10 year old child swallowed a coin what to do. The child swallowed a coin: what to do? Find out how to help if a child has swallowed a coin and what is strictly forbidden to do. What not to do if a child swallows a coin

What to do in such a situation, and is it necessary to immediately call an ambulance, or maybe the problem can be easily solved at home?

Signs that a child has swallowed a coin

Often parents cannot be 100% sure that the child swallowed a coin.

That is why it is worth finding out what signs indicate the ingress of a foreign object into the baby's body.

Here it is worth separating two types of problems. If the coin hits into the respiratory tract, then the parent immediately notices it.

It becomes difficult for the child to breathe, he cannot speak and only emits sniffling sounds.

If help is not provided for a long time, the child's face may turn blue, he will noticeably weaken.

This situation is quite capable of leading to death.

Another case is if the coin gets into the stomach. Here, several signs of the presence of a foreign body in the body will appear at once.

  • abdominal pain, which does not subside for a long time, but only intensifies with every hour;
  • vomiting and regular nausea a child for no apparent reason;
  • appearance in the stool blood baby.

All these signs directly indicate the presence of a foreign body and should become a kind of alarm bells for the parent.

If at least one sign of a problem has been found, it is required call immediately to the ambulance.

What kind of help should be provided in case of a problem?

If a child swallowed a coin of 10 kopecks, and the parent is sure of this, you should not use a variety of folk remedies, because it will be much more effective immediately call ambulance.

Specialists will take an x-ray, determining exactly where the foreign object is located.

Determining its location will help you know if the coin will come out on its own with the chair or if intervention is required. Doctors usually do endoscopy of the stomach which helps to get rid of the foreign object.

If the parents notice that the child has difficulty breathing, he cannot make sounds, then the coin has got into the respiratory tract.

In this case, if signs of suffocation are observed, it is necessary to immediately call resuscitation, but at the same time take measures to remove the object yourself.

To do this, put the child on the forearm face down, holding his back and chin. Next, you need to apply 5 weak but a sure blow to the back.

Almost always, this helps to remove the coin from the body.

After such manipulations, you need to check the oral cavity so that there is no re-swallowing of the coin.

If the foreign object has not left the body, actions must be taken before arrival specialists. So parents can save the life of their child.

What should not be done?

Many mothers and fathers in their desire to help the child also cross all boundaries.

Of course, there are various ways to help the baby in such a situation, but far they are not always effective.

What to do if the child swallowed a penny has already been told, and now you need to pay attention to those actions that should never be done:

  • do not drink or feed child;
  • do not force to chew his bread crust, wanting to push the coin further down his esophagus;
  • do not give the child a laxative or other medicines;
  • don't try on your own extract the coin.

Having called an ambulance, the parent should put or seat the child, carefully observing his condition. Even if the pain in the abdomen is very strong, it is not worth giving medicines to the baby.

You do not need to take liquids or food in order to push the coin further, as this will noticeably worsen the condition of the child.

A child over the age of three can be explained the causes of pain and why he needs to be in the same position.

The smallest children are unlikely to understand why their tummy hurts so much, so they can raise a considerable cry. Before the arrival of doctors, parents should rock the baby, trying to reduce discomfort.

The best thing a parent can do is to prevent this from happening.

Small items that a child can swallow out of ignorance, should be kept on high shelves where the baby can't reach them.

What can a child swallow: video

There are different situations when a child swallowed a foreign object. How different these things can be, see the video:

Young children are very inquisitive. Knowing the world, only having learned to crawl, the little one now and then picks up objects that get in his way with tiny little hands. And it’s good if these items are large enough - the baby will play with them and leave them alone. But the child certainly pulls small trinkets into his mouth, after which he spits out. However, the foreign object does not always remain intact: it happens that the baby swallows it. Coins are especially dangerous for a child - they can block breathing, causing suffocation, or they can begin to oxidize in the child's gastrointestinal tract, causing toxicity in the body. Therefore, every parent should know what to do if a child swallows a coin.

What actions to take if a child swallows a coin?

A coin can be swallowed by a child aged from one year to 3 years. There are cases when a foreign object is swallowed by infants who have just learned to crawl, or older children by chance or curiosity. However, for the first and for the second, the danger remains the same.

It is important to know what size the swallowed coin was: if its face value is 1 kopeck, it will pass through the gastrointestinal tract without any problems and come out with the baby's feces. If the denomination of a coin is 5 kopecks, a ruble or 10, the coin can cause irreparable harm to the child's body.

Coin location Symptoms Consequence First aid
Larynx and trachea Coughing without stopping, inability to take a breath or it is done with great difficulty, blue skin Asphyxiation, death Urgent and timely treatment in intensive care will save the life of the child. For this, laryngoscopy / tracheobronchoscopy is used. The child is under general anesthesia during the procedure.
Bronchi Persistent cough, unexplained vomiting, shortness of breath. Symptoms may not appear immediately and not as pronounced as in the previous case. Inflammation in the airways In this case, doctors are forced to do bronchoscopy under general anesthesia with the use of mechanical ventilation.
Airways where a coin provokes complete obstruction The child suffocates, cannot speak, cough, his skin turns blue Asphyxiation, death If there is no time to wait for an ambulance, you need to tilt the baby’s body forward by more than 90 0 and hit between the shoulder blades with sliding movements of the open palm several times
Coin in the esophagus Constant crying, anxiety, the child refuses to eat and drink, he vomits mucus clots, the baby may complain of chest pain Rupture of the walls of the esophagus, death Be sure to take an x-ray - it will show the location of the foreign body. The coin can be removed using fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS)
Stomach Pain in the abdomen When using laxatives or enemas, there is a risk of damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines. If the coin remains in the stomach for a long time, it begins to oxidize under the influence of gastric juice, which damages the walls of the organ, causes inflammatory conditions As a rule, nothing special needs to be done. If the coin is in the stomach on the x-ray, the child is sent home - after 2-5 days the foreign body should come out on its own along with the feces. If this does not happen, and a repeated x-ray confirms that the coin has remained in the same place, the child is placed in a hospital - in this case, it will not be possible to get rid of the foreign object on your own, you may need FGDS.

How to understand if a child swallowed a coin or not?

If a child has managed to swallow a foreign object, the following symptoms may appear outwardly:

  • aching pain in the abdomen with increasing intensity;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • nausea, vomiting for no apparent reason;
  • blood in baby's stool.

In addition, the baby often cries, behaves restlessly. He may refuse to eat, he has profuse salivation, hiccups occur. Shortness of breath and cough appear if the location of the coin is the respiratory tract. However, it happens that the baby feels great even after he managed to swallow a coin. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the state of his health, as well as for prevention, take x-rays.

What is absolutely impossible to do?

There are a number of actions that parents are strictly forbidden to do, even if their child has swallowed a foreign body.

  1. You can not give the baby laxatives, do an enema - you can injure the intestines.
  2. You can not feed or water the crumbs in order to advance the coin.
  3. You can not shake the child, thus trying to remove the coin from his body.
  4. Do not give your child hard foods (eg, crust of bread, carrots) to push through a coin.

These actions are completely ineffective for solving this problem, and sometimes can be very dangerous. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact the clinic for qualified help. Remember that the health and life of the most precious thing - your child - depends on how adequately you respond to an emergency that has arisen.

Oh those little kids. It's so hard to keep track of them. After all, they are interested in absolutely everything. And if you try to control every step of the child, then this will not end in luck. And it will be good if nothing happens to the child. In this case, you can be calm. Another thing is when Small child swallowed a coin. However, there isn't much difference. Doctors almost don't care about what the child swallowed there. After all, it is simply called a foreign body.

Naturally, in some cases there is a difference. If a child, for example, swallowed a battery (similar in shape to a coin, round such that they are inserted into some toys), then in this case it can end very badly. So, thanks to the electrolytes contained in this battery, an electric current can occur in the body, which will crash the entire system. In this case, the battery can grow into the organs. But okay, enough of the bad stuff. There are so many of them in this world. Let's talk about the bad, but not fatal.

Little naughty

You can't always keep track of your bloodline. Therefore, it is better to control it in other ways. Instead of denying a child access to a coin, it would be much better to allow him to climb anywhere but himself. small items hide in a place inaccessible to children. It can be the top of a cabinet or a mezzanine. Actually, you can put such items in the closet itself. But in this case, it is better to place containers with potentially dangerous items for the child on the upper shelves.

But what if the trouble has already happened and the child swallowed a coin? In this case, you need to look at the situation. The degree of danger of each case can be influenced by many factors. Now we will understand them.

The child choked

This is one of the most dangerous situations that happens quite rarely. A child can easily choke on a coin if he swallows carelessly. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance. It is advisable not to do anything special with the child at this time. Some parents, in the event that a coin is in the airways of a child, begin to give him bread or take any other action to push the coin further. But this is a mistake, and in no case should this be done. Many have already run into this nuance which exacerbated the condition of the children.

The child swallowed a coin and it got stuck in the esophagus

For this problem to occur, a number of unfortunate factors need to coincide. First of all, the coin must be large enough so that it cannot pass through the esophagus. Secondly, it must be swallowed in an unfortunate way. In terms of symptoms, a coin stuck in the esophagus is very similar to the previous case.

If the coin is large enough, then in this case it can end in death in a fairly short time. However, even if the child can breathe, you should still call an ambulance so that the removal of the coin from the esophagus is as successful as possible. Even if the child swallowed the coin unsuccessfully, what to do is a simple question.

Why does it make little difference whether a coin is stuck in the esophagus or in the trachea?

In principle, there is a difference if the child swallowed a coin. What to do is also different. But at the same time, a person can still suffocate if something gets stuck in the esophagus. Why is this happening? The reason for this is very simple: the esophagus is connected to the trachea. If you look at the anatomical design of the esophagus and trachea, you can see that the latter is located directly behind the esophagus. In addition, when swallowing, it is impossible to breathe, as the passage closes.

The same thing can happen if something gets into the esophagus and does not want to go further. The trachea simply overlaps, which leads to a small flow of air into the blood and organs. Therefore, they begin to die off. That is why you should not do any self-treatment of your child. And yes, you probably won't be able to do it. You can only use additional measures, which will be discussed later, if the child swallowed a coin. Doctors know best what to do.

When should you panic?

Should we panic at all? No, this cannot be done under any circumstances. But you need to sound the alarm if one of the symptoms is noticed in the child:

  • You hear wheezing.
  • The face begins to redden or even turn blue.
  • The child suddenly froze or excitement appears on it.
  • The child has a barking cough.

If your child has these symptoms, then this may indicate that an ambulance is needed. But you still have to wait for her arrival. What can you do while she is driving? Don't just wait until the baby suffocates, right? Yes, sure. No self-activity should be allowed, and it is also not necessary to ignore the appeal to the doctor. But certain actions must be performed so that the child is happy and alive.

Self-help while the ambulance is on its way

The child swallowed the coin. What to do if you see that the child is suffocating, and the ambulance has not yet arrived? The most important thing is not to panic. Panic can only hinder you and increase the likelihood of losing your child. That is why it is necessary to approach this issue very judiciously. Here is the instruction.

  1. We approach the choking child from behind.
  2. After that, between the navel and the xiphoid process, several gentle pressures should be performed, but sufficient to release the coin. How many clicks should be? The scheme is as follows: you need to make 4-5 pressures on this place, after which we wait five seconds. The system then repeats.
  3. If a foreign object has not left the body, then this must be done until an ambulance arrives.

This method is used quite successfully by a large number of people if the child swallowed a 5 ruble coin. What to do if the coin is small?

If the coin is small

The child swallowed a coin of 10 kopecks. What to do in this case? If the size is small, then she can simply come out with feces herself. You need to worry if it has not been released for several days. Then you need to see a doctor. So be sure to keep an eye on your child. In general, than more coin, the more likely it is to choke.

Therefore, if a child has swallowed a ruble coin, "what to do" is more likely to be asked by a doctor. He will, of course. If he has time. If not, you are responsible for the health of your child. Therefore, while he is small, you need to hide small objects from him. More recently, a child (3 years old) swallowed a coin. What to do in this case? I had to ask this question. But it could have been avoided.

Young children need the control and attention of their parents. As soon as the child begins to crawl, to walk independently, he needs an eye and an eye. Shelves, drawers, small items - all this should not be accessible to the baby. Children explore the world around them in two ways: tactilely and by taste. Seeing an interesting, bright, attractive, or up to this point unfamiliar object, the child will instantly want to study and figure out what it is intended for. Therefore, it is possible that a coin lost on the floor will become the object of “research”. It must be remembered that even such a small object is dangerous for the health of the child.

Dangerous coins: a penny, a ruble or ten?

If the baby swallowed, for example, a penny, it is not so dangerous. It will pass through the stomach, intestines and out naturally. A ten-kopeck coin, if it enters the body, will come out on its own within a week.

A ruble, a two-five-ruble coin will come out on its own. A ten-ruble iron circle is much harder for the body, because it is quite large. If the object is more than two centimeters in diameter, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. If the swallowed object does not appear with a stool within three days - a maximum of a week, you need to consult a doctor. Be sure to take an x-ray, on the basis of which to decide on further actions. It is possible that surgery will be required. With this option, so that the withdrawal procedure is painless, anesthesia and an endoscopic apparatus are used.

Coins for children are not toys. It is necessary to remove all coins from the baby's access area

If a six-month-old, one-year-old child ate a coin, you need to be as careful as possible, since an object of any size can injure the baby's body. Plus, you need to take into account that he cannot verbally express what happened. If the baby can more or less express himself, then in game form you need to establish what happened. Older children, with a stronger body, may not feel any changes in their well-being, but even in this case there is no need to lose vigilance and consult a doctor.

How to understand if a child has swallowed a coin?

As soon as a foreign object enters the child's body, into the stomach, some signs appear:

  • aching, worsening pain in the abdomen;
  • chest pain;
  • nausea and vomiting for no reason;
  • blood in the stool.

Indirect symptoms

  • the child is restless, whiny;
  • refusal of food, profuse salivation and even hiccups;
  • large coins press on the airways, causing shortness of breath and coughing.

There are cases that even after swallowing a coin, the child feels good and no unusual behavior is noticed behind him.

How urgently to see a doctor?

If a swallowed coin enters the digestive system, it will come out naturally. If it does not cause any symptoms and inconvenience, it will still not be superfluous to watch your child for several days in order to make sure everything is in order.

When a small foreign body gets stuck in the digestive tract, there is a cough, pain when swallowing, vomiting. In this case, do not hesitate - consult a doctor.

What should not be done?

You, as a parent, always want to help your blood. The desire to respond quickly and deal with the problem on your own is commendable. Therefore, you need to know how to properly help a child who has swallowed a coin.

Attention! You can not give a laxative or emetic medicine, do an enema to a child when he has swallowed a foreign object. This will complicate the situation. There is a huge risk of injury to the intestines by the edges of the very object in the baby's body.

  1. You can not water or feed a child to advance the coin.
  2. You can not "shake" a small object out of the child.
  3. You can not force to chew the bread crust.

How to help?

Initially, if you decide not to wait for the coin to come out by itself, but call an ambulance, sit or lay the child down and observe his condition.

Check if an object is stuck in the airway. If respiration is not difficult, there is no shortness of breath, then the coin went through the digestive tract. You just have to wait for the doctor and the solution to the problem.

Emergency help: coins out!

If the child chokes and immediately develops symptoms of choking, wheezing or persistent coughing, remember that you have approximately four minutes to help.

If the child cannot cough up the foreign object himself, you need to open his mouth and press the root of the tongue with your thumb, thereby causing vomiting.

If you manage to find the “cursed” coin, carefully remove it with your fingers. This must be done very carefully so as not to push the object further.

Place the baby on your stomach on your lap and tap on the back, as is done when someone chokes on food.

If the baby is choking, gently roll him over on his stomach and pat his back

Video of Dr. Komarovsky: “What to do if the child chokes? First aid"

How long can you wait?

If the coin does not cause any symptoms, then you can wait 12-48 hours while observing the condition of the child. If a coin does not come out in a day, this does not mean that it is stuck. Since the body cannot recognize what material is in the stomach, it will try to digest it until it finally gives up.

Precautionary measures

Often, unpleasant situations happen due to parental negligence. Therefore, as soon as the baby begins to move independently around the apartment or house, it is necessary to remove tiny dangerous objects that he can reach.

Do not let the playing baby out of line of sight. He needs an eye for an eye.

Video on what to do if a foreign body enters the body of a child

Be vigilant, attentive and caring. A child needs affection, warmth and love. If you give all this to your baby, then he will not pull unfamiliar objects into his mouth without asking.

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In the process of active knowledge of the world at a certain stage of its development, a child can swallow a coin of different denominations. What to do if a child swallowed a penny or 5 and 2 ruble coins? When to call an ambulance? And what are the possible consequences if a child swallows a coin? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Symptoms of a swallowed coin

Symptoms of swallowing a variety of foreign objects is not specific and depends on the age of the baby, the size and shape of the object, the specifics of its penetration into the body. The greatest danger to the child is the direct penetration of the coin into the respiratory tract. Typical symptoms that a child has swallowed a coin:

  • Violent barking cough, intermittent;
  • Blueing of the skin on the face;
  • Significant deterioration in breathing with the formation of whistling noises in the lungs;
  • Panic state.

With a sufficiently large size of the coin, as well as its penetration with the overlap of the respiratory channels, after a short period of time the child begins to suffocate and may lose consciousness.

If the coin did not enter the respiratory tract, but passed through the esophagus and stomach, then there are no instant signs of a pathological process. However, after some time, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Indigestion;
  • Mild or moderate pain in the stomach area;
  • Formation of vomiting;
  • The appearance of blood clots in the stool, severe constipation.

What to do if a child swallows a coin

The child needs immediate first aid if a foreign object has entered the respiratory tract. A possible scheme of events if a coin was swallowed by a child under 1 year old:

  • Open the child's mouth and make sure that the coin cannot be reached directly with tweezers;
  • Rest the baby's stomach in the forearm of the hand, supporting the back and chin;
  • Lower the child's head at an angle of 60 °, after which, with the edge of the palm of your hand, apply light blows to the back between the shoulder blades. If there is no effect after several series of procedures, proceed to the next paragraph;
  • Sit on a chair and lay the child on your knees with his back;
  • Make pushes with your fingers in the area of ​​​​the sternum of the child (moderate intensity). Repeat activities in 3-4 sets.

What to do if a coin is swallowed by a child from 2 to 4 years old and older:

  • Stand behind the child and grab him by the waist, taking his hands in the castle;
  • Gently press your palms on the stomach below the navel;
  • Every 5 seconds, perform several strong pushes in the same location.

If the performed procedures do not work, the child suffocates and loses consciousness, then immediately call an ambulance home.

Start manual resuscitation, including. If the coin did not enter the respiratory tract, but passed through the throat and esophagus into the stomach, then specific first aid measures are not provided.

It is necessary to monitor the child's condition and, if there are signs of dyspeptic disorders, intestinal bleeding, or other alarming symptoms, visit a doctor.

If a child swallows a coin, try not to panic in the first place. Inadequate behavior will additionally frighten the child, who may begin to become hysterical. Even if there are moderate signs of the pathological process, they will increase significantly for subjective reasons. Do not yell at the baby, calm him down and consistently carry out the necessary first-aid actions if necessary.

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What not to do if a child swallows a coin:

  • Feed and drink. Until the specifics of the pathological process are clarified, it is forbidden to give the child food and drink, especially if there is a suspicion that a coin has entered the respiratory tract.
  • Push foreign object. In some cases, a coin stuck in the throat does not block the airways, but causes severe discomfort to the baby. If the coin is located in the immediate vicinity of the exit to the oral cavity, then you can try to get it with tweezers. Otherwise, it is strictly forbidden to push the product in any way, for example, allowing solid foods, bread to be consumed.
  • Shake and knock out a coin. Striking in the projection of the direct location of the coin, turning the child upside down with an attempt to shake it out does not give any positive effect, but can aggravate the course of the pathological process.
  • Give a laxative or an enema. If the coin has successfully passed the throat, esophagus and entered the stomach, then it is not allowed to induce the process of its removal with the help of a laxative and an enema. It is necessary to wait for the natural process of defecation or consult a doctor.

When urgent medical attention is needed

If a child swallows a coin, then call an ambulance to the house or carry out emergency hospitalization to the nearest hospital on their own recommended in the following cases:

  • Coin inhalation. A characteristic acute symptomatology is manifested, requiring immediate qualified assistance;
  • Stopping a foreign object in the throat. If the coin is large enough, then there are chances of it stopping between the mouth and esophagus without entering the respiratory tract. The object brings severe discomfort to the child, it must be pulled out using a professional tool and the skills of an experienced doctor;
  • Formation of obvious pathological symptoms regarding the gastrointestinal tract. If a coin has entered the esophagus or stomach, but does not come out naturally, then with a high degree of probability, after a while, the child will develop dyspeptic pathological signs in the form of moderate or severe pain syndrome, vomiting, constipation, sometimes intestinal bleeding. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How long can you wait for the coin to come out on its own?

Modern endoscopists and other specialized experts recommend not to wait for the coin to come out on its own, but to consult a doctor without fail to undergo a diagnosis and determine the exact location of the coin in the body.

Even if the child has not developed pathological symptoms, after a while the signs may appear suddenly.

In the absence of the possibility of immediate treatment if the child feels well, the maximum waiting period is 1-2 days. At the same time, you should carefully observe the child and clearly identify the moment the object came out along with the feces.

Danger of swallowing coins of different denominations

The coin is different from the coin and the potential possibility of an independent exit of a foreign object depends not only on the physiological characteristics of the child's body, but also on the physical size of the product. The larger it is, the higher the probability of a coin stopping in the throat, gastrointestinal tract. Possible consequences if a child swallows a coin:

  • Airways. Pathology develops immediately after ingestion, if the product has fallen into this area;
  • Throat. Large objects often stop there and cause great discomfort;
  • Esophagus. It is impossible to visually examine a coin in the esophagus without equipment. Even a short stay of a coin in this area with its sticking to the wall provokes serious consequences - edema, bedsores, septic reactions;
  • Stomach. A foreign object can stay there for a long time without symptoms, however, metal products, under the action of the acidic contents of the organ, release oxides and other compounds that pathologically affect the entire body. Secondary consequences - gastritis, ulcer, other chronic pathology;
  • Intestines. Sometimes the coin stops in the intestine on the way of bends and provokes perforation of the organ.

As practice shows, if the coin has successfully passed the throat, esophagus and stomach, then with a probability of 90% it will come out naturally with the defecation process.

If a child swallows a coin, depending on its denomination, the following potential problems are possible:

  • Coins in denominations of 5 and 10 kopecks. They have a diameter of 15.5 and 17.5 millimeters, respectively. High risk of inhalation. If they are completed successfully, then with a high degree of probability the objects will leave the body naturally;
  • 1 ruble coin. It has a diameter of 20.5 millimeters. Low risk of inhalation due to increased size. Sometimes stops in the esophagus, stomach, or rectum;
  • Coins in denominations of 2 and 10 rubles. They have diameters of 23 and 22 mm, respectively. Most likely not inhaled, but more likely to get stuck in the throat or esophagus. With the successful passage of these parts leave the body naturally;
  • A coin with a face value of 5 rubles. The product diameter of 25 millimeters practically guarantees that it will not enter the respiratory system due to its large size. However, with a high degree of probability, it will not come out of the gastrointestinal tract on its own.

What to do if the coin does not come out on its own

First you need to make sure that the foreign object did not come out with feces. Quite often, the coin is in the thickness of the feces, therefore, with regular monitoring of the child's condition and the procedure for defecation, it is advisable to wash the biological material or separate it in order to search for a metal object.

If after 2 days the result is negative, and you are sure that the coin has not come out, then you should contact a gastroenterologist, endoscopist or surgeon. He prescribes the following procedures:

  • X-ray. Allows you to locate the coin;
  • Endoscopy. An alternative to x-ray, also visualizing the presence of a foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, with the help of an endoscope, it is removed non-surgically;
  • Operational intervention. It is prescribed in cases where the independent exit of the coin is impossible, the endoscopy procedure does not give a result, the patient develops a pathological symptom complex, and it is impossible to get a foreign object in another way.

Dr. Komarovsky first of all recommends explicitly identifying the type of foreign object that has entered the esophagus and stomach through the child's oral cavity. So, batteries, sharp and long products are of particular danger. Coins belong to the intermediate version, have a streamlined shape and can come out on their own if their size does not exceed 2-2.5 centimeters.

Seek immediate medical attention or take any initial pre-medical emergency action if there is evidence of a foreign object in the airway.

If there are no pathological symptoms for more than 1 day, but the coin has not left the body, then you should not wait longer. It is better to visit a gastroenterologist, surgeon or other specialized specialist during the day, and then undergo an examination. For more details from Dr. Komarovsky on what to do if a child swallows a coin, see the video:

  • Regular cleaning of premises. Do not leave small objects on the floor that a child can put in his mouth, nose;
  • Creating a safe space for play. Actively moving kids find coins, other objects on the couch, in the closet, and so on. Optimize the nursery and toys in such a way as to avoid potential risks;
  • supervision. If the baby nevertheless got to a potentially unsafe object, swallowed it, then there are risks of the rapid formation of suffocation, due to which the child simply does not have time to signal a problem. You need to visit the room regularly to make sure everything is in order.