Optimal methods of X-ray examination for myofascial pain syndrome of the maxillofacial region. In what cases is X-ray of the temporal bone and ear indicated? Snapshot Technology

Since I used to be very interested in this topic and honed some tricks, I have something to tell you about this topic. I recently made a video course called Unfair advantage at the gaming table .

In this course, I cover simple card cheating techniques. Of course, there are seasoned professionals who can deal second, deal low or from the middle, make cops, deck changes and other professional equipment.

To be honest, I haven’t grown up to this yet, and I never really tried to hone the lower or upper surrenders. I have always had enough of my simple techniques, which included ways of juggling cards, fake shuffles and cuts, some methods of holding. All this is given in the form of training, in the form of lessons.

We are all not without sin, what is there to conceal. Everyone wants to be able to do something forbidden, something dishonest. I want to have an unfair advantage, both in life and when playing cards. After studying my video course, you will get that very unfair advantage that will help you win cards more often.

But this is only the first step. I have not laid out all the techniques in this course, there are even more complicated and more unique than these. I will tell them later.

At first I wanted to put these records in free access, but I remembered the words of the Joker from the movie “ The Dark Knight» « If you can do something, do it for money". Gold words. That's why I made this course free.

So, card cheating training is now in front of you and you can quickly master different techniques by simply studying my video course.

Everyone who buys the course will receive a very “tasty” bonus that will come in handy when playing poker Texas Hold'em. With this bonus, you will win very quickly.

Watch the video and find out what the course is about:

- (German). A card cheat who cheats at cards. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Schuler German. Schuler. Card cheat. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in Russian ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Schuler, Marco Marco Schuler ... Wikipedia

Gambler, swindler, swindler, gambler, rogue, swindler, businessman, swindler, lucky, zhukhalo, profit knight, zhukhlo, schemer, scammer, rolled, shakher maher Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sharper see gambler Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical… … Synonym dictionary

SHULER, sharpie, pl. card sharpers, husband. (Polish szuler with German). 1. A person who uses cheating, fraudulent tricks when playing cards. Professional cheater. || In general, a swindler, a swindler, a rogue (colloquial swearing). Dictionary Ushakov. D.N.… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

- (Polish szuler) a rogue, a professional swindler. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M .: INFRA M. 479 s .. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

sharpie- sharpie, born sharper; pl. sharpie, born cheaters… Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

Schuler- (English cardsharp, cheat; Polish szuler) a professional gambler who cheats in a card game; swindler, swindler. See also Games and betting… Encyclopedia of Law

sharpie- SHULER (SHULLER), a, m. Fraudster in games. ◘ ... And in him, Moscow is glad of the scandal, // Although he is a card sharp according to fairy tales. A.A.Grigoriev. Meeting, 1846. ◘ He was, as they say, a sharper capable, having done meanness, not to slip away, but to be offended for ... Card terminology and jargon of the 19th century

Cheating. Loans. through the Polish szuler sharpie, czech šulař deceiver from cf. in. n. scholderer, schollerer organizer gambling, scholder, scholler – the name of the gambling game (Lexer); see Matzenauer 339; Golub - Kopechny 377; Zheltov, FZ, 1876, ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

sharpie- Zaim. from Polish. lang. in the 19th century, in which szuler "gambler, gambler sharp" from cf. in. German schollerer, suf. derived from scholler (the name of a gambling card game) ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language


  • Shuler, Igor Atamanenko. Two famous swindlers, extra-class swindlers, brilliant adventurers from those who are called "grand masters of scams" in the criminal world, for more than a quarter of a century boldly, inventively, with ...
  • Space Sharpie by Keith Loamer. Keith Lomer is an American diplomat, military pilot, writer, author of more than thirty books, an outstanding master of humorous fiction, still little known to the Russian-speaking reader. AT…

X-ray of the temporal bone according to Schüller is the most appropriate method of X-ray examination of its mastoid part. X-ray recognition of bone destructive changes in the initial phase of mastoiditis requires a high technical quality of radiographs.

To simplify the complex technique of images of the temporal bone, a modification by V. G. Ginzburg is recommended, which simplifies radiography according to Schüller and Mayer.

The X-ray picture of the initial, exudative, form of mastoiditis is characterized by darkening of the cells; there are no signs of bone destruction. In the next phase of mastoiditis, the X-ray shows a significant loss of the intensity of the shadows of the cell septa, in some places the almost complete absence of their image, which is explained by the resorption of the bone tissue of the process. Purulent fusion of cell septa with the formation of an abscess in the mastoid process is determined radiologically as a focus of rarefaction. This symptom of secondary enlightenment occurs, despite the presence of purulent fluid in the abscess cavity, due to the destruction of bone tissue that absorbs the rays (Fig. 1).

The focus of bone destruction may have a trabecular structure for some time due to the preserved cells surrounding the abscess cavity. Tomography of the temporal bone allows to detect an abscess in this phase. With the formation of a subperiosteal abscess with complete destruction of the bone, intense homogeneous enlightenment occurs (Fig. 2 and 3). A large solitary cell in the mastoid process - a relatively rare anatomical variant (Fig. 4 and 5) - in acute otitis media can lead to incorrect radiodiagnosis of mastoiditis, especially its latent form, with a mastoid process poor in cells. The cavity of such a cell is mistaken even for cholesteatoma (Fig. 6), which has penetrated into the mastoid process. The presence of perianthral cells indicates an anatomical variant, but not an ear cholesteatoma, which always communicates with the cholesteatoma cavity in the antrum.

To detect darkened perianthral cells and a cholesteatoma cavity in the antrum area, the Mayer projection should be used. The cavity of a subperiosteal abscess, if it has not formed from several large cells (Fig. 7), as a rule, does not have a clear outline characteristic of cholesteatoma. Apical mastoiditis (Bezold's abscess) can not be detected if we restrict ourselves to Schuller's projection alone. The Stenvers X-ray reveals a defect in the internal cortical plate of the mastoid process (Fig. 8-10).

Conservative treatment of surgical forms of mastoiditis with a favorable course leads to complete bone regeneration at the site of the abscess and to the restoration of the airiness of the remaining cells, and the mastoid process from the pneumatic becomes Mixed (Fig. 11 and 12).

Rice. 1. X-ray of the temporal bone according to Schüller; acute mastoiditis; the cells are darkened, a large destructive focus in the mastoid process (a symptom of secondary enlightenment).

Rice. 2. Acute mastoiditis, a huge bone defect in the mastoid process; subperiosteal abscess (right temporal bone). Rice. 3. Left temporal bone (normal) - comparative radiograph.

Rice. 4 and 5. Radiographs of a normal temporal bone (Fig. 4 - Schuller projection; Fig. 5 - oblique projection of the mastoid process according to Stenvers). Large solitary cell of the apex of the mastoid process with a thin linear shadow contour. Rice. 6. Cholesteatoma cavity at the apex of the process with a thin linear shadow contour; cells are absent (Schüller projection).

Rice. 7. A large cavity of a subperiosteal abscess (acute mastoiditis), formed from several cells (Schüller projection). Rice. 8-10. Left-sided apical mastoiditis (Bezold's abscess): fig. 8 - the cells are sharply darkened, the apex of the mastoid process has a compact structure: fig. 9 - cells of the apex are visible, the outer and inner cortical plates are thin; rice. 10 - a complete defect of the inner cortical plate of the apex (arrow) is visible, the outer cortical plate is of considerable thickness. Rice. 11 and 12 Schuller projection; acute mastoiditis, conservative treatment: fig. 11 - spongy-pneumatic type, the onset of the disease, the cells of the temporal bone are darkened, a destructive focus is visible at the apex of the process (a symptom of secondary enlightenment): fig. 12-stage of cure, complete restoration of the airiness of the cells of the temporal bone, reparative bone changes at the site of the former focus in the mastoid process.

Schuler is a swindler, a dishonest person. This word came to us from the Polish language. Literally means deceiver.

This deceiver is gambling, dexterous, cunning. But best of all they know who the cheater of his victims is.

The people he deceived. Most cheaters are gamblers. They can be divided into several types.

Secular trickster. He constantly improves his aerobatics. As a rule, he has good manners and a well-groomed appearance. Such a sharpie is insightful, he reads all the emotions on the faces of his interlocutors.

Can quickly determine the ability of the enemy on the game. A naive and wealthy victim will be chosen immediately. He masterfully owns all the tricks. He can distinguish cards by the shades of the pattern, mark them during the game.

Nowadays, cheaters have modern equipment for the game. Built-in video cameras, wireless headphones inside the ear. Not every scout has an arsenal worth thousands of dollars.

Club Sharpie

He plays in special establishments, as a rule, for large stakes. A little inferior in manners to a secular cheater. Such a person changes clubs in search of rich partners.

Because he deals with players of different levels, insight and knowledge of people he has on highest level. Some sharpers are even trained in hypnosis techniques. Technical means are also used by club sharpers.

For example, glasses with a polarized layer, a ring with a huge diamond. At a certain inclination, they allow you to see your partner's cards.

Rounder of the Half World

Often a cheater-procurer, working in tandem with a woman. Woman with beautiful appearance together with a capable pimp, they involve simpletons with money in the game. Rich men are cleverly cheated in any game of chance, be it dominoes, dice or cards.

petty sharpie

This is a low tier cheater. He is deceiving ordinary people. Works at stations, in trains, in brothels. The stakes of such a sharpie are low. But inciting a person to play can be easy.

At first, he tries to lose by pretending to be an inept player. Then he raises the stakes. And then he steals money in any fraudulent way. He has a rich arsenal.

Classic cheater manipulations are constantly being improved. Nothing new has been invented, but electronics contribute to this perfection. Where access for technology is impossible, classical techniques cannot be replaced.

Even scanners are mounted in gambling tables. They also use interspersed metal threads, to which the player’s special device reacts.
Techniques borrowed from card magicians are also used.

In a word, there are many cheating methods, among them:

  1. Fake cards. There are many ways to fake cards. Often the sharper himself makes individual cards or entire marked decks, making invisible marks on them.
  2. Fake shuffle. Sleight of hand when shuffling cards is a prerequisite for the “qualification” of a cheater. You can make the appearance of a shuffle, you can distribute the cards as needed.
  3. Fake shoot. During the shooting of cards in the deck, the cheater can replace part of the deck, shift several cards, return some of the cards to their original position.
  4. Fake change. The dealing of an experienced card sharper always looks like he is dealing cards from the top. In fact, he can deal from the bottom, the second card, from the center of the deck, etc.

Also cheaters often use gestures, conditional phrases and signs. By memorizing and counting the cards that have left the game, the sharper can predict further moves.

Nowadays there are online card games, for example, poker. Many are attracted by the mathematical analysis of the game, logic, psychology. The game of minds turns on, puts pressure on the psyche.

But there are cheating tricks on the Internet, programs for analyzing player cards. Card sharpers work in teams not only on the beaches, but also on the Internet.

I would like to warn people, especially young people, against gambling with strangers, against gambling. The behavior of cheaters is difficult to predict in a difficult situation.

Our world is full of ready-made solutions. Categorical. clear positions. We are used to being comfortable. Do not think, do not choose, but succumb to circumstances. You shouldn't give in to them. They must be created by ourselves. Then no one will ever deceive you.