The largest cube in the world. The most unusual rubik's cubes in the world. The largest Rubik's cube in the world

  1. A bit of history
  2. The smallest Rubik's cube
  3. Custom Rubik's Cubes

The history of this entertaining puzzle begins in 1974, but to this day its popularity has not diminished at all. On the contrary, people invent more and more new ways to complicate the toy or give it originality. Today we will talk about the largest Rubik's cube in the world.

A bit of history

In 1974, Erne Rubik, a thirty-year-old architecture teacher from Budapest, did not even imagine that his destiny was to soon become a millionaire. He was seriously interested in geometric problems and 3D modeling, and he considered the project of the future cube for several years.

The first product consisted of 27 small wooden cubes with colored edges. With his help, Erne tried to explain to his students the basics of the mathematical theory of groups. The aim of the invention was that the individual cubes should rotate independently without violating the overall design.

The total number of faces in the first version was 156, but later the creator reduced this number to 54. Then the product began to look exactly the way it looks today. Instead of one cube, a special linking mechanism was placed in the middle, which turned the invention into a toy.

The idea was liked by all Rubik's acquaintances, and soon he decided to patent it. The first batch of cubes on an industrial scale was released in 1977, several copies also ended up in the Soviet Union. But the West was not conquered immediately.

Popularity came from the moment the toy was promoted by a computer businessman from Germany, Tibor Lakzi. Today, the Rubik's Cube is a must-have item on the shelves of any toy and puzzle store. Whole championships are held to collect it.

The largest Rubik's cube in the world

The product consists of a huge number of small cubes - the length of each side is 33 elements. It was made using 3D printing technology by Grégoire Pfennig, a fairly well-known puzzle creator in the world. Previously, he has already implemented more than a hundred projects of varying complexity.

And the giant Rubik's Cube among them is far from the most complex and time-consuming. However, it may take a person several thousand hours to assemble it. The internal structure of the product consists of seventeen layers, and each one moves in relation to the others.

The total number of elements of the toy, if you can call it that, is 6,153, all of which are made on an automated digitally controlled machine (or SNS). The machines were provided by 3D Print Fabriek, which also sponsored the production.

It took Gregoire about two hundred hours to complete the cube, but it should be noted that he did this not alone, but with several assistants. It took the same amount of time to stick labels to each part. Only then could the cube be considered ready. The area of ​​one of its sides is comparable to the area of ​​a chessboard.

The cube is available to order from Olivier's Sticker Shop and is priced at $18,000. In addition, the products are out of stock, after ordering, you will have to wait 3-4 months until it is made.

Oscar van Devent Cube

A Dutch engineer invented a kind of toy that includes more than one and a half thousand elements (17x17x17). Oscar has previously been known for outstanding puzzles, but in this case he clearly wanted to hit the whole world.

Prior to that, he had created unusual cubes Rubik's from 3x3x3 to 11x11x11, but they did not gain much fame. The creation of an instance took 1.5 thousand pounds and 60 hours of real time.

The length of the side of the cube is 140 mm, the total number of elements is 1539. The parts were 3D printed and hand-painted in the desired colors. The painting process alone took over ten hours.

Oscar van Devent solves the usual Rubik's cube in 2 minutes, but he has not yet discovered the algorithm for collecting his own invention.

The most expensive Rubik's cube in the world

To mark the 40th anniversary of the invention of the popular puzzle in 2014, the jewelry company Diamond Cutters International released its own interpretation of it. The toy was created from 750-carat yellow gold, and on each of its faces there are dozens of precious stones in an invisible frame.

Different stones are used as colors of individual sides: amethysts, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds. This piece of jewelry required 8,500 hours to complete. The total cost can be approximately estimated at $ 2,500,000.

The product was first presented at an American exhibition called Beyond Rubik's Cube, held in New Jersey. But even after that, he did not remain unclaimed cargo, and to this day he travels to various world exhibitions.

The smallest Rubik's cube

It is worth mentioning here the merits of our compatriot, Russian E. Grigoriev, a programmer from Cheboksary. He is a big fan of this toy and knows how to assemble it in just a minute.

But one day, a 40-year-old man got the idea to complicate and diversify his task, and at the same time get on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. For a month, Evgeny made a toy using a laser. It turned out a product with a side length of only one centimeter.

According to the creator, it has really become more difficult to assemble the puzzle - now it takes as much as 3 minutes.

Custom Rubik's Cubes

In addition to the usual square products that differ only in side lengths, there are also very interesting varieties of puzzles. Let's consider a few of them:

  1. Megaminx. An invention that works on the principle of the Rubik's cube, but has the shape of a dodecahedron. It exists both in a 12-color version (when each face is painted in a separate color), and in a 6-color version (where opposite faces are painted in the same color). The toy is also called the “magic dodecahedron”, and it was first released back in 1973, that is, even earlier than the main character of this article.

  2. Meffert pyramid. And this product was also invented before the usual cube - in 1972 by the German inventor Uwe Meffert. The pyramid has 4 multi-colored sides, and it is much easier to assemble it than Rubik's toys - there are only a million possible combinations. More than 90 million copies have already been sold since the first release.

  3. Scube. The game got its name in 1982, and earlier it was called the “pyramid cube”. The main difference from a regular cube is that four axes rotate parallel to the diagonals, and not six axes parallel to the faces. Although the shape of the product is cubic, the assembly scheme is much more reminiscent of the pyramid mentioned above.

  4. Square-1. When assembled, this puzzle is quite similar to the Rubik's Cube. But in the disassembled it is something completely shapeless and incomprehensible, and the assembly scheme is different. Square-1 can change shape by twisting, which adds to the complexity. The toy was invented in the Czech Republic in 1990.

  5. Voidcube. Highly interesting option. In appearance, this is a cube familiar to us, but if you look closely, there is no center inside that connects all the elements to each other. But the puzzle does not fall apart, despite the lack of a cross. Accordingly, the assembly algorithm here is completely unique.

  6. Mirror cube. In it, all the details have the same color, but different sizes. The initial shape is cubic, but when rotated, it becomes disordered - here and there there are protrusions or depressions. But this is only at first glance very difficult, in fact there is a short algorithm that allows you to bring the game to the starting position.

  7. Siamese cubes. A rather complicated option, it consists of two interconnected products 3x3x3. It is worth mixing it, and only two internal and two external parts become available for rotation.

  8. Master pyramorphix. A puzzle based on gears combined in a pyramidal shape. The number of moving parts - 26, colors - 4. When disassembled, the original shape is not preserved.

Puzzles are a great way to develop your mental abilities and hand motor skills, to train logical thinking. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you learn how to play with one or even several of the listed unusual toys.

See also: 

This is one of the most popular toys, which almost everyone played in childhood, and which is now played by modern children. On sale you can find many variations of this puzzle: from children's lightweight options, and ending with complex geometric shapes, for the assembly of which, you will have to spend more than one hour.

Today we will look at comparable different kinds Rubik's Cube, and we will help you make a choice.

First, a bit of history: the Rubik's Cube (the classic original size was 3x3x3) was invented in 1974 by the Hungarian sculptor and architecture teacher Erno Rubik. Moreover, he came to the idea of ​​​​creating a world puzzle quite by accident: Erno could not explain to his students the mathematical theory of groups. Then he took 27 small wooden cubes and painted them 6 different colors. Unexpectedly for himself, Rubik realized that putting them into one cube so that each face was painted in its own color was quite difficult. The teacher himself struggled with this task for a month!

Thus, Erno Rubik was created addictive puzzle and tutorial in one subject. The last and most difficult step was to come up with a mechanism. And on January 30, 1974, E. Rubik receives a Hungarian patent for his invention "Magic Cube".

In early 1980, it was decided to rename the invention from "Magic Cube" to "Rubick's Cube". It was at this time that the real boom and dawn of the miracle cube began! The puzzle went on sale around the world: people bought them instantly, it was Hungary could not keep up with the production of cubes, and a sea of ​​​​imitations appeared on the market. Hungary could produce no more than a few million pieces a year, so factories began to open in Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Taiwan and Brazil.

Interesting facts:

  • Initially, the Rubik's Cube was considered as a teaching aid for students.
  • The number of all reachable different states of a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube is 43,252,003,274,489,856,000.
  • In the 80s, more than 60 Rubik's Cube books were published.
  • Artists have created works of art from Rubik's Cubes.
  • There are official competitions for the speed assembly of the Cube.
  • The current record for the 3x3x3 cube is 4.904 sec.
  • In addition to the classic cube, there are many other forms of the puzzle: pyramids, balls, dodecahedrons, and so on.
  • On the this moment The largest "non-virtual" Rubik's Cube is a 13x13x13 cube.

Well, now let's look at Rubik's Cubes, which you can purchase in our store.

1. Rubik's Cube 2x2 for kids

it light version for the smallest, with sides of two cubes instead of three, painted in two colors. A great way to instill in your child a love of puzzles from an early age is to buy a 2x2 Rubik's Cube. As soon as the young genius manages to assemble it, you can move on to more complex options.

2. Rubik's Cube 2x2

This Rubik's Cube is also a lightweight version, but harder than a child. If in the children's Rubik's Cube the sides are painted only in two colors, then this one uses classic version: 6 faces - 6 colors. Perfect fit for beginners, as well as for those young geniuses who have collected a children's version and want to move on to a more difficult puzzle!

3. Rubik's Cube 3x3 Classic Version

it classical, the original version of the famous puzzle. It was in this form that the cube was created by the Hungarian sculptor and architect Erno Rubik. Perfect suitable for all ages. You can assemble the cube yourself, fully involved in the process of solving the puzzle, as well as using special formulas to hone your manual dexterity and assembly speed. This model is made from quality plastic and comes with original stand.

4. Buy Rubik's Cube 3x3 Speed

This cube for a true professional. Created for super-fast assembly. As you already know, there are Rubik's Cube competitions, and this particular model is popular with the participants. Each element is made of the highest quality, which positively affects the assembly speed. Comes with a set of two screwdrivers, which are needed in order to tighten the screws of the cube, adjusting the rotation speed for you. Also included in the kit is silicone lubricant to minimize friction movable parts of the cube. If you are a master of assembling the famous puzzle, then this one is definitely for you!

5. Rubik's Cube 4x4

And here is more complicated model! If you have mastered the 3x3 version of the cube, then you simply must go to new level. After all, this puzzle has absolutely other assembly algorithms, other loopholes and tricks. But this cube is also suitable for you if you immediately want to start with a complex one and properly strain your hands and brains.

6. Rubik's Cube 5x5

The most challenging puzzle from the entire series! Buy Rubik's Cube 5x5 is a must if you are real professional in a build of previous light versions and want to advance to the next level. The number of combinations and options increases, the algorithms become more complex, and at the same time, the time you spend sitting at this model increases. Made from quality plastic, comes with original stand.

7. Rubik's Tower

An unusual variation of the puzzle. Represents parallelepiped, with sides two and four cubes. Due to its shape, the tower is much harder than a classic cube, so it will take more than one hour to break your head over it. For the first time, the Rubik's Tower appeared in Japan, it was so fond of the Japanese that it immediately became popular all over the world.

8. Rubik's snake

Easy and interesting puzzle for kids. The snake consists of 24 triangles that rotate, allowing you to create different shapes. Develops hand motor skills, imagination and logic, such a snake will be a real find for an inquisitive child.

9. Rubik's Cube 3x3 VOID

Another version of the famous puzzle. Represents cube hollow inside. It has a completely different movement mechanism. VOID is universal: suitable for both newcomers, and professionals folding the Rubik's Cube. Made of high quality, pleasant to the touch plastic.

10. Cube of Venus

This model has the same operating principle and mechanism as the classic Cube. The difference is only in the form - the details of the Cube of Venus have different bizarre forms. The distance between parts is kept to a minimum. Great puzzle and for newbies, and for those who want to try something else besides the classic version.

11. Shift gears

Unusual and original puzzle. Consists not just of faces, but from the faces in the form of gears rotating in three planes at once. Incredibly entertaining toy that will help develop logical and spatial thinking. Solve, twist, find assembly paths by creating and writing your own algorithms!

12. Gear Cube

A real intellectual puzzle! It has the same principle of operation as the previous cube: rotating gears. But this cube is going significantly lighter than a regular Rubik's Cube so perfect for beginners and kids. Develops spatial thinking and motor skills.

13. Magic Rubik

The most non-standard puzzle from our range. Represents a plate of 8 square panels, size 4x2. Correctly assembled puzzle forms a pattern of three connected and three disconnected rings. The principle of operation is very simple: all the panels are interconnected with a special fishing line, which allows you to move the panels as you please. Fold, unfold, bend, fold. The most important thing in using this toy: if you feel the tension of the line, it is better to try to fold the game in the other direction, where the process is softer.

14. Rubik's Pyramid (Meffert's Pyramid)

Beautiful brain trainer in the form of a pyramid. The puzzle is pyramid with 4 sides, each with a different color. Suitable for beginners, since it is much easier to assemble the Meffert Pyramid than the classic Rubik's Cube.

Puzzles are a great way to spend time with benefit and pleasure. At home, on the road, at work - it remains only to choose and buy the Rubik's Cube that is right for you!

The number of types of Rubik's cubes today is difficult to calculate. However, among all the variety, one can single out classic models, with images on the edges, hybrids of an unusual shape, mirror and virtual. Some models can be easily found on the shelves of the store, others can be ordered in the online store, and still others remain at the prototype stage.

Considering all the options for the Rubik's Cube, it's hard to believe that it all started with one simple model in the mid-80s of the last century. It was then in 1974 that the Hungarian sculptor Erno Rubik invented, and in 1975 patented a puzzle, which is a 3 × 3 × 3 plastic cube with 54 visible colored faces.

The original packaging of the Hungarian Rubik's Cube, 1982

The Rubik's Cube is considered the most popular toy in the world, which has sold a total circulation (original + analogues) of about 350 million copies. However, puzzles are sold all over the world under more than one name. In the original version, Rubik's invention is called the "magic cube", this name is fixed in the Hungarian, German, Portuguese and Chinese languages. In Hebrew, the Rubik's Cube is called the "Hungarian Cube".

The most popular models of the Rubik's cube

It is worth mentioning that not all puzzles presented are Rubik's Cubes. Some models were even invented before 1974, but Rubik's merit is undoubtedly their distribution.

Unique original Rubik's cube 3×3×3

3x3 Rubik's Cube World Record: 4.59

Record holder: Felix Zemdex (Australia)

World record: 1.42

Record holder: Kevin Gerhardt (Germany)

World record: 22.55

Record holder: Max Park (USA)

World record: 43.21

Record holder: Feliks Zemdegs (Australia)

World record: 1:25.10

Record holder: Max Park (USA)

World record: 2:13.12

Record holder: Max Park (USA)

World record: 35.15

Record holder: Juan Pablo Huanqui (Peru)

Meffert's pyramid (invented in 1972 before the Rubik's Cube)

World record: 2.02

Record holder: Tymon Kolasinski (Poland)

World record: 2.03

Record holder: Łukasz Burliga (Poland)

World record: 8.04

Record holder: Anuar Miguel Abib Onofre (Brazil)

Other types of Rubik's Cube

The following Rubik's Cubes are not as popular, but no less interesting. A true connoisseur of puzzles can see for himself a great option among not the most common models.

Rubik's Cube 17×17×17

Rubik's Cube 33×33×33

Rubik's Cube with drawings

Views: 6951

Recently I came across an interesting Rubik's cube, I decided to make a post about what kind of Rubik's cubes are.

Most complex Cube Rubik's

If folding the classic Rubik's Cube is no problem for you, try this monstrous cube called Petaminx. It consists of 975 parts, it comes with 1212 color stickers to stick on its face. Designer Jason Smith spent 75 hours to create this cube. Just imagine how long it will take to solve it.


This is a hybrid of Rubik's Cube and Sudoku. Numbers are drawn on the faces, and you need to add the cube so that the sums of the numbers on them are equal. If you are a fan of Sudoku - this toy is for you!


There are no moving parts in this cube, and all segments are illuminated by LEDs of different colors. To "rotate" you need to click on the corresponding buttons on the faces, and they will change their color accordingly. In addition to the Rubik's Cube, there are several more in this puzzle logic games related to colors, and even a game similar to Minesweeper on Windows.

Rubik's ball

If the Rubik's Cube is made spherical, you get the IQ Ball (IQ Sphere). Its diameter is 70 mm, and its weight and texture allow it to be used as a souvenir or paperweight. When you need to pause in work, you can take this ball and stretch your mind

Rubik's Cube 2.0

There are no colors in it at all, all fragments differ only in size, and besides this, their inner surfaces are mirrored. Folding it at first, oh how difficult!

Non Rubik's Cube

Translation of the title is mine, free. THIS is called the Irregular IQ Cube. From the state on the left in the photo, it is necessary to fold the cube exactly “into the shape of a cube”. And it's not as easy as you might think...

Rubik's pyramid

Another name for this puzzle is Pyraminx, and when assembled, it looks like the Snake game also known in childhood. Someone came up with the idea of ​​combining the form of one toy with the content of another, and the result is what you see in the photo. Very roof-shattering

Super Mario Cube

This cube is somewhat similar to a Sudoku cube, but instead of a number, when collecting this cube, you need to make a puzzle based on the immortal game.

The official name of the new puzzle is Rubik 360. Its essence is to transport a certain number of colored balls from the transparent inner sphere to their corresponding cells on the outer sphere. They get there through the middle sphere, in which there are only two holes.

Hungarian professor Erno Rubik, the inventor of the famous cube, says about his new brainchild: "360 is one of the most innovative and exciting puzzles since the invention of the cube. It will take skill, logic and dexterity to solve it."

brain cube

Well, the last, real-life cube, the work of designer Jason Freeny, is made in the form of a brain.