Math games. Math games Math games for kids 2 years old

Learning is easier, more fun and much more effective thanks to new technologies and the development of online methods! Fun math games are a great way to turn hard-to-learn material into fun. Mathematics games are capable of making even a pure humanist not only understand, but also fall in love with counting - and all this without any effort! And most importantly - no coercion: puzzles and virtual lessons are so interesting that even negligent students will study with great pleasure.

funny lessons

The first, and most obvious, form of online entertainment dedicated to learning is the virtual classroom, with a favorite character as the teacher.

Dasha Pathfinder in her programs also likes to draw the attention of children to how important it is to know and be able to do everything, and now, standing at the blackboard, she is more convincing than ever! Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division exercises are accompanied by funny pictures depicting Dasha's adventures, and at the end the student will receive a mark corresponding to his knowledge. Caution: in order to solve examples, the student needs to already be familiar with negative numbers!

But Sophia, the Beautiful Mathematician for the game, prepared a test especially for girls, in which you need to choose in each problem whether the solution is correct. Checking yourself is very simple: the answer counter, depending on the result, increases by one immediately after the choice is made. By the same exact principle, the test, which was compiled by the beauty Barbie, is organized. Such mathematical games teach not only to count without errors, but also to think quickly, because the time to answer is limited!

And if you need to train a certain mathematical operation - for example, to improve the skill of addition or division - then you should go to the White Cat for help. Fluffy purr is a strict teacher. It requires in a limited time to have time to correctly solve the task and choose the required answer from the four presented to choose from.

Numbers and life

Solving examples is a good way to learn how to add quickly, but it often seems that this activity is useless and will not come in handy in the future. How useless, if in our world you can’t take a step without mathematics, and adventure games about it only prove it!

The crew participating in tank combat is forced to constantly think about complex tasks, especially when it comes to firing themselves or calculating how to avoid enemy projectiles. In a simplified form, this process is represented by the game Mathematics on Tanks, which you can play on this page. A wrong decision will lead to an explosion and death of the personnel, and only a player who knows how to count will help to escape the inevitable!

In games, the student will have to win math problems to get candy, deal with bees or deliver pizza to the right table. Without arithmetic, the arrow in the tournament will not reach the target, and space rockets will not take off. However, it is useful to know that without solving special tasks (only much more difficult than they pass in the second class!) The rocket really won’t take off - but that’s a completely different story ...

"Logic endings"

Arm yourself with logical thinking and complete the phrases:

1. If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ... (below the table).

2. If 2 is greater than one, then one ... (less than two).

3. If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... (younger than the sister).

4. If the right hand is on the right, then the left ... (on the left).

5. If the river is deeper than the brook, then the brook ... (smaller than the river).

6. If water pours from a bucket, then the bucket ... (leaky).

"Math Ball"

Any number of students can take part in the game. The host (teacher) throws the ball to one or the other participant in the game, and those, returning the ball, answer the question of the teacher (Queen of Mathematics). Throwing the ball, the teacher calls a number, for example, 21. The player must catch the ball and name adjacent numbers - 20 and 22 (necessarily first the smaller, then the larger).

Chain of logical mini-tasks:

Birds flew over the river: dove, pike, 2 tits,

2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer soon! (5 birds).

The miller came to the mill. In each corner he saw 3 bags, on each bag there were 3 cats, each cat had 3 kittens. How many legs were on the mill? (Two legs. Cats have paws).

3 brothers run along the same track. 1 in front, and 2 behind: these 2 run, but they cannot catch up with the front one. (Wheels of a children's bicycle).

How far into the forest can a hare run? (Until the middle of the forest, then he already runs out of the forest).

Seven brothers have a sister. How many sisters are there? (One).

3 ostriches flew. One hunter killed. How many are left? (Ostriches don't fly).

One and a half pike perch cost one and a half rubles. How much are 13 zanders worth? (13 rubles)

"In order of numbers"

The game requires two teams of ten players each.

Everyone can learn this only from his neighbor. On a signal, the players of the teams must line up so that the numbers on their cards are in order. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Math Games have good visibility. At the same time, the abstract thinking of numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 is formed in the child in a natural form. Familiar characters, colorful design and clear examples from life teach the child the beginnings of analysis, comparison and comparison of objects in mathematics. And the words count, addition, subtraction and multiplication will never frighten your child.
Much knowledge in preschool age are not easy for a child. But, perhaps, it is especially difficult to teach a baby math games. Since this happens for a child with certain difficulties, it is important not to scare him away from math at all. This means that acquaintance with the queen of sciences “mathematics” should take place in an exciting format.
Psychologists know: you can interest and captivate everyone, even the most restless child. For example, special developing mathematical games for preschool children aged 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 will create a positive atmosphere of such an acquaintance. Spending time with them, the child will, without noticing it, get acquainted with numbers, simple methods of operating with numbers, and begin to clearly navigate the concept of “more-less”.
Being engaged in solving arithmetic problems, the kid is motivated by the fact that he wants to find the correct answer. Every correct decision is a small victory, so it is a reward in itself. For him, it's a habit. play activity, during which new knowledge is unconsciously deposited. Information is obtained implicitly, in an entertaining format. So, the child does not need to be forced to study new material. And this applies not only specifically to mathematical knowledge. A young explorer is born into the world, in whom natural curiosity will not be stifled.
The free section "Math Games" is great for your child if you want to improve his knowledge of mathematics. These games are aimed at knowing the numbers. This educational section in the form of educational games will definitely appeal to the child.
In the "Math Games Online" section, the child will be able to learn how to count up to 10, correctly name the numbers, and will also be able to solve some mathematical examples: addition, subtraction, or even multiplication and division. In the examples, several answers will be given, from which he will have to choose the right one.
The games in this section are aimed primarily at teaching the child. Here you will not find entertaining games. We advise you to combine educational games with entertainers. After each material covered, include something for him to relax, so he does not get bored and will be much more diligent in engaging in educational games. Learning numbers is not an easy process, so your toddler may need help or guidance at a certain level of difficulty. Do not be lazy and sit with your child to solve these mathematical problems. This will greatly help your child master the numbers much faster. Also, do not let your child sit at the computer for too long, this also applies to the learning process, with the help of special games. The child should take a break of ten minutes after every 40 minutes of class.

Smarties and smarties, we invite you to join the club of mathematical games that perfectly train the brain. They do not involve mindless pastime, but on the contrary - they make you think and develop mental abilities. As you know, mathematics develops thinking, memory, helps in solving everyday problems and is simply necessary in the life of every person.

Even if many people understand this, this science is not easy for everyone. This is where practice, and only practice, will help you. One of the ways to spend leisure time with benefit and interest is mathematical games. So that every player can test their mental abilities at any time, we have collected a collection of logic games in one place.

Don't think math is boring. If you treat learning like a game, then everything turns out to be easier and more fun. There are games for both the smallest minds, who are just starting to get acquainted with exact science, and for an adult audience. For example, children can learn to count in a playful way using colorful flashcards and interesting tasks. fans logic game Mahjong can look at this solitaire from the other side, in the game Math Mahjong. You can also feel like a secret agent, in whose work mathematics also plays an important role. Train your logical thinking, because whatever one may say, mathematics will be useful to you in life.

Description of work: I bring to your attention the mathematical game "Tic-tac-toe". The proposed development takes into account the age characteristics of students and is based on program material. It uses tasks - jokes ("fun mathematics"), tasks that require non-standard thinking ("mathematics in the kitchen"), proverbs as a source of folk wisdom ("wise mathematics"), well-known fairy tales. To successfully cope with tasks, children must have the skills of rational counting (“quick mathematics”), be good readers.

The famous scientist B. Pascal is credited with the following phrase: “The subject of mathematics is so serious that it is useful not to miss the opportunity to make it a little more entertaining.” I follow this advice in my work. For more than 15 years I have been leading a mathematical circle in my class, where we solve non-standard, entertaining tasks. At the end of each quarter, a kind of result of the circle is a mathematical holiday. This is a mathematical battle, and KVN, and the game “What? Where? When?”, and an auction of tasks. Below is a synopsis of the tic-tac-toe math game.

The event is based on the well-known and beloved children's game "Tic Tac Toe". The board contains a colorful playing field consisting of 9 cells:

Rules of the game

2 teams play: "crosses" and "tac-toes". The teams take turns choosing a game cell. Each cell involves a mathematical task. The team that wins the task puts its sign in the cell. The team with the most signs wins. Teams may be composed of a single class or of parallel classes. The number of participants can be any. Some tasks are offered for the whole team, others - for individual connoisseurs. Since the tasks affect different areas of knowledge, the guys have the opportunity to show their individual abilities. A feature of the game is that one sign must be placed on each cell, i.e. there should not be a “draw”. To do this, you can offer an additional question for the speed and correctness of the answer.

This game solves the following tasks:

1. Develops interest in mathematics, solving non-standard problems, helps to see the connection between mathematics and life.

2. Develops flexibility and speed of thinking, the ability to think outside the box, find original solutions.

3. Develops the ability to work in a team, respect other people's opinions and defend their own.

Game progress.

Let's start the game. The motto of the game will be:

Math is everywhere, just look around.

Math is a miracle

Mathematics is life.

Indeed, mathematics surrounds us everywhere: in books, games, in the kitchen, on the street, in the forest ... Not a single thing can do without mathematics. I think that after the game you will love math even more.

Delicious math.

There are candies in the package. The number of sweets is not accidental. Guess how many sweets are in the box, justify your answer.

(There are as many sweets in a smart package as there are children in the class and one more for the teacher. Teams answer in turn until the correct answer is obtained).

Sharp look.

Here is a table with numbers from 1 to 25. Find all the numbers in order as quickly as possible. Whoever does it the fastest wins.

(One person from the team is invited. At the signal of the teacher, the participants touch the number with a pointer, call it loudly. For the convenience of the competition, 2 posters are prepared and controllers from the rival team are called).

Fairy tales and mathematics.

(3 people from the team are invited. They take out a card with the task in turn and answer. If the player did not cope, the team can help him out, but the number of points decreases).

1. In how many waters did Ivan bathe in the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"? (3)

2. How many heroes are in the squad of uncle Chernomor in the tale of A. S. Pushkin

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? (33)

3. How old was Ilya Muromets when he started walking? (33)

4. How many underground kings are in A. Volkov's fairy tale? (7)

5. How many of Eliza's brothers did the evil queen turn into wild swans in Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans"? (eleven)

6. How many robbers entering the cave did Ali - Baba count? (40)

Wise math

Proverbs are called the alphabet of wisdom. Each of them contains a clever idea that is passed down from generation to generation. And proverbs were not without mathematics. Continue the proverb and explain when they say so.

(The task is addressed to the whole team. The team that correctly completes the proverb and explains its meaning more accurately wins).

1. Measure 7 times, and ... (measure once).

2. You will chase after two hares, ... (you will not catch a single one).

3. Mind is good, but ... (two are better).

4. Alone in the field ... (not a warrior).

Quick math

Mathematics loves speed and accuracy of counting. Who can count faster and correctly? How did you manage to count so quickly? What rule did you use?

(One person per team is invited).


magic wands

Before you is a figure lined with sticks.

How many small squares do you see? (6).

Remove just 1 stick so that 5 squares remain.

(The task is offered to the whole team. The team whose player quickly finds the correct answer wins).

Visiting Geometry.

We are visiting geometry - the science of figures, their relationships.

Often a preschooler knows

What is a triangle

And how can you not know!

But it's a completely different matter.

Fast, precise and skillful

Count how many triangles are there?

(Children count on the ground, give answers. A drawing of a star has been prepared for each, there are pencils on the desks. The team that correctly names 10 triangles and shows them correctly wins. The task is quite difficult. If all the triangles are not found, the team that named more wins number. In any case, the teacher should show all the triangles. It is better to prepare posters with a star in advance, where the triangles will be colored).

Fun math.

Mathematics is a serious science, but mathematicians also like to joke. Therefore, among the tasks there are tasks - jokes. Try to solve such problems. Each team is invited to 2 people. They pull out task cards. Answer and justify your answer.

1. When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on 2 legs?

2. Which is heavier: 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton?

3. Four girls have four apples in their basket. How can they divide the apples equally so that one remains in the basket?

4. One sausage is cooked in 2 minutes. How many minutes will it take to cook 4 sausages?

Math in the kitchen

And, of course, you can not do without mathematics in the kitchen. Think and tell me how mathematics is applied in the kitchen? That's right, for the preparation of any dish, it is necessary to observe the proportions between the products. And you are offered such a task.

There are 6 glasses in front of you, 3 of them are filled with water, and 3 are empty. How to make the glasses alternate: full, empty and at the same time, you can only touch one glass?

(One player from each team is invited. Glasses of water are prepared in advance, the one who gives the correct answer first wins. The smartest solution: pour water from the second glass into the fifth glass).

Well done. You adequately coped with all the tasks. I think you understand that mathematics is different: serious, wise, funny, fast, and difficult... But always interesting. You can't do without it.


(The results are summed up, the signs are counted, the winning team is revealed, everyone is treated to sweets. You can note the best players. It is important that the team itself singles out the players who helped the most throughout the game.