Guide to the warrior to the man of the Great Patriotic War. Guide - Warrior WoW. Big guide. Single Target Rotation

I don’t really like nostalgia, but I started playing as a warrior back in vanilla, and went to all the raids up to Naxxramas for 40 people, so it’s no exaggeration to say that I know something about what this class was then .

So what is the difference between classic and modern warrior? Honestly, the strangest thing for modern players who start playing as a warrior on classic servers will be the need to equip leather and chain armor and daggers. This is not a joke, you heard right. You'll have to wear all of these if you don't want to be stuck in tank form.

It's hard to say anything about the classic, as it lasted for two whole years and saw a lot of patches. Everything changed as new raids and new equipment were released. But let's try. This is what a warrior looked like as a tank and DPS in those days.

Remember talent trees?

The talent trees were full of all sorts of junk that had to be taken to get to something worthwhile. Oddly enough, one of the most sought-after talents just increased the chance of a critical hit, raising it by 1% with each invested point. Because of this, players had to spend as many as 5 talents to get only a 5% crit chance. But thanks to this talent, it was not necessary to raise the crit due to equipment, but to use its capabilities to generate rage. This was the era of formulaic builds, such as 31/5/15 for Defensive Specialization, 31/20/0 for Weapons, or 3/46/5 for Fury.

You didn't choose talents based on customization or what you wanted to be good at. They were chosen either to increase damage, or to receive other talents in the future. Weapons were also chosen based on the requirements: an ax with a critical strike bonus, a sword with a chance to proc another swing, a blunt weapon with a stun (which was of little use until the Stormcaller appeared in Burning Crusade), or a halberd, with exactly the same bonuses as an ax (that is, it was used only when they received the Doom Saw).


You could level as a DPS, or comfortably and without killing anyone.

When pumping a defense warrior, it was easier to wait until the mobs died of old age than to kill them yourself, and the inability to heal yourself only aggravated everything. There was not even a "Victory Rage". If you were a defense warrior, then you used auto attack and Shield Slam to deal damage. Sunder Armor didn't deal any damage, and Crush didn't exist back then, as did Spell Reflect and Intervene. Heroic Strike, Revenge, and Slam were the main talents, while Thunder Clap only hit four targets.

However, some warriors managed to upgrade the defense specialization, but there were very few of them. Even in raids, most tanks had other specializations. Most tanks invested 31 points in the weapon tree for Mortal Strike, 5 points in Fury, and 15 points in Defense.

Personally, I preferred to tank with the Fury specialization using the Intervention DPS build with two-handed weapons and good rage generation. Regardless of specialization, all warriors needed to replenish their supply of bandages and food, since they had practically no self-healing. "Bloodthirst" and "Blood Mania" were present... if you omit all the expletives, they were not very effective. Thus, regardless of specialization, after each skirmish, the warrior had to take a lunch break. Even the defense warrior, since killing the mobs took so much time that by the time you killed the second one, the first one had already spawned again.

Back in those days, there was a weapon skill, because of which they had to wear chain mail gloves (sometimes even tanks). Also, when you get a weapon that is much better than the current one, due to the weapon skill, it becomes useless at first, since you miss the target very often.

But there were also good moments. Dash didn't work in combat, but out of combat it worked amazingly. It was a great way to start the battle, but it was frustrating when the enemy aggroed you just before using the skill and the button became inactive.

In the end all warriors were tanks

That's what happened at the end of the classic. First you had to reach the sixtieth level, and this is not an easy task. Then the dungeons began. Lots of dungeons. You had to constantly tank in Dire Maul to get Quel Serrar. Then a lot of passage through Stratholme, Scholomance, upper and lower Blackrock Spire in pursuit of Armor of Valor. At least once a day for several months, I raided upper and lower Blackrock Spire.

And in all these dungeons, the warrior always played the role of a tank. There were DPS warriors too, but no group wanted to take them (unless the 10-15 player groups raiding the upper part of Blackrock Spire, and even then, they were mostly tanking). It was tank warriors that were in demand in all the dungeons of the late classic. Everything changed only with the advent of The Burning Crusade, where they were replaced by paladins and druids. In vanilla, warriors were tanks regardless of their will. And tanking in vanilla is: not being able to intercept the aggro of several mobs, completely dependent on crowd control, and a huge amount of trash in each pool that you need to deal with - all that you have been dealing with for a decade.

But, to be honest, I consider the time spent in the classics for a tank warrior to be my best. gaming experience those days. And for this there was no need to have a specialization of protection. I've tanked both the Fury Warrior and the Weapon Warrior and never had any problems with it. And after some time, the experience of the dungeons I went through helped me get into the guild that raided Molten Core, tanked in the raid with Onyxia and in the Blackwing Lair.

It was then that I discovered that there were only a few other warriors fighting next to me, and I realized that most boss fights do not need six to eight tanks. It was a strange period of life for warriors. You put on your tank armor and continued on to the next boss, but depending on the situation, you could put on a different set of equipment that looked like you were drunk on paint and picked up the biggest club in your hands. Or they put on their chain mail gloves, leather pauldrons, a hat and drew two daggers. Then the warriors were very strange.

Oh, and get ready to fight rogues and equipment hunters. Most agility equipment had an "Attack Power" parameter, which was useful for a warrior - attack power gave damage, and agility gave crit. Most DPS warriors wore "Blademaster's Handguards" and everything else made of leather until they were building some plate DPS set in Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Zul'Gurub or An'Qiraj. And these plate sets looked, to put it mildly, colorful and scary.

Warriors - Gods PvP

Let's just admit it. The warrior only needed to get Blackhand's Doomsaw or Arcanite Reaper. After that, you could go to the battlefield and chop everyone left and right there. Of course, sometimes you die. But only when you were attacked by a whole crowd, who saw how you had previously made 5-6 kills. As soon as the weapons of the commander-in-chief / supreme leader and some decent armor fell into your hands, then everyone around you began to die in batches.

I liked PvP in classic. Was I good at it? Not really... I wasn't the best, but I wasn't the worst either. My tauren warrior crushed everyone. I changed "Fatal Saw" to "Irresistible Force", and a little later I took its place " big sword Even though I died a lot, PvP was still a lot of fun. That cost one Intimidating Shout, which made the enemy team run away in fear. I always managed to kill at least one before I died myself. Usually two or three Once the priest and I alone held the Lumbermill against the Alliance while the Horde team ran around taking everything else.It was great.

What is the result?

The return of the classic warrior will be the revival of what we have long lost: equipment with a defense bonus, a weapon skill (which needs to be pumped for each weapon), missing talents (or not working properly), tanks without appropriate skills, constant lunch breaks and DPS equipment ( which looked more like a Halloween costume than warrior armor). DPS warriors looked stupid long before everyone started complaining about their clown costumes in The Burning Crusade.

And despite all this, the warrior will still be one of the best classes in the game. I guarantee it.

The Defense Warrior (Tank) is a very mobile unit. He is able to deal pretty good damage, while reducing the damage of enemy attacks. By choosing certain talents (and straight hands), you can achieve great results and make a true pioneer of mythical dungeons and raids out of a warrior.

Class overview

Defensive Warriors excel in fights with a lot of physical damage or where mobility is required. Most of the damage they deal is mitigated by blocking, making their damage smooth and predictable. Plus, they provide utility, whether it's crowd control or raid buffs. Warriors are formidable tanks, and are a worthy choice in both raids and dungeons.

Please note that this guide focuses on aspects specific to the Defense Warriors and general strategies tanking are out of scope.


Defense Warriors have great mobility and a diverse toolkit, both in terms of utility and defensive options.

Your main goal during fights will be to maximize your rage generation and then use that rage on your active abilities to keep yourself alive. Making good use of your defensive cooldowns and utilities is also an essential part of playing well.


  • Punishment - Adds valuable damage, reduces incoming damage.
  • Ultimate Step - Is a huge increase in mobility when you need it.
  • Unstoppable Force – The Avatar increases Thunder Clap damage by 100% and reduces its CD by 50%.
  • Support - The cooldown of the ability not to step back is reduced by 60 seconds. You also block all melee attacks.
  • Earthquake – When a shockwave hits 3 targets, its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.
  • Tinned Throat – With this ability, you deal 15% more damage when you hit enemies with your Demoralizing Shout.
  • Anger Management - Avatar, Stay Back, Shield Wall and Demoralizing Shout are reduced by 1 second.


For the rotation used, the priority of characteristics will be as follows:

  • Speed
  • Versatility >= Mastery
  • Critical hit

Note that Versatility is slightly better than Mastery in most cases, but their defensive value is so similar that there is no need to rate one over the other.

In the same vein, for Defense Warriors, the value of each secondary stat is very close. Strength, despite being slightly worse than secondary stats, still provides decent survivability. Generally speaking, stat priority should only be respected when comparing an item of the same level. A piece of equipment with a higher level than you currently have must be equipped regardless of its secondary stats.


One target rotation for a warrior in a tank is based on the following priority. As said, this is a priority. Rather than the exact order in which abilities must be cast, each time you can cast an ability, you must start at the top of the list and use the first available ability. This applies to all "rotations" hereafter.

The overall goal is to generate as much rage as possible so that it can then be spent on reducing incoming damage.

Single Target Rotation

  • Use a powerful shield strike on cooldown.
  • Activate Thunder Clap on cooldown.
  • Revenge should be used whenever possible.
  • Use Crush.

Demoralizing Shout should be cast on cooldown (when using Tinned Throat) and technically first in ability priority. Of all your rage generating abilities, it generates the most rage.

The avatar must be on cooldown. It's worth dragging out the Demoralizing Shout for a few seconds if the avatar is about to go off cooldown. Don't delay the Avatar for a demoralizing scream.

The next stage applies to both Demoralizing Shout and Avatar, if you're trying to maximize damage you can delay these cooldowns for a few seconds if a powerful shield strike is close to being available. Never delay offensive cooldowns for more than 3-4 seconds.


These gems are the best option, based on their calculated value using the position statistics and feature weights of this guide.



If you're focused on high AoE/spash damage, you're more likely to benefit from a distant army sign.


Captivating spellcasters boost base stats, so this germ is the obvious choice!

13 Apr 2017 Warrior Slang Guide Good day to all! AT recent times I increasingly began to face the problem of misunderstanding between the old generation of players, who played on the English-speaking client, and the new one, who began to do it only in Russian. Often beginners get confused after some slang phrases like "you can use over after the ticks of a render if you arms". And even when I try to call everything in Russian, a slang name will still slip somewhere, the habit has become strongly entrenched. I think those players who have been playing the same way for a long time will understand me. In this regard, I took the responsibility to make a slang guide for newbie warriors (well, or for those who are already experienced, but still play after the introduction of the Russian client and do not understand our slang :) So, let's start. I will write in the format "Russian name - original - slang name(s), (examples that you can see in the chat)" Rend - rend (the horn (robber) ran away from the var, but he was finished off by the rend hanging on it) Thunderclap - Thunder Clap - thunder (the tank made a thunder to hang a rend on all the mobs around it) Provocation - Taunt - taunt (I am an ax and hit the wrong mob, but the var used a taunt and the mob went for it) (note: often similar provoking abilities of other classes are also called taunt, so don't be scared :) hit with a heroic 20% less) Execute - Execute - Ex, cut, execute (my hp dropped and the war started planting exs) Armor split - Sunder Armor - sander IMHO) Battle Shout - Battle Shout - battleshout, or: "Var, shout at ap (ap = attack power = attack power) / strength" Commander th shout - Commanding Shout - commanding, or: "var, shout at HP (hp - health points = health)" Intimidating shout - Intimidating Shout - fir (var, firni it) Challenging Shout - mass agr, mass taunt ( tank, you lost all the mobs, use mass aggro) Demoralizing Shout - Demoralizing Shout - demoralization, demoshout (horns no longer burn with demoralization: () Shield Bash - shield bash, bash (prots knock down castes with shieldbash) Superiority - Overpower - over , OP (the rogue had so many dodges (note: dodge) that I only overshot him) tendons - Hamstring - from somewhere it was customary to say "harm", "harmstring", but if you meet it, you will know what it is :) (the var tried to put it in the horn under the evasion (approx. : Evasion - Escape) harm three times in a row, after which he finally thought of using a cry) Disarmament - Disarm - disarm (varam don't care about disarm with their new set bonus) Pummeling - Pummel - pammel, pummel (I have ping 3k, I shoot down with pamel I can’t even GH) Note No. 1: GH - Greater Heal - Great healing (the ability of priests (priests)). Note number 2: I met some frames that Poke is called the ability of a rogue with the same function - Kick, so again - don't be surprised) Powerful blow - Slam - slam I'm a complete loser:() Shield Wall - shield wall, SHV (var under shield, hitting while priest) )) Retribution - Retaliation - retaliation, retala, sometimes they say reflection, which is misleading, since another ability is directly involved in reflection (Enkh (the shaman of Perfection) is better not to beat the war under the retala) give out wild damage (damage)) Reflection of a spell - Spell Reflection - reflection (poor magician, cast pyro (Pyroblast - Fire block) for half an hour and got it back with a reflection) Intervention - Intervene - intervene (m I was almost finished off and then the var, like a hero from an action movie with a cry of "NOOO-OOO" makes an intervene at me and intercepts a spell (spell) flying at me)) Crushing throw - Shattering Throw , but they still wait in the block until I cast the shutter) Heroic Leap - lip (when will this lip be fixed?!) Tavrius 73 13 Apr 2017

08 Nov 2018 Weapons Specialization Changes Coming Soon! Greetings warriors of Azeroth! We're currently working on a fairly significant change to Mastery: Deep Wounds. As has been noted many times by players, Weapons Warriors benefit the least from Mastery. While we haven't finished refining the final stats yet, you can start preparing for changes that will make Mastery a big help in combat. The damage bonus of Deep Wounds gained through Mastery will be greatly increased. Slightly reduced damage from other Weapons abilities (i.e. not from Deep Wounds). The increase in Mastery effectiveness needs to be offset by other ability nerfs to keep the total amount of damage dealt by a Weapon Warrior the same. The changes are aimed at increasing the benefits of mastery, rather than increasing specialization in general. Deep Wounds will become significantly more dangerous when the changes take effect, even at medium Mastery. Please note that the effect of the changes for different characters will vary depending on their skill level. Of course, we will continue to monitor the progress of the Arms Warriors and make additional adjustments as necessary. The first raid of the Battle expansion for Azeroth will open on September 4th, and we plan to deliver pre-raid changes for this and other specializations over the next three weeks as usual. Thank you for your enthusiasm and feedback. See you soon on the battlefield! Rayslor 39 08 Nov 2018

16 Sep 2018 Macros I propose to share in this thread macros for a warrior both pvp and pve. This is very interesting to me, because I use only 1 macro to change the two-handed to the shield and one-handed. Sachiel 1607 16 Sep 2018

12 Oct 2013 Tank, Fury. 5.0.5. The best pre-raid gear. Atension. The actual encore gear will be posted this weekend. As usual, the raid will not be taken into account and things for reputation will not be taken into account, since it takes ~ a month to swing it. Also, in connection with the retraining, a gear for furivara will be posted. Januari 422 12 Oct 2013

15 Nov 2018 Warrior in pvp/pve Tell me, I'm interested in pvp / pve content 70/30, did I choose the right class (war fury) or var that in pve that in pvp not very good p.s they advised mudi horn, it was too clay, I didn’t like it Legiongang 24 15 Nov 2018

15 Nov 2018 Warrior transmog. Part?...+1 https://website/forums/ru/wow/topic/17617112031?page=1 - filled So I'll be someone who will open new theme. Show off Glorious Warriors of your polished armor, sharpened swords and sturdy shields. It's funny that without massive shoulder pads and a helmet (although it is not necessary, because most will cover a cool fiery beard) 9/10 Kiradir 26 15 Nov 2018

15 Nov 2018 BUGS SU?*KA What the fuck am I playing the arena, I have an execution phase, a full raga, I stand face to face with the enemy, I proc an execution, but HE IS GRAY, JUST DOES NOT HIT, FOR#%; THE ENEMY HAS 10% HP, HE IS JUST GRAY, HE PROCESSES, BUT HE DOES NOT HAPPEN, THE GRAY SPEL BECOMES! Tinres 7 15 Nov 2018

15 Nov 2018 Prot Var Why can't Blizzard make the enemy more durable? And he's a tin can. In the Underrot falls off immediately from 1 pack of mobs in front of the boss Reisis 7 15 Nov 2018

15 Nov 2018 Trinkets in PvP for Fury. Hello everyone, fellow workers. The question is, what is more preferable for PvP? Pvp trinkets or pve? And which do you think are the best? Thanks in advance for constructive replies. Tybalt 2 15 Nov 2018

14 Nov 2018 Charit furika offhand? He asked me to enchant offhand in gi chat - it seems like knowledgeable people answered that there was no point, since only one enchantment procs - from the right hand. So, is it worth enchanting both weapons? Or just the right hand? insulation 8 14 Nov 2018

14 Nov 2018 Fury or Arms PvP Greetings, we are playing with the DC arena, while playing only in Arms, we are experiencing a problem with the horns (xs what to do), but I often see furies in the arena, tell me in which spec it will be most profitable to play? Ragnigar 8 14 Nov 2018

13 Nov 2018 Race for War Hi all. I want to play bfa with var. I decided that I would play FOR ALLIANCE. I can’t decide to download now for a conditional draenei or wait for the release of new allied races. Mb they will have some goodies in pvp? Delsanrin 57 13 Nov 2018

13 Nov 2018 Does damage depend on weapons? I run in 2x2 with a furik. He has two 345 cannons. How much % will his damage increase if he equips 370 cannons or 385? I remember that earlier in the leeching vars everyone tried to buy t2 to be able to do something and everyone was talking about the strongest dependence on weapons. And now how about this? We do not have enough damage twice as it feels and changing weapons will solve this problem or not. Moskus 29 13 Nov 2018

13 Nov 2018 help with shit Good afternoon! Played only classic and bk. And I have a lot of questions! One I got the var up to 120. How quickly I will put on craft clothes from the auction to increase the item lvl. Please ask for more details and approximate price. And then tell the tactics where to which expeditions to go to instas .. heroics Champilol 20 13 Nov 2018

11 Nov 2018 Prepoty Prompt on prepotam, potion of bloody rage and battle potion strength. Are they situational? Or is it always just one thing? in general, as I understand it, a bloody rage potion is better in a furik, since you constantly spam buttons. Or wrong logic? Maybe somewhere it is simitsya, even I'm not aware of this. Thanks in advance Tadeshi 2 11 Nov 2018

11 Nov 2018 Protovar! Hidden Art Look! In general, what is the point, for the 16th day in a row I have been guarding him on the spot, which is written in the guides and on the wowhead. Not only there, but all the piles of gold in Neltharion's Lair I fly around (not on Instagram, of course). And he’s still gone, of course, I understand that it’s random, but still ... Maybe I need to go through the Highmountain chain? Although nowhere does it seem to be written what is needed, but what if (otherwise I will wait without a chain, but it will turn out to be needed). Yes, I check the appearance in the spec: protection. Elrias 31 11 Nov 2018

10 Nov 2018 G "uun sphere warrior Hi everyone, in short, the gi requires me to carry these evil spheres on the flipper, but the distance is literally 5 meters. Who fumbles, skinte a map where you need to make 2 charges and where to jump with a bladestorm to insert this sphere. I'm not a noob, but it takes a long time to register the LFR, and the pugo raids got stuck in scare, banned in Google. Genalove 23 10 Nov 2018

10 Nov 2018 Way to the Varam in Myth Keys. After another 2-hour downtime, trying to connect to 13-14 keys, I sat and received a bunch of failures. So I couldn't get anywhere for an apprait! Dear Blizzards! Please make the var interesting for the myth of the var keys. I like 2 things, it's a war key and a myth key, but now I just get a ton of negativity because I just can't get anywhere with experience and more or less high dps. It turns into torment and a long wait, according to the principle, take it .... etc. What is needed, from my words and from the words of acquaintances, who call the first condition: 1. Return the AOE stun - Must have, without this there will be a refusal right away !!! 2. Slightly increase Solo damage by 10% 3. Rework AoE so that for zapuls of 4-5 packs, after a whirlwind it was possible to shoot normal AoEs, and not execute two adds, and then they are not always immediately pierced up to 35% in order to execute under the buff of the peacekeeper, therefore, a huge loss of dps... 4. Do, like all melee (horn/dh/monk/enh) 1 control per mob, for example, fir for 1 minute, so that he stands in one place in fear. Then Var will be similar to all melee classes and will be interesting! Now the situation is - sit in queues for 2 hours and then go to sleep, cursing the developers for such a bucket ... Although many wrote about this situation in the legion in advance, even I wrote, everything was confirmed. Please make competitive Vara in myth keys. And that is injustice. I don't want to leave this game, I hope this will be fixed in the next patch! P.S. Playing since Vanilla, I never wrote on the forums, and now it's just such a terrible imbalance that I can't keep silent, and I ask you to fix it... There has always been someone who ruled in one way or another, but now the wars are just the bottom. .. And no one takes them because of their uselessness Skillfish 39 10 Nov 2018

10 Nov 2018 Swang 100%! MYTH KEYS! PLEASE READ we are talking exclusively about MYTH KEYS! Previously, I created a topic about the liquidity of the Vars in the MYTH KEYS, where a lot of mother's gladiators said that there was no need to apat the Vars, they are doing great! As I wang, vars were no longer needed, the situation is as follows: The entire top consists of mdd(horn+dx/monk)+rdd(mage/lock/hunt/cow). As for VARs 1. arms var - 75th place (with overappaned gear and fluff 395) 2. prot var - 189th place 3. prot var - 301st place 4. arms var - 475th place The problem is in many ways, now almost no one, even mine friends, they stopped calling me, they say that it makes sense for us to take a var, and so I lost interest in the game, I can try to get in line for someone all day and to no purpose, no one takes the keys at 13-14, even at 12 barely -I barely hit, I'm freaking out .. I have a gear, I have experience, but I don’t need it, and here’s why: 1) In any team, a horn is taken to skip many mechanics, + goon control, and if there is a difficult situation, then you can also give a blind in an infectious mob. 2) If they take the 2nd melee, then it will be Dx / Monk, since a stun is needed, in most DH it is preferable, except for certain mechanics, where a monk ring is needed 3) 3.1 Var is weaker in saves. 3.2 Var is weaker in solo targeting, significantly by 20-30% (compared on some solo bosses). 3.3 There is no normal AoE stun. 3.4 It's harder to kill goon adds than other mdd 3.5 DPS is very dependent on the tank pool, unlike other mdd (it drops very much unlike others) 3.6 after burst AoE, can't support big damage on a big pack, except for executing 2x adds, not profitable (on large pools, which is very necessary on high keys). 4) They don’t like Vars very much, because few people know how to play them, and besides, the dead mechanic creates a big problem, and it’s so hard to get into the party, and given that few people damage the norms, they don’t take almost anyone, based on on the mob method, that all vars are weak dpsers now.... (Almost all rogues and dx give high dps, unlike vars...) This is a problem. People just don’t want to take them (why, if there is no dps in the solo of the norms, what for we have one AoE, it’s about like everyone else, there is no stun, and there are fewer saves, a useless class for mythic keys). I hope in patch 8.1.0 the developers will come to their senses and fix this bug! What the Ward needs, as I said: 1) Increase solo damage by 20-30% 2) Return the AoE stun, and not just a stun, but so that it is in rotation and deals AoE damage about 10-20k, every 20 seconds without hooks 3 adds so that the cd is always 20 seconds. 3) Make AoE damage for large pools, for example, sweeping blows not on 2 targets, but on 5. (or make a mechanic so that you can well AoE for a long time after a burst AoE, it can even increase the damage from the whirlwind not by 3k dps, but by 8-10k there, so that it is noticeable (3 Point it is in question how best to do it, but obviously there is not enough permanent aooo good!) This is the most necessary thing that is now a must have for varam to be taken... If you do not give damage, then no one will still need them. Only in one of 10 instances - Wecrest Manor for inst 15.5k dps in the 12th key.... This is not serious) Dear Developers, listen, return the liquidity to the vars! no one needs wars in high keys, there was not even such a thing in the Legion (although there was not enough dps there, but now it's tough ....) Skillfish 165 10 Nov 2018

10 Nov 2018 Hex in reflex Where to write to this small indie company so that the hex reflection bug is finally fixed? Half of the skills after a successful hex reflex DO NOT HAPPEN for 8 seconds. Nezhmurereflect 11 10 Nov 2018

08 Nov 2018 all stars (tanks) The guys are now looking at the logs of the top tanks and, to put it mildly, did not expect to see pro-goods in the first place! In almost all dungeons, this character is in the top. Yes, whiners will begin to write that he is only one Travex in the top and then there is emptiness, so those who write that the class is more dead than alive are mistaken, for example, this news made me very happy, because I really liked to tank with this particular class. Forza warriors!! Gnoomik 5 08 Nov 2018

07 Nov 2018 Hidden Appearance The people how to get the hidden appearance of the fury wara now if you haven’t played in the legion? I just look on the internet and I need to loot one thing from 3 bosses and now I should kick them in one? Ronak 3 07 Nov 2018

07 Nov 2018 Need advice from experienced pve-dd-vars. Right now, Hi Gear Arms. How I took dd specs of vars as a basis, I took guides from icy veins, but also often monitored vars from top guilds, but here's the problem - they are so different: one in crit, another in hast and figs you will understand what to take as an example. I myself go along the hasta-crit-master and, in principle, on 2-3 mobs I didn’t see myself higher in dps (m+), but, the same pillar in the orgri/boss (1target) in the region of 10, when the rogomagohants are from 14. In terms of rotation to the execution, everything seems to be standard: splitter / colossus / mortal / storm / buff mortal / mortal / slam / repeat. Can anyone advise something? Eragar 24 07 Nov 2018

06 Nov 2018 My congratulations to the concoctions I want to congratulate the concoctions, the gods of the Vov-ovsky expanses, they finally hired them, and our red days on the calendar are over))))))))) Befar 46 06 Nov 2018

06 Nov 2018 Arms ptr Weapon Warriors: Bladestorm's damage has been reduced by 17%, and Execute now generates less Rage. The execution is fixed for the campaign under a new gear, so that Arms does not spam one execution on the execution phase. But why the whirlwind nerf is unclear. Stable 67 06 Nov 2018

02 Nov 2018 I want to learn to play PVP Arms! Guys, tell me the streamers, preferably Russian-speaking ones who play 2x2 3x3 armm. I'm sure I'm not the only one who hangs out here, who also wants to play above a half-ball (on the best day - 1600) In fact, there is only one problem - from a lack of experience in the arena (bfa is my first addon in which I decided to play the arena) I don’t know how to play against some setups. Bjornulf 27 02 Nov 2018

01 Nov 2018 Vanguard Protovar Good afternoon. There was a question about the ability of the avant-garde warrior, it is written that it increases armor and stamina from the strength indicator, but when changing accessories, the indicators do not change, that is, with trinkets removed for a total of 500 strength and when wearing, the endurance and armor indicator remains unchanged. Poryskav on the Internet did not find any data on this issue, everyone advises strength as a main stat because of the avant-garde OO. Goodlaik 6 01 Nov 2018

01 Nov 2018 Fury var 1v1 Dear friends, please tell me how the fury var feels in duels? I just started downloading, I just don’t know much about duels for furik. metalknight 28 01 Nov 2018

31 Oct 2018 Furiki, tell me! Fury vars, tell me pliz, does it make sense to wear two Geti "ikku, the Bringer of Death (370 fell today and there are already 340), will it roll? Or should the second gun be different? scheigen 5

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 54 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Is it difficult for you to play Warrior? You have come to the right place; Warrior is a very simple but at the same time complex class, and many do not know how to play it properly. Warriors are known for their tanking skills but don't underestimate them as they are very strong in PvP and can take down an enemy in a few powerful hits.


    Choose a race. To be honest it doesn't play big role. Only if you are serious about PVE/PVP there are some skills that can be useful.

    • Human is a great PVP class. They receive a 10% reputation bonus and 3+ expertise rating for swords and clubs. They have the best PvP racial ability, Every Man for Himself, which removes slows and traps. This is similar to PVP trinkets, thus giving people the option to wear an extra trinket.
    • Dwarf - has a stone form that removes the effects of bleeding, poison and disease and increases armor by 10% for several seconds. Also, +10 Ice Resistance.
    • Draenei - has a very strong racial skill - a passive aura that increases the chance of hitting a target by 1%, whether it be with weapons or spells. 1% is an important bonus in raids and opens up the possibility of using other spells and stones. Another racial skill is Gift of the Naauru, which restores health for itself and allies. If you combine this skill with the skill of herbalism, then the restored health can greatly help in difficult moments of the battle.
    • Tauren is probably the second best PvP class for a warrior; you gain +5% base health, as well as the Thunder Walk skill, which stuns enemies within the radius of this skill. This skill is extremely important in PvP.
    • Troll is a great choice for a Fury Warrior. Trolls gain a natural regeneration bonus, which becomes important over time. high levels. Trolls have the Berserk ability, which increases their attack and casting speed.
    • Undead - gains the Will of the Forsaken ability, which is useful in fights against high-level bosses. Warriors gain a similar skill, Death Wish, which works in any stance. On the other hand, Will of the Forsaken has some advantages. Cannibalism is a useful skill during quests, as you don't have to think about food to restore health. Underwater breathing can be useful during quests, especially when killing mobs (+200% underwater).
  1. Choose a talent branch:

    • Weapons - Most commonly used in PvP, but also in PvE when talents are properly chosen and combined with Fury. At low levels, characters with heirlooms, especially those with two-handed weapons, may opt for the Weapons specialization, as the warrior has a large number of instant attacks based on weapon damage, such as Overpower. Attack speed and strength are some of the best stats in the game.
    • Fury is a DPS PVE spec that is rarely used in PVP. Titan Grasp is a very good skill that allows you to hold two two-handed weapons, subtracting 10% of the total damage. However, at higher hero levels, two-handed weapons combined with skills such as Whirlwind deal devastating damage to a group of monsters. In this specialization, hit and expertise are the most important stats, as well as strength.
    • Defense is a specialization for tanks. They take on enemy attacks while protecting their group members. Tanks are required for every dungeon. For a tank, defense is a mandatory specialization. Warrior tanks are among the most best tanks in Game.
  2. Keep up the rage! One of the most important conditions for a warrior is health, and then everything else. You generate rage by taking damage (which takes away your health), dealing damage, and using skills to increase rage, such as Berserker Rage. You can use all offensive skills to increase rage, as well as Charge to increase the amount of rage at the very beginning of the battle.

    . ..Don't hold the rage too high! Maintaining your rage is important, but don't forget, if your skill adds 30 rage and you have 95, you'll only get 5 instead of 30. So spend your rage wisely by using the appropriate skills for the right fight. To reset your rage, you can use several options: refresh your shout, use Cleave or Heroic Strike. Heroic Strike is used constantly while tanking to increase threat and rage (since you are constantly taking damage and being able to use this skill non-stop), but in a DPS spec, you might want to use Heroic Strike only when you have the maximum number of rage.

    Dress in the right armor. Armor is to a warrior what spells are to a mage. You need armor with + to strength, stamina, armor, attack power and hit rating. Sometimes, you might think about critical chance, but this is not considered a priority stat. You don't have to worry about attack power and hit rating up to level 90. The more stamina, the more health. Health is very important. Warriors wear chain mail up to level 40, and then Plate armor. Armor is very important characteristic for the warriors. Tip: Try to get some Armor starting at level 35-40. You can go to the dungeons or buy armor at the auction. The more armor, the less damage you take. After all, talents and critical strike can increase your DPS - it's not as important as the stats above.

  3. Always carry a shield and a one-handed weapon. They can come in handy in difficult, solo missions where you need additional protection and skills of this kind.

    • When playing at low levels, there are two dungeons that can help with tanking armor. If you go to Shadowfang Keep, you can get the Commander's Knight's Shield, which can last up to mid-30s, and then you can upgrade your item to the Commander's Shield from Scarlet Monastery.
    • If you're playing DPS (PvE), only use Heroic Strike when you have around 100 Rage.
    • Pay attention to the direction of your enemies' attack, don't turn your back on them and watch your health.
    • Warriors with low equipment can defeat other classes dressed in rare and epic items; everything is in your hands and skills.
    • Fury warriors have the Bloodthirst skill. An instant attack that deals 90% weapon damage plus 1121 to the enemy, and heals for 1%. This skill generates 10 rage. Fury warriors can deal an insane amount of damage in PvE.
    • Learn from your mistakes, if you are not sure how to proceed in a certain situation, then ask someone for help.
    • Don't forget that when you tank, you must protect the group from taking direct damage. Containing the threat is not the easiest thing to do. When tanking, use a defensive stance. Use skills such as Crush, Revenge, Shield Block, Armor Shatter, Thunder Clap, Heroic Throw, Punch, Disarm, Heroic Strike, Shield Wall, Demoralizing Shout and others. For single targets or small groups, you can use skills in the following order: lower your damage dealt, lower your enemies' armor, then focus on skills that deal damage. Always use Shield Block and Revenge.
    • You can go to the Black Deep and complete tasks for the Outlaw Saber. This is a one handed weapon with 19 dps that will work better than two handed weapons of the same level.
    • Try to assign hotkeys to your keyboard. You will need this style of play, both in tanking and in PVP.


    • Tank only in the Defense specialization. Other specializations will not be able to generate enough threat to protect your group.
    • Use the Weapons specialization in PvE only when your armor is not the best. Once you upgrade your wearable clothing, try to go into Fury.
    • Don't forget that when you tank, you must protect the group from taking direct damage. Containing the threat is not the easiest thing to do. There are a huge number of videos with recordings from tanks that are in dungeons and raids. Watch them and learn the correct tanking tactics in situations different kind. When tanking, use a defensive stance. Use skills such as Crush, Revenge, Shield Block, Armor Shatter, Thunder Clap, Heroic Throw, Punch, Disarm, Heroic Strike, Shield Wall, Demoralizing Shout and others. For solo targets or small groups, you can use skills in the following order: lower your damage dealt, lower your enemies' armor, then focus on damage-dealing skills. Always use Shield Block and Revenge.
    • Use Weapons for PVP. Fury can also work, but Arms (Arms) considers it the best spec for fighting against other players.
    • If you play as an undead warrior, then remember that cannibalism allows you to raise your health to full (almost).
    • Remember: since a certain time, the use of the Defense specialization in PvP has been very common, especially on rated battlegrounds. This type of game differs in many ways from PVE battles. Look online for relevant guides and videos.

Hello dear fans of such game as World of Warcraft. Today I want to tell you about such a character as Arms var, because I consider the furies of var to be a rather dull and boring character for gamers. Warriors are a class that is designed to fight only in melee tactics. Them main feature in that they have the ability to inflict considerable damage, as well as absorb a lot of oncoming damage. Also, warriors have the ability to wear very powerful protection in the form of plate armor, first-class shields and have a good set of abilities that make the warrior almost invulnerable.

Many players have the opinion that the Arms var is not intended for raids at all, and if you want to give out top DPS in raids, then the Arms var is not suitable for you. However, after BC left the stage, all warriors started tanking the dungeons, and those who remained DPS were running around with two axes. Since the percentage of players who had a spec with two axes was critically small, this gave the impression that the war in arms was not only dull, but also spoiled the entire raid with its presence. I also got the impression that the arm spec is PvP, so "sinter in the fury !!!".

  1. War in arms does not have its own buff, but can hang a buff like a rogue.
  2. Arms gives out much less DPS than war furies. The reason for this is hast and BL. Since the fury var receives an increase in DPS from the hast, the hast plays almost no role for the arms.
  3. Why do you need to "show off" and squeeze out complex button combinations when you can run calmly.
  4. Wild collection of aggro. It's just very strange where it's coming from if the armor var doesn't damage.
  5. Arms can't knock down casts.


  • It is very easy to get the ARP cap.
  • There is no need for you to collect a cap of expertise that is unnecessary in Arms.
  • Arms is much easier to dress cool than fury wara, since arms does not depend on ap and strength, unlike furies.
  • The whole process when you deal damage is a lot of fun, since the fury has the whole process of combat by the dull poking of three buttons.
  • Huge aggro that will allow you to help out a tank in a raid in difficult times when using an addon like Omen.


  • Arms var is very dependent on arp.
  • Not just a rotation.
  • There is no possibility to bring down the cast. When choosing a race, I do not advise you to play as humans or orcs - I will explain everything to you later.

1. Characteristics

You need to try to get 90% of the ARP, so the combat stance will give you another 10%.
Having 4 pieces of T10 - 264, then you should not refuse 2x T9 - 245-258, as this will raise the armor penetration rating well and give 8% to accuracy.
You simply do not need such a talent as mastery, so its complete absence will not have any effect on your combat skills.

Var arms does not have rotation as such. The whole process is to wait for the procs and pray "Let the deep wounds not fall." But, in short, the whole thing is something like this: we always use mortal strike if you have a lot of ragi; bloodletting should always hang on the enemy; if you don't have rage, use bludgerage; if you have a CD hanging on all the machines, and there is no way to proc anything anymore, only then use Slam; to get rid of a large excess of rage, use the hero's blow; if you have the second build downloaded, then use the whirlwind always on CD.

3. Ability

  • Bleed - This debuff should always hang on the boss, or any other target during combat. It constantly damages with a frequency of three seconds, so constantly refresh it in the last seconds. At the same time, do not rush and do not be late, otherwise you will lose DPS. The Doom Cooldown Pulse addon will help you with this, which can also be downloaded from the addons section on our website. Also, it would not hurt to pay all attention to excellent raid addons.
  • Sudden Death is a proc for an Arms War ability like Execute. Allows you to hit well with a progressive probability, somewhere around 3, 6, 9%, it all depends on how you upgraded your talent. Also, after you use Execute, you still have 10 units of ragi. In the rotation, the Execute ability takes first place. We always press it for good.
    Keep in mind that when the cooldown of "Mortal Strike" and the proc of "Sudden Death" coincide - if you have more than 40 units of rage, then first we hit with a mortal, and then we use the death penalty. Everything will depend only on your experience and the amount of gear you have accumulated. If your gear has excellent rage regeneration, then you won't feel much of a difference.
  • Taste of Blood - This ability is the second highest priority. You may not use it right away. This ability has 6 seconds on internal cooldown and hangs on the opponent for 9 seconds. This proc has no dependency on the Overpower proc, which constantly procs when a boss or mob tries to dodge.
  • Mortal Strike - That's it for the Arms War. If you are poorly dressed, you will drain your rage, if you have a good gear, then this is one of the strongest DPS abilities.
  • Powerful blow - press "Rage drain" and "Strike with cast". In the second, his basic usage last only half a second. If you took the talent, then the use time is reduced to 0.5 seconds. We strike at a time when you have all the other machines on cooldown and you have more than 40 units of rage left. If you have a weapon with a hitting speed of 3.4, then the character manages to hit the boss or mob twice. After that, the character should have an auto-attack, after which your rage will be restored so that you can deliver the next blow.
  • Hero Strike - if you have such a talent as "Awakening", then "Hero Strike" becomes your main ability in order to constantly drain rage. Use if you have more than 70 rage. Also, "Hero Strike" can be used on bosses instead of a powerful blow when constantly jogging to one place or another.
  • Execution - If the boss has only 20% health left, then this ability turns into a new ability in order to drain rage. First, we hang up “Bleeding” and it must be constantly maintained during the battle, then proc “Execution” and after “Superiority”, then “Mortal Strike”, but now we do not pay attention to “Slam” and “Heroic Strike” and constantly proc “Execution ". Also, do not forget to constantly control your rage.
  • Blade Whirlwind - It is mainly used immediately after the pool, in order to then begin to perform the main rotation. In order for you to get the debuff from bleeding, use Bladestorm in packs of mobs on trash, where the AoE damage of sweeping movements constantly prevails.
  • Thunder Clap - as I told you, if the build has "Awakening" and "Improved Thunder Clap", then it becomes like an AoE ability with excellent damage.
  • Sweeping blows - use on bosses when there are 2 or more targets in the battle.
  • Crushing Throw - many Arms warriors simply forget about this ability, but in vain. She is able to increase DPS not only personal, but also the entire raid as a whole. Has a cooldown of 5 minutes. If the fight will be short, then use this ability in the execution phase, if the fight will go on for more than 5 minutes, then we will proc it during the pool and a second time in the execution phase.
  • Heroic Throw - When you constantly have to move away from a boss or enemy, then Heroic Throw helps to constantly maintain Bleed on the mob. Many gamers also often forget about this ability.

4. Talents

This build is mainly geared towards raid dungeons. Here, instead of the commander's voice talent, it's better for you to pump in an improved execution or an improved stance. But keep in mind, in the stance there will be + 2% to strength, but expertise will also be added, which is not very good. So it's up to you to choose. We pump five talents into the weapon with which you will constantly run. I'll give you a little hint: only BL is cooler than the Tomb Builder, as it will give you a free + 15% to arp.

This build will obviously be easier for you. It is more suitable for heroics, as well as for places where you need to fill in large heaps of trash. Here all the amenities are thought out for you: by turning on the “Whirlwind”, you can drink a cup of coffee, and again join the battle, scattering the mobs in different directions.

5. Symbols


  • Glyph of Mortal Strike - 10% mortal damage. no comments here
  • Glyph of Heroic Strike - When you critically hit with Heroic Strike, you instantly gain 10 damage. rage
  • Glyph of Bleed - Time Bleed + 6s. hang less often, save GDK - profit increase dps
  • Glyph of execution - great for the execution phase. Execute deals damage as +10 ragi.
  • Glyph of Sweeping Strike - Great for when you need AoE damage.


  • Glyph of Battle Shout - Increases the duration of the effect of your Battle Shout ability by 2 min.
  • Glyph of Command - Increases the duration of your Commanding Shout by 2 minutes.
  • Glyph of Blood Fury - Reduces the health cost of your Blood Fury ability by 100%.

6.Bis sheet

[Sacred Imirjar Overlord's Helmet]Head277
[pendant penumbra]Amulet284
[Sacred Imirjar Overlord's Plate Shoulders]Shoulders277
[Vereesa's Swiftness] /[Sylvanas' Cunning]Cloak272/272
[Sacred Imirjar Lord's Battleplate]breast277
[Huge Tosca Wristguards]bracers277
[Sanctified Gauntlets of the Imirjar Lord]peppers277
[Cold Spirit Bond]belt277
[Northern Lights Leggings]Legs277
[Approaching Apocalypse]bots284
[Ashen Ring of Endless Vengeance]ring 1277
[Ice Legacy Sapphire Ring]ring 2277
[Deathbringer's Will]trinka 1277
[Sharpened Twilight Scale]trinka 2284
[Oathkeeper, Rangerleader's Spear] /[Darkmourne]Weapon284/284
[Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'Thalas]

7. Enchantment

Head - Magic sign of suffering
Shoulders - Greater Inscription of the Ax
Back - Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Agility V
Chest - Scroll of Enchant Chest - All Stats VII
Wrist - Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Assault II
peppers -