Interactive didactic games on local history. Card file of board games in local history. "City Journey"

Elena Pavlova
Local history games for preschoolers

Small home. Each person has his own, but for everyone it is that guiding star, which throughout life determines a lot, if not everything.

Not the earth in general, but the land where he was born and raised, where the stars of childhood shine - this is exactly what every person needs. One of the forms of studying the native land is local history work.

Local history is a kind"Parent Chest" This is the totality of the legacy left to us by our ancestors. This is a living legend and grandmother's stories, the customs of the native land and the wealth of the bowels, fields, forests, labor achievements and military achievements of fathers and grandfathers. This is the experience of economic development of the region and its age-old culture. This is the very heritage that we must not only use for its intended purpose in life, but also cherish like the apple of our eye, developing and distributing it among our descendants.

Local history is, first of all, the golden reserve of our spirituality. This is a treasure for centuries, a guarantee of our sovereignty in the eyes of other peoples.

Everyone knows the fact: the formation of a person's personality occurs in preschool age . This fact also applies to the timely formation of preschoolers feelings of patriotism: love and affection, devotion and responsibility, the desire to work for the good of the native land, to protect and increase its wealth.

local history games relevant and interesting for children preschool age. playing such games children get a holistic view of their native edge, city, about their homeland. The great importance of game methods and techniques is well known. Their advantage lies in the fact that they arouse increased interest in children, positive emotions, and contribute to the concentration of attention on the educational task. Game motivation is present in every lesson. A special place is occupied local history games, which make it possible to introduce the child to history, archeology, geography, nature. local history the game is not only a form of organizing a child's life, but also an active way for the child to acquire social experience

local history games is a powerful teaching tool. Thanks to them, children get to know their land more deeply, more widely, find out what is inherent only in this area, what the inhabitants of this area love.

Game activity is leading in preschool age and learning game is one of the means of education and development of children. Didactic game for preschooler St. Petersburg studies is an interesting way to get to know your native city. In the process games In addition to learning, children develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, and initiative. The use of didactic games on St. Petersburg studies is good remedy consolidation of the acquired knowledge both in joint activities and in individual.

All didactic games subdivided into groups. The essence of most games is displayed in the title.

1. Games aimed at the ability to reproduce in memory the appearance object:

"What is missing?"

"Choose the missing part"

"Find the extra picture"

"Recognize a picture by its part"

"Build the image from parts"

"Compose an architectural and sculptural ensemble"

"Collect pairs of pictures"

"Recognize by silhouette"

"Pick up his image to the silhouette"

"Find the Artist's Mistake"

2. Games aimed at reproducing in memory received knowledge:

"Pair up"(pick up to the monument of architecture or sculpture of the author; pick up to the portrait of a famous and great man his monument, standing in our city)

"Who will name more?"

"Auction of St. Petersburg names"

"Truth is not true"

"Petersburg Cube"

"Who will answer faster?"

"Learn by description"

"Make up a question"

"I know five names"

3. Games aimed at developing oral and written speeches:

"Find the extra word"

"Say one word"

"Half a word"

"Make a word out of syllables (from letters)»

"Say a word"

"Finish the sentence"

"Guess the word by the first sounds"

"Petersburg rhymes"

"What - what"

4. Games aimed at developing the ability to perform mathematical calculations related to numbers.

"Petersburg Mathematics"

"Find the Right Number"

5. Games aimed at the development of associative thinking, imagination:

"Petersburg associations"

"Picture a Sculpture"

"Guess the sculpture by pantomime"

"Black box"

6. Games aimed at the development of spatial orienteering:

"Petersburg Navigator"

"Stand up right"

Team competitions include: games, how:

"What? Where? When?"

"Field of Dreams"


"Journey through..."

"Walking on..."

"Tour of..."

"The rescue … (fairytale hero.) from…"

"Collecting a collection of exhibits for the museum..."

"The Search for the Lost Landmark (hoard.)»

"Searching for a Secret (mysterious.) places in St. Petersburg»

It is important not to consider each object separately, but in unity with others that make up the artistic ensemble. This allows children to develop the desire to see the integrity and unity of architectural monuments, sculptures, to understand the significance of each separately, the ability to navigate the city, develop artistic taste, the desire to enjoy the beauty, grace, grandeur and power of St. Petersburg. I consider the main result of the work to be the upbringing of a modern, cultured little person - a young Petersburger who loves his city in which he lives.

List of sources

1. Batyasheva L. P. Search and research activities in the preschool educational institution / L. P. Batyasheva

2. Lavrova T. B. Moral and patriotic education. "My incomprehensible city" / T. B. Lavrova site Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Public lesson"

3. Laptenok E. Yu. "Classes in Petersburg Studies in preparatory group kindergarten" (from work experience) website of preschool educational institution No. 1 of the Admiralteisky district

4. Mironova A. A. Petersburg studies for kids. Creation of conditions for the formation of initial ideas about the native city (and not only about this)/ A. A. Mironova

5. Serova Z. A. "Do you know St. Petersburg?" local history games. St. Petersburg Publishing House "MiM", 1998

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local history games Dear colleagues! It is not a secret for us that the main activity of children is the game. Therefore, I created a series of games that.

Didactic games



Preliminary work:

Game options:

Option 1 - "Find the street."




Game actions:

Game rules:

Game options:

Option 1 - "Who goes where."

Option 2 - "Classifier".









Uzrost: Vykhavans are the oldest group.


Gulnyaya task

Uzrost: Vykhavans are the oldest group.


Goofy task:

Rules of the party:

Uzrost: vykhavantsy syarednyay groups.



Uzrost: Vykhavans are the oldest group.



Didactic games

to get acquainted with the native city and the region

At preschool age, a sense of patriotism begins to form: love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth. Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one's small homeland - the place where a person was born. Getting acquainted with his native city, its sights, the child learns to realize himself living in a certain time period and at the same time joins the riches of national and world culture. The success of the development of preschoolers when getting to know their native land will become possible only if they actively interact with the outside world in an emotional and practical way, that is, through play, objective activity, communication, work.

Suggested didactic games help to organize and interestingly conduct joint activities of the teacher with the children.

Didactic game "Walking around the city"

Tasks: to consolidate the pupils' ideas about the streets of the nearest microdistrict and the buildings located on them; expand ideas about buildings and their purpose; fix the rules of safe behavior on the street; expand spatial representations (left, right, in front of, behind, between, next to, opposite, in the middle, etc.); develop coherent monologue speech; cultivate love and respect for the native city.

Material: a green playing field, on which road schemes with traffic lights and a green zone are marked in gray; photographs of city institutions and institutions (10-15 pcs.) closest to the kindergarten; permanent objects (landmarks) on the playing field (for example: airport, monuments, circus); cards with riddle verses - 10-15 pcs.; cubes with photographs of institutions pasted on each side - 3 pcs.; figurine of a man - 1 pc.; photographs of the city, cut in the form of a mosaic.

Both one child and a subgroup of children - 3-5 people can participate in the game.

Preliminary work: targeted walks to nearby streets, viewing the buildings located on them; conversations about what can be seen by opening the door of the institution, for what it is intended; viewing a photo album of the city; comparison of large photos with small game cards; acquaintance with the playing field-scheme of the nearest streets.

Game options:

Option 1 - "Find the street."

The child is invited to put a figure of a little man on the street that the teacher will name. (All buildings are on the playing field).

Option 2 - "Mysteries on the streets of the city."

The game uses a playing field and verse cards. The teacher distributes photographs to the playing children, reads riddle poems, and the children guess which institution in question. A child who has a photo of a hidden building places it on the playing field. The use of spatial terms in speech should be sought. At first, you can think of the most familiar objects closest to the kindergarten, then more distant ones.

Option 3 - "Get home."

The child is invited to determine the location of his house on the playing field - to put a figure of a little man there. The task is to describe the route from home to kindergarten and back, observing the rules of the road.

Option 4 - "Show me the way."

The game uses a playing field with all the objects fixed on it and cubes with photographs. The child rolls the dice. The task is to explain the way from the kindergarten to the institution that has fallen on the cube, observing the rules of the road.

Option 5 - "What's mixed up?"

The teacher intentionally incorrectly arranges photographs of buildings on the playing field. Children are encouraged to correct mistakes by commenting on their actions.

Option 6 - "Complete the picture."

Children are given the task, together with their parents, to walk along the streets closest to the kindergarten and find establishments on them that are not found in the game.

Option 7 - "Assemble the mosaic."

The cut fragments of photographs are mixed up, the children have to correctly assemble the image and explain where it is and what it is intended for.

Didactic game "Let's go to the native land"

Age: senior students.

Tasks: clarify the ideas of pupils about the flora and fauna of their native land; to expand ideas about the originality of the animal and plant world, depending on the natural zone; develop coherent monologue speech of preschoolers; exercise in the classification of objects of nature; to consolidate ideas about the symbols of Minsk, about large cities of Belarus; cultivate love for the native land.

Material: images of two steam locomotives: one - with the coat of arms of Minsk, the second - with the emblem of the southern countries; images of six carriages; 3 sets of pictures: animals (10 pieces), berries (6 pieces), trees (6 pieces) of Belarus; 3 sets of pictures: animals (10 pcs.), fruits (6 pcs.), trees (5 pcs.) of southern countries; map of Belarus.

Game actions:

1. Select and put in the pocket of the car only those cards that correspond to the task.

2. Talk about the features of the habitat of animals, about the place where trees, fruits, berries grow.

3. Reasonably prove why the object cannot go to Minsk (Belarus) or to the south (associate with the peculiarities appearance, animal nutrition, fruit growing conditions, etc.).

Game rules:

Preliminary collusion of two players: which version of the game to choose, who will carry the objects where. Think, do not interfere with each other, if necessary - help.

Game options:

Option 1 - "Who goes where."

In front of the child on the table are 2 locomotives with wagons, pictures depicting one type of object (animals or trees, berries, fruits). Task: select objects by natural areas and depending on this, put them either in the composition with the coat of arms of Minsk, or - with the emblem of the southern countries.

Option 2 - "Classifier".

Offer the children all the pictures at once, a locomotive with three wagons.

Task: in accordance with the symbols of the locomotive (remember, tell what it means), put animals in the first car; in the second - berries or fruits, in the third - trees, i.e. classify objects.

Option 3 - "Fix the mistakes."

The teacher places the pictures in the pockets of the cars in advance, deliberately making mistakes.

Assignment: correct mistakes, explaining your answer with reason (for example: why a hippopotamus cannot live in Belarus. Connect with features of appearance, lifestyle, nutrition).

Option 4 - "Unusual Journey".

All pictures with animals and a map of Belarus participate. All animals travel from Minsk to the north (south, west, east) of the country. Track on the map what big cities meet along the way

Task: land the animal in the city, in the name of which the first sound coincides with the first sound in the name of the animal. (For example: in Brest - a squirrel, a chipmunk, in Vaukavysk - a wolf, etc.).

Option 5 - "Necessary stop".

The game involves pictures with animals of Belarus depicting a different number of objects and a map of Belarus.

Task: drop off animals traveling one at a time at the first stop, two at the second, and so on. Name the station at which the largest number of passengers got off.

Didactic game “Belarusian toy. Find a soul mate"

Age: pupils of the 1st junior group.

Tasks: introduce children to the Belarusian toy; enter Belarusian words into the active dictionary of kids; develop observation, memory, perseverance.

Material: a set of postcards as a sample; a set of the same postcards, but cut into puzzles.

Children are invited to consider postcards depicting Belarusian folk toys. Then the teacher offers postcards cut into two parts. From them it is necessary to assemble a picture (toy) by finding the missing half.

Didactic game "Fold the straw house"

Age: middle and high school students.

Tasks: to introduce children to a new natural material - straw, to teach them to independently select the necessary shape and fold the house (from puzzles and whole parts); improve knowledge of the values: "wide - narrow", "high - low", "large - small"; develop interest in Belarusian natural material; develop fine motor skills of hands, eye, the ability to maintain correct posture during the game; to cultivate the ability to work together, in a team, helping each other.

Material: cards (4 pcs.), two sets of straw material (whole and cut into puzzles houses), instructions, box.

1 option. For middle school students.

Children are given ready-made cards with drawn houses (high, low, large, small, wide and narrow), they are invited to find straw houses and roofs of the appropriate size and tell how big the house turned out to be.

Option 2. For senior students.

Children are given cards with drawn houses of different sizes (divided into parts) and are asked to find the corresponding pieces of straw. The winner is the one who first correctly folds the house and talks about it.

Dydaktychnaya gulyna “Native Mova”

Uzrost: vykhavantsy syarednyay, the oldest group.

Tasks: avalodvatsya wealthy mother tongue; the development of powerful health, atrymlivation of pershapchatkovy skills in the Belarusian language; farming stable tsіkavasts and stanoўchy adnosinas and belarusian language, zhadanné avalanche belarusian language celebrating acquaintance with Belarusian folklore - zabaўlyankamі, kazkamі, songs, lichylkamі.

At the gully, 5-6 chalaveks can be used. Perad dzetsmі kladzetsa field for a walk with 5 sectors, chips, a cube. Dzetsi throwing a cube and collapsing chips on the field, jumping at the same time tsyazhkastsі (set vyhavalnіka), yakіya sustrakayutstsa іm on the sectors. Whoever does not cope with the task - skip the move. For the people of Peramozh, the one who is the first to doidze and finish.

Dydaktychnaya spree “I’ll name it”

Uzrost: Vykhavans are the oldest group.

Tasks: zamatsavatsya Vedas dzyatsey ab names of Belarusian hancharovs.

Gulnyaya task- on the silhouette of a sign, as it is called rech and dze yana zhyvaetstsa.

Whoever you correctly call the choice, that atrymlive chip. Peramozhtsam z'yaўlyayetstsa the one who is more for ўsіh atrymae fishak.

Dydaktychnaya gulyna “Apranem Lyalku”

Uzrost: Vykhavans are the oldest group.

Tasks: zamatsatsya Vedas dzyatsey ab systems, dispersed on the territories of Belarus.

Goofy task: on the ornament, color scheme, softened look, the value of that qi іnshy system.

Rules of the party: to those who are right, zbyare kastsyum and call the system back.

Dydaktychnaya walk “Minsk syonnya”

Uzrost: vykhavantsy syarednyay groups.

Tasks: uzbagatsіts Vedas dzyatsey ab native city; pharmaceutical research in Belarus, development of intares and minulag and modern capital of Belarus; vyhoўvats pachutstse patriyatyzmu and love and svaygo city; farming the right posture at the hour of the walk, developing the fractional muscles of the hands.

Material: walking field (23x16.5 cm), insert cards - 9 pcs., envelope - 1 pc., packing envelope - 1 pc.

Dzetsyam prapanuezza a field for a walk, on which a map of Minsk is posted, a green one for the districts, and maps for the courts are for the districts. Prapanuezza is correct in the classification of this card on the basis. For the people of Peramozh, it’s for the one who doesn’t know the pamylak. Vykhavatselyu prapanuezza tell dzetsyam ab memnikah, pre-industrial complexes, issued meats of the skin district.

Dydaktychnaya walk “Belarus and our neighbors”

Uzrost: Vykhavans are the oldest group.

Tasks: udakladnyatsya and zamatsovatsya yatsey ab gardens of Belarus and ab neighboring lands; practice va zhyvannі patrebny layers; zamatsovatsya correct vymaўlenne ўsіh gukaў native mova, farmiravatsya expressive dyktsy, develop sensamatorku, smarter aryentavatstsa on flat; vyhoўvats pachuzzo pavagi and іnshikh kraіn i pachuzzo fee for a pile of jarzhava.

Material: walking field (36.5x28.5 cm); 2 envelopes with literature and words (the first envelope - 36 letters, 6 layers; the other envelope - 30 letters, 5 layers); instructions; packaging cover.

Dzieciam prapanuezza is a field for a walk, on which the ablasny garada of Belarus are marked, and the dachshund of the neighboring countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine. Dzetsi folded names of garadoў i kraіn are suitable for the patterns of the field (hell words tsі lіtarami). The people of Peramozhtsa should be the one who, without pamylak, has all the names and correctly spells them out in Belarusian.

Card index of games of local lore content.

I present to you a selection vocabulary games, the main focus of which is to develop the speech of preschoolers through familiarization with their hometown - Sol-Iletsk.

Didactic games.

"Depict a natural phenomenon".

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about natural phenomena characteristic of the Orenburg region (rainbow, overflow, leaf fall, rain, snow, fog, thunderstorm, tornado, etc.)

Materials: pictures depicting natural phenomena.

Game progress: The child depicts a natural phenomenon with the help of pantomime, the rest guess. After guessing, the teacher shows a picture depicting this phenomenon. After that, it is discussed when this phenomenon occurs, how often, due to what it appears, how long it lasts.

« Sol-Iletsk trails.

Didactic task: to consolidate the ability to navigate the map.

Materials: map of Sol-Iletsk, small magnets.

Game progress: Children are given a route from point A to B, pave the way on the map, showing their route of the hike, marking it with magnets.

How to Avoid Trouble in Nature.

Didactic task: to fix the rules of behavior in the forest, on water bodies.

Materials: pictures depicting dangerous situations in nature.

Game progress: The teacher distributes pictures depicting dangerous situations in nature, and the children take turns explaining the situation, what should not be done, and what should have been done.

"Meet the native land."

Didactic task: to consolidate and systematize knowledge about the native land.

Materials: photographs with views of Sol-Iletsk, iconic historical places, sightseeing objects, sights.

Game progress: The teacher shows a fragment of some famous landmark, and the children must guess what it is, give a name.

"Name the monuments of architecture."

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about monuments of cultural and historical value created by man (monuments to writers, doctors, prominent people, museums, railway stations, libraries, etc.).

Materials: images of architectural monuments, map of Sol-Iletsk.

Game progress: Children choose man-made monuments from a variety of attractions and distribute them on a map.

"Red Flame".

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about the plants and animals of the Sol-Iletsk region, listed in the Red Book.

Materials: pictures of plants and animals.

Game progress: Children choose from the whole plant and animal world plants and animals that are in danger, talk about them.

"My street".

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge of modern and old street names.

Materials: old photographs of the city of Sol-Iletsk, a map with the streets of Sol-Ilami.

Game progress: Children on the city map find their street and sign its name, then write the old name in brackets (if any).

"Collect Cubes" (sets of old cubes given new life)

Didactic task: To maintain the active interest of preschoolers in their native land; Develop attention, thinking, perseverance, etc.

"Find differences".

Didactic task: to teach children to compare the characteristic features of the old and modern cities, to find similarities and differences; develop thinking, attention, speech; consolidate knowledge about your hometown; educate interest in his present and past. Explain to the children that the city is growing, being improved and its best new buildings successfully complement and develop the historical appearance of the ancient city.

Game progress: Children find differences by comparing photos from the past and the present.

"Magic ribbons of roads" (educational game)

Materials: playing field, which depicts roads, streets, squares, parks. On the red fields are silhouettes of buildings, monuments and other structures well-known in the city; cards with questions and tasks; cube; chips by the number of players.

Game progress. 2 teams (or 2 players) play. Throw a die, moving forward in order to get to the red field; once on the red field, the players will have to determine which structure outline is shown here and where this structure is located.

Choose questions for which you can get 2 or 3 points, respectively. Answering questions, the players move forward, also getting to the red field, on which they guess memorable places along the contours.

Players can instantly find themselves on the red field, but for this they will need to answer questions under the “blitz” sign.

"Coat of arms of the city" (game)

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the coat of arms of their native city; be able to distinguish the coat of arms of the native city from other signs.

Materials: sample template with the image of the coat of arms of the city; contour template of the same coat of arms; "mosaic" of the emblem of the city in a disassembled version.

Game progress. Children are invited to consider the coat of arms of the city and note distinctive features from the coats of arms of other cities of our country.

1. According to the contour template, using a sample template, children collect the coat of arms of the city from the mosaic.

  1. Children collect the coat of arms without the help of a sample template, relying
    for memory.
  2. Children are invited to collect the coat of arms of the city from individual children.
    lei using overlay templates.
  3. Children are offered coats of arms of other cities for a similar
    game task.

« The neighborhood we live in (board game)

Target: generalize children's knowledge about the area of ​​the city in which they live, with its features and attractions.

Materials: a playing field superimposed on the plan of the district, with the route and the sights of the district depicted on it and the names of the streets; a cube with numerical figures from 1 to 6; chips in the form of a car and little men; "grandmother's encyclopedia" with brief references on the topic of the game.

Game progress. Any number of children can play. They independently choose which mode of transport they use to travel, or go on foot. Depending on this, a game chip is selected. Children take turns throwing a dice: how many numerical figures fall out, how many divisions move forward. Participants need to complete the entire route and return back to Kindergarten(or house). If the chip lands on a red field, to move on, you must answer the question indicated by the number of this field; if the chip falls on the green field, then the child can use the hint of the "grandmother's encyclopedia".

Note. If the child does not know the answer to the “red field” question, he can use the “grandmother's encyclopedia” hint, but skips the move; "Grandma's Encyclopedia" must be shown and read to the children in advance.

"History of the hometown" (lotto game)

Chain: to reinforce in children an idea of ​​​​the history of their native city.

Materials: playing fields(9 pieces) depicting views of the city from its inception to the present day; cards with images of individual buildings and places related to different time periods in the history of the city.

Game progress. 3-9 children can play. The host distributes the playing fields and shows the cards to the participants. Players must completely cover their playing field with cards suitable for the time period.

Note. Each card has an inscription with the name of the object and the time period.

If the child is mistaken, then a "leader's certificate" is given, which can be both the teacher and the child.

« Enchanted City»

Tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about the architecture of modern buildings and structures; to get acquainted with the architectural features of the city.

Materials: an album with contour images of buildings and other structures of a modern city; photographs depicting the same buildings and structures.

Target: "disenchant" the city.

Game progress. Before the start of the game, the teacher conducts a mini-conversation with the children:

  • What is the name of our country?
  • What is the name of the city where you live?
  • How long ago was our city founded?
  • What city streets do you know?
  • What is the name of the street where you live?
  • What monuments of our city do you know?
  • What ancient monuments are there in our city?
  • What great people who glorified our city do you know?
  • How did you know that? Who told you about it?
  • What else would you like to know about our city?
    The teacher invites the children to consider an album with the contours of buildings, then photographs of the same structures and compare the contours with the photographs. For example: outline of the Planetarium building - a photograph of the planetarium building.

Note. Along the way game actions"restoring the enchanted city", the teacher conducts a correspondence mini-tour of these places (possibly based on the personal knowledge and experience of the children).

"City Journey"

Purpose: to get to know your hometown

Material: hometown photo album

The teacher shows the children photographs of the sights of the city, offers to name them.

"Where is the monument?"

Purpose: to acquaint children with monuments, to teach them how to navigate in their hometown

Material: images of monuments

The teacher shows the children images of monuments, asks them to tell where this monument is installed.

"Do you know?"

Purpose: to acquaint children with famous people of their native city

Material: portraits of famous compatriots

The teacher shows the portraits, invites the children to name the one who is depicted in the portrait and tell what he is famous for.

"Continue the proverb."

Purpose: to acquaint with oral folk art

The teacher starts the proverb, the children continue it.

Lotto "Folk crafts"

The game can be played by 1 to 5 people.

Lay out the cards on the table or floor.

Shuffle cut cards and place them face down in the center.

Each participant in the game takes one card and piles and determines which large

put her card.

The winner is the one whose card (or cards) will be filled first.

"Birds of our city".

Purpose: to acquaint children with the birds of their native city

Material: bird cards

The teacher shows the children cards with images of birds, asks them to name and determine whether the bird lives in our city or not.

"Draw a pattern."

Purpose: to acquaint children with folk crafts, instill interest in Russian traditions, teach them to recognize and distinguish between various crafts.

Material: cards with a drawn pattern and a field lined for drawing.

Children draw a simple pattern on the image.

"Dress the doll."

Purpose: to acquaint with national clothes, instill interest in national culture

Children dress the doll in national clothes.

"Sort Patterns"

Purpose: to acquaint children with folk crafts, instill interest in Russian traditions, teach them to recognize and distinguish between various crafts.

Material: pictures of folk crafts

Children sort the pictures according to belonging to a particular folk craft.

Collect the pattern.

Purpose: to acquaint children with folk crafts, instill interest in Russian traditions, teach them to recognize and distinguish between various crafts.

Material: split pictures with images of folk crafts

Children collect pictures from fragments.

Lexical games.

"Call it nice."
"To whom the ship will sail-
call the city beautifully.
Tasks: exercise in the selection of adjectives; nurture love for your hometown.
Game progress: preschoolers are practicing in the selection of adjectives (affectionate words) for the city of Sol-Iletsk.
Exercises serve as variants of this game: "Tell me a word"; "Who is bigger".

"Find the coat of arms."
Tasks: to continue to acquaint children with the history of their native city, to consolidate knowledge about the symbols of Sol-Iletsk.
Game progress: children find the coat of arms of their native city and make up a story about it.

"I am a tour guide".
Tasks: to teach children to find and name memorable places in the city, talk about them, develop reading skills.
Game progress: preschoolers pretend to be guides around their native city, introduce the guests of the city to its sights and memorable places.

"Let's walk through the city streets".

Tasks: to develop the lexical and grammatical side of speech; learn to navigate on a city map; consolidate knowledge of the names of the streets of the city.
The options for using this game are exercises with a map and the game "And with us" - children talk about their house and street.


"Create the coat of arms of your hometown".

Tasks: to teach children how to build the coat of arms of Sol-Iletsk, compiling a descriptive story about it.
Game progress: children make up the coat of arms of Sol-Iletsk, talk about it.

"Collect a flower."
Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about the history of their native city; to teach children to compose consistent stories about their hometown; to cultivate pride and respect for the history and traditions of Sol-Iletsk.
Game progress: preschoolers collect a flower from multi-colored petals, which depict symbols for compiling a story about the city of Sol-Iletsk.

"Magic Cubes".
Tasks: to teach children to compose complete sentences, a coherent story. To consolidate the ideas of preschoolers about their hometown.
Game progress:
Option number 1: preschoolers compose a descriptive story about Sol-Iletsk, using picture material located on the faces of the cube.
Option number 2: children make up complete sentences (riddles) talking about the symbols of the city, the illustrations of which are located on the faces of the cube.
"Look at the picture, name it correctly" - an option for using this game.
"Pick a Sign"(coordination of a noun with an adjective):

mother (what?) - ...,

grandmother (what?) - ...,

grandfather (what?) - ...,

dad (what?) - ....

"Whose, whose, whose, whose?"(formation and use of possessive adjectives).

Scarf (whose?) - mother's, father's, ... .

Hat (whose?) - aunt, uncle ....

Coat (whose?) - grandmother's, grandfather's ....

Gloves (whose?) - mother's, grandmother's ....

"Compare who is older/younger"(composing a compound sentence with the union a):

Dad is a son (dad is older, and son is younger),

dad, grandpa

uncle - nephew,

grandson - grandfather.

"Answer the questions"(use of the genitive case of nouns). r;

Who has good eyes? (By Grandma).

Who has strong hands?

Who has soft hands? ...

"Shattered Pictures".
Tasks: to teach to make an image according to a model, to develop attention, memory, fine motor skills.
Game progress: children make up the sights and memorable places of the city from puzzles (parts), talk about them.

"City of the future".
Tasks: to teach children to fantasize, to come up with their own street names, to be able to explain why the street is named that way.
Game progress: children make up stories about how they imagine the city of the future, the city of their dreams.

"Mysteries about the city".
Tasks: to form speech skills - to enrich vocabulary, monologue speech; develop thinking and attention.
Game progress: preschoolers guess and make riddles about their hometown.

"I know".
Tasks: to activate the vocabulary of children; improve thinking, memory, attention of preschoolers; consolidate knowledge about your hometown.
Game progress: the children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to the child with the words: "I know five streets of the city ..." Preschoolers finish the sentence started by the teacher.

"I love everyone" (call it kindly).

For example: mom - mom, dad - dad, etc.

The games presented to your attention to get acquainted with the city of Sol-Iletsk contribute not only to the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of preschoolers, but also to the development of higher mental functions (logical thinking, attention, memory). Game tasks and exercises form and improve the initiative speech of children, bring up pride, love and respect for their native city.

Elena Vorobyova
Didactic games on local history "Love and know your native land" (senior, preparatory group)

Vorobyova Elena, tutor.

The upbringing of a little patriot begins with the closest thing to him - home, the streets where he lives, the kindergarten.

Draw your child's attention to beauty hometown.

During the walk, tell what is on your street, talk about the meaning of each object.

Give an idea of ​​the work of public institutions: post office, shop, subway, etc. Watch the work of employees of these institutions, note the value of their work.

Cultivate a love for nature native land.

Encourage your child for the desire to maintain order, exemplary behavior in public places.

Dear Colleagues, I bring to your attention didactic games, which can be used at work in the first half of the day, in the second, on a walk and even offer parents.



GOAL:Clarify children's knowledge about hometown(village, learn to notice beauty native places to appreciate the labor glory of your city.

MATERIAL: three ladders are drawn on the board, three figures of people made of cardboard.


GOAL: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the professions of parents, to achieve an understanding of the importance and beauty of human labor.

MATERIAL: plot pictures about people of different professions in children in envelopes, books about different professions from a teacher.

3. "WHERE WAS I?".

GOAL: Expand children's knowledge about the institutions of the city (village, teach the rules of behavior in public places.

MATERIAL: photos of various buildings (post office, shop, pharmacy - hospital, cinema, etc.).


GOAL: To teach children to name and recognize trees by leaves and fruits, to describe fruits and leaves.

CONTENT: the game is played on a walk. Children collect one leaf from different trees. The teacher specifies the leaves of which trees the children have collected, shows these trees. Then the teacher describes each piece of paper or fruit of trees, children must guess what kind of tree they are talking about and go up to it with a leaf, and compare them with the leaves on the tree. The one who made a mistake pays a fant (gives the sheet to the teacher). When the game is mastered, the children themselves describe the leaves and fruits.

NOTE: Literary passages and poems can be used in the game.

5. "WHO IS THIS?".

GOAL:Teaching children to recognize wild animals native edges according to characteristic features, replenish the active dictionary of children.

MATERIAL: pictures of wild animals, colored flags.

6. "HUNTER".

On signal (beat on tambourine) one of the children steps from chair to chair, pronouncing the name of a wild animal at each step. You can't repeat. The winner is the one who never made a mistake. Who made a mistake sits down, and another participant continues the hunt. An unsuccessful hunter can be allowed to go hunting again.

NOTE: similarly, the game "Fisherman", "Birdcatcher" is played.


GOAL: To teach children to remember and distinguish birds, to exercise in highlighting the characteristic features of migratory and wintering birds, to give an idea of ​​​​the benefits that birds bring. Demonstrate the need to protect wildlife.

MATERIAL: a set of pictures of migratory and wintering birds.

OPTION 1. The cards are on the table face down. On signal (beat on tambourine) the children take Pictures: some with the image of migratory birds, others - wintering. Those who completed the task earlier and did not make a mistake will talk about the benefits that birds bring, and receive a colored flag.

OPTION 2. The cards are cut diagonally and distributed to the children. Children each look for their own pair, sit next to them and make up a story - a description of the bird.


GOAL:To teach children to notice beauty native nature, exercise in the description of landscapes, according to the description to find out the time of year.


GOAL: To teach children to name and distinguish between field, meadow, garden flowers.

MATERIAL: fresh flowers or pictures of flowers.

CONTENT: children examine and name flowers. Determine where they are are growing: in the field, in the meadow, in the garden. One of the participants leaves groups. The children choose a flower and make up a riddle about it. The returning child must guess which flower it is. If he is not mistaken, he takes the flower or picture for himself. The one with the most flowers or pictures wins. In the end games make up bouquets.

The board game "111 questions for experts in local history of the YaNAO" is intended for students in grades 3-4 who study literary local history, who are fond of the history and culture of their native land.

The game can be played as part of the educational process, as well as in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The material can be used by teachers primary school, educators of the GPA, leaders of local history circles, parents of students and children.

Purpose of the game: to expand and enrich schoolchildren's knowledge of their native land, to instill love and respect for the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of the North, to instill a sense of pride in their small homeland - Yamal.


Attracting the attention of schoolchildren to the history of the district); student involvement in research activities local history.

· Acquaintance with the customs and traditions of the indigenous people of Yamal.

· Education in the younger generation of respect and love for the small Motherland, its people.

· Identification of erudite and best prepared students in the field of local history.

Dear friend!

You are holding the board game "111 questions for experts in local history" in your hands. We invite you to take a trip to Yamal. Recall the customs and traditions of the indigenous people, solve the northern mysteries, join the wisdom of a modest and hard-working people.

During the game, you will visit the camp of reindeer herders, stay in the plague, enrich your knowledge about the main occupations of the indigenous people of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (reindeer herding, fishing, hunting, needlework). Learn about the originality and diversity of Nenets lullabies and games. Make sure that the inhabitants of the tundra respect the nature, admire the diversity of the flora and fauna of our district.

We hope that the game will help instill a sense of respect for the traditions and customs of the peoples of the YNAO, increase the sense of responsibility for the state of environment, will develop interest in the study of his native land.

The game can be played in three ways. The * sign marks an additional question, a question of increased difficulty.

1 option. Each player takes turns rolling the dice and moving as many circles as the number of points on the dice. On the track there are numbers of questions that need to be answered. Questions are asked by the facilitator and monitors the correctness of the answers. If the answer is correct, the player receives 2 points and moves forward 2 circles. In case of an incomplete answer, the player receives 1 point and moves forward 1 circle. If the answer is incorrect, the player remains in place. The one who gets to the end of the path first wins.

Option 2. Before rolling the dice, the players (or a team of players) themselves choose a category of questions. For the correct answer, they get the number of points that fell on the die. Points are summed up. The one with the most points wins.

3 option. The questions of the game can be used to conduct a quiz "My Northern Territory". The whole class can participate in the quiz at the same time, having previously divided into teams. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Thematic block of questions

Yamal - Russia's younger brother

Visiting the hunters

Welcome to the tundra! (camp)

In the world of northern mysteries

nomad dwelling

Pharmacy underfoot

In the edge of deer paths (about reindeer herders)

Who lives in the north

Yamal craftswomen (needlework)

Kingdom of cranberries and cloudberries (berries)

Lullaby for a tundra girl

According to the laws of the ancestors (customs and traditions)

Games and toys of Nenets children

"Blue" gold of Yamal

Collectors of folklore

“Enter nature as a friend!”

In the land of blue lakes

number of block questions

"Yamal - Russia's younger brother"

What is the name of our district?

In what year was our district created?

How is the word Yamal translated from the Nenets language?

What is the name of the capital, the main city of our region?

Find the flag of our district in the picture

What is depicted on the coat of arms of our district?

What was the name of Salekhard until 1933

"Visiting the tundra!"

Name the indigenous people of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

List the main occupations of the natives

What is the name of the temporary settlement of Nenets shepherds?

What is the name of the dwelling of the Nenets?

How many people is the chum of a nomad designed for?

How many kilometers per year do reindeer herders travel following the herd? A) 200 km; B) 500 km; C) about 1000 km;

Do you know what the names of the nationalities of the indigenous people mean?

"Dwelling of nomads"

What is the chum made of?

What is the difference between winter chum and summer chum?

Who is assembling the plague?

How long does it take to install a chum?

How many poles do you need to plant a plague?

How many deer skins do you need to cover the plague?

What is the place of the SI in the plague?

"In the edge of deer trails"

What is the main food for reindeer?

Why do reindeer herders lead a nomadic lifestyle?

How long can a herd stay in one pasture?

What are the benefits of reindeer husbandry?

How do reindeer herders take care of the herd?

Who is avka?

name favorite treat reindeer?

"Yamal masters"

Eliminate the wrong answer. The mastery of the hostess is judged:

A) by the ability to sing and tell fairy tales;

B) on the skin of the plague;

C) according to the clothes of children and husband

What tools do a craftswoman need to make traditional clothes?

What is used to decorate the clothes of the Nenets?

Why, in the opinion of the inhabitants of the tundra, do you need an ornament on clothes?

What is the name of the men's national clothing of the Nenets?

What is the name of the women's national clothing of the Nenets?

"Lullaby for a tundra girl"

What is characteristic of the Nenets lullaby?

A) one song is written for all the children of the family;

C) a lullaby is inherited.

Do the words and music of a lullaby change over time?

What songs are not in the Nenets folklore?

What is the cradle for the tundra made of?

Why is the center of gravity of the Nenets cradle at the bottom? (Based on the Roly-Vstanka principle)

Eliminate the wrong answer. A bell is sewn to the baby's hat to:

B) so that the ringing of a bell drives away evil spirits;

C) to make it easy to find if he moved far from the plague;

What outdoor games do Nenets boys like to play?

What is a Nenets doll made of?

What toys are played in the plague?

Name one of your favorite childhood games that girls and boys play together.

What holidays of indigenous people do you know?

How often do Nenets celebrate a birthday?

"collectors of folklore"

In what fairy tale is the mother turned into a bird without waiting for help from her children?

Who is Menkv or Menkv-iki?

A) a good wizard;

B) Yamal Santa Claus;

C) a giant is a cannibal.

Continue accepting.

Stars sparkle - become bright to ...

Which of the proverbs belongs to the peoples of Yamal:

B) The timid and the shadow are frightening.

C) be afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.

Continue accepting.

The sun in a foggy circle to ...

Which of the proverbs does not belong to the peoples of Yamal:

A) To eat a fish, you need to climb into the water.

C) Not fish, not nets, but hands feed.

"In the land of blue lakes"

What is the name of the largest river in our county?

What sea does the Ob flow into?

What is the name of the Nenets fisherman's boat?

What plant were the nets made from?

What kinds of fish are found in the waters of our district?

What is the main commandment of the Nenets fishermen.

What is this about? It goes, it goes, but no traces can be seen

"Visiting the hunters"

Name the animals that are allowed to be commercially hunted in our district?

What animals of our region are listed in the Red Book of the YNAO?

Why do people say: "Where the mouse runs, the hunter needs to hurry there."

What reserves (zakazniks) are located on the territory of the YaNAO?

Protecting the owner, the hunting dog enters into a deadly fight with the bear. Name the breed of this dog.

Name the main commandment of the Nenets hunters.

Not letters, but written in a line.

Without language, but the hunter will be told everything.

"In the world of northern mysteries"

Flutters in the sky, dies in the water

Without arms, without legs, and the tree oppresses

Dancing with golden pillars,

Splashing with sparkling colors

Rainbow flame above the earth

The deer always runs away from them, but they never fall behind.

No legs, but walking. No eyes, but crying.

Goes, goes, but no trace is visible

A white pebble lies on the ground, and inside the heart beats

"Pharmacy underfoot"

Name the medicinal plants of the tundra.

How do the inhabitants of the tundra use the healing properties of wild rosemary?

What plants do nomadic reindeer herders use to make vitamin tea?

Why is it impossible to trample fly agarics, because they are poisonous?

What medicinal plant is mentioned in the riddle: The dress was lost, but the buttons remained.

Which of the tundra berries is introduced into the diet of astronauts?

"Who lives in the northern region?"

Gray in summer and white in winter

Ears on top, ponytail like fluff

Red, cute little animal.

On thin legs trembles in the wind.

As soon as he dries, he runs after his mother.

On a starless night before the plague

Who will help you get there?

Who will find the way in the wind,

If there is no road in the tundra?

She hides from the sun, and mice from her.

Why is the wolf called the "orderly" of the tundra?

At the end of the white hill blackens coal

"The kingdom of cranberries and cloudberries"

A forest berry grows on a bush,

A bright blue flank to the sun.

What berry is called northern lemon?

What berry growing in our region improves eyesight?

In the tundra - bushes, leaves on the bushes,

Red berries shine under the leaves

In summer it is bitter, and in frost it is sweet. What is a berry?

Name the berry, the jam from which is called Yamal honey.

"According to the laws of the ancestors"

What religion do the Nenets practice?

Who are Num and Nga?

Who are shamans?

Name the sacred tree of the Nenets.

Continue the Nenets prohibitions:

A) Do not tease the old man -

B) Do not learn to swear -

C) Do not torture the animal -

What should a well-mannered person do when leaving the table in a chum?

A) thank the hosts;

b) invite you to visit

C) warn the hostess that she is going to leave.

What is a swearing?

A) type of hunting; B) rite of the shaman;

C) a holiday event.

"Blue" gold of Yamal"

Natural gas

A) 1972 B) 1962 C) 1982


“Enter nature as a friend!”

Find an old fire pit.

Answer Block

number of block questions

"Yamal - Russia's younger brother"

Yamal-Nenets autonomous region

A) December 1930 B) November 1940 C) January 1950

Land's End


The flag is blue and blue, in the lower part there is a white-blue-red national ornament

The coat of arms consists of a shield topped with a crown supported by two polar bears; a walking white deer is depicted on the field of the shield.

"Visiting the tundra!"

Nenets, Khanty, Selkups

Reindeer breeding, fishing (fishing), hunting, needlework.


An average of 20 people.

C) about 1000 km;

Nenets is a man. Khanty - bear, army. The Selkups are taiga people.

"Dwelling of nomads"

From poles, dressed deer skins (nyuks), boiled and stitched bark together in summer.

The winter tent is covered with reindeer skins, and the summer tent is covered with bark boiled and stitched together.

A) men B) women C) older people

A) 1 hour B) 3 hours C) 40-50 minutes

A) 30-50 B) 10-30 C) up to 10

A) 50-60 B) 60-70 C) 30-40

A place in the chum where family shrines are kept.

"In the edge of deer trails"

Yagel (reindeer moss)

You can’t stay in one place for a long time, because eating and trampling reindeer moss can destroy the natural environment

One week

Clothes and shoes are sewn from deer skins, housing is built. Deer meat is a useful food product. Reindeer is a reliable transport in the tundra.

They make sure that there is enough food in the pasture, protect from wolves, identify and treat sick animals, make sure that the deer do not lag behind and do not get lost.

tamed deer

"Yamal masters"

A) wrong answer

Scraper, mallet, knife, needles, thimble, scissors.

Ornament. Application from fur or colored cloth. Weaving from beads.

A) for beauty B) to keep warm;

C) so that evil spirits do not penetrate through the collar, sleeves, edges of clothing.

Malitsa, owl

Yagushka, gentlemen

"Lullaby for a tundra girl"

B) a lullaby is composed for each child;

Yes. The character of the baby changes, the motive of the song also changes.

A) labor; B) road; B) New Year's D) lullabies.

From the soaked bark of a birch, and the bottom from spruce wood.

So that when capsizing from the sled into the snow, the child is in an upright position.

A) so that the baby gets used to music from childhood;

"Games and toys of Nenets children"

Archery. Catch a deer! Jumping over sleds.

Beak of a goose, duck, swan, pieces of multi-colored cloth, remnants of fur

Vyvko (button on a thread), neso (bones).

The girls make the Nuhuko puppet family, and the boys make the Argish for a distant pasture.

Reindeer herder's day, fisherman's day, days of great joy (wedding, meeting with relatives and friends).

Once in a lifetime.

"collectors of folklore"

Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo"

B) giant - cannibal

To severe frosts

A) To be afraid of the wolf - and run away from the squirrel.

B) Without difficulty, do not catch a fish from a pond.

"In the land of blue and lakes"

Kara Sea


Willow shrub.

Vendace, cheese, schekur, muksun, nelma, chebak, pike.

Do not catch all the fish from the lake - leave it to posterity!

"Visiting the hunters"

Squirrels, arctic foxes, sables, moose.

Siberian Crane (white crane), white-tailed eagle, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, wild reindeer, polar bear.

Arctic foxes eat mice. Where there is a mouse, there is a fox.

In total, there are 18 reserves and sanctuaries in Yamal, the nearest one is the Nadym State Natural Game Reserve.

Don't hunt for more game than you need to feed your family.

"In the world of northern mysteries"

Northern lights

"Pharmacy underfoot"

Ledum, wild rose, mountain ash, chaga - tree fungus, birch (buds), lingonberries, blueberries, Rhodiola rosea.

Rosemary infusion treats wounds and coughs.

Flowers and leaves of the princess, Ivan-tea, leaves and fruits of lingonberries, blueberries, rose hips.

They are used by animals for treatment.

"Who lives in the northern region?"



snowy owl

Prey on sick, weakened animals.

"The kingdom of cranberries and cloudberries"



"According to the laws of the ancestors"

The whole world is inhabited by spirits. Worship of spirits (water, earth, fire, hunting, etc.)

These are the gods. Num is the creator of all living things. Nga - lord underworld, a hunter for the souls of people.

Intermediaries in communication between people and spirits.


A) grow up stupid.

B) bad words on the tongue leave a stench smell.

C) you can suffer terrible torment

C) warn the hostess (so that she has time to “hold the table” and the guest would not take the well-being of this family with her).

B) rite of the shaman.

"Blue" gold of Yamal"

Natural gas

Natural gas - best view fuel. He warms the dwellings, helps to cook dinner. Many cars work and move with the help of gas. Natural gas is used to produce: plastics, dyes, detergents and even medicines.

A) 1972 B) 1962 C) 1982


Bear, Yubileinoye, Yamsoveyskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, Bovanenkovskoye.

Oil, natural gas, iron ore, manganese, copper, chromite, phosphorites.

“Enter nature as a friend!”

A) 2-3 years; B) 12-13 years old; C) 20-30 years;

Sterkh (white crane) bred in captivity.

A) 20-30 years old B) 12-13 years old; C) 2-3 years

Perennial grasses are planted, water is drained so that the place does not become swampy, and the territory is cleaned.

Find an old fire pit.


1. Laptsui L.V. Edeika. - Sverdlovsk: 1978.

2. Netrebo L.V. Pangody. - Yekaterinburg: IPP Ural worker, 1999.

3. Nyaruy V., Nyaruy S, Lullaby for a tundra girl. - St. Petersburg: Education, 2001.

4. Okotetto E.N. Nenets outdoor games. - Salekhard: 1993.

5. Prikhodko M.S., Prikhodko O.B. Homani. - St. Petersburg: Svetlyachok Publishing House, 2002.

6. Susoy E.G. From the depths of centuries. - Tyumen: 1994.

8. Fedorova L.V. Literary local history. Curriculum for elementary school. - Salekhard: 2006.

9. Yamal kaleidoscope / Textbook on literary local history / Compiled by L.V. Fedorova. Tyumen: Izd. IPOS SO RAN, 2003. 152 p.