The game is the other way around. Features of the development of the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech of the III level. Didactic game "Guess who it is?"

Academy of developing games. For children from 1 to 7 years Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Say the opposite

Say the opposite

Have a ball game with your child. Before the game begins, explain to the kid its rules: you will throw a ball to each other and name words with the opposite meaning.

Throw the ball to the child and say "Big!" The kid catches the ball and throws it back while saying "Little!" Throw the ball again and say: “Good!”, The child will answer “Evil!” etc.

Possible word pairs for the game "Say the other way around": bold - cowardly, well-fed - hungry, light - heavy, smart - stupid, strong - weak, cold - hot, new - old, dirty - clean, wide - narrow, shallow - deep, high - low, fat - thin.

In this way, you can call not only adjectives, but also adverbs: fast - slow, shallow - deep, early - late, difficult - easy, light - dark, close - far, low - high etc.; as well as verbs with the opposite action: threw - caught, dressed - undressed, raised - lowered, found - lost, swims - sinks, gave - took, poured - poured out, left - came, flew in - flew out.

The game teaches the child to handle the ball, develops his attention and thinking.

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lyudmila shashkina

Didactic game « Words backwards»

senior educator MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 362" g. o. Samara

Shashkina Ludmila Fominichna

educator MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 362" g. o. Samara

Andreichenko Svetlana Pavlovna

Game description The game« Words backwards» Designed for middle and older children preschool age. The game serves to shape dictionary preschool children, namely the enrichment of speech words - antonyms. This game offers cards (Photo) with the image of objects - a snowman, an iron, sweets, a lemon, a feather, dumbbells, a horse, a mouse, a turtle, a leopard, a rope, a lace, a pencil, a house and others. In the work on the development of children's speech, the teacher says that the snowman is made of snow, which means it is cold, but what kind of iron? Next, the children themselves explain the signs of familiar objects, for example, sweets and lemons. During walks, in the process of observing changes in nature, children say that it is light during the day and dark in the evening. When looking at pictures depicting animals, the teacher first explains which animal is shown in the picture, and if the children do not know, gives a small description. For example, a horse is a large, large animal, a leopard is the fastest of animals, and a tortoise moves slowly. In the formation classes mathematical representations preschoolers are introduced to the concepts "wide narrow", "high Low", "long short" etc. Knowledge acquired by children in different types joint activities with the teacher, are used in the game « Words backwards» . The number of cards can be supplemented and changed in accordance with the age of the children and their development.

Target: To form in preschool children the ability to select the words denoting signs of objects with the opposite meaning


1. Promote the development of speech of preschool children

2. Develop attention, memory

3. Form the foundations of logical thinking

4. Cultivate skill play and interact with peers

Children's age: 4-7 years old

Game progress: Play can from 2-3 people and a leader (teacher). The cards are shuffled and distributed among the participants equally. Leading (tutor) calls word shown on his card. The child finds a card with the opposite meaning and, if the value is correct, takes the card for himself. If the player's opinion is wrong, the guys continue to look for a suitable card. The first person to match all of their cards wins.

When children learn the rules of the game, they can play on your own. A child is chosen to be the leader. Change options games:

"What's extra?" Cards are laid out in a row of 3-4 pieces so that all the pictures, except for one, have a common feature. For example, "horse, mouse, leopard, snowman". The extra picture is a snowman because everyone else is an animal. You can complicate the game by making two pictures superfluous.

"Chain" All players are dealt the same number of cards. The one who starts the game is chosen by the counting room. He posts one picture. The next player places their picture next to it, explaining what the two pictures have in common. For example, "pencil house", all items are made of wood, so they are wooden; "leopard horse", all these animals move quickly, etc. The winner is the one who is the fastest to get rid of all the cards he has.

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A variety of speech games allows you to maintain interest in the language, in speech creativity.

Dear parents, on these sites you can play with your children in speech games online

speech games

It is known that speech games and entertainment bring up interest in the environment, stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers. Contributing to the development of mental and speech activity, the game relieves the tension that usually occurs in children during classes. In children who are keen on the game, the ability to involuntary attention increases, observation becomes more acute, and these are the necessary qualities for preparing for school.

R Speech games for children 5-6 years old

"Choose a Word"

Purpose: vocabulary expansion, development of the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun.

This game can be played with the ball, throwing it to each other.

What can be said about "fresh" ... (air, cucumber, bread, wind); "old" ... (house, stump, man, shoe); "fresh" ... (bun, news, newspaper, tablecloth); "old" ... (furniture, fairy tale, book, grandmother); "fresh" ... (milk, meat, jam); "old" ... (armchair, seat, window.

"Whose shopping?"

Purpose: consolidation of generalizing concepts, vocabulary development.

For this game you will need a toy hare and a bear, a bag, fruits and vegetables. You can use pictures depicting vegetables and fruits or dummies. Invite the child to listen to what happened to the bunny and the bear in one story.

"The bunny and the bear went to the store. The bunny bought fruits, and the bear bought vegetables. The seller put their purchases in one bag, and now the bunny and the bear cannot figure out which of them bought what." Can we help the bunny and the bear? The child takes turns taking out all the items from the bag and explains whose purchase it is. At the end of the game, we summarize: "What did the bunny buy? What fruits did he buy? What did the bear buy? What vegetables did he buy?"

In this game, purchases can be very different: shoes and clothes, dishes and food.

"Say the other way around"

Purpose: expansion of the dictionary of antonyms.

This game has two options. The first option is easier, since the child in his answers relies not only on the speech of an adult, but also on picture material. The second is more difficult, since the reliance is only on the speech of an adult.

1.Based on pictures:

Grandfather is old, and grandson ...

The tree is tall, and the bush ...

The sea is deep, and the stream ...

The road is wide and the path...

The pen is light, and the weight ...

In summer you need summer clothes, and in winter ...

2.Without relying on pictures.

The cake is sweet, but the medicine ...

It's dark at night, but during the day...

The wolf has a long tail, and the hare ...

The bread is soft and the cracker...

The tea is hot and the ice...

It's hot in summer, and in winter... me, hats and toys, tools and household appliances.

"Who will overtake whom?"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to correctly coordinate words in a sentence in the accusative case.

For this game you will need pictures of animals, vehicles, people or insects. It all depends on your imagination.

We show the child two pictures and ask the question: "Who will overtake whom?"

Hare and turtle ... (The hare will overtake the turtle).

Caterpillar and snake ... (The snake will overtake the caterpillar).

Train and plane ... (The plane will overtake the train).

A motorcycle and a bicycle ... (A motorcycle will overtake a bicycle).

"Unknown Mistakes"

Purpose: development of auditory attention, the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in the accusative case.

Tell the child a story about how Dunno went to the autumn forest. He liked it there so much that he shared his impressions with his friends, but made mistakes in the story. We need to help Dunno correct his mistakes.

In the autumn forest.

I went to the autumn forest. There I saw a gray hare, a red squirrel, a prickly hedgehog. The hare ate a carrot. A squirrel was peeling a fir cone. The hedgehog ran along the forest path. Good in the autumn forest.

"Mom Lost"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to correctly coordinate words in a sentence in the genitive case, the development of a dictionary, the consolidation of the generalizing concepts of "Wild animals" and "Domestic animals".

In this game, we need pictures of wild and domestic animals and their cubs. The cubs are lost, and the mothers are looking for them and cannot find them in any way. We need to help mothers find their babies.

Example: The cow is looking for ... (calf). Here is the calf. The horse is looking for ... (foal).

The pig is looking for ... (pig).

The dog is looking for ... (puppy).

The cat is looking for ... (kitten).

The goat is looking for ... (kid).

The sheep is looking for ... (lamb).

The fox is looking for ... (fox cub).

The hare is looking for ... (hare).

The wolf is looking for ... (wolf cub).

The hedgehog is looking for ... (hedgehog).

The bear is looking for ... (bear cub).

The squirrel is looking for ... (squirrel).

At the end of the game, you can ask the child which animals he would settle in the forest, and which ones would be near the person's house. What are the names of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals.) What are the names of the animals that live next to a person? (Pets.)

"Fedorino grief"

Purpose: development of attention, auditory memory, ability to coordinate nouns in the genitive plural.

We read an excerpt from the poem "Fedorino's grief."

Then we ask the child to remember what dishes ran away from Fedora, and what she now does not have. At the same time, you can consider pictures depicting dishes or use a real one.

When re-reading the poem, the child prompts the word and shows soo Fedorino grief

All the dishes are gone!

Fedor has no

No cans, no bottles

No toothless, dirty ... (forks).

No abandoned orphans -

Black, bent ... (frying pans).

No dirty dirty -

Broken, broken ... (pots).

People did not see close

And fragments of dirty ... (saucers),

Fleeing from insects

Many days of unwashed ... (cups),

Hiding from cockroaches

Muddy, cracked ... (glasses).

No matter how Fedora looked,

I didn’t find it anywhere ... (plates).

The knife hid from Fedora,

There are no large canteens ... (spoons). The corresponding picture.

"Mishutka's Birthday"

Purpose: development of the ability to correctly coordinate nouns in the dative case.

For this game we need pictures of fish, carrots, mushrooms, grains, grass, squirrels, foxes, hare, hedgehog, chicken, cow and bear.

Mishutka invited friends to his birthday party. The guests have not yet arrived, but a treat is already prepared for them. Let's try to guess who Mishutka is waiting for a visit


Nuts - protein. The bear is waiting for the squirrel.

Fish ... - Bear is waiting ...

Carrots ... - Bear is waiting ...

Mushrooms ... - Bear is waiting ...

Grain ... - Bear is waiting ...

Grass ... - Mishutka is waiting ....

Speech games for children 6 - 7 years old

"Similar Words"

Purpose: expansion of the dictionary of synonyms, development of the ability to identify words similar in meaning.

We call the child a series of words, and ask them to determine which two of them are similar in meaning and why. We explain to the child that similar words are friend words. And they are called so because they are similar in meaning.

Friend - friend - enemy;

Sadness - joy - sadness;

Food - cleaning - food;

Labor - plant - work;

Dance - dance - song;

Run - race - go;

Think - want - think;

Walk - sit - step;

Listen - look - look;

Cowardly - quiet - shy;

Old - wise - smart;

Clueless - small - stupid;

Funny - big - huge.

"Family Olympics"

Purpose: clarification of the syntagmatic relations of an adjective and a noun, development of a dictionary of signs.

It is more interesting to play this game with the whole family, and competitive excitement will contribute to the interest of the child in such games.

Think of any word denoting an object. Each of the players must pick up as many words as possible for him, answering the questions "what?", "what?", "what?", "what?". For example: grass (what is it?) - green, soft, emerald, silky, tall, thick, slippery, dry, marsh ... The one who names the last word-sign wins.

"Two brothers"

Purpose: development of word formation with the help of suffixes -ISCH-, -IK-.

For this game, we need pictures of two different people.

We invite the child to listen to the story of two brothers.

There were two brothers. One was called Ik, he was short and thin. And the other was called Isch, he was fat and tall. Each of the brothers had his own dwelling. Ik had a small house, and Ish had a big house. Ik had a nose, and Ishch had a nose. Ik had fingers, and Ish had fingers. We invite the child to think about what each of the brothers could have in their appearance, home. If the child finds it difficult, you can continue further, naming the subject of only one of the brothers.

Eye - eye; mouth - mouth; tooth - tooth; cat - cat; bush - bush; scarf - scarf; knife - knife; carpet - carpet; elephant - elephant.

"Call it sweetly"

Purpose: fixing the agreement of an adjective with a noun, the formation of diminutive forms of adjectives.

Today we will play in affectionate words. Hear how beautiful it sounds:

The flower is red, and the flower is red.

The apple is sweet, and the apple ... (sweet).

The cup is blue, and the cup ... (little blue).

The pear is yellow, and the pear ... (yellow).

The bucket is blue, and the bucket ... (blue).

The sun is warm, and the sun ... (warm).

The chicken is fluffy, and the chicken ... (fluffy).

The house is low, and the house ... (low).

Carrots are delicious, and carrots ... (delicious).

"Dishes shop"

Purpose: expansion of the dictionary, development of the ability to select a generalizing word, development of speech attention.

For this game, it is better to use real dishes.

Let's play shop. I will be the buyer and you will be the seller. I need dishes for soup - a tureen. Dishes for salad - salad bowl; dishes for bread - a bread box; dishes for milk - milkman; utensils for oil - butter dish; dishes for sweets - a candy bowl; dishes for crackers - a cracker; dishes for salt - salt shaker; dishes for sugar - sugar bowl.

After pronouncing all the available dishes, you can switch roles. Our task is to encourage the child to pronounce the names of dishes on their own.

"Find by color"

Purpose: fixing the agreement of the adjective with the noun in gender and number.

For this game, we need pictures of objects of different colors.

We name the color using the adjective in a certain form (gender, number), and the child finds objects of a given color that fit this form of the adjective. For example:

Red - apple, armchair, dress.

Yellow - turnip, paint, bag.

Blue - cornflower, eggplant, pencil.

"Choose the Right Word"

Purpose: development of thinking, speech attention.

From the proposed words denoting the signs of an object, we suggest that the child choose one that is most suitable in meaning. Think and say which word is more suitable than others?

In autumn, the ... (cold, strong, wet) wind blows.

... (green, blue, red) poppies bloomed in the meadow.

Mom took to the forest ... (bag, package, basket).

Santa Claus comes to visit ... (autumn, spring, winter).

The dog lives ... (in the forest, in a kennel, in a den).

The train travels along ... (road, water, rails).

"Find a picture"

Purpose: development of analysis and synthesis.

We will need pictures depicting various types of transport.

Look at the pictures and name the one you can talk about using the words:

airport, sky, pilot, stewardess, wings, porthole;

rails, compartment, station, wagon, conductor, platform;

berth, sea, captain, deck, sailor, shore;

highway, conductor, driver, stop;

escalator, turnstile, platform, train, station, driver.

"Say the opposite"

Purpose: expansion of the dictionary of antonyms.

For this game we need a ball.

We throw the ball to the child and say the word. The child, returning the ball, calls the word opposite in meaning.

Now you and I will turn into stubborn people who do the opposite. I throw you the ball and say the word, and you say the opposite. For example: dark, but vice versa - light.

















Speech games on the way home for children 5 - 6 years old (recommendations for parents)

Better develop speech skills in free communication with the child, in creative games. Children who are carried away by the idea of ​​the game do not notice that they are learning, although they have to face difficulties in solving problems posed in a playful way. Game actions in games and exercises always include a learning task. The solution of this problem is an important condition for personal success in the game for each child. These speech games contribute to the development of speech, vocabulary enrichment, attention, imagination of the child. With the help of such games, the child learns to classify, generalize objects.

To achieve a positive result, you need to play daily.

1. "Guess the object by the name of its parts"

Body, cab, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors (truck). Trunk, branches, branches, leaves, bark, roots (tree). Bottom, lid, walls, handles (pan). Deck, cabin, anchor, stern, bow (ship). Entrance, floor, stairs, apartments, attic (house). Wings, cockpit, tail, motor (aircraft). Eyes, forehead, nose, mouth, eyebrows, cheeks (face). Sleeves, collar, cuffs (shirt). Head, body, legs, tail, udder (cow). Floor, walls, ceiling (room). Window sill, frame, glass (window).

2. "Guess what it is"

Guessing a generalizing word according to functional features, according to the situation in which the object called by this word is most often located. For example: Grow in a garden bed, used for food (vegetables). Grow on a tree in the garden, very tasty and sweet. Moves on roads, on water, on air.

3."Name the extra word.»

The adult names the words and invites the child to name the “extra” word, and then explain why this word is “extra”. - "Extra" word among nouns: doll, sand, spinning top, bucket, ball; table, wardrobe, carpet, armchair, sofa; coat, hat, scarf, boots, hat; plum, apple, tomato, apricot, pear; wolf, dog, lynx, fox, hare; horse, cow, deer, ram, pig; rose, tulip, bean, cornflower, poppy; winter, April, spring, autumn, summer; mother, girlfriend, father, son, grandmother. -

"Superfluous" word among adjectives: sad, sad, dull, deep; brave, sonorous, bold, courageous; yellow, red, strong, green; weak, brittle, long, fragile; strong, distant, durable, reliable; bold, courageous, courageous, evil, resolute; deep, shallow, high, light, low.

- "Superfluous" word among verbs: to think, to go, to think, to think; rushed, listened, rushed, rushed; arrived, arrived, ran away, galloped; came, appeared, looked; ran out, got in, got out, got out.

Black box game

The child gradually determines what is in the box by asking questions about certain properties of objects: “Is this a toy? Is she wooden? Is she plastic? Can you ride it?" And so on.

Game "Continue the offer"

The game "Proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters"

The child must explain the meaning, meaning of the proverb, saying and pronounce it expressively:

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

Accuracy of a person is beautiful.

A small deed is better than any idleness.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Game "Chain of words"

Children make up a “chain” of words (the last letter of each word should become the first letter of the next word): cancer - cat - tank - cow - stork ...

The game "Answer in one minute"

1 option 2 option

Name the "plane" of Hottabych. - What is the name of the stork's wife.

What is Grandma missing all the time? - In which fairy tale is the hero made of flour?

What is the name of the drake's wife? - What is the name of our kindergarten?

What street do you live on? - Is a birch a fruit tree?

Name the baby sheep. - Name the "plane" of Baba Yaga.

How is your mother's name? - What season is it now?

The game "Who is the smartest?"

Questions to activate logical thinking:

What is the name of the adult Oleg if his father's name is Ivan?

Andrei is the son of Vladimir. Who is Vladimir Andrey?

Masha is Larisa's daughter. Who is Larisa Masha?

Katya is Roma's sister. Who is Roma Kate?

Yura is more fun than Sasha. Who is sadder than Yura?

Task "Make a sentence with the union "a"

An adult names pairs of objects:

Newspaper and saucepan - comb and tie - fork and spoon

Shovel and bucket - dog and cat - pencil and pen

For example: “They read the newspaper, and cook soup in a saucepan.”

YouTube video

It is known that classes that include elements of TRIZ technology in one way or another develop the ability to think (oddly enough)). There are a sufficient number of types of thinking that are affected by TRIZ. Today I will tell you about games that stimulate dialectical thinking.

dialectical thinking - this is the ability to perceive and find opposites, contradictions in objects and phenomena. Such a skill of working with the head helps to see the world more voluminously, forms a “convex” view of the world.

Games "On the contrary"

In order for children (or adults) to gradually learn to see contradictions, it is useful to play games of the series "Vice versa" moving from simple to complex. Familiarize with simple games possible from the age of 4.

1 step

Choose the opposite word (antonym)

Why: make sure the child knows and understands how to match words with opposite meanings.

Props: ball, pictures with opposite signs.

Let's play!

The leader rolls the ball and calls the word, the child catches the ball and calls the antonym. It is important that you use words with a particle NOT it is forbidden

(that is, to say: "cold - not cold" is prohibited).

Examples of pairs of antonyms:

narrow - wide

loud - quiet

rough - smooth

dry - wet

high - low

far close,

darkness is light

ice is fire

worth - going

flies - arrives.

And in pictures

2 step

Cheerful dialogue

Why: we learn to select words-opposites in a more dynamic version.

The game is essentially a dialogue where in the answers the words from the question are replaced by the opposite ones. The logic between questions and answers is missing a little more than completely. Children, of course, feel this very well, so having absurd dialogues is very, very fun.

Dialogue example:

Why I'm sad?
- Because we are having fun!

Why he jumps high?

because she squats low!
- Why it's wet outside?
- Because the house is dry!


Why: Another one fun game to activate dialectical thinking.

Props: pictures of fairy tale characters.

Let's play!

The everyday life of a scout is not easy: he needs to transmit encrypted messages all the time. Let's help the scout in hard work. We will encrypt in the opposite way.

Father Frost.

Encryption - Grandma Heat.

Pinocchio is a cheerful boy with a long nose.

Encryption is a sad girl with a short nose.

Little Red Riding Hood is a little girl who brings pies to her grandmother.

Encryption - Blue socks (it's not me, it's the children who came up with it) - a big boy who takes bagels from his grandfather.

3 step

We select objects with the opposite purpose

We offer to pick up items that are opposite in purpose (function). The game is suitable for children from 5.5 years old who are familiar with the basics of TRIZ.

Why: develop functional and dialectical thinking

Props: you can collect pictures or the objects themselves to choose functional pairs.

For example:

The pencil stains the paper - the eraser cleans the paper,

Scissors separate the paper - glue connects the paper,

Glue connects the sheets - the hand separates the sheets,

The rolling pin smoothes the dough - the hand deforms the dough.

4 step

We are looking for the opposite in one subject.

Props: subject pictures or you can draw diagrams.

What we do: we find where opposite properties are hidden inside one object.

Iron. hot sole, cold a pen.

My cheerful, sonorous ball!

Davydova Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher of the correctional preparatory group GBOU School No. 1191, building No. 4 DO "Zhuravushka", Moscow
Description: This material will be interesting and useful to parents, kindergarten teachers.

Target: Increasing the health-improving and restorative effects of special exercises with balls on the body of older preschool children.
Tasks: Development of the need for new knowledge about the possibilities of using the ball as an object for games and exercises.
Development and strengthening of the main muscle groups.
We continue to develop physical qualities: coordination of movements, strength, endurance, flexibility, speed qualities.
We continue to introduce children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.
Encourage the use of ball games in independent activities.

known to help physical development child, it is necessary with the help of physical exercises to set the load on his muscles. But for the muscles to work smoothly, they are controlled by the brain. It is no coincidence that they say that movement is the work of the brain.
The relationship between general and speech motility has been studied and confirmed by the studies of many scientists.
The higher physical activity child, the better his speech develops. The formation of complex movements occurs with the participation of speech. And, conversely, the precise, dynamic performance of exercises for the legs, arms, torso, head prepares the improvement of the movements of the articulatory organs - lips, tongue, lower jaw. In the preparatory group for school, children continue to develop such skills as: throwing the ball up on the ground and catching it with both hands (at least 20 times in a row); with one hand (at least 4-6 times in a row); throwing the ball up and catching it with claps; throwing the ball to each other different ways(from below, from behind the head, from the chest, with a rebound from the ground); hitting the ball on the ground with one hand (at least 7 times in a row); hitting the ball on the ground alternately with the right and left hand.
Games are aimed at generalizing and expanding vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech, developing the ability to hear the sounds of speech. These games can be played by family members (mom, dad, grandma, grandpa) with their child, you can offer these games on children's holiday(birthday) when preschool guests gather. Having become acquainted with these games, children can play independently with their friends.

The game "Name what you know the dishes(fruits, pets, etc.)"
Option 1: Throwing the ball up, an adult and a child take turns calling a group of objects (frying pan, pan, plate, spoon, etc.)
Option 2: Children stand in a row, an adult offers to take turns tossing the ball up, naming the dishes.
The game "Name it in one word"
An adult names several objects and offers to name them in one word. For example: "Magpie, crow, tit, sparrow, rook." The child answers the question (“Birds”) and throws the ball up with a bang.
Game "Say the other way around"
An adult throws the ball to the child, naming the word, the child catches the ball, calls the antonym and throws the ball to the adult (short - long, large - small, high - low, fat - thin, fun - sad, day - night, far - close, fast - slow etc.) 4. The game "Say kindly"
An adult throws a ball to a child, naming a word. The child catches the ball, calls the word formed with the help of a diminutive suffix, and throws the ball to an adult (chair - high chair, knife - knife, spider - spider, flag - flag, tree - tree, etc.)
Game "Cubs"
An adult calls the animal by throwing a ball to the child with a rebound on the floor, The child returns the ball in the same way and calls his cub (cat - kitten, dog - puppy, goat - goat, cow - calf, horse - foal, etc.)
The game "Who gives a voice?"
An adult calls the animal by throwing a ball to the child with a rebound on the floor. The child returns the ball in the same way and names the way to vote. A cow (mooing), a snake (hissing), a wolf (howling), a horse (neighing), etc.

The game "What can an animal do?"
The child, hitting the ball on the floor with one hand, calls the action of the animal. For example, a cat: sits, lies, sleeps, eats, runs, plays.

The game "Who can fly (swim, crawl, etc.)?"
An adult asks: "Who flies?". The child, tossing the ball up for each word, names the animals that fly (birds, dragonflies, beetles). An adult asks: "Who swims?" The child, tossing the ball up for each word, names the animals that swim (ducks, geese, fish, whales), etc.

Play "hear the sound"
The adult says the words. If the given sound is in the word, then the child throws the ball, if not, then it hits the floor. For example, for the sound [g], you can suggest the following words: beetle, snake, skin, important, jacket, paper, paper.

Game "Find a word"
Name words for a given sound (or all words with a given sound: where the sound is not only at the beginning, but also in the middle and end of the word), taking turns with an adult, tossing the ball up with a clap. Approximate words for the sound [m]: carrots, soap, flour, T-shirt, compote, castle, mosquito, house, catfish.

Game "Tap the word"
Hit the ball on the floor with two hands or one hand as many times as there are syllables in the word. Example words: paw, road, TV, aquarium.

Game "I know"
An adult invites the child to name five (seven) objects to a generalizing concept, while hitting the ball on the floor with two hands or one hand For example: I know five (seven) animals: a dog - one, a rabbit - two, etc.

Game "Where is the ball?"
Option 1: The child performs a task with the ball: “Raise the ball above your head, put the ball near your right foot, put the ball in front of you, behind you”, etc.
Option 2: The child answers the question: “Where is the ball? "(on the table, on the floor, in the corner, near the table, under the table, behind the cabinet)

The game "What is missing?"
An adult, hitting the ball alternately with his right and left hand for each word, says "There are trees." The child, hitting the ball alternately with his right and left hand for each word, answers "There are no trees." Singular and plural nouns are offered: there is a fence - there is no fence, there is a window - there is no window, there are tables - there are no tables, etc.

Now you know how fun and exciting you can use the ball to help your child prepare for school.