What is a card id. An ID-passport in Ukraine does not allow people to travel to Europe on a visa-free basis. How long does it take to produce an ID card

The Belarusian electronic card (BEC) will replace the passport in 2019. Two options for developing software for an electronic document are considered - with a fixed functionality and the possibility of its expansion. Experts believe that it is necessary to look back at the strategy for the development of the EAEU cross-border trust space, that is, it is necessary to take into account the possible change in the functionality of the map in the future.

The Belarusian Electronic Card (BEC) is being developed as part of the “Complex of Measures for the Implementation of Biometric Documents in the Republic of Belarus and the Creation of the Belarusian Integrated Service and Settlement System (BISRS)”, approved by the Deputy Prime Minister on October 17, 2016 No. 33/102-343/586. It is planned that with the help of the BEC, citizens will receive maximum access to public services. When creating the map, the shortcomings noticed in similar documents of other countries were taken into account.

Source: National Center for Electronic Services, 2017

BISRS combines heterogeneous automated systems for receiving electronic services, both informational and payment, based on uniform rules. It is expected that as a result of the implementation, the transparency of social transfers will increase, and the costs of organizing the interaction of departmental and interdepartmental systems will be reduced. But all this is only subject to ensuring the safety of operations. As noted Vladimir Kozlovsky, Deputy Director for Information Security of the LVO company, the BEC identification mechanism includes “in the identification application, in accordance with the requirements of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization, which develops, among other things, standards for machine-readable documents - approx. DR), international cryptographic encryption algorithms and a digital signature are implemented ( EDS), as well as national cryptographic algorithms.

BEC will contain an EDS for signing documents and user identification in IT systems.

Dmitry Chuyashov, Head of the Republican Certification Center GosSUOK (State Public Key Management System) of the National Center for Electronic Services, notes: “The ID-card will contain electronic digital signature certificates necessary for signing documents or identifying a user in information systems. This part of the work will be carried out by the National Center for Electronic Services. By the end of 2018, it is planned to complete the technical work.”

BEC will be implemented as a plastic card with one or two microcontrollers. Two options for software development are considered:

  • statically written with reference to the chip without the possibility of adding functionality (native application)
  • Java application, when the software components are separated into separate software blocks (applets). At the same time, hacking one applet makes it impossible to gain access to others. In this case, you can add applications.

Meanwhile, new forms of electronic documents may cause unexpected difficulties for citizens. In particular, in Ukraine, an ID-card has been issued instead of a passport since the beginning of 2016, but Ukrainians could not enter Belarus with it last year.

When creating a BEC, it is necessary to take into account the prospect of creating a cross-border space of trust within the framework of the EAEU.

Representative of the Operational Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Shibkov draws attention to the fact that a cross-border space of trust is being created within the framework of the EAEU. Its development strategy includes three stages. The expert explains: “The first stage is a full-fledged interstate electronic interaction, until 2018. The second stage, until 2020, is the electronic interaction of physical and legal entities among themselves, as well as with public authorities of the Member States, when individuals and legal entities are located in the territories of their states. The third stage is the formation of an interstate institution of electronic notaries and other interstate electronic services, involvement of individuals in the process of electronic interaction, until 2024.” Thus, in the optimal version of the BEC, the prospects of a transboundary space of trust should be taken into account as early as 5 years before its final creation.

Igor Klokov

"DS" has studied what will give Ukrainians the replacement of a paper passport with a contactless biometric ID-card.

From January 11, 2016, it will be possible to obtain a contactless biometric ID-card in Ukraine as a replacement for a paper state passport, President Petro Poroshenko said. And Interior Minister Arsen Avakov posted on his Facebook account detailed description devices (in fact, the new passport is quite drawn to such a definition).

"DS" studied the data from the minister and the experience of other countries where e-government (that is, "electronic government" or electronic government services, which will be more understandable for our person) has been developing for a long time and successfully in order to understand what opportunities (so far, purely in theory) will give the Ukrainian such an innovation.

What is an ID-card

ID-cards, which Ukrainians will soon be able to get, are of international standard. AT this moment, according to Avakov, similar documents are issued by 16 countries of the world, among which Singapore became a pioneer - a city-state with high level development of government e-services.

The Minister of the Interior, being so far the only source of information about the document, gives somewhat confusing information. On the one hand, according to him, obtaining an ID-card in Ukraine is a voluntary matter, on the other hand, citizens will be required to exchange a paper document for a chipped one within five years. ID-cards can be obtained by every Ukrainian who has reached the age of 14 (passports, let me remind you, in our country are issued from 16). 14-year-olds will receive cards for a period of four years. A new type of document will be accepted on a par with the old one in all state institutions of the country from the new year. Production time - 10 days. The issuing authority is the State Migration Service. The first time is issued at the place of residence, the next - in any department of the migration service.

The Ukrainian-style ID-card, like its overseas counterparts, will have three functions: to act as the most secure identity card, to serve as a key to electronic public services and as a carrier of the owner's electronic digital signature (EDS). According to the idea of ​​our lawmakers and the experience of other countries, the ID-card will become a citizen's key to public services in electronic form. And for all relations with the state, one document will be enough - but even if it is lost, accordingly, there will be more problems.

European experience

In a number of European countries, biometric ID-cards have already come to replace conventional laminated identity cards, but without a biometric chip. In countries where such a document is already used, ID-cards with biometrics are received by everyone: both citizens and holders of a permanent residence permit, and those who have only a temporary residence permit (for example, students). For a European, his ID-card is a sufficient document for free movement within the Schengen area and even beyond it, while, for example, a Ukrainian student who is in the Czech Republic or Poland for training should have a Ukrainian passport with him when traveling to neighboring Germany with a visa. However, the same student with his residence permit decides to issue an invitation for his Ukrainian friends or relatives, but he will not be able to do this without an ID-card. In fact, without "biometrics" he cannot do anything at all.

And since we started the conversation with the example of a Czech student, let's continue the story about the possibilities of ID-cards using the example of this country, in other European countries they are basically the same plus or minus. Biometric ID-cards there became mandatory for persons with temporary residence or permanent residence in 2011 (for comparison, in Estonia - in 2002). Those who have a temporary residence receive new map each time obtaining a new permit, but not less than once every two years. Those who have permanent residence receive an ID-card for a period of 10 years.
The service is paid, it costs 2,500 kroons (approximately 2,500 hryvnias), loss of a document, breakage, delay in receipt is punishable by large fines, when moving from one place to another, you need to get a new card and pay an additional 1,000 kroons (or 1,000 hryvnias at the current exchange rate).

Within the Czech Republic, this card is a mandatory document to carry with you, but a foreigner does not need to have a foreign passport with him. It is needed for opening a bank account, employment and any other issues in relation to the state. In addition to the photo, the standard information about the owner on the ID-card there is a special number (analogous to our identification number), which every Czech receives at birth, and a foreigner - at the first registration of the document.
In all states, the ID-card format is the same, for foreigners as well. Those who have the right to request an ID-card (police, bank employees, etc.) have a special reader for it. Several levels of protection and complexity in production make this document many times more reliable than a regular paper passport.

Special case - Estonia

In the last year or two, technologically advanced Estonia has repeatedly excited the minds with its innovations. In addition to the fact that the citizens of this country got the opportunity to vote via the Internet using their ID-cards or take part in elections at any polling station also thanks to the ability to identify a citizen digitally, this country also became the first in the world to issue electronic citizenship to everyone .

However, the ability to vote remotely, implemented in Estonia, does not depend on the capabilities of "plastic", but on the "software" on the part of the state. Estonia, her know-how cost 50-60 million euros. And if a number of technologically advanced governments of the world are developing e-government, because they can afford it (in combination, these are also countries with the highest standard of living), then Estonia took up the cause of poverty. Firstly, the transfer of workflow to electronic form allows you to save a lot on paperwork, queues and other "charms" of the non-digital era. Secondly, it makes procedures transparent, which makes it possible both to control the pockets of officials and tirelessly monitor citizens. Thirdly, it is tritely convenient for everyone.

To use the card as a key to access all electronic services of the country (from banal certificates and statements to access to a bank account, authentication in Internet discussions, participation in elections and preferential travel, etc.), not only the card itself is needed, but also a reader. Authorization on services that require a citizen's passport data is possible only at the moment when the card is in the reader. In general, the number of e-government services that can be accessed remotely with an ID-card in Estonia for individuals and legal entities has reached 3,000.

But an even more exciting aspect of the "electronicization" of Estonia does not affect the ID-card of citizens and non-residents of the country, but the possibility of obtaining electronic citizenship in this state. The story of e-citizenship in Estonia was also introduced as a way to attract additional money into the country's economy. "Citizenship" costs 50 euros, it does not give the right to residency or special privileges for obtaining a visa, but it allows anyone to register their business in this country and pay taxes to its treasury. Since the document flow in this country takes place on the Internet, a personal presence is not required to register a business, pay for services and other related things in Estonia, the business system here is nowhere more transparent, such an offer looks attractive. To obtain a document, you still have to go to Estonia - to be fingerprinted, to get acquainted with the local police, to submit documents. Application processing time is 2 weeks. After that, the "electronic" citizen receives his ID-card, the possibilities of which are greatly reduced compared to the standard one, and can receive the services intended for him from the Estonian state. Data on the number of "electronic" citizens of Estonia has not yet been announced.


Photo: geektimes.ru For China, the passportization of citizens has become the task of the century, and the state began to succeed in any way in the 90s of the twentieth century. At the moment, the Chinese are moving to the third generation of ID cards, and this is the first generation with biometric data. The ID-card in China is complete bank card, in addition to data about the owner, his residence permit, photo, fingerprints, can contain in encrypted form any information necessary for the Chinese. For example, his medical card, subscription to the fitness center. The card, as in other countries, is perfectly protected from theft and loss. If a user, for example, loses his passport, then all data linked to it, including a card to a fitness club, can be easily restored and definitely cannot be used by other persons. An interesting case of using an ID-card in China is kindergartens. On the map of the parents, the guards at the entrance to the children's institution see on the screen of the multifunctional terminal which of the children they came for.

As you can see, the use of a contactless biometric ID-card allows not only to make interaction with the state more convenient and documents more reliable, it also leads to a safer society, and all personal documents of the user - even more personalized, protected from theft and burglary.

ID-passports in Ukraine began to be issued in January 2016, but so far few Ukrainians understand the features of the new document. That is why they are in no hurry to change old-style documents for modern plastic. We figured out what are the advantages of an ID card, who can get it and how, and also found out what difficulties Ukrainians face with a plastic passport.

What is an ID-passport

ID-passport is plastic card standard size 8x5 cm. It is made of polycarbonate - a very durable material that is used in the production of ID cards in all developed countries. By the way, such a passport has a shelf life of 10 years, and this is due precisely to the properties of polycarbonate.

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Many believe that the ID-passport, like the classic book version of the identity card, is valid indefinitely. However, it is not. The passport, which is issued to a 14-year-old citizen, is valid for only 4 years—until the age of majority. And an adult Ukrainian will have to change the document every 10 years.

What information does

The name and surname are applied to the card itself (they are also duplicated in Latin), as well as the patronymic. When translating into English, a standard transliteration approved by the Cabinet of Ministers is used. However, in some cases, the rules allow you to submit a written appeal and get the right spelling.

This right can be exercised in three ways. First, you have a passport or driving license with non-standard transliteration. The second is that one or both parents have a different transliteration in their passport. Third - you have a document issued by a foreign agency (for example, you got married or got married abroad).

In all other cases, transliteration is done by a computer, according to an approved scheme.

Also, a photo is placed on the card, indicate gender, date of birth and citizenship, and also the document number, number in the Unified State Demographic Register, expiration date and signature of the owner. On the back indicate the name of the authority that issued the passport, and special marks: for example, the number of the passport.

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All other information is entered into the database and can be read from the chip. These are registration data, marital status, children, TIN and fingerprints. True, you can refuse to write the last two parameters to the microchip.

“We are obliged to record all information about a person, but some of the data can be made private so that other services cannot read it. Data on marital status, for example, can be hidden. But we still need to scan a birth certificate, a marriage certificate, a divorce document, a document confirming a name change, all of his documents. And they must be originals, not copies. , the issue is resolved on an individual basis: for example, a citizen goes to the registry office at the place of residence and restores the necessary papers. Here the approach is individual, ”commented the situation in one of the departments of the State Migration Service in Kyiv.

Registration and restoration

The first passport is issued to a Ukrainian at the age of 14, and it can only be an ID card. Without fail, plastic is also provided to those who change their passport due to a change of name (for example, upon marriage), restore a lost or stolen document, or simply want to replace a passport book that has become unusable.

An ID card is also offered to those who come to paste a photo into an old-style document - at the age of 25 or 45.

You can issue or restore a document at the State Migration Service or at the State Enterprise "Document" (passport service). Residents of certain regions can apply for registration through the iGov and Privat24 systems.

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For the first time, a passport-card is issued at the place of residence (even if a person had a passport-book, but did not have an ID-card), you can reissue or restore the document at any department of the State Migration Service or State Enterprise "Document".

At the age of 14, the HMS will issue an ID-card free of charge, and the process will take up to 1 month. But the services of a passport service will have to be paid even when you first receive a passport: it costs 400 UAH. and takes 20 business days. The most expensive service associated with an ID-passport is the urgent replacement of one card for another, a 10-day process costs UAH 766. HMS services are cheaper: urgent registration - 366 UAH. (10 working days, non-urgent - 279 UAH. (20 working days).

The hardest thing is for those who have lost their passport. After all, in addition to the expensive restoration procedure, you will have to spend at least two working days going to the passport service. Also, in all cases, you need to pay a state duty of 34 UAH. The service of intermediaries who promise to restore the lost document in 3-5 days will cost even more.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians very often lose their passports. And although there are no official statistics, companies specializing in the protection and return of documents talk about a thousand cases a year. But not all Ukrainians resort to their services.

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“Last year 60,000 clients used our services. During this period, we have helped to return more than 1,000 documents to their owners,” said Sergey Vlasko, CEO of the mySafety personal belongings protection company.

Opportunities and limitations

The main advantage of an ID-passport is security. It is almost impossible to forge such a passport. In addition to the above data, in the future it is planned that an electronic digital signature will be added to the ID-passport, with which it will be possible to remotely sign documents and even vote. So far, the card has only a photo of the usual signature.

Some ID-card holders note that with such a passport it is necessary to separately issue a certificate of the place of registration, because not all institutions have equipment that allows reading data from a chip. Experts explain this by the high cost of equipment - one scanner costs about 1300 UAH.

No visa-free

The ID-card is not suitable for travel within Europe. Yes, the introduction of ID-passports was one of the conditions for a visa-free regime. In addition, such a passport is also called biometric. But to travel to European countries, you still need a passport.

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But with an ID-passport, you can travel to Turkey. The corresponding agreement between our countries came into force on June 1, 2017. An internal passport in the form of an ID card allows you to stay in the Republic of Turkey for 90 days within a 180-day period.

In general, the ID-card is a more modern and reliable document than the usual passport-book. But we, Ukrainians, have not yet been able to use its capabilities to 100%.


  1. the card is small, it is easier to carry;
  2. the new document is more reliable, it is much more difficult to forge it;
  3. polycarbonate is not afraid of moisture and is much stronger than a paper passport;
  4. adding an electronic digital signature will allow voting online;
  5. when NFC modules appear in all institutions, a passport with a chip will be able to replace a whole package of documents;
  6. Passport card entitles you to visa-free entry to Turkey.


  1. plastic passport will have to be changed every 10 years;
  2. the installation of NFC modules in public and private institutions is delayed, and therefore you will have to carry additional certificates with you for some time (for example, about the place of registration).
  3. The ID-card is not suitable for travel within Europe.

In Ukraine, a company is in full swing to introduce a new format of internal passports - the Identification Card (ID), by analogy with many other countries of the world. This innovation has a number of features: both positive and negative. In addition, the bureaucratic machine characteristic of Ukraine hinders the implementation of the reform as much as possible, arranging problems for citizens in obtaining such a passport.

In this article, I will analyze in detail all the nuances: from A to Z. We will talk about what a passport ID is and why it is needed, what is it fundamental differences from an old-style document and how to issue it, what privileges its owners will be able to use and what difficulties they will have to face. Therefore, if possible, distribute the material through social networks in order to help your friends in matters related to obtaining a new passport in Ukraine.

What is a plastic ID and why is it needed

As I have already said, a new type of passport in Ukraine has replaced the outdated, paper one. According to experts, such a document is more convenient and not so susceptible to external influences. After all, there have been many cases when spilled coffee on a “booklet” with a trident made it invalid and the owner was forced to go to the migration service to replace the document.

The new version of the document is made of plastic the size of a credit card. From the outside it is not much different from a driver's license. It is applied graphically, and also stored in electronic form, the main information about the owner, namely:

  • Owner's photo
  • Name in Ukrainian and Latin
  • Surname in Ukrainian and Latin
  • Patronymic in Ukrainian
  • Date of Birth
  • Passport expiry date
  • Citizenship
  • Demographic registry entry number
  • Document Number
  • Owner's signature
  • date of issue
  • The number of the department that issued the passport
  • Place of Birth
  • Machine readable area (similar to a passport)

In addition, such a passport is biometric. All this information, plus an electronic photo, a signature, and in the future - the owner's fingerprints are stored in encrypted form on a special chip.

It is worth noting that a biometric passport - a card of a citizen of Ukraine (an analogue of an internal passport, which I am talking about in this article) is not identical to a biometric passport. If you need a passport for traveling abroad -.

Advantages and disadvantages

Issuing a new passport has a number of advantages, as well as disadvantages. As of 2017, it is not necessary to issue a passport of this type and you can remain the owner of the “book” of the 1994 model. Therefore, before deciding to receive or change the type of document, read and familiarize yourself with them.


  1. A plastic passport is much more durable, does not wear out so much and is not afraid of a number of damages, from which a paper one often became unusable.
  2. By the summer of 2017, it is expected to introduce the possibility of visiting Turkey with an ID card, without the need to obtain a passport.
  3. Such a passport is issued from the age of 14, so that the child can receive an identity document earlier, which means that there is no need to carry a birth certificate with him.
  4. The TIN is printed on the passport, and information about the place of residence is in the chip
  5. The document is much more counterfeit-proof than its paper predecessor with a hastily pasted photograph.


  1. The new type of passport has an expiration date, which means it will need to be renewed every 4 or 10 years.
  2. Marital status data is not inked on the map.
  3. At the moment, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not agreed with Russia and Belarus on the procedure for entering this document, and therefore citizens of Ukraine cannot enter the above countries with an ID card yet (according to a passport - a booklet, entry into these countries is visa-free and a passport is not required).
  4. The price is quite high, given the level of earnings in the regions.
  5. Many structures of the bureaucracy in Ukraine deliberately sabotage the introduction of a new type of passports. Instead of reading them, they demonstrate their ignorance and stupidity. They force you to wear additional certificates (from the place of residence and TIN), despite the fact that they are in the document.
  6. Not all systems, companies and forms have yet adjusted to the passport number of 9 digits without a series.
  7. The plastic passport will have a new number. And therefore, if it was used in some system, etc. - you need to change this data.

Who can get an ID

Biometric passport is issued today:

  • Children obtaining a passport for the first time (on reaching the age of 14)
  • Passport replacement in case of damage
  • When changing the name, surname, patronymic or TIN
  • Upon reaching the age of 25 and 45, when, according to the law, you need to paste a new photo (as of 2017 - an exchange instead of pasting is optional)
  • Issuance in case of loss

It is worth noting that for the time being, you can refuse to receive an ID card and draw up a booklet at the age of 16, as well as paste new photos into it at 25 and 45 years old. However, this possibility will soon disappear.

How to get an ID passport

If you have decided to get a plastic passport, you should mentally prepare, because, according to the experience of many pioneers, this process, especially in the regions, is creaking.

The procedure itself, if we exclude the human factor, is very simple and should not take much time. You must collect a number of documents, and then apply with them to the territorial division of the VHI (State Migration Service, - Ukrainian, interactive map which) or TsNAP (Center for the provision of administrative services, - Ukrainian) at the place of registration.

To schedule an appointment, it is advisable to join the electronic queue, which simplifies the waiting procedure. This is possible in the following ways:

  • On the official website of VHI (only for residents of Kyiv and Kyiv region) - not earlier than 2 weeks in advance
  • Through the terminal in the VHI department - on the current day or on any available date in the next month.
  • On the website of the TsNAP in your region - for the period set by them (usually - 2 weeks ahead, dates are available).

Documents are submitted there, and after 20 working days from the date of application, you can pick up the finished document.

You can follow the status of issuing a passport in the form of a card on the official website by clicking on this link.

When the card is handed to you, you will need to program the codes on it. To do this, come up with them in advance, you can write them down somewhere, but in no case do not tell others. The codes should not match the date of birth, etc., but only matter to you. It is desirable that it be just a random set of characters.

So, you need to come up with:

  • 2 pin codes, 4 digits each
  • 2 pack codes of 8 digits each

In the future, they can be changed.

Required Documents

First things first, collect required documents. Pay close attention to the list and try not to miss anything.

For the first time (on reaching the age of 14)

  • Birth certificate
  • Original passport of one of the parents who at the time of birth had Ukrainian citizenship
  • Passport for those who permanently reside outside of Ukraine or have received citizenship abroad.

For passport exchange

  • Passport to be exchanged (booklet or plastic)
  • In case of change of name / surname / patronymic - the relevant document
  • Certificate of an internally displaced person (for migrants from the ATO and ARC zones)
  • Documents confirming the information required for entering (not required if an old-style passport is being replaced): birth certificates of children, marriage or divorce, certificate of residence registration (Form A).
  • Identification tax number (TIN).

To recover a stolen or lost passport

  • Statement of the sample established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the loss or theft of a passport
  • Extract from the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations (if the passport was lost in Ukraine)
  • Certificate of an internally displaced person (for migrants from the ATO and ARC zones)
  • Receipt of payment of fees for this service or documents exempting them from payment.
  • Documents confirming the information necessary for entering (not required if an old-style passport is being replaced): birth certificates of children, marriage or divorce, certificate of residence registration.
  • Identification tax number (TIN)
  • The decision of the court to establish the identity, if it was not established in the standard manner.

You do not need to take a photo for this passport - you will be photographed on the spot, at the VHI department or TsNAP.

The mentioned certificate of place of residence and registration is obtained at the TsNAPs at the place of registration, although you can also get by with the Certificate of family composition (former “Form A”), which is issued at PREJO (formerly ZhEK).


A plastic passport is valid for 4 years for citizens who received it at the age of 14, and for those who issued it after 18, the validity period is set at 10 years. After this period, it will need to be exchanged for a new one, having gone through the procedure of photographing and updating the data again, paying the appropriate fee.

Price for an ID passport

  • Those who receive a plastic passport for the first time, upon reaching the age of 14, registration will be free.
  • Exchange, replacement of a passport or receipt for those who have already turned 16 before - 279 hryvnia (~ $10).

How to count a card

Contrary to popular belief, the information on a card chip can be accessed, say, in a bank or any other place where you yourself wish it. This is an additional verification. The function allows you to quickly and easily verify the identity of the passport holder, making sure that the document is not forged.

There are several "sectors" of data on the chip, some of which (which do not include, for example, your fingerprints) can be read by anyone with the equipment if they wish.

Equipment refers to both special readers for PCs (with Windows OS) and any modern smartphone with an NFC-module based on Android. AT soon we should expect the appearance of the corresponding software on other platforms.

Therefore, if you need to read data from the passport ID chip, just download (one archive for Windows and Android) or from Google Play and install the official UAID READER application from the Ukraine Printing Plant company, which is engaged in the production of these documents. Usage third party applications risky and can be used by scammers to steal personal information!

After installation, you will be able to read the document. For this:

  • Install the program and activate Internet access
  • Select access using PIN1 or PIN2, which only the owner knows, or CAN code (these are the last 6 digits of the passport number)
  • The owner must enter an access code
  • Place the document close to the reader and hold until the reading process is completed

How to manage your card

With the help of the same application and smartphone, you can independently manage some of the settings of the electronic passport. In particular, it is possible to change the PIN1 and PIN2 codes, as well as unlock them using the PUK1 and PUK2 associated with them.

To be able to carry out the above operations, return to the previous paragraph, follow the appropriate installation and configuration instructions, and then use the “Change data” section in the application


Is it necessary to change your passport?

No. Despite the fact that the state plans to replace all passports in the next 3 years, there is no ban on the use of a document of the 1994 model.

Can the chip be hacked and data stolen or faked?

Theoretically, anything can be hacked. However, no one has yet carried out a fake or hacking of this chip, and ordinary citizens should hardly be afraid of this.

Is the chip an attempt of total control over us by special services \ Zionists \ Freemasons \ aliens?

per century information technologies each person leaves such a “trace” about himself that no chips are needed. Ultimately, each of us social networks voluntarily fills out such a “dossier” for himself that a passport with a residence permit and an IFO is just baby talk compared to him.

Therefore, please put aside paranoia and calmly draw up a new sample document.

Can I get a passport - a card without a chip?

It is allowed to obtain a non-biometricID for people whose religious beliefs are contrary to it.

Is it possible not to enter data on marriage or children?

Data on marriage or children are required to be entered in the passport. However, as a rule, they are not remembered, if not reminded. Now they often ask whether it is necessary or not to make, and besides, they ask for the relevant certificates.

This question can be considered from the other side. Just in case, take marriage and birth certificates for children, remind them to be entered into the chip and check with a reader. The experience of the past years, when for inscribing children in the passport, one also had to wear “chocolate” causes concern.

I was told that there are no forms and I need to pay extra \ wait, what should I do?

This statement is absurd, since the migration service does not print forms, but only accepts documents. In this case, you should immediately contact the anti-corruption hotline. Don't be fooled!

Will it be possible to travel the world with this passport after obtaining a visa-free regime?

No, this document is an analogue of an internal passport. To travel to the countries of the Schengen Agreement and the EU without visas, you will need a biometric passport.

I was offered assistance in obtaining a passport. What is it?

In fraud. They will simply take money from you, and then, making a smart look, they will show you which office to enter. You will receive much less information than from this article, but you will spend much more money.

Although, the above option is even more or less good, since some may use the data received from you for other purposes, for example, obtaining a loan. Therefore, arrangeIDyou need your own passport.

That is, upon reaching the age of 25 or 45, I can not change my passport for a card, but simply paste a photo?

Yes that's right. In 2017, you retain this right at your own choice. However, to paste a photo, you need to contact the TsNAP (Centre for the Administration of Administrative Services).

Do I need to change my plastic passport upon reaching the age of 25 and 45?

No, such a passport does not need to be changed, up to the expiration date indicated on it.

I was issued a passport, and there are errors in it. The date of birth is not correctly indicated and the transliteration of the Surname does not match with the international passport.

If during the issuance of the passport an error was made in personal data (including the transliteration of the name or surname), the reissue is free of charge.

It should be noted that the transliteration is carried out in accordance with the legislation of 2010 and you can check it at the link