The fastest bdo character. Black Desert: what you need to know about the classes of the game? Classes that will appear in the game later

The vast world of Black Desert Online made in the spirit of the European Middle Ages. More precisely, the times when the events of the project take place can be described as a transitional stage from one era to another - from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

Developers try to maintain this style in everything: architecture, social and cultural features, clothing and weapons, and much more. Elegant execution in restrained colors, attention to detail and mechanics, amazing authenticity of the game world.

In such a frame, a selection of races, which in this moment presented in BD, and these are: people, elves, giants, hobbits and dwarves, it looks very natural.

The appearance of each race varies greatly: from skin color to the shape of the pupils, which is clearly seen in video clip, which demonstrates the capabilities of the character editor. But, despite all the variety, the color range is reasonably limited: no acid shades. There are restrictions in other parameters, for example, physique, which, although it can be varied, but also within certain limits.
Although, with due desire, the character can be given a certain psychedelic with the help of rather bright and non-standard tattoos.

In addition to changeable external characteristics, in which the developers did not embarrass us, each race has its own characteristics, which we will now consider.


Humans are the most common race in the world Black Desert: it is they who form the basis of the majority population major cities and political organizations. The history of human states is full of bloody wars for an invaluable resource - the Black Stone, which is mined in the Black Desert and is one of the most important tools in the struggle for power over the world.


The elves have their own village in the trees, located in the southern forests of Calpheon. Also, they are the only race that currently has a separate starting location.

Both genders are available. Surprisingly, in Black Desert, elves do not have hypertrophied signs of “elvenness”. Modestly pointed neat ears and taller than average - that's all the visual differences from people. But their class is not surprising - archers ().


Giants are giants to be huge. The size of the representatives of this race exceeds the size of the average person more than twice. In addition, powerful berserkers are distinguished by stern faces and a specific physique corresponding to their strength.

Unexpectedly, the introduction of female characters is not planned. Given the developers' announcement that they won't let players create ugly characters, the lack of a female giant seems almost logical (at least for Korean developers). Represented class − berserk (

Black Desert Online, despite all its shortcomings, still attracts both new players and veterans who return to the project. Demanding on hardware, bugs (but which MMORPG does not “suffer” from this?), a localizer in the Russian Federation represented by 4Game, which is not particularly loved by the gaming community (however, you can already register directly with the developers themselves, as well as through Steam ), the endless grind of mobs and other unpleasant aspects scare away many. And yet newcomers to this game come regularly. And if you launched BDO for the first time, a natural question arises: what class to play?

A Brief Overview of Black Desert Classes

First you need to find out who is who in this game world. As of mid 2019 game classes as much as 18. Keep in mind that the character class is tied to his gender and race, so, for example, creating an elf wizard will not work.


Man human. A knight clad in steel armor, armed with a sword and shield. But this is not a tank in the usual sense - the game developers abandoned the classic division of roles, so all classes in Black Desert are damage dealers, some with the ability to buff an ally. The Warrior has few Agroskills - only one.

Warriors, “cut down” at the start of the MBT, after the introduction, found a second wind. A huge two-handed sword helps to defeat the enemy of any complexity, and high level protection makes a warrior a "hard nut", which is too tough for many. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, in the current meta one of the strongest classes, especially when farming high-end spots, however, playing for him requires very direct hands and good knowledge of the materiel.


A human teenage girl who travels the world with her friend, a big and strong lion. This summoned companion not only helps to exterminate mobs, but can also be used as a mount. With the death of the lion, the survival rate of the mystic tends to zero. He uses a blade with a keychain hung on it as a weapon, and after awakening a chanbon, he uses a medium-length combat staff.

One of the fastest classes, which is ideal for farming the so-called "fast" spots - places of accumulation of mobs of medium difficulty. The main drawback of the Mystic is a small supply of health, which a skilled player can compensate for with mobility. You can read more about the Mystic class in a separate one.


Elf woman. As in many other games, a class with an average supply of HP, but impressive damage. The main trump card is mobility. Keeping opponents at a distance, showering arrows, and evading when getting too close is a principle that every fighter should be guided by. After awakening, the style of the game changes dramatically. Now it is a melee, armed with a blade and a dagger. At the same time, the archer must remain mobile: the amount of armor is still small.

The archer is very mobile, as her effectiveness is very dependent on the position on the battlefield relative to opponents, including mobs. Due to the high attack speed, this is the best class for mounted combat: riding a top trotter dressed in reinforced armor, the elf becomes even more mobile, which is very useful in mass PVP. You can read more about the Archer class in a separate one.


Elven male. The only "pure" RDD that is in the game - even the Wizard or Sorceress can hit with a staff or a dagger. An archer in basic stance uses a crossbow and harpoon, in an awakened longbow. While it has ample crowd control effects, it lacks grapple and block. However, with the ability to kite, there is no need for such skills.

Has the farthest damage radius of all BDO classes. Not very effective in close combat, but strong at medium and long range in both PVE and PVP.


Human woman. A witch equipped with a talisman and an amulet. After awakening, he becomes the true embodiment of death, picking up a scythe. The difficulty of playing this class is that you constantly have to use both stances - both the main one and the awakened one. This is compensated by the ability to increase damage due to the accumulated particles of darkness and increase the amount of XP due to mana.

Due to the peculiarities of the awakened weapon skills, the class is not suitable for some spots: for example, the "pinwheel", the most powerful skill, scatters mobs in different directions. Note: for effective farming, you should collect a pack of monsters on the contrary, in a heap, and kill them with a couple of powerful abilities.


Giant man. A big man, armed with two huge axes, with which he shreds enemies with the speed of a meat grinder. Considered by players to be the best farming class in Black Desert. Incredibly survivable thanks to a large supply of health. Upon awakening, he gains a small hand cannon that he can fire and also use as a war hammer.

There are several types of grabs and self-healing. Until recently, the Barbarian had the highest health reserve among all classes, so he was often used as a tank, including in massive PVP. You can read more about the Barbarian class in a separate one.


Human woman. A class that can hardly be considered a paladin: warrior maidens are able to heal and buff allies. Like a warrior, she is armed with a sword and shield. He uses a spear as an awakened weapon, which alienated many of his adherents from the class: without skins from the game store, it looks disgusting.

The class is extremely effective in mass PVP and farming top spots, where you need to resist the attack of mobs and quickly heal if necessary. In all other respects, Valkyrie is average. But cute.

Sword master

Man human. A samurai with a katana, sometimes using a hornbow to shoot from afar. Representatives of this class emphasize mobility and evasion. After awakening, he uses a glaive, which most players refer to as an "oar".

Not very strong in PvP, but in PvE it is considered one of the best for farming any spots - both fast and requiring a little sweat. With a low level of attack in PVP, one of the weakest classes.


Human woman. "Samurai in a skirt". From the sword master to awakening, it differs in several reworked skills (weapons use the same one) and animation: each blow is accompanied by the fall of sakura petals. After awakening, using the snake spear, from the master of the sword is very different.

Not the most convenient of the classes in terms of control, if you use skills not from the quick panel, but use combinations. "Average" in all respects, although well suited for farming difficult spots.


Man human. A mage armed with a staff and a dagger. The standard character model suspiciously resembles the famous Gandalf - a handsome, bearded old man in a dressing gown and a pointed cap, which is why the Wizard is often called "Grandfather" from old memory.

At proper pumping this class can become a full-fledged support: it will not only buff and heal squad members, but also resurrect the fallen. Upon awakening, gains elemental spheres that smash the enemy with fire and ice. Due to the long casting of spells, the Wizard is weak in solo PVP, but extremely effective in group PVP - from 2v2 formats to Wall to Wall.


Human woman. Before awakening, it is no different from a magician in any way, except for gender. As an awakened weapon, she uses the spheres of nature, which help to command the elements of earth and electricity. Like the wizard, she is able to summon golems that protect from opponents or attack the selected target.

In terms of effectiveness, it does not differ from the Wizard: it is good for farming fast spots and massive PVP, but weak in a one-on-one fight. You can read more about the Sorceress class in a separate one.


Man human. A stealthy assassin equipped with a blade as a primary weapon and a kunai or shuriken as a secondary weapon. The first is used for close attacks, the second for ranged. The advantage of this class is invisibility, and a powerful blow from invisibility can crush any enemy. After awakening, she uses Asura's blades. At the same time, the total number of swords, daggers and other weapons reaches five units.

One of the best classes for solo PVP, it's hard to fight someone you can't see. Not bad at farming fast spots, but useless in a mass mix.


Human woman. Before awakening, this is almost a complete analogue of the previous class. As an awakened weapon, he uses a chakram - a large ring with a sharply ground edge. If you decide to play with this class, be prepared for jokes from your friends about the hula hoop and its misuse.

Also not bad in solo PVP, but slightly inferior to Ninja. Like the male counterpart, it is almost useless in a mass brawl, except for the covert killing of single targets.

The Dark Knight

The woman is an elf. Yes, not a simple elf, but a dark one. The most "fresh" class that hasn't been nerfed yet. But it will definitely happen, as it happened with the previous classes. He uses a craig - messer - a curved two-handed sword with one-sided sharpening, as well as special elven magic. These abilities help not only deal damage, but also restore health and mana. Experienced Players this class is said to have taken a little from each of the above. As an awakened weapon, she uses a Vediant - an artifact that allows you to control a pair of ghostly blades.

By efficiency The Dark Knight versatile and above average in all areas: both farming mobs and different types PVP. The class is frankly weak against melee: it deals additional damage with magic, and those against it have innate immunity.


Man human. Hand-to-hand, equipped as expected: combat gloves, bracelets and bracers. Despite several nerf attempts on the part of the developers, with an equal gear, it continues to bend everyone and everything in any type of PVP - either one-on-one, in the arena or during a siege. Not top in PVE, but also very good looking.

At the same time, the class is considered “two-button”: although it has complex combinations, it is enough to learn even a few effective tricks to play more or less comfortably. Stryker will not appeal to fans of overcoming difficulties, learning scales for "piano", which is required to play for some other classes.


An almost complete analogue of the opposite sex Striker at the start, severely nerfed by the developers after several patches. Inferior in every respect in terms of PVP, but in PVE almost at the same level.

For this reason, it is not difficult to get enhanced equipment for the Fury: the aggressors, who used to be quite happy with this class, after all these changes, are looking for another imba to win without unnecessary gestures.


The only class in the game that can fly. Rather soar, but quickly and at a decent distance. This makes Lahn extremely maneuverable and effective in solo PVP: not a single enemy will run away from her, and in case of danger, no one will catch up.

As the main weapon, he uses the Pendulum - a blade of a specific shape on a long silk ribbon. The length of the tape allows you to capture the enemy at a medium distance - no one else knows how to do this. As an additional weapon, he uses the Ancient Sword, which he sometimes uses, fights with two large sabers in an awakened stance. The class in the current meta is one of the best farming mobs of any kind.


A girl, a representative of the Shays - a child-like race. Outwardly similar to the dwarfs from Lineage II - just as tiny and cute. Behavior does not differ from children - the same funny and noisy. As a main weapon, he uses a boomerang that hits targets at a medium distance, and a flashlight, which is used to apply buffs and heal. In the awakened stance, this is a classic bard that applies very powerful buffs and debuffs, does some damage, and also heals allies. The only true support in the game.

The class is generally "none" in PVP, since in this mode the damage is significantly reduced. Not bad in PVE, since with sufficient armor thickness, none of Shai's mobs can penetrate. Not a bad class for beginners, as it is easy to learn and has the highest carrying capacity and amount of HP compared to the rest. Can be used as a craftsman: already at the start, any Shai has collection and alchemy pumped up to the level of Expert 1. An ideal class for farming resources, since there can be a lot of them in the inventory.

What class is better to play in Black Desert Online

There is no unequivocal answer which class is better: disputes about this continue and will continue as long as the project exists. Despite the prevailing stereotypes about the “imbecileness” of strikers and archers, the absolute unsuitability of mystics for PVP, one of the prizes in the first Arsha Arena tournament was taken by a mystic, and archers did not make it into the top three at all. Unlike many MMORPGs, where "direct hands decide", in Black Desert the effectiveness of a character is highly dependent on his character. Success in improving equipment is largely influenced by luck, so the process sometimes turns into a real “dance with a tambourine”.

When creating a character, do not listen to any advisers: it is better to study the class that you like well than to play mediocrely as a dubious imba. Yes, in order for the game to bring joy, the character and his skills must be liked - first of all, by his owner. It will take more than a dozen hours to sit in front of the monitor, exterminating thousands of mobs, in order to pump to the desired level. Better to do it with pleasure, right?

It is the choice of passing style, the optimal combination of characteristics and skills available for learning. As a rule, the character class is responsible for all this. And in the world of the Black Desert, there are currently twelve such classes, each of which is endowed with its own advantages and disadvantages.

It should be noted right away that on the official servers (both in Russia and in Korea or other countries), various types of characters appeared far from the same time. That is why some of them are more popular and common, while others are still relatively rare. And now let's look at each of the classes in the order they were added on domestic servers. FROM beginning of MBT five types of heroes were available in Russia.

Barbarian (Giant)

A typical tank or berserker, depending on the build. Ideal for those who love PvE, as brute physical strength, huge size and a pair of heavy axes (or other massive melee weapons) are great for him to deal with even hordes of mobs. But for PvP, a barbarian (aka a giant in the English version) may turn out to be too slow. Characters of this class need rage to be able to use skills, which is generated during simple attacks or using some simple combat skills. .


Unlike the barbarian, warriors are used to using one-handed weapons and a shield. Although they also have a good command of hand-to-hand combat skills. If desired, both good tanks and quite playable criticals are molded from a character of this class. Although experienced users for the most part believe that a warrior is just the golden mean between attack and defense, which will appeal to both farm lovers and some PvP fans. The "fuel" for using the skills of this class is the same type of energy as that of the barbarians - rage. .


"Sorka", as Russian-speaking gamers like to call it, is a kind of analogue of a battle mage. Witches do most of their damage with the help of magic, but also with “physics”, some of their skills can well beat up one or even several opponents. At the same time, the heroines of this class dodge enemies quite well. Great for high-speed combat at close and medium range and causing massive damage to several enemies at once. Witch spells work, as you might guess, with the cost of mana. .


The same character that deals physical damage at a distance, using small arms for this, and not all sorts of charms and spells. At the same time, the archer has enough military skills and combos, which should appeal to PvP fans. For example, such a heroine, when pumping certain skills, is able to shoot an arrow at a much greater distance than magicians can get with any attacking spell, and kick an enemy who has run up close, in order to then finish him off with a bow in the same bunch. But for PvE, it is still desirable to pump "ranger", and not "military" skills of this class. .

Mystic (BeastMaster)

One of the most unusual classes. Mystic are female characters, main feature which is the regular use of pets. At the same time, such tiny heroines (compared to barbarians, they are actually three times smaller), unlike “tamers” and / or animal tamers / summoners from other MMOs, rely not only on their beast, but also on the right blade. It is melee weapons that help the mystic survive in close combat. Most class skills require mana to activate. And the pet owners themselves will appeal to fans of PvE rather than PvP.

It was these five classes of characters that appeared at the launch of the OBT. All other heroes were gradually added to Black Desert along with patches and add-ons, so they are much less common in percentage terms than representatives of the "basic" professions. So let's talk about the rest of the classes in the order they appear on the official Russian game servers. .

Sword Master (the first name of the Ronin class, in the English version - Blader)

A kind of version of the samurai in the game. That is, a typical oriental warrior in a relatively light armor, perfectly wielding a katana or other not too bulky melee weapons.

This class differs from barbarians more high speed and mobility, and from warriors - more "sharpened" for the attack, and not for the balance between damage and defense. So the master of the sword will be the perfect fighter for inflicting critical damage.


The female analogue of a warrior also wields a sword and shield, but at the same time has a number of unique features and skills. More suitable for a "support" than for fighting in the forefront. .


The most natural magician, whose main weapon is a staff. Perfectly owns the elements, with the right pumping, he can act both as a support character and as an attacking sorcerer, but loses to the same “magpies” in close combat.

Sorceress (Witch)

It differs from the wizard only by gender and name. But already in the next additions, the developers promise to endow the sorceress with a number of unique skills and ligaments.

Maewa (Maehwa)

Also, representatives of this class are often called nothing more than Sakura. They are excellent with a sword and are in many ways similar to Ronin, but unlike them, they also skillfully handle bows and use a number of their unique combos and skills.

Kunoichi (Kunoichi)

For lovers of thieves' professions and classes, the finest hour came only this summer, when in Black Desert finally, there were real assassins. The main weapon of the representatives of this class is daggers. From additional weapons, there are shurikens and kunai to choose from. And all this beauty is complemented by a number of skills like invisibility and the use of poisons.


As you might guess, this class is the male version of Kunoichi. But unlike killer girls, guys have their own set of skills and combos.

It is the choice of passing style, the optimal combination of characteristics and skills available for learning. As a rule, the character class is responsible for all this. And in the world of the Black Desert, there are currently twelve such classes, each of which is endowed with its own advantages and disadvantages.

It should be noted right away that on the official servers (both in Russia and in Korea or other countries), various types of characters appeared far from the same time. That is why some of them are more popular and common, while others are still relatively rare. And now let's look at each of the classes in the order they were added on domestic servers. With the start of the OBT in Russia, five types of heroes were available.

Barbarian (Giant)

A typical tank or berserker, depending on the build. Ideal for those who love PvE, as brute physical strength, huge size and a pair of heavy axes (or other massive melee weapons) are great for him to deal with even hordes of mobs. But for PvP, a barbarian (aka a giant in the English version) may turn out to be too slow. Characters of this class need rage to be able to use skills, which is generated during simple attacks or using some simple combat skills. .


Unlike the barbarian, warriors are used to using one-handed weapons and a shield. Although they also have a good command of hand-to-hand combat skills. If desired, both good tanks and quite playable criticals are molded from a character of this class. Although experienced users for the most part believe that a warrior is just the golden mean between attack and defense, which will appeal to both farm lovers and some PvP fans. The "fuel" for using the skills of this class is the same type of energy as that of the barbarians - rage. .


"Sorka", as Russian-speaking gamers like to call it, is a kind of analogue of a battle mage. Witches do most of their damage with the help of magic, but also with “physics”, some of their skills can well beat up one or even several opponents. At the same time, the heroines of this class dodge enemies quite well. Great for high-speed combat at close and medium range and causing massive damage to several enemies at once. Witch spells work, as you might guess, with the cost of mana. .


The same character that deals physical damage at a distance, using small arms for this, and not all sorts of charms and spells. At the same time, the archer has enough military skills and combos, which should appeal to PvP fans. For example, such a heroine, when pumping certain skills, is able to shoot an arrow at a much greater distance than magicians can get with any attacking spell, and kick an enemy who has run up close, in order to then finish him off with a bow in the same bunch. But for PvE, it is still desirable to pump "ranger", and not "military" skills of this class. .

Mystic (BeastMaster)

One of the most unusual classes. Mystic are female characters whose main feature is the regular use of pets. At the same time, such tiny heroines (compared to barbarians, they are actually three times smaller), unlike “tamers” and / or animal tamers / summoners from other MMOs, rely not only on their beast, but also on the right blade. It is melee weapons that help the mystic survive in close combat. Most class skills require mana to activate. And the pet owners themselves will appeal to fans of PvE rather than PvP.

It was these five classes of characters that appeared at the launch of the OBT. All other heroes were gradually added to Black Desert along with patches and add-ons, so they are much less common in percentage terms than representatives of the "basic" professions. So let's talk about the rest of the classes in the order they appear on the official Russian game servers. .

Sword Master (the first name of the Ronin class, in the English version - Blader)

A kind of version of the samurai in the game. That is, a typical oriental warrior in relatively light armor, perfectly wielding a katana or other not too bulky melee weapons.

This class differs from barbarians in higher speed and mobility, and from warriors in greater “sharpening” for attack, and not for a balance between damage and defense. So the master of the sword will be the perfect fighter for inflicting critical damage.


The female analogue of a warrior also wields a sword and shield, but at the same time has a number of unique features and skills. More suitable for a "support" than for fighting in the forefront. .


The most natural magician, whose main weapon is a staff. Perfectly owns the elements, with the right pumping, he can act both as a support character and as an attacking sorcerer, but loses to the same “magpies” in close combat.

Sorceress (Witch)

It differs from the wizard only by gender and name. But already in the next additions, the developers promise to endow the sorceress with a number of unique skills and ligaments.

Maewa (Maehwa)

Also, representatives of this class are often called nothing more than Sakura. They are excellent with a sword and are in many ways similar to Ronin, but unlike them, they also skillfully handle bows and use a number of their unique combos and skills.

Kunoichi (Kunoichi)

For lovers of thieves' professions and classes, the finest hour came only this summer, when in Black Desert finally, there were real assassins. The main weapon of the representatives of this class is daggers. From additional weapons, there are shurikens and kunai to choose from. And all this beauty is complemented by a number of skills like invisibility and the use of poisons.


As you might guess, this class is the male version of Kunoichi. But unlike killer girls, guys have their own set of skills and combos.

in fantasy MMO game Black Desert developers have created a still modest list of races and classes. However, according to them, their skills will be so unique that we have not seen anywhere before.

So far, only 3 playable races are represented today:

  1. Human;
  2. Giant;
  3. Elf.

And also, in the game there are several non-playable races that can be found while walking around open world Black Desert (Hobbits, Dwarves and others).

At the same time, the developers have hinted that many more new races will be introduced in the future.

As mentioned above, classes in Black Desert, like races, do not shine with special diversity at an early stage after the release of the game. New classes will be added later. All classes are clearly tied to gender. Therefore, it is impossible to choose, for example, a male sorcerer. Also in this game there is no intra-class branching into other subclasses.

After creating a character, each player starts in different places, but within the same location.

Of those classes that are still available in Russian Black servers Desert, the following can be noted:

  1. Warrior;
  2. Barbarian;
  3. Witch;
  4. Archer;
  5. Enchantress.

See reviews of other classes:

Warrior. The most famous and standard class in the game, which is equipped with heavy armor and a sword with a shield. Usually,
it is predominantly a tanking class. However, in addition to protection, warriors inflict impressively not weak damage. Warriors in Black Desert feel comfortable in any situation. Thanks to some abilities, a warrior can control his life and energy indicators.

Among basic characteristics the warrior has:

  1. Stamina (Stamina);
  2. HP (Health level);
  3. FR (Energy).

To restore FR points, you need to use a normal sword strike, a somersault, a kick, a running strike, a shield strike, the Recharge skill, as well as an Advanced Strike.

Many skills in a warrior, as in other classes, have degrees of improvement, thanks to which the skills themselves become more effective and unique.

Barbarian. A big man in his build, who, with axes in his hands, causes great damage to any opponent. This
the most option when slowness is combined with crushing damage. Barbarians are less agile than ordinary people, but still, because of this, they should not be underestimated. After all, if someone falls into his paws, then the outcome of the battle will be very fast.

Archer. The fastest and nimble class in the game. In addition to the bow, it has additional short blades for close combat. The specificity of the archer is to fight at a long distance, not letting the target close to her.

Of the main parameters of the archer:

  1. Stamina (stamina);
  2. HP (Health Points);
  3. EP (Energy Points).

Witch. Maximum mobility and explosive damage are the most important qualities of a sorceress. She can disappear and reappear elsewhere in the blink of an eye. For all other classes in pvp, this is the real headache, as you should always look for the place where it appears after a quick disappearance.

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