Offensive pillow fight games. Free online games, no need to download! Games for girls

Have you always thought that Mickey Mouse lives peacefully with friends from Disney cartoons? Pillow fight game will show who Mickey Mouse is - join us! Choose a character and start playing online: battle your buddies until their pillows explode into a fluffy mess!

The game pillow fight begins with a choice: you will play as Mickey Mouse, Donald or Goofy. Next, you need to specify the number of players behind one keyboard and there are options:

  • you can be the only gamer;
  • play for two: first against the computer, then against each other;
  • game for 3 players.

The next moment is to choose the location of the hotel room, keep in mind that this is a battlefield and the more furniture and decorations there are, the more options for shelter you can think of.


The name of the game "Pillow fight with Mickey Mouse" suggests that we are talking about a crazy fight in which players simultaneously "hit" each other with pillows and try to dodge. In fact, this is a tactical competition with moves in turn. Each player chooses his strategy within 15 seconds:

  • attack the enemy with a pillow or other object;
  • use the ball to take an advantageous position;
  • fly to the box with the prize to be the first to get an advantage.

How to play

The goal is to win the battle and be the last one to keep the pillow.
Control the arrows to change the view and use the mouse in turn to select the desired action from the subject bar.

Pillows are not the only weapon in this battle. Mickey, Donald and Goofy start the game with the same arsenal, can replenish it with crates, line up defenses with umbrellas and fly to a new location to set up an ambush.

Fighting gear

  1. The paper plane aims without your help: just click on the target and it will knock out 10 feathers from the opponent's pillow.
  2. Water Bombs deal 5 to 25 damage, but require aiming and adjusting the impact force.
  3. Water gun knocks out from 1 to 10 positions.
  4. Pillow hit deals damage from 1 to 15 feathers, be careful near large objects: you can inadvertently hurt yourself!
  5. The ball in the form of Mickey Mouse moves the hero along the cursor. Move the mouse along the path of the hero, avoiding furniture obstacles to take a better position and be the first to open the box with prizes.
  6. The umbrella is your only defense and can be pointed in the right direction if you suspect an attack from the side, above or below.
  7. Box - ambulance with bonuses, always brings a new secret weapon!

Did you enjoy playing Pillow Fight? Mickey Mouse continues the tradition of games for two and three with a new release with the same game mechanics and management. Rate another "war" from Disney: "

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Many in childhood loved to arrange various battles and fights. Pillow fights were probably the most popular form of problem solving among young children.

This fun arcade game will show you how your favorite Disney characters fight on pillows. First, the gamer needs to choose a hero. Choose from Goofy, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Then you need to decide on the place of the battle. Three will be available different options battlefields!

Igrulya is a turn-based shooter where each participant must shoot at the enemy with one of several weapon options per turn. To do this, you have a serious arsenal at your disposal. It has tomatoes, paper planes, a pillow, a water gun and even an umbrella. Sometimes boxes with bonuses will fall from the sky. To use them, you need to fly up to them on balloon. Try to be as careful as possible during such flights, because falling from a decent height will cause you more damage than enemy projectiles.

Description of the flash game

Mickey Mouse Pillow Fight

Mikki Mouse: Battle Podushkami

Friendly pillow fights are always fun and exciting. And it doesn't matter if they are held in real life or with characters from your favorite animated series. In the online game Mickey Mouse: Pillow Fight you can take part in one of these battles. This game can be played by one, two or three players. To get started, select the game mode and then the characters themselves, with which to continue the game. It could be: Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse or Goofy. When the choice is made, you will be on the field with different characters games, among which are all the same above trinity. The player will take part in fun pillow fights, but not only pillows can be used in business? water balloons, various toys, toy guns and other attributes will help you. The main task is to deal damage to your opponents using the presented attributes. But the game Mickey Mouse: Pillow Fight is presented for a while. During the allotted time, your character needs to inflict as much damage as possible on his opponents. Good luck with that!