Grandmaster Karjakin. Family is the best rear: family secrets of chess player Karjakin. Misha Osipov and Sergey Karyakin

Sergey Karyakin is a Russian chess player and grandmaster. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine and Russia. Until 2009, he had Ukrainian citizenship and played for Ukraine. Born in the 90th year in the city of Simferopol.

At the age of twelve he was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest grandmaster. He left his homeland, because he did not see prospects for development for himself. Living in Russia and training under the guidance of two eminent coaches, he quickly became one of the leading athletes in the world. Recipient of the Order of Merit. He is the world champion in rapid chess and blitz.

Since 2017, he has been a member of the Public Chamber. He opened a chess club in Moscow at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University and two clubs in the Crimea.

Personal life

In 2009, he married Ekaterina Dolzhikova, but they divorced a couple of years later.

In 2014, he married Galiya Kamalova. A year and a half later, the newlyweds had a son, Alexei, and two years later, a second son.

Sergey Karyakin's apartment in Yalta

Two bedrooms and a kitchen combined with a living room - this is quite enough for a comfortable family holiday in the summer.

To the sea only 20 meters. If you open the windows at night, you can hear the surf, and in the morning you can go out into the garden and have breakfast right on the street overlooking the sea.

According to CIAN, real estate in Yalta by the sea can be bought from 3 to 17 million rubles and more.

House of Sergey Karyakin

At the end of 2009, he moved from Ukraine and, with the help of the patronage of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, received Russian citizenship, after which he was given housing in a new building located in the capital. Then this property was exchanged for a cottage in the Odintsovo district. With the purchase helped one of the former chess players, who is currently engaged in construction business. I managed to buy a good lot in an elite place for reasonable money.

The three-story brick mansion is located along the Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway in the village of Soloslovo, it belongs to business class housing.

On a spacious plot, fruit trees and shrubs mainly grow, as well as other crops that the wife is engaged in.

On the ground floor are: living room, kitchen and dining room. The living room is traditionally lined with a large white fireplace, next to which is a seating area.

The owners are adherents of classical style and hi-tech. The design is made in light beige tones with dark accents.

Compact and multifunctional dining room without unnecessary details.

The study is decorated in dark colors with a large granite table and a leather armchair. There are many bright, but not conspicuous details in the room, as well as a large number of paintings and figurines.

On the second floor: master bedroom and children's room. The third - basement floor is given over to a guest room and a place for receiving guests with a ping-pong table.

According to CIAN, a cottage in the village of Soloslovo costs from 18 to 85 million and more.

First and last name: Sergey Karyakin
Middle name: Alexandrovich
Full name in English: Sergey Karjakin
Year of birth: 1990
Birthday: 12 January
Age: 29
Place of Birth: Simferopol, Ukrainian SSR
Occupation: athlete
Growth: 176 cm.
The weight: 81 kg.
Zodiac: Capricorn
Eastern horoscope: Horse


Sergey Aleksandrovich Karyakin is a Russian and Ukrainian chess player, whose name is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest grandmaster in the history of chess sports. He reached this title when he was not even 13 years old. In addition, the chess player has the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia and Ukraine and is the world champion in rapid chess, Olympic champion and winner of the 2015 World Cup.

Hometown in the biography of Sergey Karyakin marked Simferopol, where he was born on January 12, 1990. For the first time in chessboard the boy sat down at the age of five, after hearing the slogan "Even a pawn can become a queen" on TV. The rules of the game were explained to him by his parents, and later Sergey showed incredible perseverance and played with himself for many hours.

The first successes were not long in coming: back in primary school Sergey becomes the winner of Ukraine and Europe among children. The boy is invited to one of the strongest chess clubs in the country, in Kramatorsk. Karjakin has been studying there for two years and, under the guidance of experienced masters, achieves a record result.

Sergei trained daily, doing 6 to 8 hours a day. Such perseverance results in a phenomenal achievement: already at the age of 12, chess player Sergey Karyakin received the title of grandmaster, for which his name is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest holder of this title in history. By the way, Sergey soon adds the title of the youngest coach to this, as he began to teach other people. But such an achievement was no longer recorded as a record.

At the age of 19, Karjakin decides that in the Crimea he has no opportunity for further growth as a professional. He is applying for citizenship Russian Federation and by decree of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev becomes a Russian. In 2013, a young man receives a graduate diploma from the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Russian State Social University.

Change of citizenship

In 2009, the already world-famous grandmaster decided to leave for Russia. And this is despite the enchanting success achieved as part of the Ukrainian team, when in 2004 Sergey Karyakin, together with his comrades, became champions of the Chess Olympiad. The main reason for this step is the lack of opportunities for full-fledged training and, as a result, vague growth prospects. And Sergey's goal is the highest - to become a world champion. Since then, Karjakin has repeatedly taken part in the Russian team in major international competitions, for example, in the World Team Championship.

Success Secrets

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, the Russian grandmaster is convinced that a chess player must be in excellent physical shape. Therefore, Sergey pays close attention to sports training - he swims a lot, rides a bike, goes in for game types sports (football, basketball, tennis). And in this he is helped by friends from the world of sports. For example, Karjakin sometimes conducts cross-country training with athlete Maria Savinova, and walks on his hands with his full namesake, the world champion in modern pentathlon Sergey Karyakin.

At Karjakin's headquarters, there is always a physical training coach who determines the daily routine during major tournaments. In his schedule, there is always a place for a pool, a gym and a good night's sleep.

Looking at his career, the chess player is sure that in order to reach great heights and win major tournaments, you need to start playing from an early age. It is then that the foundation is laid on the basis of which further successes are built.


AT 2009. Karjakin became a citizen of Russia. Since then, he has been competing against Russia in both individual and team tournaments.

Career is gradually developing. Maybe not so fast, but steadily. Sergey wins a number of major international tournaments.

year 2012

  • Won the 2nd stage of the FIDE Grand Prix tournament.
  • In the same year, Sergey Karyakin became the first in the world championship in rapid chess.

year 2013

  • Won the tournament 11 categories Stavanger 2013

year 2014

  • Second place in the Candidates Tournament, behind only Anandu.
  • Category 11 Tournament Winner Stavanger 2014


  • Second Championship Winner Russian Federation
  • Winner FIDE World Cup held in Baku. In the most dramatic spectacular fight (not a single draw), he defeated his compatriot in the final Peter Svidler.


AT 2016 Sergei became the first in the Candidates Tournament, and won the right to challenge the champion's title. Interesting match with Magnus Carlsen, the reigning champion, took place in November of the same year.

The first twelve games played by "classics" ended with the score 6:6 . In accordance with the rules, the match continued with a tie-break - 4 games of rapid chess. The scales, after some hesitation, tipped in favor of current champion.

Nevertheless, Sergey Karjakin can safely take this match to his asset. An equal fight with the best chess player in the world today is a positive result in itself and gives confidence for the future.

Which was confirmed after a very short time.

At the end of 2016, the World Rapid and Blitz Championship took place in Qatar (Doha).

In blitz, Sergey Karjakin scored a lot for such an even line-up, 16,5 points from 21 possible. in chess language +12 ! At the same time, he defeated Magnus Carlsen in a personal meeting. This fact became the decisive factor in determining the winner, because Magnus showed the same result on points.

Sergei Karjakin was proclaimed blitz world champion.

So, we see that Sergey Karjakin, despite his young age, is a titled chess player. He has already become the world champion in rapid chess, the winner of the Chess Olympiad. Sergey is the current world blitz champion.

In addition, Sergey Karyakin, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine and Russia, was awarded the Order of Merit, 3rd degree.

The main milestone remained unconquered - the title of world champion in classical chess. The most difficult and most prestigious.

Knowing Sergey's purposefulness and diligence, there is no doubt that the next assault on the chess summit is not far off.


  • Sergei said that the real taste for chess came when he heard the phrase "Even a pawn can become a queen" on TV.
  • Sergey Karjakin is not averse to combining chess with walking. The session in London against 72 players lasted 6 hours. How many kilometers the sessioner had to wind up, only God knows. It can be assumed that the distance is commensurate with what the player runs during the match.
  • Sergey became a grandmaster at the age of 12 years and two hundred and eleven days, becoming a Guinness World Record holder. Before him, Ruslan Ponomarev was the record holder, who received the title of grandmaster at the age of 14.
  • At the age of 12, Sergei has already become the youngest grandmaster. But that's not all. He became the youngest coach, being invited to the team of Ruslan Ponomarev, who at that time was a contender for the championship, and later became the champion.


Despite his passion for chess bordering on fanaticism, Sergei found time for romantic relationships with girls. Moreover, the grandmaster is married for the second time.

He met his first wife, chess player Ekaterina Dolzhikova, in 2007, during a tournament in Dresden. The lovers got married in July 2009, but after moving to Moscow, the marriage cracked. The reason was Galiya Kamalova, secretary of the Moscow Chess Federation, who was instructed to take patronage over Sergei. The girl was three years older than her lover.

In May 2014, Karyakin and Kamalova got married, and a year and a half later their son Alexei was born. In an interview, Galiya said that Sergey is a cheerful and caring father and loves to mess around with the baby.

Sergey Karyakin now

The year 2017 was marked in the professional career of Sergey Karjakin with a rapid chess match. His opponent was Garry Kasparov, for whom this game was the first after his return. The competition was held in St. Louis, USA. Grandmasters tied.

According to 2018 data, Sergey Karjakin occupies the 7th position in the top ten players in the FIDE rating. The grandmaster is ahead of only one Russian - Vladimir Kramnik, who occupies 4th place.

The original competition was offered to Sergey Karyakin by the creators of the program about geeks “Best of all!”. The rival of an adult chess player was the young genius Misha Osipov, who in 2016 lost a game to Anatoly Karpov due to his inability to use mechanical watches, because at that time the boy was only four years old. A year later, Misha came to the program more prepared.

Sergey Karyakin had to fight with a talented kid. The result of the competition was a draw, and the grandmaster, giving a comment, noted that until that moment he had not met such a gifted child, although he regularly participates in game sessions with young chess players. Karjakin noted that Misha needs to improve his playing skills and pay attention to integrated development without forcing events.

One of the latest social projects supported by the grandmaster is the opening of a chess school in Khvalynsk, the birthplace of the artist Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin. The solemn event took place on the eve of Victory Day in the local art gallery, where the grandmaster held a session of simultaneous playing with war veterans. Sergey Karyakin was struck by the love of the provincials for the intellectual game. In the comments to the post on Instagram, Sergei noted that there were about a thousand people at the opening of the school.

Now Sergey Karyakin, on behalf of the Russian Chess Federation, is preparing to open a children's chess school in Artek for the summer holidays.



Cowardly run. How Karjakin put skeptics to shame

A knockout in the first seconds, the disappointment of the Russian Bostonian, an apology for Carlsen, the flight of specialists - in a chess report from New York.

On November 28, the 12th game of the match for the title of world chess champion took place in New York between the Russian Sergey Karyakin and Norwegian Magnus Carlsen. Sergei won in the eighth installment, but failed to maintain the advantage. However, Sergey does not lose his presence of mind and counts on winning the title on the last day of the confrontation - in a tie-break. Thousands of people around the world worry about Karjakin, but the grandmaster has only one main fan - his charming wife Galia.

Galiya Karyakina came to New York to her husband only for the final days of the match. She followed the victorious eighth game from home. Sergey and Galiya spent the day off between the 11th and 12th games together, having time to take a walk in the central park.

Sergei and Galiya met when the chess player moved from Simferopol, which was still Ukrainian at the time, to Moscow. He was transferred to the Russian State Social University, and Galiya, as an assistant to the rector, prepared documents for translation. The first meeting of the future spouses turned out to be fleeting. As Galiya herself recalls, Sergey took a few minutes, signed and left ...

And relations began after the third meeting, when the Russian team, together with Karjakin, took second place at the Chess Olympiad. Sergey and Galiya switched to you, started talking, and as a result, the chess player asked the girl out on a date.

For the first time Galiya went to the tournament with Sergey four years ago. Karjakin then took part in the world intellectual games in Beijing and won.

Once, when Karjakin's beloved was not yet known in the chess world, Galiya was asked during the tournament who she was worried about. The girl decided to laugh it off and said that she would leave with the winner. Guess who took first place?

In May 2014, Galiya married Sergei. It is worth noting that this marriage was the second for the chess player: at the age of 19, he married the Ukrainian chess player Ekaterina Dolzhikova, but this marriage broke up rather quickly.

Galia knows how to play chess. As a child, she went to chess school, took part in tournaments and even received the first category. However, the spouses do not play chess at home. “It will be of no interest to me, and to him,” notes Galiya.

Spouses not only do not play chess, but also hardly talk about them. “He has a coach next to him, with whom he can discuss the course of the game, and this will be much more effective,” Galiya believes. With her husband during tournaments, she talks on neutral topics.

When Sergey leaves for tournaments, Galiya sends her husband a photo of her son Alexei, born in 2015, every day. In the family, this is called "photo of the day."

“Galia supports me in everything. I owe much of my success to her. About winning the chess crown, I don’t say “I want”, but “we want”, - Sergey said about the support of his wife.

The wife of the contender for the chess crown admitted that she had never seen such a stir at a chess competition before, as in New York. According to her, during walks, Sergey was repeatedly asked for a joint photo.

Russian chess player Grandmaster. The youngest grandmaster in history and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. FIDE World Cup Winner 2015. World Rapid Chess Champion. Doha World Blitz Champion 2016. Honored Master of Sports.
Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation of the VI composition.

Sergey Karyakin was born on January 12, 1990 in the city of Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. The boy learned to play chess at the age of five. Then he entered the chess club named after Alexander Momot in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, which was famous even then for its pupils. Sergey Karyakin was no exception and added to the list key figures in the world of chess. Trained with international master Alexander Aleksikov.

Sergey is a repeated winner of the children's and youth championships of the world and Europe. Winner and prize-winner of a number of major tournaments: champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as part of the Ukrainian team in 2004.

On July 25, 2009, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, he was granted Russian citizenship. From the same year he became a member of the Russian chess team. Karyakin explains his move to change citizenship by the lack of prospects for development in Crimea and by the fact that he has always considered himself Russian.

Also, Karjakin is the silver medalist of the Olympics as part of the Russian team in 2010. On his board, he showed the best result of 8 out of 10 and received the first individual prize.

In 2012, he signed a contract with the Alpari company to provide sponsorship under the motto "Let's return the chess crown to Russia." In 2015, due to the difficult economic situation in Russia, the contract was terminated, but further sponsorship from Alpari was resumed.

Karyakin graduated from the Russian State Social University with a degree in Social Pedagogy. In March 2017, by Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, he became a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In 2016, he won the Candidates Tournament and competed against reigning world champion Magnus Carlsen in the 2016 World Chess Championship Match. As a result, after a long and equal struggle, Carlsen managed to retain the title of world champion.

In the same year, at the World Rapid and Blitz Championship, Sergey managed to outplay his opponent in the second category and become the winner. Magnus Carlsen again became his opponent in the tournament.

In Karjakin's professional career, 2017 was marked by a rapid chess match. His opponent was Garry Kasparov, for whom this game was the first after his return. The competition was held in St. Louis, USA. Grandmasters tied.

Sports Achievements of Sergey Karyakin

2009 - winner of 71 international tournaments
2010, 2012, 2014 - winner of the Russian Team Championship
2013, 2014 - winner of the International Tournament in Stavanger
2013 - World Team Championship winner
2015 - World Chess Cup winner
2016 - Candidates Tournament Winner

MOSCOW, November 11, RIA FederalPress. The day before, a game of the match for the world chess crown took place in New York. The meeting between Russian grandmaster Sergey Karyakin and Norwegian Magnus Carlsen ended in favor of Russia. On the 53rd move of the game, which lasted over five hours, Carlsen conceded defeat. We present you the biography of a young and talented chess player Sergey Karyakin.

Sergey Karyakin was born on January 12, 1990 in Simferopol, the capital of Crimea. He became interested in chess at the age of six and a year later he completed the norm of the first category. At the age of 12 years and 211 days, he became the youngest grandmaster in chess history. In this capacity, Karjakin was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Sergei is by right not only the youngest grandmaster, but also the youngest coach. So, at the age of 12, he was already a member of Ponomarev's team of assistants, when Ruslan won the FIDE world champion title. The child prodigy acted as a "tactics coach", although he was always distinguished by a universal style of play.

In 2010, the grandmaster changed the Ukrainian federation to the Russian one and moved to Moscow. Soon Karyakin began to study with Yuri Dokhoyan and Alexander Motylev. In recent years, he has moved into the ranks of the world's leading grandmasters. He has victories in competitions of the highest level, such as super tournaments in Wijk aan Zee (2009), Moscow (Tal Memorial, 2010), Bazna (2011), Tashkent (FIDE Grand Prix stage, 2012) and others. In the summer of 2012 in Astana, he won the title of world champion in rapid chess. Sergey Karyakin confidently enters the top ten and can be considered as a favorite in any competition.

As part of the Ukrainian team, he was already the Olympic champion (2004), and together with the Russian team he won silver at the 2010 and 2012 Olympics. In 2012, Sergey became the champion of Russia as part of the Tomsk-400 club, showing the best individual result on the first board. In 2013, Karjakin won the super tournament in Stavanger, ahead of the “master of the field”2 Magnus Carlsen. At the very end of 2013, Sergey became the world champion as part of the Russian national team and performed brilliantly at Mind games in Beijing, writes

A few years ago, Karjakin became the champion of Russia as part of his new club Malachite, where he played on the first board. Then the second victory was won at the super tournament in Norway: Sergey Karjakin scored 6 points out of 9 and took clear first place, ahead of world champion Magnus Carlsen, Alexander Grischuk, Levon Aronian and other extra-class grandmasters.

In 2015, Sergey Karyakin won the silver medal of the Russian Championship, and then became the owner of the World Cup, defeating his compatriot Pyotr Svidler in a dramatic final. Both Russian grandmasters have qualified for the Candidates Tournament. The Candidates Tournament in the capital of Russia ended with the triumph of Sergey Karjakin, who, with a final victory over Fabiano Caruana, won the right to a championship duel with Magnus Carlsen. In the summer of 2016, as part of the Russian national team, Sergey won bronze at the Olympics in Baku.

As for his personal life, on July 24, 2009, Alexey married the Ukrainian international master Ekaterina Dolzhikova, the marriage subsequently broke up. On May 17, 2014, Karyakov married Galiya Kamalova. At the end of 2015, the couple had a son.