Stalker golden convoy 2 presumption of innocence walkthrough. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. Mod: Golden convoy. Passage. How to open a safe in Skadovsk

Fan mod release date Stalker: Golden Convoy- December 16, 2015.

Developer: !SkIF! .

Required game: "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" 1.6.02. Space required: 760 MB.

Passage of all quests

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Initial missions
Stalker: Golden Convoy

1. Hello Zone: Talk to stranger

We play as a rookie stalker named Skiff. Having bought a map from an unknown person, we got to Zaton. We look through binoculars, we see a stalker on the shore of the lake. We approach him and get to know him. Stalker Tukan offers to take us to Skladovsk. We get to the destroyed ship on land, we go inside.

2. Acquaintance: get to know Beard

Inside we speak with the bartender. From him we get a beginner's kit, an army dry ration and the first task. We unpack the kit, it contains a PM pistol, a first aid kit, cartridges, a flask of water, a beginner's suit. We extract food from the dry ration, medicines from the first-aid kit. We can fill the flask at the barrel near the bartender.

3. Check for lice: take the container from Fisher

We go outside, go southeast to the Forestry, where a group of diggers settled. There may be bandits on the road, so it's better to go straight ahead. If we kill the bandits, then it is useless to take their weapons, they are almost broken, but by searching the bodies we will automatically receive some money.

In the central building we rise to the 2nd floor. We speak with Fisher (obviously similar to Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell). Having received the container, we return to the ship in the same way. The main thing is not to open this container on the way in order to gain Beard's trust.

Reward: 500 rubles.

4. Friend: talk to Toucan

The toucan is at the table near the exit. We talk to him. After this, there are no tasks left. While we can explore the area, but around is very empty, and it is difficult to find something without special equipment. On Skladovsk on the 2nd floor on the left we examine the boxes, from the very right you can get free food.

5. Ejection: find shelter

After some time, the zone will begin to release. Even before it begins, it is better to go south, because our position will determine which shelter we will be sent to. Neighboring shelters will no longer work. If we stay at Skladovsk, then immediately after the ejection, bandits will break into the ship and quickly kill us. And in the south, you can safely sit out in Noah's ship.

Only a few minutes after the release, a new task from the Beard will appear. You can quickly skip the time, for this in Skladovsk we go to the 2nd floor on the left and go to bed on the bed.

6. Mindfulness test: find a piece of paper

Beard asks to find a piece of paper hidden somewhere inside the bulk carrier Skladovsk. The search is facilitated by the fact that all objects can be seen from afar, if you hold down the "F" key. We find the "Crumpled Piece of Paper" on the 3rd floor, near Nimble, at the top of the bunk bed.

Reward: 700 rubles.

7. First hunt: talk to Bison

The beard directs us to the hunter Bison, he sits on the boxes opposite the bartender. We will receive from the hunter the TOZ-66 Shotgun and 30 rounds. Let's go shoot the monsters. You need to get around three points: 1 - wild boars and flesh (we hide from them on stones, shoot from above), 2 - jerboas (it is better to shoot with a pistol), 3 - dogs.

The shots in this modification are perfectly accurate and cause maximum damage, so everyone can be killed from afar with a standard pistol. In the bodies of the monsters themselves, no things remain, useful items fall out of them on the ground, so we search everything around with the "F" key held down.

Reward: 1500 rubles, Backpack (you can put your own cache).

This ended the tutorial missions. Now all the stalkers around can give us Additional tasks, you can buy new things from merchants.

Medicine quests
Stalker: Golden convoy. Where is the shaman's stash

Emergency help: bring tincture to Noah

The doctor will give us the "Tincture of the Swamp Doctor", with it we go south, to a small ship where the stalker Noah lives. He uses the tincture on his pet pseudo-dog Lassie.

Guardian angel: bring tincture to Noah

The medicine brought is not enough, you need to ask the Healer about a stronger antibiotic. The healer will tell you about a stalker-chemist who has a medicine, you need to look for it on the VNZ Krug, in the west of the location. The search is given 1:00:00 hour.

Inside VNZ Krug we go down to the lower floor, find the elevator doors, press the button to the right of them. We jump down the elevator shaft to the basement. We go along the linear corridor, on the left behind the panels you can find sausage, at the end on the shelves there will be Stalker drinks.

In the last hall we will meet the Shaman, he will refuse to help, we will have to kill him, after the victory we take away his PDA. In a separate corridor we jump over the pit, at a dead end we will find "Hercules". To get out of the basement, you need to jump into the pit, but there is a fiery anomaly, so first you need to throw a bolt, and then quickly jump down and run away.

In the Shaman's PDA there is a tip to his cache, but it is encrypted with the numbers 9-1-17-18-1-3-12-6. In the description of the task there is a hint that the numbers indicate the letters of the Russian alphabet. As a result, the decoded recording sounds like this: at the gas station.

We go to the gas station in the southwestern part of the location. We climb onto a separate tank along two ladders, from it we jump to the main roof. On the north side, on the left, we examine the space between the two layers of the roof, there, behind the beams, we will find a backpack with a hiding place. Inside: Syringe with medicine, Fort-17 pistol, artifact "Film", artifact " Night star" , food, first aid kit and booze. (We do not sell Massandra wine, it will be needed in another quest).

Secret. Another Shaman's backpack lies on the south side of the roof, we also look into the space between the sheets of metal. There lies: Kettle, Gas mask, medicine Etaperazine.

We bring the syringe to Noah, the dog will be cured, the timer will turn off. The PDA of the Shaman can be taken to the Healer in Skladovsk, we will receive a reward: 6000 rubles.

Noah (loner in the southern ship)

Justice: Destroy Marauders

Having cured the dog, Noah asked to kill her offenders - 3 marauders, they sat on Shevchenko's ship, a little to the north. Be careful, one of the enemies is armed with a revolving shotgun.

Reward: 7000 r, artifact "Shard of the sky".

Spy quests
Stalker: Golden convoy. Where to put the scanner

Owl (arms dealer on the 2nd floor on the right)

strange device: install the device at the specified point

We go to the south side of the large bridge, go down under it, jump onto the concrete bridge between the supports. We put the device in the left corner of this jumper.

Reward: 200 rubles.

Cardan (technician on the 3rd floor)

Radio transmitter for Cardan: remove the radio transmitter from the crashed helicopter

Anomaly "Iron Forest" in the south. A poltergeist lives here, throwing objects at us, so we need to act quickly. You need to jump onto the cockpit of a broken helicopter, the transmitter is located above.

Reward: 1500 r, 3 F1 grenades, PO 4x34 scope.

Bison (Skladovsk hunter)

Spy games: talk to Beard

After we complete the Owl's quest "Strange Device", we can tell Beard about this, and then Bison. We will receive a Bug and a Scanner from him in order to establish surveillance of the Owl.

You need to approach Cardan and jump into the ajar door to his right. You can jump into such narrow places by pressing Ctrl + Shift while jumping. Once in an empty room, we put a bug for wiretapping against the wall. We press all three buttons: Configure, Enable, Activate.

We go to the bridge, we use the scanner on the previously delivered device.

We return to Bison. It turns out that Sych wants to lead a new group of bandits to Zaton. (Before the next step, you need to complete Cardan's quest to get a radio transmitter).

We take the transmitter, put it next to the bridge. It turns out that the mercenaries are already very close. At the base of the right support, we examine the backpack laid by Bison, take the MP5 SD machine gun from there. A detachment of mercenaries is coming from the east. We climb the upper stones, wait for the enemies to come out on open area, we kill all with one automatic burst. Among the dead we find Serp, we take away his PDA.

Reward: 10000 r, Artifact "Fireball".

Other quests in Skladovsk
Stalker: Golden convoy. Where is the PDA at the sawmill

Pilot (stalker at the central table in Skladovsk)

Pilot's Request: find PDA

You need to find a thing at the Sawmill. The PDA is hidden in the southern building, on the eastern beam under the roof. To get there, you need to climb the neighboring tower, go through a thin gas pipe, jump over to the side roof of the southern building. Standing at the top, you need to jump up, look under the main roof, and try to hit the PDA with a pistol. From the hit, the thing will fall down, so we can pick it up. (If you can't get on the roof, you can climb onto the tractor in the building, and try to shoot from there at the farthest beam, in its northern part).

Reward: 2500 r, Detector Response Chem.

Healer (doctor on the 2nd floor on the right)

History of Tremor: find the key to the hut

The stalker-doctor asks to find the key hidden somewhere in Skladovsk. The key opens the shack on the Port Cranes. There you need to pick up a folder with records. The key is hidden right next to the Healer, on the cabinet to his left. You need to jump while sitting, and take the key in the jump.

Port cranes. We go into the wooden building, open the door. Inside is a safe with a code. In the right near corner, on the rack on the top shelf we will find a note. We read its text: "... hid in a small house, next to the place where my colleagues used to live..." original game"Call of Pripyat" a stalker-bloodsucker lived here, his colleagues - bloodsuckers lived near the VNZ.

VNZ Circle, a separate house in the south. Inside, we jump onto the table, look at the high shelf nearby, and there lies the Tremor Flash. We return to the Port Cranes, enter the code found from the flash drive - 378140. From the safe we ​​take the elite medical kit and Tremor's records.

Reward: Artifact "Fire Lightning".

Digger quests
Golden consignment. Where to look for Massandra, Cahors

Fisher (leader of the diggers in Forestry)

Without much risk: to take a position

Digger will offer us to hunt controllers. To do this, he will issue an SVD sniper and 10 rounds of ammunition. We need to come to the marked place and shoot the controller from afar. From his body, you can take the "hands of the controller." And so we repeat 3 times in different places. The last point for a shot is far to the north, where the minimap no longer works, you need to stand on the bottom of a wide stone there.

Reward: 5000 r, food, Detector Response Electra. At the end of the mission, we return the SVD to Fisher, so we need to do this as late as possible.

Ax (Digger Trader in Forestry)

Delivery: take the laptop to Lis

From Lesnichestvo we go to the north, our goal is the Camp on the hill. At the fire we find a stalker named Fox, we give him a laptop.

Reward: 1000 r, Detector Response frying.

Gloomy (digger technician in the Forestry, on the 2nd floor)

Dispute: Get Cahors and Massandra

1. Massandra - is in the Shaman's cache, on the roof of the Gas station.

2. Cahors - we will receive as a reward for the Nimble quest in Skladovsk.

Reward: artifact "Eye".

Clear Sky Quests
Golden consignment. Radio components

Nimble (stalker on the 3rd floor of Skladovsk)

Courier: Deliver Ammo Box to Frost

It is necessary to deliver a box weighing 20 kg to the south - to the substation workshops. Scientists and fighters live there clear sky. When we give the box, we will get access to the rest of the quests of this group.

Reward: 1000 r, Army medical kit, Cahors, PB pistol.

Cold (Clear Sky leader in Substation Workshops)

Dangerous job: destroy controller

A new type of monster has appeared near the base of scientists, which cannot be killed by conventional means. We will be given a capsule to destroy it. We sneak up to the blue controller from the back, and then quickly run up and activate the capsule before he manages to hypnotize us.

Reward: Army unloading (cartridges, grenades).

Kalancha (Clear Sky scientist in Substation Workshops)

Radio components: find radio components

1. Coil of wire - Forestry, western building, on a stove with a pipe.

2. Transistors - Emerald, east central house.

3. Can of rosin - Recycling station, in the back of a truck.

4. Capacitors - Burnt farm, northern house, inside by the bed.

5. Testolite base - Refueling, in the building on the shelf.

Reward: Body armor ChN-3a.

Continuation of the main quests
Stalker: Golden convoy. Walkthrough

8. Help a friend: find the abnormal plant

The toucan is fulfilling the order of scientists, looking for an anomalous flower, we can help in its search. On the Burnt Farm, we are looking for a teleport to move to the Southern Plateau.

Burnt farm. The teleport anomaly is located in the same place as in the original Call of Pripyat game - in the southern empty yard, you need to jump off the cliff through a break in the fence.

Southern plateau. The teleport will take us to the hill. We go to the broken helicopter, from it we go to the north, under the bush we will find an anomalous plant.

Reward: GSh-18 pistol.

9. Behind the artifact: talk to Beard

The beard will tell us how to get artifacts. To begin with, he will give us Detector Response Gravity(shows artifacts only in gravitational anomalies). With him you need to go to the Dredger in the east, find the Stone Flower artifact. Radio protector - temporary protection against radiation.

Dredger. We go from the north side, use the Radio Protector, open the gravity detector ("O" key). Artifact "Stone Flower" located in the water, south of the construction of three pipes.

Reward: 3000 rubles

10. One man in the field: wait for the night and get equipment from Bison

Bison offers to silently attack the bandits' camp and kill their leader Sultan. We approach him at night, and he will give us equipment for a stealth mission: camouflage armor, M12 Sphere helmet, Beretta M92 pistol with silencer.

Waste processing stations. We go from the western side, there is a breach in the fence. We pass along south yard, enter the building through the east door. We quickly shoot all the nearest bandits until they turn to us and notice. The Sultan stands in the center of the 2nd floor, after killing him, we take away his PDA.

We return to Bison, he will tell you that bandit reinforcements, led by Cheka, have arrived at the location. For this task, we get AK-74 assault rifle with TGP-A silencer and grenades.

The bandits are walking along the northern shore of the lake near the Sawmill. We wait for them, throw a grenade, finish the rest with a machine gun. Chek's body in a light exoskeleton, we take the PDA from him.

Reward: 5000 r, "Mica" artifact, scientific medical kit. At the end of the task, you need to return the Disguise Coat and helmet to Bison, but you can also deceive him in conversation and keep the things for yourself. The weapon remains with us in any case.

11. Black sun: talk to Beard about work

The bartender will give us a scanner to find a special artifact. The scanner needs to be installed on top of Noah's ship, we climb there. The scanner will only roughly indicate that the artifact is in the Emerald area.

"Emerald" - Kid `s camp in the west of the location. Artifact "Black Sun" visible without detectors, it is located in the southwestern house. As soon as we take it, 5 marauders will attack us from the side of the stage. You can quickly run out of the house so as not to engage in battle.

Reward: 4000 r, Sleeping bag.

12. Piece of history: carry out excavations in the old adit

The bartender will give us a shovel, we need to dig up the ground where the stalkers saw a blue glow.

Burnt farm. In the northeast of the farm we descend into a triangular fault. The controller will meet us in the mine, we quickly kill him. We get up at the middle of the northern wall, dig. Let's find the artifact "Ice" and the TT pistol.

Found pistol from the times of the Great Patriotic War belonged to grandfather Beard. We learn that Beard went to the zone and settled here in Skladovsk, because he was looking for the ancient treasure of Prince Yaroslav the Wise - a chest of gold found and hidden by his grandfather during the war. The beard will give us the first clue about the treasure.

13. Grandfather's stories: find the first stash

1. Hint "Look under a large tree behind the fence of the Lessovkhoz."

Forestry. We go from the outside along the northern fence of the forestry, dig under a tree in the northeast corner. We dig up the bottle, from it we get the next clue.

2. Hint "look for the next one on the ground scorched by a wedge."

Anomaly "Scar". We get up at the northernmost point of the anomaly, at the southern foot of the Forestry, from where the entire scar is clearly visible. Digging. The next note is about the mines.

We return to Beard, he will tell you that the nearest mines are only in the Red Forest, you need to continue searching there. But none of the locals knows the way there.

14. secret path : find information about the passage to the Red Forest

We ask the Pilot about the road, he will tell you that the mercenaries could have information, you need to search their lair.

Waste recycling station. We rise to the 2nd floor, where the Sultan was killed. From above, 3 large pipes pass under the ceiling, on the middle one there is a bent wall, you can jump higher along it. From the top of the pipe we will see that next to it, on a support holding a metal structure, lies a Flash Drive "Map of the Red Forest".

We return to Skladovsk, we pass the flash drive to the Pilot, we speak with the Beard. Continuation of the plot - in the 2nd part of the "Golden Convoy" mod.

All secrets and secrets

How to open a safe in Skadovsk?

1 key. Forestry. There are 3 furnaces in the large hall, you can climb them through the blue side pipes. Under the ceiling along the partitions we go to the northwestern corner, there is a key on the last beam.

2 key. VNZ Circle. Through the elevator shaft (it will open only on the quest "Guardian Angel") we go down to the basement. There are three cabinets in front of a long narrow corridor, in the central cabinet a panel has been moved from below, behind it is a key.

3 - A note with a code. Refueling, jump to the bottom of the gorge, inspect the Zaporozhets, under its left rear wheel is a cache. A piece of paper is hidden inside, on it is the code: 754916.

Inside the safe: Overalls "Seva", shotgun SPAS-12, 3 artifacts "Moon", "Emeralds", "Star".

According to the author of!SkIF!, there are 54-58 caches in total in the mod. This number does not include story secrets (they are described above) and artifacts (they automatically appear in anomalies every day). Most of the mod's secrets are listed below, all sorted by location:

1. Sawmill

We go along the northern road from the sawmill, we reach the gate, we go east along the fence. At the first concrete support we will find a backpack. Inside: MP5 submachine gun, green peas.

In the northern building of the sawmill we climb into the attic. We climb into the side branch in the west, behind the partition on the right we will find a backpack. Cache: Artifact "Slug", antirad.

In the southern building of the sawmill, you can search a flat box on a shelf. Cache: TOZ-34 gun, cartridges, grenade.

We climb a brick tower, go along a large pipe to the road, a backpack lies at the rise of the pipe. Stash: Novice Suit, Pseudo-Compass Artifact, Flask, Silencer PBS-1 for AK, grenade.

2. Burnt farm

3. Camp on the hill

4. Anomaly "Boiler"

5. Skadovsk

6. Dredger

7. Swamp

8. "Emerald"

9. "Shevchenko"

10. Port cranes

11. Forestry

12. VNZ "Circle"

13. Anomaly "Sosnodub"

15. Anomaly "Claw"

16. Old barge

17. Anomaly "Scar"

18. Bridge them. Preobrazhensky

19. Anomaly "Iron Forest"

20. Substation workshops

21. Anomaly "Circus"

22. Southern Plateau

23. Recycling station

Southwest corner, in front of the fence near the southern mountains. Backpack against the wall, inside: Hercules.

In the south of the station there are three large pipes, they can be climbed by stairs. At the base of one pipe near the wall lies a backpack, in it revolver Browning HP-SA.

In the southwest we inspect a small building, there is an electrical cabinet on its wall, inside: Medical kit, HK UPS pistol, Veles Gravy Detector.

In the southeast we examine large curved air ducts on the building, on one of them there is a cache on the bend: 3 scientific first-aid kits.

We leave the factory to the east. In the clearing, we examine the distant support of the power line, a small cache in the form of a black detector is leaning against one of its columns. Cache: Veles chemical detector.

In the northwestern corner of the plant territory there is a small checkpoint building, we go behind it, we will fall into an anomaly-teleport. Let's move to the Forestry on the roof of a 1-story extension, in the bushes we will find a backpack: Jumpsuit "Dawn".

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You are a stalker named Skiff. One day you have the opportunity to get into a huge accumulation of the most valuable artifacts of the Zone. What decent stalker would refuse? However, instead of the alleged Klondike, you find yourself in Zaton - an abandoned part of Pripyat. And your main goal now is to survive in the harsh territory of the Zone.

Features of the first part of the Golden Convoy mod:

  • The action takes place in Pripyat, namely in Zaton. Now you are playing with a new character - Skiff.
  • The territory is filled with a huge number of caches, which contain both very necessary things, and those that you can do without.
  • Many new creatures that threaten you. And now the creatures of the Zone are more tenacious, they are much more difficult to kill.
  • Now you can cook your own meals on a stove or a fire, as well as fill a flask.
  • A new cloak will be available to you, which will increase the level of stealth, and reduce the likelihood of you being detected by the enemy.
  • Also appeared new system detectors: each anomaly has its own detector.

"Stalker" Golden Convoy ": some caches

There are really a lot of caches in the game. Some of them contain very useful items, and some - those that could be dispensed with.

During the game, you will receive quests that make it necessary to find some items. For example, you should find the Shaman's cache. To do this, go to the gas station. The cache is on its roof.

You will also have access to several hiding places from the Beard. The first one is located to the left of the gate in the forestry, and the second one is next to the tree in the Beard's yard.

During the game, you have to examine the waste processing building. There you will be lucky enough to find a strong pink bandage, which will be needed when dressing, etc.

Weapons are hidden in many caches. So, for example, there is a cache with SVD near the sawmill. The SVD lies under a small bridge, which is not far from the train with various inventory. Another SVD can be found near the cement plant next to the Burer hole.

Charges for can be found in the cinema under the stairs to the second floor.
When you meet the old "Zaporozhets" along the way - search it for the presence of "Thunder". Ammunition for weapons will be a nice bonus.

When you, exploring Zaton, stumble upon a burned-out village, look for Vintorez near it.

If you find yourself in the chimney of the cleaning station, you will definitely meet a Browning with cartridges.

There you can also find a green first-aid kit and a detector called Veles.

One of the hiding places

Passage of the location "Backwater"

In the first quest, you have to get to Skadovsk, where you must receive new tasks and get a job.

Your task is to check what strange things are going on near the Dredger. In order to complete the mission, you need to buy antiradin, first aid kits.

Near the dredge, you will notice two ways to the required place: along the bridge and along the pipes. If you use the second option, then on the way you will meet other stalkers. They will try to trick you, so you can finish them off. There you can find some useful artifacts and get the coordinates of the next cache.

Another quest will be to help Koryaga in the extraction of swag from the old "Zaporozhets". Search the "Zaporozhets" in the place indicated on the map, and get out using the dungeons.

The next quest will put you in front of a choice: to be on the side of stalkers or a gang of extortionists. To stay with the stalkers - use the advice of the Beard.

The next quest is in Sosnodub and VNZ "Krug", where you will visit the lair of bloodsuckers. First, do not wake them up, and then, when you search the location for artifacts, deal with them with a shotgun.

Further, you will encounter bloodsuckers more than once, you will search the territory of the Iron Forest and the Burnt Farm. Most importantly, remember that there are many hiding places, but it’s not worth sacrificing your life for the sake of finding them - if you don’t find one thing, you will find another.

For the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" one of the most popular modifications is the "Golden Convoy 2". The passage of the game is fraught with the study of many new locations, the battle with unprecedented opponents and acquaintance with other characters. The mod deserved a standing ovation for its well-designed game process with many mysteries that often interfere with easy passage. The player needs to know about solving the most difficult of them, so as not to stop on the way.

The plot of the game

In the modification "Golden Convoy 2", the passage will plunge the gamer into the story of the main character Skif, who fell under the radiation of a powerful release of radiation in the Red Forest. The man wants to check the mines in this area, but they are under control. The bandits agree to let this location pass only in exchange for a rare artifact Heart of the Sarcophagus. According to legend, you can find the treasure in the south of the Zone, but the way there lies through an old factory, where a powerful man-made emitter operates.

First tasks

In the modification "Golden Convoy 2", the passage begins with a report to the chief Sakharov about the explosions in the subway. After talking with him, a message will come from Bison, who will invite you to the bar for an important meeting. The same stalker will issue a task to discover the cache of daggers. The entrance to it is located near the forest. It is worth moving towards the downed military helicopter and to the left of it there will be a narrow pipe sticking out of the ground. She is the entrance.

The next mission will be the task of Comrade Kruglov to detect flasks in the subway. The first is located directly behind two units with a radiation sign and the inscription "Danger" in the central room. The second flask is hidden in the far left room between the pipeline diagrams, and the third in the upper right room under the huge destroyed capacitors.

It is worth noting that in addition to storyline there are many secrets in the game that are hidden from view. If the user is in a location, then it is worth spending extra time and carefully inspecting the territory. This way you can be sure that you haven't missed anything.

Further passage

The next difficult task in the game is the quest from the stalker-inquisitor. He will ask you to find a mutant migration map in the underground complex. In the Golden Convoy 2 modification, the passage does not differ from other missions. Reach the designated entry point and move along the straight corridors. In front of the doors to the huge round hall on the right side in the corner will be the desired item.

The next mission will be issued by comrade Khaletsky to search for the lost box. The user should go to the end of the designated location until the anomaly blocks the road on the right side. From this place, you should return a little to the stones near the path, and under the largest of them there will be a chest. The same person will later issue a task to search for documents. The first leaf can be found near the body of the murdered stalker in the forest, the second near the tree in the form of an altar on the corpse of an overturned car. The third is at the last checkpoint on the right side of the forest, behind the sandbags.

Quests with caches

The passage of the game "Golden Convoy 2" in different missions forces the player to look for various caches throughout the map. In one of these, a stalker nicknamed Bes will ask you to find his old place to store treasures. It is located on the right side of the old flea market, right under the withered tree in the Junkyard location. After visiting the Agroprom, the bartender Debt will also issue a task to search for an artifact that is hidden not far from the base of the stalkers. It is worth moving directly under the power line from the place where the task was received. Along the way, the player will find a sparkling pillar and it is under it that the desired item is hidden.

The passage of the game "Stalker: Golden Convoy 2" even after that will make you look for quest caches many times. The most popular ones are under bars in Sidorovich's store, near the downed helicopter on the cordon and in the doghouse of the Bloodsuckers Village location.

Lilies for the doctor in the swamps

After visiting the swamps, Skiff will be given the task by the doctor in the swamps to search for objects in the game "Stalker: Golden Convoy 2". The passage of this mission often confuses players, and therefore it is necessary to know the location of things. The most difficult will be to find seven lilies, which are hidden throughout the game world. The first flower in the Junkyard near the cache with the withered tree. The second sample lies on the edge of the swamp in the Agroprom location. The third sample is hidden behind the Liberty base in the Dark Valley. The fourth one is near a lonely hut, located not far from the Army Warehouses. To find the fifth flower, you should go to the only bridge in the Red Forest, and under it it will wait for the player. The last item is waiting near the stream in the Limansk location. After that, you can easily find other things from the list, turn in the quest and get a valuable reward in the form of money and artifacts.

Year of issue: 2016
Publication type: Repack
Game version: 1.6.02
Tablet: sewn

Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8, 8.1 / Windows 10
✔ Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.4 GHz
RAM: 2 GB (preferably 4 GB)
✔ Video card: 512 Mb - 1024 Mb / nVIDIA® GeForce™ / ATI Radeon®
Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible audio device
Free place on hard disk: 10 GB DESCRIPTION:
Summary of the first part:
Skiff, went beyond the perimeter in the hope of getting into a place called the Klondike of artifacts. However, the information he bought about a secret passage to the ChEZ turned out to be fake and our hero finds himself on the outskirts of Zaton. Having met one of the stalkers, Skiff goes to Skadovsk and starts working for the trader Beard. During the performance of one of the tasks of the merchant, the Scythian receives information about a treasure buried in the 10th century. After collecting some information, Skiff receives a tip on the mines of the Red Forest - apparently a treasure there. GG goes there.

The plot of the Golden Wagon 2 mod begins its development immediately after the events presented in the prologue, where the Skiff, having gone to the Red Forest, falls under the blowout. Events originate in the Red Forest - the Skiff comes to his senses in the hut of the Forester. He learns from him that there was a powerful ejection on Zaton - and all the inhabitants left Zaton before the ejection began. Skif also tells the Forester about the purpose of his visit to the Red Forest - to search for treasure in the mines. But here's the bad luck - the mines are under the control of the Sin group, which can let them into their base only in exchange for rarest artifact- Heart of the Sarcophagus. To search for him, Skiff must go to the south of the Zone, but there is another problem - the only road to the south and the Red Forest is the road to Yantar, which leads directly to the plant, on the territory of which the man-made emitter operates ...

Attention!!! The mod only works on static and dynamic lighting!!! Locations

The actions of the mod will take place in 14 locations: Agroprom Dungeons, Bar, Dark Valley, Landfill, Red Forest, Cache of Diggers, Agroprom, X-18 Laboratory, Wild Territory, Cordon, Amber, Army Warehouses, Dark Hollow, Limansk.
Additionally, two locations created from scratch appeared in the game: Rusty Lake and Bear's Corner.

Major changes and gameplay features

New plot, main and secondary quests;
Redesign of old and introduction of new game locations made from scratch;
The presence of new stalker groups;
The game implemented the appearance of unique artifacts and caches;
Changed graphics;
Cutting off limbs from mutants with a knife;
Exchange of mutant parts with Sakharov with a variable choice of reward;
Contamination of food with radiation;
Personal PDA, with which you can put marks on the map with your own text, and transfer money into cash, which can then be left in a cache or simply thrown away;
Introduced a system of thirst and the need to feed GG with hot food;
On the stove and on the fire you can cook food;
Jerboas can be killed without weapons;
Lots of different secrets.

Repack Features:
The game:
- Nothing is cut
- Nothing recoded
- Game version: 1.6.02
- Game version: n/a

Add-ons - set as desired:
- replacement of textures of trees, bushes, etc. to original
- replacing the grass with the original
- remove the indicator of the number of cartridges in the store

The mod has been tested on Windows 7 x64.
Attention!!! The mod only works on static and dynamic lighting!!!

Owners of Windows 7/8/10, if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, run the game with administrator rights.
_ If the saves in the game do not work, then run the game with administrator rights.
_ If the game won't start, try deleting the user.ltx file from the userdata folder in the root of the game.
_ Do not put the repack on the "C" drive (where Windows is)