Imaginarium adult. Board game "Imaginarium": rules and tips. Official game rules

What to do when all the topics have been discussed, all the food has been eaten and the drinks have been drunk, or when the children are bored and do not know what to do with themselves? Board games can come to the rescue, where the rules are explained in a few minutes, and game process can stretch for several exciting hours, enlivening the atmosphere and brightening up leisure. One of similar games just is the "Imaginarium".

General information about the game

"Imaginarium" is a completely Russian analogue of the French game "Dixit" (Dixit), which has never been released in Russia. Cosmodrom Games is in charge of publishing, and the price ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles in various stores (such as Mosigra). The cost also depends on the versions of the game, and gaming experience completely independent of the purchased version. In any of its versions, the game is able to give players vivid emotions and impressions, and more than a dozen sessions will pass before the moment when the available equipment can become boring.

What's Included

It is worth considering what is included in the box with the game. This set may vary slightly from version to version, but mostly it's about design. By the way, everything graphic design games created from scratch by domestic artists. So, the original version includes:

  1. 98 cards with atmospheric drawings.
  2. Playing field.
  3. Voting card form.
  4. 7 figures of players in the form of multi-colored elephants.
  5. Game rules in Russian.

After the box has been opened and all the elements in it have been carefully considered, it's time to finally figure out how to play Imaginarium. The rules are simple and easy to understand for a player of any age.

Gameplay and rules

In one sentence, the essence of the game can be described as follows: the player selects associations for his images and seeks to guess the cards of other players by their associations. It sounds simple, but it is worth considering the gameplay and all its nuances in more detail.

Before playing, you need to prepare a game deck. From 4 to 7 players take part in the game, and for each number of participants the number of cards in the deck is different:

  1. 4 players - 96.
  2. 5 players - 75.
  3. 6 players - 72.
  4. 7 players - 98.

Then each participant chooses a color for himself, to which the tokens and figure correspond. After that, you need to put all the figures on the starting cloud, and each participant is dealt 6 cards. Each turn, one of the participants takes on the role of leader. The host chooses one of his 6 cards, puts it face down (without showing the picture to the others) and makes an association with it.

An association can be anything - a word, a sentence, a verse, a quote, or even a sound. Other players choose one of their pictures, which best matches the leader's association, and put it in a common pile. Then the facilitator shuffles it and lays out the cards in order, image up. Now each of the participants needs to guess the choice of the leader.

That's what voting tokens are for. The cards on the table are numbered from left to right. Participants choose the image that, in their opinion, the presenter made up, and put the corresponding token on the table, number down. The host does not vote, and the rest cannot vote for their version. When everyone has voted, the presenter announces the number of his card.

Points are calculated based on the votes. If everyone guessed the presenter's picture, then his figure steps back three steps. If no one guessed right - two steps back. In any other case, the figures of the leader and those who guessed his card move three steps forward. Each participant, including the leader, receives one point for each token on his card.

Now the played cards are discarded, and each player chooses one card. The round ends and the next player in clockwise order now becomes the leader. Special fields with tasks help to diversify the process.

The session ends when the deck and cards run out, or you can end the game if someone's elephant gets to the last cloud.

Versions and additions

The board game exists in several variations. They differ in a different set of cards, design and changed rules. The list of versions is as follows:

  1. "Imaginarium Soyuzmultfilm". This is a collector's edition with slightly changed rules and design in the style of a famous film studio.
  2. "Imaginarium Childhood". In the children's version, the rules are specially simplified, and the graphics are made with an emphasis on topics that may be more interesting for children.
  3. "Imaginarium 3D". Includes special glasses and stereoscopic images.

Additional card sets are also available for purchase:

  1. Ariadne.
  2. Pandora.
  3. Chimera (the only set with a limit of 18+).
  4. Odyssey.

There is also a lighter, road version of the game. It contains a playing field, figures and tokens.

Unfortunately, Imaginarium cannot be played online. As with Dixit, there are simply no versions of these games on the web, unless you have to look for some copies. But if the price does not seem too humane, on some sites you can find archives with the sources of the game, so that later you can print it yourself.

Attention, only TODAY!

Each player chooses an elephant and a set of voting cards of the same color as the elephant. There are seven voting cards. You will need as many cards as the person is playing. If there are 6 people playing, you do not need a card with number 7.

Game progress

The elephants of all players are placed at the beginning of the playing field. The deck with illustration cards is shuffled and each player is given 6 cards in his hand. Each turn, one of the players, in turn, becomes the leader. The host makes an association on one of his cards, says it aloud and puts the hidden card face down on the table. The rest of the players look among their cards for one drawing, which, in their opinion, best suits the hidden phrase, and puts it face down on the table.

The facilitator collects the cards, shuffles them and lays them out on the table in a line in a random order with the face up. The card on the left is considered card number 1, the next one is card number 2, and so on. Where is your left and where is your right - you determine yourself.

Guessing the leader's card

The main task of the players is to guess which of the cards laid out on the table was chosen by the presenter and vote for it. Each player chooses one voting card with the desired number and places it face down. The presenter does not vote and does not comment on the pictures laid out on the table. You can't vote for your own picture. When everyone has made a decision and voted, the voting cards are turned over and the points are calculated.


  1. If all the players guessed the leader's card, then he goes 3 moves back, and the rest stand still.
  2. If no one guessed the leader's card, then the leader goes 2 moves back. Plus points are received by the players whose cards are guessed.
  3. In any other case, all players who correctly guessed the card receive 3 points. The leader receives 3 points plus one point for each player who guessed it. All players receive one point for each player who guesses their picture.

Players move their pieces on the playing field by the number of steps corresponding to the number of points won. Each player takes one card from the deck. The next player in order becomes the leader.

game over

The game ends when the cards in the players' hands run out. The winner is the one who has earned the most points and advanced the farthest.

A whole box of creative associations!

You won't find a better game. After all, she teaches kindness and creativity. The game does not provide any hard and fast rules. They are there, but they are more creative than the rules of other games. Your imagination will enjoy the process of the game to its fullest, and you will discover new world associations.
Board game Imaginarium - amazing game to search for associations that should arise when seeing unusual pictures. They are created by creative artists who put so much meaning into them that it is sometimes difficult to guess what they wanted to say.

Associations and imagination! Intuition help!

The goal of the game is to guess as much as possible from the laid out cards those that the presenter has thought of, and get a decent number of points. Which of the players successfully coped with the task, becomes the main winner.

Why fantasize and imagine?

The host takes a card from the deck, and, having shown all the skills of fantasy and imagination, comes up with an association for it. Moreover, such that even your child or friend could not quickly guess, otherwise the whole point of the game disappears. While other players must guess and guess what kind of association you have in mind. They have time to think and then vote on what they think is the best fit. It's like a secret society of associates, but it's so fascinating...

Everyone is captivated by associations!

The board game Imaginarium is a magically associative game designed to awaken imagination and creativity in every player. Everyone in the amount from 3 to 7 players can invent, as well as guess associations. And even those who think that he has problems with his imagination or does not have it at all. This is not true. It just needs to be developed...
The game is designed for children over 12 years old and adult parents who do not want to drown in the world of everyday problems. The Imaginarium will completely immerse you in an unusual atmosphere and give you genuine emotions of joy.

The Imaginarium game is a creative hit for everyone!

It miraculously completely deprives communication barriers of communication, develops you as a person, and you will look at the world with different eyes - full of beauty .... The Imaginarium teaches you to better understand the people around you and strive for the opportunity to guess someone's thoughts and actions. The Imaginarium game is the best gift, from which positive energy emanates from the outside, and a deep and beautiful meaning of associations is hidden inside the box. She will be great family game, will surprise everyone at any holiday. It is limitless, like all associations in a box.
This is more than a game - it is a beautiful art of the game, coupled with creativity.

How to play?

  • Before the start, each player chooses an elephant of a certain color and to match the voting card. All elephants are placed on the playing field at the starting mark. The deck with pictures is shuffled and 6 cards are dealt to each.
  • Each player during the game at least once becomes the leader. He must make an association to one of his cards. Then he pronounces it out loud for his rivals, thereby laying out this card face down.
  • The rest of the players need to guess the card that the presenter made up. To do this, the host takes a card and mixes it with the cards of other players and turns it upside down. Next, the players vote and lay out a voting card with the desired number so that everyone can see it.
  • After that, the points are calculated. And according to the points scored, the players advance along playing field. The winner is the player who reaches the final mark.

What's in the box?

  • playing field;
  • 98 picture cards;
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players;
  • 7 chips in the form of flying elephants;
  • rules of the game.

If you are bored with gadgets or you just finally want to escape from them, turn your attention to board games from the category

Perhaps one of the most beautiful and inspiring games. Participants are immersed in the contemplation of the delightful illustrations for a long time, screaming, wondering and gasping. Sometimes they get so carried away that they forget to follow the rules, but they are quite simple and can be explained in 1-2 moves.

Purpose of the game

Outrun rivals and score the most points, have fun and get to know your friends better.

Game description

There are 98 cards in the set, but their number can be increased due to additional sets:

The playing field has an original design. The set also includes 7 colored tokens and 49 tokens of matching colors. From 4 to 7 people over 16 years old can look into the world of pictures and immerse themselves in the thoughts of opponents at the same time.


Start the game with a pleasant procedure - choose an original chip for yourself, as well as a set of tokens of a suitable color. Their number corresponds to the number of participants. Set the figures to the start.

Remove extra cards from the deck. If you are playing:

  • in 4 - 2 pieces
  • in 5 - 23 pieces
  • in 6 - 26 pieces
  • in 7 - 0 pieces

Shuffle the deck and give each player 6 cards. Choose a leader for a specific round. This function will be transferred during the game.

Game progress

The facilitator examines the cards. Of these, he chooses the one that caused him the most interesting association (difficult, but preferably understandable to at least one player). He voices his thoughts. Moreover, only fantasy acts as a limitation in the choice of phrase. In fact, you can do anything: sing, read poetry, make sounds, distort words, and much more.

After his performance, the host puts a hole card in the center. Participants find among their pictures the one that illustrates the voiced association brighter than others, and send it to the table. When everyone has made their choice, the host shuffles the cards, then lays them face up.

Participants carefully look at all the pictures, trying to look out for the one that the host posted. There is a secret ballot. All players (except the leader) choose a token with a number, but do not show it to the others. On command, the plates are turned over. Points are being calculated.

Determining the number of points

Moving players

If the player guessed the leader's card, then he moves 3 cells.

If one of the opponents marked the card of any participant, then the latter passes the corresponding number of steps, regardless of whether he found the leader's picture.

Lead mover

If the leader's association was guessed by one or more players, then he moves 3 cells plus one for each participant.

If all the players guessed the leader’s card, or, conversely, no one, his chip remains in place.

The right to represent the association proceeds clockwise.

Special marks on the field

These designations introduce some sort of restrictions on the free flight of fantasy, knocking down arrogance and forcing the players to move their convolutions and, of course, to laugh. So the association should.

« Imajinarium” is quite simple, but despite this it is very exciting game, in which it is necessary to come up with associations to images from the box, rather unusually drawn. All images were drawn by inveterate artists, perhaps even with some deviations, because of this association - from the easiest, for example, "friendship", "summer", "impregnability", to the most unpredictable and crazy, in the style of "That's how it should have been done ”, “Where to laugh?”, “Chuck-chak! Run faster! ”, There may be just a bunch of them.

Description of the game Imaginarium

I took the picture out of the box, came up with an association: what's next?

Now take this card and place it face down on the table. The task of other players is to find among their cards the one that will be more like this association than others, and put it next to it. Then all these cards on the table are shuffled.

I guessed! The meaning of the game is for each player to guess what I put?

Didn't guess! If that were the case, then you would only need to come up with a simple association to win the game. In order to win here, it is necessary that at least one of the players, but the most the best option it will be if everyone except one guesses what kind of card it is.

How should associations be made?

If you have the opportunity, then it is desirable to complicate and not give out the meaning, that is, try to somehow veil your thought. But this must be done carefully and clearly in order to confuse some and divide opinions. over time will teach you to guess correctly in order to win! Once you are at ease, you will immediately feel a surge of creativity and gradually learn to understand the thoughts and even emotions of other players.

Like this??

is one of the most "communicative" games that really helps people to remove the borders and communicate with interest. Through associations, you will try to find out the most personal thoughts of the opponent, try to understand him better and better determine the chain of thought of other players. I must say, this thing is not just sincere, but also a definite favorite among games in terms of developing relationships.

Who can give a "game"?

  • You can just take it home, you definitely won't go wrong with the choice.
  • Perfect for an evening game with friends.
  • Any person who is somehow connected with creativity will appreciate it with dignity.
  • Are you having a party? Take you know what with you 🙂

What's in the game box?

A field to count points (for convenience, it is printed directly on the box).
98 big cards with images.
49 cards with which players will vote, 7 pieces.
7 flying elephants in the form of chips, for moves around the field (there are two types, depending on the edition, plastic and wooden).
Competently translated into Russian rules.

Should I buy the Imaginarium?

Undoubtedly, because this board game will adequately complement your shelves with games. There are quite a few such association games like this one, especially since the game is designed in a very high quality and unique style. The box with the game will help you brighten up more than one day in the company of friends and, most importantly, it will help you better understand your friends and establish proper communication.

Imaginarium cards

The cards are worth mentioning separately. Further in the text there will be a story about cards, but I would like to say a few words now. Each card in is an individually drawn picture. Over a hundred different artists and illustrators worked on each illustration in the set. The images on the cards sometimes make you think and plunge into the world of fantasies and dreams. Beautifully crafted features of each picture speak of the quality of the game itself. After they fall into your hands, you want to admire and admire them!

Imaginarium game rules

At the beginning of the game, each player is given the choice of an elephant and some cards, which must be the same color as the elephant. According to the rules of the game, there are seven voting cards. Usually for the game you need as many cards as the person takes part in the game. For example, if you play with seven players, then card number 6 will not be useful to you.

Determining the first move in a game

First you need to decide who will start the game first. This is where voting cards come in handy. All participants take their voting cards, mix them carefully and draw one randomly. The largest number on the card will determine the right of the first move. In practice, nothing limits you in choosing another real way starter definitions. Stone, scissors, paper are also suitable :). The game then proceeds clockwise from the starting player.

Game progress

  • Each player takes his bishop and places it on area 1 of the playing field.
  • The deck with illustrations is carefully shuffled and from there 6 cards are assigned to each player.
  • The player who walks first comes up with an association and voices it.
  • According to the rules of the game, each turn is led by another participant. The host makes an association based on any picture of his cards, pronounces this association aloud to other participants and puts the card that he made up on the table face down.

Guessing the leader's card

The main goal of the participants is to guess which one of all the cards put on the table was guessed by the presenter, and to vote for it. All participants choose one voting card with the required number and put it face down (the number must match the card they thought of). The presenter does not take part in the voting and does not have the right to comment on the pictures laid out on the table. It is forbidden to vote for the picture that you posted yourself. When the final decision has been made by all players, the voting cards are turned over and the scores are counted.


  • According to the rules, if all the players guessed the leader’s card, then he moves his bishop 3 moves back (or to the beginning, to field 1, if he has not yet run further than field 3), while the other participants remain in place.
  • In the event that no one was able to guess the leader's card, then the leader moves back 2 moves. Plus, points are barked to players whose cards are guessed.
  • In any other situation, 3 points are added to all players who correctly guessed the card. 3 points are added to the leader's account and a point for each participant who guessed it.
  • Each player receives one point for the other player who chose his picture.

Players move their elephants on the playing field by a number of points, which depend on the points received in the last round.

The full version of the rules can be downloaded

Imaginarium - a game for the company

A board game in which the player himself comes up with associations to various pictures at the same time as trying to uncover the associations of other players. The goal and the whole point of the game is to figure out how other players thought when they made their associations. She's a great fit for the company, she's gained popularity with a lot of people for her original approach to illustrations.

Saw the light in 2011.

Game mechanics in the game:

  • Vote
  • Associations
  • Simultaneous actions





Imaginarium Childhood


Russia - Stupid Casual

What inspired you to create?

This is long and interesting story- it all started about a couple of years ago, once I came across the Dixit game. I just fell in love with him and printed out about 9 thousand cards for him. I played it a lot, one might say until I lost my pulse.

Where did you manage to dig up so many pictures?

There are a lot of them on the Internet and most importantly they are all selected and selected. Basically, these cards were from the Russian-speaking population, they probably did not like the quality of the original ones and they decided to make their own.

And you realized that you want to create them?

After a while, I thought about it and realized that if I like these cards, then someone else must like them. A couple of years ago we started releasing our own extra packs through Triominos and then other chains. But as soon as things got a little better, we realized that it was somehow wrong to release an add-on to a game that was completely not yours, and in order to save the remnants of our karma, we decided to create our own. Anyway, we had a slightly different game mechanics, and we had a different scoring field. And the rules of the game were different. After checking the mechanism for releasing games in Russia, we realized that this is more than possible here. The main requirement was the uniqueness of the game, if the game is unique, then we are within the boundaries of the legal zone. That's how the story began.

How did you choose the artists?

Social networks and the basics of crowdfunding came to my aid. The first set fell on the guys from There are quite a large number of Russian illustrators. We tried our best to choose the best. Further, for subsequent sets, it became clear that you would not limit yourself to one social network and we began to look for new artists in different parts of the world. The scheme was like this, we are looking for and redeeming images.

Were there any card requirements for the game?

No, it's pretty hard to get an illustrator to draw 98 cards and have us all like them when it's done. The situation was like this, the illustrator showed us his database of images, which he naturally was ready to sell, and we were already gaining the right amount for ourselves. For example, we were provided with a database of 600 images, so we chose 98 of them.

That is, some of the artists were already a little crazy from birth and all this was not drawn by your order?

You are absolutely right, we almost always just chose, there were very rare cases when we asked for something to be added or removed from the illustrator, but it was very infrequent.

Many of the players, or rather, his cards seem a little gloomy. Why so?

Initially, the game was conceived for an adult audience, so we added expression and gloom, as it seems to me, this added some kind of charm to it.

Are you afraid that it will be copied?

Absolutely not, you can even say the opposite. If this segment of games is copied, and copied qualitatively, then this will only add the spirit of competition. Healthy competition generates industry development. And if the cards are of poor quality, then there will be no chance to sell the game.