Games for girls elsa and anna 2. Frozen games. Cartoon "Frozen"

To be more precise, they were based on the second part of the cartoon - a no less successful sequel to "Cold Celebration", filmed in 2015, exactly two years after the release of the first story. The cartoon turned out to be short and very musical - all the characters in it perform at least one song each. Many games based on the plot of Frozen 2 are also rich in music, repeating the main theme of Frozen Celebration in different ways. We suggest you start playing as soon as possible and see for yourself how cool it sounds. In the meantime, let's briefly recall the background.

How it all started

The rulers of the fabulous Arendelle - princesses Elsa and Anna, and part-time and the main characters of the game Frozen 2, were preparing for the celebrations on the occasion of Anna's birthday. And everything should have gone just fine, if the hero of the occasion had not become very ill on the eve of her own holiday. The unfortunate woman has a fever, she sneezes and coughs. The problem is that Anna is not an ordinary girl. As a gift from her ancestors, she got a strange talent: the ability to freeze everything around, turning both people and objects into lifeless blocks of ice.

As soon as the princess gets a little nervous, scared, or just thinking, everything around her starts to freeze from one of her breaths. By the way, games for girls Frozen 2 perfectly illustrate this moment. For example, in some of them you are invited to assemble a puzzle of frosty patterns, absent-mindedly created by the ruler of Arendelle, and then broken by her into dozens of tiny pieces.

In addition, Anna needs to be treated urgently, otherwise she will not only not be able to attend the celebration, but she will also be very upset, and then, inadvertently, she will freeze the whole kingdom. It's enough that when the poor thing sneezes, not the usual snot, like you and me, but little snowmen fly out of her nose. And their number is growing at an alarming rate.

So your task in the process of passing games for girls about Frozen 2 is to prevent the preparations for the upcoming celebration from being canceled and the inhabitants of the magical kingdom frozen. It will be necessary not only to cure the heroine, but also dress her up for the holiday, and at the same time decorate Royal Palace, convene guests, destroy the plans of enemies to disrupt the festive event and ... In general, there are enough worries, and it is unlikely that the young princesses will cope with them without your help. It's time to start playing.

Frozen games is another opportunity to spend your free time in interesting company your favorite characters, which you can color in your own way, giving them new incredibly colorful and amazing outfits. You can play tennis or bowling with young princesses. Fly with the amazing and cute snowman Olaf, who also played a fairly important role in the history of the cartoon. Another thing is to help Princess Elsa get ready for the ball by inviting her to do a completely new and amazing hairstyle.

In addition to games with characters from the cartoon story called "Frozen", our site can offer everyone who comes here to spend a pleasant time with other characters of their favorite cartoons or fairy tales. With us, everyone can become the owner of the opportunity to have a good time, putting together a picture with the image of their fabulous friend from puzzles, go with him on an extreme trip on a motorcycle or skiing, for example. Complete secret missions, go in for sports, show your design talents by dressing and combing the characters, try to heal them. All this is available to you absolutely free of charge, you just need to find the time and visit the pages of our site.

Cartoon "Frozen"

Not so long ago, such a fascinating cartoon created by the legendary Disney company, which was called "Frozen", appeared on the screens of our TVs. And, of course, after its release on the screens, its amazing and colorful characters gained quite a number of fans, especially among children who love cartoons that tell about magic and secret spells so much.

And in fact, the cartoon about two sisters turned out to be incredibly colorful and interesting for the creators. In addition, it is worth noting that among his fans there are not only young admirers, but even adults who can watch this cartoon with great pleasure and even several times. So those who did not bother to get to the premiere on the big white screen in the cinema hall can safely gather the whole family at the TV and, sitting comfortably, spend time watching this fascinating animated story, which has everything you need - love, family and cute characters, and, of course, a happy ending.

The directors working on this cartoon - Buck Fresh and Jennifer Lee, speaking about this picture, spoke out that the plot of this picture was inspired by the same old Andersen's fairy tale about the evil snow queen, which parents quite often read to their kids. But over time, the fairy tale acquired a new vision and the snow beauty, the main character new fairy tale, this is a character that is difficult to name unambiguously. But if we talk about it, then she is more of a good character than an evil one. Of course, like all the inhabitants of the planet, she is not without her shortcomings, but everyone who has seen this cartoon can note that she is quite a sweet and very positive girl. So in the end, the story of the cartoon is completely different than in the snow queen, which was written by Hans Christian.

The main characters of the cartoon "Cold Heart"

  • Anna- a cheerful, energetic and inquisitive princess. Princess Elsa's sister. Anna is a brave and optimistic girl, she goes on a dangerous journey to save the kingdom of Arendelle from the curse of eternal winter.
  • Elsa- A princess with a magical gift, she can control snow and ice. One day, she fails to cope with her ability and plunges the kingdom of Arendelle into the power of eternal winter, after which Elsa escapes and hides high in the mountains.
  • Kristoff Bjorgman- a simple hard-working guy who lives in the mountains. He mines ice and sells it to the people of the kingdom. He has a deer named Sven.
  • Hans— A young prince who wants to marry Princess Anne in order to get the crown.
  • Olaf- a small friendly snowman. Cheerful optimist, often gets into funny situations because of his curiosity.
  • Duke of Varava- the negative character of the cartoon. Greedy and cunning, he tries to get to the treasures of Arendelle.
  • marshmallow is a large snow monster created by Elsa. He protects Elsa from strangers. The more angry Marshmallow gets, the stronger he becomes.
  • Oken- owner trading shop"Ocean and Sauna Tramps". Good-natured fellow, who is ready to meet the needs of his visitors.

The story of Princess Anna and her brave friend Kristoff haunts you? Frozen games will allow you to be transported to the world of incredible adventures! Play games for girls Frozen and share with your favorite heroes both the dangers of the path and the joy of victory. Frozen games are sure to please all fans of the famous Disney cartoon. Grab your mouse and go on an adventure!

What are we talking about?

Games for girls Frozen are based on the 2013 Disney animated feature film of the same name. And if you haven't seen the cartoon yet, don't read any further! After all, if you immediately find out what the plot of the cartoon is and how it ended, then it will not be interesting for you to watch. However, it will be much more fun to play Frozen games if you remember well what the cartoon is about: and therefore, for those who watched it, but already managed to forget a little, we still recall the main points.

Arendelle is the most ordinary kingdom, the same as many others. Of course, there is a king, a queen, their two princess daughters (Elsa and Anna), but the main thing is huge wealth. And these riches from century to century attract the attention of dishonest foreigners who sleep and see how they launch their raking little hands into the mountains of gold ...

But so far everything has been good. Wise and experienced people ruled the kingdom, and by the time it was time to transfer the throne to new hands, the heirs had already managed to get a good education and enlist the support of friends and spouses. However, if things had continued like this, then no cartoon would have come out! A misfortune happens: the king and queen die in sea ​​voyage, and the whole burden of governing the country falls on the shoulders of Elsa - their eldest daughter and heir to the throne. That's just a young princess and inexperienced, and even has a gift, carefully hidden from everyone, or a curse - the ability to command the snow element. Meanwhile, the younger princess unexpectedly falls in love with the foreign prince Hans, whom she knows at that time for a week without a year.

Elsa's sisterly heart senses a catch. She tries to stop her sister from taking a rash step, but all to no avail: the result is a quarrel, during which all the subjects learn that their queen is a snow witch ... And then the ill-wishers are right there: they are in a hurry to accuse the queen of evil magic and tell her to get out. In desperation, Elsa ceases to control her power, and her spell falls on the whole of Arendelle, where eternal winter sets in.

Having decided to save both her sister and the whole kingdom, Anna sets off on a dangerous journey - this is where the plot of the Frozen game begins! On the way, she meets Kristoff, the ice seller, his faithful reindeer Sven, and the most cheerful snowman in the world, funny Olaf. The friendly company will still achieve its goal - almost destroying Anna at the same time, and only the power of sisterly love saves both sisters and gives Elsa the key to controlling her power.

A terrible conspiracy is also revealed: it turns out that the insidious Hans was not at all in love with Anna, but only wanted to get the throne of the rich Arendelle with her help. But, no matter how strong Anna's disappointment in the failed groom, it more than pays off with Kristoff's sincere and pure love ... Summer returns to the kingdom, and Elsa, now able to control her abilities, gives Olaf, who has begun to melt, a small snow cloud.

main characters

As usual, the main characters of the game Frozen and the cartoon of the same name can be divided into positive and negative ones.

The first among the positive heroes should be the sisters - princesses Anna and Elsa.

Elsa is the elder sister and heir to the throne of Arendelle. The ability to snow magic is found in her in early childhood. Then, unable to properly control them, she accidentally injures her sister - Anna has a light strand in her hair as a memory of this event. Frightened by her power, Elsa voluntarily locks herself in the castle room: she feels that magic can do her more harm than good. As a result, even as an adult, she still cannot control her magic, which leads to the events described in the cartoon.

Anna is the younger sister. Being a “child” for everyone, she constantly feels like a second-class princess. In addition, forced to sit in the castle, she languishes with boredom and dreams of incredible adventures and lofty feelings. That is why it is so easy to deceive! And - every cloud has a silver lining - the misfortune that has befallen her country, to some extent, fulfills her dream of adventure. And games for girls Frozen allow you to participate in them too!

Kristoff is Anna's occasional companion on her long journey. However, an ordinary ice seller is destined to play a very significant role in history, and the games Frozen with his participation are proof of this. He sincerely falls in love with the younger princess, and his devotion and dedication will save Anna's life more than once!

Olaf is the most charming and kindest snowman in the world. Created once by the spell of Elsa, he has never seen summer in his life, and now passionately dreams of seeing a world without snow cover. When at the end of the film his dream comes true and he begins to melt, Elsa gives him a cloud of snow - now he can wander among the green foliage, look at the summer sun, but not be afraid that the heat will hurt him!

Of course, playing Frozen games would not be interesting if there were only positive characters! For a fascinating plot, both the film and the game need bright and strong antagonists - negative heroes.

The main villain of the cartoon is Prince Hans - a handsome man with an incredibly bad character. Ambition and the desire for power have not yet brought anyone to good, and if it is impossible to satisfy one's ambitions legally, then terrible recklessness begins. Hans was not lucky to be born the thirteenth son in royal family- which means that he had nothing to claim for the throne in his native country. So a plan ripens in the handsome man's head: marry Anna, and then kill her older sister and get the throne of Arendelle ... Only through a ridiculous series of accidents does his intentions come to the surface. And now only you can help your favorite heroes prevent his plan from coming true in Frozen games!

History of creation

It’s hard to imagine now, but both the cartoon and the Frozen games could turn out to be completely different. The original idea that eventually led to the creation of this animated film was to film " snow queen» Hans Christian Andersen - imagine how much the plot was reworked! And now the Snow Witch Elsa is not a villain, from whose terrible spell Kai must be saved, but the main victim of someone else's deceit and terrible circumstances ...

All the most best games Frozen for girls are collected on our website! Run any and immerse yourself in the atmosphere fairy tale along with your favorite characters. After all, Frozen games can be played completely free of charge, and even directly from the browser!