Didactic game "Collect the beads. Synopsis of the didactic game on famp "collect beads" material on mathematics (senior group) on the topic Didactic game beads from geometric shapes

Tatyana Tuleshova

This didactic game is designed to work with children of all age groups.


Realizing how important it is to develop fine motor skills of children's hands, this didactic manual was developed.

This manual contributes to the development of tactile sensations, develops fine manual motor skills, develops attention, improves sensorimotor skills, coordination of movements, their accuracy, orientation in space, counting operations, etc.

Thus, this didactic manual contributes not only to motor, but also mental development child, has an excellent tonic effect. Each game comes with instructions. During the game, not one problem is solved, but several.


Learn to make beads of different colors;

Teach children to perform actions according to the instructions of the teacher;

Develop fine motor skills of hands, fine finger movements, hand coordination;

Develop visual attention;

Cultivate friendly relations with each other, patience.

game material: the manual consists of strings, multi-colored knitted flowers and mugs.

Methodical instructions:

An adult controls the correctness of the exercises performed by children of early, younger, middle preschool age. Children of senior preschool age perform independently, according to verbal instructions.

Game progress:

early age st:

Children examine, touch the beads. On the instructions of the teacher, the children string multi-colored beads on a string.

junior age st:

1 option. The child examines the beads. On the instructions of the educator, the child chooses beads of a certain one color and strings them on a string. If everything is the same color - correct.

Option 2. On the instructions of the teacher, the child chooses beads of two colors (red and yellow) and, alternating them, strings them onto a string.

Average age:

The game can be competitive. Children agree on what color they will collect beads. On command, the children begin to collect. Whoever gathers it forward and correctly, he will win.

Senior age:

Beads can be used for counting, the composition of a number, when composing problems, etc.

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Synopsis of the didactic game on FEMP"Collect the beads" in the senior group

Developed by: teacher of speech therapy group No. 3 E.I. Kozlova

Kemerovo 2015

Program content:Develop a sense of form. Fix attention on the color properties of objects. Learn to understand the words “color”, “shape”, “same”, “not like”, “different”. Learn to follow the example. Develop fine motor skills. Arouse the desire to give the doll a gift, collect the beads on a string.

Material: Picture-sample, with the image of beads on a thread. Beads of different geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle. Thread picture. Beads cut out of cardboard - shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle).

Game progress:

The teacher shows the Masha doll to the children and reads a poem.

Who doesn't know this doll? You won't find a better doll.
Immediately opens his eyes, just take it in your arms.
I will put beads on the doll, I will sew a new dress.
More beautiful than my doll, in the whole world I will not find!

Educator: Guys, Masha's doll has a birthday today! Let's make a gift for Masha - collect beads.

The children are shown a sample card.

Educator: Look, beads of different shapes and different colors. I have a thread (a card with a drawn thread) and beads (cut out geometric shapes). We put each bead in its place on the thread.

First, the adult performs these actions himself, consulting with the kids which bead to choose and where to put it. Beads are laid out in order in accordance with the sample.

Educator: Which bead will we put first? That's right, red round. Which bead will be next?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, yellow square, etc.
Shall we make a gift to Masha doll? Then collect the same beads on your thread.

Children complete the task by laying out the beads according to the pattern.

Educator: These are some beautiful beads!

Analysis. The teacher at the end of the game draws the attention of the children to the correctness of the task.

Didactic game.

Theme: "Let's collect the beads."

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of color.


Learn to correctly identify and name the primary colors (red, yellow).

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness, a desire to help others.

Material: fairy-tale character, beads (red, yellow), laces of different colors.

Action: Knock on the door.

1. Educator: - Children, a fox came to visit us. Look, she is sad, she is crying. Let's find out what happened?

Chanterelle: - My favorite beads are torn. Please help me collect them.

2. Educator: - Guys, let's see what kind of beads the fox had. What color are the beads? Children's answers: ()

Educator: - That's right, it's a red bead. Let's all say red!

But what color is this bead?.............yellow. Children's answers…………

Educator: - That's right, it's yellow! Let's all say yellow!

Let's collect beads for the fox. Look, I take the red bead and put it on the string, now I take the yellow bead and put it on the string again.

Come here…….., let's put the next bead on the string. What is the next bead? ...... That's right, red. Which bead you are wearing is correct, ……….yellow. Did the beads turn out beautiful?.... Are you happy fox?....Yes……

Let's collect beads for our dolls!

3. Fizminutka (finger game)

(fingers clenched into a fist)
- finger boy,
Where have you been?
(thumb extended)
- With this brother in forest walked,
(index extends)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
(unbends middle)
I ate porridge with this brother,
(unbends nameless)
I sang songs with this brother.
(little finger extends)

Continued work by children.

4. Educator: -Look guys what beads we made. They're very beautiful.

(The teacher with the children examine the finished work.)

Educator: - Guys, our dolls are very happy with the gift! become cheerful, they smile! You are great!

Let us always be so kind and help people!

And now let's say goodbye to the fox and invite her to visit us again.

Bottom line: the beads were repaired for the fox, she thanks you for your help!

Collected beads for our dolls!

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"Collect the beads." Purpose of the game: To develop knowledge of basic colors and their shades. To consolidate the ability to lay out in a row according to the pattern (from left to right, right to left) and count a certain number of beads according to the pattern, taking into account the color scheme. Teach ordinal counting. Strengthen counting skills within 10. Develop fine motor skills. Game progress: Children are offered a choice of any card. The child independently, according to the model, “collects beads” on a string, which is shown on the card, the child says aloud: red-2, green-2, blue-2, yellow-2. The playing child counts and finds "beads" by color and quantity. Performs actions (“collects beads on a string). At the end of the game, the child must count the total number of beads collected on a string and compare with a sample card.

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Lesson type: intellectual development.

Class type: mathematical development.

Educational tasks: continue to learn to distinguish and name geometric shapes; main features of objects; color, shape, size. Learn to match sets. Strengthen counting skills up to 4.

Development tasks: continue to master the ability to distinguish between right and left hands, to make a whole out of parts. Develop memory, imagination, logical thinking, ingenuity.

Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in the occupation, diligence, accuracy, develop friendly relations.

Methodical methods:

  • Verbal - conversation, questions, explanation. Visual - demonstration of games, manuals.
  • Game - holding games "Find, what is it?", "Collect the beads", "Collect the picture".
  • Practical - actions with didactic material.

Materials: chest, doll, butterflies, bunny, keys, beads samples, set geometric shapes, clearing with flowers, brook, cut pictures.

Lesson progress

Children enter the group, greet the guests. The music begins to play.

Educator: Look, children, "what a beautiful chest is worth. Want to know what's in it?

Teacher: Let's open it. Look how big the lock is, but we have three keys. What shape are they? Children: Triangle, square, circle.

Didactic game "Find which one?"

The chest lock and keys have a certain geometric shape. Children pick up each key. The selection is determined by applying a shape to the image. Correctly completed task allows you to open the lock. There will be a doll in the chest.

Educator: Look who was in this chest. This is a Tanya doll. Is she big or small?

Children: Little.

Educator: Look, what is the mood of the doll? What is she?

Children: The doll is sad.

Educator: Let's find out what happened to her. She was going to visit us. She put on a beautiful dress and multi-colored beads. But along the way, the rope broke and the beads scattered. Let's help collect them.

Didactic game "Collect beads".

The teacher shows the children a part of the string of beads and says that they have crumbled. They need to be collected using circles of two colors for them. Each child has a set of geometric shapes and a sample (the beginning of a string of beads, circles alternate in color). The child collects as shown at the beginning of the thread, selecting the figures by color.

Educator: Look, children, what is the doll now? Why?

Children: Cheerful. Because they collected beads.

Finger gymnastics.

One, two, three, four, five!
Fingers out for a walk!
One, two, three, four, five!
They hid in the house again.

Educator: Let's see what else is in our magic chest (takes out butterflies). Look, children, what beautiful butterflies. What color are they?

Children: Red, blue.

Teacher: Do you want to play with them?

Children: We want.

Teacher: What time of year do we have now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: And what do butterflies do in winter?

Kids are sleeping.

Educator: And our butterflies from a magic chest. In our hands, they will now come to life and fly to the clearings, looking for beautiful flowers, the same color as themselves.

Accounting activity.

Educator: What do you think? Will all blue butterflies have enough blue flowers?

The children answer.

Teacher: How can you check this?

Children: You need to find out the number of butterflies and flowers.

Teacher: Let's count. How many flowers are in the meadow?

Children: One, two, three, four. Four blue flowers.

Educator: Let's count how many butterflies? (Ask one child).

Children: One, two, three, four. Four blue butterflies!

Educator: What can be said about the number of butterflies and the number of flowers. There are as many butterflies as there are flowers. The same amount, equally. Now let's look at the second field. How many red flowers are red on it?

Children: Three flowers.

Educator: And how many butterflies?

Children: Four red butterflies.

Educator: What do we have more? Flowers or butterflies?

Children: More butterflies. One was missing a flower.

Educator: How many flowers are less than butterflies?

Children: For one flower.

Educator: What needs to be done so that each butterfly has enough flowers.

Children: We need another flower.

The teacher takes out another flower from the chest.


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stretched
Soared up and flew.
The sun will only wake up in the morning
Butterfly circles and curls.

Educator: Do you guys hear someone shouting "Au-au"? Let's go see.

The children and the teacher are going to go see who is calling for help, but on the way they meet a river.

Teacher: Guys, what is it?

Children: River.

Educator: What do you think, what is the width of this river?

Children: Wide.

Educator: How can we cross the river?

Children: On the bridge.

Didactic game "Choose a bridge"

Educator: Guys, let's now pick up a bridge so that its length is no less than the width of the river. Show the length of the bridge. Show the width of the river. Attach and select the desired bridge.

Educator: Children, look, what is this?

Children: Brook.

Educator: What is its width when compared to a river?

Children: Narrow.

Educator: Can we cross it?

The teacher and children find a bunny.

Educator: Children, who is this?

Children: Bunny.

Educator: Let's get to know him and ask why he shouted "Aw-ow!".

Children: Bunny, what is your name?

Bunny: Stepashka. I am lost and very hungry.

Educator: Guys, help the bunny?

Puzzles "Cut pictures".

Children make four pictures.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Educator: Look, Stepashka, what kind of carrots we have collected for you.

The teacher treats the bunny with a carrot (dummy).

Bunny: Thank you guys.

Educator: Come on, guys, say goodbye to the bunny. We helped the bunny.

Children: Goodbye, Stepashka.

Educator: Guys, did you like helping our friends? What did you like the most? What games did you play?

The teacher thanks the children.