Darksiders 2 review. Review of the game Darksiders II. And a great sword was given to him

Why invent something, invent, innovate, impress with new ideas, reveal your creative potential, move the virtual entertainment industry forward with labor? Why, when you can peep over the shoulder of a competitor, take a bunch of other people's developments and mold them into your own project? Apparently, this is how the developers of Darksiders: Wrath of War reasoned.

Ventriloquists and John the Evangelist

Flirting with biblical motifs in writing a script for a video game is not exactly new, but it has not yet set the teeth on edge. The main thing is that everything should be in place, not sewn with white threads and consistent with the concept. And the staff writers who wrote the story for Darksiders: Wrath of War, it would be nice to take a critical look at the same God of War series, where the frivolous mockery of the myths of ancient Hellas in places reached a completely inappropriate level. When you work with other people's works - you need to know when to stop.

So no, pathos. A hell of a lot of pathos. Judgment day has come, and the heavens opened up - humanity was doomed. Actually, on this major note, following game scenario Darksiders: Wrath of War ends with the Revelations of St. John the Evangelist, turning into a sugary-free interpretation of the lines of the prophecy, confused, as it seems, with special grace.

Appeared rider on a black horse - War, brandishing a huge sword. Huge, heavily armored, flexing muscles, with a clichéd square jaw inlaid with skulls. He is more like not the scourge of the Almighty, but a bodybuilder pumped with steroids from the classic beat action movie of the late eighties - only the six-barreled Volcano is missing in his hands. And if you please, add an obvious blunder to the stamps - War was sitting on a red horse.

Further - worse. Humanity was destroyed, War fell out of favor with the rulers (!) of the Garden of Eden, and the lifeless spaces of Mother Earth were captured by a certain Destroyer with a retinue of bloodthirsty mutants devoted to him and the remnants of the planet's population turned into zombies. But there is no place for a brave warrior, and even more so, if he is one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, to rot in a heavenly prison. Soon Voina was helped to escape from the prison.

Understanding a stamped and sugary epic plot is a thankless task. You can safely bet that you predict the ending after the first hours of the game - the situation will turn 180 degrees, good will turn out to be evil and stuff like that. With imagination, the developers are very tight, since they decided to shove a completely naive script into the shell of biblical stories.

But for the study of the characters, the authors must be praised. And even if they did not throw off the masks of clinical arrogance and did not renounce the demonic mindset, the personalities of them turned out to be just right - bright and memorable. Here is the fallen Samael, and, it seems, someone from the Atlantean race, and even the character of the War symbiont - a vile creature called the Observer - deserves at least a polite nod. Yes, and the War and the Destroyer themselves came out, albeit absurd, but undeniably colorful personalities.

And a great sword was given to him

Despite the fact that the game world in Darksiders: Wrath of War is presented as a sandbox, movement through it is strictly limited to the scenario. You can easily draw parallels with the same Risen - the hero simply does not have enough funds to get into closed locations. And only in the course of completing tasks and advancing through the story, previously blocked areas will open their doors to an inquisitive player. Probably, in the view of the developers, this should have saved Darksiders: Wrath of War from monotony - the eternal disease of any "sandbox". But in reality, it only got worse. There is absolutely nothing to do in the open world of the game - there are no side quests, and collecting various bonuses only increases the melancholy.

Combat mechanics, completely written off from God of War, is not able to surprise with some new ideas, and its implementation is completely lame on both crooked legs. The hefty Voina famously wields a huge sword, an authentic scythe or a heavy glove, sometimes throwing magical destructive special abilities for a change. From these actions, ordinary monsters die quickly and painlessly. The situation could be improved by boss fights, but those who are completely devoid of reason simply require more time spent swinging the punishing blade.

Parkour and flying, bolted to the gameplay, are almost never used in combat. Their task is to bring the hero to the upper levels so that he can find another carefully hidden bonus. And the character's ability to turn into a “ghost of communism” spewing flames for a short time can only surprise green newbies, for whom Darksiders: Wrath of War is a guide to the world of slashers.

Go and look

Betting on pathos, the developers did not consider it necessary to provide Darksiders: Wrath of War with good graphics. Blurry, devoid of detailed textures do not make the best impression. A clear lack of quality effects deprives the player of the proper level of entertainment, and low resolution makes the picture blurry.

The only thing that somehow provides the visual "wrapping" of the game with an acceptable level is really great art. And let it carry borrowings from him a mile away, the efforts of designers look very good. Brutal characters, disgusting, moderately original monsters, expressive bosses - all these comrades, woven from classic fantasy and hypertrophied futurism, but with a slight admixture of biopunk, look surprisingly organic and really conceptual.

Worthy looks in Darksiders: Wrath of War and the world itself, saturated with post-apocalyptic landscapes. You can compare, perhaps, with Fallout 3 - the cities lying in ruins, scorched desert spaces, twilight depressive tones and the general bleakness of game sketches convey the atmosphere well.

Unfortunately, the musical accompaniment was not able to surprise either - a standard set of pathos heroic melodies will cement your teeth with sand. Infantile, tonally-deprived voices in the voice-overs inspire melancholy. The sounds turned out to be quite good on the whole, but there is not enough variety in this part - after a couple of hours of playing, the monotonous crunch of bones and the ringing of the sword unpleasantly cut the ear.


As it usually happens, it was not possible to build something integral, having its own face, from the fragments of other people's ideas. And let Darksiders: Wrath of War differ in some, but playability, complete secondary and sugary epic ruin all developments in the bud. In the meantime, a sequel has already been announced. The question is why?

No matter how insulting it may sound, but the gaming stagnation of this summer ended only in August, because it was in this month that really good and worthwhile projects were released. One of these projects is the game Darksiders 2, which will be discussed in today's review.

Judge, I protest!

Let's start with the plot. The events of the second part of the game are directly related to the original plot of the first part. The war was blamed for causing the apocalypse much earlier than planned. And it just so happened that only one hero could stand up for the defense of the War - Death. Our new hero believes that War was set up, but he has no evidence, so he drops all his cases and goes in search of evidence that can remove all charges from War.

They are so different

Although the plots of these two games intersect, the characters are radically different from each other. War was a powerful warrior who solved all problems with brute force and his giant sword. In addition, the blows of the War were slow, but extremely strong, but instead of a hefty sword, Death has a kind of pistol and two blades, and his blows are much faster and more spectacular than the previous hero. The gameplay of the second part is much more intense than in the first. We need to constantly be on the move, jump, run, shred enemies, dodge their blows and make counterattacks. It is also worth adding that the methods of reprisal against enemies in Darksiders 2 is a whole bunch. It is also impossible not to notice that the gameplay Darksiders 2 is in many ways similar to the gameplay of the game God of War, but this did not make the game worse, but, on the contrary, even embellished it.

Keep heading east

The game world in this part has become much larger than in the previous one. Yes, and variety. gaming locations cannot but rejoice. Well, at least the world Darksiders 2 is large enough, don't be afraid to get lost, the main goal is always shown on the map, but if you can't navigate it, then a manual raven will help you, which will indicate the right direction, and in order to quickly move around the locations we have the right horse. The game also has a lot of secondary tasks that do not require a mandatory passage at all, but for a variety of gameplay, you can do them. The dialogues between the characters have become much nicer and more diverse than in the first part, we are also allowed to choose the line we need during the dialogue, although absolutely nothing will change in the plot.

The object is moving up

But lovers of Prince of Persia Darksiders 2 will please with various levers and switches that we will have to switch in order to move forward. Often, in order to get to these switches, we will need to famously jump from ledge to ledge, run along walls, spin on columns, and so on, in general, everything is in best traditions Prince of Persia. As for the leveling of the hero, it is done very soundly, bonuses from killed enemies can be spent on buying armor and weapons from merchants who charge serious prices for their goods, bonuses can also be found in chests that are scattered around locations. Graphically, the game is also very good, there is not even much to say here.

The developers of the sequel to one of the most memorable games of 2010 promised "more than anything" - fights, bosses, puzzles, dungeons... Let's see if the Texans managed to keep their word.

Genre: Hack and Slash, Action Adventure
Developer: Vigil Games
Publisher: THQ
Publisher in the CIS: "Buka"
Release date: August 21, 2012

Platform: RS/Xbox 360/Playstation 3

A small introduction for those who, for some incomprehensible reason, missed the first part of one of the best representatives of the Hack and Slash genre on personal computers. Darksiders tells the story of nothing less than the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The first part described the misadventures of War, accused of starting the Apocalypse ahead of schedule. During the conflict that broke out between the angels and demons, people suffered the most, as usual. Well, how they suffered, died out. And the punished War rushed through the ruins of various worlds, trying to correct the current situation, which he succeeded, albeit partially - the culprit was punished, and the War, who was eventually attacked by the forces of Heaven and Hell, decided "not to clear up all the mess on his own" and, having summoned the rest of the riders, quite consciously launched the End of the World for the second time.

In the sequel, the main character is the darkest rider - Death. Unfortunately, the game doesn't continue. storyline predecessors - events unfold parallel to the first part. Death decides to prove at all costs that his brother is accused unfounded. However, this is only one of the problems of the Pale Rider, he is gnawed by a sense of guilt for the ruined lives of his fellow Nephilim, and this act will come back to haunt Death more than once in the future.

But this is later, but for now the rider finds the only way to rescue War from the clutches of the Charred Council - to revive humanity. The task is not the easiest, but the rider is not a bastard. To realize his plans, he needs to find the Tree of Life, and he even finds it, but we know that not everything is so simple. The tree in one form or another exists in each of the worlds, so you have to run. Or rather, to ride, because the right horse is available to us from the very beginning, which, however, is not surprising, given the local scale. The sequel is simply amazing in scale, in the very first of the worlds the player is left to himself almost from the very beginning, and at first there is a desire to just drive around the local steppes, exploring the dungeons scattered here and there. Of course, you can’t get full access to all locations right away, but, nevertheless, lovers of exploring everything and everyone may encounter a situation where quest items end up in the inventory long before the player is sent for them.

Death begins its journey in the world of three-meter Creators and, who would doubt it, it turns out that the way to the Tree is blocked by a mysterious Corruption, the Creators’ megaforge has broken down and in general everything is very bad and without the intervention of the Pale Horseman it’s impossible to do. If someone had any ambitions that before Death everyone should tremble like an aspen leaf and fulfill his slightest whims, then we hasten to disappoint you - you yourself will be forced to fulfill the desires of others. And no matter how Death struts, snarls and flexes his muscles, he won’t be able to get away from the fact that he will act as an errand boy for the whole game. Repair the forge, find the hammer, start the giant robot, kill the giant robot, find the first key, the second, the tenth, give it, bring it ... Yes, it's all presented very epic, but nonetheless.

The developers did not lie, there really is more of everything here - not only square kilometers, characters or side tasks, but also loot. Yes, now Death can be dressed in armor to your liking, and another Diablo clone can envy the number of items dropped from enemies. Moreover, some items can be improved by “feeding” them to others, and here the flight of fancy is not limited - by selecting the characteristics to your liking, you can create a weapon that best suits your style of play. It is noteworthy that by changing the equipment you will find a change not only in characteristics, but also appearance protagonist.

By the way, about the characteristics and style of play. Darksiders II seriously worked on role system. Now players have access to two branches of development - with an emphasis on melee and magic. The experience points you earn can be spent both on new skills and on improving existing ones. Moreover, due to the fact that skill points can be reset (for a small fee, of course), you can experiment as much as you like.

Puzzles have not gone away either - as before, we switch levers, press buttons, drag boxes and look for keys to doors, but sometimes the solutions to the tasks are not entirely obvious and instead of a clear idea of ​​​​what and why you are doing, you have to use the famous method “ scientific poke". I remember that in the first part, the players were not enthusiastic about the dominance of puzzles with the portal gun, and so, these were flowers compared to what you have to do in Darksiders 2. After the upgrade, the portal gun will acquire the ability to return you to the past, and Death himself will learn create your own copy to solve particularly complex problems.

In the course of the action, the main character will have to visit the world of the dead, and the angelic outpost, and the destroyed Earth and Hell itself. The scenery, frankly, is impressive, it immediately becomes clear that the founder of the Vigil Games studio, Joe Madureira, did not eat his bread in Marvel for nothing. But one thing is not clear - why, having created such magnificent locations, the developers continually strive to drive us into the boring and monotonous corridors of local dungeons, castles, flying cathedrals and so on. Well, it's not interesting in such quantities. And it's not interesting when Hack and Slash and Action-adventure disappear alternately and for a long time in Hack and Slash Action-adventure. Somewhere in the middle of the second act, after the twentieth lever, the thirtieth button and the hundredth closed door, the desire to delete the game was unbearable, but then the developers obviously realized that they had been taken to the wrong steppe and everything fell into place.

No, the problems with balance, the illogicality of some riddles and the actions of the heroes have not gone away, they just stopped being shown, and these shortcomings are compensated by spectacular battles and the atmosphere created by an excellent visual style and magnificent musical accompaniment Jesper Kuda. But the best part is that the game didn’t just follow the path beaten by its predecessor, the developers were not afraid to experiment and mix genres. Yes, Darksiders version 2.0 has become like a mix of Prince of Persia, Legend of Zelda and even God of War, believe me, this only benefited the game.

Minimum system requirements

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
  • RAM: 1.5 GB
  • Hard disk: 10 GB free
  • Video memory: 256 MB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • OS ( operating system): Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.4GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 @ 2.6GHz
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Hard disk: 10 GB free
  • Video memory: 512 MB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX / ATI Radeon HD 3870
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Multiplayer
  • DirectX: 9.0c

Graphics: 9

Another proof that happiness is not in the polygons. Frankly outdated from a technical point of view, the game looks much more beautiful than most of its competitors, thanks to the excellent work of artists.

Sound: 9

The sound accompaniment can be called perfect (Jesper Kud himself was responsible for it), although some repetitive melodies are a little boring at the end. But the Russian localization upsets.

Material feed: 8

There are no complaints about the plot itself, but its presentation sometimes raises some questions. Here again it should be noted - Joe Madureira worked with Marvel, only this time it's not quite a plus.

Gameplay: 8

For the gameplay, one could safely put all ten points, if it were not for the mentioned excessive excesses either towards a pure slasher, or towards puzzles.

Rating: 8.5/10

An excellent, albeit not without some flaws, game that managed to surpass the original in almost all respects. One of the main contenders for the best game season.

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Back in 2005, people from N.C.Soft with famous artist Joe Madureira founded a studio Vigil Games and began developing a new franchise in the genre Dark Fantasy Adventure. Five years later, the game Darksiders: Wrath of War. It was an unexpectedly high-quality and successful adventure that captivated with a well-developed gameplay, complex in structure open world and a style that combined fantasy and post-apocalypse. The game combined elements of a dark universe Warhammer and paintings by the Spanish artist Luis Royo, and also offered a pretty strong story with charismatic characters.

Darksiders II is not a direct continuation of the first part, but develops around the same time as the original. The game tells the story of another horseman of the apocalypse - Of death who sets out on a journey with the sole purpose of fixing what his brother is accused of war, - to resurrect the lost humanity. To do this, he will have to find the Great Tree of Life, visit the five worlds and open the Source of Souls. On his way, he will encounter many obstacles and obstacles, including a long-forgotten enemy, which, as it turns out, is the source of corruption that consumes the worlds.

Despite the scope of the adventure, the plot is far from being in the first place here, and in general the imagination is not amazing. it good story, which greatly complements the original game, but is inferior in terms of the charisma of the characters and the development of the scenario, which leaves the player disappointed.

Darksiders II primarily focuses on the gameplay. Exploring the universe and solving mysteries is the central pillar of the entire game. But the structure of the world has changed a lot. Instead of one Earth with its complex system of layers of locations, in the sequel, five more “flat” worlds are available to us - with their own unique design and atmosphere.

In every world there is a hub - a place where you constantly return and where you communicate with different characters, receive primary and Additional tasks, learn tricks and buy things from special merchants. All tasks and descriptions for them can be viewed on the map, which has become much more convenient compared to original game. It is not only more visual, but allows you to instantly move to any of the previously opened locations and return back. That is, now you do not have to run to a special teleport for a long time, and then painfully look for a passage to the desired zone.

In addition to the main and side tasks, for which huge complexes and complex dungeons are built, the game worlds conceal a lot interesting places for research and solving puzzles. They reward the player with gold and equipment items.

Riddles, as before, are all tied to the competent use of available abilities and special items in each particular room of the dungeon. To make the game feel fresh, in the sequel, the developers put a lot on acrobatics. Death is not a reskin of War at all, but a more agile and fast character which feels different. He knows how to run on walls, jump from one wall to another, and the battles are almost entirely built on well-timed dodging, not blocking, so the game has greatly added dynamics.

braids- the main weapon of Death, but the secondary edged weapons and the pistol have not gone away. Thanks to the smooth transition between combinations of strikes and special combat abilities, as well as increased character agility and adequate balance, the battles have become more interesting and driving. Beautiful final blows and transformation into a demonic form have not gone away: some of them occur automatically in conjunction with regular blows, which generally increases the entertainment of local fights.

Battles with some bosses are "meat" battles with a ton of special effects, which sometimes make it difficult to assess the situation, almost like in ordinary slashers. However, some boss battles require certain Adventure-style tactics that combine the use of special items, abilities, and acrobatics. Some bosses are reminiscent of battles in Shadow of the Colossus , where the player also uses a horse.

Unfortunately, the developers practically did not diversify the number of available items in any way, even reducing their variability in some ways compared to the original, which is especially noticeable in the first half of the game. Therefore, in places, riddles differ little from each other. In the middle Darksiders II many new elements appear, which, of course, enlivens the process. Unique abilities include character duplication and the summoning of guardians to help with both puzzles and combat.

It is also worth noting the return of the portal gauntlet, but such an insane jump in difficulty, which was observed closer to the final Wrath of War, in Darksiders II no. For some, this may seem like a plus, but for someone a minus.

If in the first part you constantly returned to previous zones with new features and, using them, collected all the side items in the course of completing the main tasks, then in the sequel with new system worlds, you complete the zone and do not return there again according to the plot. Thus, there is practically no motivation to revisit old locations, and due to the increased number of them, it is difficult to remember what you missed and what not.

The role-playing element in the sequel became more noticeable. The game features non-linear character progression, standard for RPGs, which is divided into two trees here. One specializes in temporarily boosting attack stats and restoring health so you can lead more recklessly. fighting, without thinking about the consequences for your character, and the second helps with defense and calls on special creatures to help, making fights more tactical. Each ability can be improved in two ways - standard (three skill levels) and additional when you buy adjacent passive perks.

The game has random drops of items and gold from defeated opponents, you can create and improve weapons, and equipment is fully displayed on the hero. Part of the loot has specific abilities: gloves can block hits, fast claws are very effective but only against one enemy, warhammers are slow but have good coverage, and lances knock the enemy down and so on.

Equipment is divided by color. White is the simplest and has no additional parameters other than damage or defense. Green and blue are better, and purple is epic, which has the most additional "buns". These include parameters such as critical chance, critical damage, magic attack chance, magic damage, elemental damage (fire, ice, lightning), improvement in strength and defense, amount of life and magicka (wrath), the amount of gold and items dropped, restoration of health and stock of magic, as well as various unique features.

Fire weapons are good against ice opponents, ice is good against fire enemies and, like lightning, immobilizes the target. In addition, there is a special orange weapon that can be improved by feeding it other equipment, which entails obtaining its characteristics. All this makes Darksiders II more flexible: you can always tailor the process to your own style of play.

The artistic style has also undergone some changes, although ideologically Darksiders II remained faithful to Warhammer art. The first world is reminiscent of the fabulous locations of the half-forgotten game Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal, with a touch of Fable and Skyrim. The gloomy second world is visually more unique and contrasts strongly with the bright colors of the first. In the third, autumn has been going on for a long time, in the fourth - torrential rains. The fifth world turned out to be the most interesting in terms of style and rather unexpected in terms of riddles.

From a technical point of view, the game is made at a very high quality level - majestic landscapes inspire with grandiosity and scope, the painstaking work of artists is visible to the naked eye, and work with light and textures creates a picture that is pleasing to the eye, so the game looks better than the original. In any case, you will be surprised by the graphic variety Darksiders II especially against the background of the first part.

Pleasantly surprised by the duration. It will take you at least twenty hours to complete the first two worlds. The remaining three worlds are more compact and will take half the time. On the full walkthrough with everyone side quests you will spend about 45 hours, which is twice as much as Wrath of War.

The musical accompaniment was written by the composer by Jesper Kyd, which became famous due to the unique sound of the games in the series Hitman. AT Darksiders II his music fits perfectly into the overall concept and creates the mood necessary for the game: the local meditative motifs are ideal for long explorations of dungeons and dilapidated temples. Some boss battles are accompanied by choral singing, which adds drama to what is happening, others - with "sharp" and "cutting" samples, emphasize the drive and frenzy of battles.

But not everything in the game is as good as we would like. The fourth world, in which it constantly rains, is a long gut, completely devoid of interesting game situations- everything there, even music, begins to tire with its monotony and lack of ideas. The third and fifth worlds against the background of the first two are too fleeting and do not have time to fully open up. And the vague ending is the most disappointing.

Nonetheless, Darksiders II under no circumstances should it be skipped. The game takes the best of the Adventure, RPG, Platform and Action genres, adds a charismatic protagonist and amazing style, and creates an enchanting mixture that, despite obvious flaws and some controversial decisions, makes the game go through end credits almost in the same breath. This is a worthy successor to the original, but it may disappoint those players who were eager to get answers to many questions: all indications are that vigil set their sights on creating at least two more games in the series.

Tested version for Xbox 360

Say what you like, but a significant part of the success of any game is provided by the national mentality of users. The first part, thoroughly saturated with the spirit of comics, was met by some of our compatriots very coolly, while the Western and European audience was able to appreciate the project at its true worth. The warm reception of the game audience confirmed the comma at the end of the story of the first part: to be.

Bro for bro.

The formation of the apocalypse all over the world is advancing at an accelerated pace - this deceived horseman War has landed on Earth, having arranged a premature December 21, 2012. While the instigator of the cataclysm is being reprimanded by the Charred Council, the supreme authority of cosmic balance, his brother and the protagonist of the sequel sets out to find a way to justify his comrade. Death - that's the name of the hero of the game - enters the ancient lands to face an unprecedented misfortune - damage that defiles all that exists.

The process of ridding the world of filth took the project very far from the canonical framework of the genre. No longer a slasher-RPG, but an RPG-slasher, Darksiders 2 offers players much more than dungeon crawling and puzzle solving. The game has a full range of character characteristics that affect its ability to multiply aggressors by zero. These stats improve upon reaching a new level, thanks to the experience that the Pale Rider gains from defeated enemies. In addition, the hero's stats are affected by various things worn on him. Yes, yes, the monsters on the way to the cemetery can leave any of the five types of armor as a memento for the character, in the manner of gloves, shoulder pads or fashionable boots. Each of the details of the toilet is displayed on the character and has a unique appearance.

War, the hero of the first part of the game, had two weighty arguments in the discussion with the enemies: the sword and the scythe. Death is not so attached to his weapon. The primary tools of the bloody harvest, the scythes, are always the same. The secondary can be any of the great variety of weapons dropped from enemies. Hammers, glaives, axes, brass knuckles, gloves with blades - the choice will be able to satisfy the most demanding taste. In addition, any secondary weapon fits into the combat system in its own way, which encourages their combination with scythes. This combat system is also demanding on the use of dodges, which makes the game more sympathetic on the part of the user.

The hero's active skills, which are learned when he reaches a new level, will also come in handy in battle. The development tree is represented by two main branches, which in turn are divided into different abilities. Death Necromancer summons various minions to help him, Death Forerunner uses powerful fighting techniques. It is worth noting that the skills of different schools are perfectly combined together.

Raised whole.

The game world itself has also undergone changes, no longer representing a direct “start-finish”. Huge locations, including cities with merchants and teachers, offer plenty of room for exploration. These expanses are made with textures not of the high definition, but take their design. All game content Darksiders 2, as in the first part, drawn under the control of Joe Madureira (Joe Madureira). The participation of a famous American comics artist means only one thing: the highest quality art. In addition to Joe Mad's art, third-party quests, which can be obtained simply by meeting NPCs along the way, contribute to further sniffing out areas of the game world.

The plot of the story hurries to spice up the picture of the journey, which very often slips high-quality dialogues intertwined into a strong plot. Vigil Games clearly listened to the feedback of the fans: the concentration of epicness has gained a lot of weight since the first part. This applies both to the size of game locations, which are sometimes easier to travel on horseback of Despair, the horse of Death, and boss battles, the proportions of which do not allow them to fit on the screen. In order not to get lost in big maps, the developers have born the second assistant of the Pale Rider - the raven Dust, who will be able to show the right path to the hero. In addition, a function of fast moving around the map has been introduced, which allows you to visit urban venders directly from the dungeon. A return to the starting point is included.

Among other things, the second Darksiders look down on the classic slasher dragging dice on buttons. Having inherited only portal puzzles from the first part, the game introduces an arsenal of independent design solutions. The use of ghost assistants, time travel, and, of course, the highlight of the program is a split personality. Death divides itself into two ephemeral entities, each of which has all the abilities of the original, with only one limitation - not to go far from the point of mitosis. The overall picture of adventure is guided by two main terms: originality and variety.

To say that the sequel was a success is an understatement. Masters from Vigil Games an absolutely original project was created, which simply has no analogues. Exactly as there is no doubt that Darksiders 2- one of the best slashers in the history of the genre. There are doubts whether this is not the best game of the year.