What to wear mystique in bdo. A detailed guide to the mystic. Main and secondary weapons

When did the first promo videos come out? Black Desert, fans of the summoner class (summoner) quickly let out sweet saliva and started scribbling on the forums that it happened - Korean developers have not forgotten them! And, indeed, in these videos, the mystic flaunted in battles the presence of a black furry beast, which the creators of the project for some reason called a lion (they didn’t go to the zoo for sure), although it looks more like a huge black St. Bernard, however, with a strange muzzle . And returning to the summoners - they broke off ... The mystic, of course, calls on the beast to help him, but this is not the option when you can stand on the sidelines and watch, picking your teeth with a staff, how your beloved pet does everything moving. In the case of Black Desesrt, the character himself will have to wave a sharp piece of iron.

The Mystic is considered one of the most, if not the most enduring class in the game. Why this anime-like creation of puberty (well, the developers could not, could not abandon the roots: D) received such a reputation is discussed below.

Advantages and disadvantages

Managing a mystic in battle does not require additional fingers and a piano diploma from a music school. Everything is simple and tasteful.

If we talk about protection, this class is one of the most cardboard. But what about the talk about his vitality? It's simple, this is the merit of that very black unshorn ̶k̶o̶t̶o̶p̶s̶a̶ lion (which, by the way, is some kind of spirit), which is the first to enter the battle and gives its mistress a lot of goodies. Controls well and also bites well. Another component of the mystic's survivability is invulnerability during jumps, somersaults and strafes. And this character will have to jump a lot, because. any mistake in a serious fight is fatal, despite the presence of good equipment.

Mobility, good attack stats, and a fair amount of hitting combos position the Mystic as a great cover for more "stationary" and "soft" allies. That is, in battle, this class performs the functions of support or a mobile reserve, which is thrown into the "bare sections of the front." It is in the mass-PvP that the main potential of the mystic as a fighter is revealed. Control skills in the arsenal of this fragile girl will help to delay the enemy and bring him under the blow of his comrades-in-arms. The main thing is not to give in.

PvE does not present any serious problems for the mystic. The summoner's arsenal contains enough skills to qualitatively reduce the population of spawned evil spirits.

Mystic Skills

No one will argue that the correct selection of skills will directly affect the consistency of the character in battle. The option “to learn and then decide whether it is needed or not” is not the most successful, unfortunately, there are no free skillpoints. Therefore, descriptions of skills are given below, taking into account their usefulness and the order of study.

Basic Skills

  1. Dissecting leaf fall. Standard for any class auto-attack with the main weapon. Low damage and low mana recovery. If rumors about the effect of auto-attacks on the strength of the summoned lion's blows are true, the skill can be developed, but obviously not in the first place. And the rest - the development is inappropriate.
  2. Heaven strike. A controlling skill that allows you to grab and knock down the enemy with a graceful kick, simultaneously hooking a few more "adversaries", however, only for 2 seconds. Learn the first level, and max it out with free skill points.
  3. Mobile evasion. This skill could be called "I will live." A jump in any direction, in which (attention!) the character is invulnerable. This skill is essential in both PvP and PvE. Invest skillpoints in each new level necessarily.
  4. Jump from above. Allows you to shorten the distance with the enemy by jumping and strike already in close combat. Despite the apparent usefulness, the skill is of little use in combat due to low damage and accuracy. Not worth investing skill points.
  5. Evasion attack. This is a kind of strafe combined with an attack. It has a "Water Rush" branch, which allows it to be used twice. Plus: can restore mana (useful in PvE). Minus: "eats" a lot of stamina, which is better to use for dodges. One level will be enough.
  6. Hail of blows. A series of kicks. It makes absolutely no sense to spend skillpoints on it.
  7. Chosen One. Another skill to control the enemy. Throws up and overturns enemies in front. With development, it is possible to use an additional attack in the air. Learn to the maximum, but after the basic skills for farming.
  8. Call of the black lion. We got to the sweetest thing - the call of the lion. Skill has absolute priority. Always keep skill points in reserve for learning a new level.
  9. Absorption of the black lion. Gives you the opportunity to sacrifice a summoned lion in exchange for a very tasty buff for yourself (before, the buff rushed to the whole group). A mystic without a lion is not a mystic, and in PvP he is not a tenant at all, so the use of this skill is justified in exceptional cases: when the lion runs out of time or his health is almost at zero.
  10. Flash. It has many branches: Pierce, Spin, Claw. Small damage and a long animation devalue both the skill itself and the entire branch. It is useless in PvP, but in PvE there are more worthy skills. Do not download.
  11. Thunderbolt. In combination with its offshoot "Otherworldly Strike" (in the common people "Fist"), it's just an uber combo. At max level, with 100% critical strike chance on Fist, the damage is overwhelming. Definitely push it to the limit.
  12. Black Lion: Whip. Has almost comparable damage to the previous skill and is very easy to use. Skill for the "lazy", i.e. no need to press a bunch of buttons. In unity, you will have to learn according to the scenario. Can be an alternative to Beyond Strike, but learning both is a waste of skillpoints, so you have to choose.
  13. Lightning field. An AoE attack that allows you to pull the enemy, deal damage and reduce their attack speed. When a lion reaches level 7, the skill moves to a new level of quality - the pet itself turns into a destructive whirlwind, dealing frenzied damage for 4 seconds and stunning all enemies within the radius of action. Download without question.
  14. Black Lion: Throat burn. Necessary skill in PvP: firstly, repels the enemy; secondly, it deals serious damage to the enemy in the air. And given that the mystic loves to throw gaping enemies, it is difficult to overestimate this skill. Verdict: teach to the limit.
  15. Black lion, Cat's paw. Another, third knockdown skill. This is what determines its usefulness. With development, the number of knocked down opponents and the indicator of "eaten" accuracy in the debuff increases. Considering all this - to develop to the maximum.
  16. Black Lion: Earth lightning. A massive skill that has quite serious damage. In the presence of free skillpoints, download to the fullest.
  17. Black Lion: Powerful wave. A kind of team "Fas!" for the lion. Begins to intensively gnaw on the specified target, and damage to lying targets increases significantly. Learn the same as the previous skill.
  18. Black Lion: Terror Strike. Mass camp. Useful in PvP. To begin with, you can learn in one, then, when there are extra skill points, to the maximum. At the last level of development, stuns for 2 seconds.
  19. Black Lion: Uppercut with a paw. This is the ultimate at 100% Black Spirit's Rage. Huge damage in a very short time makes this skill indispensable in both PvP and PvE. Actually, the ult itself is performed by a lion, knocking down even those sitting on horseback. At 200% Black Spirit's Rage, the damage is unimaginable. Learning is mandatory, but preferably after the basic skills for farming.
  20. Black Lion: Claws. Having a beautiful animation, the skill is useless. And even an increase in damage of 5% of the amount of mana does not save him.
  21. Black Lion: Lion's Roar. Ult at 200% Black Spirit Rage. Up to level 50 is the most useful skill. The skill has several advantages: absolute accuracy and a very strong slowdown of the enemy. The downside is that it consumes a lot of mana. In PvP, it deals very decent damage up to level 50, after it it is better to use it as an ult. Download to the maximum.

Skill Awakening

There is no clear framework in the awakening of skills in a mystic. Therefore, as a general recommendation, the following tips:

  • on "Otherworldly Strike" catch a perk of 15% to attack speed;
  • add a debuff in the form of 7% to the movement speed to the characteristics of the Thunderbolt;
  • to "Cat's Paw" - restore 3 HP per hit, this will reduce the consumption of cans on health.


The main task in choosing equipment is to emphasize the advantages and smooth out the shortcomings. Therefore, the recommendations in the selection of gear for the mystic are as follows.


Mystic is no exception general rule: The best main weapon at the initial stage will be the Yuria blade, which should be replaced with Liberto at the first opportunity, and then, with luck, with Kzarka. Speaking of additional weapons, two options should be distinguished - for PvP and PvE, respectively. In PvE it is better to take a keychain to attack, but in PvP it is better to increase dodge with it. And of course, one must strive to obtain the Nouver keychain.


In the early stages, the Jeres set will be the best solution, which will give 200 stamina and +5 damage to all races as a bonus from three things, and boots will add another 200 stamina, which will greatly increase the character’s mobility. Further, it will need to be replaced with the Rohava set - +75 HP and MP, +7 to evasion, as well as an additional socket for inlay stones in each element of the set. And, of course, get the boss set.


For the Mystic, the choice of jewelry is associated with the choice of additional weapons. Before getting the Nouver trinket, jewelry for the attack is more suitable: ogre necklace, treant spirit belt, red coral rings and earrings. Some players advise in PvP a kit that increases evasion and health levels. If you get a Nouver keychain, you should switch to jewelry that increases protection.

Inlay stones

When choosing inlay stones for a mystic, emphasis should be placed on attack speed and increased survivability.

  • Helmet: Amethyst (Barrier) - increases resistances.
  • Body: Iolite (Health) - increase in HP.
  • Gloves: Amber (Attack Speed) - increased attack speed.
  • Boots: Malachite (Resilience) - increased resistance to tipping over.
  • Main weapon: Valuable grenade (Attack Speed) - again, an increase in attack speed.
  • Additional weapon: Pomegranate (Capture) or Pomegranate (Attack on the bottom) - ignoring resistance to capture or increasing attack on lying targets, respectively.

As soon as the opportunity arises, it is necessary to replace the stones with analogues of a higher grade.


Mystic turned out to be a dynamic and interesting class that will appeal to fans of support classes and swoop-bounce tactics. When playing this class in mass battles, you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of your allies, who should be covered. Fans of anime and incomprehensible black lions will also like the mystic :) Although it can count on this - who will take seriously a small fragile girl walking a shaggy black something ... But in vain.

Guide to Mystic in Black Dessert must necessarily begin with an explanation that this class is a melee, that is, it fights at short distances. In another way, it is also called Tamer or Beast Master. Pet management is not as straightforward and advanced as in other MMORPGs. In addition, the Mystic is an ambiguous class in PvP, because in solo he is weaker than any other character, but in group battles he is almost indispensable. Tamer has the lowest base defense, but a high attack level and a huge number of easy combos to perform. In fact, the characteristics can be distributed in a radically different way.

What to wear Mystic?

When choosing a character, a range of his characteristics is demonstrated, which the Mystic has little to do with reality. Despite the high base damage, there are few skills among the skills that would significantly increase it even after a combo. On the other hand, the low physdef value is more than compensated for by evasion, which makes Tamera almost immune to control skills.

At low and medium levels, it is worth additionally dispersing your character accuracy and attack. The former is more critical for PvP, while the latter is more critical for PvE. After you manage to get an almost top-end Kzark weapon and Bherg gloves, you can, following the example of the Koreans, give preference to an additional protection and health. Perfect for Mystic armor set Jeres, Taritas or Ajerian. In PvE, jewelry for damage will become indispensable, and to become an excellent support in mass PvP, you will have to dress under protection.

PvP and PvE for the Mystic in Black Desert

Guide to playing as Mystic in Black Desert cannot do without considering the features of PvP and PvE. Tamer is weaker than any other character in solo PvP, but is the best support for his team primarily due to his AOE control skills. Of course, you can fight alone with other players at low levels. In addition, at first, PvP will be very simple and successful for Tamer. The problem is that at higher levels, when everyone has lethal skills, the Mystics are given a pet that cannot withstand even three hits from the twentieth guns. If furry companions get levels up in the future, the situation will straighten out again, allowing the Mystics to shine not only as a support.

In a fight between two Tamers, the one that is bored better and protects his pet before using the kyusha will certainly win. In mass fights, the Mystic’s usefulness ends at the moment when his pet is drained, because the remaining one mass control can easily be knocked down. If we talk about other skills, then a chic minute buff for the whole clan can really help your team, but only one Mystic is enough to cast it.

AT Black Dessert Mystic without guide will be able to figure out PvE, but some tricks are still worth using for greater productivity. Compared to another top farmer Giant, Tamer has irreplaceable pet, which allows you to aggro a significantly larger number of mobs. In addition, most AOE skills have no limits on the maximum number of targets. While other classes spend a huge amount of time collecting mobs, Tamer is able to run around the location using just one button.

Mystic, or "tamer", as he is often called by the regulars of Russian-speaking servers, is rightfully considered one of the most controversial and ambiguous classes in the game. Let's see where BeastMaster (Tamer) will allow to show his best qualities, and what type of gamers will definitely not like it.

What is it?

Many users who are just getting acquainted with BDO mistakenly compare this class with "summoners" familiar to them from other projects, for example, and even Diablo sequels. But everything is quite different.

Mystic is just a cute little girl. In fact, this is a powerful "dodge", which is capable of inflicting good damage on opponents on its own. And, in combination with a pumped-over pet, the "tamer" turns into a real machine for "farming". No wonder this class competes with the barbarian for the title of the best mob smasher in Black Desert.

As for PvP, everything is not so clear-cut here. On the early stages games, the mystic is able to "drag" any opponent 1x1 at the expense of a pet (it is often called a lion, a dog, or even a "catops" due to its similarity, both with feline representatives and with best friends person). But for more high levels, when other classes can easily deal with a pet, "tamer" becomes easy prey in dueling fights. But thanks to a large number of useful skills with a massive “buff” and damage, they like to take him in “parties” in 2v2, 5v5 confrontations and in sieges.

Since the launch of the CBT on Korean servers, the mystic has undergone numerous changes. In general, whether it's a "nerf" or a "boost", they only benefited the class. But in general, this is a chic mobile class with simple controls, good damage and interesting combos. True, with weak indicators of protection. Which is not surprising, given the presence of such a powerful additional weapon as a pet that is murderous in every sense of the word.

Advantages and disadvantages of the class

The main feature of the mystic is, of course, his pet. Not only is a tamed animal capable of inflicting impressive damage on several targets at once, but it also perfectly “stuns” and “controls” the enemy, which is extremely useful in PvP. You can also ride on it. But this is rather a minus for the “tamer”, because, having saddled her main weapon, a pretty girl immediately loses in damage, and in mobility too.

In addition to the advantages of the class, you should add its mobility, a large number of combinations that increase survivability and damage, as well as the ability to move quickly even in the midst of opponents. The main disadvantage of "tamer" is that at high levels, "pet" ceases to be too useful. If this is not very noticeable in the fight against mobs, then in PvP, especially 1x1 fights, the class turns into a “whipping girl” as soon as the enemy cracks down on living creatures.

Key Skills

Like other inhabitants of BDO, the skills of the Mystic depend on the chosen style of play. Some of the most useful in the class experienced users consider:

    lion roar- restores strength at the expense of enemies, and also allows you to overturn the enemy. Even after cutting on Korean servers, many continue to swing this "skill" and consider it extremely important.

    Discharge- Deals damage to all enemies around. One of the most "damaging" mass skills of the class.

    Stream blow. Allows the Mystic to perfectly dodge even a group of enemies.

    Heaven strike. You make a capture and discard the ill-wisher.

    Trap. Allows you to kick while evading an enemy attack, while dealing good damage.

    air poison- a skill thanks to which you simultaneously hit and push the enemy back.

    Vampirism- Allows you to restore hit points when dealing damage to an enemy. Not the most important, but sometimes a useful skill.

In addition, the class has enough other useful skills, but you should choose and develop them directly for your style of play.

Weapons and equipment

It should be noted right away that in PvE for mystics, equipment at first does not matter at all. Your pet will do all the work for you. But from the weapon, you should pay attention to the Asvel blade for “farming” mobs at low levels. After the fortieth level, it is desirable to acquire a “fluffy” Yuria. And after the fiftieth and above, everything is as usual - Liberto, Kzark. As a second weapon, it is advisable to take something for accuracy or damage increase.

As an optimal set for a mystic, either Agerian (white) or Grunil (purple) is suitable. Again, depending on which play style you prefer.

"Sharpening" and "awakening"

First of all, this class needs survivability and the speed of using skills to pump out ammunition, because this is a very mobile and agile character. With a lack of accuracy, you can slightly disperse this indicator. And you should awaken those skills on which your gameplay is tied. For a solo, these can be damage and survival skills or a “pet” buff, and for a “support” one of the mass “skills”.

Mystic, or "tamer", as he is often called by the regulars of Russian-speaking servers, is rightfully considered one of the most controversial and ambiguous classes in the game. Let's see where BeastMaster (Tamer) will show his best qualities, and what type of gamers will definitely not like him.

What is it?

Many users who are just getting acquainted with BDO mistakenly compare this class with "summoners" familiar to them from other projects, for example, and even Diablo sequels. But everything is quite different.

Mystic is just a cute little girl. In fact, this is a powerful "dodge", which is capable of inflicting good damage on opponents on its own. And, in combination with a pumped-over pet, the "tamer" turns into a real machine for "farming". No wonder this class competes with the barbarian for the title of the best mob smasher in Black Desert.

As for PvP, everything is not so clear-cut here. At the initial stages of the game, the mystic is able to "drag" any opponent 1x1 at the expense of a pet (it is often called a lion, a dog, or even a "cat" due to its similarity with both feline representatives and man's best friends). But at higher levels, when other classes can easily cope with a pet, "tamer" becomes easy prey in duel fights. But thanks to a large number of useful skills with a massive “buff” and damage, they like to take him in “parties” in 2v2, 5v5 confrontations and in sieges.

Since the launch of the CBT on Korean servers, the mystic has undergone numerous changes. In general, whether it's a "nerf" or a "boost", they only benefited the class. But in general, this is a chic mobile class with simple controls, good damage and interesting combos. True, with weak indicators of protection. Which is not surprising, given the presence of such a powerful additional weapon as a pet that is murderous in every sense of the word.

Advantages and disadvantages of the class

The main feature of the mystic is, of course, his pet. Not only is a tamed animal capable of inflicting impressive damage on several targets at once, but it also perfectly “stuns” and “controls” the enemy, which is extremely useful in PvP. You can also ride on it. But this is rather a minus for the “tamer”, because, having saddled her main weapon, a pretty girl immediately loses in damage, and in mobility too.

In addition to the advantages of the class, you should add its mobility, a large number of combinations that increase survivability and damage, as well as the ability to move quickly even in the midst of opponents. The main disadvantage of "tamer" is that at high levels, "pet" ceases to be too useful. If this is not very noticeable in the fight against mobs, then in PvP, especially 1x1 fights, the class turns into a “whipping girl” as soon as the enemy cracks down on living creatures.

Key Skills

Like other inhabitants of BDO, the skills of the Mystic depend on the chosen style of play. Some of the most useful in the class experienced users consider:

    lion roar- restores strength at the expense of enemies, and also allows you to overturn the enemy. Even after cutting on Korean servers, many continue to swing this "skill" and consider it extremely important.

    Discharge- Deals damage to all enemies around. One of the most "damaging" mass skills of the class.

    Stream blow. Allows the Mystic to perfectly dodge even a group of enemies.

    Heaven strike. You make a capture and discard the ill-wisher.

    Trap. Allows you to kick while evading an enemy attack, while dealing good damage.

    air poison- a skill thanks to which you simultaneously hit and push the enemy back.

    Vampirism- Allows you to restore hit points when dealing damage to an enemy. Not the most important, but sometimes a useful skill.

In addition, the class has enough other useful skills, but you should choose and develop them directly for your style of play.

Weapons and equipment

It should be noted right away that in PvE for mystics, equipment at first does not matter at all. Your pet will do all the work for you. But from the weapon, you should pay attention to the Asvel blade for “farming” mobs at low levels. After the fortieth level, it is desirable to acquire a “fluffy” Yuria. And after the fiftieth and above, everything is as usual - Liberto, Kzark. As a second weapon, it is advisable to take something for accuracy or damage increase.

As an optimal set for a mystic, either Agerian (white) or Grunil (purple) is suitable. Again, depending on which play style you prefer.

"Sharpening" and "awakening"

First of all, this class needs survivability and the speed of using skills to pump out ammunition, because this is a very mobile and agile character. With a lack of accuracy, you can slightly disperse this indicator. And you should awaken those skills on which your gameplay is tied. For a solo, these can be damage and survival skills or a “pet” buff, and for a “support” one of the mass “skills”.

Having gained my own experience of playing for the mystic class, I decided to make a guide for this character. Today I will tell you what gear to wear as you level up, what skills to learn, and about inlay stones.

If you have just started playing, and you have little idea about the game, but you know where to download and farm silver. So you shouldn't have any problems. Well, if you don’t know this, then you can look at our guide where it’s better to swing up to the 50th and from 50 - 60+ levels.


From the first to the 50th level, you should understand that this is only an introduction, and all the accumulated savings should be left for later. And to achieve your cherished 50th, it will be enough to put on such clothes:

  • Helm of the Limit Jeres
  • Jeres Ultimate Armor
  • witch decoration
  • witch decoration
  • shadow sign
  • shadow sign
  • Jeres Limit Shoes
  • Gloves of the Ultimate Jeres
  • Tree Spirit Belt
  • Serap necklace
  • Elsie's Ultimate Blade
  • Keychain-berry of the limit
  • Damage to all races +12
  • Evasion +15
  • Evasion(Hidden) +45
  • Damage Reduction +24
  • Damage Reduction(Hidden) +9
  • HP recovery +5
  • Accuracy +28
  • Max. HP +50
  • Add. damage to monsters is increased (depending on the level of enhancement)
  • Increase all attack
  • Add. All Special Attack Damage: +10%


* Sharpen all this miracle as points and opportunities become available.


After reaching level 50-51 and putting aside some savings, you should aim for 55. But with the gear your Mystic is wearing, there is no prospect. Let's switch to this outfit:

  • +15: Helm of the Ultimate Jeres
  • +15: Jeres Ultimate Armor
  • +1: Witch Ornament
  • +1: Witch Ornament
  • +1: Sign of shadow
  • +1: Sign of shadow
  • +15: Jeres Ultimate Shoes
  • +15: Jeres' Gloves of the Ultimate
  • Tree Spirit Belt
  • Serap necklace
  • +15: Elsie's Ultimate Blade
  • +I: Ultimate Berry Keychain
  • Increase Grab Resistance 20%
  • Increased knockback/knockup resistance by 20%
  • Knockdown/Knockdown Resistance Increase +35%
  • Resistance increase. Stun/Stagger/Freeze 20%Max. stamina: +550
  • Damage to all races +20
  • Evasion +75
  • Evasion(Hidden) +241
  • Damage Reduction +111
  • Damage Reduction(Hidden) +9
  • HP recovery +5
  • Max. load capacity +130 LT
  • Accuracy +186
  • Max. HP +50
  • Add. monster damage: +1



Well, here you already have to try for a comfortable farm of mobs in the median region and the desert. This gear can be considered a pre-top for a mystic.

  • +III: Grunil's Helm of the Ultimate
  • +III: Grunil's Ultimate Armor
  • +2: Witch Ornament
  • +2: Witch Ornament
  • +3: Sign of shadow
  • +3: Sign of shadow
  • +III: Grunil Ultimate Shoes
  • +III: Grunil's Ultimate Gloves
  • +2: Tree Spirit Belt
  • +2: Serap's necklace
  • +II: Blade of Kzarka
  • +III: Keychain-berry of the limit
  • +II: Practice chanbong
  • Increase Grab Resistance 20%
  • Increased knockback/knockup resistance by 20%
  • Knockdown/Knockdown Resistance Increase +20%
  • Resistance increase. Stun/Dazed/Freeze 20%All Attack: +7
  • Max. HP +200
  • Evasion +91
  • Evasion(Hidden) +289
  • Damage Reduction +161
  • Damage Reduction(Hidden) +12
  • Accuracy +230
  • Max. load capacity +80 LT
  • Damage to all races +26
  • Add. monster damage: +6
  • Attack Speed ​​+3



Here you find a new dream in life, to the extent that it ideally becomes unattainable, in this moment For you. If possible, the current gear will need to be sharpened and that's it.

  • +III: Griffin's Helmet
  • +III: Giant Treant Armor
  • +3: Witch Ornament
  • +3: Witch Ornament
  • Ring of Illyria
  • +4: Sign of shadow
  • +III: Argon's Shoes
  • +III: Bracers of Bhega
  • +2: Basilisk Belt
  • +3: Serap's necklace
  • +IV: Blade of Kzarka
  • +III: Nouver's Keychain
  • +III: Changbong Karanda
  • Increase Grab Resistance 35%
  • Increased knockback/knockup resistance by 35%
  • Knockdown/Knockdown Resistance Increase +35%
  • Resistance increase. Stun/Stagger/Freeze 35%Max. stamina: +200
  • Attack Speed ​​+4
  • Skill Speed ​​+1
  • Evasion +121
  • Evasion(Hidden) +267
  • Damage Reduction +152
  • Damage Reduction(Hidden) +69
  • Max. HP +250
  • Max. MP/FP/DP: +100
  • Accuracy +294
  • Damage Reduction
  • Movement Speed ​​+1
  • All Accuracy Increase
  • Max. load capacity +80 LT
  • Damage to all races +19
  • Add. monster damage: +13
  • Add. damage (Human) +4


Geass Helm:

Armor (torso) of the tree:

  • Iolite IV - Defense - Damage Reduction +2 \ Stun, Stun, Freeze Resistance +10%

Bhega Gloves:

  • Amber III - (Chance crit hit +2\grab resistance +5%)

Muskan Boots:

  • Blood Arena Essence - Fortitude (Resist Knockdown/Trapdown+25%; Stun/Stagger/Freeze+5%)

Weapons of Kzarka:

  • Grenade III (Accuracy) - (All Accuracy +8\Ignore Resistance +10%) or Blood Arena Essence - Attack Damage (Attack Damage + 5\Additional damage Humans +2)

Nuber\Kutum sub-weapon:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)
with Grunil/Rohava + Kzarka weapon


  • Crystal enhanced magic- Harpy (Evasion +20\HP+50\HP Recovery+5)
  • Crystal of Enhanced Magic - Harpy (Evasion +20\HP+50\HP Recovery+5)

Armor (torso):

  • Iolite IV - Defense - Damage Reduction +2 \ Stun, Stun, Freeze Resistance +10%
  • Iolite IV - Defense - Damage Reduction +2 \ Stun, Stun, Freeze Resistance +10%


  • Amber III - (Chance crit hit +2\grab resistance +5%)
  • Amber III - (Chance crit hit +2\grab resistance +5%)


  • Blood Arena Essence - Fortitude (Resist Knockdown/Trapdown+25%; Stun/Stagger/Freeze+5%)
  • Blood Arena Essence - Fortitude (Resist Knockdown/Trapdown+25%; Stun/Stagger/Freeze+5%)

Weapons of Kzarka:

  • Crystal of Enhanced Magic - Karme (Crit Chance and Attack Speed ​​+1\Attack+5)
  • Crystal of Enhanced Magic - Karme (Crit Chance and Attack Speed ​​+1\Attack+5)

Sub-weapon Nuber\Kutuma\Roshar\Krey:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)
  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150\Attack Power +5)
A budget option
Grunil\Rohava + Liberto


  • Valuable Amethyst III - Evasion - (Evasion +20)


  • Valuable Iolite - Armor - (Damage Reduction +5)


  • Amber II - Attack Speed ​​- (Attack Speed ​​+2)


  • Valuable Malachite - Fortitude - (Knockdown / Knockdown Resistance +25%)
  • Valuable Malachite - Fortitude - (Knockdown / Knockdown Resistance +25%)

Liberto Weapon:

  • Precious Garnet I - Skill Speed ​​- (Crit. Chance and Attack Speed ​​+ 1)
  • Valuable Garnet I - Crit Strike - (Crit Strike +1)

Secondary weapon Roshar\Krey:

  • Grenade - Grab - (Ignore Grab Resistance Effect +10%)

* The rest of the skills you study to your taste, and according to the freedom of points.
These skills are taken for my convenience, and in my opinion. Write what build you use.