Game red and black training rules. Red or black: the best strategy. What's on the counter

Parsing method from N.I. - in audio recording, order separately, address [email protected] or will be posted in Sinton Market.

Analysis from Sergey Chernov (St. Petersburg)

Dear Colleagues!

Surely, many experienced and novice Synthon and other training leaders will agree with me that the game "Red and Black" is one of the central, most important moments in any training program that includes. And at the same time, of course, is a very responsible moment for the coach. On common sense and based on my experience, I could say that this game can be made in two main ways: or make it strongly , that is, the way it should be, or do it in no way, that is, fill up. Of course, we need to be strong. A very important moment. But practice shows that it is difficult to do really strong. More precisely, here you need a jeweler's precision to make this game to the maximum.

Why am I so many words. In order to forget about the moments of your own dissatisfaction from the training, in order to be sure that you gave out one of the most important topics with the highest quality and can then be proud of the result in the form of the Humans received, you are offered a manual for analyzing the game "KCH".

The technical moments of difficulties do not represent (in my opinion). The main thing is dynamics, everything needs to be done very quickly, without delay, what exactly to do is well described in N.I. Kozlova (I recommend the last options). The most important part, depending solely on the skill and professionalism of the presenter, is the analysis. This is where the very thing lies. The fact is that it is probably only Nikolai Ivanovich himself who can carry out the analysis exactly as described in the training manual of Nikolai Ivanovich qualitatively, that is, to the maximum. This is fine. In any case, my attempts to do exactly the same personally did not quite succeed with me. Too many subtleties are missed, often - according to the style of the leader and his relationship with the group - authority, preliminary experience of communication, etc.

Many years of testing on living people led me to the fact that in the end I got basically the same analysis, but! It turned out not ethical, but logical. That is, here I want to convey the idea that the leader can and should strive to find his own style, understand his own strengths and do this responsible business best of all exactly the way he does best.

So, below is a logical analysis of the game "KCh". It is done by me in an exceptionally dry, "reportage" tone, well, perhaps with a bit of humor. This is a very significant point, because some green facilitators understand the NI manual in such a way that participants need to get stuck and drive into feelings of guilt. So, with this approach, you can fly very far. Experienced synthon hosts already know this, so this is more information for newbies. Getting HF resistance in a game is a chance to fail everything - a group (even if a part) may refuse to accept a negative experience. The leader should in no case be pushy, but be on the sidelines, reasoning solely on the basis of the laws of formal logic. True, maybe and should put a rake on the participants and then only neutrally state: “Your rake? Did you come by yourself? How to? What are we going to do, what learning goals should we set?” The task is to lead one hundred percent of the group to the adoption of meaning, and with the help of the manual presented below, this is quite possible.

So, the game is played, the result is more or less as it should be (as you need, for a qualitative analysis) - a sea of ​​bloodshed. It can be useful for people to present this metaphor, for example, by showing your sheet of moves. It's fun, that's good... Yeah...

Personally, I do the analysis in two stages:

1. Preliminary control questions - before the break, this is just so that they are not loaded immediately after the game, otherwise the brain still does not perceive information after an hour and a half of active participation, but give a task for a break - think! This is also a command given in a post-game trance, so that everyone discusses everything and comes to preliminary conclusions themselves, and the host, after the break, worked on the prepared ground. AND -

2. Basic analysis. Here everything must be done clearly, lay out everything, do not forget anything, for this you can and should use (obviously, like smart thoughts - mine, I can peep on a piece of paper - not read, just peep) the manual below. There are several themes, they are different, and explain the same meaning of the game from different angles. For some it will work better, for others it will. It is better to list them all, focusing on the fact that the presenter himself felt better. I recommend point A to be done in detail.

Preliminary analysis, control questions, immediately after the end, before the break. The group is standing in a circle, there have already been post-game hugs, everyone is tired and wants to take a break. The host is short and slightly ironic (but friendly):

1. Raise your hands, please, those for whom in this group there are people whom they can call friends, at least - people to whom you are very good!(pay attention to the wording - your task is for everyone to raise their hands, and which part they agreed with - what's the difference).

2. For whom are such people - friends or just people with whom you treat well - besides yours, in neighboring groups? (we continue to drag them through the desired scenario of questions and answers).

3. Which of you was ready to win in this game, these people who are pleasant to you, your friends, let's say, a little cute to throw, that is, to make it so that "I will win, and he will lose"? (only noted, have not yet thought about what it means).

4. Who was ready to pretend to be a friend, to “lose” a little on this, in order to use the accumulated trust in a critical move and throw a friend already for big money? (already more seriously understood something about themselves).

5. Which of you thinks that he played this game with dignity? So, what can be proud of yourself and your game? That is, to tell everyone: acquaintances, parents, children, about what a fine fellow he is? Who thinks that it would be possible and would be good to change anything? And who can already say now that the second time he would have played in a completely different way? ( shock ethical and logical questions).

6. And for whom was what was happening just a game, that is, frivolous and insignificant? (adjustment for resistance).

7. And who can say that he understands that any game is a direct reflection of life and our behavior styles in it, that we are unable to do something in the game that is completely unusual for us in life? (direct resistance processing).

8. Now everyone will go on a break, during which the main task is to think!!! And also - discuss, and observe what you think and discuss. And evaluate where it leads you (the people at this time are already in a trance, and here is a series of commands. It is imperative to give it, it can be quite neutral).

The main analysis, after the break. The group sits comfortably in the auditorium, all after the break, calm, ready to listen to something new and already waiting to be told what really happened. It is desirable that the facilitator draw something commenting on the board or whatman paper. The more, the better, while constantly talking and being turned to the group.

The host is tough in style, it is better to warn in advance that no unnecessary and empty talk is welcome and will be immediately stopped. “Let's agree - now while I'm talking, you're listening. No interruptions, no distractions, no comments until I ask the appropriate question." The face and intonation are severe. Kindergarten ended, now everyone will have to answer for what they did. This is the communicative meaning.

The main concept of parsing. Pay attention once again, this is the same as Nikolai Ivanovich’s in the training manual, but the emphasis is on logic, ethical things like “friend or not friend” are either completely absent or translated into “as if a joke”, but based on logic ( the topic is fools and bastards) and therefore everyone understands that this is just the presenter joking so cutely, but the reality from these jokes only becomes even more obvious, frank and unattractive.

A. What are the game strategies - 4 pieces.

1. If I bet red in the hope that I will also bet red - who am I? That's right, complete idiot. We will immediately analyze this option so that we do not return to it again. If the goal of the game is to win, then the person who seeks to lose (both his own and others) is an idiot, no one else. I will confirm each postulate with life analogies. What life examples can there be - a person using such a strategy, living by these rules - how is this possible? What illustrations can you name? It will be difficult to come up with an illustration for such a case, simply because they do not live long, but still? For example, a person recklessly crossing the road at a red light. He has the task of living, life is given to him so that he lives - and he? Here he is, you idiot. Well, and other nonsense: sticks his fingers into the socket, climbs onto a high-voltage support (make up your own!). An interesting option- a person is serious, that is, thinking that he is doing something right, he drinks vodka. It does not matter how he will justify it, just as it does not matter how the one who runs into a red light or sticks his fingers into a socket will justify it. So, is everything clear with this option? Do we have any here? As I guess, no, simply because they do not live long, and they do not reach Sinton for sure.

2. Therefore, only option two is acceptable for us - if you bet on red, then only so that you bet on black in return. That is, so that you win, and the “opponent” loses. But! This alignment is possible only with two options. First, he is an idiot. As in the first described case. Did someone seriously think that there are idiots here who can get hot so easily? Well, these are the same people as you, who came here for the same reasons as you. Does anyone think that a person like himself can be a complete idiot? So, there remains option two - this person simply trusted you and offered mutually beneficial cooperation - joint game to black. Then based on this, if in response to this you bet red, then what is your name? That's right, you bastard. Guys, so far, according to my logical conclusions, it turns out that either idiots or bastards can bet on red. Yes? Are there other categories? (as a rule, the group gives more options that come down to the two described above. Or - the option that you comment on: “We will analyze this option later). Let's do an experiment. Stand up (option - raise your hands and hold until I tell you to lower), please, those who played red in the game! Bolder, everyone, please, who at least once bet on red! And now of these people - sit down (put your hands down), please, idiots. Thank you, idiots, congratulations to the rest, who are you? We sit down. What are the life examples showing us such idiots and bastards? (and here in more detail, and let them remember more examples. The only thing is that they remember examples from their lives with their participation, and it’s better with direct participation, and better as a player on the red. That is, examples like “but we raised the price of gasoline "It is better to stop immediately and rudely).

3. Who bets on black? What options are possible here, how are these people simply called? Yes, everything is simple - a person wants to earn money, and at the same time not at the expense of another, but together with him. Examples? Yes, full. Any smart interaction is built only according to this scheme. From examples of domestic, family and personal relationships, when good family in principle, it can only work out if both trust each other and want both to win, in a business where, in order to make money on a client, you need to do well for him, so that he likes it and he comes again, or so that your company worked well, you need to take care of the employees so that they feel good, to examples of more abstract, but vivid ones: you know, crocodiles, for example, have their own dentists - these are small birds that peck out something stuck in their teeth. Such a crocodile lies with its mouth open, and these birds rummage around in its mouth, and it never occurs to a single crocodile to close its mouth - it would seem, why, the food itself climbed into its mouth! And to global examples: you can, for example, be rich and drive an expensive jeep, which, of course, doesn’t care what roads to drive on, but drive on bad roads! And it is possible, like normal people in civilized countries, to make sure that you do not have to buy expensive all-terrain vehicles, but simply build good roads together.

There is a game for black in a weak, background version, when I play for black only because why not, because it won’t work anyway, playing for red will be no better for me. Such lazy game to black. I'm in a traffic jam, I'm not in a hurry, of course, I'll let the little man leave the secondary road. Now, if this is not the case, then this is already a psychological problem. But what will happen to such kindness of mine if I suddenly decide that I need it urgently and my affairs are more important than everyone else?

And there is another game for black - a conscious choice, when I know that it is necessary to play black - right, but in a different way - wrong. When I'm ready to insist on playing black. And here we are already moving on to the next option:

4. This is when a person plays for black, knowing that he will receive red in return. Again, there are two options. Either he is a masochist, and then it's his problem. Do we have those who bet on black, knowing or suspecting that they will now receive red in return? Masochists, confess? No, something else... And here is the second option - this is if a person offers you a joint activity, and is even ready to convey to you that working together is better and more profitable - to lose something, more precisely, for this pay. He invests in you. How is such a person in the people, in a simple way, called? What are the most typical examples? The most common and striking example is our parents. Who are we for them while we are small and there is no benefit from us, except for harm? And what, nevertheless, they do for us? Time after time, realizing that our game for red, described diapers, plugs in sockets, broken glasses and deuces in diaries will not end for a long time? Were there people in the game who, over and over again, bet black to others, knowing that they would not wait for a return black from them soon? How are they now treated by those who earned points at their expense? What did you think and say about them then, at that moment?

5. Thoughts, conclusions?

B. Other views on the meaning of the game.

1. What communicative information do the styles of play carry? That is, not a direct text accompanying the move, which is often declarative, facade, but a subtext, hidden, often unconscious? If I bet on black, then two options outcome has something in common - in both cases you will win, you will get a plus. Therefore, playing for black carries a hidden, communicative message - "I want you to win." And if I bet on red, you will lose anyway. This means that the communicative message of the game on red is “I don’t care if I win, the main thing for me is that you lose.” That's so much fun.

2. It happens that people start playing for black, not so much because it is a consciously chosen strategy of life, but simply because it is safer (well, it went to black from the very beginning, no one bothers, and okay. Especially since we are so good at the same time, the rest of the idiots are fighting, and we ...). Or - on red it somehow turns out stupid and ignoble, and uninteresting, but on black it’s interesting - but what happens? But as soon as such a person gets red, he immediately gets on the usual, red rails .... I would like the choice of the "Black" strategy to take place according to a different principle - as a conscious life choice.

3. how did it all happen in the course of the game (in moves): they started with red (black), received in response - and how did it go on? What was the starting point at each such turning point? Option - “we were thrown, so we decided, why should we be kind to them? Right now, we will throw them too ... "

4. How did you feel about each other? Who are colleagues? Who are the competitors and rivals? Why exactly? How do you choose your relationship with your partner in the game: what is included by default - a partner or a competitor?

5. The fact is that this is not a zero-sum game (explain what zero-sum and non-zero-sum games are). Here, depending on the strategies of the players, the final amount can be very different. You can earn total wealth, you can, which often happens in this game - total devastation. Once again, where did you start? Life is also a game. And also not zero-sum. How do you live your life and why do you think that you live it radically differently than you played this game, which schematically reflects life strategies in general?

6. Who thinks that a game is just a game and that it is not indicative of life at all? Well, figs with them, who thinks so, to dissuade - only to waste time (this is, of course, a good thing to say). And who has already found and continues to find analogies of this game with life? What are the implications for life? Only!!! Conclusions like “now I understand how everyone in my life is throwing me” are complete nonsense, heresy and fornication, under no circumstances is categorically accepted! Such a conclusion for life does not give anything! Find out where and what you are doing to be thrown - thank God, the game provides more than enough material for this - for example, as soon as you stop trusting and start to be afraid - you start betting red - and you immediately get it in return, and if you don’t have the courage to take responsibility for the fact that you created it yourself, then you only confirm your opinion that “all the goats”. Example: boy-girl. The boy showed signs of attention to the girl, but did not accept obligations to be faithful to the grave. The girl, seeing him with another girl, decided to make him a scandal. The boy looked at this scandal and decided: “Why do I need such a girl with problems that reflect on me?” And went to another. The girl, quite rightly, concluded: “Well, this one, like all of them, is a kazel !!!”. And after all, the boy doesn’t even want to explain anything to her in such a situation, because it’s more expensive for her to get involved - to wag her nerves ....

7. Sooner or later, the topic arises: how to play this game in such a way that people who play for black still win? Is it possible? The answer is yes!!! How, and here there are a few points about what honest and decent people should do, so that no matter how life unfolds, they, honest and decent, would always win. The game provided all the possibilities for this. There are two options: either the host will tell you what the opportunities are, or, as I do, give a task for a home meeting - find these opportunities. And figure out where in life you can do the same actions. Playing for black is profitable, you just need to be technically able to play, and then you will want to play for black and there will not even be a temptation to do nonsense - to bet red.

So, use it, my friends, if you just keep this text in front of your eyes and turn to it from time to time during the analysis to be sure that you won’t forget anything, then the analysis will turn out to be good and of high quality. Of course, it is better to practice on cats first.

When conducting an analysis according to this scheme (on all points), it personally turns out for me that there is no time left for anything else in the lesson. So I transfer the work on the “Man and Animal” table to the next lesson.

Feel free to add whatever you want, send me your options:

[email protected]

Please only use the above to keep copyright:

Sergey Chernov, St. Petersburg.

Thanks to all.

Please, my friends, if you decide to print this text and bring it with you to class as a training manual, remove the technical comments from there. (what's in italics), leave only your text to speak. None of the participants, even by chance, should see technical comments.

Remembering Lifespring

Lifespring is a personal growth training system that provides participants with a set of tools for self-realization.
It consists of four steps, the first of which is the basic course.
In the basic course, participants are given the opportunity to become aware of the attitudes and limitations based on which they build their lives, as well as the opportunity to create and adopt new attitudes, thanks to which one can make life "work" for the fulfillment of desires.

The game "red / black" is held on the basic course.
Participants are divided into two teams and go to different rooms.
On the boards in both rooms, tables are drawn in two rows of six columns (each row corresponds to a command, each column to the next "move").
By general voting, each team puts either red or black in the appropriate cell - this is the “move”. Teams move at the same time, not knowing what move the other team is making at the same time. Participants are informed about intermediate results only after the move is made by both teams.
Points are calculated as follows: if one team bets on red and the other team on red - both minus three. If one team bets on red, and the other team on black, the first team plus five, the second team minus five. If both teams bet on black, both teams get plus three.

Third day of training.
I sit in the hall and listen to what I have already heard many times and even said myself. However, now I am here as a participant.
A few rows to the right of me sits Ivan, the co-host of our master class, the fourth stage of the program.
What I need here, I know: I have to teach this course on my own. What does Ivan need here, behind whom there are already several dozens of such classes?
Everything in the room is the same as always. Surprised, indignant, not understanding a word, suffering, hoping and blindly believing - all are completely immersed in their thoughts and emotions.
Participants go with the flow in the direction indicated by the coach, and this movement is similar to a seething stream.
I am also immersed in my thoughts. Now there will be a red/black game. I've told people many times as an assistant coach that you can only play it once, the very first time. Everything else is fake and fake. Because knowing the rules of the game, it is no longer possible to play it. Today I have to do it!
This game has never been won. None of the training courses. Nobody. That's what the coach says. This is exactly what I myself told the participants many times ...
The coach separates Ivan and me into different teams.
But this is a chance! It is enough for me to explain to people the essence of the game, and Ivan, for his part, will do the same - I know that. We both have teams of thirty people - a trifle ...
I'm going like a spring. Heart at the throat.
The second team passes by, into the next room, and I see Vanya's face trembling. For a moment, his hand touches mine...
Not! This game can only be played once. One. The only one ever. My game will be fake. Having solved my own problems, having hammered a ready-made solution into people's heads, I will deprive them of the opportunity to find it on their own. They won't find him, I know that too, all my experience speaks of this. But I will give them at least a chance.
And here I am sitting on the last row and watching what is happening.
Everything, as always, according to a familiar scenario. People who hugged each other a couple of hours ago and spoke about love to everyone they met are now divided into two teams and set themselves the goal of snatching victory, points, and advantage from the enemy.
My team is cautiously voting red. All game lost. You can leave... But they don't know about it yet...
Ivan rages behind the wall. Vanya graduated from Gnesinka in vocal class, and his bass is transmitted throughout the building through the floor.
Vanya, you still don't know that I betrayed you. For them. For yourself. For your own sake. For the game...
His voice trails off. The coach notifies us that the other team has made a black move. Of course.
My team, excited and buzzing like a beehive, bets even more carefully on red again.
Behind the closed door, Ivan's heavy voice hammers into the pile floor again and again. Answering cries, sounds similar to the crash of falling furniture, a woman's squeal - everything merges into a wild cacophony. Does he hit them?
The coach brings the answer: black!
Well, so be it ... What's the difference? The desired result will still not be there. Vanya himself explained this simple truth to me many times.
Third move. Amazed at what is happening, inspired by illusions, my team again bets on red. I shrink into a ball. If only they knew how they would be beaten now! How from the very peaks of success they will fall into the abyss of the deepest disappointment - disappointment in themselves ...
The screams behind the wall become unbearable. Hell, absolute hell right next to me... They beat him!! Vania! Do you still believe in people?
Black! Black again!
I'm starting to shake. Still not believing in what is happening, refusing to perceive reality, I plug my ears and close my eyes.
I have enough hands to shut my mouth, and I bite my teeth into a shoulder in a shaggy sweater.
Six black chips! Six! All the necessary six - and this despite all the nonsense of our reciprocal steps ...
Vanya's team appears from the next room. Their appearance is terrible. Men's jackets dragging on the floor, shirts torn. Frightened, trembling, tear-stained women.
My team looks at them with shock.
The game is lost.

After the separation necessary according to the scenario (I know all the words by heart), the coach kicks the shocked participants out into the corridor.
I go up to Ivan and point with my hand at the completed table:
- This game can be won!
- No, - Ivan shakes his head, - Only lose!
And we're both wrong...


Hello! I didn’t understand the rules of the game, it turns out to bet on red for the most part more profitable. Why is the second team always on black? Or was Ivan pushing through them? Is that why the fights? Or for some other reason? The funny thing is that even at the dawn of the Open forum, one of my close friends accidentally got into their training, there in an express version in two days they had nothing, even a breakthrough. So, he played this game, I ask him what the point is, and he: I still don’t understand)))

My business is the provision of premises for events of various formats. I give preference to areas related to training, education, consulting. Pay hourly, depends from duration events and times.
Natalie Mirionkova “Consultant. Business trainer. Training coordinator "Success" in Moscow. (taken from
The company wrote about itself "Our Mission
We create opportunities for people:
* gain skills in achieving success and realizing your dreams,
* live life consciously in a state of happiness, creativity,
* create harmonious interaction.

Our principles
*Everything that we give to people - we apply in our lives
* Teachers around us
*Beauty and inspiration in every action
*Respect for the freedom of choice of each person
*Continuous quality improvement

Now to the point.
We have agreed that Ms. Alekseeva's training ( will take place from 10:00 to 20:00 on Friday and Saturday, and from 11:00 to 21:00 on Sunday. Post-training - on Tuesday from 20-00 to 22-30.
We calculated the amount, made a discount, received the amount - the cost of the service. CLEARLY defined the space in which the training will take place. (Note this - the boundaries have been defined UNIQUELY)

Well, then it started.

  • Irina Borisovna, can we arrive early, prepare the room?
  • Can. How much time do you need for this?
  • Well, we will arrive at 8-30
  • Good.

I arrived on the day of the training at 9-30, everything was already ready in the hall, it was just great. However, from that moment on, surprises began for me. It turned out that the organizers arrived the evening before and decorated the hall until 3 am. Of course, at 11:00 p.m., my receptionist did not dare to disturb me. 1:0 in favor of the Success team.
And where is the cooler, the organizers asked me? When talking about the cooler - not a word. 2:0 in favor of the Success team. Where is the water for the cooler? - We ordered urgent delivery, since we are in good standing with the delivery man -3:0 in favor of the Success team.

Second day of training. Four o'clock in the afternoon, I have serious negotiations on another project. Ms. Mirionkova calls me and says.

  • And your administrator told me that we can also take the next room.
  • Darling, are you going to play red and black?
  • Yes, we need to isolate teams from each other.
  • Why didn't you warn me about this when we agreed for the first time?
  • Oops, sorry, that's more of an oversight of mine.
  • Good. We can get away with having your guys in the kitchen. But at the same time, participants in other events will come here to drink tea, since they are not to blame for anything. And you will have to pay for the room, because in the first calculation we are talking about this did not agree.
  • Okay, Irina Borisovna

What happened next?
Like an angry fury, the trainer flew into the kitchen (the participants of the training are already here). She was ready to incinerate me with her Reik look
_We pay you MONEY, so you are OBLIGED to provide us with everything we need!

Hee-hee-hee, Irina Borisovna said to herself. The trainer did not know that at that moment I was in a mediation training, and my teacher also observed the situation, being right there.
Without getting involved in the discussion of who owes what to whom, I went into my training.

When I returned to the kitchen, the red and black game was still going on. She involuntarily listened to what was happening. It turned out that in this training they used such a modification of the famous game that the entire inner essence was distorted.
People, save from such modifications!
People, the red and black game is not about money!!!

The next morning I went to the office with a ready solution.
If you remember, the day should have started at 11:00 according to the first agreements. I came to the office, and there the training party was in full swing. At 9:30 am.

Can you guess three times what I did?

That's right, I called Ms. Mirionkova into my office and offered a choice.

  1. vacate the room immediately.
  2. Pay exactly what it was in the original contract again.

I offered her to make a decision immediately. However, this sweet lady was only capable of more and more frequent cries: "Irina Borisovna! Irina Borisovna! Irina Borisovna!"
Since I am a lady who is not very prone to drama, without waiting for the aforementioned Ms. to collapse in hysterics and, in order to stop this circus, went to the team
and repeated her claim, adding the time factor. Exactly 5 minutes.
I returned to my room and after 10 seconds two strangers came to me - members of the team.

  • Guys, I will repeat to you our first agreements, if they were not known to you (fortunately, there is paper). You teach others to look for non-standard solutions - this is the reality of life for you. You teach others to BE OBLIGATORY - why do you allow yourself to break agreements? Why are you stretching others?
    I also mentioned that in connection with with disinformation about the time of the training, I had to cancel some clients - and this is a direct economic loss
    In response, there was a bleating that they were not ready ...
  • Then vacate the room. On the clock - 12 minutes to 10-00. You have exactly seven minutes for one or the other.

seven minutes not required. Thirty minutes later the decision was made.

It was absolutely not important to me what decision the team would make. Either way, I win. What about the training team?

The coach is unprofessional, this was noted by everyone who was involved in the situation from the outside.
Guys, be careful when you are involved in personal growth training! Choose a coach carefully. Harm will be inflicted on you by any unprofessional interference in your psyche.
The task of any training is to loosen you, take you out of balance, make you go beyond the usual. However, after such influences, you need to carry out professional psycho-correction, undergo a course of therapy in order to calm down at a new level of development of your personality!

That's the story, damn it!

The main thing to understand when talking about exercises is that it is not so much the exercises themselves that are important, but their combination within the course, the sequence. You can analyze the effect and consequences of a single exercise - however, this analysis does not give a complete and real picture of why this exercise was done. For example, outwardly, it may seem that the exercise is aimed at realizing the attitude of other participants towards you - however, in reality, it may have the goal of both revealing the degree of involvement of a particular participant by the trainer, as well as directed “baiting” someone (the attitude is largely formed at the suggestion of the coach and the group).
The description of individual exercises is interesting in itself. At the end, I will give an interpretation by psychologists about what the presented exercises are aimed at from the point of view of working with the psyche.
Lots of exercises! I will not describe everything, only some, the description of which I managed to find and formulate. I’ll note right away that exercises can vary in different training centers - therefore, I only give names and descriptions that I found, which does not mean at all that an exercise with a different name or done a little differently does not apply to lifespring technology.

The game "Red and Black" (option - "Tic-tac-toe")
Conducted on the Basic course.
Participants are divided into two teams and go to different rooms. A table is drawn on the board in 2 rows of 6 columns (each row corresponds to a command, each column corresponds to the next “move”). By universal voting, the team puts either red or black in each cell - this is the “move”. Teams take turns. The courier moves from room to room, looks at the result after voting and reports how the other team voted. The voting results are reported to the courier only by the leader of the team according to certain rules. The goal of the game is to "score the maximum number of points" - literally, this is how it is formed by the coach. Points are counted as follows: if one team puts red and the other team puts red - both minus 3. If one puts "K" and the other team "H" - the first plus 5, the second minus 5. If both teams put "H" - both by plus 3. The purpose of "setting the maximum number" is not obvious during the game, for example, there are decoys who claim that it is important to score the maximum by absolute value (minus 25 is better than plus 10). This brings confusion to the vote.
As a result, when the teams meet after the game, after the joy of the team that scored more points, the coach announces something like this: “We should have always voted for black. Then, in total, both teams scored more - since the real goal was total points maximum ( I note that no one specified this at the beginning). Why did you vote for red, trying to get more points for yourself, without thinking about the other team? Because you consider them enemies - this is inherent in us. It also happens in life! And we must strive for cooperation, love for our neighbors and interaction.”
There is one more point - the courier may not accept the result of the vote under the pretext of "violating the rules", sometimes without talking about the essence of the violation - the leader must guess himself (in fact, there may not be a violation). Not accepting the answer may be intentional - if they see that both teams are trying to vote for black, that is, to get the best total result - the goal is just to create rivalry, although in the final speech of the coach we are talking about cooperation. People begin to doubt why they do not accept the answer, this introduces nervousness and may lead to a change in the result of the vote.
During the game, the coach observes the behavior of the teams. He reveals the passive ones and subsequently reprimands them for their passivity, while he reprimands the active ones for not activating the passive ones. Identifies leaders, emotionally stable and unstable, skeptics, etc. There is another side effect - there may be strong pressure on those who do not agree with the result of the voting of their team: a person does not want to choose a certain color and seeing that the majority is “for” this color, he simply “abstains” - and this is a violation rules and voting is not accepted. As a result, the team puts pressure on the person to vote and the result is counted.

Exercise "Give and Take"
The exercise is done on the Advanced course, approximately in the middle of the course.
Participants come up to each other and say whether this or that participant “takes” or “gives”. Everyone counts how many times he "takes" and how many times he "gives". Then everyone is seated in descending order (schematically - the taker - minus one point, the giver - plus one point). The coach approaches the top givers and top takers and asks them why they ended up at that end of the line.
Then the light is dimmed, loud heavy music is turned on, everyone stands in front of his partner ( Let me remind you that at the beginning of the advanced course, everyone is divided into permanent pairs, choosing a partner for themselves). The coach asks questions like: “How do you collect? From whom are you taking - name the names!? How do you justify your taking?" The participant must shout the answers loudly in the face of a partner. Next, the coach makes you turn your back to your partner, close your eyes and close your arms on your chest in the castle. On command, all participants must simultaneously run to the indicated point, pushing others and shouting: “I don’t give a damn about you, you are in my way, move away!” At the same time, a support group of strong guys runs into the hall and participates in the flea market, but the participants do not notice them - the light is dimmed, their eyes are closed, the atmosphere is tense. If someone falls, they pick him up and throw him into the pile again. Injuries are not excluded, and a person can be walked on while he is lying. Then the "support group" squeezes everyone into a ring, the flea market stops. The trainer gives a speech about “how bad it is to just take and not give back, which the participants have just seen. Each of your taking increases the bad in the world.
There may also be an option when the coach starts scolding the most "taking away" that they are dragging the team down and they need to be kicked out. And he invites the team to “fight” for them. If the team does not want to fight and agrees to expel the “lagging behind” members, the captains put pressure on the team, shouting: “Team, you are draining your people! And we are all responsible for their results!”

Exercise "What do you want"
The exercise is done in the Basic course.
Participants are divided into pairs and sit opposite each other in the so-called "open position" (hands on hips, palms up), looking into each other's eyes. The first participant, in time with the music, loudly asks: “What do you want?” The second participant should also answer loudly - the first thing that comes to mind. In another version, there is no couple - you just need to yell your desires "into the void." The exercise takes place with the windows closed from the light in subdued light to deafeningly loud music. The captains periodically sit down to the couples and urge on by shouting “What do you want?” They shout directly in the face, especially those who, in their opinion, yell not loud enough or are tired. The coach directs the captains to the microphone. When shouting out desires, the main thing is not to think and shout as loudly as possible - supposedly so that the partner hears. Because of the loud screaming and music, no one really hears the partner, but in reality this is not necessary. The main thing is that a person with his own loud cry should approve his own desires as life goals. That is, against the background of strong tension, desires must be “registered” in the permanent memory of a person, and as the exercise progresses, a person moves from conscious desires to subconscious ones. According to the feelings of the participant - “the throat is wheezing, the head is throbbing, it hurts, the eyes are filled with blood. There is a state of altered consciousness, slight dizziness, mental overload. Rational thinking is turned off, the crowd goes into a trance. I, as a person who has been in the football fan sector, confirm that such a state is quite possible and a person in a screaming crowd loses his adequacy. Some participants fall into hysterical laughter, some cry.
After a few minutes of screaming, the partners switch roles.
At the end of the exercise, the trainer can tell the participants to shout unknown desires “into the universe”. No matter what - the main thing is to raise your eyes up and shout as loudly as possible. At the same time, the captains raise their hands to the sky, many repeat after them.
The final stage is meditation with the words "be with what you have just discovered."

Exercise "Darkroom"
Done in the Advanced course.
The members sit in a dark room with deafeningly loud music playing. The coach says: “Everyone has moments when you get angry and insult yourself. Leave it all here! Scold yourself!" Participants must loudly say insults to themselves. The captains help with mental dispersal, running and shouting various insults into the ears of the participants.
After the exercise, positive music is turned on and the participants tell themselves how good they really are, pat themselves on the head.

Exercise "Lifeboat" (options: "Boat", "Ship", "Flying ship")
Conducted in the Advanced course.
The exercise begins with meditation eyes closed to quiet music in subdued light - an imitation of sailing on a ship. Then "a storm came upon the ship." There is only one lifeboat on the ship and two people fit into it. Each participant is asked what he will choose, rescue in a boat or death on a sinking ship. Next, the team is given the task of deciding who to put in the boat. Here, as a rule, men let the ladies go first, the older ones let the younger ones go. After some discussion, the coach stops him in a tough manner and distributes two matches to everyone. Everyone must approach the other participants and make a choice: say his name out loud to his face and, if you give the match, add “you are alive”, if not, “you are dead”. Then it is repeated by the person to whom you address it. For example, you approach Peter and say:
- Peter, you're dead.
Peter must repeat:
- I'm Peter, I'm dead.
All this happens under the pressure of the coach and assistants. If a person gives matches, they shout in his ear, and several people shout at once: “You behave like a sucker, you are a sucker in life - you give your life to people you barely know! So girls leave you, friends forget! You are not valuable to yourself and cannot be valuable to anyone! Everyone wipes their feet on you!”
If the person does not give up the matches: “You are cold and unprincipled, you leave people like that in life! That's why no one wants to be with you! You're not a human - you're an insensitive robot!"
Another interesting point is that the coach and assistants deliberately a priori create a negative attitude towards some participants so that people do not give them matches. The model of collective psychology is working, following the example of the school - a student “hurt” by older or more authoritative comrades does not shake hands with classmates.
When a person does not have a single match left, he must, at the command of the coach, lie down on the floor - an imitation of death.
As a result, only some of the matches remain, the rest "died". Each of the coaches remaining under control approaches the rest of the remaining ones and either gives a match or says:
“I don't give a shit about you. I'm not taking you with me" The team confronts him - "how is it, you still dined with him at the same table today, he's still so young" and similar arguments.
After that comes the next kind of meditation.
A helicopter with rescued people flew ashore. Relatives meet the helicopter and look for you, but you are not among the rescued. Then your swollen body is caught, you are buried, everyone is crying. Turn off the lights, everyone lies in the dark. There is no music, the coach is silent. The dead must convey the last words to their relatives through the survivors. In the process, as a rule, someone “can’t stand it” and jumps up with a cry of “I’m alive!” Most likely it’s a decoy, the light is turned on and everyone starts to get up - come to life.
Further, the coach says that the “correct behavior” is not to distribute matches and die, but to leave one match each for yourself and your partner - and thus save the two of you.
There are also variations in the exercise: after meditation, everyone stands in a circle and each participant must approach the others and say (for example):
- You're Peter, you're coming.
If the participant does not remember the name, he must clearly and loudly say:
- I don't know yours. I don't care about you! Indifferent!!!
The coach requires you to speak loudly in order to feel "how much you care about this person."
If the participant incorrectly gave the name, the owner of the name must answer:
- That (pause) is not my name. (pause)
The trainer says to the owner of the name:
You don't care about this person. How did you manifest that you became indifferent to these people?
The exercise can end late at night (let me remind you about malnutrition and lack of sleep, that is, severe mental exhaustion) - this is the last exercise of the day. According to the participants, the impact on the consciousness is very strong, someone is crying, someone is depressed, as if in a state of mourning.
At the end, after the exercise - a meditation aimed at emotional recovery. After the exercise, there may be homework, for example, “come up with a tombstone for yourself” (this, as I understand it, in a joking way, after “positive” meditation).

I will briefly mention some other exercises. For example, participants are forced to dance a striptease. There is also a psychological striptease - a person goes to the center of the circle and talks about his relationship with his father, about himself in bed, etc. - and then the group gives him an assessment (feedback), and negative. Also, for example, participants are forced to act out silent scenes based on the book "A Seagull named Jonathan Livingston" by Richard Bach.

Some of the exercises are called stretch marks or stretch- these exercises are aimed at, as it were, "a person's going beyond his own boundaries of behavior." In them, people are divided into groups and forced to play some uncharacteristic role for them - strippers, station prostitutes, homeless people, ballerinas, butterflies, caterpillars. Moreover, people can really sit as homeless at the station or go naked into the street. They also force you to get something for free, for example, 3 favorite fruits. Or ride public transport without paying and sing a song in front of the conductor as payment - with the support of the group.

We must not forget about "homework". I will not go into their description, the principle itself is important - control over the time of the trainee, even outside the training. A person is instilled with responsibility for doing homework and asked him to do it at the training. Thus, a person spends time outside the training on homework and he does not have the opportunity to comprehend what he is doing.

At the beginning of the article, I promised to give an interpretation of psychologists - what are the methods used in the exercises aimed at. Since the article turned out to be saturated and, in truth, I myself am somewhat overloaded with information, the next article will be devoted to this interpretation.

It always seemed to me that this is a fairly well-known and interesting team game, but as my small personal survey among my colleagues at work and my friends outside of it showed, not many have heard of this game.

So, there is a group of people who want to have fun and at the same time work on team skills. Identify a leader and test your ability to negotiate in a short time under the pressure of current circumstances (the enemy does not sleep, yes :)), understand the team's ability to consistently develop and make the right tactical and strategic decisions.

The group of players is divided into two teams. The team with the most points wins. Points are scored according to the rules set out below.


The game lasts 7 moves. On each move, the team can choose whether to bet on red or black. Depending on what the first and second teams bet on, both teams will receive the following number of points:

Points 3 and 6 moves doubled, and the points of the last 7th move - triple (1, 2, 3X2 , 4, 5, 6X2 , 7X3 ).

The decision in the team is made every time by a simple majority of votes. You can have as many discussions as you like, but at the end the question is put to a vote, the results of which are transferred to the moderator (for example, on a form or on pre-prepared cards).

The time for discussing each move is approximately 5 minutes, but if one of the teams has already made a decision, the other must announce its decision no later than 1 minute later. If a decision is not made during this time, then this team is penalized by 3 points. You can vote as many times as you like, but if there are “abstentions” at the final vote, then the team receives minus 1 point for each such participant, and minus 2 points for each participant who voted “against”. If someone on the team regularly crosses, the team can kick him, but it will be worth minus 3 points.

The decision of the teams is passed to the opponents by the host or his assistant. Any kind of contact between teams during the game is prohibited.

Alternative version of the game: "Two Civilizations" 🙂

The group is divided into two teams. By lot we determine who plays for the Earthlings, and who for the Aliens.

Legend: a space expedition from Earth discovered an uninhabited planet, the bowels of which turned out to be saturated with a variety of minerals and strategically important types of raw materials. But almost simultaneously with earthlings, representatives of another highly developed civilization landed on this planet, also interested in the natural resources of the planet. Noticing the presence of each other, both earthlings and aliens took refuge in their spaceships, bringing neutron guns and hand blasters to combat readiness. This planet is essential for both civilizations. Apparently, armed clashes cannot be avoided. The question is who will start first, who will be responsible for unleashing a military conflict. The long wait has begun...

However, there is still the possibility of a peaceful agreement. But there is no communication between the ships, and in order to make their proposals, it is necessary to leave the ship and go outside. This is a risk: rivals may not take the same step, but simply destroy competitors. In this game, you will have to decide what to do, having made all the same seven moves.

The essence and rules outlined above do not change, only the surroundings change 🙂


There is in the game winning strategy(this is obvious - it is necessary that both teams bet on black). But! There is a great temptation to “outplay” the other team, and at some point one of the teams starts betting on red…

After this game, during the discussion, the participants come to the topic of trust as a necessary condition for successful joint activities.

You can easily increase the number of teams playing (championship), lengthen the game up to 10 or 15 moves, change the multiplicity rules (by 3m, 6m and last moves), moving them to other moves.

Good luck in building successful teams!