How to understand a person is playing money. What is gambling addiction, what are the reasons. There is no easy money

Get rid of bad habits Karl Lanz

5.2. How to recognize a gamer?

5.2. How to recognize a gamer?

Gambling is not just a bad habit, it is a socially dangerous disease. The desire to have a little fun and try your luck can turn into an obsessive addiction to gambling imperceptibly both for the player himself and for his environment. Sometimes the passion for the game goes so far that only qualified psychological help can help.

It is important to remember that the sooner the fight against this scourge is started, the more successful it will be. So how do you recognize an avid gamer? Psychologists warn that you need to sound the alarm in the following cases:

- if a person spends more and more time gambling, preferring them to other entertainments;

- in conversations, the topic of the game constantly flashes, wins and losses, various strategies for gaming behavior are discussed;

- in the intervals between games, a person experiences psychological discomfort, becomes overly irritated or, on the contrary, lethargic and depressed;

- the player is unable to cope with his habit, constantly promises to "quit", but continues to play at every opportunity.

If you yourself are prone to excitement, think about whether the bad habit has already taken over you. Do you notice that you cannot stop the game either at the moment of loss or at the moment of winning? All your thoughts are related to the experience of past and expected game situations? You can lose everything to the last penny, and the next day you are not afraid to get into debt in the hope of recouping? Alas, all this indicates that you are sick with gambling addiction.

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Gambling as a disease began to spread with great speed. If until recently everyone knew about this disease only from rumors and foreign films, today this problem has become much closer. Gambling is a pathological dependence of a person on gambling. This is not an ordinary passion for the game, but a psychological deviation. No wonder the disease of “gambling” is put in one place along with addiction to tobacco, drugs and alcohol. One of the terrible components of the game is that a person seeks to get a feeling of excitement, to some extent adrenaline, while he begins to play for money. As soon as all the funds run out, the gambler begins to pawn precious things, household appliances, real estate, and so on. He believes that he can return all the money and things only if he wins back, which ultimately leads to a vicious circle where the money is lost, but not returned.

All people have the risk of becoming addicted, but most of all gambling is dangerous for people with a weak psyche, as well as for adolescents who are still distinguished by their emotional immaturity. If possible, such people should not be encouraged to play, and access to gambling establishments should be limited. After all, if such people once play in a casino, or sit down at slot machine, there is a risk that they will not be able to stop later.

How to identify the disease "gambling"

Gambling addiction, like any disease, also has its own symptoms, causes and, of course, treatment. The main symptoms identified by experts are characterized by the fact that the gamer spends a lot of time playing the game, while trying with all his might to hide his addiction and desire. Also, the main signs include the fact that a person begins to borrow money, sell any valuable things, equipment, and so on. It is practically impossible to get care, attention and love from a gamer, he is constantly busy, nervous and irritated for reasons and without them, he has constant insomnia and stress.

The consequences of gambling are no less sad, like those of alcoholics and drug addicts. A person who has a passion for gambling destroys his family over time, loses his source of income, accumulates a lot of debt and, ultimately, ruins his life.

Treatment of gambling addiction is usually difficult. Since the main point of getting rid of psychological dependence is complete failure from gambling, absolutely any. During this period, which can last up to four months, it is important to be close to close people who are able to support the player. Also, experts recommend finding some kind of hobby to switch attention from the problem. After all, for gamers, the rejection of games is equated to the loss of meaning in life. In the process of weaning, gamers become very irritable, aggressive, constantly depressed, sometimes suicide occurs. In such cases, when home treatment does not help, experts recommend that gamers be treated in psychological clinics, where they will be isolated and constantly under supervision.

You can not cure gambling in the usual sense of the word "cure". Influenza is possible - the patient drinks pills and recovers after a while, but gambling treatment implies its replacement by some other addiction - from philatelicism, sports, drawing, etc. The new addiction is completely harmless and fits within the framework of normal behavior. It simply redirects the craving for the easy receipt of the necessary emotions (and they play, inject or drink just for the sake of emotions) in a useful direction.

Sometimes a gamer finds himself between two fires: relatives demand to stop playing, but do not approve of a new hobby, and this sooner or later leads to a breakdown.

Often the cause of gambling lies in the dullness and monotony of existence. Life passes between family and work, there is no time or money for entertainment. This is fertile ground for the flowering of all kinds of vices.

Among the main signs of gambling addiction are:

  • He can tell for a long time how much and how he won or lost, why it happened, how he will play next time. He is not interested in everyday topics.
  • The game completely absorbs the patient, he does not pay attention to anything until it ends.
  • A break for any reason causes severe discomfort, the gamer would be happy to eat and go to the toilet without stopping playing. In severe cases, he does not eat all day, not having the strength to be distracted from the game for at least half an hour.
  • At work or school, he does not cope with his duties, is absent-minded, forgetful - all thoughts are only about the game.
  • In all possible ways he gets money, he can pawn family jewelry or any other item up to an apartment in a pawnshop.
  • Believes in winning strategies and programs, magic numbers or combinations, rituals. This belief does not weaken even after frequent losses - they are explained by simple bad luck.
  • Having lost the opportunity to play, he experiences a strong psychological breakdown, which can be reinforced by physical sensations.
  • Treatment of gamers in the narcological clinic "Edelweiss"

    We bring a person back to life. We delve into his past, find out what he liked to do and what he might have been forbidden to do. Some were fond of aircraft modeling, but their parents considered it a waste of time and money - then the disease can be replaced by aircraft modeling. With the return of interest in life, the turning point in the treatment of gambling addiction can be considered passed. It remains just to maintain this interest and teach how to fight the temptations to play "since I have recovered."

    The article was written on the basis of materials provided by the specialists of the narcological clinic "Edelweiss".

    When society faced such a difficult problem as an epidemic of gambling addiction, scientists immediately began to look for an antidote for this poison, which poisoned the personality of more than one inhabitant of the planet. But in order to determine whether you really have a person infected with gambling addiction, there are a number of signs by which, as in any other disease, the diagnosis and stage of the disease are determined. As a rule, the longer the course of the disease, the more pronounced its symptoms. Thus, a mental disorder - gambling addiction, is divided into three groups, which include: a group of mental dependence, social and spiritual.

    Mental signs of addiction to gambling are manifested in a strongly pronounced feeling of euphoria before the start of the game, during the game, there is a loss in time, the game - as an opportunity to relieve tension or calm internal anxiety, anxiety, etc. Then there is a desire to play longer, because at the moment of a break between the game, psycho-emotional irritation begins, a feeling of discomfort appears. A fairly common case of manifestation of a sign of a mental disorder is increased aggression, irritability, depression, apathy, low libido and very low self-esteem.

    Social signs of addiction include conflicts in relationships between friends, relatives and colleagues at work. Also, social signs are manifested in financial problems, problems with criminal law, a disdainful attitude towards oneself. As practice has shown, most often, it is careless and neglected people who are victims of gambling addiction.

    As for spiritual signs, the most striking of them are manifested in a deep loss of life reality, a primitive inner world and spiritual development, an absolute misunderstanding of human ideals, a manifestation of cruelty, baseness. It turns out that spiritual dependence degenerates a spiritual human-creator into a soulless human-robot. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and in this case, these are games that develop good traits in a person, but there is a very small percentage of such games.

    Unfortunately, almost all modern computer games are dominated by negativity. Such a negative impact on the human psyche led society to create special hospitals. For example, a rehabilitation center in St. Petersburg offers a special method of treating gamblers for addiction, which consists in a full-fledged complex psychiatric treatment based on a long course consisting of several stages.

    The first stage is the definition of the disease, the stage of addiction and the selection of a treatment method, the second stage is an intensive process of curing the patient, the third stage is the rehabilitation period and the final stage, which refers to rehabilitation, as a result of treatment, the patient must come to his own conclusion in deciding to give up games and make a plan for the future. The most important thing is that the psychotherapist can not only cure the patient, but destroy everything in him that can provoke the development of gambling addiction in the future.

    Man has his own addiction. Everyone has her own. Quite common is gambling - a disease that is also called gambling addiction, gambling addiction or gambling addiction. This is a kind of addiction, which is determined by its symptoms and causes. Treatment is aimed at resolving the issue of how to get rid of gambling addiction forever.

    In the era of advanced progress, it is very easy to become a gamer. Here everything happens quickly. If you win, you quickly become a champion, a winner. If you lose, you can start the game again at any time.

    The website of the psychological help website defines the principle of the development of gambling addiction as the desire of a person to quickly and easily achieve the desired results. It is very difficult in life to become successful, rich, strong, etc. That is why gambling becomes so interesting. Here, either you win, and this is how you achieve success, or you lose. However, even a loss can be quickly compensated by the next resumption of the game.

    What is gambling?

    Gambling today is one of the most common addictions. With the advent of computers and the Internet in every home, this has become more possible. What is gambling? It's a gameplay dependency. Games are different. The most common are:

    • Computer games over the Internet.
    • Gambling (roulette, cards, etc.).
    • Lottery and sport games for a win.

    Gambling affects people of all ages. Even among mature and old faces, you can find gamers who, with their hobbies, try to win something or defeat someone.

    The difference between gambling addiction and drug addiction or alcohol addiction is that the body is not harmed. Only emotions are affected here, so gambling is attributed to mental disorders. The physical body can only be depleted or replenished with fat, lose tone, if a person constantly spends time with his addiction. That is why somatic signs do not appear. Only the perception of the surrounding world, interests and direction of activity are distorted.

    The game distracts a person so much that he begins to lose family, social, work, material and other values. A person is not interested in anything else, except for the game, to which he is ready to devote all his time. Often, sleep can suffer here, as a person suffers from insomnia.

    However, not everything is so clear. Not every person who plays games can be called a gamer. All people are addicted to games in one way or another. Therefore, there are 4 types of persons:

    1. Situational players are people who start playing only under the influence of external factors (free time or competition). If these factors are absent, then the games will be uninteresting.
    2. Occasional players are people who play only when they have nothing else to do. They may or may not play. They control themselves well, so they can easily refuse to play.
    3. Systematic players are people who may be addicted to their games, but their conscience distracts them from this hobby, which begins to overrule them when a person does not do other work because of his hobby.
    4. Gamers ( gamblers) are people who want to spend all their time in games. If at some point they are not playing, then mentally they are in gameplay. They think about the course of the game, how to beat the opponent, etc. Even if they lose, it does not upset them, but rather encourages them to return to the game and try again.

    Causes of gambling

    Gambling addiction is a natural phenomenon as a result of social upbringing, economic situation and mental disorders. The reason for social education is that children are taught to play from childhood. Those games that parents offer are safe and educational. That's why other games you can find on the internet seem just as harmless.

    A person from childhood is accustomed to the idea that the game is a pleasant pastime. That is why, having nothing to do, a person resorts to it even in adulthood. Moreover, it is even profitable for modern parents to buy computers and tablets for kids so that they can play their games and not interfere with adults. Over time, the child gets used to playing various games considering this to be normal.

    As for gambling, where people play for money, everything is simple here: people are promised big winnings and the opportunity not to work. Such games are more exciting than going to work. Adults are happy to play them, especially if they are promised money.

    Psychological factors include:

    1. Feeling of loneliness. If in life a person is deprived of normal communication, then he will become more addicted to computer games. The fantasy world allows you to communicate with other players, to feel like one of them.
    2. dissatisfaction with one's own life. Lack of success and achievement leads a person to disappointment. In the game, this complex can be eliminated by choosing the desired level, hero, even the plot of the game. Here you can quickly achieve success, which is facilitated by the rules of the game. This allows the gamer to become addicted to it.
    3. Mental disorders. People suffering from various disorders may be prone to addiction.
    4. Addiction propensity. Some cite a person's genetic predisposition to be addicted. However, there is no confirmation of this. We can only say that if a person is dependent on something, then he can become dependent on everything else.
    5. The desire to hit the jackpot. This is a good way to lure people who want to get rich quickly and easily. But the problem is that all games are designed so that only a few win and the majority lose. This allows the majority to play again, wanting to be the winning units.
    6. Sexual dissatisfaction. If a person is not satisfied or has no intimate life at all, then he can compensate, produce the hormone of “happiness” through addiction to games.

    If a person simply does not mature mentally and emotionally, then he continues to play games like a child. He's just not ready for real life, problems and other factors of the adult world, so he runs into gambling.

    Gambling disease

    Gambling addiction as a disease is determined by dependence on various kinds of games. Usually a person resorts to only one kind of game in which he compensates for what he lacks in real life. At the same time, spheres of life that are left without the attention of a person in reality are violated.

    Gambling is characterized by the speed of its development. Most often, gamers become people who are imprisoned for success. That's why its absence in real life leads to addiction to games. Also, people become inclined to games, who thus relax, have fun or run away from real problems.

    Gambling addiction can be identified by the following signs:

    • Constant thoughts about the game, thinking through moves and process.
    • Increasing stakes, leveling up, emotional energy during the game.
    • Escape from problems, fears, troubles through games.
    • The appearance, irritation, anxiety, if for some reason a person does not have the opportunity to play.
    • Desire to win or recoup.
    • Downplaying the significance of the game for oneself.
    • Hiding from others the real reason for the need for the game.
    • Theft, borrowing money or embezzlement in order to improve the computer or increase your level in the game.
    • Lack of fear of losing family ties, career growth and other achievements in real life.

    The gambler goes through 3 stages of the formation of his addiction:

    1. Gradually increases the time of the game and the amount of money spent. However, at this first stage, a person is not yet struggling with whether to play or not. He can easily quit the game at any time.
    2. In the second stage, it becomes more and more difficult to give up the game. A person may even leave work or free up more time for themselves to play. This is where the stakes begin to rise. All money won goes back into the game.
    3. At the third stage, a person can no longer refuse to play. He loses more money or spends time in the game. He loses social connections, work, family, which he does not notice or easily endure. The interval between games is reduced to a minimum.

    Symptoms of gambling addiction

    If adults are more often addicted to gambling, then teenagers are more likely to play computer games. However, the symptoms of gambling addiction are almost the same for everyone:

    • Loss of interest in real areas of life.
    • Increased time spent playing computer games.
    • Denying addiction and refusing help.
    • "Tunnel" worldview, when a person thinks only about the game.
    • , irritability, hostility, if there is no opportunity to play. The onset of apathy in case of prolonged abstinence from the game.
    • Lack of full satisfaction of at least physiological needs.
    • Problems with the spine, blurred vision, muscle weakness, indigestion and sleep.
    • Merging the real and the virtual. More and more people are fenced off from the real because of the lack of success, wealth and other achievements in it.

    Treatment - how to get rid of gambling?

    Naturally, an addicted person will not be able to get rid of gambling addiction on his own. That is why it is necessary to help him in treatment, which largely depends on the behavior of parents or loved ones.

    If a teenager is a gamer, then it is necessary to communicate with him sincerely. Often, gambling develops against the background of parents' indifference to their own children, lack of love and attention, the presence of misunderstanding and constant criticism on their part. The teenager is missing something. Parents should learn about this and eliminate it.

    If there is no way to help yourself, then you need to contact a psychologist. A visit to a specialist should take place together with a gamer.

    It is necessary to find out what is missing or does not suit a person in real life, because of which he runs away to virtual world. You can, together with a psychologist or mentally communicate with a gamer, having considered options for how to realize your desires in real life.

    Everything will happen monotonously and for a long time, but it will be much real. If it is difficult for a person to endure problems and troubles, then he should be given emotional and moral support. This can be done with the same confidential and sincere conversations, as in finding out the reasons.


    In extreme cases, the psychologist will offer psychotherapeutic methods that will help in getting rid of gambling. By and large, a person simply needs support and understanding, the absence of criticism and negative assessments of him. This will allow you to come to a positive outcome, when a person calmly copes with life's problems, from which he previously ran away in his gambling or computer games.