma Action Value of increase
Donations to any church, depends on the size of the donation + "?"
Good deed in the process of completing a side quest +50
Killing a very bad character/creature +100

Displaying karma depending on the player's level:

Bad Karma:
Level 1 - Vault Delinquent (Vault Delinquent)
Level 2 - Vault Outlaw (Vault Outlaw)
Level 3 - Opportunist (opportunist)
Level 4 - Plunderer (robber)
Level 5 - Fat Cat (early)
Level 6 - Marauder (marauder)
Level 7 - Pirate of the Wastes
Level 8 - Reaver (plunderer)
Level 9 - Urban Invader (Urban Invader)
Level 10 - Ne "er-do-well (loafer)
Level 11 - Capital Crimelord
Level 12 - Defiler (defiler)
Level 13 - Vault Boogeyman ( evil spirit shelter)
Level 14 - Harbinger of War
Level 15 - Urban Superstition (urban superstition)
Level 16 - Villian of the Wastes (Wasteland native)
Level 17 - Fiend (demon)
Level 18 - Wasteland Destroyer
Level 19 - Evil Incarnate
Level 20 - Scourge of Humanity

Neutral karma:
Level 1 - Vault Dweller (Vault Dweller)
Level 2 - Vault Renegade (Vault Renegade)
Level 3 - Seeker
Tier 4 - Wanderer (Wanderer)
Level 5 - Citizen
Level 6 - Adventurer (adventurer)
Level 7 - Vagabond of the Wastes (Wasteland Rover)
Tier 8 - Mercenary (mercenary)
Level 9 - Urban Ranger (urban ranger)
Level 10 - Observer (observer)
Level 11 - Capital Councilor
Level 12 - Keeper (guardian)
Level 13 - Vault Descendant (Vault Scion)
Level 14 - Pinnacle of Survival (master of survival)
Level 15 - Urban Myth
Level 16 - Strider of the Wastes (wastewalker)
Level 17 - Beholder (eyewitness)
Level 18 - Wasteland Watcher
Level 19 - Super-Human (super-human)
Level 20 - Paradigm of Humanity

Good karma:
Level 1 - Vault Guardian
Level 2 - Vault Martyr (Vault Martyr)
Level 3 - Sentinel (guardian)
Level 4 - Defender (defender)
Level 5 - Dignitary (dignitary)
Level 6 - Peacekeeper (peacekeeper)
Level 7 - Ranger of the Wastes (wasteland ranger)
Level 8 - Protector (patron)
Level 9 - Urban Avenger (urban avenger)
Level 10 - Exemplar
Level 11 - Capital Crusader (Capital Crusader)
Level 12 - Paladin (paladin)
Level 13 - Vault Legend (vault legend)
Level 14 - Ambassador of Peace (Goodwill Ambassador)
Level 15 - Urban Legend (urban legend)
Level 16 - Hero of the Wastes
Level 17 - Paragon (model of perfection)
Level 18 - Wasteland Survivor (wasteland survivor)
Level 19 - Saint (holy)
Level 20 - Last, Best Hope of Humanit

Russian names may not correspond to the official translation.

Note: Avoid negative karma when you reach level 21 or the game will crash. In case of negative karma, increase it through the console.

If your karma is positive, then the karmic status will be reduced to asylum resident.

Download mod MaxLevel30-MaxLevel40

We put:
1. Download the file and place it anywhere on your computer.
2. Open the file using 7-zip to extract the two ESPs from it.
3. Place these two ESPs in this folder: Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Data\
4. Load Fallout 3 - on the splash screen (Play / Data Files / Options / Etc.), choose Data Files.
5. Put a checkmark next to the ESP you want to use (either MaxLevel30 or MaxLevel40).
6. Play.

Fallout 3 cheats while playing

rewardKarma - Get the specified amount of karma
modpca - Adds the specified number of points to the main stats
modpcs - Adds the specified number of skill points
addspecialpoints - Add the specified number of stat points
addtagskills - Adds the specified number of Tag Skill Points
tmm1 - All markers on the map
GetQuestCompleted - Complete the currently running quest
getXPfornextlevel - Get one level
player.additem 000000F - Get the specified number of caps
tgm - Immortality, infinite ammo
help - All console commands
tcl - Passing through walls
removefromallfactions - Player leaves all factions
player.setlevel - Set player level
setspecialpoints - Specify the number of points for the main stats
settagskills - Specify the number of skill points
tdt - On developer mode
tlv - Include leaves
setpccanusepowerarmor 0 or 1> - Enable/disable the use of Power Armor

Location of the baby dolls:


Strength - Strength: Megaton, in Sheriff Lucas Simm's house.
- Perception: Republic Of Dave, on the shelf on the right in the Dave Museum
- Endurance: Deathclaw Sanctuary, at the entrance on the table next to the rotting Brahmin corpse
- Charisma: Vault 108, in Colin's lab.
- Intelligence: Rivet City: On Dr. Li's desk.
- Agility: Greener Pastures Disposal, in a small office contaminated with radiation.
- Luck: Arlington Cemetery North, in a cupboard on a shelf directly below the north hut stairs.


Barter: Evergreen Mills, at the back of the Market Bazaar on a shelf in the upper right, behind a Raider Trader that doesn't attack.
- Big Guns: Fort Constantine, at the base of the CO Quarters, in a safe in the wall.
- Energy Weapons: Ravenhold
Explosives: WKML Broadcast Station. Turn on your map of the area. Go through the door to the sealed cistern and the bobblehead is there.
- Lockpick: Bethesda Ruins, in Bethesda Offices East on the top floor near the bridge door.
- Medicine: Vault 101, in the father's office on the table.
- Melee Weapons: Dunwich Building, just before you leave the Virulent Underchambers on the floor next to the door.
- Repair: Aerefu, in Evan King`s house.
- Science: Vault 106, on a table in the middle of the living quarters on the second level of the main rooms.
- Small Guns: National Guard Depot, go through the training room and offices, go to the door to the main room. Use the power switch on the wall to your left and enter the Armory, then search the shelves.
- Sneak: Yao Guai Tunnels, with Den on the top of the metal, on the right side of the map near a small amount of water.
- Speech: Paradise Falls, on a table inside Euology`s pad (In Slave Master`s house).
- Unarmed: Rockopolis, Go west around Casey Smith`s garage. Look for tattered banners that are stretched. Use the map to find him.

player.additem - Add items

Currently known items:

Bobby Pins - 0000000a
Bottle Caps - 0000000f (Bottle caps)
Knife - 00004334
Hunting Rifle - 00004333
Plasma Grenades - 00004332
Dart Gun - 0000432a
Gatling Laser - 0000432e
Flamer - 0000432d
Tire Iron - 00004328
Combat Shotgun - 00004327
Silenced 10mm Pistol - 00004350
Sledgehammer - 00004352
Super Sledge - 00004353
Spiked Knuckles - 00004354
Police Baton - 00004345
PoolCue - 00004346
Railway Rifle - 00004348
Ripper - 00004349
Missle Launcher - 00004340
Minigun - 0000433F
Plasma Mine - 0000433D
BottleCap Mine - 0000433a
Frag Mine - 0000433C
Mesmetron - 00004339
Lead Pipe - 00004337
Laser Rifle - 00004336
laser Pistol - 00004335
MedicalBrace - 00002210D
Plunger - 000340a4
Missile - 00029383
Fat Man - 0000432C
.308 ammo - 0006B53C
Energy Cell - 00020772
Electron Charge Pack - 0006B53E
5mm Round - 0006B53D
Mini Nuke - 00020799
Missile - 00029383
Flamer Fuel - 00029371
Microfusion Cell - 0004485
Railway Spikes - 00029384
The Terribel Shotgun - 0006B534
10mm Pistol - 0000434F
Sawed-Off Shotgun - 0000434C
Scoped .44 Magnum - 0000434D
Shishkebab - 0000434e
T-51 Power Armor - 000A6F77

SKILL BobbleHead locations

BobbleHead MEDICINE - Increase medical skill +10 - Found in Vault 101, right in the beginning of the game on your Dad's desk. If you didn't find this one, it's time to head back to the Vault !! BobbleHead SPEECH - Increase speech skill +10 - Found in Paradise Falls, Eulogy's Pad. Groundfloor, on the desk in the SW corner, near the "main computer terminal".

BobbleHead SCIENCE - Increase science skill +10 - Found in Vault 106, Living quarters, clearly sitting on a desk.

BobbleHead BARTER - Increase barter skill +10 - Found in Evergreen Mills - Market Bazaar

BobbleHead BIG GUNS - Increase big guns skill +10 - Found in Fort Constantine - CO Quarters

BobbleHead ENERGY WEAPONS - Increase energy weapons skill +10 - Found in Ravenhold

BobbleHead EXPLOSIVES - Increase explosives skill +10 - Found in WKML Broadcast Station - Sealed Cistern

BobbleHead LOCKPICK - Increase lockpick skill +10 - Found in Bethesda - Bethesda Offices East

BobbleHead MELEE WEAPONS - Increase melee skill +10 - Found in Dunwich Building - Virulent Underchambers

BobbleHead REPAIR - Increase repair skill +10 - Found in Aerefu - Evan King's House

BobbleHead SMALL GUNS - Increase small guns skill +10 - Found in National Guard Depot - National Guard Armory

BobbleHead SNEAK - Increase sneak skill +10 - Found in Yao Guai Tunnels - Yao Guai Den

BobbleHead UNARMED – Increase unarmed skill +10 - Found in Rockopolis – Head directly west from Casey Smith's Garage, look for tattered banners strung up. Use your local map or you may miss it.

STATS BobbleHead locations

BobbleHead INTELLIGENCE - Found in Rivet City, science lab, on the most right desk of the 3 desks you see there.

BobbleHead PERCEPTION - Found in the Republic of Dave - Museum of Dave

BobbleHead ENDURANCE - Found in Deathclaw Sanctuary - Deathclaw Sanctuary Entrance

BobbleHead CHARISMA - Found in Vault 108 - Cloning Lab

BobbleHead AGILITY - Found in Greener Pastures Disposal - Office

BobbleHead LUCK - Found in Arlington Cemetery North - Arlington House

BobbleHead STRENGTH - Found in Megaton - Lucas Simms House

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. - red color on the map.
1) Bobblehead Intelligence - Rivet City. Science Lab, on the third table. (Intellect +1).
2) Bobblehead of Perception - Republic of Dave. At the Dave Museum. (Perception +1).
3) Stamina Bobblehead - Lair of the Deathclaws. (Stamina +1).
4) Good Luck Bobblehead - Arlington Cemetery North. Arlington House (Directly when going down to the basement). (Luck +1).
5) Bobblehead Force - In Megaton. House of Lucas Sims. (Strength +1).
6) Charisma Bobblehead - Vault 108. The cloning lab is on the table. (Charisma +1).
7) Agility Bobblehead - Griner Pastures Junkyard. Office. (Dexterity +1).

Skill bobbleheads are yellow on the map.
1) Bobblehead Medicine - Vault 101. Stands on his father's desk. (Medicine +10).
2) Bobblehead of Eloquence - Paradise Falls, Undertaker John's Den. On the ground floor on a table, next to the computer terminal. (Speech +10).
3) Bobblehead Barter - Evergreen Mills. At the Bazaar (Enter through the Smelter). (Barter +10).
4) Bobblehead Heavy Weapons - Fort Constantine in the Command Hall (Heavy Weapons +10).
5) Bobblehead Explosives - WKML Radio Station. In the Sealed Cistern (This is the name of the location. The hatch into it is located behind the radio station) (Explosives +10).
6) Hacking Bobblehead - Ruins of Bethesda. Offices of Bethesda-East (Hacking +10).
7) Bobblehead Bladed Weapons - Dunwich Building. Poisoned Dungeons (Cold weapons +10).
8) Bobblehead Repair - Arefu. At Evan King's house. (Repair +10).
9) Base of the National Guard. At the Armory of the National Guard (it is necessary to pull the switch in the basement. Swag there to hell). (Light weapons +10).
10) Bobblehead of Stealth - In the Yao-Gaev tunnels, in the Yaogaev Lair. (Stealth +10).
11) Bobblehead Without weapons - Rokopolis. Located west of Kaisi Smith's garage. (At night, you can see the light in the stones and the flags hang. There will be no location icon). (Unarmed +10).
12) Bobblehead of Science - Vault 106. In the living rooms on the table. (Science +10).
13) Bobblehead Energy Weapon - Raven Rock (you can get there only through the main mission). Level 2, in one of the cabinets on the table. (Energy weapons +10).

Unique weapons (blue color on the map):
1) Improved laser pistol - "Smuggler's Storm". Lies in the Citadel (Ring B) in the rooms of Elder Lyons in a safe (you need lockpicking 100, or science 100 for the terminal nearby).
2) Improved Chinese submachine gun - Guanlong submachine gun. Lying on Prime's corpse in a diner near the Julie Street Subway Station (directly opposite the subway exit). (I recommend a killer thing).
3) Improved Sniper Rifle - Reservist Rifle. Can be found at the Flyer (naturally killed) in the church of Dickerson.
4) Improved hunting rifle - Lincoln Rifle. Located in the historical museum.
5) Improved Gatling Laser - "Avenger". In the Deathclaw Lair (lies in a distant cave next to the lake of blood)(Only this will shrug off the Deathclaws. (Thanks for the information -ICEMAN-).
6) Improved Combat Shotgun - "Terrible Shotgun". Found by Jack's Smile in the Evergreen Mills Bazaar (Go through the smelter)
7) Improved "Ripper" - "Jack". In the Deathclaw Lair (located in one of the corpses).
8) Improved mount - "Trucker's friend". Lies in Dominic's House and Machete in Canterbury Common.
9) Improved cue - “Zalom”. Lying in the gaming club in Paradise Falls.
10) Improved spiked brass knuckles - "Plunkett's Arguments". At Janders Plunkett's at Arlington Cemetery North. At Arlington House.
11) Improved Chinese Officer's Sword - Vampire's Fang. Lies in “Mereshti Depot” - Mereshti Service Depot - Mershti Metro Station (In Vance's room in the Sword Cabinet).
12) Improved power brass knuckles - “Fist!”. Found in Power Plant MDPL-13 in the Abandoned Power Plant.
13) Improved combat knife - "Occam's Razor". Found by Commander Jabsco in Fort Benistere in the Command Residence (the hatch can be found in one of the tents). (Thanks for the info Sooold #2).
14) Improved hunting rifle - "Anesthesia". Be in the Republic of Dave. In a safe (Dave has the key) in the Capitol. (relatively low damage but a fucking rate of fire).
15) Improved board with nails - “Blackboard”. Located in Clifftop Village. In the Abandoned Shack (In the left hand of the skeleton lying on the bed).
16) Improved blaster AZ-21 in Rivet City, given for the quest “Artificial Man”. (Thanks for the tip RaZieL)
17) "Grenade-Honey" at the base of outcasts, damage is increased, but it spits out projectiles. (Thanks for the tip RaZieL)
18) Improved sniper - "Victoria". Located in an abandoned shack. You can find the shack by coming to the “Robcracker gas station” and looking to the northwest. Seeing a mountain, stomp on its top. There will be the desired shack. It also contains one of the five records of the Keller family (a6ka, thanks for the tip)
19) Multi-charged nuclear grenade launcher. Can be taken in the basement of the Guard base behind the door blocked by the terminal. To get the code, you need to collect the holodisks of the Keller family, which are scattered throughout the Wasteland:
1. In a tent with a super mutant near the "Anchorage Memorial" in the direction of "Dukov's house" (walk along the river bank - you will find it).
2. From the “power plant VAPL-58″ a little up to the power transmission tower (the second one from the power plant), near which there is a barrier. There are 2 more ghouls.
3. From the “Robcracker gas station”, if you look to the west, you will see a shed on top of a stone cliff, and it will be right in the shed (there is also a unique Victoria rifle).
4. On the patio behind the Spooky Diner.
5. There is a dilapidated church between Hollode Moores Cemetery and Germantown Police Station. (We say “thank you” for the tip Tine)
20) Improved flamethrower “Incinerator” can be found in a van in the radioactive underground tunnels of Franklin Station, entrance through the service rooms. (thanks to Tina and Andrew)

Present to your attention Fallout 3 walkthrough, a great sequel from the makers of Oblivion. Interesting plot, good atmosphere Big world- everything is in this game. To fully complete the game - you will need more than 40 hours of real time. In this Walkthrough Fallout 3, which was written according to the localized version from 1C, we describe only the main storyline, additional tasks will be in another article if readers want it. The world of Fallout is waiting for you, we are starting the walkthrough, let's go!

fallout 3 walkthrough - beginning
The beginning of the game is already beginning to capture a little in anticipation of a wonderful gameplay - they show the moment of the birth of the protagonist. We are given the opportunity to choose a gender. A genetic scan is being carried out, during which we can choose the appearance of our character.

In the same introductory video, we learn that the mother, whose face we never saw, is dying and the character becomes half an orphan. Our upbringing rests with our father.

First steps
We are one year old and we are starting to move a little. We approach the father, who is standing nearby, after which he leaves us in the arena. We get out from there and approach the Special book lying on the floor, in which we can allocate points to increase characteristics: strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity, luck. We are given only 5 points, so you will need to choose for yourself what you like.

fast growing up
Fast forward nine years and find ourselves celebrating our tenth anniversary. The local caretaker, the father of Amanda's close friend, hands over a pip-boy wrist computer. We walk, talk with all the guests, receive gifts, get into a fight. Then the father will tell about the surprise. We leave for the lower level, where we will be handed an air rifle, which is only suitable for shooting at crows. We go through a little combat training, shooting at targets and finishing off a defenseless radroach.

Further, we are already thrown into sixteen years. While young people at this age should already drink beer all the time and smoke in the corners, our dad makes them go and take some kind of GOAT, such as the local exam. We are not in a hurry to leave the room, we privatize a small figurine of a man from the parent’s table - this is a bonus that will give us 10 units of the Medicine skill. After that, we head towards the exam classes. On the way, we rescue our friend Amanda from the mess. Butch's gang, a local hooligan, sticks to her. As you remember, we beat him in the face at the celebration of the decade. It can be repeated to make it disrespectful.

After that we go to the teacher. It is not necessary to take the test, you can immediately agree on the manipulation of the results. If you are interested, you can watch and listen to what idiotic questions we will be asked. It will be possible to change three main skills.

Time again rapidly runs forward and three years pass. A friend comes running and reports that her beloved daddy has dumped from the shelter. Local cops slammed his friend and are now moving through my soul. Because I started playing as a female, then the thought arose, what do they want from an attractive nineteen-year-old girl ?! She frightens us with the fact that I don’t have time, and we must give a tear until the skin is torn off. But we don't really listen to it. You can give free rein to your kleptomania and collect everything that comes to hand. We look into lockers, tables, examine all the corpses. You should not be afraid of the guards, you can send everyone to the next world with an ordinary bat, which you picked up at the beginning of the journey. We also have a barrel on our hands, fitted by a caring girlfriend. We move along the compass and look for the caretaker, who is guarded by only one guard. We send the guard to meet with distant ancestors, but the caretaker should not be touched, due to the fact that Amanda will be mortally offended. Using the method of persuasion, we take away the key and password from him and set off towards the officers' chambers and the local supercomputer. There we open the entrance to the basement. You can run around the neighborhood, collect stimulants and ammo.

We move towards the exit from the shelter. Let's open the entrance and you can get out into the fresh air. If you wish, you can wait for two local blockheads to come running to stop us. But outside the gate they are afraid to poke their nose.

We leave the shelter and Oh, MIRACLE - you can change skills, do an operation to instantly change your sex.

fallout 3 full walkthrough
After leaving the shelter, we find ourselves on a broken road. You can immediately rush directly through the rocks to the city of Megaton. But I would advise you to look into Springfield, which is located to the east. We follow to the left and go along the road. Near the town we will see a mailbox. Someone hid grenades there and a few other useful things. We take this good - maybe it will come in handy.

A flying Enclave scout droid looms ahead. We will practice on it in aimed shooting. From the fourth or fifth shot, he will be blown all over the district into small honors. Having celebrated our victory, we follow the signs towards Megaton. Near the gate hangs out a homeless-looking man named Mickey. Apparently, on the eve of something, he strongly noted and he is now tormented by dry wood. He asks us for clean water. But we don’t have one yet, so we go further into the city.

At the entrance we are met by a local bigwig - Sheriff Lucas Simms. He tells us how to behave in the city. At the same time, he will offer a gamble - the smart guys guessed to build a city near the fallen bomb. That's what needs to be decontaminated. But it can only be done if we have an explosive skill of 30. We will also learn some information about the father.

Next, we move to the main place around which the storyline will revolve - Moriarty's salon. It is on the upper level of the city in the south. The owner will ask for 100 caps for information. Yes - we give, no - we agree to do some work for him. It will be necessary to knock out a debt in a house in Springfield. There, in the cabin, a man who looks like some kind of mafia invites me to smash everything to hell. We agree and take a detonator from him, which we will keep until better times. Let's run around the city, collect various tasks, maybe extra experience and some money will not hurt.

Having gone to Springfield and knocked out a debt of 300 caps, by persistent persuasion, we return to Megaton to Moriarty. He will inform us that his father headed towards the location of the Galaxy News radio station.

walkthrough fallout 3
radio station
We move towards the location of the radio station, guided by the compass. The radio station can be reached via the Friendship Heights subway.

Still guided by the magic arrow, we find the exit from the subway. There we will meet members of the Brotherhood of Steel. I'll have to help them defeat the mutants. Following them, we will come to the entrance of the radio station.

A super mutant hippo will rush back and forth on the square, which we can defeat with the help of members of the fraternity.

After defeating the monster, we go inside the radio station and look for a man named Three Dog. Talking to him, we are trying to find out where our father has gone. More words and less deeds - apparently this is the principle of Three Dog. He will still say that he knows dad, but he won’t say anything for free and he will need to complete the task.

We will need to get the antenna from the lunar rover, which is located in the Technical Museum in downtown Washington. We should get there via the metro to the Technical Museum station.

We are looking for the ill-fated moon rover plate in the museum, making our way through the hordes of mutants. When we manage to get this miracle device, we will need to go to the Washington Monument, on the roof there is a Galaxy News relay. With the help of the antenna, we'll fix it and run it at full power.

We return to the building of the radio studio and inform Tridognight about what has been done. In gratitude, he will inform us that dad moved to a certain doctor Lee in Rivet City. The best way to get there is along the river bank. The road ahead is long and dangerous. Along the way, we will meet mercenaries and monsters.

River City is located on a large aircraft carrier. You can get there by talking to the informer. A ladder will extend from the ship. Dr. Lee is in the lab. She will tell us that he came to her and tried to convince her to revive a certain project "Purity", which they worked together many years ago. Apparently his attempt failed and he went to the Jefferson Memorial area. That's where my father's lab is.

The memorial is located west of River City. Finding a laboratory is not difficult. In it we will find the notes of the father and from them we learn that he has now gone to shelter 112.

Along the way, you can clear Evergreen Mills from hordes of raiders and a super mutant behemoth sitting in a corral.

The entrance to Vault 112 is in Casey's garage. Entering there, we will meet a robot who will persistently ask us to change the suit to 112 overalls and climb into the free module. We are naive and gullible, so we will follow the instructions of the robot and climb into the module. This will turn out to be a trap - we will find ourselves in virtual reality, where the old man Brown, hiding under the guise of a cute girl Betty, is in charge of everything.

Passage of the game Fallout 3

There are two ways to get out of there. Fulfill all of Brown's requirements or bypass him, and open a terminal in an abandoned house and launch the "Chinese Invasion" plan. The terminal is activated as follows, by activating items: radio, jug, gnome, jug, cinder block, gnome, bottle. After launching the terminal and the plan to destroy virtual reality, a door will open behind the girl Betty. Waking up in the laboratory, we will finally meet with the father. He's been stuck in the form of a dog in the playground lately.

We have a long way to go back to River City with our father. You can't move quickly around the map. Therefore, we do a good deed - we run after our father and shoot monsters and raiders along the way.

Returning to River City and talking with Dr. Li, we will receive an offer to accompany scientists to the laboratory to the purifier. We go outside, and if there is no desire to follow the scientists, we will use our pip-boy and move to the memorial. Going inside and leaving from there, we find that all members of the scientific team are already waiting for us.

If the building was not cleared of mutants during the last visit, then you will have to do it, otherwise no one will go inside. After a successful sweep, we move after a group of scientists led by my father.

Now we have to be the errand girl. First, we will be sent to start the pump, then we will have to return to our father again and get the fuses from him, which are necessary to start the power grid and activate the supercomputer. The place where you need to put the fuses is not far from the pump that we started. Having done this noble deed, we go to start the computer. It is located near the exit from the basement. After that, we will be sent to clean the clogged pipe. In the process of cleaning, we will notice the landing of soldiers of the enclave, clearly not similar to people. Therefore, we rush to save our beloved daddy, destroying soldiers along the way.

The father will sacrifice himself to save the rest, and our goal will be to save the remaining scientists. We will get out through an abandoned tunnel, making our way through the enclave soldiers and mutants. The tunnel will lead to the Brotherhood stronghold. Inside, we need to talk to the head of the order - Lyons. He will give permission for training, and we can learn the skill of wearing armor from Gunny.

Further, our path lies to the scribe Rothschild. He will give us access to the Vault-Tek computer. In it we learn about shelter 87. We return to the scribe and learn from him about this shelter. He will show us on the map where he is and how to get there.

You can't just walk into the shelter. We'll have to make our way through the caves of Little Lamplight. There is a settlement of children who do not tolerate adults, calling them "dyldy". Therefore, we are not able to get through them and we get the task to save two boys who fell into the clutches of slave traders.

Slave traders settled near Paradise Falls. You can save the guys in several ways - become a slave, a slave trader, or shoot the tormentors of children. I went with the third option. After the release of the boys, we return to the caves. The mayor will let us into his territory. We ask him to open access to shelter 87 for us. After a short conversation, he agrees and takes us to the exit from the town. We get to the entrance to the shelter.

Both outside and inside, a horde of mutants awaits us. The GECK we need is at the top level. To get it, we need to release the mutant Fox, who will lead us to the place and take out the GECK from the chamber full of deadly radiation.

Victory is wrested from death with its teeth! But... As always, a good hero is not allowed to celebrate his victory. The Enclave appears, we are jammed and cleaned to the last thread, shackled in energy shackles.

In the lair of the enemy, President Eden, who turns out to be a computer, will free us. We will move towards him in order to get a task from him - a crazy machine wants to destroy mutants and people. I must do this by throwing a dangerous virus into the purifier. Just in case, we agree, but we persuade the machine to self-destruct. As soon as we leave their lair, there will be an explosion. On the street we will meet our old friend - the mutant Fox, who will gladly agree to join us.

We go back to the Brotherhood's stronghold, where people are already gathering in a heap to attack the purifier. They have a combat robot that will destroy everyone in its path. After talking in the citadel, we set off after the robot along with Lyons' daughter and Fox, slowly examining the surroundings. Having reached the Jefferson memorial, we go inside and head to the cleaner. A colonel hangs out there, whom we kill without talking.

Next, we choose the fate of the folk heroine for ourselves and enter the purifier, activating it. After which we die.

The final videos follow, scrolling through all our exploits. Congratulations on beating Fallout 3!

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The game begins with the fact that you are born as a little peanut. At this point, you can choose a name, gender, and appearance character. Subsequently, you will have the opportunity to make adjustments if something is not to your liking. The chosen appearance also determines the appearance of your father.
1 year
The first quest, as it were, hints to us that even a child can cope with such a task. Your father leaves the room, and you have to overcome two meters by opening the arena door. Go to the toy box, there is a book lying next to it. Taking it, you can scatter the character's stats.
After you read the book, your father will return to the room, quote a passage from the Bible, remember your mother, who died in childbirth ... Leave the room after your father at the end of the sentimental scene.
10 years
For your birthday, you will be given a "Pip Boy 3000" - an active pause device that allows you to view statistics, a map, quests, manage inventory, etc.

The first quest here is to talk to everyone. The answer options here do not affect anything.

Talk to Amata. She will give you a comic book. Find it in your inventory and use the book - get a +1 bonus to melee attack (open "Pip-boy", circle in the middle, "Help" section). After talking with the others, you will receive a couple more, this time, useless gifts. When the father speaks on the selector, approach him and he will send you to his friend Jonas. Exit right and take the first turn left. On the way to it, you will meet Beatrice, who will give you a poem. You will come across a ladder - go down it and get to Jonas.

After the dialogue, your father will enter the room and give you a blowgun. Shoot down three targets in front of you, then kill the cockroach using the V.A.T.S. or as usual. The father will ask Jonas to take a picture of you - the flash of the camera will take you 6 years ahead.
16 years
At this stage in life, you will have to pass an aptitude test codenamed K.O.Z.A. (Qualification-assessment problem book of the administration).
After the dialogue with your father, look around - on his desktop you will find a bobblehead Medicine (bobblehead, bobblehead), which will give you +10 to medicine. Exit the room through the northwest exit. On the way, you will meet Butch with a group of thugs pestering Amata. By standing up for a girl, you will improve Karma, by joining the hooligans, you will worsen

Having settled the conflict, go to the classroom, where the teacher Mr. Brotch will offer you to take your place and pass the K.O.Z.A. You will be asked 10 questions for the inclinations of your character. In fact, the answers to them do not matter - after the exam, you will have the opportunity to distribute 15 (or more, depending on intelligence) skills into three branches at your discretion.

After distributing skills, leave the room. Quest completed..

Three years have passed. And now you are in big trouble: your father has left the Vault, radroaches are crawling around, Jonas is killed, the Overseer is looking for you and, it feels like, wants to send for Jonas.

Luckily, Amata found you earlier and offers to escape through the secret entrance she knows in the Overseer's room. She will give you 10 hairpins to pick the lock in her father's room. Don't take the gun from her. If he stays with her, then later, when she gets into trouble, she won't need your help. At the end of the conversation, take the baseball bat near the table and the first aid kit on the wall.

Exit the room into the corridor. There you will meet Officer Kendall. Fortunately, he will be attacked by radroaches and he will suddenly become indifferent to you. Don't waste ammo on cockroaches, kill them with a bat. Search the corpse of Kendall, take his club and equipment.

Head west and along the way you will meet Butch, who will ask you to save his mother from radroaches. Agree to help him or convince him to stop shaking in his skin and save his mother and get a plus for karma (just don't kill your mother by fighting off cockroaches). As a bonus, Butch will give away his jacket. Kill Butch, his mother and rob them for bad karma. If you kill Butch, you won't get any further help from him.
After solving the problem with Butch, move further along the corridor to the west until you reach the stairs leading to the atrium. There you will meet Officer Gomez. Don't attack him, he treats you well. Head not east and use the switch next to the door at the end of the hall to open the atrium.

There you will see two Vault dwellers and two guards. A shootout will start. Kill them with a pistol, although it is quite possible to deal with a bat. Search the bodies, take a gun, ammo and better equipment than you have. Turn around and go through the door behind, which is jammed with a metal cabinet. You will see a ladder and a radroach on it. Kill him and go straight past the window with the angry man. Along the way, you can pick up some loot from the boxes.

Continuing in this direction, you will meet Amata, who is being interrogated by her father with a security officer. There are several options for action with different consequences:

you can ignore what is happening and open the Watched room using the hairpins received from Amata earlier.
you can kill the officer and force the Overseer to give you the key and password by threatening to kill Amata;
you can kill the officer and the caretaker and take the key from the corpse.
If you have the key, then you will simply open the door to the Overseer's room, otherwise you will need to break open. Successful hacking and hacking give experience. Inside, use the computer and enter the password received from the Overseer. After logging in, select "Open Overseer's Tunnel".

Go down into the opened passage and use the switch to activate the door to the Vault.

Near the exit, you will meet again with Amata, whose behavior will be different depending on how you treated her daddy. In any case, it is better not to linger at the exit. soon evil guys will come there and will put obstacles in your way. Before leaving, you will have the opportunity to change the character settings: name, gender and appearance.

Track to track

Now that you have left the Vault, all paths are open to you. The first thing to do is to visit the city of Megaton, located nearby, to chat with the inhabitants there and get tasks.

Climb down until you reach Springvale. Examine everything there in detail, pay attention to the mailboxes - there may be valuable things there, including the Fistfight +1 spellbook. Also pay attention to the house that you can enter, you may have to go back there again. Do not talk to its inhabitant yet, so as not to promise too much.

You shouldn't go to the Springvale school - the raiders have settled there and you can get hit on the ears. After a thorough inspection, turn back and follow the signs to Megaton. This city can be seen from afar - birds are constantly circling above it. Treat the homeless before entering the city with water and raise your karma.

At the entrance to the city you will meet the local sheriff - Lucas Simms. Ask him about his father. He will answer that he knows nothing about it, continue to ask the sheriff about the city, about the bomb. Offer to defuse the bomb and get the Power of the Atom side quest. Try using the Speech skill to trade for 500 caps instead of the 100 originally offered. After that, ask about your father again, and this time Lucas will advise you to talk to the owner of the inn, Colin Moriarty.

Before you go to Moriarty, explore the city. Here you can take some quests and get uniforms. Go to the Crater Shop with Moira and she will give you a new costume. She also gives the Wasteland Survival Guide quest chain. In the sheriff's house on the second floor in the left room there is a baby doll +1 to strength, be sure to take it - it will not be considered theft and will not ruin your karma.

You have several ways to get information from Moriarty. The best of them is to say that you will deal with a drug addict who owes him money. Return to Springvale and talk to her - she is standing in an undestroyed house. You can promise to lie to Moriarty for 100 (or 300, if you agree) that she is dead. Earn 100 caps and get information about your father.

Another way is to pay Moriarty 100 caps for information. Moreover, you must pay immediately, if you refuse to pay for the first time, and then change your mind, then the price will be 300 caps. Although there is an option to bargain. You can also use the "eloquence" skill and lie to Moriarty that his father was talking about him all the time. Well, the last way is to hack the innkeeper's computer, which is located in the back room on the first floor. This requires a level of "science" of at least 50.

No matter which way you get the information, in any case, you will find out that the father went to the Galaxy News Radio building. This place will be your next destination.

The path there can be quite dangerous and the higher your level is at the moment when you go after your father, the easier it will be for you. It is useful to complete the side quests in Megaton "The Power of the Atom" and the first two chapters of the "Wasteland Survival Guide" before leaving the city. If you visited the Supermart earlier on the quest, then it would be reasonable to teleport to this area. Immediately south of the Supermart, you can take the quest "They!" - a frightened boy will run up to you, just talk to him and get a quest (this quest is a side quest and does not belong to the main plot of the game).

Go northeast from the Supermart until you cross the river. Climb the stairs and you will find yourself in front of the Fragot West metro station. Turning to the right, you can see the road running along the river.

Advice. If you go along this road along the river, then you will stumble upon a raider camp, in which lies the spellbook "Into cover! Get down!”, which increases the Explosives skill by +1.

To your left, this road is abruptly interrupted by a rut, get over it and go straight, moving away from the river. In front of you, a little to the right, there will be a trailer with a super mutant and a mercenary from the Claw squad. Kill them. Now you can go straight ahead and meet another super mutant and a couple of centaurs, or go around them on the top left. After passing through the monsters, you will get the opportunity to save the wastelander. After that, run after him until the raiders attack him - so you won't get lost. If you bypassed the monsters through the top, just head due east until you see the raiders.

The gang sat down in front of the Tenleytown/Friendship subway station. Kill them if possible sniper rifle because one of them has a grenade launcher, which he shoots hard.

After clearing the area in front of the entrance, go down and go to the station. There you will meet wild ghouls. One pair of ghouls are eating the corpse of a mercenary, kill them and look nearby for the "Lie" spellbook, which gives +1 to "eloquence" (1 on the map). Next, you need to head to the exit to the Chevy Chase (2 on the map), through which you exit the dungeon.

Now head south. Two super mutants who have settled in a destroyed building will open fire on you. Fortunately, the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers will arrive in time and shoot the monsters. After the fight, talk to Guard Lyons. Go with a squad, helping to kill super mutants and rummaging through all the corpses - this is how you replenish your ammo supply. As a result, you will enter the Galaxy News Radio building, where your squad will clear the monsters.

Once the fight is over, run to the fountain and search the corpse lying there. From it you can get "Fat Man" - a hefty cannon and 6 charges to it. Dress up the Fat Man and save your game. Very soon, the super mount Behemoth will appear from the east side.

Shoot at the big man, trying not to get hit by him. Depending on the level of difficulty of the game, you may need a different number of accurate hits from 1 to 3. Shoot at a stationary target from a distance of about 10 meters. From the corpse of this monster, you can get a lot of useful things.

After defeating the monster, go up the stairs and use the intercom to enter the building. Climb to the second floor, where you will find DJ Treedognight. He will say that he saw your father, but, of course, he will not just tell you anything and will give you the next task "Radio News of the Galaxy".

End of quest.

Alternatively, you can go to Rivet City and talk to Dr. Lee about your father. The Rivet City Mapper can be obtained during the Wasteland Survival Guide. Chapter 3"

Galaxy News Radio

If you failed to convince Three Dog to help in search of his father for free, then you will have to make a trip to the Museum of Technology. From there, you need to take the transmitting antenna and place it on the repeater in the Washington Monument. This is not an easy task, and before you go on a journey, you should complete all side quests in Megaton, as well as stock up on ammunition and medical supplies.

So, if you're ready, exit the Galaxy News Radio room through the back door of the studio at DuPont Station. You will be on the top. Climb down and get ready to fight, you will be attacked by 3 wild rogue ghouls. They are stronger than the normal wild ghoul and more tenacious.

After dealing with the ghouls, go to the right, to where the monsters came from. On the left there will be a small door - the entrance to the destroyed car tunnel, go inside and go along the corridor. Cross the wide span and enter the next door leading to DuPont Station.

Two super mutants are waiting for you around the corner in a wide corridor. Kill them and go through the small door opposite the one you entered, this is the staff room. Climb down to the intersection with the broken paths. Walk diagonally left to a door where two raiders will meet you. After killing them, reload your weapon, raise your health to the maximum and get ready for a tough fight. Ahead of you are waiting for several raiders and two turrets.

If you have 50 points in "science", hack the terminal and disable the guns. Otherwise, you will have to fight immediately with both raiders and turrets.

The first step is to destroy the cannon on the southwestern wall. Then the second turret, which is a little further ahead. An assault rifle is perfect for this. Now there are raiders. Step back and heal. It is better to wait for the enemies inside, away from the window, and shoot them one by one.

After killing all the raiders, go down the stairs and go into the cave to the gates of the complex. Entering the complex, be careful - the corridor is mined. Carefully, bypassing and deactivating the mines, go along the corridor to the entrance to the Metro Center.

In the "Metro Center" you will hear a fight outside the door - there are two raiders fighting with two ghouls. Neither one nor the other will be glad to you, so bring down everyone indiscriminately. Having got hold of the cartridges in the room, go out the door opposite. You will find yourself on the tracks, and ghouls will approach you from the right, clearly plotting evil. Well, you know what to do in such cases. Now go through the tunnel until it splits into two branches. On the left branch, wild dogs will run towards you. They are quite dead, but there are a lot of them.

Having dealt with the dogs, go into the right tunnel to the door marked with a white arrow and get to the Museum metro station. Here you can replenish ammunition and move on. In the next passage, you will be attacked by a wild tramp ghoul, as you remember, he is stronger than an ordinary ghoul. Kill him and activate the switch on the right. A passage to a room with a billiard table will open. Here on the table is the book "Grognak the Barbarian", which will add 1 unit to you. to "cold weapons".

When you leave the room, you will meet a raider, and then another small raider camp. After clearing it, you can rest before continuing your journey. Rest will not hurt you, because the main dangers are yet to come. After resting and gaining strength, go up the escalator and see the exit from the Mall dungeon. Don't rush, there's a horde of Super Mutants and their fatter Super Mutant Beast counterparts waiting for you outside. Alternatively, you can take the fight, but you will spend a lot of time, ammunition and medicines that will be needed in the future. Therefore, the best solution is to quickly run to the entrance to the Technical Museum. The doors are to the right of the exit from the dungeon at a 45 degree angle. Exit and quickly dive into the building.

Here you will meet two super mutants. One will be straight ahead, the other on the stairs to the left. Throw a grenade at them or shoot them point-blank in the head. These are very fat creatures that will withstand many automatic bursts into the body. Now that the path is cleared, you will see a counter, and next to it is a terminal with a dome. Use this terminal. It contains information about the museum, but the line at the bottom "000" is more important for you. Click on it and read a message from a certain Prime, in which he informs his partner that he hid the stolen things in a secret place. Return to the main menu of the terminal, now you will see the line "001" at the bottom. Select this item and you will see a list of four numbers. Choose "19". Please note that there is a first aid kit behind the left door.

Now rise to the second floor and pass along the corridor to the west wing of the museum. Here you will see two terminals, yours is the far one. Choose the line "002" and the number "53".

Go to the Delta IX Rocket exhibit. On the way you will meet three more super mutants, kill them and get down. At the bottom there will be the last terminal in the puzzle. Select the line "003" and the number "113".

Now you know the location of the valuables. Go through the door to the west until you reach the Virgo II display. Here you will meet a super mutant and a super mutant master. The second one is remarkably thick-skinned and can even withstand several headshots from a minigun.

After killing the monsters, activate the satellite dish.

We received the plate, but we have not yet found the hidden values, so we go after them. Turn from the satellite to the northeast and go into the corridor. The first turn to the left is yours, go up the stairs to the security room. Here you can deactivate turrets with a science skill of 50 or more. Use the terminal and a safe will open. You will get 200 caps, the key to the weapon locker and some other little things.

Exit the room, go down the stairs and turn left, at the end of the corridor on the right you will see the Planetarium. There will be two already, literally, become native super mutants, after killing them, go through the door opposite. There you will find a locker with weapons, the key to which you took in the safe, and there will also be a first aid kit.

Now let's return to our main task, namely the installation of a satellite dish in the Washington Monument. Return to the atrium of the Museum of Technology, exit the building and run past the super mutants back to the Mall (you ran past the super mutants from it to the doors of the museum). Run straight all the time, do not go down to the tracks, run through the turnstiles and exit through the opposite exit of the Mall station. Right in front of you is the Washington Monument.

Your goal is near. Now go to the entrance terminal, go through the gate, take the elevator up and activate the repeater. Once done, use fast travel to the Galaxy News Radio building, find Three Dog there and complete the quest.


Three Dog told you that he saw your father and he went to Rivet City to see Dr. Lee. If you look at the map, it may seem that the way to Rivet City is a long journey, but compared to going to the Tech Museum, it's just a walk in the park. On the way you will meet five raiders and super mutants with centaurs.

Advice. Before you go on another trip for your father, visit the Museum of History. It's near the Washington Monument, so you'll find it right away. This museum is located behind the subway entrance. Enter the door and go straight to the next door. There you will find the city of ghouls Dungeon. Chat with the locals and take the side quests Reilly's Rangers and Control Shot.

The easiest way to get to Rivet City is by traveling along the river. To do this, use fast travel to one of the following points: Anchorage Memorial, Warm Sewers, or Dukov's Residence. And then head south along the river. You will meet rangers, in one camp, right behind Dukov's Dwelling, you will find the book "Into cover! Get down!”, which increases the Explosives skill by +1.

Also in these areas are found super mutants and centaurs, found one or two at a time. Particular care should be taken when approaching the Jefferson Memorial - there is a whole brood of super mutants, but after the Technical Museum, where there were more broods, I am sure that you will not be scared of a naked mutant. Near this memorial, turn left from the river, kill the monsters, passing along the metal flooring, and at the end you will see the "Rivet City" sign.

Use the intercom to push the bridge to you.

Advice. Take the time to explore the city and talk to its inhabitants. There are many characters who give tasks or are needed for other tasks. Vera Weatherly can shelter the boy Brian "They!", Ted Strayer, needed for the quest "Control Shot", the quest "Artificial Man" begins and ends in the same city, and Abraham Washington in the Capitol room gives the task "Stolen Independence".

After exploring the city and getting to know its inhabitants, go to the science lab and talk to Dr. Lee. Ask her about her father, and she will tell you that he went to the Jefferson Memorial. This is your next destination.

Advice. Before you leave, grab a baby doll doctor from the table that gives +1 intelligence.

If you walked to Rivet City through the Jefferson Memorial, then you probably remember where it is located. Those who have chosen an alternative route to the city will not be out of place to know that this zone is located nearby, to the west of Rivet City. And the population there consists mainly of extremely unfriendly super mutants.

On the way to the Memorial, if you take a little to the right after the statues with rings, there is a super mutant camp, there are three monsters with guns and one with a minigun. After killing them, you will be able to replenish ammunition before entering the memorial. Also in the camp you will find a prisoner, freeing which you can increase your karma. After clearing the camp, follow the metal flooring near the memorial. On the way you will be attacked by super mutants, so do not rush too much, so as not to put on too many monsters. Fighting off the monsters, go to the descent from the deck and see the door to the souvenir shop on the left. You just need to go there!

Go down the tunnel to the crossroads, where you will be attacked by a super mutant and a centaur. Kill them. On the right you will see a terminal if you have 50 units. in "science" it is highly recommended to turn off the turret, otherwise it will be necessary to shoot it down from the weapon. But take your time, the cannon will happily shoot both at you and at the mutants, so if you don't feel sorry for the experience, you can wait until the cannon smashes the centaur in the room, and then calmly demolish the cannon.

After passing the room, you will meet two more super mutants. After dealing with them, turn left and enter the Jefferson Memorial Rotunda. Where you will again be met by a couple of mutants. The quest step will end.

Now you need to listen to your father's recordings. They lie on the "Additional Filtration Panel", which you will find at the top of the metal stairs.

Listen to these recordings. From them you will learn that your father went to Vault 112 to a certain Professor Brown.

Once out of the dungeon, fast travel to the westernmost point you know, such as Warrington Depot, RobCo, or at least Vault 101, and follow the map marker west to Casey Smith's Garage.

On the way you will not meet any dangerous enemies. Unless a fairly strong robot "Mr. Brave" wanders not far from the garage, but it is slow in shooting, which should be used if you meet him.

Now go into the garage and turn into the room on the right. On the right wall grab the medicines from the first aid kit. The hatch down opens with a switch in the far left corner. Through the opened passage, go down the metal stairs and you will see the door to Vault 112 in front of you. At the entrance you will be met by the Robobrain and will be given the Vault jumpsuit. Put it then in the storage at home.

Look for the clinic and a free sun lounger in it.

Use one of them and you will complete the quest.

Tranquility Lane

Once in Tranquility Lane, you will notice some strange things: you are now a little boy, and Pip-Boy has become a wristwatch. You can wander around, talk to all the inhabitants of the city, except for Betty and the old woman Deathers, until you decide on the further path of the quest. And, as you probably already guessed, there are two ways. And they have a different effect on karma.

positive karma

If you decide to complete the quest with good karma, ignore Betty and look for Old Deathers in Deathers' house. The old woman will tell you that all this is a dream and Dr. Brown controls it, who has now moved into Betty, and in general can move into anyone he wants. But there is an emergency terminal, which is located in an abandoned house and you need to use it.

Completing this quest with good karma is actually pretty easy. Go to the abandoned house and examine all the things in the house. In order for the terminal to appear, you must adhere to a certain order: radio, jug, gnome, jug, cinder block, gnome, bottle. After you have studied all the items in the correct sequence, the terminal will appear to the right of the entrance.

Explore it to learn all about this place and Dr. Brown. After that, launch the Chinese Invasion program. A company of Chinese soldiers will break into Tranquility and they will kill all the inhabitants except for you, Betty and the dog (this is the father you are looking for).

Talk to Betty and exit through the door. Quest is over.

negative karma

The path of evil takes much longer. Instead of going to the abandoned house, talk to Betty in the center of the playground. She will offer to play a few games before letting you out.

The first game is simple: make Timmy Nesbraum cry. There are two ways to do this: beat up the boy, or use "eloquence" to convince Timmy that his parents are getting a divorce.

Having done this, return to Betty, and she will offer one truthful answer to one question for the completed assignment.

The next "game" is that you have to destroy the Rockwell marriage. There are two ways to do this. The simplest is to approach Janet and use the "eloquence" skill, saying that you saw her husband kiss another woman. Another way is that you need to take lacy underwear from the second floor of the Simpson house and put it on Roger's table in the basement of the Rockwell house. Then tell Janet about it. You will need to go down to the basement together, where you will show the woman the dress.

When finished, return to Betty.

Your next task will be to kill Mabel Henderson. Moreover, it is necessary not only to kick her to death, but to do it creatively and with fiction.

Methods of murder (cynically, how it happened):

using a gas stove, loosen the igniter. The room will smell of gas. After that, find a woman and ask her to bake pies;
use the chandelier in the hallway to loosen the chain link, after which the chandelier will fall on Mabel;
put the roller on the stairs so that Mabel slips on it;
remove the due diligence options in the Henderson House terminal. In this case, the robot standing at the entrance will start firing at everything that moves. The main thing is to stay away from the piece of iron yourself.

Return to Betty for the final "game".

Now you need to go to the dog house near the abandoned house and take the mask and knife. After that, Betty demands that all the inhabitants of Tranquility Lane be slaughtered, except for herself and the dog - she calls this "playing tiny killer."

Please note that there are two booths in the zone and you need exactly the one that is located near the abandoned house!

People do not resist, so the difficulty exists only in finding and catching up with everyone - they run quite briskly. After completing the task, return to Betty, and she will let you out through the door, away from virtual reality.

Outside, you will meet with your father and complete the task.

living water

In the previous story quest, you found your father and saved him from the unenviable fate of being a toy in the hands of a mad scientist. Talk to him in Vault 112 and return to Rivet City.

Your next meeting with your father will take place in this city, he will be in a scientific laboratory in the company of Dr. Lee. Talk to your father, and he will say that he desperately needs to return to the Jefferson Memorial with a thick hint that you should escort him there.

At the end of the dialogue, the father with all the doctors will go to the memorial. You should go there and clean up all the previously unkilled monsters along the way. If you have previously cleared the area with sufficient quality, then you can make tea for now - the doctors walk very slowly. Wait for them at the entrance to the gift shop.

Here your father will again say that there are no fighters among them and it would be necessary to clear the interior (how he still survived and ran briskly around the Memorial on his own remains incomprehensible). Talk to your father again. If the dialogue contains the option "All in openwork" - the doctors will go inside, if there is no such option - go out the door, find and kill the remaining mutants. Search the store, Rotunda, basement and rooms around, kill monsters until the quest is updated. After that, you can return to your father and tell him that everything is in order.

The scientists and their father will go to the Rotunda, go there, wait for them and ask your father what to do now, he will send you to the pumping station so that you turn on the pumps for pumping water.

Go to the basement of the Memorial, go down the stairs, then turn right and go down another staircase to the lowest level. Use the map and compass to navigate and you can easily find the switch.

After activating it, return to your father, and he will give you fuses. Your next task is to place fuses to gain access to the supercomputer. Go down to the lower level of the basement again. The fuse panel is located in the northwestern part of the map. Activate it and go up to the first level of the basement. Here, open the large door that has been locked until now, and you will find yourself in the Supercomputer control room.

Activate the control system and use the intercom on the wall to the left of the entrance to contact your father for further instructions. Now you need to get rid of the blockage in the pump room. Return to the gift shop and go straight until you are in the hallway. To your left there will be an exit back to the Wasteland, and at the right end of the corridor you will see a descent into the pump room - this is a grate from which steam comes. Get down there and go along the long pipe to the exit to the Capital Wasteland. In a small semi-open room behind the door you will find a valve. Use it and the door through which you entered will be blocked, from above you will see a helicopter with armed men, and the second, previously locked door will open.

You will again find yourself in a pipe. Jump down and get into the basement of the Memorial, teeming with armed soldiers of the Enclave. These guys are smarter than raiders and super mutants and actively use shelters. Therefore, instead of taking the fight from a disadvantageous position for you, it is better to just jump down and go to the Rotunda.

Along the way, you will meet resistance, but even having dealt with all the soldiers of the Enclave, in the rotunda you will be forced to watch helplessly as your father dies, giving you and Dr. Lee time to leave the dangerous place.

Follow the doctor to the secret tunnel. Your task now is to reach the Brotherhood of Steel fortress by passing through a tunnel with ghouls in front and Enclave soldiers behind.

Advice. You really shouldn't care too much about scientists. An important figure for the plot - Dr. Lee - does not die, but only loses consciousness. The rest of the characters are not important. If Garza survives, a scene will subsequently be triggered, allowing him to raise or lower his karma.

Go forward, then along the right tunnel and turn into the passage on the right. Go to the closed doors and then go into "sneak" mode. Soon you will meet soldiers, do not attack, let them leave. After that, sneak to the right to a locked door that Dr. Lee will volunteer to open. When the door is open, go ahead of your companions and kill the three ghouls.

Now go right to the Taft Tunnel and continue through the room. Here, if Garza is still alive, he will have a heart attack. Dr. Li will say that he needs help. You have several options:

give five stimulants (+ to karma)
use buffout and kill Garza (- to karma)
continue without satellites and then return for them (by this point Garza will already be dead)
Having dealt with the problems, go through the northern doors into a small corridor and ask the scientists to wait in front of the next door if you want to bring them alive. Behind the door, an ambush of two enclave soldiers awaits you on the balcony above the entrance. It is difficult to shoot accurately in such a situation; a couple of shots from a grenade launcher would be a good solution.

Search the room for ammo and head up the stairs where you will encounter some wild rogue ghouls. Go further, climb the stairs, and you will find yourself in a tunnel, where you will meet two more ghouls. Follow the tunnel north to the large locked doors on the right side.

Advice. A little further there is another locked door. Despite the high requirements for hacking skills, you will not find anything but monsters and pre-war money in the safe there. After you enter the following doors, this door will open and ghouls will crawl out from there.

Activate the switch on the right and the doors will open. Ghouls will chase after you, but don't worry - the Brotherhood of Steel paladin, who is behind the sack cover right in front of the door, is frying them very quickly. Take the ammo from the shelf and move on. You are almost there. At the end of the tunnel there will be stairs to the Wasteland. Come out and you will find yourself near the Citadel, and Dr. Li will appear out of nowhere next to you with surviving companions (or without them). Got it, sort of.

Go to the entrance to the Citadel, and wait for the doctor to talk on the intercom. The gate will open.

Quest completed.

In the footsteps

So, you ended up in the fortress of the Brotherhood of Steel. Follow southwest from the gate to reach the door to the courtyard of the Citadel.

Inside you will be met by Elder Lyons and will enter into a dialogue with Dr. Lee. Listen to their conversation, and then talk to the old man yourself, he can tell you a lot of interesting things, for example, how to get the ability to wear power armor.

There are no tasks in this city, but for those who are interested in the Fallout game universe, it will be interesting and informative to chat with the locals and read the terminals. Here, having positive karma, you can get a companion - High Paladin Cross. It can be found in the laboratory.

When you're ready to continue with the main quest, head to the lab. There you will find the scribe Rothschild. Ask him about the GECK and he will tell you that he doesn't know where to find the thing, but will give you access to a pre-war Wall-Tech terminal that might contain information on the subject.

Exit to the courtyard and follow through the northern doors to Ring "A" of the Citadel. Here, guided by the map, it is easy to find the terminal that Rothschild mentioned. Activate the computer and examine the data in it. You will see that most of the files are corrupted. You need information about shelter number 87. Read the information about it and return to the laboratory to the scribe.

Tell him that you need to get to Vault 87 and Rothschild will show his location on the map (a mark will be added). You will also learn that there is no way to get there through the entrance - the area is deadly radioactive, so as usual you will have to crawl around. And the detour begins in the Lamplight Caves, not far from the Vault.

Get out into the courtyard and use fast travel to get as close as possible to the mark on the map. We will assume that the nearest point is Casey Smith's garage, which you should have opened in any case according to the Pursuit Race story quest. Head northwest and be prepared to deal with Yao Guys, scorpions, robots, and super mutants along the way. Eventually, you will reach the entrance to the cave, which is located in a fenced area, hung with garlands.

Right behind the house you will see the entrance. Go inside and go down until you reach a partition made of metal and cardboard. Here you will be stopped by a boy named Mayor McCready and in all seriousness will say that he will not let you go any further.

Now you have two options:

if you have enough eloquence to convince the kid to let you through, you can follow the Little Lamplight straight to Vault 87;
if you have problems with eloquence, you will have to earn the trust of a small mayor. Ask him what you need to do to win the mayor's trust and get the quest "Salvation from Paradise"
In order not to violate the order of passage, we will continue the description of the task "In the footsteps". If you didn't manage to convince McCready to let you through - get distracted by completing the "Salvation from Paradise" quest, and then continue from here.

Once in Little Lamplight, talk to Mac Creedy again and tell him that you didn't come to create problems for someone, you just need to get to Vault 87.

In a dialogue with the Mayor, you will learn that there are two paths leading to the Vault: through the Killing Passage, teeming with monsters, or through a certain door that does not work, and no one can fix it. In fact, the door works, just the password from the terminal that opens this door has long been lost, but you will learn about this from Joseph, to whom Mac Creedy will send you.

Do not put off until later requests to open the door and activate the computer in dialogues with the mayor and Joseph, respectively. Whatever path you choose later, it is better to prepare in advance so as not to run into the future looking for the right NPC in a city with a rather "cunning" architecture.

Before you go on a further journey, talk to the locals, the history of the city of children Little Lamplight is quite interesting. Don't forget to repair your equipment and stock up on medical supplies.

Now it's up to you to decide which way to go to Vault 87. Kill Pass is inhabited by all kinds of super mutants with heavy weapons. A very good place to level up, very expensive in terms of ammo and medical supplies. Hacking the computer that opens the doors will allow you to immediately enter the Vault and complete the quest, but this requires a higher than average "science" skill and you will have to tinker with hacking the terminal of the average difficulty level.

If you decide to go through the doors - go to the terminal turned on by Joseph in the northern part of the Little Lamplight, hack it and, entering the unlocked doors, you will complete the quest. If you decide (or need) to go through the Kill Passage - go to the Lamplight Caverns, go past the Gift Shop (a building raised on stilts) and go into the tunnel behind it until you are at the door.

Once in the Kill Pass, you immediately find yourself with a choice: go straight or turn left. There are a lot of heavily armed supremacists on the left (one of them with a grenade launcher) and a baseball trap will make it difficult for you to advance, so a straight road is the best choice.

Walk forward to open area with a hut on the right. Switch to stealth mode to take cover behind the bags. In the hut is a super mutant beast. The sounds of combat will attract one or two more monsters. After dealing with them, collect ammo and skillbook +1 to barter in the nook behind the hut.

Go through the destroyed metal barrier, past the burning barrel until you reach the second burning barrel. Now go to the left tunnel and get ready for a fight. Around the corner is a mutant with a minigun and another with a rifle. Do not go out on the boards - there are two more monsters with the same weapons below.

Having dealt with the monsters, collect ammunition and first-aid kits, which are in abundance here. Going down, be careful - a super mutant with a grenade launcher sat down a little further. Kill him and take the spellbook +1 to heavy weapons in the cave where he was hiding.

After collecting everything and restoring your strength, return to the burning barrel, now your path lies in the second unexplored tunnel.

Here you will be met by super mutant masters (one with a super sledgehammer), traps and tripwires. Be careful. Having reached the next fork, go down the right passage - on the left there is nothing but a trap. Once in the spacious hall, beware of stretch marks, bypass or deactivate the traps.

The quest will be completed.

Finding the Garden of Eden

For those who came to the Vault after fixing the doors.
If you entered Vault 87 through the "broken" doors, go through the southern doors, pick up the book "Nikola Tesla and You" in the box near the mannequin, then turn into the corridor leading east, go further to the exit to the Killing Passage. Now you are in the same place where the person will be, who has chosen the caves with mutants as the path to the Vault.

So, go down the aisle to the room in front of you. In the northwest corner you will see Radroaches. There is a chance of a super mutant patrol appearing, so be on the lookout. Once you've finished picking up the trophies in the room, exit through the north doors and up the stairs. Be prepared to face several monsters. Eventually, you will find yourself in front of a door leading to the living quarters.

Go inside, then go straight through the next doors, behind which you will meet the super mutant master on the stairs. Having dealt with him, go further to the spacious hall. Here is one monster with a sledgehammer - it would be reasonable to just use mines against him. there is room for maneuver. In this room and adjacent rooms, you can replenish the supply of medicines and ammunition.

After collecting everything you need, exit through the door on the east side, next to the door you entered. Climb the stairs and you will see a long corridor, at the end of which stands a super mutant master. Here, too, you can effectively use the mines, running away from the monster.

The first door on the left in the corridor is locked. If you have an excellent lockpicking skill, you can try to open the door, but it leads nowhere and the room behind it contains nothing of value. The second door on the left leads to the upper tier of the hall you just visited. As soon as you cross this threshold, two super mutant masters will appear from the door opposite. I would advise you to return to the corridor and take the fight in this zone, which is more convenient for you.

After finishing with them, go to the corridor from which the monsters came running. There is a door here, locked with a lock of medium difficulty. Behind it you will find many useful things, including a skill book that increases the hand-to-hand combat skill. There are 4 stimulants in a locked safe.

Exit the room and go up the stairs to the left. Upstairs, on the right, there will be a couple of super mutants, and on the left, there will be a corridor with a high level of radiation. Kill the mutants, ignore the corridor and go further. On the right side behind the glass there will be a room, visiting it, you will replenish your inventory with useful trophies.

Leave the room and continue your way along the corridor, then up the stairs to the entrance to the "Experimental Lab".

Behind the right door of the laboratory is a super mutant and a room with trophies. Be prepared to meet the centaur in the hallway if you linger in the room. In the room behind the left door, increased radiation and a disfigured corpse.

The mutant's name is Fox, and he'll offer you a deal: you let him out of his cage, and in return he'll help take the GECK out of the radiation-filled room.

To rescue Fox, go along the right corridor to the end, there will be an unlocked door on the right, behind it are two super mutants and the fire console you need. Activate it and return to Fox. In the corridor you will meet a centaur and some kind of psycho named Sid. They won't cause much trouble.

Fox will keep his promise and lead you to GECK, along the way you will meet super mutants in groups of 1-3. Your guide is not dead, however, you should not completely shift the care of oncoming monsters to him - he may die. After reaching the goal, talk to Fox again and he will bring the GECK from the corridor with a high level of radiation (rolls over 120 rad / sec).

Now you need to get out of the laboratory. It will not be difficult, very soon you will fall into the clutches of the soldiers of the Enclave, and you will wake up already under interrogation by Colonel Autumn. You can tell him anything but the correct code (2-1-6). The President of the Enclave will soon call the Colonel, release you and invite you to his audience, and by saying the correct code, you will immediately sign your own death warrant.

Quest completed.

American dream

When Colonel Autumn leaves the interrogation room, take your equipment from the closet and exit into the corridor. Here you will be stopped by a security guard. With him, you can choose any line of behavior, even kill because. soon the President will order his men over the speakerphone not to obstruct your movement in the Enclave building.

Go right down the long narrow corridor to the end and you will be in front of the map. In the future, you will meet this card more than once.

You need to get to the biolaboratory, which is in Sector 3A. The map shows your location. Once in the laboratory, climb the stairs and go to the room with the sign "Sector 3B", it is the exit to the second level of Raven Rock.

Now, or very soon, Colonel Autumn will override the president's order over the speakerphone, and all the soldiers will become hostile to you. The best tactic now is to hide indoors and wait for them to come to you, then shoot one by one.

Once on the second level of Raven Rock, move forward to the main room of the laboratory. Clear the room of the Enclave soldiers, go down the metal stairs and go north to next card. You need to get to "Sector 2B".

Go through the left doors into the corridor, go to the end and there will be a cryo-lab to your left. Don't forget to inspect the premises for first-aid kits, mentats and other useful items. In the cabinets you can find blocks of cigarettes and ammunition. Once in the laboratory, go down the stairs and exit through the western doors. You will have a map in front of you. Your next target is Sector 2C.

Go down the corridor to the north. In the first room on the left, you can meet Anna Holt, Dr. Lee's assistant and colleague, who betrayed Project Purity and now works for the Enclave. You can kill her or let her live - it doesn't matter. In the room opposite Anna's room, there are crates containing grenades, Enclave armor, power brass knuckles, a plasma pistol, and ammunition. To open them, you need to hack the terminal here.

Go further north to the end of the corridor. Behind the door on the left is a room in which you can find a bobblehead that adds +10 points to energy weapons, as well as ammunition and stimulants in boxes, behind a force field that can be turned off using the terminal.

Leave the room, go through the corridor behind the door opposite, up the stairs and you will find yourself in Sector 2C. Your next target is Sector 1A. Exit through the western doors to the Control Room. Here you will meet two Enclave soldiers and two security robots. You don't even have to shoot - the robots will kill the soldiers themselves. Go further, through the doors and up the long spiral staircase until you finally meet with President Eden - this is a computer in front of a locked door.

Listen to Eden. Whatever decision you make regarding the destruction of mutants in the Wasteland, you will have to take a vial of the virus to end the conversation. If you have a high Speech or Science skill, you will be able to convince the machine to self-destruct and destroy Raeven Rock. But don't put too much hope on this outcome - it will not be the end of the Enclave, but will only slightly affect some dialogues in the next story quest and the game's ending.

After talking with President Eden, go to the first level of Raven Rock through the door opposite the computer. On the wall you can see a map already familiar to you, your next goal is "Sector 1B".

Follow the corridor clearing the Enclave soldiers. Turrets located along the walls and robots will help you with this. On the way to the left you will come across a crate and a terminal next to it. By hacking the terminal, you will release the Death Claw. Unfortunately, he is an ungrateful creature and will attack everyone around indiscriminately.

Further along the corridor, you will come across weapon boxes, fenced off by a protective barrier. Hack the terminal and get a Gatling laser (lvl 86, HUNDRED 250, weight 18) with 81 electric charges, batteries, mines, grenades, a rifle, etc.

Follow the corridor until you exit into the Capital Wastes. Here you will see Fox laying out the Enclave soldiers with a Gatling laser. If you have good enough karma, this mutant can become your companion.

Use fast travel to get to the Brotherhood of Steel Citadel. Go to the laboratory, go down to the lowest level and here you will witness a conversation between the most influential members of the Brotherhood. Tell them that the GECK is in the hands of the Enclave so that they can quickly decide on their future plans.

As a reward for completing the quest, Guardian Lyons will offer you a choice of power or recon Brotherhood armor. Choose a suitable reward or refuse if your armor is better, but do not rush to go with the guard if you have side quests left unfinished. Completing the next quest "Take Him!" will complete the storyline and the game.

Take it!

If you have side quests, it's best to complete them before you announce to the Lyons guard that you're ready to march on the Enclave. You should also stock up on ammunition and medicines as fully as possible in advance - later you will no longer need them.

Having prepared, go to the Citadel laboratory and say that you are ready to perform. After a small rally dedicated to the upcoming battle, Rothschild activates a giant robot and lifts it to the surface.

Come out through the main gate and be ready for a beautiful and large-scale battle. Pride, robot and you will go to the Jefferson Memorial in a friendly crowd. Your strategy here is quite simple - follow the robot and let it destroy everything in its path. The robot cannot die, and you, naturally, will not be a priority target for the soldiers of the enclave. On the way, you won’t be able to collect anything useful, except for what you can take from the bodies of soldiers. You should not get too close to the robot so as not to get hit by the blast wave, and you should not get ahead of the robot for obvious reasons.

Once near the Memorial, go to the gift shop. Guard Lyons will be with you. Inside, you will encounter many Enclave soldiers who have taken cover. Remember that this is the final quest and there is no point in saving ammo. Feel free to get the best weapons, do not hesitate to use the "Fat Man". Guardian Lyons cannot die, so caution in using weapons is useless here.

After clearing the store, go to the Rotunda, where you will be met by an old acquaintance, Colonel Autumn. You can either kill him or, using "eloquence", try to convince him to surrender without a fight.

After you solve the problem with Autumn, it turns out that the real problems are yet to come. Dr. Lee says on the intercom that someone needs to go inside the chamber and turn on the purifier. Whoever does this is doomed to death from radiation.

If you want to use the virus that Eden gave you, now is the time. While Lyons is talking on the intercom, activate the additional filtering panel located here and select the "Insert vial with virus" item.

Now you can:

send Lyons to the guard cell,
do nothing and wait for the explosion
go inside and turn on the purifier.
If you chose the last option with a heroic death - go to the panel and press 2-1-6-Enter in sequence. In any case, the final video awaits you, the content of which largely depends on the decisions you make during the game.

Congratulations, you've just completed the Fallout 3 storyline!

Additional Missions

Big Trouble in the Big City

You will receive this task immediately upon entering the Big City. You can put a city location marker on the map by talking to the boy Velcro in the story quest "In the Footsteps", or by taking the "Just Business" quest from Grumble, not far from Paradise Falls.

Upon entering the city, and learning at the entrance that people are disappearing here, talk to one of the locals about their missing friends.

It turns out that people are kidnapped by super mutants and kept in the Germantown police station in the northeast. Go there, guided by the map and compass. After reaching the site, go through the maze of fences to the guarded super mutant camp. Replenish supplies of medicines and ammunition here, then go through the metal gate on the left.

You probably noticed a small locked door to the building on the right. If you have enough hacking skill, then you won't have to walk much - just open this door and you will be at the target - look to the right for the cameras and skip the next paragraph. If you lack skills, go around the building, climb the stairs to the second floor in its destroyed part and go through the doors.

Inside, move carefully and slowly. Not only because of the presence of super mutants here, but also because the rooms of the building are full of mines. Go east until you reach the door to the first floor. Go down the stairs just as carefully, watching for the presence of mines. At the bottom, turn left, then left again and go straight through the large hall with cockroaches. You will find yourself in a room with terminals and a locked door. There are a lot of ammo and health kits inside, so if you can open it, it will be great.

Now exit through the door on the north side and you will see the cells with the prisoners. More precisely, with one prisoner named Red. Open the door to her cell (the key can be obtained from the body of the super mutant master on the same floor, or you can pick the lock) and talk to her.

Ask if there is anyone else here and the prisoner will tell you that Shorty, another resident of the Big City, is being kept in the kitchen. If you don't want to mess with him, you can go outside right now.

To save Shorty, exit the camera room and follow the corridor until you turn left, then go down the stairs and enter the basement.

Advice. Now, if you have more than 50 lockpicking skill, you should turn left and find a room on the north side of the room. After picking the lock, you will find "Fat Man" behind the door and the "Modern Locks" spellbook, which adds 1 power to "picking".

Now from the corridor turn into the hall on the right, cross it and move on until you come across a super mutant. Kill him, free Shorty, who is sitting right there, and return to Red's cell.

Now your main and secondary tasks are completed, exit through the door in the corridor and find yourself on the street in safety. Return to the Big City and talk to Red. Decide whether you will take from her the money that she planned to spend on ammunition and weapons for the city for completing the quest.

The quest will be completed.

If you want to get additional karma, and also so that the Redhead does not die (she will be needed for the quest "Just Business"), offer the rescued woman to protect the city from super mutants. If you have a high “science” skill, you can teach villagers to reprogram combat robots, a good weapon skill will allow you to train villagers to defend themselves, stealth will help them hide from monsters more successfully, and so on. After your lessons, super mutants will attack the city, help the inhabitants to protect their city.

If you refuse to help now, then the Big City will become a Dead City by your next visit here.

Head of State

To get this quest, you need to visit the Lincoln Memorial and talk to Leroy Walker. However, if your relationship with the slave traders was damaged before, for example, by cutting out all life in Paradise Falls, they will simply open fire on you and, of course, they will not give you any quest. The second way to get the quest is to find the Temple of Unity and talk to Hannibal Hemlin. In the dialogue, select the items “What is a gang of runaway slaves doing here?” and "Why don't you let all the slaves stay here?" After that, you will receive a task to go to the Lincoln Memorial and check if there are super mutants there. If you have visited the Memorial before, you will be able to answer that there are no mutants there, but there are slave traders. Then Hannibal will ask them to destroy.

The Lincoln Memorial is located west of the Washington Obelisk near the Mall Southwest metro station.

A marker on the map that locates the Temple of Unity can be set by talking to May Wong in Rivet City. This woman can be found on the middle deck. In dialogue, offer her 25 pistol caps to protect her from slavers.

After talking with Hannibal, go to Caleb, who should be somewhere nearby, and he will ask you to find a photo of the Memorial in the Historical Museum.

The Museum of History is located just south of the Washington Obelisk, and you've probably been there while visiting the Dungeon Ghoul City. Use fast travel, and once in the Historical Museum, do not go straight to the city, but turn left - behind the stuffed mammoth there is a double door leading to the lower halls. Be prepared to meet wild ghouls.

Advice. This is a good place to use the Ghoul Mask obtained from the Tenpenny Tower quest.

Climb to the upper tier of the hall, go through the open doors and find yourself in a spacious room. To the right you can see two large windows. Search them and you'll find Lincoln's Diary, the first of nine "things that belonged to Lincoln" in the Historical Museum. Now go through the south door to the administration building. Next, go up the stairs and turn right, go straight down the corridor, turn into the first room on the right. In this room, littered with debris, lies on the floor "Lincoln's Cylinder" - the second artifact of Lincoln.

Return to the stairs and go along the left corridor to the second door on the left. Here you will meet two wild ghouls. Go through the gap in the wall. On the table you will see the "Abe Figurine". This is the third artifact. In the same room, you can get medicines from the first aid kit, ammo from the cabinet and some covers from a locked safe of medium difficulty.

Leave the room and go further down the corridor to the locked grate. The lock here is very simple, so there should be no problems with hacking. Go to the office space and go up the stairs. Here you will encounter several ghouls, after dealing with them, you can take the “Poster of the Lincoln Memorial” (this item can only be taken if you have the described task). It hangs on the wall next to the stairs. This way you will fulfill the request of Caleb.

Note. Things, according to legend, belonged to Abraham Lincoln are highly valued by slave traders and runaway slaves, they can also be sold to Abraham Washington in Rivet City. You have already collected three items and the fourth one, the poster, is required to complete this task. If you have no desire to continue collecting artifacts, you can now return to the Temple of Unity and continue the quest. In this case, skip the next two paragraphs.

If you decide to collect artifacts, go to the eastern corridor, cross it and go through the door opposite. On the left side of the entrance on the bookshelves will be the Lincoln Antique Coin Collection. Now return to the poster and go through the gap in the wall to the left of it. In the far left corner you will find a display case with a Lincoln Rifle, and on the table nearby is a spellbook that increases stealth by 1. Go back through the gap in the wall, on your left there will be a table with a poster hanging over it, and on your right there will be another desk. On this second table is Lincoln's Voice Recording.

Now go downstairs, back to the office space. In the southwest corner on the middle shelf of the cabinet is a "Wanted John Wilkes Booth" poster, and in the southeast corner, also on a cabinet shelf or sometimes on the floor, you will find an "1863 Conscription Proclamation" poster.

Now it's time to make a decision: will you help the fugitive slaves or take the side of the slavers. Your choice will determine your next steps.

Help the slaves.
Head to the Lincoln Memorial and kill all the super mutants near the entrance, as well as all the slavers inside. Alternatively, you can first sell Lincoln artifacts to Leroy Walker, and then kill him and the others, then take the artifacts from the corpse and sell them to slaves or Abraham Washington.

Now fast travel to the Temple of Unity and talk to Hannibal. Slaves will begin to collect belongings, and you again need to move to the Lincoln Memorial. Use the bed here, courtesy of the dead raiders, to sleep for 12 hours while Hannibal and his comrades pull up to the Memorial. After that, go to the subway station in the northwest to meet all of their gop company. As a thank you for your help, Hannibal will give you a drawing of a dart launcher.

The quest will be completed. This quest completion option will increase your karma.

Help the slavers.
Go to the slaves and sell Lincoln artifacts to Hannibal. Then go to Leroy Walker - the leader of the slave traders in the Memorial and agree to his offer of a reward of 100 caps for capturing runaway slaves. After paying, Leroy will gather his gang and go to the temple of Unity.

Use fast travel to the temple and follow the highway to the south, down the road you will meet the whole gang. After a short dialogue with the leader, an attack on the Temple of Unity will begin. In principle, you do not have to help the slave traders - they will do just fine without you. The main thing is to find Hannibal or his body to pick up artifacts and sell to Leroy.

The quest will be completed. This scenario will negatively affect your karma.

artificial man

This quest is given by Dr. Zimmer. You can find it in the Rivet City Science Lab. The essence of the task is that the doctor, from whom the android ran away, asks him to return. This android is very similar to a person and imitates a person in everything, besides, he could change his appearance and erase his memory, perhaps he himself is not aware that he is an android.

Side mission: find out what Dr. Preston knows about the android.

Dr. Preston is in his office on the top floor of Rivet City. You will learn from him that someone sent out cassettes asking for help to scientists and doctors. But the doctor considers this story with a robot and a cassette someone's joke.

On the tape, someone says that he is an android who escaped from the Commonwealth, and is going to change his voice, appearance and erase his memory so that he will never be found. To do this, the robot needs a person who understands computers and a surgeon who can perform plastic surgery. Additional quest condition completed.

Now it's time to investigate and find out more details. The first step is to talk to Seagrave Holmes, since he is also in Rivet City. You can usually find it in the market.

You can use "eloquence" or pour 100 caps on Seagrave and then he will tell you that this story is not fictional and even give a record that tells that a certain robot is going to carry out complex operations to change a programmed personality.

After listening to the tape, go to Megaton to Moira. Or in the Dungeon, if you blew up Megaton earlier. Talk to the girl and she will tell you that the identity of the android was changed by Pinkerton.

Return to Rivet City and visit Pinkerton. (For details on how to find Pinkerton, see Chapter 3 of the Wasteland Survival Guide, part titled "History of Rivet City"). At first, the old man will deny, but to be more persistent, he admits that he changed the identity of one android and now his name is Harkness. Ask Pinkerton for evidence and he will give you access to a computer with a photo of the android and a recording of his voice. Talk more about the robot and find out the code that unlocks the android's memories.

Listen to the tape, look at the photo and study the materials from the scientist's computer, then go to the entrance to Rivet City. It's time to decide how to end this quest.

Before proceeding, it is necessary to mention that on the way from Pinkerton or a little earlier you will meet a woman named Victoria Watts. She represents an organization dedicated to protecting escaped androids. Talk to her and she will give you the robot's indoor unit so you can show it to Zimmer as evidence of the android's death. In this way, you can protect him from further persecution.

In principle, having this block with you, you can complete the quest by completing the request of Watts and get 50 caps from Zimmer. But 50 caps for such a hassle... it's not the best solution.

So, you have two paths to complete the quest and two different rewards.

bad karma

Return to Zimmer in the science lab and tell him everything you know about the android, show him his current face and name. For this, you will receive the Super Reflexes perk, which increases the chance of hitting the V.A.T.S.

Neutral karma

Find Harkness, he can be found in the market or in the Rivet City add-on. Show all the evidence you have and use the memory unlock code you received from Pinkerton in the dialogue. Quest completed.

As a reward from Harkness, you will receive a plasma rifle and micronuclear batteries. Your karma will increase. But that's not all. Perk won't hurt you, will it?

Ask the android about what he is going to do, and he will answer that he wants to kill Zimmer. Take on this function and get permission to kill the doctor and his bodyguard. So you can not be afraid to incur the wrath of the guards. Go to the science lab and tell the doctor that you found his android and get the Super Reflexes perk as a reward. Your karma will go down.

Now kill the doctor and his bodyguard. From their bodies, you can take the keys that open Zimmer's room on upper deck. There are boxes in the room that contain micronuclear batteries and a sensor module.

Control shot

While exploring the Dungeon, you may come across a ghoul named Crowley, who likes to sit in the bars of the city. This is not a very polite mutant, he is especially unfriendly to people, therefore, in order to get the quest, when talking, you should try not to start a fight with him. If you get along, he will give you a list of 4 people to kill. Here's a cutie! And you have to do it with a headshot. If you kill them the way Crowley wants you will get 100 caps each, if they die otherwise the reward will be only 25 caps. And to prove death, you need to bring the key of each condemned to the ghoul.

The list is: Alistair Tempenny, Dukes, Ted Straer and Dave. The first one can be found in Tempenny Tower, Dyukov in a place called Dyukov's Residence, Ted Strayer lives in Rivet City, and Dave is in Dave's Republic. You can kill them in any order.

Before you start looking for people from the list, talk to the inhabitants of the Underground and find out that some of the gentlemen listed are not even the Goo-haters that Crowley is trying to make them out to be. And the ghoul seems to have other reasons for wanting them dead.

Tad Straer

This type wanders aimlessly throughout Rivet City, at night he can be found in a common rooming house. In a conversation, Thad will say that he does not know Crowley personally, but his father knew him. Years ago they were hired by Tenpenny for some business and Thad's father said that Crowley died then.

The key can be obtained from Thad in three ways: to persuade him to give it using eloquence, to buy it for 25 caps, or to fulfill the promise given to Crowley. If you decide to kill Ted, do it when no one is around, otherwise half the city will come running.

After receiving the key, you can go to Crowley for a reward.

This character is located quite far, in the northeastern part of the city, in a place called Dave's Republic. Head to the Tenleytown/Friendship station if you don't remember how to get there - brush up on the description of the "Trail to the Trail" story quest, where this station was a waypoint on the way to the Galaxy News Radio building. So, from Tenleytown / Friendship, move north, guided by the map. You have to navigate through an open, not densely populated area. On the way, beware of Yao-Gaev - rather vicious creatures.

Your path takes you past Canterbury Commons further north. On the way, you will meet an electrical substation - there you can take medicines and get hold of some useful things if you can hack the terminal that unlocks the safe.

At the entrance to the "Republic" you will meet a girl, tell her that you want to meet Dave and she will show you the way.

In dialogue with the self-proclaimed "President", say that you would like to become the official guest of the Republic of Dave. This can be achieved either with the help of "eloquence", or by paying 250 caps, or by giving this dunce a gun.

Once you have obtained the required status, you can talk to Dave about Mr. Crowley and try to get the key from him. This can be done as usual with "eloquence", or - if you have a high "luck" stat - an additional option in the dialogue will open, allowing you to get the key.

If nothing worked - use theft or the solution to all problems - a shot in the forehead. Keep in mind that by killing Dave, you will displease the guards, and a couple more suicide bombers will fly into the room. Take the key from Dave's corpse, open the safe with it (there will be a gun and various little things).

Take the key to Crowley and receive your due reward.

Your next target is Dyukov. It can be found in a place called Dyukov's Dwelling. The easiest way to get there is to travel to the Warm Sewers (you should have been there in chapter 2 of the Wasteland Survival Guide quest), from there head southwest until you see a large building directly in front of you.

The methods for obtaining the key from Dyukov are the same as for the previous characters. You can persuade him to give you the key, steal or kill. In addition, you can persuade Cherry - one of Dyukov's girls - to steal the key for you.

Be sure to try to find out in the dialogue from Dyukov where Fort Konstantin is - so you can put a mark on the map for a future trip.

Overall, the Dukes are a great choice for earning 100 caps. It is easy to kill him, he is not needed for other quests, and besides, he is a rare bastard.

Alistair Tenpenny.

It is possible that this character is already dead. He could die when you completed the Tenpenny Tower quest. In this case, after killing the third character from the list, you can return to Crowley for a reward. The quest will be completed.*

If you have not yet completed this quest, then you also do not have to go there now in order to kill Tenpenny. Take the above task and decide the fate of the last character from the list by completing the quest. But in this situation, until you deal with Tenpenny, do not turn in the quest "Control Shot".

If you still decide to go and finish off Tenpenny, go to his tower, which is located near the RobCo complex, in the southwestern part of the map. In order to get there, you need 100 caps or Mr. Burke's order for the Power of the Atom quest. Once in the tower, go straight through the doors to the elevator and go up to the penthouse. A guard sits in front of Alistair Tenpenny's apartment and is in no hurry to let anyone in.

You can get the key to the door by using "eloquence" in the dialogue, by stealing, or by killing the guard.

You now have several options for what to do next: you can kill Tenpenny or you can tell Alistair about Crowley's plans, and he will offer double the reward if you kill the customer himself.

After killing Tenpenny, return to Crowley for a reward. The quest will be completed.*

If you accepted Tenpenny's offer, return to Crowley, give him the keys and wait for him to exit the dungeon into the hall of the Museum of History. There, kill the ghoul and take the keys.

Return to Tenpenny Tower for your reward. The quest will be completed.

*But that's not all. The keys unlock the doors in the fort that was discussed in the quest, and behind those doors lies power armor and many more goodies. So the adventure continues!

After handing over all the keys to Crowley (if you complete the quest with him), do not rush to leave the Dungeon. Wait for the moment when Crowley is left alone and kill for the za. Do not forget to save before this, in case you are noticed and the whole city will come running to kill you. Take all the keys from the corpse of the ghoul.

Now head to Fort Constantine. It is located in the northwestern part of the map between two satellite towers.

Near the fort you will find a small hut - the residence of the command. Enter there and go down the stairs to the door to the launch silo, which can be opened with Ted Styer's key.

Advice. In the open safe of the residence, you can find a bobblehead that increases your heavy weapon skill by 10 points.

On the way, you will periodically come across robots, kill them and go down all the time. The next door you will see is the door to the bomb storage, unlock it with Dyukov's key.

All. The nearest exit is through the south doors up the stairs and through the door to the Capital Wasteland in any of the rooms.

Inhuman Gambit

You will receive this quest by visiting the Canterbury Commons and Antagonizer's Lair.

Arriving in the town, you will witness a clash between two self-proclaimed superheroes: Antagonizer and Mechanist. At the same time, local residents do not feel happy at all and dream of getting rid of both. When the dust of the fight clears, you will be able to talk on this topic with Uncle Roy, who will give the task, promising 200 (400) caps for your help.
Find Derek Pacien nearby and talk to him. If you have the "Childish" trait, you can learn from him weak sides"superheroes": The Mechanist will never harm innocents, and the ants guarding the Antagonizer are rather weak. Derek will also give the coordinates of the places where you can find both - they will appear on the Pip-Boy 3000 map. In the same location, you can find Joe Porter, after talking with him, you will find out the real name of Antgonizer.

Now go to her lair, which is located north of Canterbury. You can get inside in two ways: through the main entrance (a branch to the right immediately at the entrance to the cave leads to a cave with random trophies covered with an easel shotgun), fighting along the way with a few ants, or through a back entrance (a pipe to the west of the main entrance), which will bypass all the ants.

In order to complete this task in an optimal way, i.e. to peacefully persuade both characters to leave their occupation, you must:

have a high level of skill "Eloquence",
to have maximum charisma,
know Antgonizer's real name
read the editor's note on the Antgonizer character in Grognak the Barbarian, or have the Wife Killer trait.
It is recommended to save before this extremely difficult conversation, as it will have to be played through more than once. If successful, Antgonizer will give you his costume and peacefully leave the Canterbury area.

In order to convince the Mechanist, the Black Widow or Childish traits are required. Both give a unique cue that the inhabitants of the city are afraid of the Mechanist. In this case, he will also leave the city, leaving his armor behind.

To receive a reward, you need to contact Uncle Roy or Joe Porter.

If you're a regular listener of Galaxy News radio, you've probably heard Three Dog's tale about a place where real green trees grow. It turns out that such a place exists and you can even complete the quest there!

To find the Oasis, head to the northernmost edge of the map. Approximately in its middle is the entrance to the location. Its proximity is easy to determine by the green plants found here and there, which are not characteristic of the rest of the Wastes.

As soon as you reach the Oasis through a narrow passage, you will be met by Root Father Laurus, who will invite you to follow him into the settlement.

In the Oasis, talk to Laurus again, and he will say a lot and nothing specific, in the end, it turns out that you need to undergo a purification rite before meeting with some kind of god. Go to the fountain in the pavilion where the Laurel stands, wait for the arrival of all the ancients and go through the "rite of purification" by drinking water from the fountain.

You will wake up alone near the "talking tree". This is the God of the Oasis.

Talk to him and hear a very unusual story. It turns out that the name of this "god" is Harold and an unusual mutation made him literally grow to the ground. All he asks is that you help him die, interrupting the suffering of the unfortunate. After learning all about Harold and the tree Bob, return through the northwest exit to the Oasis to father Laurus and mother-crown Birch, who at this moment will be heatedly arguing with each other about what exactly "god" wants.

Laurel interprets the words of the mutant tree in such a way that it is necessary to stop the further growth of greenery by pouring special juice on Harold's heart, which is somewhere deep underground. Mother birch, on the contrary, believes that it is necessary to fill all the Wastelands with greenery, anointing the heart with a special ointment.

Find a guy named Cypress Trunk, who usually roams the village with a gun, and take the key from him, then look for the entrance to the caves in the southwest of the fountain pavilion.

In the cave, be prepared to meet a variety of bogmen, including bog kings. Get down downward to the big puddle with monsters. Kill them, dive and swim through the tunnel underwater until you emerge from the other side. Follow further along the cave to the door to the "Underground halls". In the halls, move forward, killing the swamps, until you reach the hall with Harold's heart.

Now you need to make a decision: kill Harold, pour juice over his heart or anoint him with ointment.

Killing the Unfortunate will grant you the Thick Hide perk, granting +5% damage resistance. After pouring juice over the heart, you will receive a grenade launcher and Lipa's hoodie (DR12, Weight 2, MP 117, Dex +1, Sp +1)

Using the ointment will give you Lilac Hood (100 59, Stealth +10, Dex +1) and excellent Maple Power Armor (DR 21, Weight 45, 100 187, Heavy Weapons +5, Str. + 1, Dex +1, Resist Rad +10).

Having made your choice, return to the Oasis. You can return the same way you came, or shortcut through a secret passage to the Grove. To do this, go a little further along the tunnel and get into the "Wet Cave", where you will meet three more swamps. After killing them, dive under the water and swim through the tunnel to the doors to the Grove.

If you poured juice on Harold's heart, you will meet Laurus here, but if you anointed it with oil, mother Birch will stand near the tree. Father maple sends for a reward to Linden and Cypress, mother Birch - to Maple and Lilac. If you can't find one of these NPCs in the Oasis, look out in the Wasteland - one person is always on duty at the entrance.

The quest will be completed.

When exploring the surroundings of the Supermart, a frightened boy will run up to you. He will tell you that his house has been invaded by monsters and will ask you to find his father. Agree to help baby Brian and get the quest.

Graditch, the town where the boy lived, is a little south of the Supermart. Approaching the city, you will see that this place is devastated by fire ants. They are similar to those found in the wastelands, but these ants can breathe fire.

Advice. Even if you have melee weapons or unarmed combat, it is better to keep your distance from these mutants. Up close, they fry with fire very well. From the corpses of ants, you can collect "Fire Ant Nectar", which gives protection from fire +25, int. +3 and agility. +4 - it helps a lot if the ant still comes close.

Behind the gates of the city, turn right along the road. You will come across a small metal structure in which the boy Brian is hiding.

Ignore him for now and go to the house where the corpse of the boy's father is located. This is the first house on the left along the road.

Search the corpse and take the key to the hut, you can also get hold of ammunition in the house and restore health by sleeping in the bed.

Go outside and return to the boy to tell the bad news about his father's death. Then enter the hut with the key. The hut is located near Brian - you can see the entrance to it on the screenshot - it is to the left of the house.

Take the password from the terminal on the table and open the terminal. Go to the "Personal Notes" section, after which you need to select the item "Experimental material detected!". This action will mark the location of the Marigold station on the map - this is your next destination. Go outside, the station is located on the south side of the city.

Upon entering the station, you will see ants, which you will meet throughout the study in 1-2 pieces. Go through the station without turning into the door on the left yet, go through the turnstiles.

You will see a wagon with a corpse in it. Search it and find out that you need to finish some work. I must say right away that as a result of the "case" you will receive "Frank pajamas", giving +10 to eloquence and +1 to luck. If you are interested, then go to the fire hydrant (1 on the map), then head to the safe (2 on the map):

After you pick up the Candid Pajamas, some impudent person will come up to you and demand to give him your find. It makes sense to pile on the insolent on the ears. you can get a good helmet from it.

Also in Merigold you can find the body (3 on the map) of William Brandis and pick up the key from him. This is the key to his house in Grayditch - there is a grenade launcher.

Now back to our main task. You need to get to Dr. Lesko's office, which is located here:

The doctor will tell you about his experiments and how the fire-breathing ants appeared. Ask him how you can help, and he will tell you that you need to kill five guards of the Queen Ant, and then escort him down. Lesko is going to install a special device in the lair that will make the ants attack each other. So he plans to get rid of the mutants.

Advice. Do not forget to ask the doctor about what you will be for such a headache and he will promise to give his robe +20 radiation protection and +10 science.

Lesko specifically asks not to kill the Queen. In principle, you can kill her, but then you will spoil the karma and not get a robe, so it’s better not to touch the Queen.

The Queen's Lair is a corridor location with one separate room. Killing the guards without getting caught in the eyes of the Queen is quite easy, four of them are before turning towards her and only one is behind the turn. Guardians are quite fat, and often have time to get close, so it is recommended to use "Fire Ant Nectar".

After killing the guards, return to Lesko and get a reward for the quest. After that, you can get out of the dungeon. On the way to baby Brian, do not forget to look into the house of William Brandis (it will be marked on the map) and take a grenade launcher, an ammunition box is hidden behind the refrigerator.

Everything, now you can return to the boy and promise that you will find him a better place to live than this city. Quest completed.

There are three places to put Brian Wilks in later:

Mayor McCready of Little Lamplight
Vera Weatherly in Rivet City
slave trader Undertaker Jones in Paradise Falls (will increase your wealth by 100 caps and reduce karma) As soon as you find someone to give Brian to, return to the boy and tell him who he will live with now.
Quest is over.

Song of Agatha

There is a small house a stone's throw northeast of the Mereshti depot, which can only be reached by using a rickety bridge leading to a small valley. In this house lives an old lady named Agatha - a very well-mannered and intelligent person, which in itself is a rarity in the Wasteland.

Talk to your grandmother and she will tell you that she earns a living by broadcasting her music on the radio, and for this, caravaners regularly supply her with the necessary goods. But here's the problem - her violin is in a deplorable state, and she asks you to get the violin of Agatha's great-grandmother, a certain Hilda, who 200 years ago hid the violin in a sealed container somewhere in Vault 92. Unfortunately, nothing is known about the whereabouts of Agatha's Vault, but she will give you the coordinates of the Vault-Tec Corporation headquarters, where she thinks you can find the coordinates you need.

Advice. You can use the Speech or the dialogue option provided by the Wife Killer perk to get the weapon crate key from the old lady.

Note. Traveling to Vol-Tek is optional, as the location of Vault 92 will be described in this Walkthrough. However, a visit to the headquarters will, in general, be useful for further travel. there you will find information about all the existing Vaults in the Capital Wasteland.

The entrance to Vault 92 is on the edge of the map, due west of Dave's Republic and north-northeast of the Minefield. Slightly west of Old Olney. On the way, you may meet raiders, robots, scorpions, and not far from the Vault, a powerful creature, the Death Claw, roams.

Once inside the Vault, go straight through the cave to a small room where there are nuclear batteries and two first-aid kits on the table. Open the next door, but do not rush to go in - there are mines and a blower (big fly). Slam the blower and defuse the mine.

Note. Vault 92 is a huge labyrinth that is very interesting to explore. In the Walkthrough, the shortest path to the violin will be described. However, after achieving the objectives of the task, I would highly recommend that you take the time to explore other areas of the location. Not only because of the many useful items that can be found here, but also because the history of the Vault itself is extremely curious and entertaining.

Go through the eastern door (requires lockpicking skill of at least 50), opening which will immediately deactivate the mine. In the next room, there is also a mine and one blower. Keep moving east through until you reach a ladder. Go down to the recording studio.

Before you go inside, you need to know that several very tenacious bog hunters will meet you at the door. In any case, you won't be able to kill them on the way, so prepare stimpacks and appropriate weapons for combat with several opponents at close range.

Enter the studio, and after killing the swamps, turn right. Go all the way to the west until you see a staircase down to the left. Go down it and be ready to meet two bog kings. Then turn left and left again until you reach the recording studio.

Here you will find the book "Nikola Tesla and You", which increases the skill of using energy weapons by 1, as well as a computer that opens the locked door to the second part of the studio. Use the computer and go to the next room. Here on the table you will find a violin, and in a locked safe (simple) there are some lids.

In addition, after completing the quest, you can bring notes to the old woman and get a unique Blackhawk revolver. Sheet music can be found at Springvale Elementary School, Arlington Library, National Archives, Roosevelt Academy, or Vault 92. If you haven't found any sheet music yet, the easiest and most affordable place to get it is Primary School Springvale. Use fast travel, enter the building and go to the first room on the right side. Here you will see an overturned writing table on which you can find sheet music.

Now return to Agatha and the quest will be completed. After completing the quest, talk to her again and ask for a reward. You will receive a Blackhawk.

Note. You can also lie to the old lady and not give up the violin, instead selling it to Abraham Washington in Rivet City or Azrukhal in the Dungeon. But then you won't be able to get one of the best pistols in the game.

Chasing Nuka Cola

just business

This task is optional and does not give positive karma for any outcome. The quest is given by Grumpy at the entrance to Paradise Falls, which is in the northwestern part of the Wasteland. You will get a mark on the map if you take the task "Salvation from Paradise".

Talk to Grumpy and tell him that you can help him find slaves. He will give you a hypnotron, a slave collar, and a list of four VIPs he would like to have as slaves. One of these people may already be dead and then his name simply will not be on the list. If everyone is dead, then you will no longer take the task.

When you approach the victim, take the "hypnotron" instead of the weapon and, having come closer, use it. Then talk to the hypnotized character and tell him to run as fast as he can into Paradise Falls, otherwise he will be left without a head.


So, your first target is the same sniper that annoyed you in the Minefield in Chapter 1 of the Wasteland Survival Guide. Move to the minefields and activate Stealth Boy to avoid detection. Go to the ruins of the house, take your time and look under your feet if you don't want to attract his attention with an explosion. As soon as you go up to him, use the "hypnotron", put a collar on him, take all the things from the sniper and send him to Paradise Falls. Alternatively, Arkansas can be lured out by "lighting up" and hiding in a shelter - he will come himself, the main thing is to have time to use the "hypnotron".

When he runs to Paradise, don't run next to him - if you accidentally step on a mine, Arkansas may die and the quest will not be completed. From the sniper's pocket you will get the keys - they are from a locked house in the Minefield. There are a couple of first aid kits and other little things.

Return to Grumpy and get your reward - 250 caps. If you did a task with the aim of infiltrating the city of slavers, then you have achieved your goal, and Grumpy will let you through. Further completion of the quest is not necessary for you.

Susan Lancaster

This is a resident of Tenpenny Tower - a tower in the southwestern part of the Wasteland. The marker on the map can be obtained by talking with Burke in Megaton on the "Power of the Atom" task, for this you must agree to blow up the city (you may not keep your promise in the future).

In front of the tower, use the intercom to get inside. You will need 100 caps or common business with Mr. Burke for the aforementioned quest. Susan can be found in her room on the second floor of the apartment, or wandering around the building.

Before using the Hypnotron on her, you need to know that you may need this woman for the only option to complete Tenpenny Tower without losing karma. On the other hand, this positive option assumes the death of the girl at the hands of Millicent Wellington and, therefore, you will not be able to send her to the slavers.

To put a collar on Miss Lancaster, wait until she is alone and use the "hypnotron". After that, tell her to go to the slavers, and return to Grumpy for a new collar and reward.

This girl should be in the Big City, but she won't be there unless you've completed the Big Trouble in the Big City quest. In this case, you will have to first complete the task of rescuing her, then teach how to defend against super mutants and wait for her to enter her office. There you can safely use the "hypnotron" with a collar, and then go to the slave traders for a reward.

Your next target lives in Rivet City. His room is on the upper deck, and he himself can wander around the city, and sometimes even goes out for a smoke. Smoking will kill him.

Find it, and wait until the Projectile is alone. In a crowd or in front of witnesses, putting a collar on him is very risky - the whole city can take up arms against you. The process of turning a Projectile into a slave does not differ from the standard one. The only thing to keep in mind: after the disappearance of the Projectile, his partner Shrapnel will also disappear. So the arms dealers in Rivet City will get really bad.

After sending the last slave to Paradise Falls, you can safely return for a reward and complete the quest.

Rangers Reilly

There are several ways to get this quest. For example, if you catch the radio signal from the rangers at the entrance to the National Archives, turn on the radio, and the quest will automatically be recorded to you on Pip-Boy. It is preferable to take it from Reilly, who lies unconscious in the Dungeon Hospital. Speak to Dr. Burroughs and convince him to use "eloquence" to wake up Reilly if your medical skills aren't enough to do it on your own. Even if you took the task not in the dungeon to reach the hospital, talking to this girl would still be useful.

As soon as Reilly wakes up, she will tell you that her team called Reilly's Rangers, hiding from super mutants, is stuck on top of the State Hotel. She will also give you the password to the ranger base and the key to the ammo box of one of her fallen comrades.

Now go to the Base. In principle, this journey is not mandatory, but it is still recommended to make it, because anyway at the end of the quest you will have to go there for a reward. By going there now, you will replenish ammunition and stock up on medicines, and at the same time set a point for fast movement.

So, go to the Technical Museum, and from there your path lies east to the Capitol. This is a prominent building that you will not pass by.

Along the way, you will be attacked by small groups of monsters, mostly consisting of super mutants, it makes no sense to dwell on them in detail, there are many of them, they are common and move around the map rather chaotically. Just prepare for the fact that the path will not be a Sunday walk in the park and do not forget to take plenty of ammunition and medical supplies on the road.

Upon reaching the Capitol, go up the stairs and enter the "Capitol - West Entrance". Cross the hall and go through the Capitol - East Entrance door. You will find yourself in a room with filing cabinets, turn right and then turn left, move east to the exit to "Steward Square".

Once outside, go down the stairs and go diagonally to the right. You will see a metal frame of an elevated passage between buildings, pass under it and keep heading east. By the way, a mutant sat down in this passage, and he will shoot from above in your back - be more careful. Here and further, stay away from cars - they explode during gunfights.

The Stuart Square subway station will be on your left. Do not go through the ruins of the city - keep a little to the right and go under the bridge. Walk to two mailboxes and go deeper into the courtyards on the right. You will pass through the playground and exit onto the road ending on the left with a blockage and a dead end. Turn left and look to the right for the white writing on the wall "Rangers Reillys". Follow the passage between the buildings and soon you will find yourself at the base of the rangers.

The head of the statue in the center of the square, on which you find yourself, looks just at the door of the base. Grab your weapons, ammo, and medical supplies, then fast travel to Dupont Station. Cross the bridge, go through a small alley and head northeast until you reach a door in a small hole in the ground leading to the Dry Sewers. It is located to the right of the destroyed building behind a small fence.

Entering the door, go without fear of getting lost - there is only one exit besides the one through which you entered - the "Hospital of Hope" and you need to go there. The collectors are filled with mercenaries, super mutants and other evil spirits, but these creatures fight among themselves and therefore do not cause much trouble.

The hospital is full of first aid kits and super mutants. Collect the first and kill the second on the first floor, then climb the western stairs to the second.

On the second level of the hospital, you will see a long corridor along which a centaur is crawling. At the end of the corridor there is a box with food and mentats. Now enter the cafe and turn right, go further and, in the end, you will see a staircase and an exit to "Vernon Square".

Before you will be a metal bridge to the hotel. Go through it, jump down one floor and enter the building.

Inside, jump into the gap and go down the corridor. Be careful - there is a stretch before the next door! Disarm her and enter. Walk along the corridor, clearing it of monsters. There are also beds that, if necessary, can be used to improve health. Follow the corridors to the stairs to the third floor, where you will find Theo's corpse and an ammo box next to it. Remember Reilly talking about him?

The next flight of stairs is here:

Immediately on the stairs you will be attacked by a super mutant - be careful.

On the next floor, in the corridor you will meet a centaur. Go forward and to the left in a spacious room you will meet two super mutants. In the same room you will find an elevator. If you have enough repair skill, you can repair it, thereby easing your path. However, you will not take the spellbook on the floor above, which adds 1 unit. to secrecy. After taking the elevator, skip the next two paragraphs.

If your skills are not enough or you need a book, go further down the corridor until you reach a door with an "Exit" sign leading to the next floor. Do not forget to look into the rooms on the way, sometimes you can find first-aid kits or food there.

Climbing the stairs, get ready for the fact that a mutant will meet you right outside the door. Now you will have a long corridor in front of you. In the room on the right, you will find the aforementioned spellbook. After taking it, go to the end of the corridor, to the next stairs leading down and up. Of course you have to get up. Be careful in the span between floors - there is a stretch. Climbing up the stairs, you will enter the restaurant.

Search the first-aid kits on the left and go along the red carpet. There will be a room to your left, you would have ended up in it if you had repaired the elevator earlier. In the same room you will find a terminal that you can hack to shorten your path a bit. Get ready for the fact that behind the door you will meet four super mutants, one of which is the Master.

If you failed to hack the terminal, go further along the red carpet until you come across a breach in the floor. After killing the met monsters, turn into the door on the left and climb up, along the same gap in the next room.

There will be three super mutants here, kill them, but do not rush to go into the kitchen - the characteristic effect of a gas cloud will be noticeable there - throw a grenade in front of you before entering.

Now go through any door and you will find yourself in the room where you would have ended up if you had hacked the terminal earlier. And here you will be met by four super mutants with the Master at the head.

There is a bar in the center of the room where, after clearing, you can pick up ammo and the Grognak the Barbarian spellbook, which increases melee weapon proficiency by 1. Look in the pantry under the stairs and search the broken robot lying there. Take the nuclear battery from it - you will need it later.

Climb up to the balcony and exit through the north door leading to the stairs. As a result, you will find yourself in front of a metal door leading to the roof. Get out there and follow the trail of dead super mutants until you reach the rangers.

Talk to the doctor, who will say that there is only one exit from the roof - a high-speed elevator, but it is broken and a nuclear battery is needed to fix it. Luckily, we captured one under the stairs from the robot. Give it to Donovan and wait for him to fix the elevator. Then go down the hall.

Now get ready to fight the super mutants. The difficulty is that you will have to take on all the fire. rangers are quite flimsy and can die with the whole squad. It is better to try to keep them all alive - they can be useful later. In addition to this, in a firefight, you must not hit on your own, so as not to fail the task. To meet these conditions, use the save.

After completing the task, exit the building and use fast travel to get to the ranger base.

As a reward for completing

Wasteland Survival Guide

The Wasteland Survival Guide is a book written by Moira Brown - a resident of Megaton, or its ruins if you blew up the city in the Power of the Atom quest. At the first dialogue, Moira will fit you a brand new armored Vault 101 suit.

The structure of the quest chain is as follows: 3 chapters, each with 3 quests. Each quest has main and side objectives. For each quest you will receive a reward, as well as a reward for completing the entire chain. The quality of the final reward depends on how completely you complete the chain.

This will be a Novice, Expert, or Master level perk.

There are different opinions regarding what the parameter depends on, which will increase the received perk.

The most common version is that the type of perk depends on the answers to Moira's questions at the end of the quest, and the questions in turn depend on the character's most developed attributes. If you show an inclination towards intelligence in your answers, you will receive a bonus to "medicine" and "science". If your answers imply forceful solution of questions, then the bonus will be on protection from damage. A mocking, snide response will allow you to get a bonus to a critical hit. For a tendency to cunning, the perk will increase "stealth" and "eloquence". For a standard answer, the health indicator will improve. But it should be noted that the author of these lines himself tried to answer differently and got the same result, regardless of the chosen answer.

There is also an opinion that the quality and type of the final reward is influenced by your honesty in communicating with Moira when completing the quests of the chain and the completeness of their completion, as well as the methods you used when completing the quests. Such as using the abilities "stealth", "eloquence", etc.

In general, it can be assumed that the type of perk received is influenced by a combination of various factors and it is rather difficult to accurately predict it. But the level of the perk can be affected by completing all the additional objectives of the tasks.

There is also a way to get the "Guide" without completing the quest chain. If you have the "eloquence" skill pumped, you will convince Moira to refuse to work on the book. In this case, you will receive a perk that reduces the chance of you receiving critical damage by 50%.

Wasteland Survival Guide. Chapter 1

radioactive danger

Main objective: get 200 units. radiation.
Bonus Objective: Get 600 Food. radiation.

This quest is the easiest. To complete it, it is enough to stand for several minutes near the bomb in Megaton. After receiving 600 units. radiation, return to Moira. She will heal you and you will have the ability to accelerate regeneration in radiation conditions.


Main task: get food in the Supermart.
Additional task: get medicines in Supermart.

To complete the quest, you need to leave Megaton and head east to the Supermart. In the parking lot in front of the building, you will meet the first raider. Fighting him will allow you to assess the strength of the opponents within.

Enter using stealth and look around. A couple of raiders will be in front of you, a couple more are hiding behind the counter. Clear the building, starting from the left side. Please note: a guy runs out of the rooms on the left and starts shooting point-blank - watch these doors. After killing the raiders in the hall, do not forget about a couple of handsome men behind the counter. There is a book on the counter - take it and study it - get +1 to barter. There is a first aid kit on the wall in the room behind the counter. If you have 25 "science" or 50 "hacking" you can open the room, if not - the key is in the box in the next room, grab the mines nearby.

To the right of the first aid kit is a terminal. Hack it and activate the robot - it will help deal with the remaining raiders. The refrigerator with food is in the opposite corner and there are also a couple of raiders there. It makes sense to rummage in the Supermart for more cartridges, cigarettes, weapons, etc. which can then be sold.

Return to Moira. As a reward, you will receive an automatic food and water cleaner from radiation.

playing with mines

Main objective: reach the playground in the minefield
Additional task: bring a mine.

Your next task is to travel through minefield. You need to go through the mined settlement, reach the playground and return. If you look at the map, you will see that you have to go far. There is another option: walk a little, then return to Moira and say that you were in a minefield. Give her any mine you pick up along the way. The quest will be completed.

If you're looking for adventure, exit Megaton and head northeast. On the way, you may be attacked by mole rats and raiders, but nothing particularly dangerous will be found.

If you saw a ruined city, then you are in the right place. Switch to the "sneak" mode and go to the city. When you see a mine, approach it and take it to the target. Until the red light goes out, you need to have time to press the action button (default E) so you deactivate the mine, and you can put it in your inventory. The button must be pressed quickly, otherwise the mine will explode.

Now we need to go to the city center. Mines are not the biggest danger here, there is also a sniper named Arkansas, who has settled in a large ruined house in the northern part of the city. At first, he will not hit you, but will shoot at cars, setting them on fire. If the car caught fire, it means that it will explode soon - get away from it. But don't forget the mines! Go north and you will see a round carousel - this is your goal.

After completing the quest, just as carefully get out of the city and return to Moira. As a reward, you will receive a scheme and will now be able to make mines yourself.

Chapter 1 is complete.

Wasteland Survival Guide. Chapter 2

In this chapter, you will need to collect information about the animals that live in the Wasteland, namely, mole rats and swamps. Moira also wants you to get a serious wound and damage a limb.


Primary Objective: Use Repellent on 3 Mole Rats.
Additional task: kill seven more with it.

Moira will give you a stick with which she will ask you to kill mole rats. If you are not going to fulfill the additional condition, then most likely you will be able to find all three monsters in the Megaton area. Provided that before that you were not too zealous with their extermination.

If you want to fully complete the task, you will have to go to the Warm Sewers. On the way, passing by Supermart, a boy will run up to you. Talk to him and get another side quest "They!".

There's a mine on the bridge in front of the collectors! Be careful.

The entrance to the sewers is a small door across the river. Enter it and immediately take the repellent in your hands - there are 2 mole rats around the corner. After killing them, change your weapon to something more effective - around the corner is a raider. There are turrets in the sewers under the ceiling, and not far from the entrance there is a terminal that turns them off. This will require 50 "science". At first, you will encounter more raiders than mole rats.

If the mole rats that live in front of the sewers were not enough for you to complete the task, go further into the tunnel. There, an aggressive NPC named Galit hid behind the bags. Shoot him, and he will come running to get a bullet in the forehead. He will have the key to the safe. The safe is in the next room, it contains brass knuckles and some little things. Then go carefully - there are mines everywhere. They will have to be deactivated, otherwise they will not pass. The rooms behind Galit are full of rats and there will be enough of them for the quest, even extra ones will remain.

Swamp study

The main task: to install the device in the masonry of the swamps.
Bonus Objective: Don't kill any Boggers.

Since you've already gone to the sewers, you can move directly to the Anchorage Memorial. There are two entrances: main and service. It will not work to go through the main entrance without killing a single swamp, therefore, we go through the service one. It is locked, but the lock is simple and easy to pick.

Having penetrated the lair, we immediately switch to covert movement or use the Stealth Boy. The nearest masonry is in the corridor on the right. On the way, a little further away there will be a swamp. If you managed to pass him unnoticed - great, put the device and go out. If you are spotted, run to the masonry, put the device, then just as quickly run out of the lair.

Get injured

We will not focus on this task due to its simplicity. In the world of Fallout 3, getting hurt is much easier than avoiding it. You can, after leaving Moira, jump from any hill, either return to the Minefield and run there as much as you like, or wait for the injury to “naturally”. After that, you will only have to return and turn in the quest.

Get a reward: ammo and protective overalls.

Chapter 2 is over.

Wasteland Survival Guide. Chapter 3

In the final part of the quest, you will need to research the history of the Wasteland. Moira will give you three tasks, you can complete them in any order.

Learn the history of Rivet City

Main Objective: Learn the history of Rivet City

Secondary Purpose: Check the history against other sources.

In town, anyone you try to talk about history with will direct you to either Bennon or Vera Weatherly. The first is constantly sticking out in the market, and the second is not far from the Weatherly Hotel. Talk to them about the story and complete the main objective of the quest.

To complete the optional objective, talk to Seagrave Holm in the shop or Belle-Bone in the basement. They themselves will not help, but they will tell you that you need to look for a certain Pinkerton, who lives as a hermit outside the city. According to rumors, he built himself a shelter somewhere in the bow of Rivet City.

If you leave the city through the emergency exit, you will see the second part of the ship opposite. Jump into the water and swim, trying to stay to the right. Under water there is a door. Take a breath of air and swim through this door to the stairs, climbing which you can breathe again. Go further to the next stairs, but be careful - there you will be attacked by two swamps.

After killing the swamps, look around. On one side you will see a locked door to Rivet City. Approach it and activate the switch on the right to come here in the future with more comfort than this time. Now turn around 180 degrees and head down the corridor. It is full of traps. If you look closely, you will notice a cloud of gas in the corridor - shoot it so that the gas does not explode when you are in the corridor. Follow on, deactivating the mines and traps to the room with the terminal. But do not use the terminal - this is also a trap. There is a switch on the wall opposite the terminal. Use it and you will open the door, behind which will be Pinkerton.

Talk to him and he will give you the historical records of Rivet City.

Return with them to Moira and turn in the quest.

Install the processor module in the supercomputer of the RobCo plant

Main goal: to install a processor module in the supercomputer of the RobCo plant

Additional Objective: Reprogram the supercomputer.

To complete the additional objective, you will need a science skill of at least 50. Or 40 and a Lesko lab coat, which can be obtained during the quest "They!".

The RobCo complex is located near Tenpeni Tower, southwest of Megaton. Take a simpler weapon, for which you don’t feel sorry for cartridges or even a knife - in the complex you will be met only by cockroaches and mole rats. Enter the building and climb the various stairs as high as you can until you see the "Offices and Cafeteria" door

Enter the door and go straight past the cafeteria, then right and take the stairs up on the left. At the end of the stairs, there will be a door in front of you, and behind it is the main terminal.

If you do not have 50 points in "science", then get ready for a fight with robots immediately after installing the module in your computer. If there is, then hack the terminal and click "Complete total liquidation." You can also turn on "Stress Testing" and the robots will kill each other or "Pest Extermination" and your way back will be free from annoying creatures.

Return to Megaton to inform Moira of your success. After completing everything, you will receive a book that adds 1 unit. to "science" and 4 pulse grenades.

Arlington Library

The main goal: to get information from the library.

Optional: Get the full archive of the library

The third and final part of the "Guide" involves a journey to the Arlington Library.

The nearest point to the goal available, for fast travel, the point for you now is Rivet City. From the city, go to the river, swim across it. Boggers will meet you on the beach. Then a mercenary with a grenade launcher will jump out. After that, you will be ambushed by other mercenaries. Do not get close to their lair - there is a turret and a security robot, all very angry and durable. Either wait for the mercenaries to approach you - but they are in no hurry to run up, but instead throw grenades - or just run past them into the library. You will find the entrance to it by turning to the right and moving along the wall of the building.

In the building you will meet the scribe Yerling, who will offer his services in buying pre-war books. This is not important for the quest, just remember for the future where to bring the collected books. Also, the scribe will give the password to the terminal on the table in front of you, in extreme cases, you can simply hack it. The main goal has been achieved.

For execution additional task leave the room through the west doors past the toilet to the door at the opposite end. There you will find yourself embroiled in a firefight between the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers and the raiders. Help the brotherhood defeat the tsev - although they can manage without you - and exit through the northwestern doors.

Opposite you will see the doors of the Arlington Library Archives. Climb the stairs and see a corridor with baseballs. It's no coincidence that they lie here - there is a baseball gun in front. On the right and on the left there are raiders in the amount of three pieces. Here and below, beware of planted anti-personnel mines.

Climb the stairs, cross the corridor and go up another staircase. To your left will be a room that is a large hole in the floor, and to your right is another room in which a turret will greet you cheerfully. You can turn it off using the terminal located right there, or just shoot it.

Go further, through the door, leaving the turret on the left. In the next room, three raiders are waiting for you, one of them with a grenade launcher. Having dealt with the raiders, you will see two terminals: on the left and straight ahead. Hacking (requires 50 "science") the terminal on the left will allow you to break open the safe and get some covers from there. To complete the quest, you need a terminal right on the course. Use it and select the line "Access to library archives".

You can now return to Moira and complete the longest quest in the game!

For the efforts to complete the third part of the quest, the girl will give you 200 caps.
For completing the entire "Chapter 3" you will receive the book "Lie. Congressman's Textbook, which adds 1 unit. to "eloquence" and a nuclear shot.
Also, for completing the entire chain, you will receive a perk that improves your abilities. read more about this in the general part of the passage of the "Guide".

The power of the atom

From the quest can be obtained either from Lucas Simms at the entrance to Megaton, or from Burke in Moriarty's inn. The execution options are different, and the reward is also different.

Positive karma (+200).

This option implies agreement to deactivate the bomb.

Tip: You can get 500 caps instead of 100 if you manage to chat Simms using the "eloquence" skill.

The bomb can be easily deactivated by having 25 skill points in "explosive business". If you don't have enough skill, you can talk to Leo Style at the Brass Lantern about buying Mentats to raise the skill to the desired level. He'll make an appointment tonight at the water treatment plant. Also, the conversation with Leo about "mentats" will be listed as a sub-quest if you take the detonator from Burke (see below)

You can also go to Moriarty's Inn and talk to Burke. Tell him you want to blow up Megaton and ask for a detonator. After that, return to Lucas and tell him about everything. The sheriff will go to the inn to arrest Burke. But he, of course, will not sit back and shoot the sheriff, right in the line of duty, and you shoot Burke, and search both bodies.

After that, defuse the bombs (with the help of mentats or yourself) and talk to the son of Lucas to get a house in the city and caps 100 or 500, depending on how you agreed.

Negative karma (-1000).

Of course, in this case, our task will be to blow up Megaton, and not save the city. Talk to Burke in the inn and agree to his plan to blow up the city. He will give you a detonator, which you will need to place on the bomb. Once you're done, head southwest from Megaton to Tenpenny Tower. If you have not yet taken the baby doll from the sheriff's son's room (to the right of the entrance to Megaton) - it's time to do it on the way out of town. The path ahead is not close, but not too dangerous. Beware of mole rats, raiders and a guy with a sniper rifle who will shoot at you. At the gate of the tower, say that you have come to Berka and they will let you inside. At the top of the tower, you will meet Burke with Alistair Tenpenny. When you're ready, activate the detonator and enjoy the fireworks accompanied by a sharp drop in karma.

After that, get 500 caps and keys to the Tenpenny Tower apartments from Burke.

Salvation from Paradise

This task is given by the boy Mayor McCready from the Lamplight Caves if you could not persuade him to let you into Vault 87. Your task is to return two stolen babies from Paradise Falls - the city of slavers.

If you have already unlocked the Arefu settlement during the Blood Ties quest, then use fast travel and move north until you reach Paradise Falls. If you have not yet explored these areas, then you will have to go to Vault 101 and do a long way on North.

You will notice the settlement of slave traders from afar.

At the entrance you will be met by a brave guy named Grumpy. There are several ways at your disposal to infiltrate Paradise Falls.

Option 1. If you have bad karma, then you will get into the city without any problems.

Option 2. If you have good karma and you would like to improve it, you can fight the slavers. Yes exactly! For each villain you kill, you will receive karma. Before the gates to the city you will meet Sammy, he will say that two of his friends are inside. Clear the city of slave traders, do not forget to take the keys from Undertaker Jones and Forty. Open the gates of the pen in which the slaves are kept and release the children. Now you will have to meet with the freed kids outside the city and the quest will be completed.

Option 3: You can use the Speech skill to enter the city for 500 caps.

Option 4. You can also offer Grumpy your services in capturing slaves. This way you will get the side quest "Just Business". Complete at least part of this task and you will gain access to the city.

Once in the city in one way or another, look around, get to know the population (unless, of course, your method consisted in sawing out all living things). There is a blade, a barracks and an arms dealer. In the house of Undertaker Jones, there is a baby doll on the table that gives +10 to the “eloquence” skill. In the southern part of the city, in the paddock, the children you are looking for are sitting. The paddock is locked and requires a key to open.

The easiest way to free children is to buy them from Undertaker Jones. The starting price is 2000 caps for everyone, but you can bargain and knock down up to 1200 caps.

After buying the children, pick them up and return to Little Lamplight. The quest will be completed.

Another way to rescue the kids is to organize an escape. To do this, head to the paddock at the south end of town and talk to Sammy. He will call Belchonok - a boy who is well versed in computers - and you will be initiated into the escape plan.

Now you have two options. If your "science" is sufficiently developed, you need to go to the Undertaker's house, find a computer on the ground floor, wait for the moment when you are left alone and, having hacked the terminal, select the "Update network connections" item. If you are good at repairs, go to the bar, where you use the electrical panel located on the right, if you are facing the bar. Repairing the shield will not attract anyone's attention, even if there are people around.

In case you're having a hard time with both disciplines, you'll either have to buy or take captives by force, or come later when your skill level allows you to use a terminal or a shield.

After completing the task of Belchonok, return to the paddock. Now the boy will ask you to remove the guard.

At night, only one person is on duty at the corral - Sorokovnik. This is the best time to clear the way for the fugitives. You can, using eloquence, tell the guard that he is not paid enough for such work and he will go to the Undertaker to demand a pay increase. If the attempt fails, try going to Jones' house and talking to the dark-skinned girl - with the help of eloquence or 100 caps you will be able to convince her to distract the Forty Man.

Return to Belchonok to tell him the good news. He will say that he and his friend are leaving immediately, but Penny has fallen in love with some guy and does not want to leave without him. You can convince the boys to leave Penny to fend for themselves if you don't mind losing karma, or you can go and talk to the girl.

Penny will refuse to run without a certain Rory, who is sitting in a punishment cell. You can use Speech to convince the girl to run or you have to save them both.

The keys to the punishment cell are held by Sorokovnik and Undertaker Jones. You can use pickpocket skills to steal the keys from the first one, or simply take them off the table in the second room.

The punishment cell is next to the slave barracks. If you leave the corral with a two-headed bull, then on the left side there will be a small booth - this is the punishment cell, you will find Rory in it. Tell him that Penny sent you and then ... and what will happen to him then is not so important, if he runs, he will most likely be killed by slavers. The main thing for you is not to get involved in this matter - it would be foolish to go through the entire peaceful path of freeing the slaves and in the end to engage in a shootout with the whole city.

Now return to Penny and she will join the fugitives. Based on the map, leave their cities to meet the children and complete the quest.

Tenpenny Tower

As the name implies, you can get this quest in Tenpenny Tower, located in the southwestern part of the Wasteland. The easiest way to get a marker on the map is to talk to Burke at Moriarty's Inn and agree to blow up the city. Whether you fulfill your promise or not - it doesn't matter, the mark on the map will appear immediately after the conversation.

Upon approaching the tower for the first time, you will see a ghoul named Roy Phillips talking on speakerphone to someone inside. Once he leaves, use the link to get inside. If you came at the invitation of Burke, you will be let in for free, otherwise you will have to unfasten 100 caps for entry. Once inside, look for Chief Gustovo. He will talk about the problems with the ghouls, and you will offer your help in killing Roy Philips. The reward will be 500 caps, but if you bargain, you can negotiate for 700 caps upon completion of the task and get the weapon right away.

Now you need to get to the ghouls. Walk west from Tenpenny Tower to Warington Depot. Here you will be attacked by a couple of ghouls.

Go under the vault (from the position in the screenshot above you need to turn right), where the rails end and enter the door to your right. Go through the tunnel past the radioactive barrels to the door on the left. Along the way, wild ghouls will periodically attack you, I will not focus on each of them, just kill the reptiles and move on.

In the first room you can pick up ammo and a first aid kit, then go further to the exit to the subway tunnel. Now go straight along the narrow passage between the car and the wall until you see a door on the left. Do not rush to fly inside with hooting - there is gas in the room and when fired, it can explode. Shoot the ghouls from afar so that the explosion does not catch them. Or throw a grenade into the room, which will also please the eye.

After killing the ghouls, enter the Warrington station door and turn left. This is a ghoul camp. Don't forget to hide your weapons. Talk to Michael Masters and move forward through the subway tunnel to the door on the right. Behind the door you will see an office, and after going a little further, you will meet Roy Philips himself. Chat with him and make a choice whose side you will take: ghouls, people from the tower, or try to settle everything peacefully, in the common interest.

people side

If you've decided to keep your promise to Chief Gustavo, now is the time to take action. Blow the head off Roy and Besi Lynn, then put a couple of bullets in Masters for not meeting you with bread and salt and return the same way you came to Tenpenny Tower for the reward.

This option for completing the quest can lead to the loss of karma. To prevent this from happening, before killing the ghouls, tell them the purpose of your visit and they will attack you.

Quest completed.

Ghoul Party

Option 1.

Return to Tenpenny Tower and kill all its inhabitants except for Alistair Tenpenny himself. talk to the owner of the tower and tell him that you need to be friends with the ghouls and live peacefully. He will agree to let the mutants in - he would still refuse - and even pour off some caps. Return to Roy, and he will give you the Ghoul Mask* for your efforts.

Option 2.

Roy has a plan, he wants to break into the basement of the Tenpenny Tower with other ghouls and take over the tower. But for this you need to open the gate under the tower. Chief Gustovo and old Daredevil Herbert Dashwood have the key to the gate. To take the key from Gustovo, you have to kill him. And Herbert will give the key voluntarily if you talk to him in a good way, well, or kill him, in the end, if you don’t know how to do it in a good way. The old man's room is located in the tower apartments: in the hall, go up to the balcony, then along any stairs to the second floor to the apartments, look for a room along the western wall.

Having received the key, exit the tower to the street and go around the building. From the side opposite from the entrance there will be a descent to the basement. There will be a terminal in the basement, breaking it will open the lower gate of the tower and launch a crowd of wild ghouls there. If you couldn't hack the terminal, just shoot the generator and the gate will open.

Now go to the tower entrance and get the Ghoul Mask* from Roy.

This version of the quest involves the loss of karma, but after transferring the tower to the ghouls, it will be possible to completely plunder it without losing karma.

Peaceful solution to the problem

If you want to settle things peacefully, then after talking with Roy, return to the tower to Tenpenny. The easiest way to do this is to go outside through the turnstiles in the place where you met Michael Masters for the first time.

Enter Tenpenny Tower and go to the elevator behind the reception. The elevator will take you up to the penthouse, where you will find Mr. Tenpenny's apartment - a security guard is sitting near it. Use eloquence to get inside. If it didn’t work out, then you can steal the key or simply kill the guard and pick up the key.

You will find the chef himself on the balcony behind a metal door.

In a conversation, he will say that, in principle, he is not opposed to the ghouls living in the tower, if the guests do not object: the Wellingtons, Mr. Lin, Miss Montenegro and Miss Lancaster.

The easiest way to get rid of the Wellingtons and Miss Lancaster.

Return to the hall and go up to the apartments, go to the east wall and you will see a room in which there is a desk on the right (next to the room is a pink armchair). Read the love letter on the table. Now find Millicent Wellington and show her the letter (the Wellingtons' room in the apartment on the south side). The girl will kill her husband and his mistress, Miss Lancaster, after which she will leave Tenpenny Tower.

Also, if you have a well-developed eloquence, you can try to negotiate with all three. In this case, for each success you will receive karma. But save Millicent for last. if you convince her to give consent for the ghouls to live, then later you will not be able to show the letter and the obstinate villains will have to be killed personally.

Anthony Lin is a local couturier, depending on your eloquence, you can convince him to accept ghouls or kill him. The same with Lydia Montenegro. Depending on whether you persuaded the character or killed you, karma will be added or reduced.

Having resolved the issue with the tenants, go to Tenpenny and he will agree to the arrival of the ghouls. He will also give you 500 caps. Now go to Roy and he will give you a Ghoul Mask*.

This path is the most beneficial in terms of karma and rewards in the final.

Unfortunately, ghouls and humans never get along. If you return to Tenpenny Tower after 48 hours, you will see that all people (except Burke, if he was in the tower) have been killed and ghouls run the settlement.

End of quest.

* A ghoul mask will make you look like a ghoul and wild ghouls won't be aggressive to you.

Blood Ties

This quest is most likely to be given to you in the early stages of the game while exploring Megaton. In Moriarty's Inn or one of the city houses, you will meet a girl named Lucy West. To receive the quest, talk to her and agree to deliver the letter to her family in Arefu.

Arefa is located northwest of Megaton. The path there is not too dangerous, along the way you can meet scorpions, raiders and mole rats. When approaching the settlement, the local sheriff Evan King will start shooting at you. Don't return fire, he still won't hit, he just shoots out of fright.

In the dialogue, the sheriff will tell you that he protects Arefu from the constant raids of a local gang called the Family. Tell Evan that you have business in the settlement and agree to visit the inhabitants. Two houses will be closed, activate the door to see the menu, where there will be a "knock" item. Thus, you will visit two families, and the door to the third house will be open. There you will find the corpses of Lucy West's parents. The higher your Medicine skill, the more detailed information you will get about the cause of death of these people. But for the quest it is not so important.

Advice. Near the house of the Wests is the house of the sheriff himself, but it is locked and the corresponding skill is required to break the lock at least 50. It is highly recommended to get there, as there is a baby doll that gives a bonus to repairs.

Return to the sheriff and tell about the death of the Wests. He will ask: was there a boy named Ian among the dead? The boy, of course, was not there. Evan will ask you to find Ian and save him from the Family.

After agreeing to do this, go to the Seneca Northwest metro station. To do this, jump into the river from the bridge and go north from Arefa. Enter the station and continue your way to the door between two burning barrels. Two ghouls will meet you outside the door. One of them, named Murphy, will tell you that he wants to create an improved screw and will offer to make it for you if you give him "sugar bombs". Just remember for the future where these bombs, found throughout the game, can be pushed. Continue through the room to a green glowing radioactive well and jump into it.

In the well, you will meet several swamps. Go further until you reach a tunnel lit with red lamps.

Now you have to be careful! The entire tunnel is littered with traps. First you will meet anti-personnel mines, after a few meters there will be a trap, in a narrow passage there is a baseball gun. Move slowly and carefully, disarming and avoiding traps. You need to take the first turn on the left. If you turned and saw a wheelchair-trap in front of you, then you need to return - you have passed your turn. Pay special attention to stretch marks - they are difficult to notice.

Turning, you will continue to run into traps until you see the entrance to the Family's hideout, guarded by a certain Robert. Now you can move on to the option to quickly complete the quest with the loss of karma. To do this, you need to kill Robert, kill the rest of the Family, give Ian his sister's letter and return to Arefa to receive a reward for the quest from the sheriff.

If you do not want to lose karma and want to get "Shishi Kebab" - a good melee weapon for this quest - just talk to Robert and say that you have a letter for Ian from his sister. The guard will send you to the leader of the gang, Vance.

To get to the Family's lair, walk a little along the corridor and enter the Mereshti station. Go further to a large illuminated hall with many benches. Here you will find gang members and Vance himself, standing at the top center.

Your task here will be to obtain the password to Ian's room. This information can be obtained from any member of the gang:

Brian, if you have the "wifekiller" perk,
Justin with the help of "eloquence",
Carl, if you are a woman and have the Black Widow perk, or you have the “strength” stat
at Vance himself, with the developed skill "eloquence".
If you were unable to get the password using the above methods, you can talk to Vance and ask what the Family is and where they came from. He will give you the password to the Family terminal and offer you to read it yourself. The terminal is downstairs in the hall.

After studying the information, return to Vance, talk to him about Ian, about the Family and say that, they say, an understanding of the motives that guide him and his associates descended on you from the terminal. As a result of the conversation, you will receive a password. Go up the stairs until you see a terminal on the left. Use it and the next door will be unlocked - behind it you will find Ian.

Talk to the boy. Whether he stays in the gang or leaves with you doesn't matter. Then return to Vance and discuss with him the further fate of Arefa. You can convince the leader not to attack the village anymore or even protect its inhabitants. As a reward for your efforts, receive the Shishi Kebab schematic from Vance, a weapon that will be very useful for players who specialize in close combat.

Now you can rummage around the bandits' stash a little and return to Arefa to inform Evan about the happy resolution of his problems with the Family. He will happily treat you to beer.

Quest completed.

Stolen Independence

This quest is given by Abraham Washington in the Rivet City Commonwealth Capitol (middle deck entrance). The old man will tell you that the American Declaration of Independence is missing from his collection of historical items. Before you end the conversation with Washington, ask for the location of the document so that a marker appears on the map.

The National Archives is located near the Historical Museum - when you exit, turn left and walk a little until you see the archive building on the left. It's hard not to notice him. On the way to the goal, you will meet a couple of super mutants who will make your path not so boring.

Before entering the building, you will see a message about the caught radio wave of the rangers. Turn on the radio to get the quest "Reilly's Rangers".

Now go through the main entrance of the National Archives. There will be a wall in front of you, go around it and on the back side you will find two terminals “Guess and win” and “Getting prizes”. The first contains eight questions. Their answers are as follows:

Second Continental Congress
John Hancock
King George III
Thomas Jefferson
Now take the receipt and go to the second terminal. Here you can exchange your receipt for a prize:

Glamorous Grape Mentat +5 Charisma
Ingenious Berry Methates +5 Intelligence
Observant Orange Mentats +5 Perception.
Get your prize and it's time to start the task. Follow through the double doors to the rotunda. Be careful - there is an anti-personnel mine right outside the door!

Behind the sandbags you will see Sydney, talk to her, she will warn you about the upcoming mutant attack, and you will receive a sub-task to protect the rotunda.

The first wave is quite simple, but the second wave will consist of super mutant beasts with grenades and grenade launchers. Try to shoot the grenade while it's still in the monster's hand. And when you see a mutant with a grenade launcher - immediately switch all your attention to him, do not let him shoot.

Having dealt with the mutants, talk to Sydney again and she will offer to keep you company in search of the declaration. She knows the area better than you, so it's not a bad idea.

Advice. If Sydney dies in the shootout, you won't be able to use the quick and easy way down to the basement. In this case, it is better to load the nearest save and try to make the girl survive.

Sydney will give you the password for the terminal, which is located here in the rotunda. Use it and activate the freight elevator. Once down, go through the door and down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs is a pulse grenade, deactivate it as soon as possible and get ready to attack the robot from the left.

The fastest way is through the gates of the complex to the north, but to open them, you need a science level of at least 67. Having this skill, open the doors and immediately go to the text two paragraphs below.

If you are not good with science, you will have to work your way through force or cunning. Go to the western corridor where the robot was shooting from. The first door on the right leads to the same place as the gates of the complex, but you need at least 50 lockpicking skill. Have you opened it? Then follow the corridor and to the right. If hacking is hard for you, get ready for a fight with a rather strong robot around the far corner. On the way, you can replenish the ammo load with mines and other ammunition.

At the end of the corridor you will see a gas leak - try not to shoot in this place. In the next rooms there will be the same zones, be careful, throw a grenade there for peace of mind. It's no coincidence that they are scattered on the shelves here.

After passing along the corridor, you will find yourself in a room located on the back side of the gates of the complex. There is a generator in the southeast corner of the room. If you have enough repair skill, you can ease your way further by disabling the turrets with this generator.

Now follow the stairs down to the door. Here, get ready for a serious fight. Behind the door there will be a corridor, at the end of which you will see another door. The robot will open it and attack you. This piece of iron shoots pretty well from a grenade launcher. But the worst thing is that behind him there will be another robot, already with a flamethrower and a pulse gun. And from around the corner a third one will approach - "Mr. Brave", also with a flamethrower.

Optional part.

Now, having dealt with the robots, and taking a breath, let's return to the corridor where the first robot attacked you. This corridor has locked doors on the left and right. The first door requires 50 units. for hacking. Behind it is another similar door. Having cracked both, you will see a safe, which is guarded by two turrets on the left and right. The safe contains the Bill of Rights, and next to it is the spellbook Lie! Congressman's Textbook, which adds 1 unit. to eloquence. In addition, the room is littered with various ammunition. The Bill could later be sold to Abraham Washington for 100 caps.

The door on the right requires at least 75 Lockpick. After picking it open, you can go to the vault with the Magna Carta. Although you can get to the same vault if you go through the corridors while killing robots. As in the room with the Bill, there are two turrets and a lot of ammo here. Washington will roll off 75 caps for the charter.

End of optional part.

Having dealt with the robots, and taking everything that you can take, go to the Armored Archive Storage. Here you will be met by the crazy robot Button Gwynette.

You have several ways to get the "Declaration".

The easiest and fastest is to smash this madhouse on wheels, pick up the password to the terminal from the corpse of the robot, open the vault at the end of the room and get the document.

You can also use eloquence to convince the Button that you are really Thomas Jefferson and he will respectfully give you the "Declaration".

If you have the Expert Roboticist perk, you can enter the robot stop code and extract the information you need.

The last option is that you need to visit the Arlington Library and get ink there, and then return with them to the Button. Details on how to get to the library are written in Chapter 3 of the Wasteland Survival Guide. In the building, you will need to go from the hall to the "Periodicals Archive", then go up to the third floor and find a room braided with barbed wire and reinforced with sandbags. There, in the far right corner next to the desk, you will find the "Restorer's Box" and the ink in it. See map:

By choosing the last option, you will receive an exact copy of the "Declaration". Return to Abraham Washington and get 400 caps as a reward, as well as a scheme for a railroad rifle.