What can happen if you play video games for too long? How to play new games on a weak computer

Many do not ask this question, but it would not hurt. Someone believes that games on phones and computers are harmful, they say, they do not carry anything useful. And someone believes that they, on the contrary, are unambiguously beneficial. Apparently because they like it.

First, let's figure out what kind of games we are talking about. No, this is not some kind of chess, which, most likely, is more useful than harmful. Chess develops logic and ingenuity, regardless of age. We will talk about games that children love to get involved in so much, namely platform games, running games, shooting games, racing and so on.

The benefits of computer games

They do have some use, though. About everything in order.

Games develop logic and ingenuity

However, like chess. And the more you practice, the more noticeable the effect. This is essential for any sport. It's the same with games. Will you be able to complete the game if you do not follow the logic and ingenuity? I don't think…

Games develop strategic thinking

This is especially true for games that are called strategies. strategic thinking- this is when you plan in advance about what, where and how. And only then do you do it. Very useful thinking that helps prevent many problems.

Good reaction - also will not let you down

As everyone knows, for the passage of many games requires speed of reaction. And in the future, it will manifest itself in real life too. For example, when I was riding a bicycle and a car suddenly drove around the corner, I reacted quite quickly - I managed to slow down in time. So, in a way, it even saved my life!

Games let you kill time

Games help when there is nothing to do or you are waiting for something. Although this is not for everyone's benefit ... There are much more reasonable things, for example, to read some "smart" book. Or sit and meditate. Also a very useful activity.

Harm of computer games

Now let's talk about how these computer toys are still harmful, how useful. I am silent already about the harm that goes to the eyes, since everyone already knows this ...

Games show irritability

We all know that when we play, we get irritated. And if this happens several times in a row in the same place, you begin to hate the whole world altogether. Why is it? All diseases are from the nerves. And yes, life is getting shorter. Judge for yourself.

Games distract from the useful

Although there are benefits in games, there are more reasonable things, as described above. In addition to reading books or meditating, you can also think about something or plan some useful business. Or think about how to start the upcoming work, if any. Prioritizing is another advantage of our thinking.

Impact on the battery

I think many people know that games put the battery in the phone. And if you play long enough, the phone also becomes hot :) Maybe you shouldn't torture your mobile phone with all sorts of shooters, walkers and other entertainment? The phone is not in favor of unequivocally. And you, most likely, too.

And now - attention!

Let's talk about what bothered me the most in games. After I installed a game on my phone called Subway Surfers I started to have problems with attention. This is when you thought up something important, and after a few minutes, you completely forget about it. But why is it the games that give rise to the problem as such? When you sit and play some races, running errands, and so on, then you suddenly switch from one to another. At the same time, attention begins to dissipate. And it happens all the time when you sit and play. And over time distraction becomes a habit. Not only when playing. I didn't notice it at first until the problem started to flare up more and more. In the end, it came to my forgetfulness to close the doors behind me, leaving the room last. The same thing happened with the apartment! Once I even forgot the key in the lock, going inside the apartment. The key was left outside. Take - I do not want. But I was still unspeakably lucky that none of the passers-by acquired the desire to remove this key. Would have been robbed no problem. See what these toys have brought me to! And as soon as I deleted them from my phone, the problem immediately began to go away. What I also recommend to you is to remove from yourself all the games where a quick reaction is required. Play some strategy. Or chess. It will be more useful. Just do not play cards if you are a Christian, because playing cards is an anti-Christian concept. This is described in detail

A major upgrade or the purchase of a powerful gaming computer at today's ruble is comparable to the purchase of a used car.

  • Budget GeForce GTX 1060 + average Core i5 will cost about 40 thousand rubles.
  • The average GeForce GTX 1070 + older Core i5K or younger Core i7K cost around 60 thousand rubles.
  • The top GeForce GTX 1080 + the older Core i7K that reveals it will lighten the wallet by 80 thousand rubles or more.

We add a mother, cooling, RAM, SSD, case, power supply, monitor (in the case of the GTX 1080 they take a 4K screen, otherwise it makes no sense), accessories, and the price of the initial configuration from current components with a good start for the future comes to 80 thousand rubles . The average is over 100-120 thousand. The cost of a top gaming assembly is even scary to consider.

System requirements in games are growing, people don’t have money for new computers or upgrades, and this is the statistics:

  • Over the past three years, the share of eligible gaming computers and laptops in the population has decreased from 23% to 5%.
  • 76% of gamers are not satisfied with the power of their computers.
  • 48% of gamers are deprived of the opportunity to invest in a computer upgrade, and only 6% of game fans can afford an upgrade worth more than 20 thousand rubles.

What to do? Credit? The toad will suffocate, the wife will not understand. It takes a long time to save, but I want to play now. Accept and play what the current computer pulls? No. They come to help modern technologies.

Gaming PC as a Service

You use cloud storage, mail, instant messengers, social networks and so on. Their work is provided by data centers. You send and receive data, and remote servers handle processing and storage.

Nowadays, when a computer is in almost every family and in many schools, all parents are very worried about the impact of a computer on a child. Is a computer safe for a growing organism? How long can a child sit at a computer so that it does not affect his health? What causes harm to the computer for children? You will learn about this and much more from women's online magazine Charla.

In fact computer damage consists in the same thing as dignity - in its boundless fascination. Computer harm for children can only be due to non-observance of simple rules that help maintain health. Therefore, when buying a computer for a child, parents should clearly understand: now they will have to monitor how much the child sits at the computer, how much the child plays on the computer. In other words, it is the parents who are responsible for whether the computer will bring benefits to children, or, conversely, harm.

Computer harm for children

People who work in the office and are forced to sit in front of a computer all day long know firsthand how the eyes suffer from this: a burning sensation appears, the eyelids hurt, as if sand had been poured into the eyes. Therefore, it is very important that children do not spend a lot of time at the computer. Since children who are addicted to the computer do not notice the fatigue and fatigue of the eyes, they can overload them very much. Especially if child playing computer, and not engaged in some kind of training program. Computer "toys" can captivate a child so much that he can sit at the computer all day without interruption. Therefore, in order to keep your child's eyesight good, always control how much time he spends in front of the screen.

If a child sits at a computer uncontrollably, then this is fraught with the development of hypodynamia. After all, the human body, and even more so a growing body, needs movement. Due to a long immobile state, the child's well-being worsens, malfunctions occur in the body. When the child plays a lot of computer games, this is accompanied by emotional stress, which also does not pass without a trace. As a result, after sitting in front of the computer all day, the child becomes excited and irritated in the evening, becomes aggressive and uncontrollable, and sleeps poorly at night. And the reason for this is that the parents went on about their child and allowed him to play all day long.

In short, it's all about the sense of proportion. Computer harm for children caused by excessive use of the computer. Therefore, the task of parents is to control the time that the child sits at the computer. So that the computer does not harm the health of preschool children, a child under six years old should not be allowed to spend more than twenty minutes at the computer. Children aged 8-9 years old can play educational games for thirty to forty minutes. And from the age of ten, you can be allowed to sit at the screen for no more than an hour and a half. Of course, parents sometimes want to take a break from a restless child, so they allow him to sit at the computer longer so that he does not interfere with household chores. But it's not the best the best option: try to keep your child busy with something else.

Since sitting in front of a computer for a long time causes a lot of eye strain, it is recommended to adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor so that visual fatigue does not occur. On the "desktop" you can install some picture of calm tones, for example, a landscape. It is also desirable to teach the child to do special exercises for the eyes.

The influence of the computer on a child of primary school age

If your child is already eight years old, it is quite possible for him to buy his own computer. With a reasonable attitude towards the computer and your control over how much the child sits at the computer, its influence will be beneficial. So, psychologists note that computers are good helpers for schoolchildren, as they develop certain skills: attention, logic, abstract thinking. Playing educational computer games, the child educates himself, learns to make independent decisions, develops his creative abilities.

If the child sits at the computer for too long

If your child playing computer for hours on end and he cannot be torn away from games, then you are most likely to blame, because you allowed your child to spend as much time in front of the screen as he pleases. Try to somehow switch the attention of the child, divert him to some other activity, sign him up for a sports section, find him a hobby. Talk to your child, explaining to him in a simple and accessible way why it is harmful to sit in front of the computer for a long time. But you don’t need to tell scary stories, force, shout and put pressure on him - he will appreciate your sincerity and honesty much more.

Don't Be Overly Worried About the Negative the influence of the computer on the child, because with a competent and reasonable approach, the benefits of it are much greater. The sooner he gets acquainted with technology, begins to understand it and understand something, the more developed he will be. After all, in our age of technological progress, every person one way or another must come into contact with technology. This smart car will help your child improve their knowledge, they will become interested in the latest technical achievements, and this will undoubtedly be useful to them in the future.

Alisa Terentyeva

Video games are great! But what happens if you play them too much? This can give both positive and negative results. There are examples all over the world of gamers who played for too long, literally didn't make it to the credits. Overkill in video games can be a serious problem. As with all pleasant things in this world, everything should be in moderation. Too much of anything from sleep to water can lead to certain negative effects.
But despite some tragic effects, video games aren't all that bad. First, they deliver incredible pleasure. Second, they can improve just about everything about you, from critical thinking to motor coordination.
Sometimes they can even make you smarter. Therefore, it is necessary to take a closer look at what impact video games can have on a person and what harm they cause to the body.

You can die from thrombosis

Long gaming sessions are not unusual. But what if they threaten your life? Yes, then it's still too much. A condition known as deep vein thrombosis can develop if you sit still for a long period of time.
One British gamer died due to the fact that he formed blood clots caused by thrombosis, the cause of which was his lifestyle - every day he spent 12 hours in a row playing computer games. And a New Zealand gamer was hospitalized with blood clots in his legs after sitting at his console for four days while on vacation.

Your heart may fail

A 32-year-old man from Hong Kong was found dead in a computer club where he stayed for three days in a row. The man entered the club on January 6, 2015, started playing - and was found dead on January 8. The cause of death is heart failure caused by lack of mobility, low temperature and complete exhaustion due to lack of sleep.
Club staff reported that the same man often stayed at the club for three to four days, and other gamers did not pay much attention to what was happening when the hapless gamer's body was carried out into the street.

You can develop "nintendoit"

Even if you take breaks between gaming sessions, repeated use of the controller for hours, days, weeks, months, and years can take its toll. The game usually requires the gamer to repetitively repetitively move their thumbs and fingers, and a 2003 study found that many gamers suffered from repetitive arm strains (a syndrome that was dubbed "nintendoitis").

You can hurt your back

A 1999 study looked at back pain in schoolchildren and its relationship to what children enjoy doing, including watching TV and playing on the computer. The report indicated that there was an association between computer games and back pain. These pains were manifested in those children who reported to the researchers that they spend at least two hours a day at the computer.

You can hurt your eyes

It shouldn't surprise you that looking at a screen for a long time, whether it's a TV, a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, has no positive effect on your eyes. There is even such a disease as computer vision syndrome. It manifests itself in people who spend several hours a day behind computer screens.

It can literally affect your brain

If you enjoy playing computer games for too long, it can start to take its toll on your brain. Literally. Research shows that frequent gaming sessions can change your brain. To give specific examples, young children who spent more than nine hours a week playing computer games had an enlarged reward center in their brains that made them want to play even more.

The world of games is primarily created for entertainment. Already today you can choose a game for every taste and color. However, the question often arises: what to play on a PC? Not all games will leave a positive impression and emotions due to their low quality / non-uniqueness. But at least 5 games in each genre stand out for their graphics, gameplay, or original story. They were remembered by critics and ordinary players, and left a trace in game history, and the question “What to play on a PC” disappears when they are launched. We invite you to get acquainted with the new and outstanding games that are worth playing on PC.

Role playing (RPG)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the continuation of the Elder Scrolls series. Recognized by many the best RPG in history. Dragons, magic, the ability to combine classes, artifacts and a huge open ancient world- far from all the advantages of the game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the third and final part about the adventures of the witcher Geralt of Rivia. The plot tells about the hunt for the witcher Ciri. Meet characters from previous parts, explore the world and fight monsters.

dragon age: Inquisition is a new game in the Age of the Dragon series that uses modern technology. Now you can explore the open world, fight ancient dragons, assemble a team of the best fighters and complete story and additional missions.

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls major addition to Diablo III, which noticeably improves original game. Added Crusader - a new playable class. The mining system has been changed, new large-scale locations have appeared and new mode"Adventure".

Fallout 4- new part post-apocalyptic series in which we return to the Wasteland again. You are expected by scary monsters, a huge open world, a creepy atmosphere, an improved combat system and a non-linear storyline.


The FIFA series is a football simulator that is as close to reality as possible. With each part, the graphics, the behavior of the players on the field, the team system are improving. There are new modes that simulate real historical matches.

The Forest is a brutal survival sim that sends players to desert island. Crashed, main character forced to survive alone, searching for food, weapons and shelter. However, the player is not alone in this place.

The Sims is a game about real life. Here you create your family, build and furnish a house, go to work, develop yourself, find a hobby, fall in love, go in for sports. You can realize your fantasies or simulate the real life of your family.

IL-2 Sturmovik is an IL-2 attack aircraft simulator that allows you to control it in real time. Fly using complex realistic controls, destroy ground vehicles and take part in historical battles.

The Long Dark is a simulation game with elements of survival and exploration. Caught in harsh winter conditions, you are forced to look for food, weapons, ammunition and warm places. The player can die from cold, starvation, or being attacked by wild animals.


XCOM 2 is a tactical turn-based strategy that includes role-playing elements. Twenty years later, the player again leads the organization to fight aliens. Create your squad of trained fighters and take part in interesting operations.

Cossacks 3 is a strategy set in the 17th-18th century. Being a remake of the first part, the game will allow you to create armies of Cossacks, build buildings and wage war against other players or the computer. Historical companies available.

Total war: Atilla is a large-scale turn-based strategy game that tells the story of the leader of the Huns, Atilla. Created in best traditions series total war. Choose any country, take part in epic battles and seize power over the world.

Civilization 6 allows the player alone or with friends to develop their own civilization and take over the planet. Choose different paths to achieve your goal, build cities, expand your army and develop tactics.

Tropico 5 is a city-building simulator, a continuation of the popular series. You must build your country to glory, starting with a small settlement. Develop the economy, satisfy the requests of citizens and fight against natural disasters.


The Half-Life series is a cult science fiction action series. The protagonist is a scientist, theoretical physicist Gordon Freeman, who turns out to be the only one who can save our planet from the invasion of aliens.

Grand Theft Auto 5 - continuation of the famous GTA series. Now the world has become much larger, and the number of controllable characters has increased to 3. Crush, have fun, complete the task, steal cars and organize the robbery of the century.

BioShock Infinite is the third part of the famous action game, but now the action takes place in heaven, in the city of Columbia. Booker DeWitt is to bring in a certain girl, Elizabeth. Sea of ​​action, nice graphics and hurricane gameplay.

Batman: Arkham City- continuation of the adventures of the famous superhero Batman. Now the gaming zone is a whole city, and there are much more villains. Complete tasks, try out the unique combat system and restore order in the city.

Far Cry 4 - the new part of the famous series will send us to Kirat - a fictional kingdom located among the Himalayas. You are again waiting for a charismatic and cruel villain and an open world. Ride an elephant and show who is in charge here.


Overwatch - new computer game that won the hearts of the players. This is a team shooter where you participate in team fights between players. Dozens of interesting characters, futuristic setting and lightning-fast gameplay.

Battlefield 1 is a realistic warfare simulation set in the events of the First World War. Take part in large-scale battles, control a horse, military equipment or an airship, and destroy everything you see.

call of duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the best, according to many players, part of the series. As a direct continuation of the previous part, the game again brings you together with D. McTavish and John Price. Use different weapons and win the war.

Metro: last light is a post-apocalyptic shooter that tells about the life of people after a terrible catastrophe. The atmosphere of horror, lack of ammunition and opponents in the form of bandits and monsters will be remembered for a long time. The sequel to Metro 2033.

Spec Ops: The Line is a little-known shooter worthy of attention. Controlling a character from a third person, you find yourself in Dubai. Fight terrorists, use the environment as a weapon, give orders to your allies and try to survive.


World of Warcraft is one of the most popular MMORPGs that has won the hearts of tens of millions of players. Excellent role-playing component, thoughtful game process, leveling system, variety of classes and epic battles.

ArcheAge is a role-playing game set in a fantasy medieval world. Take part in the confrontation between the two sides, upgrade your character, buy or create items and have fun with your friends.

Aion is an unusual MMORPG that allows players to float in the air. Use your wings to move faster or fight in the sky. Also you will find interesting gameplay, a large open world and a lot of interesting tasks.

Tera Online is a legendary MMORPG that allows you to take part in a brutal war between the gods. The use of an innovative non-target combat system makes it stand out from everyone else. Choose your side and go to the battlefield!

Revelation is a modern multiplayer role-playing game that sends players into a fantasy world. Explore a huge world, fight the strongest bosses, create your own guild, build a castle and attack or defend.


World of Tanks is a popular arcade tank simulator. At the beginning, you have an inexperienced crew and a light tank at your disposal. Participate in hot battles, use tactics, interact with allies and open access to historical tanks.

War Thunder is a military simulator in which you fight against other players in tanks and planes. The developers plan to introduce water equipment, and then the battles will become even hotter and more realistic. Several dozen planes and tanks are waiting for you.

World of Warships is an independent project from the creators of World of Tanks, based on hot battles between military ship equipment. Raise your rank, take part in arcade and historical battles, work with a team and win.

Armored Warfare: Project Armata is a tank simulator. You are expected to PvE and PvP on modern armored vehicles, mainly on tanks. Improve your technique, team up with other users and destroy all opponents on the map.

World of Warplanes is another project from the developers of World of Tanks, focused on dogfights. At your disposal are real modern aircraft and hundreds of technical and visual improvements. Realistic controls and graphics are waiting for you.


Dota 2 is a popular MOBA in Russia, which is an independent addition to Warcraft 3. Hundreds of characters with unique characteristics. Fight 5v5 on the same map and destroy enemy heroes, towers and citadel.

League of Legend is a popular MOBA all over the world. Initially, several heroes are available. and the rest can be bought for game currency. big map, two 5v5 teams, bright graphics, unique abilities of characters and dynamic battles.

Heroes of the Storm- a game from Blizzard, which brought together all the characters created by this company. Choose one character from Diablo, WarCraft, StarCraft or Retro and take to the battlefield. A unique pumping system and an interesting combat system are waiting for you.

Panzar is a Russian session game set in fantasy world inhabited by different races. Battles take place on big map between 16 players. Choose one race, equip armor, weapons and potions and destroy your opponents.

Prime World is a strategy with MOBA elements. You take on the role of a Lord and recruit various heroes to serve you. In your possessions, you build buildings, develop the economy and military affairs, and demonstrate all your power on the battlefield.


Rust is a famous and affordable survival simulator. You find yourself in an unknown area, and must survive. In your hands is one cobblestone, but you need to get food, build a dwelling and acquire weapons. Explore the area and beware of other players.

Dead by Daylight is an unusual survival simulator in which you take on the role of either a maniac or a survivor. Everyone plays their roles - the maniac must catch all defenseless people and kill them, while the latter try to find a way out and escape.

DayZ Standalone is a standalone zombie apocalypse game. In harsh conditions, you must get weapons, food and find shelter. Zombies roam this world, but they are not the main problem. Any other player will kill you for a can of food or a bottle of water.

Tharsis is a space survival simulator. While traveling to Mars, your ship crashes and almost all but two of the crew die. You must live to arrive on the Red Planet and learn about the mysterious signal sent.

State of Decay is a computer game in which you take on the role of the leader of a group of survivors. As a result of the zombie apocalypse, most of humanity died. The player fights for survival, builds a camp, fights the dead and bandits, and explores the world.


GRID Autosport is a car simulation game that is the sequel to GRID 2. Actually high level complexity, realistic controls and a physical model of transport behavior await you. There are 22 locations with different routes.

F1 2016 - new season popular races. The game recreates real F1 competitions, and you have to take part in them and change history. Only real cars, tracks and companies. The races themselves are interesting and spectacular.

need for Speed 2015 is a new game, the next part of the popular racing series. It is a reboot of the entire franchise. A large open world has appeared, car tuning has been changed, graphics and visual effects have been worked out.

Project CARS is great racing game. The developers have created unique system driving, so during the game you experience a realistic feeling, as if you were driving. There are about 100 cars and 35 tracks.

DiRT Showdown is an arcade racing game part of the Colin McRaeRally series. The gameplay is similar to FlatOut - that is, there is a car damage system. A variety of modes, graphics, changing weather and crazy racing are waiting for you.


The Walking Dead is an animated episodic game set in the universe of The Walking Dead comic book. In the foreground - the feelings of the characters, the drama and the exciting plot. Comic-style graphics only decorate the game.

Deadlight is a platform game with elements of survival and horror. Solve puzzles, avoid encounters the walking dead and find the main character's family. Graphics, visual effects and style are impressive and will be remembered for a long time.

Series dead rising- Crazy zombie games where you are the hunter and they are the prey. A rich crafting system will allow you to create weapons of mass murder from improvised items. Experiment, explore the area and have fun.

Dead Island is a survival simulator, action, RPG from the first person. You find yourself at the resort, and after a while it turns into a nightmare - the whole area is filled with zombies. Grab whatever is at hand and crush the skulls of the rebellious corpses.

Dying Light is a new game from creators of Dead island. The latest parkour system will blow your mind. The change of day and night means the arrival of new monsters, much more terrible than usual. But the bandits are also after you. Look for supplies and fight or run.

post apocalypse

Survarium is a multiplayer post-apocalyptic game similar to STALKER. After the catastrophe and explosion of stations and chemical plants, the territories were contaminated, and people were infected. Survive!

Rage - computer role-playing game, action. You find yourself in a world in which a catastrophe has occurred. Mutants have appeared ordinary people constantly looking for shelter. Upgrade your weapons, explore a large open world and earn money.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is a global modification for the popular disaster game. Events unfold six years after the Second Catastrophe. The world is in danger again, and you must prevent it. More content, improved graphics.

Fallout: New Vegas- role-playing game, part of the Fallout series. The action takes place in 2281, in the devastated Las Vegas, which was not touched by the Great War. A new conflict is born - and you must prevent it. Huge map and varied gameplay.

Borderlands the pre-sequel is a fantastic shooter, RPG. It is a bridge between two previous parts. However, the action now takes place in space, on the moon. Have fun, experiment with gravity and fight crazy enemies.


Hotline Miami 1-2 is crazy action. The player goes through levels and destroys his enemies. It stands out for its complexity - you can die from any stray bullet. Put on different masks to get bonuses, choose a weapon and go to battle.

Braid is a puzzle platformer with the theme of time. Moral - until a person changes, the passage of time is meaningless. Go through numerous levels, solve problems, use ingenuity and save the hero's beloved.

The Binding of Isaac is an indie game with action and RPG elements. Control the top-down hero Isaac as you explore dungeons and fight monsters. There are bosses, killing which will unlock the next level.

Limbo is a black and white adventure game with horror elements. As a boy, you roam the strange world and solve various puzzles. Sometimes you have to run away from monsters. Incredible atmosphere and music will leave only good impressions.

Super Meat Boy is a whirlwind indie game with hundreds of levels to complete. Its peculiarity is speed and complexity - you can die in one location more than 100 times. Overcome obstacles and save the main character's girlfriend.


Series mass effect is an excellent RPG series set in space. Controlling Captain Shepard, you must assemble a team and go to save the world. Can travel between planets spaceship.

Destiny is a multiplayer shooter where players travel and fight in space. Create a character and set out to explore the planets, complete quests and get items of equipment. Fight other players in PvP mode.

Space Engineers is a sandbox that will delight those who just want to explore the expanses of space. You are an astronaut who builds and maintains space stations. A variety of gameplay will not let you get bored.

Eve Online is a science fiction multiplayer game. You control a ship that can be upgraded. Travel in space, walk on board vehicles, fight other players and develop.

Series dead space- horror, action. As a result of the accident on the Ishimura ship, Isaac Clarke is trapped with necromorphs - monsters come to life. Collect weapons, try to avoid monsters and save your ammo.

First person

Wolfenstein: The new order is a shooter in which the main character fights against the Nazis in an alternate reality where Germany has won the war. William Blaskowitz is armed and will kill anyone who gets in his way.

Crysis 3 is the final installment in the Crysis series, striking graphics to this day. This is a shooter, science fiction, in which the main character in a special suit performs tasks and fights against ill-wishers.

Far Cry 3 is a new part of the famous Far Cry series. Arriving on the island for the purpose of recreation, Jason Brody realizes that he has fallen into a trap of bandits. He managed to survive, and now he is looking for weapons and wants revenge. A rich arsenal of weapons and an open world await you.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter where you take on the role of special forces. When performing operations, you must correctly plan actions, work as a team and minimize the number of victims. Go ahead or neutralize the terrorists quietly.

DOOM 2016 is a re-release of the iconic shooter that retains the spirit of the series. This is a "fast shooter", in which the hero is constantly fighting with hellish creatures. There is a multiplayer and a single company.

Third party

Darksiders 2 is a slasher, action game about the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. This time the main character is Death. He decides to find his brother-rebel, and goes on a journey. New system weapons, dungeons with bosses and a large game world are waiting for you.

Tomb Raider is a re-release of the series of games about the tomb raider Lara Croft. The developers paid attention to her past, so get ready for the defenseless and fragile Lara, who has not yet received her famous title.

Warframe - Multiplayer team game. The player is an ancient warrior who has awakened from suspended animation. Fight the hostile Grineer race, the Infested and the Corpus. Unusual exoskeletons give you powers.

Dark Souls 3 is the third part of the popular role-playing game, different from others increased complexity. Critics and ordinary players are sure that this is the best part the entire series. Significantly improved old elements and added new content.

Assassin's Creed: Unity is one of the large-scale parts of the series. The action takes place during the Revolution in Paris. A wide variety of weapons, new hero, open world and spectacular killings are waiting for you again.

open world

The Assassins Creed series is a popular series about the confrontation between the Assassins (killers) and the Templars. Each game in the series has an open world, and hidden caches of weapons and armor, and other collectibles.

Series The Elder Scrolls - cult role-playing games with a huge open world. You can explore them endlessly - unique monster dungeons, cities, villages, monster lairs.

Sleeping Dogs is a crime action game set in Hong Kong. A large open city where you can explore the streets, steal cars, visit shops and complete secondary tasks.

The GTA series is a cult series of open-world action games. In each part, you are given freedom of action - you can go where your eyes look. The game world itself is filled with missions, shops and interesting places.

South Park The Stick of Truth is a game based on the South Park animated series. You can freely move between locations, look for new items and weapons, complete secondary tasks and fight enemies.


Starbound is an exciting arcade sandbox game in which we can travel to other planets in our own spaceship. Get resources, build a shelter, upgrade your shuttle and explore the terrible hellish dungeons.

Garry`s Mod is a sandbox game set in the Half-Life universe. In your hands - a gravity gun, and an extensive menu with various items. You can create whatever you want - a house, a car, a plane or play any scene from your favorite movie. The limit is your imagination.

Just Cause 3 is a new sandbox shooter game. Before you - a large open world, and the main character - Rico Rodriguez. Destruction awaits you big choice vehicles, non-linearity and the ability to capture bases.

Terraria is an adventure sandbox platformer. You must extract resources, build beautiful houses and defend yourself from monsters. An excellent dungeon system will be remembered for you, because you can dig even to Hell.

Minecraft is one of the most popular sandboxes. You find yourself in a cubic world where zombies, skeletons and "creepers" roam. Get resources, cook food, build houses and make trips to the mines. Perfect for playing with friends.

step by step

Warlock: Master of the Arcane is a turn-based strategy game inspired by the Majesty series. You are a mage building a vast magical empire. Fight against other masters, build buildings and win the title of ruler of the world.

Series Galactic Civilizationsspace strategy with turn-based combat system. You find yourself in the year 2178. Under your control is a powerful space fleet, with which you must establish control over the Galaxy.

Age of Wonders 3 is the fourth game in the series. It's a 3D strategy game where players take over buildings, create armies, and subdue the elements with magical powers. Choose from 6 classes and start conquering the world.

The Civilization series is a cult series of global turn-based strategies. You run the state and develop the economy. Your opponents are 8 other powerful civilizations. Decide how to eliminate enemies - diplomacy or war.

Heroes of Might Series and Magic- popular fantasy turn-based strategies. First you choose a race, and then you find yourself on a large map. Controlling a small army, the player fights against others, captures points and develops his own castle.


Warhammer is a series of tabletop war games set in a dark fantasy universe. There are battles between monsters and soldiers in the world. You choose a battle scenario, a team and go to the battlefield. Upgrade heroes and win.

The XCOM series are excellent tactical games in which you control an anti-alien unit. Choose a mission, equip your team and destroy the aliens. Think over every move - otherwise you can easily lose.

Total war: Shogun 2 is one of the games in the Total War series, striking in its scale and beauty. The player chooses a state and begins to develop the economy and the army in order to take over the world. Use tactics on the battlefield - otherwise the army will be defeated.

The Arma series are tactical war games in which you have to complete a series of interesting and challenging missions. Together with allies you participate in real combat operations. Think over every step and use modern weapons and equipment.

Sniper Elite 3 is a sniper action simulator. In the third part, you can kill Hitler himself. Use cover, develop tactics and silently kill enemies. The system of firing from a sniper rifle has been worked out in detail.


SimCity is one of the first city-building simulators. The essence of all games in the series is to build a city, develop industrial, residential areas, infrastructure, meet the needs of citizens and collect taxes. Raise the standard of living and create the city of your dreams.

The ANNO series is an economic strategy without military action. The game is available directly in the browser for everyone. Many games in the series will allow you to build a city of dreams both in the Middle Ages and in the future.

The Stronghold series is one of best strategies, in which you need to build a castle from a regular settlement. There are hundreds of buildings to choose from, each of which performs its own functions. Build, create an army and seize dominance on the map.

Tropico series - games in the genre economic strategy, in which the player controls an island. Develop your own state, build various buildings, solve problems and fight against natural disasters.

Planet Coaster is an entertaining simulator in which you build a real amusement park. You need to plan the location of the buildings, calculate the profit and satisfy all visitors.


amnesia The Dark Descent is a creepy horror game that you will remember. You find yourself in a strange castle, blood everywhere, a terrible downpour outside the windows. Explore this place and learn about your past. There is an excellent system of interaction with the outside world.

Outlast is one of the most successful modern horror films. The protagonist arrives at an abandoned hospital to find out the truth about the murders in it. The game contains scenes of violence and cruelty, and it is definitely not for the faint of heart.

The Evil Within- horror with elements of survival. When investigating a murder, the protagonist finds himself in a terrible world filled with monsters. You have to explore it, find weapons and try to survive.

SOMA is a game from the developers Amnesia and Penumbra. You find yourself in an underwater research facility. Artificial intelligence rebelled, and the player is trapped. A lot of scary scenes and terrible monsters are waiting for you.

Resident Evil 7 is a new part of the Resident Evil series, which is different from its predecessors. More horror elements and gloomy atmosphere - style new game. There are weapons, but very little ammo. Now you control the heroes from the first person view.


Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is an action game set in the Lord of the Rings universe. Events unfold only in Mordor. Talion is a fallen warrior whose family was brutally murdered. However, he is resurrected, and begins to gather his army of orcs to take revenge.

The Dragon Age series is a popular fantasy RPG. Dragons, magic, terrible creatures of darkness, gnomes, elves, terrible dungeons - not all that awaits you. Excellent combat system, pumping characters, the atmosphere of adventure.

Brothers: A Tale of Two sons- An interactive fantasy story. The gameplay is based on the interaction of two brothers with the world and each other. Solve various puzzles and explore the game world by controlling each character.

Dragons Dogma is an action RPG in an open fantasy world. Choose a class and customize your character and go fight. Under your control, there may be several other heroes who will explore the world and obey orders.

Series final fantasy- popular role-playing games in the genre of fantasy, science fiction. Explore a huge game world with a detachment of allies, try out the turn-based combat system, upgrade weapons and abilities. A lot of games and movies have been created around the universe.

Of course, this list is not complete, and it does not take into account other outstanding projects that you can probably remember yourself. Perhaps your opinion in some places will be different, however, these games have been positively evaluated by the gaming community. It seems to us that this is one of the brightest and quality games worth playing on PC. The variety of genres will help anyone to make a choice.