Detailed walkthrough of the game the witcher 2 assassins of kings. A detailed walkthrough of the main and side quests of the first chapter. Get out, evil spirit

Where is Triss?

If you decide that Triss is more important for you, take Fitz-Esterlen hostage and go out with him through the secret passage, the path to which the ambassador will show you. Get out, you get out, but that's bad luck - the passage, it turns out, was under the Nilfgard camp, the settlers of which have rather hostile feelings towards the "White Wolf". After killing the ambassador and assigning a huge reward for your head, the head of the "Black" will retire, leaving you to be torn to pieces by their dogs. The “Quen” sign looks most advantageous in such a situation, because if the opponents surround Geralt, they will chop it down in a matter of seconds, but of course we don’t need it. Having dealt with the Nilfgard bastards, we approach the door and find that it is locked. You'll have to go around. Not far from the place of battle there is a ladder by which you can climb the walls of the camp. Along the way, we will have to deal with a couple more soldiers of the emperor, but these battles are nothing compared to what awaits us ahead.

Once you reach the hill, get ready to fight with more than twenty soldiers. And if at first you will only be teased by rare groups of three opponents, then after a few seconds a dozen enemies will be thrown out at once. When the area is empty, we climb the same hill and continue our way to the dungeons. After talking with Renuald aep Matsen, we are preparing for the next influx of Nilfgards. Having dealt with them and listened to compliments from Matsen, we enter into a 1 on 1 battle with the commander. Renuald, in fact, is a very weak fighter and takes only a colossal supply of vital energy. After the enemy with a cry of "For the Emperor" falls dead to the ground, we remove all the keys from his corpse and go down to the dungeon to Triss. You will have a serious conversation with your girlfriend. Having finished talking, we take Miss Merigold out of the Nilfgard camp.

Wizard meeting.

Having got out of the Nilfgard camp, Triss will offer to split up, which we actually agree to (there is no choice). Having bought new weapons from a local blacksmith and cooked a couple of elixirs, we go to the meeting place, where the charming Triss Merigold is waiting for us. After killing two soldiers guarding the entrance, we make our way inside and watch the video. Sheala is sentenced to death for the murder of kings, but before putting shackles on her hands, she calls for help from her pet dragon, who immediately takes her away from the battlefield, abundantly pouring fire on the entire surrounding area. Everyone except Geralt is trapped, and we need to deal with the sorceress, otherwise Saskia will deal with us in dragon form.

And the dragon came.

Climb up the slope and run into the tower. Walk carefully on the stairs, as they can collapse at any moment. Moreover, we will constantly be bothered by the dragon, which will fry Geralt if we hesitate a little. Having reached the top of the building, we watch the video and activate the crystal until the sorceress is torn apart. In gratitude for the salvation, she will tell us that she is not involved in any murder except King Dimovend, and all these atrocities lie solely on the shoulders of the "serpentine" witcher. Saying goodbye to Sheala, we are preparing for the battle with the dragon.

Even though she looks formidable, but in fact she does not do so much damage, and with proper use of the “Quen” sign, she can be defeated without much harm to health. When the health of a representative of the ancient race drops to a critical level, a QTE scene will start, in which you need to quickly press the left mouse button and as a result, Saskia, in the guise of a dragon, will fall into a tree, piercing himself through. If you saved Triss, and not Philippa, then you can safely leave, you will not help her anymore.

Chapter 3 (Roche's Way).
In the name of Temeria!

Having decided the fate of the king, we will go to Lok Muinn, where Leto, Saskia, Philip and, of course, Sheala have already visited before us. After watching the video, we follow Vernon, who leads us to the city. Having opened the heads of a couple of harpies and having reached the walls of the city, we will meet a detachment of the Order of the Flaming Rose, among which will be our old comrade (unless, of course, you betrayed him in the first part) Siegfried. If you have friendly relations with the order, there should be no problems. It will be a little more difficult for those who in the original decided to go over to the side of the Scoia'tael, however, after a little chat with the knights, Roche will convince them of our innocence.

After passing through the gate, talk to Siegfried while the captain of the blue stripes goes about his business. old friend will talk about what happened to him over the past few months, and also tell about the reasons for his appearance in Loc Muinne. Having talked enough with the new master of the order, we go to the Redan camp for Roche. After wandering around the streets for a bit and buying the necessary things from merchants, visit King Radovid. Once Geralt rescued the king and as a token of gratitude he will not hand over the witcher to the authorities, however, he will demand one more favor for him. The monarch found out about a certain plan for the division of Redania between him and King Henselt, and therefore he urgently needs to put Princess Anais on the throne. The whole problem is that the girl was kidnapped by the sorcerer Detmold. As a reward for saving the princess, he promises to help us with Sheala.

To go on this task alone is a rather stupid idea, and therefore Vernon volunteered to help us with pleasure.

Flesh of flesh.

The sorcerer keeps the girl in the camp where we will have to wade through the sewers. Along the way, we will meet Roche and, already in the company of the "right shoulder", we set off to storm the Kaedweni camp. Getting out on Fresh air, kill the guards at the gate and discuss with Roche a plan for further action. Vernon went to look for the mechanism that opens the gate, while Geralt will have to fight off the advancing waves of Kaedwenians. Try not to forget about magic signs even if they are not pumped at all. So, for example, "Aard" will help to remove a couple of soldiers from the battle for a few seconds, and "Quen" will reduce the damage done to you. When Roche unlocks the gates, we make our way deep into the camp, simultaneously destroying small detachments of Kaedwen soldiers.

In the end, we will meet in battle with the sorcerer himself. It will be quite difficult to defeat him, since in any danger he will teleport to a certain distance from you. Knock him down with the "Aard" sign and land a few hits. After repeating this algorithm a couple of times, and after watching the scene with the cowardly flight of Detmold, we head to the tower where they hold the princess Anais we need. True, the doors to her dungeon are locked with some special charms, and while Detmold lives, the dungeon will not open. Well. We will solve this problem. Climbing up, we watch the video. Roche has quenched his thirst for revenge, but now the door to the princess's dungeon is available to us.

At the exit from the tower, the knights of the Order of the Flaming Rose will be waiting for us, who demand to give the princess to them. We refuse and if your relationship with Siegfried is friendly, he will allow us to leave. If not, then you have to fight. In any case, having dealt with Siegfried and his company, we return to Radovid or agree with Roche and transfer the girl to the emperor of Timeria.

Wizard meeting.

It's time to visit the amphitheater where on this moment negotiations are taking place between the rulers of countries and their advisers. If you did not give Anais to Timeria, then she will be waiting for you at the gate. There is a heated, political conversation going on inside, which will be interrupted by our three heroes. By giving the princess into the hands of the King of Redania, we thereby give him the opportunity to continue to calmly rule his country. The next point of debate will be the decision to form a new sorcerer's council, which will include the hated Sheala. True, the fiery speech of the sorceress will be interrupted by the knights of the order of the flaming rose, who will introduce the killer of kings into the hall. Summer will report that he acted under the influence of Sheala and, believing him, the king will order the sorceress to be handcuffed until the circumstances are clarified. It is then that Sheala's pet dragon appears on the stage. Having dragged her into the tower, he will begin to mercilessly burn the entire surrounding area.

The appearance of the dragon.

Our allies are cut off from us by the flames, so the dragon will have to be dealt with one on one. We rise to the tower along the stairs, occasionally shortening from the tenacious, clawed paws of the dragon. Having reached the room of Sheala de Tanserville, we watch how the woman is trying to hide. Fortunately, someone has replaced one of the teleportation stones, and if the "magic" is not pulled out, it will be torn to pieces. Having dealt with the stone, we enter into a conversation with Sheala. She admits that she really was behind the murder of King Dimovend, but she has nothing to do with the death of Foltest and the attempt on Henselt. Apparently Leto, having tasted royal blood, decided to become an errand killer, and he was financed by the empire of Nilfgard. When the sorceress teleports to meet us, a dragon will appear.

Even if he looks formidable, but in fact he does not do so much damage, and with proper use of the “Quen” sign, she can be defeated without much harm to health. When the health of a representative of the ancient race drops to a critical level, a QTE scene will start in which you need to quickly press the left mouse button. As a result, the dragon will collapse to the ground, painfully hitting a tree sticking out of the ground. Here it turns out that the dragon is actually Saskia, who is under the influence of Sheala's insidious spell. Unfortunately, we will not be able to help here, and therefore we turn around and go home.


Upon arrival in the city, Vernon Roche will meet us and inform us that Summer is waiting for Geralt on the market square. Making round eyes, we stomp to the meeting place. Along the way, we will stumble upon marauders who are rummaging through the body of Iorveth. The elf, thank God, is alive, but he urgently needs help. And while Triss (if you saved her, of course) will treat our friend, we continue on our way. Having met with the main opponent face to face, you will again face a choice. ask witcher or challenge him to a duel. If you decide that a fight is not the best solution, then drink vodka with your “colleague” and find out about his motives. It turns out that Leto killed only in order to revive the witcher school in which he grew up, and in which he was taught everything he knows. If the witcher's arguments did not seem convincing to you, you can still kill him.

This concludes the events of the second part of The Witcher. Geralt's name has been cleared, the Assassins of Kings are finished, and our witcher sets off for new adventures in the company of either the charming Triss Merigold or the faithful comrade Vernon Roche.

The task in the game "The Witcher 2" "Royal Blood" includes several development scenarios with moral choices. Before completing the mission, the player should familiarize himself with all possible options for passing and solving the task. In the article you can find all the necessary information on this topic with important comments and full description quest.

The beginning of the story

The task "Royal Blood" in The Witcher 2 is available only if the player takes the side of Iorweth, the leader of the inhuman uprising, at the beginning of the journey. It all starts at the military council in the state of Aedirn, which was gathered by Queen Saskia. All important personalities gathered to discuss further plans for the defense of the state from the invaders from Kaedwen. After talking about the magic fog and how to get rid of it, Saskia raises his glass and makes a toast. She greets her guests, takes a sip, and falls to the ground. The lady was poisoned with a powerful poison, to which the sorceress Philippa Eilhart quickly reacted. The woman managed to stabilize Saskia's condition. She will ask to talk to her, and then Geralt will find out about the possibility of making an antidote. One of the components in this case will be real royal blood. The Witcher 2 is famous interesting stories, and therefore the quest of the same name will bring great pleasure. It is impossible to bypass it, since it is the main story line.

Start of the first path

The mission in the magnificent game masterpiece "The Witcher 2" "Royal Blood" requires really the blood of a person of noble birth. There are only two candidates for this, and the first is Prince Stennis. The blood of the former king of Aedirn Demavend flows in his veins, and therefore he can help. If you approach the prince immediately after the advice with a request to donate his blood for an antidote, he will indignantly refuse, referring to his origin. This will be followed by a conversation with Philippa, who will tell you about the need to complete the task "Where is Triss?". At that moment, a nobleman will appear and give important news about Stennis.

After arriving at the barricades near the chambers of the prince, Geralt will observe an interesting picture. The peasants will gather near the building and begin to demand that Stennis be handed over to them. According to their beliefs, it is he who is to blame for the poisoning of Saskia. The queen was loved with all her heart by the peasants of Vergen for her kindness as well as her just rule. When the people learned about the incident, suspicion fell immediately on the one who would benefit from getting rid of Saskia in the first place. The peasants wanted to commit lynching right now, but Iorveth managed to dispel the tension. He came to the castle and calmed the crowd. Only now the people have not forgotten about the insult, and therefore people are firmly convinced of the need to execute Stennis. There are several ways to solve this.

One of the next scenarios

Many people are wondering when completing the "Royal Blood" quest in The Witcher 2: is Prince Stennis guilty? The player is offered to decide the fate of this character with a single decision. The first scenario would be to give it to the peasants. Embittered by the queen's poisoning, people will sentence him to instant death by beheading him. Only Geralt can issue him, and therefore the player will have to execute the sentence. This is the easiest way to get the desired ingredient, but it is not recommended to do it right away. If the user pays attention to morality, then you should figure out if the prince is guilty.

In The Witcher 2, "Royal Blood" (quest) offers many ways to investigate, but it has its own problems. When Geralt starts talking to all the nobles and peasants in the hall on the other side of the barricades, a cut-scene will start. In it, the player will see how the main character betrays Stennis to be torn to pieces by the crowd. If this happens, then the necessary resource for the antidote can be collected from your own sword after passing the "Royal Blood". The Witcher 2 is a game that often presents the user with a moral choice. Here it is better to always know all the facts of the assignment, conduct investigations and only then pass a verdict. That is why the player should know exactly who to talk to when completing the mission.

The role of the detective

If the player wants to ultimately figure out whether to give Stennis to the people, then you should talk to some people on the assignment "Royal Blood" in The Witcher 2. The passage provides for the difficulties described above with the launch of the cut-scene and the execution of the character, but this can be avoided. To do this, you need to conduct a conversation only with certain individuals. Zoltan and Dandelion will remain neutral, as they are not familiar with the prince. You can talk to them, but they will only confirm the fact that the situation requires investigation.

Then you can talk with Stennis himself, who once again refuses to give a small share of his "blue" blood. To get into the chambers, you should use the magic sign Aksy to convince the guards. He will say that the peasants simply decided to take out their anger on him. Of all the nobles, it is best to have a dialogue with Haldorson. The nobleman will begin to defend the prince and will assure that the peasants simply want to avenge the poisoning of Saskia as soon as possible. In the same conversation, you can learn that Stennis always listened to the advice of a certain priest. Next, you should turn to the peasant, whom the nobles accuse of bribery and poisoning. He will tell you that he overheard the conversation of the priest Olshan and Stennis. The first asked the second to call the servant away from the kitchen. This gives a hint that it was the close priest who poisoned the wine. After all the conversations, quests will appear that are included in the "Royal Blood" mission in The Witcher 2 - "Walls Have Ears" and "Suspect: Thorak".

Additional tasks

A campaign on the two mentioned tasks will allow you to work out all the options for the task "Royal Blood" in The Witcher 2. The mission "Suspect: Thorak" begins with a trip to the runemaster, who refuses to make a special cup for the antidote. This task stops until the passage of the "Nightmare of Baltimore". It is connected with the loss of the second rune master. To begin with, the player will have to take notifications from the board in Vergen that the man may be alive. After some time, the player will see Baltimore's dream, after which he should head to his workshop. There he will again see Thorak and several other blacksmiths. He will give permission for the search. Upon closer examination, you can find a box with a key and instructions describing the path to one place. Thorak will be at the entrance, but the notes should not be given to him. According to the instructions, the user will come to the place indicated by Baltimore. The text must be read carefully, otherwise you can get confused. After going to the chest, you should return to the workshop, but first prepare for Thorak's attack with friends. After winning, the player must search the body to retrieve the key. The Aksy and Irden signs will help you cope in the battle. In Thorak's chest you can find the recipe of the priest Olshan with a fake bowl. This is the first proof of guilt, and the second will be found on the assignment "Walls have ears."


After talking with the peasant Willy Oblat, whom the nobles suspect of poisoning, the aforementioned task will begin. AT story mission"Royal Blood" in The Witcher 2 (Iorvet's path) is recommended to go through in order to get a second proof of the priest's guilt. It is also worth knowing that Willy will refuse to speak at first, but in this case, Aksy can be used or simply intimidated. He will talk about the overheard conversation between Olshan and Stennis with the already mentioned phrase about distracting the servant in the kitchen. After that, the player's path lies with the local elder Cecil Bourdon. In a conversation, he will agree to show Olshan's house.

Upon entering there, you can find a big mess, but the main value is the papers on the table. From them, the player learns the motives of the priest and here they will have to make a decision. will only be whether Stennis should be executed for a little help to the trusted Olshan. If the player considers such a punishment fair, then he can be given to people, executed and received royal blood in The Witcher 2 as the necessary material. Evidence of his complicity will already be in hand, but there is another solution to this incident. You can just tell the elder about everything, which will lead to the arrest of the prince, but he will remain intact. It should be understood that in this case, Stennis will again refuse to donate his blood.

Possible consequences

The first scenario of Geralt's actions on the assignment "Royal Blood" in The Witcher 2 is described above in full. How to justify Stennis, it became known, and whether he deserves it, the player decides. The prince maintains a position of peace with Kaedwen, but he does not want to receive help from Iorweth. Only now the decisions are made by the military council, and therefore the poisoning of Saskia was beneficial to him. If you give it to the peasants, then Aedirn will be without a throne and the state will plunge for many years into the abyss of a hopeless war.

In the second case, the player will justify Stennis, and he will be sent to prison. In the future, he will be released, after which he will become the first king of his name in Aedirn. The confrontation with Kaedwen will not end there, but civil wars will not tear the state apart. In any case, after completing the “Royal Blood” task in The Witcher 2, there will definitely be consequences. Here the question is only whether the player is ready to sacrifice Stennis in order to follow the simplest path of execution. If not, then you should prepare for the second scenario. In any case, royal blood can be obtained to continue the storyline.

Beginning of the second version

According to the assignment in the game "The Witcher 2" "Royal Blood", all options should be considered by each player. If the user decides to justify Stennis, then he will have to look for another way to get necessary resource. The only remaining candidate is King Henselt, who is on the other side of the magical fog. He wants to conquer Aedirn and by nature is not the most pleasant person. The first obstacle on the way will be an enchanted battlefield with fog. In order for Philippa Eilhart to point out the right path, you must first go to the old quarry and save the troll there. This is necessary for the task "Where is Triss?", because the creature will give the sorceress's handkerchief in gratitude. The player needs to take it to Philippa, and then she, in the form of an owl, will become a guide for Geralt to the camp of King Kaedwen Henselt. Initially, the path will lie to the burned village, and from there into the magical fog. The reference point will be the camp of the Scoia'tael (rebel elves and dwarves), which should be on the right side. It should be noted that this scenario will occur even with the death of Stennis, but this will no longer apply to the task "Royal Blood". On the other side, Geralt will meet an old acquaintance who will agree to help infiltrating Henselt's camp.

Penetration options

The next difficult task will be to infiltrate the camp on the assignment "Royal Blood". To do this, you can use several ways. The first one will open after an agreement with Madame Karol, who will sell the key to the secret passage in the tent for half a thousand coins. The player will have to go through caves and fight some monsters. You can also get here through the east side of the coast, from where the path goes to the dining room and the same dungeons. This is the easiest route available. In any case, the user will arrive at the tent of Ambassador Nilfgaard Schilard Fitz-Esterlen. He will run away, but the guards will have to fight. Opponents are strong, you should prepare for battle, drink potions from the arsenal. Vernon Roche will also help here, but it is better to be prepared on your own.

The next guard post will be distracted by a new ally, and the player will have to wait for the development of events on the assignment "Royal Blood" in The Witcher 2. Then, hiding behind the tents, move deeper into the camp. A third large tent along the way will be a necessary target. The main entrance is guarded. To distract the soldiers, you need to break the boxes behind the royal tent with the sign of Aard. This will distract them, and Geralt will be able to get inside. This will be followed by a dialogue with Henselt, in which the main character will ask for a vial with his blood. He will agree to give it to the witcher, after which he will order the guards to escort Geralt to the exit from the camp. At the same time, no one will touch him, and one of the most important ingredients for saving Saskia will be obtained without the loss of the central characters of the story.

The player is advised to pay attention to whether the conditions with other missions are being suppressed when completing tasks. In The Witcher 2, often the start of one quest will automatically fail another, which may prevent players from receiving important rewards. To start the mission "Walls Have Ears", you need to find Willy Oblat, and this is related to the "Royal Blood" task in The Witcher 2. Where is the butler (the profession of a suspicious peasant), many players do not know. To do this, it is enough to follow to the southern part of Vergen and find a squad of Scoia'tael. They protect Willy from the wrath of the nobles.

If we sum up the task "Royal Blood", then the player opens up the classic moral choice that the entire Witcher series is famous for. The player is invited to take a simple path and choose a greater evil, condemning Stennis, who is not directly guilty. In this case, it will be interesting for the user to test himself and see what choice he will make.

Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings walkthrough by vitecp

Prologue. By the will of the king.

After waking up in a dungeon and watching a short introductory video with the beating of Geralt by the guards, we answer Vernon Roche's question in the affirmative and go down to the interrogation room. After a little chat with the newly-minted "friend", we choose one of the proposed options for the beginning of the story (of course, it is best to choose the first option, since the story of the game starts from it) and watch the video. Waking up in the arms of the beauty Triss Merigold, we become a witness of a small erotic scene, which will soon be interrupted by the messenger. The soldier will tell us that Geralt wants to see His Majesty Foltest. Pulling on your pants and shirt, we leave the tent and go to the agreed meeting point - it is indicated on the mini-map. Along the way, you will meet old acquaintances - the Rubails from Krinfrid.

Once they framed Geralt rather robustly, however, he, fortunately for them, lost his memory even before the events of the first part. Warriors will be asked to inspect the purchased amulet and check whether it can protect the owner from sword strikes or arrows. We choose one of the three options (tell the truth, lie or send the bastards to hell) of the answer and move on. Having finally reached Foltest's tent and informing him that the assassin who attempted on the king in the finale of the first part was a witcher, we pick up a spyglass and aim at the enemy tower, after which we order the fighters behind the catapult to open fire. If everything went well and the projectile hit the target (if the soldiers missed, then it's okay - you just have to kill more enemies in the future), go up the stairs and listen to the encouraging royal speech.


Prologue. At the forefront.

Having taken out the sword (to do this, we go into the inventory and install the weapon in the appropriate cell), we stand in front of the gate and prepare for battle. Having cleared the bridge, we examine the corpses (opponents often carry money and ingredients for potions with them) and listen to the king's new instructions. True, they will not succeed in fulfilling them, since archers will suddenly appear on the roof, shooting anyone who dares to approach the fortress. And everything would be fine if Foltest did not need to take the blood from his nose to capture this tower. Having bypassed the cart, we go down the scaffolding and deal with a small detachment of La Veletta soldiers. The main thing you need to know is that in no case do not get involved in an open battle with these guys. It is best to intoxicate one of the opponents with the appropriate sign and wait for him to chop up his colleagues.


After repeating this trick two or three times, we finish off the remaining enemies and reload the ballista using an elementary QTE. Having created a passage for our associates, we return to the stairs (a couple of enemy soldiers will be waiting for us here, so do not relax) and go up. Amazed by our success, Foltest will order to climb the tower and neutralize the baron. Well, it’s useless to shove against the king, so we drink the “Swallow” (health regeneration potion) and go up the spiral staircase. This situation has three scenarios. First: offer La Valette to surrender, informing him that Foltest's soldiers are holding his family hostage. Second: offer the baron to meet in a fair fight one on one. Third: to be rude to La Valette and finish off his entire squad with him at the head. Having finished with the arrogant baron, we go down to Foltest and watch the video.


Prologue. Trial by fire.

After meeting with Vernon Roche and talking a little, we watch the video. Having been attacked by a dragon, we turn left and quickly run to the open barn. The main thing here is not to linger, as the roof of our "shelter" is about to collapse. Having overcome a narrow tunnel, we help Foltest fight off the soldiers of La Valeta and run to the exit. After a short cutscene and teleportation of Triss, we run out into the street and head towards the bridge. Our task is to protect the king from the dragon's fire, hiding behind the stone columns in time. Once safe, we listen to Foltest's new orders and enter the city.


Prologue. To the monastery.

Foltest's children were hidden by the baron in the city's monastery. We need to get there and snatch the kids from the hands of the traitors. True, it’s impossible to go inside just like that, since the remaining people of La Valetta blocked the door. Foltest asks us to find a hidden passage and open the gate from the inside. After looking around (and doing a couple of additional assignments, if you are interested in experience), we go down into the catacombs (for this you need to find a drained well) and deal with the lonely Drowner. But be careful, you can only kill a monster with a silver sword. After drinking a potion of night vision ("Cat"), we cross a couple of flooded corridors and go up the spiral stairs. Having witnessed the landing of Skoya "taels on the shore, we go out into the street through a gap in the wall and prepare for a battle with the soldiers of La Valetta. Having reached the mechanism for opening the gate and making sure that there is no way to break through the bars, we go out into the courtyard and get involved in a battle with a knight, having finished off the bastard, we search the corpse and return to the grate with the found keys.Opening the door, interact with the mechanism and hold the "D" button until the gate opens completely.


Prologue. Blood from blood.

Having met with Foltest at the gate, we set off in search of children. Having stumbled upon the high priest, we use the suggestion in order to talk to him. Outraged by such audacity on our part, Arthur Tailes will rush at us with his fists - we calm him down with a blow to the face. Having found out that the king's children are on the top floor of the monastery, we exit through the right door after Foltest. Having met the dragon again, we lead the king across the bridge, occasionally hiding from the wall of flame behind the stone columns. Having got rid of the reptile, we go up the long spiral staircase and watch the video with the murder of Foltest by the mercenary.


Prologue. The escape.

By telling Vernon the whole truth about the assassination of the king, we thereby earned his trust. Leaving us the key to the handcuffs, he leaves the cell along the way saying that he will be waiting for a certain fugitive on the pier. Returning to your cell, provoke the guard to strike and counterattack when the corresponding button appears on the screen. Having freed ourselves from the shackles, we cut down the second guard (the battle will take place in the form of an elementary mini-game in which you are required to attack and dodge blows in time), after which we raise a heavy club from the ground. Both of our swords were destroyed, so at first we'll have to make do with a stick. However, you still won’t have to fight here (you can, of course, but I don’t advise you - the club is a rather weak weapon, so you won’t achieve anything other than losing your nerves), and new weapons can be obtained at the beginning of the next chapter. Moving along the dimly lit corridor on your haunches (our potions were also seized, so you have to feel your way), we extinguish the fire of the torches with the help of a sign and stun the unsuspecting patrolmen.


In an open battle, as mentioned above, it is better not to get involved. Sneaking past the prisoners trying to escape, we cut down the guard and take a bunch of keys from his bag, after which we turn left into the corridor and watch the video. Noticing Geralt, the Nilfgaard ambassador silently asks him to follow him. You should not rush, as the executioner is waiting for you in the next room - wait until your health is restored and the “signs” are recharged. Despite his formidable appearance, the executioner is extremely harmless - it is enough to immobilize him with the “Irden” sign and buy him a couple of times with a club. After examining the room, open the chest and find an iron sword inside. The weapon is weak, but for the first time it will do. Here you can find leather pants and a jacket. Having reached the interrogation room, we communicate with Countess La Valette and inform her that her son was killed (captured, escaped - it all depends on your choice in the battle with the baron), after which we ask the ambassador to take us outside. After leaving the room, we hide behind a barrel and wait for the Nilfgaardian to lead the guard away from the door.


Prologue. Heart of Melitele.

Once on the street, we listen to the gratitude of the “Small” (one of the Rubails, whose life we ​​saved (provided that you saved it), saying that the “protective” amulet of Melitele is nothing more than a beautiful trinket) and ask him to distract the guard on the stairs. When the boy takes the guard to the castle, we get out of the bushes and head to Vernon's ship. After talking with Triss, watch the video and hit the road. In search of the "Killer of Kings".


Chapter 1

Having dropped anchor, we learn from Roche (and he, by the way, is the head of the intelligence service) that the killer of Foltest was seen in the local camp "Squirrel" (Scoia'tael), who are not particularly sympathetic to the round-eared. And especially Geralt of Rivia, who throughout his adventures took more than one life from their relatives. Leaving the ship, follow Triss. After a little walk through the forest thicket, you will hear a marvelous melody, which will eventually lead you to the leader of the local elf detachment - Iorvet. The elf openly admits that the Kingslayer is hiding in his camp and, moreover, is under his protection. Struck by such impudence, Roche will try to attack the head of the Skoya'tael, which will provoke an attack by archers. Triss will have time to install a protective dome, after which she will collapse into a faint. Grabbing the girl in his arms, Roche will go towards the nearest city. It remains for us to protect it, fighting off lonely squirrels that have made their way inside our protective barrier. When the three comrades reach the gates of the city, Iorweth will retreat, and the local guards will report that soon a certain bard and spy of the Skoya'tael will be executed in the square.


Chapter 1. By the will of the gods and executive fools.

After walking around the city and selling the accumulated belongings (in no case do not sell ingredients for potions if you play at a difficulty level higher than low), we go straight to the place indicated by the guard. A couple of Scoia'taels and our old acquaintances, the dwarf Zoltan and the troubadour Dandelion, act as convicts here. And if everything is more or less clear with the elves, then what kind of devil does a harmless bard do in a noose is not yet very clear. After questioning the executioner, we learn that Buttercup was sentenced to death for courting too many ladies at the same time. An idiotic reason for execution, you see. Having inflamed the crowd of onlookers with passionate speeches (the main thing is not to try to free your friends on your own - the guards will not particularly like it), we dodge the executioner's blow and prepare for battle. Everything here is the same as with the guard in the prologue. All that is required of you is to press the buttons indicated on the screen in time. When the executioner passes out, one of the guards will take his place. When both rude people peacefully snuffle on the ground with broken noses, the local head of the guard will appear at the execution and, after a short conversation, will order our comrades to be released from the noose. As a thank you, Loredo will ask you to drop in on him after midnight for a short conversation. Having agreed (it makes no sense to refuse, since you will have to visit the bastard anyway), we say goodbye to Loredo and go to the tavern, where our rescued friends are waiting for us with a glass of beer.


Chapter 1

Done with everyone additional quests(do not forget to buy a silver sword from a local blacksmith), we go to the "honorable" Mr. Loredo. After waiting for midnight (for this we switch to meditation mode and click on the crescent icon), we meet with Roche at the commandant's estate and go inside. It turns out that we were not the only guests of Loredo - some kind of celebration is in full swing in the courtyard of the estate. Girls are running all over the place prostitute, and the guards relax in the spirits campaign. Seeing the ballista, Vernon will ask us to disable it. But here's the trouble - a sentry is standing by the gun, who, apparently, was not invited to the holiday. After wandering around the courtyard for a bit, you will stumble upon a drunk prostitute who, for a small fee (two hundred coins), will take the soldier into the bushes. If you don’t have the required amount, then the “fairy” will offer to provide a “quid pro quo”. The girl will ask us to humiliate two captains - Myron and Alphonse. Fighting them surrounded by a dozen of their friends is not a very sound idea, so just offer them a hand fight. When both mercenaries are "humiliated", we return to the prostitute and report success. Delighted by our success, the girl will fulfill her part of the agreement and lead the sentry away from the ballista. Having pulled the trigger mechanism out of the gun, we return to Roche and go up to the second floor of the commandant's estate.


Here we learn that Loredo cannot receive us, as he is busy with an important conversation with a certain high-ranking person. Returning to the street in order to discuss what he saw, we will meet a madman who will mention that he saw that one of Loredo's mercenaries was allegedly dragging some strange mechanism into the backyard. Need to find out more about this. After waiting for our comrade to take the first guard away from the gate, we go forward and hide behind a giant boulder. When the second sentry decides to take a piss, we quickly turn left and stun the third guard with a club. After passing through the wooden door, we examine the mountain of chests and find out that Loredo has been robbing local merchants for many months, preparing for a war with the Skoya 'taels. Having climbed onto the ledge, we climb up the stairs and make our way to the window of the commandant's room. After listening to a not particularly pleasant conversation between Loredo and the sorceress, we return to Roche to tell him about what he saw. When it's our turn, Loredo's bodyguard will invite the witcher to enter. Vernon will have to stay outside. After chatting a little about Yorweth, Loredo will offer us a deal - we kill Kayran for him, and he, in turn, will help us wrest the Killer of the King from the hands of the Squirrels. Agreeing (or refusing - no difference), we leave the estate (do not forget to pick up your weapons from the gatekeeper) and go to the tavern.


Chapter 1. Keiran.

Keiran (a giant octopus) was last seen at the pier when he emerged from the water, seriously injuring a worker. It happened only a few hours ago, so the boy had not yet had time to deliver to the doctor. Once on the ill-fated pier, we chase away onlookers and ask Sheala de Tanserville about the monster. Upon learning that Loredo asked Geralt to kill Kayran, the magician will offer the witcher to talk to local merchants who paid Sheale money for the corpse of an octopus, and force them to pay us too. Having reached the warehouse, we find the right merchant and tell him about the current situation. Cornered, he will inform us about a certain Cedric, who may have information on how to finish off the monster. Having found the elf (the mini-map will successfully tell us his location), we ask him about Kayran and find out that he was once the most ordinary octopus, but after swallowing mutagens, he turned into a terrible monster that feeds on fat merchants and sinks merchant ships for fun. First of all, Cedric advises to inspect the last ship flooded by the monster. Perhaps there were some traces.


Having met with Triss at the brothel, we go to the forest. Having gone down to the wreckage of the ship, we deal with a group of drowners and examine the traces of mucus on the rocks. After talking with Triss, we learn that Keiran is seriously ill, but he will die a "natural" death only in a few years, so we still have to help him. In addition, the sorceress will report that the monster is poisonous and the drug that neutralizes the effect of the poison will definitely not interfere with Geralt. The only problem is that the seeds of "tenecost" are needed for manufacturing - a rare plant, which is already almost impossible to find. Returning to Cedric and talking with him, we go to the flooded cave under the Scoia'tael sanctuary. At first glance, this is just a waterfall, but in fact, behind a wall of water, we hide a passage to the ancient ruins. Having cleared the cave from the Nackers, we open the door with the key found in one of the chests and get involved in the battle with the Rotten. This monster is not so dangerous in life, however, after death, it explodes, dousing the killer with acid. Having collected a sufficient amount of "tenecost", we go into meditation mode and cook the necessary elixir. It will be marked with a special icon, so that you will not confuse it with others. Having finished, we return to the city and inform Sheale that we are ready to fight with Kayran.


Chapter 1. Battle with Kayran.

Chapter 1

On the way to the city, Triss will meet us and report that Loredo grabbed Iorweth's right hand - Kieran. The elf is kept on the ship, and in order to get on board, you will have to lie to the guards a little, saying that the commandant himself sent us here. Having descended into the hold and examined the prisoner, we ask our companion to help him. We need to put the Aksy sign on the poor fellow - this will paralyze him and will not allow him to twitch during an extremely painful procedure. When the rebel comes to his senses, convince him that you want to help Iorweth. If everything goes well, Kieran will tell that Leto (the same “Killer of Kings”) deceived him out of the camp and seriously wounded him, after which he left him near the city gates. Summer betrayed Iorweth and we urgently need to tell him about it.


Chapter 1. Rose of memory.

During a conversation with Kieran, Geralt had another vision. Upon learning of this, Triss promises to return the witcher's memory, for which she needs to find several petals of the magical "Rose of Memory". After walking through the forest and finding the right bush, we pluck the rose and prepare for the battle with the bandits. Having won, we watch the video.


Chapter 1. Assassins of Kings (continued).

When Vernon arrives for you with Triss, we get out to the surface and return to Flotzim. We urgently need to find Zoltan, as he is rumored to have some connections with the Scoia'tael. Having found a dwarf in a tavern, we ask you to organize a meeting with Iorveth and go to the forest, following our friend. Having stumbled upon the “Squirrels” squad and informing them that we need to discuss something with their leader, we go to the place designated for “negotiations”. Unfortunately, instead of Iorweth, Headeye, a carnivorous elf animal, will appear at the meeting. In principle, there is nothing difficult in finishing off this creature - we paralyze the beast with the "Irden" sign, and then attack it with a silver sword. When the bastard is dead, Iorvet himself will appear on the scene. Having informed him about Leto's betrayal, we offer the incredulous rebel to conduct an experiment. Having tied his hands, he will allow the witcher to bring him to the clearing, where the Killer of Kings often meditates.


During a conversation, do not be rude to the big guy and try to choose neutral replicas - all that is required of you is to play for time. When Summer speaks of his betrayal, and Iorvet's soldiers rush at the witcher (Summer, as it turned out, is also a witcher), Roche's soldiers will appear from the bushes. And here we face the first serious choice - which side to take, the side of the Skoya'tael or Vernon. Remember, no matter what you choose, it will affect the further plot. That is, by joining the elves you will get a completely different story, different from the one you would have received by choosing the side of Vernon Roche. You need to decide within five seconds. And if you do not have time, then the game will make this choice for you. In any case, after making a decision, a battle with Leto awaits you. He is a rather serious opponent, as he is trained in all witcher wisdom. Including signs. When his health stock drops below a critical level, he will paralyze Geralt with Yrden and run away (having previously hinted that he was going to have some fun with our sorceress), and Roche will come for us. After talking with him (the essence of the dialogue will depend on whether you helped to detain Iorvet or let him leave), we return to Flotzim and go to Triss.


Chapter 1

Having met Dandelion, we ask him about Triss and go up to the room of Sheala de Tanserville, where, according to the poet, he saw her for the last time. Having opened the door, we examine the killed guard and the blood stain on the floor. But the blood definitely does not belong to the dead man, since he was killed by turning his neck. With a closer inspection of the room, you will stumble upon a hole in the wall. After interviewing the neighbor of the sorceress, we watch the video and find out that before the disappearance of Triss, she talked with a certain Philippa. In addition, after the disappearance of Merigold, our old acquaintance Cedric visited the room. The elf was seriously wounded and it is he who owns the blood stain, which we initially mistook for the blood of Triss.


After drinking the "Cat" (thanks to this elixir, you can track down Cedric on the "bloody trail" left by him), we leave the brothel and go into the forest, following the tracks. True, several times these tracks will lead you to other unfortunates, but in the end you will find a half-dead elf. Before his death, he will tell us that the Killer of Kings, along with the captive Triss, went to a city called Aedirn. He will also tell Geralt that if he calms the souls of the dead in the vicinity of Aedirn, then his memory will return to him. When the elf nevertheless goes to another world, the troubadour will come to us and tell us that Iorveth and Roche are up to something. Before leaving for Aedirn, it is worth talking to both of them.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2. Prelude to War.

At the beginning of this episode, we will take control of Prince Stennis, who has arrived for negotiations with His Majesty Henselt. Negotiations very quickly turn into a fight, as a result of which the restless king accidentally sprinkles the ancient magic altar with the blood of a cleric and gives the star some kind of curse. Long-slain warriors will rise in the form of ghosts, and the sun will hide behind blood-red clouds. Actually, at this very moment, our heroes (Jorveth, Geralt, Zoltan, Buttercup) moor to the shore of Aedirn. Having got involved in a battle with ghosts, we defend the wounded Saskia until a magical owl appears on the battlefield. By creating a protective barrier around us, she will lead us to a safe place. The main thing is not to go beyond the dome and not to forget occasionally to expel overly impudent phantoms from under it. Once inside the walls of the city, we inform Philip that we have arrived here after the Killer of Kings.


Chapter 2

Having followed the dwarf into our room, we distribute the gained experience points between skills and go down to the tavern. After talking with Buttercup, we go outside and go to the cave, where Saskia has gathered a military council. After a long pathetic speech, the warrior raises her glass for success and faints - someone poured poison into her goblet. Philippa can bring her back to life, however, for this she will need a list of the rarest ingredients. Namely, the petal of the rose of memory, magical artifact, immortelle root and the blood of a royal person. And if we don’t have problems with weed (according to rumors, it grows in an abandoned mine located nearby), then we’ll have to tinker with the other three components.


Chapter 2. Underground life.

Since we don’t know where to get a magical relic, royal blood and an enchantress with a “rose of memory” on her chest, it makes sense to first find a healing herb. Having gone down to the tavern, we sit down at the table with Zoltan and the rest of the dwarves. After asking them about the boarded-up mine (it was closed when people began to disappear there), we drink to health and offer the daredevils dwarves to help us pacify the weirdos who raged in the mine. Having agreed to meet at the mine at noon the next day, we leave the tavern and go to the local blacksmith. Be sure to buy components for an explosive package from him (or ready-made bombs, if you are not short on money) - without this you will not be able to get through to the treasure hidden in the ill-fated cave. After waiting for the agreed time in meditation mode, we go up to the mine and tell Yarpen that we are ready to hit the road. Having descended into the underground tunnels, we take out a bag with potions and drink the most necessary ones - “Swallow” (will speed up health regeneration) and “Cat” (allows you to see in the dark).


Having gone a little forward and stumbled upon the first "monsters" (they turned out to be the most ordinary "Ghouls", whom Geralt exterminated by the thousands in the first part), we are trying to open the door marked with a marker. It's locked. Sheldon will tell us that the chief miner, Balin Fergesson, has been here before us. And he, just, should have the key we need. Having found the torn body of Fergesson in the next room, we read the suicide note and find out that he gave the key to one of his four assistants. Further, we can only shove forward, occasionally turning off at the "forks" (the wrong path is always littered with stones) and cracking down on groups of corpse eaters. When the last tunnel is behind, Geralt's medallion will vibrate strongly (if you play on the gamepad, you will feel it, if on the keyboard, you will learn from the witcher himself), and the Utkovol will emerge from the darkness. Contrary to its formidable appearance, in fact it is a slow and very weak opponent who dies literally with two or three blows of a silver sword. Having dealt with the bastard, we scrape the grass from the stone and return to Philippa.


Chapter 2

It's time to find the second ingredient for the healing potion - a magical artifact. Philippa herself does not know where he may be, however, she advises asking the local headman, Sisil, about this. After talking with him, we learn that there is a place in Kaedwen where, like a magnet, all sorcerers and sorceresses are drawn - there are rumors that they draw strength there. It looks more like the fantasies of an old dwarf, but we have no other options, so we go to explore. Leaving the city through the northern gate, we overcome the ford and climb up the slope. There is a tower here, inside which, judging by the vibration of our amulet, there is an object endowed with incredible magical power. Entering inside the tower, we go up the spiral staircase and remove the bluish crystal from the cell. As soon as the artifact is in our hands, a harpy will jump out from above at us. The creature is strong enough, but very cowardly - if the harpy sees that you are about to kill her, she flies away, and then we return at the most inopportune moment. The tactics of fighting against them is as follows: we discard the coward with the help of the “Aard” sign and finish it off with a silver sword until she jumped to her feet. But be careful - if there are more than one harpies - be in trouble. In this case, it is easier to use Quen (a sign that creates a protective barrier around Geralt) and run away. Having dealt with the harpies, we return to Philippa and hand her the found toy. Unfortunately, one crystal is not enough to create a potion - at least two more are needed.


During the conversation, the sorceress will mention that this artifact contains someone's dream. After a little thought, Geralt will remember a special kind of harpies - dream stealers. Perhaps it was these young ladies who attacked us when the witcher tried to steal the crystal. Having told about this Philip, we learn that the harpies used to nest in an abandoned quarry, however, having learned about this, Cecile locked it and strictly forbade anyone to enter it. Fortunately, the dream contained in the crystal we found belongs to him - and contains extremely juicy details from his past life. Having met with the headman and threatening him with publicity of what he saw in the crystal, we get the key and go to the quarry. Getting there will not be easy. First of all, we go down into the gorge and prepare for a massive attack of harpies. It makes no sense to fight them - you will simply be torn apart. Instead, we take cover behind a protective barrier and run to the door marked with a marker. There will be much fewer feathered monsters here, so we get weapons. After clearing the long corridor, we remove the pink crystal from the cell and interact with the altar located next door. After reviewing the dream, we return to the gorge (having previously drunk all the more or less useful elixirs) and get involved in a battle with the harpies. It is best to lure them one by one into a narrow corridor and stun them with the Aard sign. When all the monsters are killed, we go up the dilapidated spiral staircase, collecting multi-colored crystals along the way. When we have all three crystals, we go down to the altar and look through the dreams found. The deed is done - we go to Philippa with a report.



Loredo's residence has a ballista. You should not leave such a powerful weapon in the clutches of this madman, so Roche offers Geralt to neutralize it.

The witcher approaches the prostitute Margarita standing nearby and asks her to distract the guard, but you will have to pay for this either in cash or in deed. If in the first case everything is clear, then in the second one you need to defeat two thugs, Miron and Alphonse, in a fist fight.

Now Margarita will distract the guard, and the Wolf will be able to neutralize the ballista by pulling out one of its parts.

Mystic River


In Kayran's lair, there is a shipwreck with a skeleton lying around. The wolf decides to inspect the skeleton and the ship. At the skeleton, he finds a key, and a little further, on the same ship, a chest opened by this key. Inside is a diary that should be put in the royal mailbox. It is located in Flotsam, on the desktop of Ludwig Moers.

The quest continues in the second chapter.

Sword on monsters


Geralt arrives in Flotsam without a silver sword, so we must urgently look for a replacement for the old one, before it comes to fighting monsters with steel weapons.

There are several ways to get a silver sword:

  1. Take the drawing in the chest located next to Roche's ship, collect the necessary ingredients and, in fact, create a blade.
  2. Buy a silver-plated sword from Bertolt Canderelia.
  3. Buy a strong witcher's silver sword from the Mysterious Merchant.
  4. Import a character from the first part of the Witcher adventures, in whose inventory there must be some kind of silver sword (in this case, the quest will end as soon as it starts)

Hand Wrestling: Flotsam


A new form of entertainment in the world of The Witcher is arm wrestling. In the first chapter, the Wolf will be able to compete with the following opponents: Zoltan, Skinny Yuzva, Yanosha Zhyly, Fat Mikel, Bartholomew Barka.

Poker game: Flotsam


Old habits don't go away, do they? The Witcher is again given the opportunity to play poker. In Flotsam, his opponents will be the following personalities: Bandek, Casimir, Zyndrab, Einar Hussel, Burnt.

One on One: Flotsam


The witcher enters the lower floor of the tavern and sees people fighting. No, this is not a robbery, but a tournament. As soon as Geralt talks to one of the spectators, Sheridan will approach the Wolf and offer to take part. The Witcher will have to fight Ose, then Naizzhop (a chic name), then Baby Dodu.

Fight club


After winning fights in the tavern, the Witcher meets a man named Ziggy, offering to take part in fights with more serious stakes.

The wolf approaches the tavern at night, accepts Ziggy's offer, and together they go to Loredo's residence. It also turns out that he also conducts underground fisticuffs.

The Witcher will have to fight with four opponents: Dry, Marco, Cleaver and Zhdan.

When the Witcher defeats the first three, Loredo will approach him, who will offer to lose last Stand in exchange for a third of the winnings. You can accept his offer (or even ask for more) or refuse.

Option 1: Geralt does as Loredo says, but at the end he finds that he was swindled and left with nothing.

Option 2: The wolf ignores Loredo and wins the fight, receiving a reward from him and Ziggy (however, later in the city, the Witcher will be attacked by two bandits sent by the commandant).

Disappearance of Garvena


If the Witcher helped Roche, then on the upper rooms of the tavern, when the Witcher will question the witnesses of the events that took place in Sheala's room, the Wolf will find out that the prostitute of Garven has disappeared.

Geralt goes downstairs to the lower floor of the tavern and finds Garvena hanged, as well as her note. Such are the things.



The witcher sees how, in the Bindyuga region, the guards pester the elf, accusing her of collaborating with the squirrels, since two members of the city guard have disappeared, and they were last seen with her.

The Witcher decides to look into everything, and then the guards with Malena go to the cave (it is very close to the place where Vernon, Triss and Geralt landed at the beginning of the first chapter).

The wolf enters the cave and sees traces of blood. He walks along them, killing the neckers along the way, until he stumbles upon the bodies of these very missing guards. Still, the elf lured them into a trap.

Option: 1 upon returning to the guards, Geralt surrenders Malena with giblets. You can either immediately send her to Loredo, or listen to her. She asks to follow her to prove her innocence, but at the same time she lures the group into a trap of Skoya "taels. The witcher and the guards kill the squirrels, and Malena is sent to Loredo.

Option 2: Returning, Geralt says that the guards were killed by monsters. Malena wants to thank the Witcher and offers to meet at the waterfall in the forest. And again, this turns out to be a trap: Malena runs away, and the Scoia "taels attack the Wolf. Having dealt with the enemies, the Witcher runs to the destroyed hospital, and now the fate of the elf is in his hands: he can let her go, surrender Loredo or make her pay for all these traps and kill.

The smell of incense


At the docks, the Wolf will meet the scientist Wenzel Pagg, who will ask you to get a certain recipe from one of the merchants.

This merchant turns out to be Vilmos Bartok. His shop is located near the tavern. Vilmos will offer a fake recipe; Geralt can agree or scare the merchant into giving away the real formula.

Upon returning to the alchemist, he wants to test the formula in his laboratory. If you have a desire to fail the quest, you can refuse and then be ambushed in the forest. If not, then we agree and meet with the scientist outside the gates of the city. Now he also offers to blindfold the Wolf, since the location of the laboratory is secret.

Option 1: The Witcher agrees and is blindfolded. He is stunned, shortly after that he wakes up in a cell in the laboratory, and this will end the quest if the recipe is real. If it's fake, then you'll have to deal with bandits.

Option 2: The Witcher does not want to be blindfolded, so you will have to get to the laboratory yourself. You can get to it by leaving Bindyuga along the high road and turning left at the second turn. Then we go along the road and turn to the river, there will be a cave. Wenzel will be waiting at the end of the cave. If the recipe is real, then just give it to him and finish the quest, if not, you will have to deal with the bandits.

Incense Shop


Having received the task from Wenzel Pagg to take the recipe from Vilmos Bartok, the Witcher approaches the shop and sees a crowd of people. The wolf approaches a woman named Matilda and learns that Vilmos is selling a drug that drives people crazy.

When talking to the Wolf, Vilmos says that he just picked up the ingredients. Either we take his word for it, or we cover the shop by persuasion or intimidation.

Now you can return to Matilda.

In the Claws of Madness


Geralt asks Cedric about work and learns about the disappearance of two people who went to the burned hospital.

The Witcher finds one of the missing men, Rupert, at the waterfall, but the second, Gridlya, is still in the hospital. The conversation is interrupted by the attack of the nakers.

A little further south is the hospital itself. The witcher descends into the dungeons, killing a couple of neckers, and enters the first room of the hospital. Immediately, he sees a ghost that passes through the wall. The witcher goes to the end of the corridor and through the opening enters a large room with two hostile ghosts (we use aard, irden and dodge more often). The wolf again sees the first ghost, which this time passes through the fire. Geralt approaches the flame, and it disappears, opening a passage to the lower levels of the asylum. Going down, Geralt encounters two more ghosts that need to be destroyed. The witcher moves forward and sees the ghost again.

The wolf moves on and finally discovers Gridlya, but he is not in the best condition, to put it mildly. Realizing that nothing intelligible can be achieved from him now, Geralt goes for medicine. Walking forward a little, Geralt turns and finds a chest guarded by another pair of ghosts. After killing them, the Wolf finds a cure in the chest, returns to Gridla and learns that treasures are hidden in the hospital. The witcher goes into the next room and meets the same ghost that he has been following all this time; he demands the heart and eyes of Rupert and Gridley. The Witcher returns to Gridla and takes him to Rupert, to the surface.

Option 1: The Witcher tells Gridle and Rupert that the ghost needs their hearts and eyes. They suggest substitutions: use organs, or pigs, or nakers. If in the second case everything is clear, then in the first case you need to go to the butcher in Flotsam.

Returning to the ghost, Geralt discovers that he is not so easy to deceive: he will immediately feel the substitution, whether it be pork or nicker organs, and will attack Geralt. The fight itself is not difficult, but you should avoid the walls, as they are on fire.

Having dealt with the ghost, Geralt returns to Gridla and Rupert and can either let them go or send them to Leredo.

Option 2: Geralt traps Rupert and Gridlya in a ghost trap. This is where the quest ends.



The Witcher enters the Blue Stripes' headquarters and discovers a small party held in honor of the defacement of the statue of Veiopathis.

You can talk with Bianca, Thirteenth and Fenn. With Bianca there is an opportunity to compete in throwing knives; you need to get into a ham, a map and an oar on the wall. And with Fenn and the Thirteenth - to compete in the fight on the hands.

Shortly after all this, people appear, angry at the desecration of the statue of Veiopathis. Roche intervenes, who is now a bit angry. You can try to calm him down. If the persuasion does not work, you will have to fight him with your fists. You can also do nothing, and then the quest will end.

Throughout this time, Geralt drinks, and eventually we lose control over the character.

The witcher turns out to be half-naked with a tattoo on his neck on the shore and wallows there until one of the locals finds him. To find out what happened, you have to pay for information or scare. The Witcher is sent to Garvena (the third floor of the tavern). Will have to pay again; The wolf is now walking towards Bianca.

Bianca sits at the Blue Stripes headquarters and tells Geralt where he got the tattoo from, how he ended up out of town, and what actually happened. All the things of the Wolf are contained in a chest in the next room.

Heart of Melitele


In Bindyuga, the Witcher finds the woman Aneshka in the farthest house and shows her the amulet. She is interested in buying it, and the Wolf can ask with the help of persuasion about the reason. She says that the amulet is cursed and that she can restore it, but for this she needs four ingredients:

  1. essence of death
  2. troll tongue,
  3. endryage embryo,
  4. head eyes.
The Witcher returns to Aneshka and gives the ingredients. Now it's time to move on to the ritual itself. Aneshka suggests meeting at the statue of Veiopathis at midnight.

The wolf arrives at the altar, and Aneshka begins the ritual. Of course, someone will not let you do everything calmly: ghosts attack the Wolf (three pieces; with the murder of each, a new one appears). Use aard and sometimes axius: chances are it will work. Having dealt with the ghosts, the Witcher receives the restored amulet.

Contract for Endriag


Near Flotsam, in the forest, endryags settled, for the destruction of which a reward is due. Who better than the Witcher, the slayer of monsters, is capable of such a task? Geralt takes a contract from the bulletin board and goes to the forest to hunt (before you arrange an execution, I advise you to read the literature on the endriags, or simply kill them: this will also help to get information about them).

In total, there are three nests in the vicinity of the city, where there are three cocoons (three for each nest), one queen that appears after they are destroyed, and a bunch of ordinary endriags. It is not necessary to kill the latter, but it would be a wise decision to get rid of them; killing the queen is easier when no one interferes.

As soon as all 9 cocoons are opened and the queens are destroyed, the Wolf should go to Ludwig Merce for a reward.

Contract for Nakers
On the way to the destroyed bridge, where the troll settled, the Wolf meets a man attacked by nakers. The Witcher saves the poor fellow from the monsters and enters into a dialogue with him. Rescued, mentioning that the beast requires a drink for the passage, advises not to kill the troll, but to go to Khorab, whose house is located in Bindyug.

Geralt goes to Horab and learns from him that it is not worth killing the troll, otherwise there will be no bridge at all. He offers to force him to stop drinking and get to work.

The wolf returns to the bridge and starts a conversation with the troll. Regardless of the Witcher's intentions, the fight is unavoidable. When the enemy has about half of his health left, Geralt will be offered a choice: finish what he started or find out why the troll began to drink.

Option 1: the whole point is that someone killed his troll. The Witcher goes after an unknown killer, and our alcoholic, if the killer is destroyed, will return to work.

The witcher decides to ask Zoltan and Sheala about the troll, after which he goes to the house of the Burnt One (in the Bindyuga region) with a female troll's head on the wall ... He says that he bought it from Dimitar. Before you go after the killer, whose whereabouts the Burnt knows nothing, you can win a head in the bone, as for it the troll will give a drawing of the Hunter's Armor.

Though Burnt is unaware of Dimitar's whereabouts, he says that his men hang around the tavern. Going down to the lower floors of the tavern, Geralt meets one of Dimitar's servants, Gervant (hello from the first part). He certainly won't happily tell anyone about his boss's whereabouts, but intimidation and a fight will quickly remedy the situation.

Dimitra can be found in the cemetery (it is located near Bindyuga) in the company of henchmen. Fighting them is an easy task.

Having dealt with the killer, the Witcher returns to the troll, saying that he dealt with Dimitar, and also returning the head of the troll. As a reward, he will receive a drawing of the Hunter Armor.

Returning to Horab, Geralt learns that he is not going to pay the required amount, but persuasion or intimidation will fix this.

Option 2: The wolf kills the troll and returns to Ludwig Merce for a reward.

If we sail from Flotsam with Iorveth and go to Vergen, then we begin the second chapter in the role of Stennis, son of the murdered Demavend and heir to the throne of Aedirn. We, Saskia, the priest of Kreva and a band of dwarves are to meet with Henselt, king of Kaedwen, who has laid claim to Upper Aedirn. The road leads us through the gorge away from Vergen.

We arrive at the meeting place and listen to Henselt's proposal: if we give him Lower Marchia, he will allow us to keep the crown. If we refuse, he will easily take what he seeks by force. Negotiations are heating up. Depending on what we say to the king, he challenges us to a duel or orders his men to capture us. [Combat] We shouldn't have any problems. It is enough to block enemy attacks and deal heavy blows with a steel sword. AT certain moment the priest of Kreva tries to stop the fight, but Henselt kills him in a fit of rage... The sky darkens, the fog thickens, and ghosts appear from it.

The peaceful surroundings of Vergen suddenly turn into a ghostly reflection of the battle that took place three years ago. Geralt, who is heading towards the city of dwarves, finds himself in the thick of what is happening. Now we play as a witcher again and must save Stennis and Saskia, whom we met in the fog. We are accompanied by Iorveth and an owl that shows the way. Philippa Eilhart, a sorceress who helps the Aedirnians, turned into an owl. It surrounds us with a magical barrier and strikes with lightning all the creatures that try to attack us. [Combat] We do not advise you to engage in combat with ghosts or go beyond Philippa's spell: outside the sphere, we will rapidly lose strength and health, and there are so many draugirs and spirits that they will surely kill us. Several times, Owl Phillipe will be blocked by ghosts. To go further, we will have to destroy them. Following the owl, we emerge from the fog, and we have the opportunity to talk with Philippa and Saskia. Saskia gathers all his commanders for advice to discuss the strange events that we have just witnessed. The game then takes us outside the walls of Vergen, where we meet with the mayor of the city. He reports that we have already prepared a room in the tavern. After examining it, we will be able to walk around the dwarf city. When we are ready, we can go to the council.

rested after long journey, we go to the council convened by Saskia. Arriving there, we see that everyone is already assembled: Philippa Eilhart, Saskia, Stennis, Zoltan, the Aedirn nobility and a representative of the militia. They develop a plan to defend themselves against the Kaedweni invaders. But first of all, you need to remove the curse from the battlefield and dispel the ghostly fog. Phillippa Eilhart and Geralt will take care of this. To remove the curse, we need four magic items related to the battle three years ago. Then you will need to prepare for the defense of Vergen. Iorveth appears at the council, which causes the indignation of the majority. However, Saskia appreciates the help the elf offers. And suddenly a misfortune occurs: the maiden makes a toast, takes a sip and immediately falls she was poisoned.

Philippa stabilizes the condition of the Aedirnian Maiden and wants to speak with us. The sorceress informs us that the following ingredients are needed to save the girl: dwarven immortelle, dragon's dream, royal blood and a rose of memory. After learning about this, we get 500 experience points and start a new task A Matter of Life and Death. It covers the quests Underground Life, Quest for Magic, King's Blood, and Where's Triss? Completing these tasks will allow us to find the necessary ingredients.

underground life

Experience per completion: 1000

According to Philippa, one of the ingredients of the antidote is an herb that grows deep underground. The dwarves call her the immortal. The sorceress advises us to look into the closed Vergen mine there may well be this herb.

Entering the nearest tavern, we meet a group of good friends: Buttercup, Zoltan and Yarpen, as well as Sheldon and Cecil Bourdon, the headman of Vergen. When asked about the immortelle, the dwarves will also advise us to go down into the mine, and Cecile will explain why it is closed. Our friends will offer to help us, and we will arrange to meet them at the entrance to the mine.

When we tell Cecil that we are ready, he will ask Sheldon to open the mine. The headman will instruct us to clear the galleries from monsters (Black work). Going on a mission, you should take at least four Cat elixirs with you. If we want to rid the mines of monsters forever, then a few canister bombs.

Accompanied by dwarves, we go down to find the immortelle. You need to be prepared to meet the corpse-eaters. [Combat] Silver Sword Lightning the best remedy from them. Do not forget that the dead corpse eaters explode, so it is better to jump away from the dying creatures as far as possible.

The dwarf mines are a real labyrinth with long passages, locked doors and corpse eaters. Not only that: they are also dark, as is usually the case in dungeons. We will enter the first large cave, and it turns out that we need a key to open the door to the lower levels. Having dealt with the monsters in the mine on the right, we find the body of the killed miner, and on it is the key. Now we can return to the cave and open the locked door. Further in the mines we will find the bodies of two more miners and two more keys. So we will get to the lowest level, where the duckweed is waiting for us. [Combat] If we have bombs with us, we can kill the corpse eaters surrounding this monster. With post-mortem explosions, they also injure the duck-billed. This monster can also be immobilized with the Yrden Sign and then finished off with a backstab.

After the victory, we pluck the Krasnolyudsky immortelle. Now you can return to the surface and tell Philip about our findings.

First key

First locked door

Second Key

Second locked door

Third Key

Third locked door

Looking for magic

Enchantress Philippa Eilhart says that as one of the ingredients for Saskia's antidote, a certain magical artifact is required. If you ask her for advice, she will recommend that we be creative and ask around the inhabitants of the city. She will also say that Cecile Bourdon somehow knows about all the cases that concern Vergen.

When we ask Cecil about stories related to magic, he talks about the mage's tower, which stands in the forest behind Vergen. It is believed that this is a unique Place of Power, which has always attracted magicians. We should look there.

We pass through the outskirts of the city and then through a tunnel cut into the rock. On the other hand, a picturesque view awaits us. Fortunately, the tower is also visible from there. We cross the river and go to the hill. Not far from here live harpies. They attack us as we go to the Place of Power. [Combat] This is one of our first encounters with the harpies. They usually attack in groups, so using the Aard Sign is recommended. He will help knock down several harpies to the ground, which will then be easy to finish off with a silver sword. Having dealt with the harpies, we approach the ruined tower that Cecil spoke of. Inside we see a nest with a crystal in which magic is felt. Is this what Philippe needs? We return to Vergen to speak with the sorceress.

Having examined the crystal, the sorceress will explain to us that this is a crystallized dream of a dwarf. It's an interesting artifact, but not powerful enough for an antidote. Only keleno harpies encase dreams in crystals, and these monsters mostly live in an abandoned quarry outside the city. We are sure that we will find a powerful enough dream there, however, the headman of Vergen has locked the gates to the caves leading there to block the path of the monsters. Fortunately, the dream of Cecil himself fell into our hands first, so we have something to discuss with him.

A dwarf teetotaler, who would have thought... The most important thing is that now we have the key to the quarry, and we immediately go there. In the quarry itself and in its vicinity, many harpies await us. [Combat] As before in the forest, the best way to deal with the harpies is to shoot them down with the Aard Sign and then finish them off with a silver sword. In the caves we must find five enchanted crystals. They can be placed in a magical obelisk, which is a kind of projector. This will allow us to view crystallized dreams. One of them will turn out to be a dragon's dream. It's probably good for preparing an antidote. Also, we'll find Baltimore's dream. Watching it starts a separate task Baltimore's Nightmare. We got what we came for. It's time to head back to Vergen.

Where is Triss? (Part one)

We did not come to the city of dwarves by accident. The footprints of the Kingslayer and the kidnapped Triss Merigold led here. Now the search for the sorceress takes on additional meaning: in Flotsam, we gave her a rose of memory. If she still has the flower, we'll get another antidote ingredient for Saskia. We ask Philippa Eilhart about Triss, and so she talks about a tavern regular who allegedly saw a red-haired woman fall from the sky.

It will not hurt us to hear this story firsthand, and we go to the tavern. The dwarf that Philippa spoke of is talking to the owner. He agrees to tell us the story of a red-haired woman for a mug of Mahakama. Having bought him a drink, we learn that in the ravine near the quarry, as if from the sky, a woman and a huge thug appeared. The man abandoned the woman, who was immediately kidnapped by the troll.

So, we go to the quarry. At the crossroads where there is a wooden altar, we turn left, towards the gorges. There we meet a troll we have already heard about. The troll will tell a story we already know, adding something new to it. He took care of the wounded woman, and the troll wife left him out of jealousy. She took the red woman's ribbon from him. Soon after, the redhead ran away. [Choice] We have a choice:

[A] If we anger the troll, he will attack us. [Combat] The easiest way to defeat the troll is with lightning strikes of the silver sword. If that's not enough, we can use the Yrden Sign and then stab him in the back. After that, we must find the troll's wife and get the tape.

[B] We can also promise the troll that we won't hurt his wife. In this case, he will ask us to talk to the troll and convince her to return to her native lair.

We go deeper into the gorges where the troll's wife has gone. Along the way we meet harpies. [Combat] It is best to hit them with a silver sword, or you can shoot them down with the Aard Sign. Walking along the gorge, we reach a grove with the wreckage of a ship. There we see the troll's wife, surrounded by armed people. [Choice] [A] We can help the people and kill the monster. [B] We can also fight humans to save the monster. What if the troll's wife saw Triss or Summer?

[A] If we decide to help the mercenaries, they will thank us later, during the siege of Vergen. However, now we have to fight the troll's wife. [Combat] It makes sense to use lightning strikes with a silver sword. Also, if we haven't killed the troll before, it will attack us the next time we meet. But that will be later. Now we take the tape of Triss from the body of the troll.

[B] If we defend the monster, we will have to fight the mercenaries. [Combat] Our enemies are numerous, so the main thing is to block and carry out counterattacks. The Yrden sign will also come in handy. As we begin to gain the upper hand, Pangratt gives in and after a brief conversation, agrees to leave, leaving the monster alive. After the battle, we speak with the troll's wife. If we killed her husband, then we ask her about the tape and return to Vergen. If the troll is alive, we ask her to return to her husband. The grateful spouses will give us the ribbon of Triss and the horn, which can be used to call them in case of danger. Later they will help us in the defense of Vergen.

It's time to go back to Philippa to tell her about everything and give her the tape: perhaps Philippa will be able to understand where Triss is from her little thing. Our conversation with the sorceress is interrupted. It turns out that the peasants want to kill Stennis: they believe that he poisoned Saskia. We will return to the search for Triss later. Now we need to run to the town hall, where they are besieging the heir to the throne (Royal Blood).

Royal blood

In order to find the ingredients for Saskia's antidote, Philippa gives us several tasks at once, including this one. For the potion, the sorceress needs royal blood. Immediately after the council (War Council), we can see Stennis and tell him what we need from him, but he will refuse us indignantly. We will only have a chance to get royal blood when we deliver Triss' ribbon to Philippa. Our conversation with the sorceress will be interrupted by a nobleman who will say that the peasants are ready to break Stennis, accusing him of poisoning Saskia.

We're going to where the prince barricaded himself. There, a crowd of Vergen residents, peasants, nobles and dwarves awaits us, as well as our friends Zoltan and Buttercup. These two will describe the situation to us. The peasants consider Stennis guilty, and the nobility defend him. We must collect as much as possible more information and pass judgment.

We have several conversations with the assembled dwarves, peasants and nobles. We can also talk to Stennis if we use the Sign of Axii in a conversation with the guards.

After three conversations, we will find out the positions of both sides, and the peasants will demand that we pass judgment. [Choice] We have a difficult decision to make. We have not learned any facts that could unequivocally point to the culprit. [A] However, we can condemn Stennis to death as the culprit. [B] We can also state that the available evidence is insufficient. In this case, the decision will be made by Saskia after recovery.

[A] By declaring Stennis guilty, we'll get the royal blood we need.

[B] If we leave it up to Saskia, we'll give Stennis a fair trial, but we'll have to get royal blood from Henselt.

Regardless of the choice made, we go to Philippa to inform her of the fate of Stennis. Meanwhile, the sorceress was able to find traces of Triss with the help of a megascope.

Where is Triss? (part two)

While we were trying Stennis for his alleged involvement in Saskia's poisoning, Philippa Eilhart located Triss using the tape we obtained. When we meet the sorceress at her home, she informs us that Merigold is on the other side of the ghostly fog in King Henselt's camp. The sorceress offers to help us cross the battlefield, so we just go there.

We pass through the burnt village and enter the fog. We are accompanied by an already familiar owl, which surrounds us with a magical barrier and strikes ghosts with lightning. We're following the sorceress. After a while, the owl will fall into a magical trap. We must defeat all enemies in order to free Philippa and continue on our way. [Combat] We use strong strikes of the silver sword. Ghosts are weak opponents, so there shouldn't be any problems. We move on, trying not to go beyond the protective barrier.

When we cross the battlefield, Philippa leaves us: she is afraid that she will be noticed by Detmold, the court sorcerer of the king of Kaedwen. We're heading north towards Henselt's camp. At the border post, we find a mysterious figurine, and then unexpectedly come face to face with Vernon Rocher and his squad. Despite the unpleasant circumstances of our parting, the Temerian will show us the way to the camp of the Nilfgaardian ambassador Shilard, where we may find Triss. [Choice] [A] We can try to slip through the Kaeven camp from the side of the cliff or [B] go through the underground tunnels inhabited by monsters.

[A] We go to the cliff, as Roche told us, and make our way to the royal camp.

We approach the tent on the left, and when a drunken sentry comes out, we wait for him to turn left. Then we wait until all the soldiers sitting by the fire are distracted by the vomiting comrade. Then we slip on and turn left, towards the tents, so as not to attract the attention of sentries. So we get to the second gate. Now we are waiting for the patrol to enter the camp. We exit the gate, deal with the sentry and go down to the caves under the camp. There we are met by nakers. [Combat] Against them, you need to use quick strikes of the silver sword. Soon we reach the opposite exit from the cave. There we are noticed by a Nilfgaardian sentry.

[B] The alternative route Roche gave us is through the caves below the camp. The entrance is hidden in the tent of the courtesans opposite the Kaedweni fortifications. There we must talk to Madame Karol and bribe her to get the necessary information and the key to the entrance to the tunnel. So we get into the basement of an abandoned tower, from where you can get into the caves. We're heading north and northeast. Along the way, we will meet local inhabitants nakers. [Combat] The Aard Sign will come in handy against monsters that attack in groups. It will allow us to shoot down some of these creatures, and it will be easier to finish them off with a silver sword. There is also a duck. Earlier, in the mines of the dwarves, we had already dealt with one. This one also needs to be immobilized with the Yrden Sign and attacked from behind. When we leave the caves on the shore, we are stopped by a Nilfgaardian sentry. An Imperial soldier will take us to Ambassador Shilard Fitz-Esterlen. After a brief conversation, we will be searched, and the guards will take away the figurine from us. It turns out that this is the transformed Triss Merigold! The ambassador will leave, ordering his men to kill us. Vernon Rocher and Bianca will save us at the last moment. Now we must fight the Nilfgaardian soldiers led by the sorcerer. [Combat] Spells must be dodged. It is best to immediately knock him down at the moment of teleportation with the help of the Aard Sign and kill him. We can immobilize the guards with the Yrden Sign and then finish them off with a backstab.

[Consequences of the choice in the Royal Blood quest]

[A] If we found Stennis guilty of poisoning Saskia in the King's Blood quest and obtained the king's blood that way, we can now enlist Roche's help to leave the Kaedweni camp. He will take us out of there as prisoners he must get rid of. On the way, we should avoid patrols: if they notice us, they will solve the trick, and we will face a heroic death and the end of the game. Avoiding patrols, we reach the gate, where we are stopped by a sentry. The answer to his first question is "Game", and then we must select the option "Silence", otherwise the sentry will understand what is happening and raise the alarm. So we get out of the camp and return to the fog.

[B] If in the Royal Blood quest we decided that there was not enough evidence of Stennis's guilt and did not receive royal blood, now we can ask Roche to help us get Henselt's blood. Vernon will distract the guards, and we can get into the tent of King Kaedwen. We hide behind the barrels and wait for the soldiers to leave, and then we make our way behind the tents to the largest tent. There are barrels behind it, which we set on fire with the Sign of Igni to distract the sentries. Now we can get into the royal tent. After talking with Henselt, we get royal blood, and we are taken out of the camp in exchange for a promise to remove the ghostly fog. It's time to head back to Vergen.

Before we enter the fog, Philippa will appear once more. She will guide us through the battlefield. As in previous times, we will have to fight spirits and ghosts. [Combat] It's better to stay behind the magic shield of the sorceress and let her deal with the enemies. However, at some point, the ghosts will catch the owl in a magical trap. To free Philippa, we will have to kill all the enemies. Then you can continue the path to the Krasnolyudskaya fortress.

So we'll get to the safety of Vergen. Now you can go to Philippa's house to inform her about the fate of Triss. It turns out that the servant of the sorceress Cynthia was a Nilfgaardian spy and escaped. Luckily, she left all her belongings, among which we find the rose of memory. The flower is fading, we need to hurry ...

A matter of life and death

Saving Saskia is one of our top priorities in Vergen. It combines the four ingredients gathering quests listed above: Underground Life, where we search for the Dwarf Immortelle, In Search of Magic, where we find the Dream of the Dragon, and the Royal Blood and Where's Triss? quests, during which we obtain royal blood and a rose of memory.

Having collected all the ingredients, we give them to Philippa Eilhart, who immediately begins to prepare the medicine for Saskia. We are present at the recovery of the girl. After recovering, Saskia gives us Vandergrift's sword. We will need the blade of the Kaedweni commander to disperse the ghostly mist.

Eternal fight

At the council of war, Philippa and I discuss how to remove the curse from the battlefield. According to the sorceress, for this we need four magic items related to the battle three years ago. They should symbolize courage, faith, hatred and death. Philippa promises us to find the first two, leaving us symbols of hatred and death.

We must learn as much as possible about this battle. To do this, we need to ask Philippa, the headman of Vergen Cecil Bourdon and our dwarf friends Zoltan and Yarpen about her. They will tell us about the sword of Vandergrift, which Saskia now owns, and about the banner of the Brown Banner. It turns out that the Kaedweni general who owned the sword was notorious for his cruelty. In addition, we learn from the side that the Brown Banner died in the battle for Vergen to the last man, and the bodies of the soldiers were buried in the forest, not far from the city. Since the elves guarding Saskia do not let anyone near her except Philippa, we will have to wait for her to recover in order to get the sword.

Symbol of death

So, let's start looking for the banner of the Brown Banner. We need to explore the catacombs in the forest. We can do this while searching for the dragon's dream (In Search of Magic) or investigating the murders that have happened in the city (With a trembling heart). We set off for the forest: from the outskirts of Vergen we get on the walls and reach the area where Iorvet's detachment is stationed. There we find a tunnel overlooking the river bank. The forest we are interested in is located on the other side. Somewhere in it there is an entrance to the crypt. We'll probably be attacked by ghosts inside. [Combat] The silver sword and the Signs of Yrden and Aard will help us deal with them.

We have to get to the lower level. There, in one of the halls, we meet the spirit of the standard-bearer Brown Banner. [Choice] [A] We can trick him into claiming that we once entered Buruya, or [B] we can fight him.

[A] If we claim to have served in the Brown Banner, the spirit will not believe us. But if we insist, he will ask us some questions to check. The answer to his first question is wrong. The next answer is Manno Coehoorn, and the third answer is Manno Coehoorn was killed near Brenna. The answer to the question about the generals in the battle for Vergen Zeltkirk and Vandergrift. The last answer we were taken prisoner by the Bigerhorn. So we will convince the incredulous ghost, and he will allow us to take the banner from the sarcophagus. If we make a mistake, but we have a beaver hat or a cloak of the Brown Banner, the spirit will give us another chance. Otherwise, we will have to fight him. We can get these items during the Baltimore Nightmare quest or win them in dice from Scalen Bourdon.

[B] If we're not in the mood to chat with the spirit, or we give the wrong answer to one of its questions, we'll have to fight. [Combat] This is a very difficult fight to prepare for. The sign of Yrden will help us a lot: it will allow us to immobilize the enemy and finish him off with a silver sword. Now we can take the banner of the Brown Banner. But that's not all. If we deceived the ghost, he will periodically pursue us in other battles.

Symbol of hate

Once we've got the banner, we'll have to get Vandergrift's sword. To do this, we need to collect all the ingredients of the medicine for Saskia. When the Dragon Slayer heals, she'll just give us the sword.

Now we need to talk to Philippa to get the other two artifacts the magic medallion and the armor of Zeltkirk. Having received all four items, we go to the ghostly haze.

In the fog, we turn into an Aedirnian soldier. Our commander gives orders to the archers and orders us to capture the enemy banner. We run through the defenses to the spirits of the Kaedweni warriors defending the banner. [Combat] We must block enemy attacks and strike quickly. We are deprived of witcher skills, so we will have to do without Signs, potions and bombs.

After the victory, the spirit of the Kaedweni warrior will take over our body. We must inform our commander that the banner has fallen into the hands of the enemy. Arrows rain down from the sky. Hiding behind wooden shields, we cross the battlefield. The archers fire at regular intervals, so we're safe between shots. So we get to our general... This is Vandergrift. Draug. He quarrels with Sabrina Glewessig, court sorceress of King Henselt.

Sabrina sends a rain of fire onto the battlefield. We have been possessed by the spirit of the Aedirn commander Zeltkirk. Once again we engage in battle with the spirits and ghosts of the Kaedweni soldiers. [Combat] We only have a sword at our disposal. We try to block enemy attacks and strike back quickly. In the end, we find ourselves face to face with Vandergrift. The spirit of Zeltkirk leaves our body, and in the battle with the draug we can finally use all the abilities of the witcher.

[Combat] Draugh combat is one of the most difficult in the game. The Kaedweni general has become a demon that can turn into a tornado, call in a volley of archers, and finally send Sabrina's fire hail at us. When the draug uses his special abilities, we'd better take cover behind something. When he is not using them, we should attack him with a silver sword. Most Signs are useless in this fight, but Quen can be useful. You also need to use dodges and rolls to get close to the demon from the side and deliver a powerful blow.

After the death of the demon, the spirit of the Kaedweni priest will take possession of us, who will try to lead the soldiers out from under the fiery shower. Hiding behind cover, we head towards the edge of the fog...

Siege of Vergen

After the end of the battle of the spirits, we come to our senses in the house of Philippa Eilhart. The sorceress informs us that the troops of Kaedwen, led by Henselt himself, are approaching Vergen, and asks us to talk to Zoltan: he is responsible for the defense of the city. We will find Zoltan with Saskia at the city gates. During the conversation with the dwarf, the Kaedwenians will appear. Zoltan will ask for help we must pour boiling oil on the attackers. We run to the walls. There we encounter the Kaedweni shieldmen. [Combat] When fighting against enemies who have a shield, we need to block attacks and hit hard. In addition, they can be immobilized with the Yrden Sign or approached from the side with a roll. After destroying the enemies, we pour out the oil with a lever and return to Zoltan. Unfortunately, Dethmold appears and destroys the barricade built by the defenders with magic. Zoltan gives the order to retreat beyond the second gate of the city.

Sheldon closes the gate behind us and we rush to the walls. Henselt's army captures the suburbs and approaches the city wall. The soldiers are climbing the ladders... We are in for a mortal battle. [Combat] We are not fighting alone, so we can fight back quite effectively and use Signs. Having beaten off the first wave of attackers, we will get a respite. When we deal with the second wave, Saskia will tell us about a secret passage to the city. It passes through the caves adjacent to the mines near Vergen. She will add that the detachment sent there has not returned.

Saskia will ask us to scout the tunnels with her. We follow the girl and run into a detachment of Kaedwenians. [Combat] Against heavily armed warriors, the quick strikes of the steel sword and the Sign of Aard will do the best. We go deeper into the caves and meet Detmold there with a detachment of mercenaries. The sorcerer blocks our way back and forces us to accept an unequal battle. [Combat] In this battle, you must not forget about defense, you must counterattack and dodge Detmold's spells. Suddenly, the spell hits Geralt... Saskia will save us by turning into a dragon. Then, after a brief conversation with the girl, we return to the city. On the way we meet Zoltan. He says we are needed on the walls.

On the walls of Vergen, Saskia delivers a speech to boost the morale of the defenders. Immediately appear enemy troops led by Henselt and Detmold. The sorcerer breaks the gate, and the king gives the order to storm. A new wave of Kaedweni soldiers is rolling in on us. [Combat] We should easily deal with the enemies if we skillfully reflect their blows and use Signs if necessary.

At the other end of the battlefield, Iorveth appears with a squad of Scoia'tael. Now Henselt's troops are surrounded, and the elves bombard the enemy with arrows. Saskia asks Geralt and Zoltan to support Iorvet and help him close the first city gates in order to cut off the only escape route for the Kaedweni.

We run to the stairs to the walls on the right and find ourselves next to the fortifications from which oil was poured earlier. Zoltan closes the gate... and Henselt is left with no choice but to surrender. So he immediately does.

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