How to pass Masyanya in full. "Masyanya under the yellow press": the passage of the game. "Masyanya under the yellow press": the key. Episode XIII: Revealed

Location 1

In the apartment at Shaggy

1. Pick up the key from the floor and use it to open the bottom drawer of the computer desk.
2. Match each CD with a CD box from it according to the principle of a logical pair (eg bee - honeycomb, mouse - cheese, etc.).
3. We insert the assembled disk into the computer's drive and go to the kitchen.
4. Open the refrigerator, take 2 eggs and sausage.
5. We take a knife from the table, take out a clean plate from the cabinet.
6. Break the eggs into the pan and put the sausage there.
7. We remove the spatula from the wall, rake up the scrambled eggs and take it to Shaggy's room.
8. After talking with Shaggy, call Hryundel (phone on the floor).

Location 2

In the professor's mansion

1. We lift the newspaper from the floor (from the recess from the fallen off tile) and look into the box (on the sofa on the left).
2. From the box we take out a heart, and from under it a pencil.
3. We rise to the second floor on the stairs.
4. We click on the ball and, while the ball is jumping, we manage to get the lilac handle from the chest of drawers lying behind it.
5. Apply the handle to the top drawer of the chest of drawers and take out the light bulb and the lever from the chest of drawers (behind the hairbrush).
6. In the pantry (to the left of the locked door) we take the oil can.
7. We go upstairs and rest against the locked door.
8. We put a newspaper under the door, and we shove a pencil into the keyhole.
9. We take out a newspaper with a key from under the door and open the door for them.
10. In a dark room, click on the switch on the wall (blinking red light).

11. The light bulb burns out, click the switch again (it will change color from green to red), screw in the light bulb from the inventory and turn on the light again.
12. In the locker on the left, we throw back the folded gray clothes and pick up a screwdriver from under it.
13. There is a mattress and a pillow on the locker. We move the pillow and take the can of paint.
14. On Dollhouse we use a heart and an oil can.
15. We take a parrot from the dollhouse, approach the figurines on the fireplace, put the parrot on an empty pin and solve the puzzle
16. Putting the puzzle together, we get a rusty key.
17. We return to the first floor, from the closet (upper shelf) we take the reagent (on the bottle there is a sticker with the image of a cloud with eyes).
18. We go up to the attic again, and use the cleaned key on the base of the Dancing Ballerina toy.
19. We take out a note from the tray and again go down to the first floor.
20. Click on the column on the right (the edge of the column barely protrudes).

21. Click on the column icons that are in the note, and unscrew the screws on the socket with a screwdriver:
22. Next to the first lever, insert the second lever into the slot, click on it, take the bundle.
23. We go up to the second floor, apply the picture to the frame on the wall.
24. We go to the attic, use the can of paint on the window and click on the window.
25. We go down to the first floor and exit the mansion to the street.
26. We pick up the mount from the railing, click on the bushes near the yellow lantern, take the net and raise the handkerchief from the brick.
27. We pass under the arch, approach the pool, catch the key with a net and go to the gatehouse.
28. Using a crowbar, we tear off the boards from the door and insert the key into the keyhole, which was under the last board.
29. We go into the gatehouse, hang the hat from one nail to another and pick up the gear hanging under the hat.
30. On the electrical panel (near the exit from the gatehouse) we reset the padlock, open the lid and put the gear on the left pin.

31. We click on the motor boat.
32. We pick up a shovel from the boat (behind the front seat).
33. We leave the gatehouse and dig the ground in the place of the crosshairs.
34. We return to the house, click on the plate at the door and erase the dirt from the plate with a handkerchief (by pressing and holding the left mouse button).
35. We go again under the arch, approach the nearest sculpture and dial 362 on the pedestal.
36. A panel falls out of the sculpture.
37. We look into the pit and color the drawings on the tablet as on the panel, pressing the appropriate buttons

38. We pick up the film and the key, return to the gatehouse, click on the boat and open the glove box in the boat with the key.
39. We take out the hand of Venus from the glove compartment, leave the gatehouse, and apply the hand of Venus to the statue of Venus. A secret passage opens, through which we return to the mansion.
37. We click on the projector to bring it closer to us. Open the projector door and load the film.

Location 3

1. We click 2 times on the box with disks (in the near right corner). We solve the puzzle (hint - the bones can be moved to free place only in pairs)
2. Click on the music center, press the disk eject button, take out the previous disk and insert the disk received for solving the puzzle.
3. In the fireplace (under the music center) we find a crumpled piece of paper with a diagram.
4. By moving the sliders-regulators, we change the colors of the indicators of the music center in accordance with the scheme
5. We go to the kitchen and take the electric kettle.
6. Turn the faucet on the sink.
7. We leave the kitchen into the corridor and take the mop, go in the closet and take the adjustable wrench from the open drawer on the left.
8. We return to the kitchen, turn off the water with a wrench and wipe the floor with a mop.
9. We put the electric kettle in the sink, pour cold water into it.
10. We go into the room and pour water from the kettle on the uncle.

11. After talking with my uncle, we go to the kitchen, on the way going into the closet, where we take the glass cutter from the suitcase (on the top shelf).
12. We click 2 times on the mermaid - the mermaid will point to the locker where the brine is.
13. We use the glass cutter on the glass door of the cabinet, we get a jar of cucumbers.
14. We turn the wall clock, take out the battery from them and return to the uncle.
15. We take an opener from the statue by the fireplace and give the jar to our uncle.
16. After talking with the uncle, we take the battery and insert it into the remote control lying on the table.
17. We look at the picture on the wall on the right and go to the kitchen.
18. We remove the hammer from the leg of the chair, break the yellow vase next to the mermaid, look at the fragments.
19. Turn the green and red plates (108 and 34).
20. We return to the room, approach the safe and dial the numbers 42 (outer circle), 80 (middle circle) and 74 (outer circle)

21. From open safe take out the key (from the wallet).
22. We go into the closet and open the suitcase with the key. The suitcase opens, and all the money scatters around the closet. We collect money (only 20 banknotes).

Location 4

At the Namibian airport police station

1. We collect the bars (1st - on a chair, 2nd - in the nightstand on the right).
2. Open the drawer of the safe (the second from the top left, the inscription "Strategic stock"), take out the camera from it.
3. We click 2 times on the aircraft model on the table.
4. We approach the stand with announcements, tear off the portrait in the lower left corner.
5. On the electronic clock hanging above the stand, change the time from 07:04 to 12:00.
6. We open the upper right drawer of the safe (the inscription "ХХХ-documents"), look into it and open the passport of the missing professor.
7. We recline the upper left corner of the carpet. We click on the discovered hatch. Press the small button twice and the large button once. We fall into the basement.
8. We collect the bars (1st - near the rope ladder hanging from the hatch into which we fell, 2nd - near the second rope ladder in the depths of the basement) and a hammer (on the right).
9. We approach the second (closed) hatch and, by clicking on the men on the hatch cover, we set the correct sequence of men in accordance with the photographs of the aircraft model

10. We leave through the hatch outside.

11. We collect the bars (1st - next to Hryundel's left leg, 2nd - next to the palm tree).
12. We look inside the hollow tree trunk, take another bar (there should be 7 in total), remember the numbers 819798 hollowed out inside the trunk.
13. Through the hatch we return to the police station, we approach the safe with documents (the middle box on the right, the inscription "Innovative developments") and enter the number 819798 on the combination lock.
14. In the opened box we find a box with glasses. Click on points.
15. The nails in the pocket of the jacket on the back of the chair become visible.
16. We pick up the nails.
17. We leave again through the basement to Khryundel, apply the bars to the palm tree and nail them with a hammer.
18. We pick bananas and return again to the police station.
19. We pull back the blinds on the wall on the right, put forward the tray, put bananas there and push the tray. In return, we get the key.
20. Use the key to open the last drawer with the inscription
"Evidence" (middle left), take a screwdriver from there, open a set of master keys and click on any master key.

21. We leave through the hatch outside to the bus.
22. With master keys we open the door of the bus, we go into the bus, we take away the wrench on the back seat of the bus from under the African mask.
23. We give Hryundel a wrench and a screwdriver.

Location 5

1. We take the hammer from the radio (on the barrel on the right), we break the alarm clock on the other barrel. We take the gear and cut the ropes with which Hryundel is connected.
2. We look into the box on the shelf of the rack (the second shelf from the bottom), we take away the inconspicuous electrode from there, which lies along the smoking pipe.
3. There is an inconspicuous purple electrode holder on the blue rectangular welder. Apply the electrode to the electrode holder.
4. We take hoses from under the TV and apply them to the welding machine.
5. We stick the plug of the cord of the welding machine into the socket (the cord is lying on the floor in front of the scroll and tom-tom).
6. We collect bunches of grass scattered throughout the basement (1st bunch - next to the canister at the feet of Hryundel, 2nd bunch - on the wall (lower left corner) on the feather amulet, 3rd bunch - above Hryundel's head on the shelf , 4th beam - on the jamb of the rack (to the left of the map), 5th, 6th and 7th beams - on the wall in the back of the basement above the frame, 8th beam - on the stairs leading to the attic, 9th beam - on the other wall between two narrow window openings, the 10th beam - near the radio).
7. We approach the transformer (on the right). We pour 10 bunches of grass into a cup in front of the transformer, take a pestle and push.
8. Pairs of crushed grass allow you to get a closer look at the castle. In order to open the lock, you need to drive the balls into the hole of the corresponding color. The balls are controlled by means of partitions, rotated by one click of the mouse by 90°. After a ball of the corresponding color falls into each hole (the hole starts to glow), the lock will open.
9. Click on the red switch on the transformer.
10. Remove the welding helmet from the brick wall (left).

11. We click first on the electrode holder, and then on the lock of the basement lid, against which the ladder rests, and exit the basement.
12. Once in the hut, we begin to collect fragments of the photograph (1st - at the base of the tree, 2nd - on the tree, 3rd - on the drum behind the tree, 4th - on the carpet near the chair, 5th - on the window on the right from the aquarium).
13. We look into the box on the left under the panel, click on the frame from the photo and collect the photo from the scraps in the frame.
14. We find three African masks: 1st - on the right under the picture next to the panel, 2nd - on the side of the exit from the hut above the shield and spear, 3rd - on the left under the panel (we remove the first two and look at the third).

15. In accordance with the photo received, we hang African masks on nails on the wall, on which the third mask is already hanging
16. After that, the numbers 03 appear on the panel.
17. To the right of the laptop we pick up the dart and use it on the target.
18. We play darts - with the first click we stop the oscillating dart, with the second click we throw it at the target.
19. After hitting the target with 5 darts, the target falls and the number 17 is shown.
20. We approach the laptop and enter the password 1703.

21. Click the "Send a letter" button.
22. Double-click the "View map" button (the button with a red exclamation point).
23. We take a bottle of unfinished lemonade from the drum, go down to the basement, and give lemonade to Khryundel.
24. We go up, click on the rope with which the ladder is tied to the post (on the left), go down again, take a nail file from Khryundel, go up and cut the rope with a nail file.
25. We click on the stairs, then on the guitar.
26. We go down to the basement, click first on the scroll by the stairs, and then on the tom-tom.
27. We click on the yellow ball, which turns out to be a key of a strange shape.
28. We go upstairs, click on the box under the masks.
29. We click on the photo of three bandits in African masks, after which the photo falls into the box.
30. We use the key of a strange shape on a strange box.

31. We take out the car keys from a strange box.
32. We go outside, apply the keys to the car.
33. From the front passenger seat, move the hat and take wire cutters from under it.
34. We take the cigarette lighter from the panel and insert the key into the ignition switch.
35. We get out of the car, use the wire cutters on the wire, which is wrapped around the lock of the metal cabinet at the entrance to the hut.
36. Open the cabinet, take out the adjustable wrench (below).
37. We go down to the basement and use the adjustable wrench on the brown barrel (to the left of the stairs). We click on the blue hose lying on the welding machine, and apply it to the barrel.
38. We pick up a canister filled with gasoline, as well as a spool of thread lying behind the canister.
39. We go outside, climb into the trunk of the car, take a funnel from there (under the headrest of the driver's seat on a blue rag under a mermaid).
40. We get out of the trunk, open the gas tank lid, use the funnel on the gas tank, and the gas canister on the funnel.

41. We take a bullet from Khryundel and again go down to the basement.
42. We click on the wall of the rack, where Hryundel used to sit, and start hitting the cockroaches crawling out of the cracks with a slipper, not allowing any of them to leave
43. We leave the hut and click on the cockroach in the inventory, and then on the ground in the place where the crumbs are scattered.
44. The cockroach runs away, leaving behind a green strip of gasoline, on which we use the cigarette lighter.
45. We go into the car, click on the key in the ignition and leave.

Location 6

house with wet doors

1. Click on the amulet hanging on the mezzanine and take it out gem.
2. Insert the gem into the empty eye of one of the masks hanging on the wall on the left.
3. From the heap of sand in front of the window we take the magnifying glass and apply it to the protruding tongue of the mask.
4. We click on the hanger with blue clothes on the wall on the right and tear off two handles.
5. We click on the vacuum cleaner on the stairs and use it on a pile of sand in the corridor.
6. We pick up the mount, lying under the sand in the corridor.
7. With a crowbar, we pull out the board of the second rung of the stairs.
8. We click on the chair, standing in the sand, and reach out to the mezzanine.
9. From the mezzanine (right wing) we take the hammer.
10. Close the door to the street and shutter the windows.

11. We use wooden handles on shutters.
12. We use the board from the inventory on the half-boarded window and nail it with a hammer.
13. In the dark, under the bedside table with a radio receiver, a bottle with a luminous liquid is visible.
14. We take the vial and use it on the iron door to the right of the nightstand with the radio.
15. We click on the bedside table, then on the plug of the radio receiver and insert it into the socket.
16. Turning the knob, set the desired frequency on it (98.7).
17. After the iron door has opened, open the shutters and go down to the basement.
18. We click on the round handle of the mezzanine, lying on the pipe, on which the electric stove is located.
19. We approach the sink and take out a knife from there.
20. Open the switchboard on the wall on the right, pull out the key from the shield and go back upstairs.

21. Without approaching the bedside table with the radio, we cut the cord of the vacuum cleaner with a knife.
22. We use the key on the door of the bedside table with a radio receiver and take the professor's diary and a jar of reagent in the form of yellow pills from the bedside table.
23. We use the round handle found in the basement on the left wing of the mezzanine.
24. We get a pan from the mezzanine and go down to the basement.
25. We open the cabinet (to the left of the apparatus), removing all the hooks and hooks from it, and take the blue electrical tape and the valve from the cabinet.
26. We approach the sink and put the pot in the sink.
27. We apply the valve to the pipe, on which there is no valve.
28. Click on the valve, fill the pan with water and put it on the electric stove.
29. We use the cut cord from the vacuum cleaner to the cord of the electric stove, rewind it with electrical tape and connect it to the outlet (the flap of the electrical panel must be closed, otherwise the outlet will not be visible).
30. Pour the reagent into the water boiling in the pan and apply the professor's diary to the pan.

31. We read the professor's diary and leave the house.

Location 7

1. Click on the bag of stones. We select one of the fallen stones and pick up the bag.
2. We remove the rope from the barbed wire on the fence.
3. Click on the grass in front of the car. While the grass is parted, we have time to take the sickle and apply it to the grass.
4. We fill the bag with grass and rewind it with a rope.
5. We click on the resulting stuffed animal and find the car keys under it.
6. We climb into the car, take the hat from the seat and put the scarecrow in the driver's seat, slamming the hat on it.
7. We get out of the car and take out felt-tip pens from the trunk.
8. We return to the scarecrow and use the felt-tip pens on his face.
9. Insert the key into the ignition and turn it.
10. We click on the pedals, put a stone from the inventory on the gas pedal and pull the handbrake.

11. We come closer to the tree growing in front of the entrance to the mine.
12. At the roots of the tree we collect 13 snakes, we select a box of matches (above the tin can).
13. We go into the mine, rake the boards to the right of the rails and free the descent down.
14. We hook a rope of snakes and climb down it.
15. Click on the glass beakers to the left of the door and solve the puzzle
16. We take a pickaxe (behind Hryundel) and get out of the mine.
17. We approach the boxes standing on top of each other at the entrance to the mine.
18. Break open the top drawer with a pickaxe and take out an oil lamp from it.
19. We go down back into the mine, use the lit oil lamp on the dark passage into the door opened by the puzzle and go into the room.
20. We approach the safe built into the wall. We dial the code 621581 and pick up the box.

21. We click on the rope of snakes.
22. We remove the oil lamp from the doorway and use it on the left wheel of the overturned cart.
23. We click on the stone, next to which Khryundel sits, and we take away the pliers lying on the red rag.
24. Apply the pliers to the other wheel.
25. We use the removed wheel on the cart, standing next to Hryundel, and click on it.
25. We go into the formed passage.
26. We remove the map from the wall and go through the tunnel to the exit.

Location 8

1. Click on the reticule on the column on the left and open the manicure set. We get tweezers.
2. Look at the synthesizer. We take out a stuck coin from it with tweezers.
3. We look at the vending machine (on the left).
4. We throw a coin into the machine, take a bottle of water.
5. We pick up the pliers from the tool box.
6. We go to the restroom. Open the first aid kit above the sink. We pick up syringes and sleeping pills ("Som Nun").
7. Pour sleeping pills into a cup of water (on the right side of the sink). We use a syringe on it.
8. We return to the guard. We take pepper from his table and pour pepper on a sandwich.
9. We give the guard a bottle of water.
10. We get into Alicia's dressing room. We give her the box.

11. We select the hangers from the floor at the table and take the mirror from the table.
12. We leave the dressing room, click on the jacket of the sleeping guard and take out a smoke bomb from his inner pocket.
13. We put a smoke bomb under the door of the restroom and return to the dressing room.
14. We pick up an unextinguished cigarette from the ashtray and again go out into the corridor.
15. We set fire to the checker with a cigarette and go into the restroom.
16. We hook the key from the sink drain.
17. We return to the dressing room, open Alicia's closet with the found key, and pick up the plastic card.
18. We throw out all the boxes from below and consider the lowest one. It contains a photograph of the professor.
19. We use a mirror on the photo of the professor.
20. We leave the dressing room. Use the card on the black door.

21. Open the suitcase, take out a card with holes.
22. We go out into the corridor, take the guitar, break the fire shield with it.
23. We take the hook, hook it to the rope above the guard and click on the hook, and then on the winch (on the left).
24. Back to Alicia. We put a card with holes on the photo of the professor.
25. Take the scissors from the vase of flowers by the window and cut the ribbon of the gift box. We get a voice recorder.
26. We go out into the corridor to the synthesizer and perform a melody on the synthesizer: C, G, C, F, C, B, A, G, F, E, D, C
27. Back to Alicia. The box opens. We take away the sun, we go into the room with the black door.
28. Use the sun on the forehead of one of the wig holders. We take 3 crystals.
29. Back to Alicia. Click on the box and solve the puzzle

30. Click on the notes in the box.

This article includes a walkthrough of the main story with detailed explanations, puzzle solutions, screenshots and videos, as well as a walkthrough of non-main tasks for obtaining rewards.

I. At home at Shaggy

In the room:

1. Raise the key from the floor

2. Now with these keys you need to open the bottom drawer of the table

3. We examine the contents of the box:
- solve the puzzle.

- as a result we get a disk

4. The resulting disc must be inserted into the computer's CD drive


1. First you need to take a clean plate, which lies in the upper cabinet

2. A spatula hangs on a hook above the stove - we also take it with us

3. We take a knife from the table - it will come in handy!

4. Now let's examine the contents of the refrigerator. Open it up and take it with you:
- sausage
- milk
- eggs

5. Time to cook! Put eggs and sausage in the pan

6. We put our freshly cooked scrambled eggs on a plate with a spatula

7. Pour milk into a bowl on the floor

8. We go into the room.

In the room:

1. Give the hungry Shaggy a plate of scrambled eggs

2. Now pick up the phone on the floor and call Hryundel

Video walkthrough of Part I:

II. Professor's Mansion


1. Raise the newspaper from the floor

2. We go up

The corridor:

1. To take the handle from the box, you need to do a simple trick: you need to toss the green ball and quickly grab the handle while it is jumping.

2. To the left of the stairs we examine the pantry:
- pick up the oiler

3. We pull the door at the top - it's closed.

4. There is nothing else to do here, let's go down

We offer complete guide to the passage of the game "Masyanya in full Africa." If you still have questions about how to pass the game "Masyanya in full Africa" ​​- write on the forum or in the form of comments at the bottom of the page.
You can also find hints and help for the following games about Masyanya:
Passage of the game "Masyanya under the yellow press"
Passage of the game "Masyanya: Eurotrip"

Masyanya in full Africa. Part I: Shaggy
1. Take key, which is indicated by the red arrow, and open the lower drawer of the table with it (the arrow will also point to it).
2. Play a mini-game in which you have to match each CD with a matching CD box.
Upon completion, you will receive disk.

*all pictures are enlarged by clicking on them

3. Paste disk into the drive of the system unit of the computer (it stands on the table).
Follow the arrow to the left to go to the kitchen.
4. Remove from the refrigerator eggs, sausage and milk.
Close the refrigerator.

5. Take off the table knife, and from the hanging cabinet on which the green cat is sitting - a clean plate.
Knife will merge in inventory with sausage, it will turn out sliced ​​sausage.
6. Break up eggs in a frying pan and put on top sliced ​​sausage .
7. From the wall behind the stove, remove shoulder blade and take it off the stove scrambled eggs.
8. Pour milk in a blue bowl on the floor.
Click on the cat to pet it (1/5).
If you pet 5 animals, you will get the achievement "From the manul".
9. Return to the room and give scrambled eggs Shaggy.
8. After talking with Shaggy, call Hryundel (the phone is in the center on the floor).

Masyanya in full Africa. Part II: Spooky Mansion
1. Pick up from the floor newspaper.
2. Look into the box. Take from the box heart, and from under the casket - pencil.

3. Climb the stairs to the second floor.
4. Click on the ball. While the ball is bouncing - get the one lying under it drawer handle.
5. Attach drawer handle to the top drawer of the dresser and take from the dresser light bulb and lever arm(behind the hairbrush).
6. In the pantry (to the left of the stairs) lies butter dish.

7. Climb the stairs up - you will run into a locked door.
8. Stick under the door newspaper, and push through the keyhole pencil.
9. Pull out a newspaper from under the door with key and open the door for them.
10. In a dark room, press the switch on the wall (flashing red dot).
11. The bulb will burn out - press the switch again (it will change color from green to red).
Screw in light bulb into the chandelier and turn on the light again.
12. Zoom in and open the locker.
Click on the clothes that are on the shelf near the glass of tassels to find screwdriver.
13. Move the pillow on the bed and take paint can.
14. Insert into the doors of the dollhouse heart and lubricate the rusted hinges butter dish.

15. Get out of the dollhouse parrot.
Go to the figurines on the fireplace, put parrot on an empty stick and solve a puzzle in which you need to swap fish and birds.

Video walkthrough of the puzzle "Fish-Birds" from the game "Masyanya in full Africa":

16. After completing the mini-game, pull out from the opened cache rusty key.
17. Go down to the first floor.
Look in the "Handbook of the chemist" on the table and scroll through it to the page with symbols.
The book contains the first Shaggy figurine (1/13).
If you collect 13 images of Shaggy, you will get the "Diamond Eye" achievement.
Remember what the "anti-rust" reagent looks like.
Take the required reagent from the top shelf of the cabinet (there is a sticker on the bottle with the image of a cloud with holes).
You now have a purified key.

18. Go up to the nursery again.
Zoom in on the dollhouse and wind key figurine of a ballerina on a music box.
19. Examine the paper with symbols and go down to the first floor.

20. Zoom in on the column on the right (the edge of the column barely protrudes).
21. Press the symbols on the column in the order they are indicated on the note.
screwdriver unscrew the screws on the panel.
22. Next to the first lever, insert the second into the slot lever arm, click on it and pull out the bundle with painting.
23. Climb to the second floor and insert picture in a frame on the wall (near the red curtain).

24. Go to the nursery.
Use spray paint to draw a cross on the window (same as you saw in the picture).
Click on the window: the shadow of the cross is visible on the ground, and you need to go there.
25. Go downstairs and go outside.

Masyanya in full Africa. Part III: In the garden
26. Pick up from the railing mount.
Click on the bushes by the yellow lantern, take net and handkerchief from a brick.
Here, in the lower right corner - Shaggy figurine (2/13).

27. Go under the archway and approach the pool with a wooden bridge.
fish out net key and wet dry handkerchief- get wet handkerchief.
Examine the boarded gatehouse doors.
28. crowbar tear the boards from the door and insert key into the keyhole, which was under the last board.
29. Enter the gatehouse.
Move the hat from one nail to another and take gear.
30. Zoom in on the electrical panel (next to the gatehouse exit).
Reset the padlock, open the cover and put on the left pin gear.

31. Look into the fallen motor boat.
32. Get out of the boat shovel(behind the front seat).
33. Leave the gatehouse and shovel dig the ground in the place where the cross is drawn.
Immediately take on the roof of the gatehouse Shaggy figurine (3/13).

34. Return to the house.
Zoom in on the plaque on the wall to the right of the door.
Wet handkerchief erase the dirt from the plate (by pressing and holding the left mouse button).
Numbers will appear on the plate. 362 .
35. Go back under the archway.
Go to the nearest sculpture of a spearman and dial the code 362 on the pedestal.
36. A panel falls out of the sculpture, examine it.
37. Look into the hole (which you dug out in place of the cross) and color the drawings on the tablet as on the panel by pressing the appropriate buttons (sun - yellow button; dragonfly - green; butterfly - pink and bird - yellow button).

38. Open the box and take out film and key.
Return to the gatehouse, click on the boat and open key glove box in the boat (glove box - blue, on the back of the boat).
39. Pull out of the glove box hand of venus.
Take it from the front seat bone.

40. Go outside.
Zoom in on the gazebo.
Give to a hungry dog bone.
Click on the dog to pet it (2/5).
41. Attach hand of venus to the statue of Venus.
A secret passage will open, through which return to the mansion.

42. Zoom in on the movie projector.
Open the projector door and insert film.

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Lumber room:

1. Using the key we just found, we open the suitcase with money

2. We collect all the banknotes that flew out of the suitcase

Video walkthrough of part III:

IV. Police station


1. Open the curtain behind which the cage with the monkey was hidden

2. Open the locker under it and select the bar

3. We select the second bar from the chair

4. We study the airplane on the table: so far we can’t do anything with it, but remember that it lies here

5. Considering the bulletin board:
- remove the sheet with orientation in the lower left corner
- we read a note in which a hint is clearly indicated

6. Let's take a closer look at the electronic clock above the board:
- use the arrows to set 12:00

7. one of the drawers (upper right) to the left of the board is now open, let's examine its contents:
- open the passport and read the hint note

8. Raise the left corner of the carpet

9. Click the orange button
- press 2 times the small button and 1 time the big one

10. We look into the box called "Strategic stock"
- pick up the camera

11. If you climb into the bottom left drawer "Prime Suspects" and move the green folder, you can find another Shaggy figurine

12. Now you can take a picture of the airplane on the table and the clue with the little men

13. We go down


1. Raise 2 bars from the ground

2. We also pick up a hammer sticking out in the wall

3. We climb up the stairs to the hatch and inspect it:

In this puzzle, we need to correctly place the little men in all sectors of the circle. As a hint, the photo shows a man at number 3 - we are looking for an image of a man in the 3rd window of the aircraft. The next number is 8, therefore, we are looking for the 8th porthole, and we put the little man depicted in this sector on it, etc.