Yes, the dark lord of the rules of the game. Yes, Dark Lord! Hundred-ton glances of empty eye sockets

In any epic tale, villains build insidious plans to destroy the forces of good, so that the Dark Side of existence can prevail. So they build these plans, build them, and then the Heroes come. The villains, having thoroughly battered the Heroes, die, and Goodness and Justice reign in the country. Glory to the Heroes, thanks to whom the Light shone! But... What will happen when the messengers of the humiliated and defeated darkness return to the same dens of lawlessness that gave birth to them? And what happens if all these events take place in a world called Kragmort? How slippery and secretive Servants will behave dark side when they come face to face with their Dark Master, Rigor Mortis, the Evil Genius and Lord of the Lost Lands. We will now find out the answers to these questions ...

Game Description

Events of the game "Yes, the Dark Lord!" (abbreviated as DTV!) take place in a magical and frivolous world. To play, you'll need some improv skills, a few friends, and a desire to have a lot of fun. The game is easy to learn and easy to play. The evil and nasty Servants of Rigor Mortis, the one and only Evil Genius, return home after another failed task and must justify themselves to the Master, for which they invent the most intricate stories and shift the blame onto their accomplices. An important role in the game is given to the player who performs the duties of Rigor Mortis. He is the bearer of absolute power; his servants belong to him with giblets. Only he decides when to interrupt the stream of excuses and which of the negligent minions to punish. Who, if not the Dark Lord, should execute or pardon slow and daring minions? And those who do not have enough ingenuity or resourcefulness to justify themselves will feel the full weight of the Withering Gaze of the Dark Lord...

Player Roles

In DTV! players play several roles: the role of the Dark Lord and the role of his Servants. At the beginning of the game, one player must be chosen or appointed as the Dark Lord (you can take this post by force). All other players become Servants of the Dark Lord, the most secretive and insidious creatures from Kragmorta, or any other evil creatures from any fantasy world that comes to mind. These creatures in any case have a number outstanding features: stupidity, clumsiness and inability to complete even the simplest task. With several sessions of the game in a row, the role of Rigor Mortis is transferred in a circle or given to the loser ... or it is again captured by force! Why should evil be less?!


In DTV! the game is played with two types of cards. Hint cards are used by players as hints about what to lie to the Master. Hint cards are played one at a time, forcibly introducing new elements into the player's narrative. When playing a hint card, a player may draw inspiration from text, an image, or any single element of the played card, but the association between his story and the card must be obvious and acceptable to Rigor Mortis. The action card must be used in conjunction with the hint card. A card played allows you to perform a specific action, represented by a symbol on the card. allows you to intervene in the course of the story of another player during his turn and give him a new hint (the player who played the card "Wait, locomotive!" does not take away the right to move, but simply prevents the other player from laying down a clear legend). A number of cards allow only one action, but there are cards that allow you to choose any of the two actions.

New Russian edition of the hit "Yes, the Dark Lord!" contains 41 new map and alternative rules "Yes, master!", which further diversify the game.

The game takes place in the fictional world of Evil, in the domain of the Dark Lord Rigor Mortis. After yet another mission failure, his goblin minions must account for their failures to their master. And what happens if the justification did not suit the ruler? That's right - the ax-headSizzling Eyes. Of course, this Gaze is not lethal, but having received enough of them, the downtrodden will have to go into lifelong exile.

So, the main goal of the game is to come up with excuses for your failure. There is a deck of cards with hints to help set the stage for your fable, and then... Then you must clearly explain to your master why you did not complete your mission. For example, having met with a forest gnome, you swung a sword at him and the sword suddenly melted, and then suddenly a castle flew across the sky with obviously very bad intentions and you decided to follow him, well, and so on.

When you run out, or in the case when nothing comes to mind, you can transfer the arrows to another player and then he will have to take the rap.

While one is puffed up with his ridiculous stories, other players can interfere with him by interrupting his story and adding some absurdity to it. And then, you will need to connect your story with what was planted by insidious neighbors.

The game continues until one of the players has three Scorching Gaze and is kicked out. And then the question arises - who will issue the Looks? That's right, one of the players who will play for Rigor Mortis! It is he who will decide the fate of the rest, ask questions and issue yellow and red cards.

Yes, Dark Lord! - one of the few games that uses not only the resources of the game itself, but the capabilities and talents of the players themselves. Try to come up with an excuse when everyone around you interferes.


  • 121 hint cards;
  • 37 action cards;
  • 10 cards of withering gaze;
  • rules of the game.
  • Video for the board game Yes, Dark Lord!

  • Reviews for the board game Yes, the Dark Lord!


    Super game! True, not every company will come in, the main thing here is to turn on the fantasy and all players to work on the atmosphere, if someone is not in the mood to play, then the game will turn out not very well. But if the company is good, then the game will give a lot of reasons for fun, personally, this is already the second game for us)) The first one was presented 5 years ago and it was already worn out, but here we were in your store and decided that we wanted a new one) Thanks to the store for a nice discount !

  • What is the game about

    With board game Yes, Dark Lord you will find yourself in a situation called disruption of flights. One of the members becomes a master of black magic named Rigar Mortis. He summons a crowd of goblin henchmen, that is, other players, to the carpet.

    The Green Brigade was supposed to fulfill the next order of the master, but as usual, everything failed. The goal of the goblins is to justify themselves, and this is not your Friday night office meeting. There are few times a minute to nod with a smart look, and the rest of the time to secretly monitor social networks.

    What is to be done

    Players use hint cards and, in accordance with their text, come up with excuses. If the story does not suit the ruler, you will slap his withering gaze and write wasted.

    As in any friendly team, you can transfer arrows to colleagues, interrupt them and substitute action cards in every possible way. The main thing is not to anger Rigor Mortis, the final word is still his.

    is a very fun board game that makes players fantasize and come up with very funny stories on the go. It is perfect for a company and for parties, as well as for simple gatherings with friends. brings players together, allows them to relax to some extent and develops oratory, so it can be considered an educational board game! And if, on top of everything else, you are a fan of conversational games, then be sure to play it.


    The game box contains only a rule and two stacks of cards, but this is enough to have fun. One of the players, according to the rules of the board game, becomes the dark lord. He will have to come up with a story, or rather a task that he entrusted to his wards and they mediocrely failed him.

    Comes up with excuses

    Everyone else plays as Goblin minions and receives three cards from both shuffled decks. All players, starting with the first one, make excuses, trying to explain the reason why they did not cope with the task. To simplify, they use hint cards in their story, playing them on the table.

    For example, you can refer to the fact that the goblins were prevented by an evil monster.

    It's all his fault!

    Along with the Hint card, the Goblin is allowed to play the Arrow Shift card to convey the need to justify to another player. Having played it, the player gets up to three hint cards.

    The participant who was transferred to the arrows, according to the rules of the board game, receives one action card and continues the story of the previous goblin, trying to be as convincing as possible.

    The main thing to remember is that this game is humorous and the funnier and more ridiculous your excuses are, the more fun it will be for all players.

    Stop symbol

    In addition to the arrows, action cards have a Stop symbol. Such a card can be thrown to a comrade in misfortune along with a hint card right during his explanation and demanded from him to explain why he still has not told the lord about this significant moment.

    If none of the goblins have arrow translation cards in their hands, they will run out of hint cards and receive the first withering gaze of the Dark Lord. He discards all his cards from his hand and draws three from each deck.

    The ending

    It is important to remember that the dark lord is first of all a ruler and if something does not suit him in the history of goblins, he has the right to reward them with new withering eyes. And as soon as one of the goblins receives the third withering look, the chief emits anger at this unfortunate one and the game ends with the defeat of this player.

    You can use a special rule that allows you to leave this moment to chance and live the goblin for some more time.

    First person

    Looking at my green-skinned servants, groveling in front of me every day, every time I imagine in their place the creators of the damned machine that threw me here. I would like to ask them, towering on the throne of darkness and winking at the court executioner: “Well, and from whose suggestion am I being nice to you here? Who didn't turn the nut?"

    No matter how pleasant it is sometimes to feel my dimensionless greatness, I still would prefer to get out of here as soon as possible. But the trouble is that I still have not developed a smart jump algorithm. I have to sit and wait for fate to deign to throw me further along the one course it knows.

    And here is a new batch of defeatists. If only they all failed at the same time...

    Ridiculous Excuses of Careless Servants

    Although specially authorized servants were vigilant that the temperature in throne room Rigora Mortisa never rose to a comfortable level, Hobbes felt a drop of sweat creeping down his wrinkled forehead.

    The dark lord, leaning on the massive armrest of the throne, looked into the distance. Still far away. Only when the negligent goblins began to shift nervously from foot to foot and bite their nails did he speak, slowly, separately and monotonously:

    - Be silent. Raise no objection. I know without you: you did not bring the tax from the elven forests. Of course, none of you are to blame for this. And, of course, everyone is ready to explain whose fault it is. Right, shorty? The Master pointed to Hobbes. “So be it, you can talk.

    Hobbes swallowed noisily, but reacted quickly - rich experience affected. Taking a deep breath, the goblin chattered homework:

    “You see, Your Darkness, we walked and walked as long as the road led us. And then at the crossroads I look at the map ...

    In the stronghold of the Great Evil, another long evening began.

    View from the gallery

    In ordinary life, the need to make excuses for work failures and delays is not the most pleasant fate. But games, as you know, color any activity with new, eye-pleasing colors. "Yes, dark lord" turns the act of torment into a source of fun. After all, where else will you get a chance to try on the role of a small servant of a great evil and answer for the failure of a grandiose plan to take over the world?!

    At the beginning of this colorful parlor game, one of the participants is appointed by the dark lord, the others are despicable goblins. Each of them receives three cards from the deck of hints.

    The first accusation is sounded, and the pointing finger picks out the first suspect of negligence from the ranks of the losers. He is obliged to play a “hint” from his hand and connect a speech in his defense with his text or image. The style and details of speech are completely at the mercy of the player. If the goblin's tongue is well suspended and fortune is on his side today, the little man may escape punishment.

    But someone has to pay.

    Desperate attempts to avoid cruel torture

    - I did everything according to the charter, but this swindler with his hair growth potion ...

    - You yourself are a dried pike! I just started telling those dark elves about our lord's exploits, how do you...

    - Yes, while you all foolishly toiled, I alone cut the claws of the griffin!

    The evasive ritual took an unusually long time. Numzgil blamed Blog, that one - Unkful, that one - Widdle, that one - Loll, that one - Hobbes, and he, in turn, closed the series of accusations in a ring that squeezed the head of the dark lord more and more tightly. The goblins understood: the patience of Rigor Mortis was slowly, drop by drop, but inevitably running out.

    Understanding this made them even faster drive the scalding potato of guilt in a circle.

    View from the gallery

    Second type game cards- turnout maps. Any speech ends with their use: we bring to the moment when our heroic actions were nullified by another goblin's mistake, and we throw a card with a pointing finger on the table. Everything, you can breathe freely, then the neighbor will have to wag his tongue.

    If the card shows a palm, this is a chance to set up an opponent. Right in the middle of someone else's story, the player has the right to lay out such a card, along with a hint card. Then ask a tricky question, to which the current "scapegoat" is obliged to immediately answer, without violating the logic of the story.

    One “but”: when the players have already thoroughly entered into roles, it becomes a burden to monitor the timely drawing of cards from the second deck. It overloads the game rather than adds meaningful variety to it.


    The Dark Lord universe has a name: Kragmort. The second board game is also called, in which Rigor Mortis and his quirky henchmen could not do without.

    Its plot is simple: curious goblins strive to steal badly lying books from the library of the lord, while no one is watching. Of course, in every possible way substituting each other. Moving across the field for the next Talmud, the main thing is not to catch the eye of its owner. Otherwise, in anger, he will impose on the goblin, and with it the player, a curse from his rich arsenal.

    In curses - all the charm of this, in general, a simple game. By the middle of the game, it’s interesting to look at its participants: one holds the card under his arm, the other jumps on one leg, the third brings his elbows behind his back, and the last looks at those around him from the bottom up, because he is chained to the table with his chin.

    Conclusion? Don't anger the Dark Lords!

    Hundred-ton glances of empty eye sockets

    As soon as the dark ruler cleared his throat noisily, the hubbub of thin voices ceased. Instantly, as if by magic, a dead zone with a radius of five meters formed around the Blog. The goblin collapsed like a wreck, knees thumping on the stone floor.

    - I beg you, be merciful! ..

    “Hush, you,” the dark lord interrupted the failed plea of ​​the century. “I'm not going to quarter you. And he also does not intend to feed the creatures of the transcendent abyss. I came up with something more sophisticated.

    Rising from his throne, Rigor Mortis loomed over the shrunken servant. He picked him up by the scruff of the neck... and sat him down in his place.

    - Like this. Relax, wait for the next game. I charge you to listen to all their stories. Find out who screwed up the most - he will take the rap for you. And if I find out that I went AWOL, I will give the court executioner carte blanche at your expense. Am I being clear?

    The blog smiled all twenty teeth and nodded, diligently showing that he had never heard clearer words in his life.

    View from the gallery

    A goblin who somehow did not please the ruler runs the risk of feeling his Sizzling Gaze on himself - that's right, with capital letters. Therefore, all excuses end: the culprit of the failure is obvious and trembles in fear. The investigation of the next failure begins. And so - until the third Glance at one of the players, which marks the end of the game and one puny life.

    The wrath of Rigor Mortis necessarily causes only the absence of cards in the hand of the unlucky player. For the rest, the decision on punishment is at the mercy of the performer of the role. Wants - Looks for delays and unconvincing stories. Wants - for disrespectful treatment of him and conversations not on business. Each ruler has his own rules.

    From here follows the main principle of the game, exactly the same as in role-playing games: if you want to have a good time, appoint an intelligent presenter. The Dark Lord is far from being a perfectly cut parlor game, but one thing is done right in it: in the foreground there are not rules, but people revealing new facets of their characters.

    Kragmorta stories. Prologue and Story One: Yes, Dark Lord!

    D a long, long time ago... Although who knows, maybe yesterday - for fairy-tale countries and worlds do not fit together with the real, except for stories. Well, let's assume that for a long time. So...

    A long time ago, in the fairyland of Kragmort, it was quiet and calm. More precisely, it was quiet and calm only for the period of the story, since the Dark Lord Rigor Mortis, having expelled his predecessor from the Dark and Terrible Tower, was engaged in nurturing and preparing an insidious Plan. Basically, he did this, towering in all his no small stature near the bookshelves of his library. He was usually dressed in a black and red robe with gold trim. Massive magical amulets hung around his neck. At the moments of reading books, held by long knotty and extremely strong and tenacious fingers, the lips on his completely bald head moved soundlessly, and his eyes acquired a characteristic squint.

    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    But Rigor was not the only inhabitant of the tower. Beside him, in the tower lived a lot of his servants - undersized, treacherous, green-skinned, pointed-eared owners of the wrong bite and bad temper - goblins. These little dirty tricks were not much inferior in deceit to their master, but they did not succeed in intelligence, and therefore, with enviable persistence, they managed to fail the instructions given to them. And also make a mess, fuss, crowd in the library and a migraine in Rigor's head. Now just another group of insidious losers was returning from the city N after another failure. And they had to remember or come up with a clear explanation for their failure in order to avoid the wrath of the Master. Or shift this anger onto a fellow...

    History first.

    Yes, Dark Lord!

    Rigor Mortis was angry. He paced the library and covered his goblin servants with such skyscraper expressions in all languages ​​that he knew that the already twisted and withered thorns that stood at the corners of a large and spacious room were withering. The sound of his footsteps bounced the heavy tomes on the numerous shelves of his library. And the reason for Rigor's irritation was another assignment issued to the goblins.

    And after all, these small green creatures again failed! That's for sure! Why did I give them a task again ?!, - the flow follows untranslatable game words, expressions, idioms and even medical-anatomical terms.

    And the task was incredibly simple: go to the city N and bring the thing F. The abbreviations are caused by the secrecy of the plan - although Rigor is the canonical Dark Lord, his only weakness of thinking is the constant hope that the clumsy goblins will finally cope with the work he has spoiled. And that you won't have to throw another Sizzling Eye at another loser goblin.

    There was a rustling and stomping outside the library door, mixed with screams and swearing from the goblins. After a while, everything calmed down - apparently the servants nevertheless brought themselves into proper form before meeting with the master - and the library door carefully opened. A frightened green head appeared in the opening, with eyes actually trembling with fear - the goblin knew that when he entered first, he could easily get a Gaze purely for prevention, barely opening his mouth for excuses. But even though Mortis was angry, he was fair, because, unlike the previous dark lords, he decided to be like that when he held this honorary position. And he decided to listen to his negligent servants.

    Well, the creatures are trembling! - the Sovereign rasped, when all the goblins tumbled into the library hall, - what happened to you this time? Just keep in mind - I'm in a bad mood, and the book with curses has been waiting for practice ... - Mortis defiantly stroked the impressive tome, which contained spells for casting curses.

    P-you see, Boss, we were going to the city N, on your instructions, and ... and ... and in general, here he will tell everything better! - a goblin in blue clothes pointed to a fellow in red with a gesture of his hand:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Translated arrows means brat. Well, nothing, I'll remind you! - Red hissed, passing by Blue closer to the Master's chair.

    Your Greatest Dark Reign, we have come to the city N and entered the tavern. - the goblin took out a small card from his bosom and showed it to the lord:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Rigor Mortis has long understood that goblins have not only amazing incompetence in the field of performing tasks, but also a very leaky memory. Therefore, he ordered that for the next task they would take with them small cards, made of thin, but strong enough material, the size of ordinary playing cards. During the execution of the instructions of the Lord, they tried to write down all the important events that happened to them, so that they could tell the Master later. More precisely, they sketched them, since they were not trained to write. And, as Rigor admitted to himself quite often, there was something about the graphic style of goblin drawings that he liked. Perhaps this was also one of the reasons why Rigor still hasn't got rid of such negligent assistants. By the way, for some reason, goblins always hold a maximum of three cards with pictures in their hands, and the rest are folded into a common bag, from which they take out new "memories". " Apparently this is also explained by the peculiarities of the structure of the intellect of goblins.", Vladyka thought, and meanwhile Red continued his story, more and more driving Rigor into boredom with his monotonous voice:

    The owner of the tavern, Ergus, by the way, is a very, very unpleasant type, said that he knows where to find the thing you need. F. However, he said that he would tell only one of us and the brave Green volunteered, didn't he, Green? - Red made a pass with his hands in order to shift the attention of the Lord to Green, who stood a little to the side and, with an incredibly absent-minded look, studied the signs on the library floor. After that, Red took out another card from the bag, so that he had three of them in his hands again.

    Come on, Green! Mortis barked after a few seconds of silence. - Why are you keeping silent? What did Ergus tell you?

    I... uh... well... - the goblin hastily rummaged through his pockets, looking for cards. Finally he found them and showed one of them to Vladyka:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Mmm .. He said that we should come to Gonat the Junkman and demand from him a map, for Your Majesty, on which the path to the places where the thing you need is stored is indicated. - the goblin showed another card to Rigor:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    after which he fell silent.

    Eee? asked Rigor irritably.

    And Bely said that he knows how to get where we need to go. Green gestured to White. He immediately became alarmed and began to speak quickly, quickly:

    You see, citizen chief, we are this, like we studied the map and attached to them, these letters are stern ... strange in the sense:

    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    and found out sho us, such as nada to the Happy Village of Ninruta:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    shove type. Well, we are clean and went there. And there ... - Bely fell silent, catching on himself sizzling gaze Lord:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    White, - Mortis rumbled in an icy tone, - how many times have I said not to call me the boss and not to communicate with me as if I were your cellmate in the dungeons of Muhosransk ?!

    Blue, I think you will tell me everything more clearly and with more respect than White. And so: you have come to the Happy Village. Farther?

    Yes, Master! We came to the village and found a mine there:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Well, we decided that the thing you need is certainly there. And ... - then Red interrupted him:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    And, with the words "Have you forgotten anything?", slipped him a card:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Y-yes .. You see, the Most Terrible, at the entrance to the mine stood the famous dwarf Gventzor. And he, by some kind of his good charms, forced us to drink his beer, and, what is most humiliating, he did not even take money from us. That is, we didn’t have any money, but he didn’t even give us a reason to attack him, so as not to pay. Here...

    Are you saying that you went to the Cursed Carax-en-Rond Mine while drunk to death?! Well, it's out of nowhere... - Rigor gave Blue Eyes and wanted to throw something heavy at him, but only a dried-up thorn fell under his arm, which crumbled to dust as soon as the Lord grabbed it.

    Red, come on now. To be honest, I was even wondering what happened to you next.

    Master, we've made it through the cursed mine with only one zombie fight:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Yes, I didn’t decide it! .. - Blue cried out, but quickly came to his senses, - Well, okay, although I didn’t decide, I’ll tell you. We climbed out into Dark forest Salah-e-Dil:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    And here it seemed to me that Red, - Blue pointed his finger at Red, - decided to become kind and hand us over to the elves.

    Yes, nothing like that! We just met one of my elf acquaintances there - Crazy Horse - he is a supplier of sleep-grass:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Well, I decided that it would not be bad to buy it from him. But Blue ... - Red pointed to Blue.

    What about Blue again? This is the weight of your bad habits, Red, - Blue pointed to Red.

    Not harmful, Blue! This is your cowardice!

    This is your recklessness, Red!

    - SHUT UP, BREATH!!! yelled Mortis, who was already getting pretty pissed off by this squabble. As soon as the squabblers Blue and Red fell silent, the Lord gave both of them a Withering look. And turned to Blue:

    Blue, this is the last warning - once again you make me angry and I will come up with such a punishment that you will envy the ever-decomposing ghouls! Now, continue from the moment you little dirty tricks completed your personal business and returned to the task at hand. Although no, it's better to let Zeleny tell.

    Then Blue, as our leader said... - Green pointed at Blue, narrowing his sly eyes, realizing that if Blue does not justify himself now, then he will get the full blown from the Lord, and all the rest will be spared from punishment.

    I said that we must cross the Quiet River:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    and that's where our goal will be ... - here Blue stuttered, looking at the only card left in his hands.

    And... and... and on the other side of the r-r-river m-we found, - Blue now rose noticeably in price, - Locked chest:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    and couldn't open it!

    - WHAT?! AND YOU LEFT IT THERE, YOU IDIOTS?! All right, Blue, beg for mercy!

    Please, sir! - the blue fell to his knees, and began to sob into the hem of the robe of Rigor Mortis, hanging over him. - Have mercy, sir! I'll fix it, honest goblin!!!

    Rigor Mortis took out a deck of cards from the folds of his robe. some cards featured skulls in the corner. Rigor handed the deck to the trembling Blue.

    You have one last chance. Shuffle the deck and if you draw a card that does not have a skull, I will assume that you are pardoned. If not... - Rigor stopped meaningfully, letting the servant understand the full depth of the situation. - If not, then you will experience my cunning.

    Blue doomedly picked up the deck, shuffled it. Then he laid the deck on the library floor and with trembling fingers drew out the top card:

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by

    Blue turned white and collapsed into a swoon.

    Your antics won't help you, Blue. But today, although I am angry, I do not feel the need to kill the servants. But I will choose the right punishment for you. And now everyone else is out of here. Consider yourself very lucky...

    With these words, the Dark Lord sat down on his chair, picked up a book of curses and began to slowly turn the pages, choosing a punishment for poor Blue...

    End of the first story.

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    Review Yes, Dark Lord! supported by