Tomb Raider (2013) walkthrough. Walkthrough Rise of the Tomb Raider Bookworm, Historian

We don't leave ours.

We pass forward and find a meeting of the brotherhood. They grabbed Sammy and are trying to perform a liberation rite, as they believe that it is in her body that the empress of the sun is imprisoned. Lara gives herself away and therefore she is grabbed and beaten. The ignited fire is extinguished by an unknown force. We are led to the throne room, along the way we resist and jump into the bloody river. We move forward, shoot a fiery arrow at a caustic green gas and quickly pass on. After resting by the fire, we will pass through a narrow passage. Watch the laceration and go down the right side. We shoot a fire arrow into the gas to drive away the cannibals. We turn the valve near the door, move away and shoot at the gas. We rise higher, do not hesitate and go behind the shelter on the right side. If we do not want to be discovered, then we shoot through the light bulbs. We get to the closed door, turn around and go upstairs. We turn the valve, we shoot at the gas. We go down and climb up the box.

Let's go ahead, the bandits are talking below. As soon as all three are in one place, we shoot at the gas. Jump over to the other side and climb up. We cling to an uneven wall. We go further, we kill the enemy. Again, we shoot at the gas when the enemies gather more closely. Let's kill the survivors and go up the stairs. We turn the valve, pull the object wrapped with a rope. The cage will move closer to the door, now we shoot at the gas. We hastily leave this area and get out to the allies. They are locked in a cage, so we kill enemies and communicate with friends. We pass forward, unscrew the valve and shoot at the gas. Now we go forward again and go upstairs. We jump onto the platform and from it even further. Two sources of gas appeared to the left, we shoot at them. We move to the right, we rise higher and again to the right. Press the button to grab. We continue to shift to the right and climb up. We jump forward, turn the two valves. We shoot at sources of gas. Cells have descended to the left, along them we pass into a safe zone.

Into the hell.

We run forward and rise higher and higher. We break through the door, follow the corridor. We get out on the cornice through the broken wall on the left. We follow it to an uneven wall and cling to it. We climb, move to the left along the ledges and climb up. Despite the explosions, we continue to move forward. We rise to the roof, move along the edge and slide down the cable. Hiding behind shelters, we destroy the enemies located on the neighboring building. We jump over to it and cling to the uneven wall. In the corridor we meet Whitman. Free Sammy and get ambushed in throne room. It is best to immediately hide behind one of the columns, since we are more vulnerable in the center. Soon a large armored enemy will appear, we hit his head. We go to the far passage and follow the corridor, destroying the enemies.

Having got out, we encounter a machine gunner. We move in a zigzag from side to side. We rise along the stairs to the right and cling to the uneven wall. We roll down the cable, during the fight we fall down. We select a grenade launcher and hit the enemy with a well-aimed shot. We shoot from a grenade launcher at a metal barrier on the doors. We move forward, cracking down on opponents. We cling to an uneven wall and climb up. We move under the burning debris, we destroy the wall with a grenade launcher. We go down the cable, shoot through the wall with a grenade launcher. Slowly we pass forward and kill a lot of enemies. We face another machine gunner. We take cover exclusively behind metal boxes, since other shelters are unreliable. We climb the ledges to the building on the left. Before we slide down the cable, we will kill the enemies at the other end. Having rolled down, we pass into the room and through the window we shoot from a grenade launcher at the location of the machine gunner.

We go down the cable, climb up on the right side and slide down the rope again. We cling to an uneven wall. We enter the building, jump on the ledges, then cling to the uneven wall.

Get to the helicopter.

We slide down the cable and run along the collapsing bridge. Once in a burning room, climb up. We continue to follow forward and climb walls, boxes and ledges until we get out onto the roof and jump into the helicopter. We force the pilot to land.


We delve into the forest, where enemies roam with lanterns. If we are noticed, then numerous enemies will come running to us, including wolves. In the dark, it's not so easy to see us. We use the bow and destroy the bandits one by one. We pass into the cave, move along the bridge and pull out the door with an arrow with a rope. In a room with wolves in cages, we climb higher. We cling to the suspended body and pull it towards us. We jump onto the displaced horizontal bar and go to the other side. We roll down, press the button so as not to break down. We move on all fours, get out. We roll along the cable to the left. We communicate with Alex, go further and go down even lower. We climb the next cable. Then we jump onto one of the platforms and go down.

When the platform rises, we release an arrow with a rope on the area wrapped in rope in the tower on the left. We slide down and climb up the stairs on the opposite corner. Using the springboard, we jump onto the cable and go down it. Being behind cover, we destroy enemies. The appeared machine gunner will begin to destroy everything and everyone. We climb the ledges. We move to the other side and run forward. After the cut-scene, we begin the descent along the cables. While decelerating, press the button shown in the lower right corner. We also periodically shoot through obstacles. We pass through the water and along the path we get to the allies, who unsuccessfully try to start the boat.

Pirate life.

On the pier we get to the tower and climb up the stairs. We slide down the cable, jump onto the horizontal bar and from it we cling to an uneven wall. Move to the right and crawl inside. We kill enemies, we pass forward and we rise upward. We move along the ledges, shifting to the right. We shoot through the mount (similar to an anchor) and pick up the rigging. We go down the collapsed mast, kill the enemies and slide down the cables. We deliver the rigging to Jon. Meanwhile, Whitman came running to us. We get a composite bow from Ion.


We activate the "Survival Instinct" to find out where to go next. Let's go along the pier and release the "comet" into an uneven wall. That is, everything is as usual, before we could attach the rope only to objects wrapped with rope, but now we can do it on uneven walls. We pass to the other side and cling to the wall. We go up, jump on the horizontal bar. Let's go forward, climb higher and slide down the cable. Or just jump on an uneven wall without climbing up. We move straight, we climb higher along the springboard. We deal with the enemies when they finish. We pass into the room on the right and climb up the stairs. We jump onto the ledge, move to the right and cling to the uneven wall.

Climbing up, we go down the cable. We kill enemies, we climb higher and we pass along the bridge. We jump over and release the "comet" into the uneven wall below on the right side. We move through the cave and get out on the other side. We release the "comet" into the uneven wall on the other side. We roll down, cling to the wall / fortifications and move to the right. Once in the bunker, we pass through a hole in the wall. We neutralize the enemy by sneaking up from behind. We move to the other side and climb up. Before you climb further, we clean the top floor. We climb the springboard to the central box, and from it even higher. We jump down to the fire and, approaching the bar, let's release the "comet" on an uneven wall. And from the central island we will go down aboard the Endurance. We kill the bandits, finally leaving the strongest. We approach him closer and immediately dodge. The enemy's head will be exposed and we can shoot it. To defeat the enemy, you need to approach him and finish off by pressing the button shown several times in time. We get new equipment - jumar, which allows you to attract heavy objects.

We pull up a heavy object wrapped with a rope, which is suspended on the left side. We go down through the broken floor. Let's go ahead and deal with the enemies when they finish. We go down the cable, we get to Alex, the passage to which is blocked. There is a heavy coil on the ceiling. We pull it towards the door, then jump onto the ladder on the left side of the coil and thereby push it to the right (when looking towards the blocked passage). We pull the coil back, jump onto the stairs on the right side of the coil and now we can climb to the very top. We remove the pipe from the passage by pressing the appropriate button. We go down and return the coil to its original position. We pull it towards the passage, then we pull it back. After talking with Alex, we leave the board of the Endurance. To do this, jump onto the rope and hold the button shown to move quickly.

We climb the box, climb the rope to the island and from the island along the next rope. Pull down a heavy object. We jump down and return to the allies through familiar places, using numerous ropes.

Chasing the wind.

We activate the "Survival Instinct" and get to the lift. We pull out the door, after which we interact with the mechanism. We climb the ledges on the lift and cling to the uneven wall. Let's move to the left and go up. We approach the bar, we release the "comet" on an uneven wall (to the one to the left). We jump over the bumps, shifting to the right. We jump on the wall, to the ledges and, having shifted to the left, to the stairs. We attract the platform, climb on it. We attract the second platform and also jump onto it. Let's jump over to the ledges, go down and slide down the rope. We climb the wall, move along the ledges to the right. Climb up the stairs and jump over to the next one on the left. We deal with enemies, in the left corner we cling to the pipe and move to the left. We jump over to the uneven wall and climb up. We release a "comet" on an uneven wall. We get down to it and move to the left. Having risen, we jump onto the stairs. We pull out the wall and go inside. We get out on the other side, reach the uneven wall and go down it into the water. We get to the next wall and climb up. We pass through the breach on the left and jump down.

We go forward and neutralize the enemies by sneaking up on them from behind. We jump into the water and rise from the other side.

We open the door through the control panel with a green light. We lower the lift using a similar panel. We climb onto the box on the right and pick out one of the four gears. We enter the lift and through the open opening on the right, we get out to the cage. We open the door to freely move around the floors. The remaining three gears are disconnected as follows:

1) Let's go up to the third floor and call the elevator. We go down halfway and jump onto the upper platform. Through the opening we can disconnect the gear.

2) We immediately go up to the fourth floor and, if you look into the mine, you can see an obstacle below on the right side, which is easily shot through with a shotgun. We call the elevator to the fourth floor and jump onto the elevator itself. When it is equal to the opened passage, then we jump through it to an uneven wall and cling to it. We climb up, then we shift to the left. Jumping down, disconnect the gear.

3) We immediately go down to the third floor, look up, climb up the stairs and disconnect the last gear.

We return to the second floor, jump down and go further. We kill enemies, get to the remains of the commander and read his suicide note, from which much becomes clear. We hear the voices of enemies, go down and head to the exit. The explosion blocked the passage, so we rise higher and, being behind cover, destroy the enemies. When the stones fall from above, we can climb up along the opened ledges. We roll down, in slow motion we jump onto the wall and cling to it. We climb up and get out. We go to the left, we form a rope bridge. We kill two when they disperse. On the ropes we get to the shore. We learn that Whitman took Sammy to Matthias.


We sit on the boat and go to the monastery. We climb up and release the "comet" on the uneven wall to the right. We rise even higher and pass forward. We are watching Whitman, who is trying to communicate with the storm guards. As soon as he uttered the word "empress" in Japanese, Whitman was immediately torn to pieces by the guards. Matthias and Sammy managed to go further. We approach the bar on the right side and release the "comet" on an uneven wall. We roll up to it, move to the right and go up. Climb up the wall and enter the building.

We move along the corridor, let the guards through. We set fire to the wreckage and pass on. We face numerous enemies, so we move parallel to them, hiding behind cover. Climbing the stairs, turn left and cross to the other side. We jump onto the ledge, move further. We jump over to the central passage and one of the guards notices us. We manage to hide, we run further and further, we roll down. We move forward, destroying enemies. We open the door, in the distance we notice Sammy and Matthias. We climb up on the left side. We slide down, get out and go to the bridge.

We face numerous guards. Most of them operate in hand-to-hand combat, so we are not in a hurry to run forward. Having dealt with everyone, we move on. The column will collapse, we will cross the other side along it. We try to hit barrels on the upper levels and thereby kill dangerous archers. We pull out the gate and head to the bridge, where we meet a large enemy. You won't have to fight him, we'll wait out the storm and enter the building. Don't forget to collect ammo before moving on. We open the door and immediately go to the mechanism on the right side. Interacting with him, we open the floor door. We pass to the other side and interact with the second mechanism. We stand in front of the closed gate and swing the cage, releasing a “comet” into it. There was a passage above the gate. Now close the floor door and lower the cage (in that order!). We climb to the highest point. To do this, go to the left side and jump up the springboard. We stand in front of the gate, pull the cage and jump onto it. As soon as the cell collides with the wall, we make a double jump.

Having found out a few more details, we go along the left aisle. We get to the "point of no return", after which a quick transition is impossible. We get out, we pass over the bridge. After talking with Matthias, we go to the left and release the "comet" into an uneven wall. Climb up the rope, jump over to the wall on the right and climb up. We pass further, we climb along the wall to the right. Move to the left, go up. We get up on the left side of the gate and attract the bell. We pass forward, climb on the left side. We release the "comet" into the bell and climb the rope. We pass along the bar, jump to the left. After talking with an ally, we move on. We jump over the abyss and cling to the wall. We shift to the right, climb to the very top along it and make a double jump up to cling to the ledge. We continue to climb up. We go to the left, observe the collapse and release the "comet" into the opened uneven wall. We move to it, move to the left and jump over to the next wall. We loosen our grip and go down to the bottom wall. On it we move to the right and go up. We pass forward, jump onto the wooden windows. Having risen, we shift to the right window and cling to an uneven wall. We climb to the very top and observe the ritual. We go around on the right side, cracking down on enemies. We face a large guard. Conventionally, the battle will take place in several stages. Run up to the enemy and dodge. We quickly shoot his naked back. We perform this action until the enemy is weakened. A button designation will appear above his head, we approach and in QTE mode we carry out finishing moves. In the second stage, the enemy is more mobile, but, still, we run behind his back and shoot her. At the third stage, we shoot the guard in the head. We carry out the final finishing and go to the center to Sammy. Matthias will knock down our bow. We shoot at him, strike at melee. Quickly and often press the button shown to throw the enemy off of you. We take out both pistols and shoot Matthias. We are watching final video.

Carrion Lair

Getting started passage tomb games Raider (2013) from watching the introductory video, after which we sway from side to side. While swaying, Lara will catch a cocoon hanging nearby, which will hit the candles and then light up and fall. Swinging further, we catch a burning log with a rope, after which the rope will also light up after Lara falls down, you will need to pull out the iron rod stuck in her side. Having risen to our feet, we pass forward until we stumble upon some crucified poor fellow, to the right of him you can find a torch that you should pick up. With a torch, we go further until we come across a blockage of boxes, boards and logs, we set them on fire with a torch, after which we can go further. After Lara squeezes through a crevice in the rock without your help, you can turn on the "survival instinct" mode, in which you can notice the items necessary during the passage (recall the "instinct" from).

Your torch will go out, in order to light it again, use the burning container to your right. Next, we climb onto the ledge on the left and set fire to the body wrapped in a rag. In the end, the fire will reach the barrel, which will explode and free the passage. After you climb onto the ledge where the barrel stood, Lara will be attacked, you can free yourself by pressing the A and D buttons, after which we run straight until we are in the water, swim forward until we reach the exit. The exit will be littered with all sorts of rubbish, including exploding barrels, if you set them on fire, you can free your passage, only your torch has gone out again. We pass to the right to a suspended cage, lighting a torch along the way. We need to set fire to two pillars to the left and right of the cage. After the cage rises, its counterweight will drop down, blocking the way for the floating boxes. Set fire to the boxes with boxes that formed a jam, then go up along the right wall and jump into the suspended cage. After this action, the cage with Lara will lower and the counterweight will rise, throwing burning garbage into a barred box, then it remains to push this box, sending burning garbage straight to the blockage with barrels that will then explode.

Next, we run through the cave, jumping over the cracks in the ground, after Lara is attacked again, to free ourselves, press the A and D buttons, and then immediately F, if you delay, Lara will be crushed by a stone (but this is nothing autosave nearby). Having passed further, we climb up the mountain by pressing the A and D keys; during the ascent, you will need to dodge falling stones by pressing A or D, depending on the direction of the dodge. Here is the beginning of the passage.

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coastal cliffs

Now our task is to find other survivors, turning left, we go forward, seeing the boat, we continue to move forward, go along the log to the other side of the cliff, after which we jump over the pit and eventually get to the plane. Trying not to fall, we jump onto the fuselage of the aircraft and press E to grab it, climb up, pressing "Space" in the process to jump a little higher. Having reached the wings, we shift to the right, climb up again, and then climb along the right wing. To jump over the engine, press D and "Space", and then immediately E so as not to fall. We continue to climb to the right until we fall from the plane to the ground. We continue to move along a narrow ledge until we reach a metal wall, to climb it we press the "Space" twice, going down we approach the bag and then we watch the next video, then we run forward and jump (the jump fails and Lara falls down). Now we will need to take shelter from the storm, for this we go forward until the next cutscene starts.

coastal forest

After the rain stops, we move forward using the "survival instinct" for orientation. At the end of the path we find the corpse of a man hanging on a tree from which you need to remove the bow. To do this, bypass the bunker with reverse side and climb onto its roof, from there we jump to a ledge from which you can approach the dead man with a bow along a branch. The body will sway, you need to grab it by the bow of the code it will be closest to you by pressing the direction button. Having received the bow, you will need to get deer meat, before that, collect the arrows lying around. Also nearby you can find an overturned truck in which you can find documents. After you shoot the deer, go up to him, Lara will do the rest herself. Here you can also hunt other animals and collect berries, and besides, in the forest on the trees there will be bone totems that you need to shoot with a bow. After the end of the hunt, return to the camp using the "survival instinct", returning you can go to the fire and distribute skill points.

After you deal with the skills, we return to the place where we found the corpse with the bow, this time you will need to go into the bunker on the roof of which we climbed earlier (the door to it will be open). Inside the room there will be a hatch into which you need to go down, to use the stairs, press the Shift key, but to jump from it again, Shift. Next, we go forward along the tunnel filled with water until we get to the room with the playing music. We set fire to a pile of garbage on the left side, going forward we will find a homemade pickaxe that will be your second weapon, it is best suited for opening doors. Also in this room you can find a box with an artifact (No mask). To go further, we break open the door with a pickaxe, for this we approach the door and press E, and then press E a few more times to pick the lock. Having cracked the door, we again find ourselves in a flooded tunnel through which we will reach the stairs leading to the surface, to climb the stairs we press the "spacebar". Having got out to the surface, we put out the torch by holding Shift, after which we go up the path where we meet Sami and a certain Matthias at the fire, watch the next cut-scene.

Waking up, we find that our companions have disappeared somewhere, taking a few steps to the side, Lara gets his foot into a trap, after which it will be necessary to fight off a pack of wolves. The wolves will jump out of one of the bushes, time will slow down so that you will have time to aim the beast at the head with a bow without any problems. After you kill three wolves, the rest of the survivors from your ship will appear and help Lara free herself from the trap, after which we watch the next cut scene.

Before you go after Dr. Witman, pick up a book from the table, just going a little forward you can find a small box that can only be opened with an improved pickaxe, which you don’t have yet. We pass further down the path, moving to the right along the wall you can find a cache, passing under the bridge on the right you can find another artifact. Also in this location I will come across boxes from which you can get spare parts, which will later be useful for improving weapons. In addition, bags suspended on ropes will come across that need to be set on fire, boxes with spare parts will also fall out of them (for arson, you need a burning torch, you can set it on fire at one of the pillars with fire). Hearing the voice of the doctor, we go up the hill, on the way two wolves will attack Lara, in order to evade their attacks, press Shift and one of the movement direction keys. In this location, you can also find a couple of bone amulets suspended from trees, you need to shoot them with a bow. On one of the location trees, you can find a site with a "coastal forest" map lying on it, the map is turned on by pressing the Tab button, with its help you can find all documents, artifacts and caches in this location, just open the map and mark the desired place with a marker , and then in the "survival instinct" mode to go in the right direction. In this way, you can find the place "Traveler's Tomb".

Traveler's Tomb

Having reached the entrance to the tomb, we light a torch and go through a narrow cave to a waterfall that will put out your torch. After going forward and leaving the cave, we will get into a small location with an airplane in its center lying on the trees. The tree closest to us will be wrapped in a rag that needs to be lit by shooting at a lamp hanging nearby. On the right side there will be another tree with a rag, next to it there will be a structure made of boards on which the corpse weighs, first of all we shoot at the lamp above the corpse to light it. Then we rise to the ledge and push the board with the burning corpse, falling it sets fire to the tree we need. To set fire to the next tree, first we shoot at the lamp suspended high from above (it can be clearly seen standing where the boards were pushed). a burning lamp will begin to fall on a rope towards the tower clogged with garbage, but will get stuck clinging to the beam, our task is to free it.

To do this, we rise to a ledge with a beam, but first we find a ledge with three lamps standing on the ground, one of them can be thrown into the nearest tree wrapped in a rag. Next, we climb onto a ledge with a beam and climb onto a nearby box from which we jump onto the beam. Under the weight of Lara, the beam tilts and the burning lamp flies into the tower, setting fire to the trash inside it, the tower, in turn, sets fire to the next (last) tree on which the plane weighs. The plane is falling apart into two parts, we need to get into the tail section, but it is littered with debris, in order to free the passage we return to the ledge with lamps, one of which we throw into the debris sticking out of the tail section of the aircraft. The passage is free, we climb onto the nose of the plane lying on the ground and jump from it to the tail, climbing on which we jump to a small building in which a chest is waiting for us, opening which we finish the task "Traveler's Tomb". You can go back quickly, for this we slide along the rope straight to the cave leading to the main location.

Returning back, we climb the hill where Dr. Witman is waiting for us, standing at the gate of some temple, to open the gate you will have to use a pickaxe, but before that it needs to be improved. To the left of the entrance to the temple there will be an extinguished fire, we set fire to it, thus opening the third camp in the game. Having improved the pick, we return to the entrance to the temple and, together with Witman, open it. But before that, with the help of an improved pickaxe, it is worth opening chests one at the previous camp, one not far from the entrance to the temple. In them you will find improvements for the bow.

Mountain Temple

After passing through the gate, we move up the stairs following Witman until the next cut-scene starts and you are taken prisoner. After you regain control, immediately hide behind low shelters like small stone walls. When a couple of enemies with lanterns pass by, we sneak up the path to the next shelter. We wait until the enemies disperse on the sides, after which we begin to run forward to a small dilapidated shack in which you can hide. After waiting until the next patrol passes, we move up the stairs to the next shelter. After waiting until the enemies leave, we run to the doorway to the burning building where Lara will hide for a while. After Lara is dragged out, press the F button when a circle with an exclamation mark appears on the screen, thus hitting the enemy with a knee between the legs. After the circle appears a second time, press F again, this will be a bite behind the ear. Then, having taken possession of the pistol, we shoot at the enemy (there was no particular sense from this), after which a fight follows where you will need to press the A and D buttons, and after the hand icon appears, the E button and at the end of the scene, when the pistol icon appears, you will need to shoot the enemy in the face .

Now, in addition to the bow, we also have an old pistol, after Lara comes to her senses, we move forward past the burning buildings, through a couple of small suspension bridges. Next, we climb up the stairs until they start shooting at us, having got the cartridges, we open return fire, preferably aim at the head. After shooting a couple of enemies, we search their corpses and select cartridges for the pistol, after which we pass to the gate leading to the building, which we break open with a pickaxe. To get out of the building, you need to break the boards with which the hole in the wall is clogged, for this we approach it and press F several times. On the street, we jump over the destroyed suspension bridge and then move up the path picking up cartridges and arrows along the way. Having gone a little further, we remove a lone enemy standing on a ledge, you need to do this silently, so we shoot from a bow in the head. Not forgetting to search the corpse, we rise to the ledge where you can find some more cartridges. Turning to the right, we jump onto a wooden building, which, unlike the others, does not burn, climb it to the right, and then climb up.

Climbing up and hiding behind the box, we shoot with well-aimed headshots (if you're lucky) a couple more enemies, and then another one descending the rope ladder. Having replenished the ammunition and having searched the troupes, we climb the rope ladder to the top. Having risen, we move forward picking up ammunition and opening boxes with parts necessary for improvements. On the second floor of the first building, you can find a cache. After walking a little forward to the right of a small bridge, you can find a fire that will be the next camp, here you can distribute talent points, upgrade weapons and make a quick transition to the camps opened earlier.

Before you go further after crossing the bridge, we ford the stream to the right of the bridge, on the other side you can find a small cave in which, in addition to a box with details, there will be a document. And if you return to the rope ladder and go left along the path, you will reach a waterfall next to which there is a cave, and already in it you can find a map of the area on which all documents, artifacts and caches are indicated. Returning to the camp, we pass through the bridge up the road. There will be two enemies on the site near the building, it’s better to deal with them quietly, if it doesn’t work out, get ready for the arrival of reinforcements in the amount of two or three more people. Having dealt with the enemies and searched the corpses, you can continue moving up the stairs, but before that you should turn right, go a little forward and turn left, you can find the second cache, as well as ammunition and spare parts. Returning back, we climb up the stairs, but turn left half way. Going back, we will find a small building inside which you can find a chest that is opened with a pickaxe, and going down from the ledge you can shoot at a suspended lantern, which will begin the "Pyromania" test, during which, during the passage of this section of the game, it is worth knocking down four more such lanterns. Here, along the log, you can return to the starting point of the ascent up the stairs.

Going upstairs, we get to the building to get inside which you can through the hole above the entrance. Inside, we select spare parts from the box and shoot at the next lamp to burn the garbage blocking our path further. Having gone further, we begin to silently shoot patrolling enemies one by one, for this we approach them from the back and by pressing F we eliminate the enemy by pressing E. I managed to remove the first two in this way, and I had to deal with the rest of the enemies rising higher with a bow or a pistol with a silencer. At the very top of the building, we will come across enemies throwing Molotov cocktails. After shooting everyone, we jump over the gap to the place where the enemies ran out and after searching the troupes, we leave the burning building along a stretched cable, approaching it and pressing the space bar. After landing, before continuing to move, we pass back and climb onto the ledge on the left. Going a little further on the second floor of the building, you can find an artifact - a green folding fan of the Edo period. Also on this building you can break another lamp for "Pyromania", next to the building you can set fire to a suspended bag from which a box with details will fall out. And after going up the stairs and going down from the cornice, jumping over the abyss, we get to the platform with another box, and from here you can shoot another lamp for "Pyromania" hanging on one of the buildings below.

Returning back to the place where Lara landed from the cable, turn left and going down the stairs we find another building, inside you can find an artifact - a gumbai fan. From this building, you can also find another lamp by knocking down which we will complete the "Pyromania" achievement. Returning to the landing site to the right of the path leading up, you can have one more document. After going up the stairs, we will reach a crevice in the rock along which Lara will need to climb up. When climbing, just hold down the W key, and having risen, we go a little forward along the path, we hear the sounds of shots, after which we watch the next cut-scene at the end of which you will need to go for a backpack dragged by the wolves, but before that you should go to the fire and open another camp.

mountain village

Leaving Rott unconscious in the camp, we go to the wolf cave for a backpack. In front of us there will be a small village in the center of which there is a statue, in the hands of the statue is a bowl that needs to be set on fire with a torch, thus starting the Illumination test. Then you can run through the first floors of the village buildings and collect ammunition and parts. After that, it is worth climbing onto the canopy above the statue, for this we approach the ledge to the right of the canopy and jump onto it from a small two-wheeled cart. Jumping from the canopy to the roof of the building on the left, you can find a cache, and if you jump from the canopy to the box hanging on the right, you can get into a large building on the right side of the settlement. On the ground floor of which you can find a box with spare parts and an artifact - a silver flask. Climbing the stairs to the next floor, you can find a document - an ancient manuscript, as well as a box with spare parts. On the top floor, you can also find spare parts, and if you move to the ledge of the rock next to the house, you can find another cache there. Then again we go down to the first floor and through the door we pass into a small courtyard with the wreckage of the aircraft. On the ledge on the left side, on which you can find another cache, we will get to the nose of the aircraft, and already from it inside the tail.

After getting out and passing along the wing on the right side, you can find a box with spare parts, returning back we climb up the ledges, to where the lightning struck the tree. From these ledges you can get to the top of the tail section of the aircraft, running along which we jump to the next ledge. Further up another few ledges we get to the wolf cave. Before entering the cave, you can go to the right along the mote and go from it to the left into the water, there will be an entrance to a small cave, which will be indicated by rock paintings. Before entering, you can find another cache, but in the cave itself you will need climbing equipment, which you do not have yet. We return to the wolf cave and go inside, after going to the end of the cave we take the contents of the backpack and head back to the exit. On the way back, a wolf will attack Lara, which you need to kill by pressing the buttons that appear on the screen, first press A and D in turn, then F, after E, and then F several times. After searching the corpse of the wolf, we exit the cave and head back to the camp where we left Rotta. You can quickly go down the stretched cable.

We look at the scene in which Lara provides first aid to Rott, after which she receives an ice ax with which you can climb sheer cliffs. The first step is to return to the wolf cave, but now you have to do it by climbing the steep rocks with the help of an ice ax (sections of rocks suitable for climbing can be seen in the "survival instinct" mode, and to use the ice ax press E. Well, then everything is simple, according to the first climb the slope we get to the wreckage of the plane, then along the ledges to the next sheer cliff, climbing which you will need to jump over to another part of the cliff, for this we press the button A + "space", and then immediately E to gain a foothold. in which we have already been but could not go further due to the lack of an ice ax. additional task"Tomb of the Contemptible".

Tomb of the Contemptible

In the cave you can find the camp, and after passing a little more, the "tomb of the despicable" itself. Here we are waiting for another puzzle, not as difficult as in the "Tomb of the Traveler", but still ...). in order to get to the treasure chest, you first need to light a torch that went out when we passed the waterfall at the entrance to the tomb. To do this, we jump onto a platform with three suspended cocoons, and until it sank under Lara's weight, we jump from it to the next ledge. We set fire to the torch from the lamp and again jump to the platform with cocoons, after which we set fire to all three. After burning the cocoons, the platform will rise and you will need to return to the entrance to the tomb, here you need to approach the metal cage that serves as a counterweight for the platform and push it down by pressing F, thus raising the platform a little higher. We again return to the platform where the cocoons were burned, now you can jump from it onto a part of a sheer wall suitable for climbing with an ice ax. Having risen up, we go a little forward where we will see another chest in which there will be a map of the "mountain village" with all the artifacts, caches and documents, it remains to press Tab and mark the desired place with a marker. To get out of the tomb, we go down to the entrance to the cave along the rope, approaching it and pressing the "space", after passing through the cave, we continue the main plot.

Returning to the wolf cave, we climb the slope to the right of the entrance, climbing up, we observe on the right side another slope suitable for climbing with an ice ax, but this time you need to jump on it by pressing the "space" and catch on by pressing E. Climbing up we see three enemies, two in the room on the left and one in the building on the right. After waiting for people to disperse into buildings hiding from the storm, we shoot two with quick shots to the head (for example, from a pistol with a silencer). We pass into the building on the left, search the corpses of those killed, and then carefully remove the third enemy in the building opposite. We leave for that room by jumping over a couple of cliffs, inside, in addition to searching the corpse, you can find a box with spare parts and a document lying on the table. Returning to the premises where the two enemies stood, we pass to a small wooden ledge from which we jump onto another sheer wall along which we climb up with the help of an ice ax.

In front of us there will be another statue in which we need to light a fire in our hands, we pass to the right by jumping a couple of cliffs to a lamp from which you can light a torch (a grid with a box of spare parts will also be hung here), we return to the statue in the same way and set fire to the second fire from the test "Illumination of statues". From the statue you can jump onto a box hanging on a rope, and from it to the second floor of the building where we destroyed two enemies, there will be an artifact on the table - a mortar and pestle). Going down, you can find a box with spare parts suspended in a grid, then we go into the building where there was one enemy, to the left of it there will be a slope suitable for climbing with an ice ax. Climbing up we will get to the place where the torch was set on fire, but before continuing the path it is worth jumping onto the roof on the right side, here you can find another cache.

Returning to the place of ignition of the torch, we jump from the cart to another sheer cliff along which we climb to the ledge from which we jump to the next slope along which we climb to the destroyed bridge. We run across the bridge that begins to fall apart and jump from it in slow motion to the next rock along which we climb up. Having gone a little forward and having received instructions on the radio, we go down the stretched rope. After landing, Lara will be noticed by enemies, one of which will shoot from a bow, the second will throw Molotov cocktails, and the third will try to attack in melee. Having shot all the enemies, we go forward and set fire to the grid with a box in which you can find spare parts, just do not forget to search the troupes. Having gone a little further, we will reach a crevice in the mountain, after passing through which Lara will get to the next location, where she will almost immediately find a new camp and begin to view the recordings from the video camera that she carries with her.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a direct sequel to the 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider that follows Lara Croft's rise to prominence as an ancient artifact seeker. But apparently, this experience was not enough for her, otherwise, why else would the developers call the game "Rise of the Tomb Raider"? You can find out exactly how the girl re-formed into a sort of “Amazon” in our walkthrough.

Please note that this page contains the full Walkthrough Rise of the Tomb Raider with all the additional tombs, which we decided to divide by locations, not chapters, to make it easier for you to find the information you need for yourself.


Lara Croft at the very beginning of the game will find herself on top of a high mountain with incredibly beautiful natural scenery. Here it is quite possible to fall into a bottomless abyss, looking at the local beauty. However, before us is the usual training prologue, in which you just need to follow the instructions, performing simple tasks. Difficulties can arise only with poorly working triggers. For example, while climbing up and jumping to the outstretched hand, you should carefully make sure that you have reached the highest point and moved as far as possible to the left. Otherwise, you will not be able to jump to the hand. This also applies to rope swings - it is worth jumping only after reaching the highest amplitude.

The situation in the game changes extremely quickly - only recently you climbed a snowy slope and now, in a couple of minutes, you are driving a jeep through the sand dunes of Syria. In this country, Lara needs to find a mysterious tomb in which the body of the prophet is hidden. After watching a short cut-scene, climb up until you see a small crack in the wall. To the right of it you will find a treasure - take it, and then climb inside through a hole in the wall.

Inside you will find a spacious room, in the center of which there will be a pillar. Croft will find an inscription on it, which she will not be able to read, due to ignorance of the Greek language. But this oversight can be easily corrected: you just need to study the two frescoes located to the left and right of the pillar. After that, Lara's level will increase, and she will be able to read the inscription. Nearby you will find a treasure. Take it and move forward.

After leaving the room, you will see a broken bridge leading to the other side of the canyon. To overcome this obstacle you just need to use a double jump. Having reached the place indicated on the map, you should climb up and go into a new room. Another cut-scene will start.

Next, break the wall on the left with an ice pick. A stream of water will escape from the opening. Now you can go back and use the makeshift bridge to go to the other side. Once in the next room, go around the large structure directly in front of you. Then climb onto it from the other side. Beware of a trap with sharp spikes that can easily kill you. Next, you need to move to the other side, where you will find the entrance to a new puzzle.

Solving the puzzle will not be easy. With normal walking on the boards, you will immediately be washed away by water. Therefore, you need to first knock down the boards with a shot, and then jump over to the other side. Here it is necessary to destroy the wall with cracks with the help of an ice pick. This will raise the water level in the tank below. We jump onto the board again, and wait until you are washed away with water. After that, we quickly climb onto the floating raft ahead. Now you can climb the wall and climb the ledges to the beam. Let's watch a short video. Next, you need to run to the exit, without falling under the bullets of hostile soldiers.

Siberian Wilderness

We head down and not far from the abandoned camp we begin collecting useful materials. To do this, they should be highlighted using a special key or button (depending on what you are playing on - a gamepad or keyboard). Then we return to the fire and “craft” the bow. We improve the available parameters and move forward to a point on the map. Do not forget to collect materials along the way - they will be useful to us in the future.

We go through several QTE actions (you need to quickly press certain buttons indicated on the screen), then we run away from the enemy and perform QTE again. As a result, Croft receives several dangerous wounds, and therefore one cannot do without drugs. We collect medicinal plants and cure ourselves. Next, we will need to create a poison arrow to kill the bear. Its manufacture requires the following items: wood, cloth and mushrooms. You can collect all these resources on the way back to the camp. We also advise you to look into the cave, located to the right of the path. In it you will find explosive ore and a scroll.

Having reached the camp, we create a poisoned arrow (or several arrows), improve the bow and increase skills (we advise you to pump a quiet jump and a thick skin). Now we go again to the clubfoot bear. On the way to the bear you will meet several detachments of the military. You have to deal with them quietly. It's best to kill them one by one.

After reaching the central point, pick up the canister and then blow it up next to the cave with an arrow - this will give you access to the treasury. You can get more treasures by finding the prince's crown. To do this, open the map and find the corresponding object. Then explore the crown to learn Mongolian. This will help you read the inscriptions on the pillars nearby. After that, new treasures on the map will open for you.

Now you can go to the bear. The easiest way to kill the clubfoot is as follows: we make our way into his cave, and then shoot him with a poisoned arrow and finish him off with two ordinary arrows (you need to hit the beast right in the head). If you can't hit the bear with poison arrows, then it doesn't matter - just run back and create poisoned arrows again, the bear will not chase you. After killing the bear, we take away his skin and all other useful resources in the room, and then we destroy the wall with an ice pick and go into the ice cave.

ice cave

We go down, we find a small rise to the right and climb it. Here you will find another scroll. We pass forward and find another camp that can be turned into your small base. By the way, Lara can instantly move between camps. Therefore, you can always return to the old locations to collect all the treasures in them. Upgrade your ice ax and increase the characteristics you need. Then move on. Ahead you will see a huge ship hanging right over the cliff. Follow the mast to get to the first optional mission.

Iceship (Challenge Tomb)

In general, the puzzle is not difficult for us, but you still have to break your head. You need to knock the ice off the ship and climb to its top. To do this, you need to start the mechanism, and then climb the mast with the ice ax and jump over to the right pendulum. Next, wait for it to go down, get off it and start climbing up the wall, which has been cleared of ice. Again we use the mechanism and lower the pendulum to a height acceptable for the jump. We move forward along the mast and jump onto the pendulum in order to destroy the ice crust. We get off the pendulum and climb up again. Here you can collect a lot of useful things, including a sacred manuscript that will increase your archery skill. In addition, you will find a lot of gold and increase your knowledge of the Greek language. Now you can go down the cable car. Be sure to take a medallion near the descent. In the future, with the help of it, you will be able to discover an important secret.

After completing the test, you should return to the main task. As you exit the cave and swim in the water, turn right - there you will see a scroll.

Soviet base

Lara needs to infiltrate the Soviet base, and this is quite difficult to do. First of all, you should go down to the lower level and examine the small opening located on the right. He will lead you to a small cave, where a part of an ancient bow and other useful items are stored. There are no puzzles here - you just need to constantly keep the image of the map in your head, otherwise you can easily get lost. We take the artifact and go back.

We go a little further. Here you will find several opponents and kerosene lamps. Throw lamps at enemies to set them on fire, then finish them off with your bow. We go upstairs, kill a few more adversaries, and go into the interrogation room. In it you can find your first pistol. We move on and get into the hangar. It will have a lot of enemies. You can destroy them all with a bow or climb up, pick up a kerosene lamp and set fire to the tank. On the wall you will see a drawing, after studying which your knowledge of the Russian language will improve.

Go ahead and get your first side quest. It states that if you break all the transmission systems on the map, you will be rewarded with experience and loyalty points, as well as a lockpick that can be used to open a couple of cabinets and locked drawers on the level. collected materials can be used to create a second pistol. Note that one of the transmitters is located above the cave where the wolves are. You can get to this place by climbing the sheer wall to the right of the cave. Next, you need to climb up the spiral. The remaining transmitters are easy to find.

Not far from the rise leading to the plot continuation point, there is a factory. At the top is a relic, and next to it is the previously mentioned cave with wolves. If you go left, you can find the entrance to a secret cave, covered with boards. In it you can find a useful skill. Breaking the boards is quite simple - you need to shoot at the rope nearby, and then a stone block will sweep next to you and destroy the boards. Now you can go down.

Cistern in the Cave (Trial Tomb)

You can immediately run to the relic, but be prepared for the fact that the wooden planks will break under you, and you will fall into the cold water. Therefore, you must first go right to the lowest corner and find a passage there leading to the canister and the closed hatch. You should blow up the canister to increase the water level. We go back, go around the structure and find three more canisters on the right. Now you need to perform a rather difficult trick - take a canister and throw it on a wooden raft. Next, jump onto the beam and drive the piece of wood with the canister through the water to the opposite side.

Jump off the beam and wait until the raft floats near the hatch. Then shoot the fuel tank and watch as the explosion destroys the hatch and opens an additional passage. We go through it and get into a small room. Here we climb up and destroy the wall. Next, we jump down, throw another canister on the boards and repeat the action with the hatch. Now Lara needs to have time to get to the raft and throw the canister through the broken window. We go back, take a container with fuel and blow up the last hatch from the inside. This will help you raise the water level, and then you will be able to pick up a relic without any problems.

When returning to the USSR base, you can explore the cave in which the wolves live, but there is nothing interesting in it. But the cave located in front of the main plot point will help you open a new dungeon. Enter it and complete the quest there. Next, go to the last fire found and kill all the opponents near the new camp. Nearby you will find a building in which a merchant hangs out. You can buy a lot of valuable things from him for gold. We go up, then we go down and watch a small cut-scene with an unexpected twist.

Jail break

It is necessary to loosen the pipe and pull it out of the pipeline. Then use it to destroy the wall covered with cracks. Take from the table a new improvement for the bow (arrows with a rope). Break the beam above the doorway using the cable, and then leave the room. Open the box with a lockpick and go outside. Here Lara will have to kill all the opponents on the level - we recommend strangling them one by one. Next, break all the laptops to complete a side quest.

We shoot from the cable at the desired point and move to the window opening. Let's watch a short video again. Then we go outside and move forward. We attach the cable directly to the cable, and then we hook it to the winch. After that, you need to de-energize the wire, because of which we cannot go through the water. We find the machine and move forward again. You will learn how to make grenades from ordinary tin cans. Make as many of them as possible to quickly kill all opponents. Then quickly run outside.

Get ready for a long firefight with armored enemies - you will need tin cans with nails. Once you defeat the "walking tanks", then immediately take part in several runs with a time limit. In addition, Lara will have to swim a few meters underwater (don't forget to speed up while in the water). Then you again waiting for the obstacle course. After it, you will find yourself in a new place.

Finding Jacob (part one)

You should not immediately start looking for Yakov - we advise you to first go to the cave located in front of the camp. Here you have to fight with a snow leopard - a pretty tough opponent, so be careful with him. Next, break all the boards in the cave and save in the camp. Don't forget to upgrade skills near campfires as well. We recommend that you definitely upgrade advanced crafting (section "survival"), which will allow you to create bulky ammo bags. Now you can go to the tomb.

Voice of God (Trial Tomb)

We go forward and try not to fall from the second beam, covered with ice - when it starts to collapse, immediately jump off it and grab the wall. On the opposite side, you should shoot at the post with a bow, and then tie a rope to it. Next, you need to get into the inside of the tomb. In it you will find a note, a map and some gold coins.

You will find that one of the counterweights has failed, which is why it is not possible to raise the next gate. You need to lower the outer gate, and then climb it and jump over to the other side. You should jump to the right so that you can attach one end of the rope to the stuck counterweight, and the other to the coil. Order Lara to pull the cable and remove the shutter located on the right side. The coil will stop moving if you do everything right. We go back and destroy the wall leading to the side we need. We raise the gate again - now we can install the counterweight in the position we need.

We go back to where the lever is, and try to take it to the highest possible level - then you need to cut the rope on the right. The ice will be destroyed, and we will be able to freely raise all the gates and take the hidden relic. He can restore health upon death. We go back. We use arrows with a rope to get to the initial camp. We advise you to go to the Vault in the Wilderness, as here you can now get into a cave that you could not get into before. After we continue to look for Jacob.

In search of Jacob (second part)

On the way, you will meet a wounded descendant who will ask you to kill all the wolves in the cave. Yes, this is the same cave where you killed the snow leopard and wolves earlier. Again we go there and destroy all the cubs (we recommend using arrows with poison - this will quickly kill them). Completing this quest will reward you with a pistol upgrade.

Not far from the camp of lumberjacks, Lara can take on another secondary mission related to rescuing the captives from prison. The easiest way to get to the prisoners is through the river. We use a rope for this. The captives are located near the air duct. On the left is the geographer's bag. Next, we get into the interrogation room. For this quest you will be given an additional skill.

There is another secondary quest on the level, which is given by a wounded peasant in a cave. You will have to explore the enemy base and find the raven. The task is quite easy, so we will not describe it. For its implementation, elements for a firearm and one skill are issued. Now you can return to the main mission. We select all the artifacts and documentation, then we study the frescoes. After getting the Molotov cocktail, it is worth going to the right, where you will manage to find a new tomb to explore.

Uranium Mines (Challenge Tomb)

We go down, fall into the water, and then go around all the forks. When the jump is made, the building will collapse. Don't be scared - it had to happen. Along the way, you will find a pipe that will cover an object that can explode. Now you need to solve the puzzle.

We jump to a distant counterweight and break all the paths. We rise a little higher and shoot from the bow into the mechanism (we use arrows with a cable), and then we pull out the trolley. Next, we jump to the other side with the help of a ledge in the wall and climb up. Being not far from the pillar, we shoot at the trolley again. We go down and jump on the counterweight. As a result, we will be able to close the opening where the water comes from. We throw a Hammer cocktail into an explosive object and pass through the resulting opening. Here you will find the skill "Sharp Eyes". It will allow you to see any traps in your path. Now we go back.

In search of Jacob (third part)

It is necessary to burn the barrier on the road and move forward. Then you will hear unfamiliar voices. It is necessary to undermine the gas pipeline, located directly above the opponents, and shower them with Molotov cocktails. Move on. After a while, you will reach a point where you need to stretch the rope and go down. Then another run will begin. After we watch a video that shows how we get into the Abandoned Mines.

We eliminate several soldiers and call the elevator. Then we adjust the cart to it and climb onto it. As a result, you will be given new thing- a knife. We cut the rope with a knife and move to the opposite side. Here you will need to cut two more ropes holding the elevator. We go upstairs and go to the fire. We improve skills, as well as improve the bow and firearms. Next, we examine the fresco to improve our knowledge of the Greek language. In a room located near the fire, we kill all opponents. We collect all the useful materials and notes, and then move on.

You will see a door with a complex lock. With the help of a cable we go down. We attach the trolley to the rope and raise it to the height we need. Next, we cut the rope and watch how the lock on the door collapses. We go around the structure on the other side and, being in the dungeon, we jump over the pit. Next we climb up. We kill all opponents using explosives. We advise you to deal with the enemy holding the shield first. Then we go upstairs and reach the crane. You will see a winch on the other side. It is worth attaching it to a large bucket. After we move the trolley, so that the bucket stands directly above the pond. Now you need to quickly run to get to the right room. Let's watch a short video. Having again gained control over Lara, we study the room and go through the underwater caves to a new location.

Geothermal Valley (part one)

This is a huge new level with many side quests, ancient artifacts and tombs. However, you won't be able to get most of the treasures yet, as Lara still doesn't have an oxygen tank for long underwater dives. For this reason, we advise you to focus on doing additional missions and exploration of locations. For destroying drones, you can get a good bow, and hunting for deer and wild boars will allow you to get equipment items and experience points. There is also an optional tomb here.

Chamber of the Afflicted (Trial Tomb)

Go to the bottom corner of the map directly to the waterfall. You need to get over to the opposite side - a cable will help you with this. Then we crawl under the gate and kill several hostile animals. We break the grating and go into the cave, where the tomb is located. Here you have to solve a rather simple puzzle. We roll out the coil with the cable to the very edge. Next, we attach the figure eight to the beam and go to the far corner with a bucket. We pull the cable to lower the bucket down. We tie the bucket to the cart on which the coil is located. Everything, the solution of the problem is found. We go up the stairs and take a new relic with the skill "Quick Heal". Now you can return to the valley.

Geothermal Valley (part two)

After completing all the tasks and inspecting the tomb, you can begin the main story mission. We light a torch on a hill and learn how to create fiery arrows. We go to a new point on the map and take a shotgun. Then we start the battle with a new enemy - flamethrowers. You need to run around him and shoot at the balloons hanging on his back. After killing him, move on. Everything around will be destroyed. We need to find the atlas. On the way, you can solve the puzzle of another optional tomb.

Aquifer Cave (Trial Tomb)

Drag the rope to the other side and walk over it. On the right, you will need to go around the small burials and go upstairs. Here you will see a temporary parking lot. To solve the puzzle you will need all your ingenuity and dexterity. It will be necessary to hook the rook to the devices, and then quickly jump to the next point. After hitting the island, you will need to hook the boat from one millstone to another. You will have to pull the rope with a lever. After doing a few of these exercises, you still get on land. There you will find a relic that will give Lara the ability to hit animals right in the heart. Unfortunately, there is little benefit from it, since it does not work on bears and leopards. Now you can return to your main route.


Located next to the dungeon new level called the Acropolis. Move along the story points without deviating from the main route. Everything is pretty straightforward here, so don't get lost. After getting the explosive arrow, go to the grate and shoot through the hole in the iron door to blow it up. Then move on to the tower. In it you have to fight with a whole group of opponents. Next, Lara will have to defend the tower from a bunch of uninvited guests. We advise you to use poisoned and explosive arrows more often. However, be sure to leave a few arrows with explosives at the end to use them against soldiers with shields. After the shootout, Croft will receive a new item - an ice ax with a rope. With it, it will be possible to cling to various ledges in order to climb up to previously inaccessible places.

A new task will appear - to get to the church where the atlas is stored. Go to the point on the mini-map, ignoring all challenges. After hitting the swamps, you need to go to the right corner of the map and kill the armored enemy standing on the left. Go around the area and blow up the canister. Shoot also at the barrels located at the top. This will reduce the number of enemies to two or three people who can be easily killed with a bow. If the trick fails, then eliminate the enemies in groups using explosive arrows.

You will see the second cluster of enemies after passing through the window. Three opponents can be killed at once with an arrow with explosives. The rest just shoot with a shotgun or any other firearms. We advise you to set fire to the third group of soldiers with a Molotov cocktail, and then finish it off with a machine gun. Then you will need to make a few jumps, using an ice ax with a rope, in order to get to the entrance to the church.

Flooded Archive

It's not uncommon for players to get stuck at this point looking for an entrance. We advise you to take a look at the beams located at the top. Hook to them with the help of a cat. After watching a short cut-scene, pick up a gun and shoot two batteries. Then a short video will start.

Next, go to the fire and activate it. Your next task is to find the entrance to the archive. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. On the way to the atlas, you will find an oxygen apparatus with a cylinder that will give you the opportunity to stay under water for a long time. This device will help Lara get into the last four tombs. After finding the apparatus, several opponents will immediately attack you. They will begin to open the door with an autogen - we advise you to wait until their work is completed, and then throw an incendiary mixture at them.

Having received the coveted artifact, we are trying to leave the Church. We undermine the barrels to tilt the statue. Then we go to the left and swim for a couple of minutes under water. Ahead you will meet three opponents. Kill them with an explosive arrow. Now go right and go upstairs. Drag the amphora with fire. Then throw it out and blow it up with a fire arrow - this will help you clear the way ahead. Go to the opposite side and throw the amphora again. You need to tie it to a pole located nearby and let it go down. As soon as she passes over the statue, cut the rope. Next, blow it up, shoot a fire arrow at it.

Go to the other side. Find another amphora and roll it to the lift. You need to tie an amphora to it. Then order Lara to pull the rope at the other end. Then you need to find the second amphora and tie it to the lift again. Next push it. Now you can push the first amphora down by cutting the rope. You should wait until she gets to the monument, and then blow it up. The ancients will be unhappy with your act, so run to the exit as quickly as possible. The next plot point points to the Observatory. But we do not recommend you rush there - it's better to go to the new tomb with trials.

Ketezhnye Baths (Challenge Tomb)

Dive into the pond and swim several tens of meters underwater. Then you will need to deftly run between the water streams directly to the fire. Next, try not to fall into the trap in front - you need to jump over it. Walk forward and climb through the roots to the other side. You will see a cliff, and below a large amount of water. It is necessary to hook the rook to the beam located on the left side, and then lift it to the other edge.

We climb up, and then we run to the lever to drain the water. Hook the cable to the lever and winch. Start winding the last one. This will help pour one level of water. Go down and deliver the boat to the beam on the right. Move inside and drain the water already on the right side. Attach the lever to your small boat with a cable. Next, you need to go down and blow up a few barrels. After that, you will see a relic that will allow you to climb rocks faster. Now you can return to the main storyline. Go to the desired point until you get to the scientific complex.

Pit of Atonement (Trial Tomb)

Now you have an oxygen apparatus, and therefore we advise you to return to the Geothermal Valley and find a cave where you need to swim underwater for a long time. Then we rise and go railway located on the right. Somewhere nearby there will be a new tomb with a puzzle. We go up and roll out the cart. Next, you need to deploy a platform with wooden fences in the opposite direction. Order Lara to push the cart down.

Then find a small pole to your right and tie a rope to it. She will help you get to the second platform. Get to the very top and use the lever to lower the platform down. Expand the structure with three paws, and then move the cart to the platform. Next, turn it in such a way that it looks at the opposite side from Lara. Raise the platform and drop the cart again. This will give you access to a new relic that will give you the Geologist skill (unfortunately, it is of little use). Now you can return to the main quest.

Research base and rescue of Ion

As you make your way to the story points, be prepared to face more enemies. The easiest way to destroy groups of opponents is with Molotov cocktails, and then finish off the survivors with an assault rifle or shotgun. Repeat this method several times, don't forget to blow up vehicles with fuel to get rid of some soldiers. AT certain moment you will have to deal with the defense of the camp. Then you will be under the ice. Once in the water, swim forward a little, and then swim out through a small hole and quietly eliminate one enemy.

Then you need to swim to the far left hole and kill all the enemies with the arrows sent. Then again we dive under the water and swim to the far right hole. Here it will be possible to safely get out on land. But after a few seconds, enemies will attack you again. Use homemade grenades to quickly deal with them. After the destruction of all the soldiers, you will see a short video with the disclosure of a great secret. Now you can try to enter the lost city.


Find climbable walls and climb them up to the planetarium. Here you have to solve a simple problem. You should rotate the mechanism in such a way as to create a small bridge out of it. To do this, you need arrows with a cable. Line up the planets in one line, creating a bridge out of them. This will help you cross over to the opposite side and climb up to the slatted surface.

When you get to the second floor, remove the support on both sides to start twisting the structure. Lara needs to get to the very top. To do this, you need to jump to the very center of the mechanism with the help of a cat. But first of all we get on the board and hang on structures with beams. Then we wait until Lara tells us to jump off her. Then, with a run, we jump to the center of the planetary system and climb up. Then you should reach the exit and take a new skill. Now you can go to the path of the immortals.

Path of the Immortals

We move forward, avoiding encounters with immortal guardians and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the city. Having reached the very top, you will find out that the immortals are not so invulnerable, and therefore you have to fight them. Make frequent saves in camps, and during battles, use a shotgun and a bow. Don't forget to also explode the jugs to deal more damage to the immortals. After a while, almost the entire level will be on fire. We advise you to climb higher so as not to burn alive. After killing all the opponents, we move forward and watch a short cut-scene. After that, you will find yourself in the Lost City, where the last tomb awaits you.

Lost City (part one)

Go forward a little, and then jump into the pond and swim underwater for several tens of meters. You will find yourself in a small crypt with valuables. Next, we advise you to turn around and go back. On the left side of the mini-map, you will see the entrance to the cave. Enter it and kill the bear with an explosive arrow. In this cave you can find the entrance to the hidden tomb.

Chamber of Exile (Trial Tomb)

As you kill the clubfoot, start looking for a wall with cracks. Destroy it with an ice pick and move forward. Take an arrow with explosives and use it to create a passage. You will find out exactly where you can make a hole through a gas pipe. Then turn the two levers using the cable arrows. Run a short stretch to the cage with the skeleton and cut the chain. Then wait until the gas disperses or simply blow it up. Now you can try to lift the cage with a crane. You need to turn it right to the gate. Next, climb up to the top ledge again and release some gas by activating the two levers. Explode the gas by launching a fire arrow at it. Collect the relic that gives a bonus to fire damage and continue with the main story quest.

Lost city (second part)

It is necessary to get into the forgotten city, but the path is blocked by massive gates. You should shoot them with a trebuchet. After destroying the first gate, get ready for a difficult fight. We advise you to use a rifle at long distances, and shoot from a bow in close combat. After destroying all opponents, head to the next trebuchet. You should turn the beam with a cable and make your way along it to the opposite side. Hook the bucket to the structure and then rotate it. Don't forget to close the bottom of the bucket with string. Next, you need to bring the container to the water and turn it in such a way that the counterweight is directly opposite the ice. Empty the bucket of water by removing the bottom with a rope. Leave some water in the bucket, and then close the bottom with a rope again. Then jump onto the counterweight. This will help break the ice.

Shoot at the gate with the trebuchet. You will have time to make only one shot - after that your catapult will be destroyed. Therefore, another trebuchet has to be used. Near it, you will need to kill all the opponents, and then attach the cable to the mount and boards. Clear the structure for throwing and turn the combat vehicle in the desired direction. You will be attacked by archers - kill them with a trebuchet. Then blow up the gate and go to the city.

We watch a short video, and then we climb the tower. Having risen to a certain height, be prepared for the enemy to hang on you. He can be quickly killed with a headshot from a pistol. Climb even higher and watch the video again. Now you have to fight the boss in the form of a military helicopter. You will need to shoot him with a trebuchet when he comes within range of you. You need to hit it at least three times. Before each shot you will be attacked by crowds of opponents. We advise you to shoot them with poisoned arrows. You should not rejoice after the explosion of the helicopter, because after that you will need to immediately engage in a fight with the next boss.

Your weapons will be taken away, so you will have to attack the enemy with homemade grenades. Stun the boss and then hit him with an ice pick. At a certain moment, perform a simple QTE and inflict a fatal blow on the enemy. Now you can go upstairs and enter the Chamber of Souls.

Chamber of Souls

We enter the temple, watch the final video and enjoy the music in the credits. Congratulations, you have completed Rise of the Tomb Raider!

Good day, dear reader! Getting all the achievements in this game is very, very difficult. So think carefully, is it worth it? Personally, I'm a big fan of Tomb Raider 2013, so I decided to get all the achievements. That was not easy. So if you just want another “perfect” game with all the achievements in the statistics, this game will not work. There are 50 achievements in total in the game. 16 achievements belong to network game. There are two secret "achievements" that do not appear in the game library. Getting online achievements is difficult for several reasons: there are very few players in the game, some modes do not play almost, you need to be a professional. Achievements related to the single player mode can be obtained in one playthrough. There are no "buggy" achievements in the game. To get all the achievements, you need to spend 30-50 hours of time

Single Achievements. Part 1

There are 34 achievements in total. In order to quickly find the desired achievement in the manual, use the search in the browser. To do this, press the ctrl key and f.

Good idea

Explore the secret tomb. As you progress through the game, there are some tombs in the game. You need to find one and explore. Finding the tomb is not difficult, research is usually reduced to solving an easy task. There will be no problems with this achievement.

Mind power

You need to find all the secret tombs and explore them. The location of all the tombs can be found in the guide: Or you can purchase the "Cartography" skill, which reveals the location of all the tombs. You don't need to purchase the paid DLC to get the achievement. Don't be afraid if you miss a tomb: after beating the game, you can return to any location and explore the missing tombs.

Predator, Shooter, Compensation, Mincemeat

No explanation is required here, you need to kill a certain number of enemies with a bow, pistol, rifle and shotgun. It's not difficult to earn an achievement, just alternate weapons more often, look for ammo and try to use weapons for which you have not received an achievement yet. Of course, a shotgun or machine gun is not as interesting to play as a bow, but you have to be patient.

Bookworm, Historian

Find 25% and 75% of documents. The achievement is not difficult, just during the passage often look into secluded places. You can also get a treasure map after exploring the tomb in the desired location. After that, you can put icons to find the item in the map. The documents are interesting, they write different stories, thoughts, diaries of characters. Do not be afraid to miss the documents: after beating the game, you can safely walk around the locations and look for the missing documents.

Antiquary, Archaeologist

The same as with documents. Just look. Not difficult. The subjects themselves are also interesting, it will not be boring. WARNING: some locations will be impossible to return after beating the game. Look for items right away. But this will be clearly written when moving to another location.

Hard Search, Deposits

There is nothing complicated, just look for caches on the map. A treasure map will help, you can put icons. After finding all the caches, illustrations will open, which can be viewed in the game menu.


Find all documents, caches, artifacts. Not difficult, since the location of all items can be found by pressing tab after finding the treasure map. To do this, you need to go through the "Secret Tomb" at the desired location. Set icons.


To get these achievements, it is better to use a bow. And kill enemies stealthily to get the Opportunism achievement along the way. We just kill enemies with headshots. It is advisable to find enemies and hide so that they do not see us. After that, wait until the enemies disperse in different directions and take turns quietly killing them in the head. In total, you need to kill 50 enemies in the head.


Silently kill enemies. The game has two ways to do this: the first is to approach the enemy from behind and press the appropriate key. But it's too cruel, unpleasant to look at, dangerous. It is better to take a bow, approach the enemies and hide. Wait for them to disperse and kill them accurate shots in the head in turn. Fast and silent. It is necessary to kill 25 enemies in this way.

Hands grabbing

There are yellow boxes in the game. It is necessary to play more carefully and break these boxes. You can also acquire a skill and get spare parts when searching a corpse. If you didn’t get this achievement after beating the game, don’t worry, you can get it after just carefully examining the locations.

Big Game, Tastes Like Chicken!, Birder

Animals must be killed and skinned. The first animal will meet at the beginning of the game. Remember the touching scene where Lara, with tears in her eyes, killed and ate a deer? Well, it is also necessary to kill 10 deer, boars, wolves, rabbits, chickens, vultures, vultures. There are a lot of animals in the game. The only thing is that it is sometimes quite difficult to shoot small animals and birds. But there won't be any big problems.

Wide selection

We kill enemies and search each corpse. There will be about 300 enemies in the game, but we need to search 200 corpses. This is not difficult to do, just search each corpse.

Birth of a legend

We pass this wonderful game on any difficulty.

After spotting the enemy with the dynamite, wait for him to light the dynamite and immediately kill him before he can throw the dynamite at you. You need to find an enemy next to which there will be at least 2 people. It's not hard to find one. If found, take your time: save the game. You need to shoot the victim and make the dynamite fall next to other enemies and kill at least two. If you didn't get this achievement, exit the game and reload your save.

Dirty job

Sometimes, after shooting, the enemy does not die, and you can see a special icon above it. It is necessary to approach such an enemy and kill him with an ice ax. You can also dodge an opponent's blow, injure him and then finish him off with an arrow. But for this you need to purchase "Attack with evasion". You need to kill 15 enemies. Make it easy.

good girl

We explore the secret tombs, go through the game and get experience points. In the camp we are modernizing our Larochka. You need to buy all the skills in one category.

Single Achievements. Part 2

Unfinished business, Incredible!

The game has some "tests" that are found in many locations. Tests, as a rule, come down to the destruction of objects: burn all posters, destroy all totems, mines. To get "Unfinished Business" you need to complete one challenge. To get the second one, you must pass all the tests. The achievement is difficult, it will take several hours. If during the passage of the game you did not pass the tests, it's not scary: you can pass them after completely beating the game. It’s difficult to do this on our own, I recommend using an excellent guide: rock "-" Former inhabitants ". After beating the game, you can’t get to this location. I killed a pancake for 4 hours searching for everything, but I just realized that I can’t get there anymore. Nonsense." Added later: "A no, you can get there, just there is no “fast transition””.

Crab sticks

On the beach we find a crab and kill it. Finding a crab is easy.

Everything is serious now

We collect spare parts, then in the camp we buy an “upgrade” for weapons. At the beginning, I recommend leveling the bow, as it is the most beautiful and fits perfectly into the game. You won’t be able to get the achievement right away: at the beginning of the game, for example, only a regular bow is available. Further in the course of the game we get a sports, composite bow. After receiving a new bow, new modifications are opened. You need to get the most powerful type of weapon and upgrade it.

Now explode!

Secret Achievement! But getting it is easy. The "slums" location is well suited for obtaining. When we meet Captain Green (the old man), there will be an ambush where 3-4 enemies will throw dynamite at us. Once you get to this point, save your game. Next, take a shotgun and shoot the flying dynamite. If you are oblique, then it will be quite difficult to hit, but after a few attempts you will definitely reach your goal.


It's like "clever", but you need to acquire all the skills in all categories. Just explore all the tombs and go through the game. After passing, we will have enough experience to acquire all the skills. Not difficult.


It's like "Now it's serious", but you need to upgrade all the weapons. After beating the game, if you do not have enough spare parts, return to other locations and look for yellow boxes.

faithful eye

This achievement is quite hard to get and easy to miss in the game. Once you've cleared the ziplines that enemies can climb down, save your game. It is difficult to get the achievement with a bow, use a shotgun pistol rifle. It is necessary to shoot at the enemies who descend on the ropes. I got the achievement in the slums. But before that, I killed a few enemies on the way to the tower, then there are also cables in the slums before meeting with Captain Green. And before Green's death, there are also cables along which enemies descend. In total, you need to knock 10 enemies off the cable.

Closer, banderlogs!

The achievement is also easy to miss. I got this achievement before Green's death. Where Green is being held, there are many enemies. And these enemies sometimes come close to the edge. As soon as the enemies come to the edge, you need to use the "comet" (select the bow and press the center mouse button). If we're lucky, we'll pull the enemies off and they'll fall into the abyss. If it didn’t work out to get the “achievement”, then we load the game and try again. I got this achievement on the third try.


Second secret achievement which is easy to miss. You need to talk to the characters during the game. You need to talk all the way until the conversation icon disappears. More details are well described in the manual IMPORTANT: pay attention to the comment of user PushkinGOD: “Who has the first 2 points merged into one (he speaks to you only once, and after after you have collected 50 spare parts, no longer says) don’t be upset!) The achievement will still be given to you!)


It's not hard to get the achievement, but it's also easy to miss. If you don't get the achievement by the end of the game, you will most likely have to start the game again, since after passing the enemies almost never regenerate. So, you need to acquire the skill "Attack with evasion".. Further, as soon as you take away the enemy, who is armed with knives, do not rush to kill him! Wait until he approaches you, dodge the attack and press the right key at the right moment. After immobilizing him, you can finish off or kill him with any weapon. It is necessary to injure 25 enemies, that is, it is impossible to injure the same person several times, since only one wound will still be counted. Don't try to hurt enemies with machine guns, it's very difficult.

Online Achievements


Getting all network achievements in the most honest way is almost unrealistic. Therefore, good people have created a special group for obtaining achievements: You can join there and look for comrades for mutual assistance. You have to write in English. You can also create or search for a related topic in the Community Discussions Hub: There are often threads for finding teammates in multiplayer. Personally, I found people there.

Last Hero

Getting the achievement is easy. Just go online and play. All modes will do, except for "every man for himself." Sooner or later you will get this achievement.


There are many traps on the map "Coast of Sorrows". You need to climb to the top and find a trap. They are ropes that are on the ground. We approach the rope and press the key, that is, we put the rope. Sooner or later, someone will fall into the trap. It's easy to get. All modes will work.


Reaching level 10 in multiplayer is not difficult. We just play. But if you don't like people or just don't play well, you can use my guide:


We collect spare parts in a multiplayer game, level up and buy a new hero. Nothing complicated.

Good Samaritan

We find the game in the "Rescue" mode, we wait until our friend is injured. In this mode, the survivors do not die immediately, after being injured they lie down and can be saved. As in the games of the Left 4 dead 2 and Pay Day series. Next, kill the enemies around and save comrade It's not difficult to get yourself.


We select an exploding grenade (most likely not available from the first level), look for opponents who are nearby and launch a grenade. If you're lucky, they'll both die and you'll get this achievement. Also, for confidence, you can ask friends to stand near the "red exploding barrel" and "shoot with explosives." In this case, you will definitely get the achievement. You can honestly get it.


We just play and survive explosions in a multiplayer game. The achievement is not difficult to obtain, after playing a little in the network mode. It's purely luck and chance.

Come on down!

The achievement is easy to get on the Underground map. It's hard to get honest. We shoot the enemy and leave him some lives. We ask him to "ride" the tightrope. And while he descends, we deliver a fatal shot. ATTENTION: why is it necessary to shoot the enemy before going down the rope? Because many weapons don't inflict lethal damage from the first shot. But if you shoot at the enemy with full health, he just falls down and doesn't die.


You just need to play at least one game in each network mode. There are 4 modes in the game: turn on transmitters, collect first aid kits, team game and every man for himself. But the problem is that some modes are played extremely rarely. So it is advisable to negotiate in advance with people. If you get the achievement "That's right!", you will automatically receive this achievement.

Iron fist

Hold down the melee weapon button. Thus, our character rushes at the enemy with great speed and kills him immediately upon reaching the goal. If you find partners, getting the achievement is not difficult. You can just walk up to the enemy and kill him with melee, you don't have to run.


We collect yellow boxes in the multiplayer game and buy all the heroes and all the add-ons for weapons. ATTENTION: you do not need to switch to "prestige 2". Thus, one hero will remain unpurchased, but the achievement will still be received.


Reach max level in multiplayer. The longest achievement. Must spend over 20 hours minimum. If you're bad at multiplayer, check out my guide: WARNING: The achievement will be given after completing the match, not after reaching level 60.


We find comrades in a network game. We select the mode "every man for himself" and the map "Coast of Sorrow". We stand behind the machine gun and ask our partners to simply expose themselves to fire. To get the achievement honestly, alas, is almost unrealistic. WARNING: Do not attempt this achievement while in Pharmacy Gathering Mode. There, the enemies do not die, but lie wounded on the ground.


Check out my guide:

Yes sir!

The rarest achievement. It is very difficult to get honestly, because there are few people in the game, some modes are very rarely played. It is difficult to win in single player mode, as there are professionals. To get it, you need to agree in advance with people. That's all, I hope this guide will help you get all the achievements. Good luck!

Climb to the opposite side with the rope. Jump over to the right, climb to the right, and jump up. Jump over to the wall, and from the wall again jump to the right. Climb right and climb up. Set fire to the flag, go through the breach and the tunnel. Kill everyone who gets in the way. There is a military document (3/6) on the table. Go through the door on the left, then up the stairs. Kill everyone, they can come from the rear. Follow left. Kill the enemies and jump over to the other side.
Jump over with the crossbar, and then climb up. Kill the bandits upstairs, next to the barrel of fuel. Jump onto the hanging platform. Climb right and climb up. Set fire to the flag on the other side. Climb down next to the piece wrapped in rope. Take the document of the Endurance team (4/7) from the fire. In the tunnel behind the car there is an artifact "Japanese 2 sen coin" (1/3). Return to the fire. Behind the crates on the left you will find a cache (1/5). Climb over the abyss with the rope. Climb down the next cable. Go forward and kill the bandits. From the attacks of a big bandit, you must dodge, counterattack and shoot him in the head, then finish him off by pressing the “hit” button. Use the rope arrow to shoot the wrapped load and pull the rope with the new device by pressing the "use" button. Get down into the gap. Go forward. Go down the corridor again. Go left. Kill the bandits. Get down the rope. Forward and to the right. Forward and to the left. Shoot the rope arrow at the coil of rope from behind. Jump onto the stairs. Get down. Jump on the other side so that the coil is opposite the entrance. Pull it back. Jump onto the ladder so that the coil is under the hatch and the ladder connects. Get up. Go right. Kick with your foot. Pull the coil towards the entrance to the room, jump from the left side so that the coil is in its original position. Pull the coil to kick the door. Pull back. Come in. Run forward and jump. Hold down the "use" button to quickly zip up. Climb up the boxes on the right side. Climb up the cable, then another cable. Drop the load from above. Get down into the breach. Pick up military document (4/6). Open the door. Exit and open the door on the right with a rope with an arrow. Jump there. Pick up an artifact " bronze coin at 100 mon” (2/3). Come out. Go left, through the gap in the wall and back to the bunker. Break the wall with a rope. Come out. On the right is the artifact "Portuguese tin coin" (3/3), behind the stone on the bags is a map (1/1). Cross the abyss with a rope.