Earn money in "Sims. Making money in Sims The most profitable jobs in sims 4


Ways to earn money in the Sims 2 can be divided into fast and long-term, dishonest and worthy, thoughtful and dependent on Fortune, easy and labor intensive, possible on the first day of settling a Sim on a lot, and dependent on the development of skills.


1. The easiest way to get a lot of money is with three codes: kaching, motherlode, familyfunds. The first gives 1000 simoleons, the second immediately 50000, the third is entered in the area, the family name and the amount are added to it. If the family's last name is Russian, the code usually doesn't work.
2. As a Sim fulfills a wish, they accumulate bonus points. And they can get bonus items. Including those that endow the Sim with finances. The Money Tree (3000 Reward Points) is worth 40 Simoleons if the Sim is in a Platinum mood, and 1 Simoleon if they are Red. And if a Sim has 27,750 bonus points, they can counterfeit money using a special machine. If you're lucky. If he's not lucky, he may be fined by the police for counterfeiting money, or the car will simply catch fire.
3. If a Sim has reached certain heights in any career, they can receive a special career reward. Using awards earned in the Cooking, Justice, Gaming, Politics, Party, Artist, Architecture careers also earns the desired Simoleons.
4. If there is a sufficient amount on the account, you can buy a piece of decor. At midnight, it will rise in price, while any other items, on the contrary, will depreciate.
5. If you put a windmill, you won't have to pay utility bills. On the contrary, the Sim will be paid extra for maintaining the ecology in the city at the proper level.

random income

1. If a Sim has a clean/dirty scale of 1-2, they can rummage through the trash can, pulling out and selling small items: alarm clock, screwdriver. The money isn't great, but it's sometimes a great help to a poor Sim. By the way, when malicious neighbors knock over a trash can, you can get compensation from them. Sometimes.
2. Money can be earned by rapping for money, performing music on any musical instrument or dancing with fire. In fact, this is legal charity. It is impossible to guess how much compassionate citizens will give, and whether they will give it at all.
3. For some Sims, wealth literally falls from the sky. It all starts like this: an old gypsy brings a magic lamp for unknown merits (he's lying, the lamp is issued randomly, without taking into account any merits). The genie sitting in the lamp gives four bags of money - 10,000, 7,000, 4,000 and 1,000 simoleons to a request for wealth. They fall on the Sim's head from the sky and are sometimes fatal. If a Sim has a luxurious garden on their lot, they can receive a magical well from the gardening society. Think of wealth and accept bags of money that fell from the sky.

Put in a lot of work

1. A successful sim student receives scholarships at the end of each semester and upon graduation. If you want, you can earn extra money by doing work for fellow students for money.
2. Treasure is believed to be buried in the lot, and all Demiurges give their Sims a shovel. Different things come up. More often stones and bones, sometimes decor items. The most expensive find is a chest of gold for 5,000 Simoleons.
3. If the Sim "persuaded" the Supreme to initiate him, a cauldron appears in the luggage of the newly minted. And he can brew potions and make magic items, and sell the surplus through luggage.
4. You can also earn income from fish caught in the pond or from crops grown. In the harvest, you first need to invest the cost of seedlings and fertilizers, then take care of it for a long time. Sometimes the harvest is lost. Everything, like people.
5. You can sell crafts made on the machines. But first, invest in the cost of the machine itself.
6. Naturally, the most logical way to earn money is wages. At the very beginning of the work path of the Sim, it is insignificant. But as they gain skills, the Sim moves up the career ladder, receives higher wages and bonuses. Sometimes he gets cards of chance. If he answers correctly, he will receive a very large bonus. Wrong - can lose his job altogether.
7. Sim can open a business and earn money by providing services or selling goods. When the business reaches a certain level, you can choose the Finance business benefit and receive cash grants. Lazy Sims open a home business, set up a money-collecting machine, dig a pond, and...do nothing. The money itself drips into their account, and the fish caught by the visitors gets into the luggage.

Pleasant and easy chores

1. All demiurges like these activities. Sim either writes novels and cookbooks on the computer, earning a decent amount of money. Or paint pictures. The higher the skill of creativity, the more expensive the painting. And after the death of a Sim, it generally increases in value. And again, just like people.
2. Wealthy Sims can select a certain benefit and provide financial advice on the computer for 200 Simoleons per hour. Or to receive income from the game on the stock exchange. The more money in the family account, the more he can get from the exchange. Although, sometimes the exchange can ruin.
3. If the Sim is loving enough, and the demiurge has a lot of patience, the Sim's passions bring him very valuable gifts after dates. You can sell them and never work at all.
4. On hobby lots, Sims participate in various competitions. For example, dancers or cooks. If they have developed enough skills, then there is a high probability of getting the first prize of 500 Simoleons.

So you started new game a young and ambitious character who does not like living in a tiny house and sleeping on a cheap bed. How to quickly earn money for bread with red caviar?

In fact, you can earn very quickly only with codes, but there are also legal ways that allow you to get a good job at a young age.


The most obvious way, but not all works allow themselves to be denied nothing even at the last levels. The most financially rewarding career is that of a businessman. You don’t have to live at work, master a bunch of skills and bring yourself to exhaustion on simulators, it’s enough to always have a good mood and ... that’s all. At the sixth level of the career, it will be possible to hold meetings in public institutions of the city. A couple of meetings can be held after work, and on the weekend up to six. For each character will receive 400§.

Joining forces

If you are creating a family of multiple unrelated Sims, create them one at a time and move into the new house in turn - their starting capital will add up.

Treasure hunting and collecting

Perhaps the most profitable occupation in The Sims 3. You can’t do without a starting capital of at least § 10,000, but the cost of travel will more than pay for itself when the traveler starts selling broken vases, magic gnomes, rare butterflies, extra gems and dozens of nectars. Sims with advanced martial arts skills can knock out rare gems from meteorite ingots, but the skill can only be mastered while traveling to China. In Egypt, you can buy yourself a kit for spelling snakes and perform with it for money, just like musicians with their musical instruments. But remember that the guitar will never sting you, unlike the viper.

Marriage swindle and friendly moves

If your character is sociable and tends to communicate a lot with the inhabitants of the town, he has every chance sooner or later to grab himself a rich spouse. Naturally, if the newly-made spouse has wealth, but does not live alone, he will bring only part of his funds to the new family. But you can always drive him away and find yourself a couple more lovers.

If your Sim has made a close friend, often goes to visit him and invites him to his place, the friend can invite the Sim to move into his house. It doesn't happen very often, so don't get lost!

Living in a skyscraper

If your Sim has not yet learned how to earn a lot - minimize his expenses. A good rented apartment in a skyscraper costs much less than a tiny private house.

Creativity and individual entrepreneurship

Creativity and crafts allow you to make good money, but you need to understand that you will have to spend more than one simoday to improve the skill, besides, the creation of art and crafts takes a very long time. For these reasons, this way of earning cannot be called fast.

If you still decide to dedicate your character to material art, do not forget that goods are sold much more expensive through a commission.

Sculptors earn the most. In second place, perhaps, are artists, but you will have to draw constantly. Musicians also get paid well for their performances when their skill level is high enough. They can play both in public places in the city and in the subway, and they can also form a group and receive additional fees for performances, which, however, happen quite rarely.

Photographers can get paid well for their photos, but they can also be in debt, because at the beginning of the professional path, the cost of images is very high (often higher than the cost of the image itself), and the most expensive photos can be taken abroad anyway.

Being an inventor is not particularly profitable, because their products are either very cheap or take a very long time to make, but their drilling rig allows you to extract expensive gems. In addition, he can create several simbots and send them to work.

Nectromakers (especially if they are part-time gardeners) will someday learn how to make high-quality expensive nectar. Do not forget to keep it in the nectar shelves - over time, its value will only increase.

Writing is a unique way to make money. The writer will be able to enjoy the monetary result of his many hours of creative efforts only in old age. After writing each book, he will receive a full fee once a week for another 6 weeks. When there are more than a dozen books written, royalties will begin to be calculated in five-figure amounts.


Geniuses and computer geniuses can make good money with the help of a computer, solving the unsolvable or hacking databases at night. Looking at the stars through a telescope also brings some income: you can discover a new stellar body (for which a cash bonus is required) or see a falling meteorite and find it in the city (some of which are quite expensive).

Investments in real estate

In The Sims 3, you can invest in public real estate and become a co-owner or owner of it. From the moment of purchase, once a week you will be able to collect profit from your establishments. If you have purchased an open community lot, you will also be able to upgrade it to increase your income. It is better to immediately become the owner of the institution - the profit will be greater and you will not have to invest in real estate twice.


Becoming a celebrity, you can live not only richly, but certainly not in poverty. Celebrities often receive valuable gifts by mail (expensive sofas, TVs, household appliances, etc.). Celebrity missions also pay well. In addition, celebrities constantly receive discounts in stores and entertainment venues. And if journalists slandered you, you can sue them and get good compensation for moral damage.


Kleptomaniacs, as well as firefighters and private investigators on a mission, can instantly get rich by borrowing a couple of expensive cars from more affluent neighbors. The main thing is to get as close as possible to the desired vehicle so as not to get hold of another street lamp.

Part-time job as a bartender

The key word here is "work". If you have high level mixology skill, you can come to any bar or night club Bridgeport and asked to work. The bartender's salary is hourly, does not depend on the number of clients served and grows with the skill.

Character Trait: Nervous.

First of all, it should be remembered that in The Sims 3, there are many traits available for your Sims, and some allow your Sim to get through work, challenges, or special tasks faster.
For example, a nervous character can lose his temper, and in the following hours he is not afraid of stress, even if he works hard, tirelessly.

Character trait: genius.

Geniuses read books faster than other characters and improve in logic, mastering chess at an increased speed. Most importantly, they have the ability to solve various puzzles on the computer (option "solve the unsolvable"). This operation takes time and is not always successful, but if the Sim succeeds, you will receive good financial compensation.

Personality trait: computer genius.

A computer genius, unlike a technophobe, communicates with complex technology “on you”. He develops the skill of logic faster by playing chess on the computer than at the chess table or reading a book. He also makes friends faster in chats, and the genre of "science fiction" is available to such writers immediately. But their main feature, which interests us now, is computer hacking. Remember: the “hack” option is available to your hacker only at night and can end badly (from computer virus until the arrival of the police). The successful outcome of this not entirely honest operation is also affected by the hidden skill of computer hacking, which develops over time if you practice often. Profit from hacking can vary - it all depends on the time spent and the level of the hidden skill.

Trait: bookworm.

Bookworm. It would seem that this skill does not represent any financial value, but this is only at first glance. In addition to the writing advantage and the ability to learn skills faster by reading books, your Sim can join a book club. Once you deposit 250 Simoleons, your ward will receive new volumes of popular literature in the mail every Wednesday from the book club, which can be sold!

Personality trait: beggar.

For beggars, when communicating with other characters, the “ask” option is available. They can beg for a certain amount of money or food, as well as, for example, a new recipe from the chef. You can ask for something from the characters once a day, and the amount and success depend on the level of the Sim's relationship with others and on the hidden skill "Begging" (in various situations, the Sim is available from "Ask for some money" to "Ask for a lot of money"). Keep in mind that characters' finances are limited, so don't be surprised if the pile of money turns out to be less than you expect. Do not be offended, they already give you the last shirt.

Personality Trait: Kleptomaniac.

The kleptomaniac has the option to "steal something". The stolen items are stored in the family's luggage and can be sold or returned to the owner by mail. In one day, a kleptomaniac can steal a maximum of three things (a character with a "thief" career - six). A very profitable character trait, especially if you test its capabilities somewhere in the garage of rich neighbors.

Skills and everything you need to know about them.

There are many different skills in The Sims 3 that can be developed to improve your Sims' financial situation. Also, in the process of mastering a skill, the game will offer Sims a variety of goals for which rewards are issued (simoleons, increasing the skill level, improving relationships with characters). It is worth noting that a detailed acquaintance with the available bonus rewards in the game can significantly strengthen your financial situation. Many of them are closely related to skills and the fruits of their development, affecting the quality or productivity of your work.

The art skill will allow your Sim to draw pictures (and, with The Sims 3 Career Expansion, also sketch rooms and clothing styles). Naturally, the results of the artist's work can be sold. The higher the skill of your ward, the better and more expensive his masterpieces will be. The value of a painting increases significantly after the death of the character who painted it.
Not superfluous will be such character traits as an artist and a perfectionist, as well as a bonus genius award.

Playing guitar. Starting at level 5 of this skill, your Sim will be able to play the guitar for money. To do this, it is enough to have your favorite tool in your inventory. You can perform anywhere, but in order to earn money, it is better to choose places where there will be an audience guaranteed, for example, in a city park. The more talented the musician, the more money listeners pay him, and the more crowded the place of performance, the more listeners.
Useful character traits: virtuoso, artist.

Writing. By developing this skill, your ward will be able to write books and earn a living by receiving royalties! It is worth remembering that writing books is a long and exhausting task. But your Sim will receive three types of royalties for the book: small (in the process of writing for every 20% of the book); full (for the entire book after its completion) and weekly (for all books written). Weekly fees are paid out over six weeks. Also, the author's copy is sent by mail, and it can be sold.
Useful Traits: Bookworm, artist, perfectionist.
The Featured Author bonus award will boost your royalties.

The logic skill will allow your Sim not only to understand chess, but to discover new luminaries by observing the galaxy through a telescope. Starting at the third level of skill development, the Sim will be able to follow starry sky even in the light of day, exploring space (and not neighboring secrets). For each astronomical discovery, a cash prize is due. Also, through a telescope, you can see the fall of a meteorite, and then, picking it up in the city, sell it for good money (depending on the rarity and size of the find).

In The Sims 3 All Ages Expansion Pack, intelligent Sims can research potions at the lab table and sell them. Potions created during the research process cost nothing, but repeated production can already enrich the Sim.
Useful Traits: Genius, computer genius, considerate.

Fishing. This skill will be useful for those who like to spend a lot of time in nature. Going fishing, your ward will receive not only moral satisfaction, but will later be able to sell his catch in the store (they will pay more in the store than if you sell fish directly from luggage). In addition, while fishing, you can catch and various items.
Useful Traits: Fisherman, loves nature.

Gardening skill allows you to grow vegetables and fruits and then sell them. In addition to making a profit, you will also reduce food costs. If the collected fruits are stored in the Sim's luggage, then he can eat them at any time, and if in the refrigerator, then homemade meals will sometimes cost you nothing. You can, of course, limit yourself to raids on neighboring and public gardens, stealing other people's apples, but having your own garden and enviable diligence, you can plant the most amazing plants that bring more profit. At the seventh level of development, a special plant will be available to you - a money tree. As if in a magical land of fools, it bears fruit with real wallets (from 100 to 800 simoleons per crop, depending on the quality of the plant). After a while, the miracle tree begins to scatter seeds around itself, from which you can grow even more sources of income. But be careful: if you don’t take care of the tree for a long time, it will begin to bear fruit not with wallets, but with bills!
Useful Traits: Gardener, loves nature.
The Gardening Genius bonus award increases the quality (and therefore cost) of plants.

Photo. Taking pictures, your Sim will be able to capture the whole world around him and in the future, sell the pictures taken. The more professional the camera and the higher the skill, the better

You can use the most different ways in order to make money in the Sims game, and some of them are honest, but there are not too (theft or fraud, for example). If we talk about honest methods (without cheats), then we can immediately say that they will be exactly what most people earn in real life. Since The Sims is a simulator of real reality, practically the same ways to make money as in the real world.

Work as an honest way to earn money in sims without cheats

So everything is simple here: you send your game character for a banal job, and it is desirable that this job be highly paid. And it is also desirable that the character likes this work, suits him. That is, a kind of hobby that brings a good income. Therefore, make a carefully weighed choice, because if you choose the right job, your hero will begin to steadily move up the "union" ladder, arrange a career, and therefore earn more and more. That is, work will bring profit, just worry about a decent initial salary and its correspondence to the interests and capabilities of the hero.

Various activities to earn money

Certain types of activity can bring one or another amount of money. Each job pays differently, so you will need to consider as many options as possible. For example, you can buy a broken car, fix it, and then resell it as a working car.

You can earn in other ways too. In particular, to become a famous celebrity, start writing interesting books, draw beautiful pictures and engage in other similar activities.

You should not ignore the wishes of your game character: if there is at least one chance to translate them into reality, use it. Then you will earn exclusive points, and with them you can purchase various exclusive items that, for example, cheer you up. Or it can be unique simulators that are not available in the trade and similar interesting things.

Game world features

If you can’t bear to “cut down” money “in an easy way”, take advantage of the fact that you are still in the game world, the possibilities of which, of course, exceed the possibilities real life, despite the simulation of the latter. This means that you can go to the catacombs and look for money there. It is possible that you will find them. You can also make an appropriate wish and ask the genie to fulfill it.

Don't Forget Relevance cheat codes: make money on the sims they make it incredibly fast. Perhaps for some gamers this is not interesting, but for many cheats help out a lot. To quickly earn money, open the console (this is done by simultaneously pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + C), then write down the following command: motherlode. Immediately after that, you will receive a very serious bonus, which will be +50 thousand Simoleons. Not bad, right? Moreover, you can receive it in this way more than once.

Making money is one of the main foundations for the well-being of the family in sims 4 game.

After all, it is with money that you can equip a house, buy a new car or furniture, everything else, as in real life.

In this article, we will explain, providing all the effective ways, from a successful profession to using the code.


The main income in the game is a job that you can get at a young and adult age.

In total there are 10 career branches, among which there are such common professions as:

By choosing one of the professions, you can easily move to a higher position for great achievements and hard work.

It is career growth that will help you make a lot of money, but what needs to be done for this specifically:

  1. Go to work in a good mood. To do this, you must sleep well, get up early and fulfill all the needs of the Sim (leisure, food, socializing). In the worst case scenario, your character will leave for work upset and without any initiative to perform their duties. In this case, you will not easily climb the career ladder, but you will be fired.
  2. At the beginning of the game, select the Condition aspiration aspiration with the Dealer skill, because this way you will get more money at work.
  3. Work at 100%, without rest. You should also complete all daily tasks.

In this way, you will quickly reach the highest point in the productivity scale and receive tasks for promotion.

After completing the task, you will move to a new position, and everything will repeat again up to level 10.

With each new promotion, your salary will increase, and with it your financial condition.


Drawing and selling paintings you can make money fast. At first, you will draw only cheap drawings, but having achieved a high skill, you will quickly learn how to create masterpieces.

The advantage of this method is a completely free day, you do not have to go to work, as you can create paintings at home.

Similarly, you can achieve results in writing.


Buy a computer and get started hack various websites and accounts, becoming a full-fledged hacker.

As in painting pictures, earn money by hacking, you will succeed only after the development of the corresponding skill, in our case this is Programming.

Using the code

In the easiest but illegal way receipt of money will be the introduction of the code.

Codes for getting money in the game sims 4

Summing up

Now you know, how to make money in sims 4. It is worth noting that when using the code, in most cases, interest in the game is quickly lost, so it’s better to make money “legally”.