Commandline for GTA 4 weak computers

=== [ General ] ===
-adapter: Use specified video adapter (default 0)
-disableimposters: Disable out-of-sight car rendering
-noBlockOnLostFocus: Allow drawing the game window if it is not in the foreground
-benchmark: Force benchmark on game start
-safemode: Start the game in safe mode (with minimum settings)

=== [ Audio/Sound ] ===
-fullspecaudio: Enable high quality sound level
-minspecaudio: Enable low quality sound level

=== [ Graphics ] ===
-forcehighqualitymirrors: Enable 64-bit reflections (useful for owners of ATI graphics cards)
-forcer2vb: Force enable r2vb (damages on cars for owners of older ATI graphics cards)
-frameLimit: Limit the number of frames in the game
-framelockwindow: Limit the number of frames in the game (for windowed mode)
-fullscreen: Run the game in full screen mode
-gpucount: Set the desired number of GPUs (if defined incorrectly)
-height: Set game window height
-managed: Use dynamic D3D resources
-nominize: Disable the ability to minimize the game and change the screen resolution
-norestrictions: Disable all graphic restrictions
-noswapdelay: Disable physical memory latency
-novblank: Disable vertical sync
-refreshrate: Set the desired monitor/screen refresh rate
-stereo: Enable stereo image support
-unmanaged: Use dedicated game resources
-width: Set game window width
-windowed: Run the game in windowed mode

=== [ Input ] ===
-usedirectinput: Enable DirectInput device compatibility

=== [ Memory ] ===
-availablevidmem: Set the desired physical video memory size (multiplier)
-memrestrict: Limit available memory for the game
-no_3GB: Remove 3 GB limit random access memory(for some operating systems)
-nomemrestrict: Disable limits on RAM usage
-noprecache: Disable resource precaching
-percentvidmem: Set the percentage of used video memory for the game
-reserve: Set the required amount of memory for third-party applications.
-reservedApp: Set all available memory to the game or other applications (best value = 0)

=== [ Image ] ===
-autoconfig: Image quality auto-configuration
-detailquality: Set the quality of detail in the game (from 0 to 99)
-renderquality: Enable anisotropic filtering (0 to 4)
-shadowdensity: Set the number of lights when casting shadows
-shadow quality: Set the quality of the shadows in the game (from 0 to 4)
-texturequality: Set texture quality in game (from 0 to 2)
-viewdistance: Set view distance (0 to 99)

=== [ Miscellaneous ] ===
-notimefix: Optimize the game for game frame lag (if the game is choppy)
/high: Set high priority gameplay. Instruction:
In the root folder GTA IV create a text file called commandline.txt, and write down the parameters/commands/values ​​you need. After each parameter, do not forget to press the space or go to a new line. Parameters can be arranged both vertically and horizontally. Examples of using:
-availablevidmem 2.0(Increases (visually) the video memory of your video card for the game. In this case, 2.0 there is a memory multiplier. The game will think that you have twice as much video memory. Recommended values 2.0-2.5
-percentvidmem 100(Theoretically gives all available video memory to the game.)
-reservedApp 0(Disables unnecessary program processes consuming a huge amount of RAM)

Universal option for everyone:

Percentvidmem 100
-framelimit 40
-availablevidmem 2
-reservedApp 0

Now I will tell you how to Optimize a weak computer for GTA 4
Everyone knows that GTA 4 requires a powerful computer for its full operation. But not everyone has strong computers and not everyone will spend a lot of money to buy a strong computer, just to play GTA 4.

In this article I will tell you how to optimize GTA 4 for very weak computers, namely, reduce the number of freezes during the game and add the number of fps (frames per second).

After the operations that are described below in this article are done, your GTA IV will work even on the most weak computer, such as:

512 RAM
1 core 2.8ghz
radeon 2400 hd graphics card

As you can see, the hardware is very weak, but the game runs fine and the fps is completely playable!

And so, let's start:

1. Update all drivers:

Microsoft. NET Framework 3.5SP1
DirectX (preferably set to 11th)
Video card drivers are very important, for me personally it adds fps.
It is advisable to update the sound drivers.
2. Very important:

Download and install CacheBoost 4.0. After installing the program, restart the computer and at the same time, you will see in the lower right corner (where the clock is) a symbol that shows how much free RAM is left, and at the same time the program will clear the memory.

3. Download and install:
GTAIV PC Update (a patch that is needed to fully optimize GTA 4).
Download GTA IV Render Flag Customizer (mod that disables renders).
Renders are for example: shadows, water, draw distance, etc. Disabling renders adds a lot of fps and speeds up the game, since shadows or draw distance are very CPU intensive.
Download and install the GameBooster program
This program closes unnecessary programs that take up precious memory, frees up about 50 mb and these 50 mb are enough to reduce lags in GTA 4.

4.Create commandline.txt file

Create a file commandline.txt in the root folder of the game, open this file and write the following values ​​and then save.
availablevidmem 2
Now let's look at what these values ​​mean.

Availablevidmem 2 (number 2 - for video cards with 256 megabytes of memory, respectively, for video cards with 128 megabytes, you need to set the number "1", for 512 - "3", for 1024 - "4" and so on. Some set values ​​​​like "1.4 "and others. I have not tried it, but it helps some. By the way, the team helps many with solving the problem with textures)
-noprecache (no numerical values, the command disables pre-caching of files, which helps some with wild freezes. It also increases performance, again for some)
-nomemrestrict (disables memory limit, therefore does not play a special role in performance)
-norestrictions (command to open hidden settings, affects FPS)
-novblank (disables vertical sync. ViSynch is still relatively inconspicuous to the human eye, but for its stealth it eats more resources than it should, so feel free to prescribe it)
-minspecaudio (launch the game with minimal sound quality. The quality degradation is almost not noticeable, unless I stopped hearing the bass effect from passing cars, but this is not so important. On the other hand, the load on the processor in the form of sound processing is reduced, for some very helpful command

I hope the article helped you! Be sure to leave your comments, ask questions or report problems here! If something does not work out for you, we will definitely help!

grand theft Auto 4 was a big disappointment, as the developers were too lazy to properly port the toy. I made this for those who don't have an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3. We all know that the toy doesn't work on Intel graphics cards: But you can make the toy playable.

Download this:
Copy the downloaded file to X:/.../ Grand Theft Auto IV / and make a shortcut on the desktop
(X - the disk on which GTA 4 is installed)
Click right click bears and add to label value and add:"-S*.*-V"
Example: E:\Program Files\ Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\Contig.exe "-S*.*-V
If it doesn't work pro then just use -s
Run it: If Windows Vista or 7 then on behalf of the Administrator, wait 15 - 20 minutes. (It will close when it finishes)

2.GTA IV with high priority
Launching the game with real-time priority
Start the game
When you start the game, clickctrl+alt+delete andset the highest priority for GTA4.exe and LaunchGTA4.exe
Detailed instructions on what to do:
Launching the game
Quickly press ctrl+alt+delete
quickly (before the game opens) we are looking for two executables in the processes
Quickly set a real priority

3.A) Update drivers (for Windows XP)
Update drivers from off. site

3.B) Update drivers (for Windows Vista and 7)
If you have Vista or 7 then download the modified driver drivers ( created by Akash)

First, remove the old driver (reboot the computer), install the downloaded driver and restart the computer
99% it will do something
We put compatibility with Windows 2000 (also for Xp)
This only works on Vista or 7

4) Turn off the recording
Turning off clip recording: this will give a small increase

5) command line
In general, we create a commandline.txt file in the game directory.
And copy-paste everything into it

Height 240
-width 320
-renderquality 0
-shadowdensity 0
-texturequality 0
-viewdistance 0
-detailquality 0
-percentagevidmem 100
-availablevidmem 0.235
-framelimit 0
-memrestrict 188743680
-memrestrict 209715200
-memrestrict 230686720


(The first two points can be changed, but this may reduce fps)
This will make the game playable but the graphics are terrible

Complete list of commands COMMANDLINE.TXT

-renderquality: Set the render quality of the game. (0-4)
-shadowdensity: Set the shadow density of the game. (0-16)
-texturequality: Set the texture quality of the game. (0-2)
-viewdistance: Set the view distance of the game (0-99)
-detailquality: Set the detail quality of the game. (0-99)
-novblank: Disable wait for vblank (No Vsync)
-norestriction: Do not limit graphics settings
-width: Set width of main render window (default is 800)
-height: Set height of main render window (default is 600)
-safemode: Run the graphics in the lowest setting possible
-frameLimit: Limit frame to interval of refresh rate
(ex If refreshrate is 60HZ –frameLimit 1 = Locks down to 60HZ)
-refreshrate: Set the refresh rate of main render window
– Warning - Monitor must support (ex. –refreshrate 60)
-fullscreen: Force fullscreen mode
-windowed: Force windowed mode
-availablevidmem: Set amount of physical Video Memory(ex. –availablevidmem 0.9)
-percentvidmem: Percentage of video memory to make available to GTA

-fullspecaudio: Force high-end CPU audio footprint
-minspecaudio: Force low-end CPU audio footprint

-noprecache: Disable precache of resources
-nomemrestrict: Disable memory restrictions

6) Graphics:

All graphics are set to minimum with a monitor ratio of 4:3

FPS FIX for most frames

Unpack the file gtxd.rar in\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto IV\pc\data\cdimages

Use of programs

a) disk defragmentation with S mart defrag