1 profession per spoiler name. Three points where Master Toma happens

Quest Path of the Scavenger

It's time to turn from a little gnome into a vacuum cleaner collecting resources, recipes and various pieces for crafting. This is a spoiler - a gnome, without which it will be very difficult in the world of Lineage 2. Many people ask what is the name of 1 professional per spoiler? Of course Scavenger. This is probably the most difficult quest for 1 profession of all the races that are provided in L2. To pass a pro, you need to stock up on a lot of patience, time and SoE scrolls. This quest it is painted as informative as possible, which reduces the passage of the quest to a minimum of time.

Title: Path of the Scavenger.
Level: 19
Repetition: No
Starting location: Dwarven Village
Starting NPC: Pippi

1. The quest starts in the village Dwarven Dwarves village. We find the Pippi collector and take the quest, she will give a letter with a recommendation.

2. We run into the store and talk to the NPC Mion.

(She picks up the letter and gives a parcel that needs to be delivered to the address from the quest, read more carefully where to take the parcel. Parcels are always different, it can be some kind of shield or sword that needs to be delivered to the weapons shop and other items to other NPCs .... When you deliver the package, go back to Mion, she will give the next package. So you need to run until you give Mion's Letter. )

3. Now you need to find Master Toma and talk about the quest. (Read below how to quickly find Master Tom.)

This is where the fun begins. The volume master has 3 respawn points in the dwarf location. Between his points, he teleports every 30 minutes. It can move to the same point several times. There are several ways out:

  • For 1 buff, run around all 3 points and talk to him.
  • Plant the gnome on one of the respawn points and wait for him (you can spend a lot of time, or you can play at that time on another window, the choice is yours)
  • Be sure to make the macro /target Toma

Three points where Master Toma happens:

1 - On the northern part of the map, on a small island. From the village we do tp to The Northeast Coast and run up the map. You have to swim to the island.

2 - Near the northern entrance to Mithril Mines. From the village we do tp to The Northeast Coast and run to the entrance to the dungeon, right at the entrance it should be.

3 - The hardest point is in the depths of the Abandoned Coal Mines. To get there you need to do tp in Entrance of Adandoned Coal Mines, go inside and run around the map, killing mobs that interfere:

Knowing these 3 points, it will not be difficult to quickly run around everything and find it. And if you ran around all the points and it is not there, then during the search it moved to the point where you were already looking for it. Too lazy to run - they can plant their future spoiler at one of the points and wait for the volume to arrive. From experience I can say that you can wait 2 hours, and Toma will fly between 2 other points.

4. After talking with the master Toma - do soy and run to the GK. We do tp in the Western Mining Zone and kill . ( When you kill bears, Honey Bear will appear from time to time. Use the Spoil skill on them to collect 5 Honey Jars.)

5. With these items, we are looking for the master Toma back. (see point 3)

6. Not far from a small island, you need to spoil and kill spiders: Plunder Tarantula and Hunter Tarantul. You need to spoil 20 items.

7. As you may have guessed, we again need Toma (see item 3) to turn in 20 items and take a further task to complete the Gludio territory. At the Gnome, we choose either “ The most distant" or " The one farthest away.

8. Fly to Gludin Village and talk to Raut in the warehouse.

9. Make tp in Town of Gludio -> Town of Giran -> Dragon Valley. There we will find Torai, press the quest.

10. We return to Gludin to Raut (see point 8), he will give us a brand to change 1 profession to spoils - Ring of Raven.

11. At level 20, Moke can change the brand for 1 spoiler pro - Scavenger.

So the quest for 1 professional spoiler has ended. Who made that handsome =)

1st professional for a collector, spoiler (scvanger) Minimum requirements:
Level 20
teleportation costs.
Map: Elmore, Map: World
10 SoE (just in case)
Stock Soulshot

We teleport to Dwarf Village.
1 Find Collector Pippi, talk to her, get Pippi\'s Letter of Introduction.
2 We are looking for Trader Mion, we talk with her, we get one of three tasks: deliver a package to one of the NPCs in the village (they give different things there, for example, if you are given fluff (quest) then you must carry it to the vapon shop in this city, there you talk to the trader, he gives you a quest for coins, you take them to Trader Mion, and we do this several times, they can give you not fluff, but something else, then you need to go either to the blacksmithshop mamon, or somewhere else IN THIS CITY!)
3 We take the parcel, return to Trader Mion, talk to her.
4 Repeat the previous paragraph until we get Mion\'s Letter.
Teleport to the Northern Coast.
5 Find Master Toma, talk to him, get Bear Pic. Basically, I just shouted into the chat, and they told me where Tom was.
Quick search Tom. Master Toma teleports in a circle - Abandoned Coal Mines, Mithril Mines, an island on the coast, every 30 minutes.
1. Run north to Mithril Mines. If Master Toma is not there, it means that he is either on the island or in the Abandoned Coal Mines.
2. We run to the island. If Master Toma is not there, and you ran quickly, then he is in the Abandoned Coal Mines.
3. We run north to the entrance to the Abandoned Coal Mines, and further into the pit at the very bottom of this mine. If Master Toma is not there either, it means that while you were running, he teleported, but it took you about 5-10 minutes at the most.
4. Use SoE. We return to point N1.
All searches for Toma according to this scheme will take at most 15-20 minutes in the worst case. It will take you no more than 2-3 SoE and 1500a for this business - not very much for a rich gnome. The time savings are obvious.
We use SoE. Teleport to the Northern Coast.
Important: When completing this task, be sure to use Spoil on the mobs, and Sweep on the corpses of the mobs. Quest items will only drop if Spoil is successfully completed.
6 Hunt Hunter Bear until Honey Bear appears. We kill it, we receive Honey Jar.
7 Repeat the previous paragraph until we collect 5 Honey Jar.
8 Find Master Toma, talk to him, get Tarantula Pic.
9 Hunt Hunter Tarantula and Plunder Tarantula until we collect 20 Bead.
10 Find Master Toma, talk to him, get Bead Parcel.
We use SoE. Teleport to Gludin.
11 Search Warehouse Keeper Raut in the warehouse, talk to him, get Rout\'s Teleport Scroll.
Teleport to Gludio. Teleport to Dion. Teleport to Giran. Run to Death Pass.
12 Find Torai, talk to him, get Succubus Undies.
We use SoE. Teleport to Dion. Teleport to Gludio. Teleport to Gludin.
13 Search Warehouse Keeper Raut in the warehouse, talk to him, get Ring Of Raven.
14 We are looking for Warehouse Chief Moke in the warehouse, talk to him and become Scavenger.
Mission completed.

Race: Dwarf
Starting NPC: Blacksmith Silvera
Starting Location: Dwarf Village
Starting Level: 19
Recurring: No

Artisans prefer not to travel the world, but to stay at home and create various items from what the Gatherers and Treasure Seekers bring. In combat, they use the creation to make an attack.

Playing Style:
Craftsmen are focused on the production of items. However, in combat, they can create various war machines and use them against enemies. Artisans have good attack and defense skills.

1. We fly home to Dwarf Village. We take the quest from Blacksmith Silver, we get Silvera's Ring quest item.

3. Then kill the Boogle Ratman Leader to collect 2 Boogle Ratman Leader Big Tooth.

4. We return to Blacksmith Silver, we get 1st Pass Certificate.

5. Go to Gludin to Blacksmith Kluto, talk, get Kluto`s Letter.

6. Now in Gludio to Blacksmith Pinter, talk, get Footprint Of Thief.

7. Run to kill the Vuku Orc Fighter until we get the Stolen Secret Box.

8. We return to Blacksmith Pinter, we talk, we receive Secret Box and 2nd Pass Certificate.

9. Again in Gludin to Blacksmith Kluto, we talk, choose I\'ve got it, but have no idea what does it for, we get the Final Pass Certificate.

10. Approach Head Bracksmith Tapoy, speak (select the first link Hear information on changing occupations, then Artisan and Change profession to a Artisan) and become Artisan.

What to take 1 pro? ? I need a gnome fighter. What to take the first pro? and got the best answer

Answer from Mockingbird[guru]
Gnome Fighter?
If we are talking about Lineage 2, then there are two scenarios:
Scavenger (scavenger) and Artisan (blacksmith)
The first one is a spoiler, with the help of a spoil spell, he casts special magic on monsters, and after the death of the monster, he receives items that will be spoiled from this monster. General item collector
2nd is a cooker, he needs recipes and then he can cook clothes, materials, weapons, necklaces, shots (blesseds, spirits, ordinary, etc. He can also break things into crystals (well, in the very latest update this and the scavenger knows how). He does not have a spoil spell, but he can summon golems that help him in battle (one of the golems for castle sieges.)
If you need a dwarf who will fight in pvp, then a cooker, because the golem helps him.
But in fact, a gnome fighter is 0 professional, while the rest have fighters, well, orcs don’t)
- a branch of dwarfs. You poke the hyperlinks of professions, you will find out what skills from what level they master.

Source: Actually, I should have told you that you will become a nerd and you will not be friends with classmates and friends in the yard. Then you will become a sociophobe and an outcast, but this is not entirely true, because now the modern generation is based on this. Don't bother with Linyagu (lineage) and other MMOs, and if you want, then at least learn something there. It's not a book, but still. At one time I learned English quite well there, then the teacher in the 11th grade did not let me study English, because there was nothing to do there.

Answer from BRUNHILD[newbie]

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What kind of professional should I take? ? I need a gnome fighter. What to take the first pro?