How to make a good ending with Miku. "Endless Summer": the passage of the game. Alice's alternate ending

The visual novel Endless Summer consists not only of beautiful, summery pictures and great music, but also offers the player more than a dozen outcomes at once. There are almost 13 endings in the game, and the ability to download various custom mods makes the game even more fun, and in fact it is truly endless.

All events of the game are constant and non-random - that is, everything that happens depends entirely on the choice of the player. There are four "typical" endings in the game - Lena, Alice, Slavya, Ulyana. To get them, you need to earn points, and they have two versions - good and bad. Also, if in the end Semyon did not “get close” to anyone in particular, then there is a fifth ending - Semyon, also with two versions. the ability to completely complete the game - with two options for the final, where everything depends only on the choice at the very end.

Below you will find full walkthrough all routes of Everlasting Summer. Some minor choices are omitted (you can do any if no option is specified). During the game, you gain conditional "points" of passage, i.e. "points" of the relationship of the characters to the player. In parentheses, the number of points awarded for each choice is indicated. If more than 6 points are scored, then on the fifth day it will be possible to make a choice in favor of the character, and as a result, at the end of the game, the ending with this character will be obtained - good or bad, depending on whether more than 9 points are scored by the end of the game or not .

You can also view the walkthrough in a graphical version - in one picture: just click on the link!

2. Reply. (one)

5. Take the keys / Do not touch.

8. Go for cards with Slavya. (one)
9. Don't argue with Alice.
10. Any result in the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (one)

14. Help Slava. (one)
15. Run away. (one)
16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. Don't ask. (one)

21. Eat an apple / Do not eat.
22. Went with Slavya.
23. Elections on the map are unimportant.
24. Go with Slavya. (one)
25. It's all thanks to the help of girls. (one)
26. Elections on the map are unimportant.
27. Try to snatch the book from Alice / Do nothing.
28. Do nothing, just sit.
29. Try to find Slavya. (Critical choice for Slavi)
30. I want to take food for Slavya. (one)
31. I have nothing to justify to you. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

3. Run after him / Do nothing.
4. Try to take away the cutlet / Do nothing.
5. Take the keys / Do not touch.
6. Praise the book. (one)
7. Card: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch.

9. Don't argue with Alice. (one)
10. Lose to Lena, go to the football field. (one)
11. Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena. (one)
12. Okay, I'll come. (one)
13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.
14. Perhaps I'll help Slava / I think I'll help the guys build giant robots / Okay, I'll help the sports club.
15. Escape / Stay and help Ulyanka clean up.
16. Elections on the map are unimportant.
17. I think it would look great on you. (one)
18. Did you eat too many stolen candies? / Did you get poisoned in the dining room?

20. Give Alice coal / Don't give her coal.
21. Eat an apple / Do not eat.
22. I went with Lena and did not tell the counselor that they went to look for Shurik. (2+1)
23. Elections on the map are unimportant.
24. Go with Lena. (one)

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (Critical choice for Lena)
28. Help Alice. (one)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.
2. Do not answer her / Answer.
3. Run after him / Do nothing.
4. Try to take away the cutlet. (one)
5. Take the keys / Do not touch.
6. Praise the book / Say nothing.
7. Card: Go to lunch. (one)
8. Go for cards with Slavya / Go alone.
9. Argue with Alice / Don't argue with Alice.
10. Lose cards to Ulyana and go to the stage. (one)
11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute.
12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.
13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.
14. Help the sports club. (one)
15. Stay and help her clean up. (one)
16. Elections on the map are unimportant.
17. I think it would look great on you / Yes, just like that.
18. Did you get poisoned in the dining room? (one)
19. Ask what it is / Don't ask.
20. Give Alice coal / Don't give her coal.
21. Eat an apple / Do not eat.
22. Went with Ulyana.
23. Card: Mugs, then "Refuse." (one)
24. Go with Lena / Go with Slavya.
25. Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls.
26. Try to snatch the book from Alice / Do nothing.
27. Do nothing, just sit.
28. Go to Ulyana. (Critical choice for Ulyana)
29. Try to stop with words. (one)
30. All this is my fault. (2)

1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.
2. Do not answer her / answer.
3. Do nothing. (one)
4. Try to take away the cutlet / Do nothing.
5. Take the keys / Do not touch.
6. Praise the book / Say nothing.
7. Card: Go to lunch / Don't go to lunch.
8. Go for cards with Slavya / Go alone.
9. Argue with Alice. (2)
10. Win the tournament. (2)
11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute.
12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.
13. Worth going to see. (one)
14. Okay, I'll come. (one)
15. Escape/Stay and help Ulyanka clean up.
16. Come up with another excuse. (one)
17. Elections on the map are unimportant.
18. I think it would look great on you / Yes, just like that.
19. Have you eaten too many stolen candies? / Did you get poisoned in the dining room?
20. Ask what it is / Don't ask.
21. Give Alice the coal. (one)
22. Eat an apple / Don't eat.
23. Go with Alice.
24. Elections on the map are unimportant.
25. Go with Lena / Go with Slavya.
26. Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls.
27. Do nothing. (one)
28. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (Critical choice for Alice)

Main (Semyon):

1. Do nothing, just sit (day 5, hike)
2. Do nothing (day 5, hike).
Good / bad: don't follow the voice / follow the voice

Miku (Only critical choices, the rest are unimportant, only unlocked after any Maine route):

1. No, I will stay here (prologue, very beginning).
2. Take the keys (end of the first day).
3. Go for cards alone.
4. Go to the bus stop (search for Shurik), then "Agree" (help Miku with the song).
5. Do not eat (apple).
6. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).

SEAD (Opens only after passing all good endings, Miku and Main route):

1. I will go with you (in the prologue).
2. Do not take the keys (end of the first day).
3. On the third day, stay alone at the dance.
4. Eat an apple.
5. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).

Harem ending:

Some minor choices are omitted (you can do any if no option is specified). In parentheses, the number of points awarded for each choice is indicated. To enter the rut-chan on the 6th and 7th day, you need to score 6 points. For a good ending - 9 or more. For a bad ending, you need to score less than 9 points.



Day 1.

2. Reply. (+1)

5. Take the keys.

Day 2

8. Go for cards with Slavya. (+1)

9. Don't argue with Alice. (If you argue with Alice, you can't get to the bus stop.)

10. Any result in the tournament, then go to the bus stop. (+1)

Day 3

(Without this, it is impossible to help Slava tidy up the square.)

14. Cleaning with Slavya on the square. (+1)

15. Run away. (+1)

Day 4

16. Boat station first, then stay at home.

19. Don't ask. (+1)

21. Eat an apple/Don't eat.

22. Went with Slavya.

Day 5

23. Elections on the map are not important.

24. Go with Slavya. (+1)

25. It's all thanks to the help of girls. (+1)

26. Elections on the map are not important.

27. Try to snatch the book from Alice / Do nothing. (Nothing changes.)

28. Do nothing, just sit. (Without this one cannot find Slavya.)

29. Try to find Slavya. (A critical choice for Slavya. The ending depends on it.)

Day 6

30. I want to take food for Slavya. (+1)

31. I have nothing to justify to you. (+1)



1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

Day 1.

2. Reply.

3. Run after him / Do nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet / Do nothing.

5. Take the keys / Do not touch.

6. Praise the book. (+1)

Day 2

7. Card: Go to lunch/Don't go to lunch.

9. Don't argue with Alice. (+1)

10. Lose to Lena. (+1

Day 3

11. Sorry, but I have already agreed with Lena. (+1)

12. Okay, I'll come. (+1)

13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Perhaps I'll help Slava / I think I'll help the guys in the construction of giant robots / Okay, I'll help the sports club.

Day 4

16. Elections on the map are not important.

17. I think it would look great on you. (+1)

18. Probably overate stolen sweets? / Poisoned in the dining room?

20. Give Alice coal / Don't give her coal.

21. Eat an apple/Don't eat.

22. Went with Lena and tell the counselor that he went alone. (+1).

Day 5

23. Elections on the map are not important.

24. Go with Lena (+1).

25. Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls.

26. Try to snatch the book from Alice / Do nothing.

27. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (A critical choice for Lena. The ending depends on it.)

Day 6

28. Help Alice. (+1)



1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

Day 1.

2. Don't answer/answer her.

3. Run after him / Do nothing.

4. Try to take away the cutlet. (+1)

5. Take the keys / Do not touch.

6. Praise the book / Say nothing.

Day 2

7. Card: Go to lunch. (+1)

8. Go for cards with Slavya / Go alone.

9. Don't argue with Alice.

10. Lose cards to Ulyana and go to the stage. (+1)

Day 3

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. What's the difference? We must continue to look for answers.

14. Help the sports club (+1)

15. Stay and help her clean up. (+1)

Day 4

16. Elections on the map are unimportant.

17. I think it would look great on you / Yes, just like that.

18. Did you get poisoned in the dining room? (+1)

19. Ask what it is / Don't ask.

20. Give Alice coal / Don't give her coal.

21. Eat an apple/Don't eat.

22. Went with Ulyana.

Day 5

23. Go with Lena / Go with Slavya.

24. Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls.

25. Try to snatch the book from Alice / Do nothing.

26. Do nothing, just sit. (Without this, you cannot go to Ulyana.)

27. Go to Ulyana. (A critical choice for Illyana. The ending depends on it.)

Day 6

28. Try to stop with words. (+1)

Day 7

30. All this is my fault. (+2)



1. Yes, I will go with you / No, I will stay here.

Day 1.

2. Don't answer/answer her.

3. Do nothing. (+1)

4. Try to take away the cutlet / Do nothing.

5. Take the keys / Do not touch.

6. Praise the book / Say nothing.

Day 2

7. Card: Go to lunch/Don't go to lunch.

8. Go for cards with Slavya / Go alone.

9. Argue with Alice. (+2)

10. Win the tournament. (+2)

Day 3

11. Sorry, but I already agreed with Lena / Okay, wait a minute.

12. You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help in the evening.

13. Worth going to see. (+1)

14. Okay, I'll come. (+1)

15. Escape/Stay and help Ulyanka clean up.

16. Go to Alice.

17. Come up with another excuse. (+1)

Day 4

18. Elections on the map are unimportant.

19. I think it would look great on you / Yes, just like that.

20. Did you overeat stolen sweets? / Did you get poisoned in the dining room?

21. Ask what it is / Don't ask.

22. Give Alice the coal. (+1)

23. Eat an apple/Don't eat.

24. Go with Alice.

Day 5

25. Elections on the map are unimportant.

26. Go with Lena / Go with Slavya.

27. Yes, I tried / It's all thanks to the help of girls.

28. Be careful. (+1)

29. Try to find out what Alice and Lena are arguing about. (A critical choice for Alice. The ending depends on this.)


Semyon's option is as follows:

1. Sit for five days, show no relationship, and just sit on a hike.


(Opens after Any root.)

1. No, I will stay here. (Prologue.)

2. Take the keys. (At the end of the first day.)

3. Go for cards alone. (Second day.)

4. Go to the bus stop (search for Shurik), then "Agree" to help Miku with the song.

5. Don't eat an apple in the infirmary.

6. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).


(Opens after passing all good endings, including Mika and Semyon-Root, that is, MAIN-root):

1. I will go with you. (Prologue.)

2. Do not take the keys

3. I think I will help the guys in building giant robots. (Third day.)

4. Stay alone at the dance. (Third day.)

5. Eat an apple (In the first-aid post.)

6. Go alone in search of Shurik at night.

7. Go back (Critical choice for SEAD chan)

Harem ending

1. We go to the South-Eastern Administrative District

visual novel "Endless summer" appeared in 2013, becoming a real phenomenon among the Russian-language development computer games. And although this genre is not very popular in Russia and the CIS countries, multi-million downloads testify to the unprecedented success of a young team made up exclusively of imageboard users.

Remember that to get the finale, you need to score at least 6 relationship points with the character, and also reach the 6-7th day of the adventure.

What is the secret of success? I see the following reasons for the popularity of Everlasting Summer:

· The game is ideal for lonely and withdrawn people, because it allows you to develop social bonds with several female characters, getting the necessary emotions;
The novel includes many endings (more on them below), depending on the character with whom you build a relationship;
· A huge number of third-party modifications;
· Pleasant visual performance, reminiscent of Japanese animation;
· Nostalgia for the Soviet theme, which I do not share, but for many it will be an additional reason to play the game;
· The presence of philosophical overtones and the complexity of the plot, which is revealed only closer to the finale.

All endings of the game Endless Summer (attention, spoilers):

· Good ending Simon. The hero does not follow the mysterious voice, but takes the bus home. Waking up in the morning, he continues to live an ordinary life, considering everything that happened a fantastic dream;
· Bad ending for Simon. Following the voice, the guy meets a strange creature talking to him from behind the bushes, and then faints. There are no interpretations, only end credits;
· Good ending Alice. The character confesses his love, returns to real world, creates his musical group, after which he unexpectedly meets a girl very similar to her;
· Alice's bad ending. Everything is similar, only without confessions and meeting a similar girl in reality;
· Zhenya's ending. Was added in fashion "The Story of a Pioneer", which was released in 2014, therefore includes an interpretation of previous events and spoilers for the main plot. Events unfold in two timelines. In the first, Semyon lives events in an endless cycle, which hints at the abstractness of what is happening. In the second line, the hero shares his feelings with Zhenya, they start dating and even get married, but later our pioneer notices oddities in her behavior, and eventually ends up next to a robot that looks like her. Gradually, the second line enters the first, leading to the state of the world at the time of its beginning. As a result, events are repeated in reality, already with the real Zhenya;
· Good Ending Lena. Semyon tells the girl a story about how he arrived from the future, after which the characters go home together, where they live together;
· Bad Ending Lena. After a long quarrel, the characters end up extremely badly: Lena is in the camp, and Semyon is already in reality;
· Miku final. This heroine always has one ending, but what a one! Miku's real name is Masha, and Semyon is a member of the film crew filming a zombie horror. AT further events resemble a game Left 4 Dead, include a series of mysterious events, and in the finale sheets with a script are lying on the floor. The most mystical ending;
· Slava's endings: good and bad. Slavya does not believe Semyon when he declares his origin and the time from which he arrived. Having left by bus, the guy wakes up in the morning and continues to live a normal life, but soon meets a similar girl. In the bad ending, everything is similar, but without a meeting;
· Good ending Ulyana. Semyon leaves the camp, wakes up in his bed and forgets everything, and then recovers at the university and meets a girl on the next course;
· Ulyana's bad ending. Similarly, but the teenager remains in the camp, because he does not receive support from the GG. AT real life the meeting does not take place;
· Julia's individual final. Semyon wakes up in the morning in bed and can choose any of the girls he wants to see next to him. Complete surrealism, because no one except the protagonist sees it;
· Yulia's dreamy ending. The guy goes with Olga Dmitrieva and the rest of the ladies to the city, after which he ends up in the real world. Five girls from the camp ring the door of the apartment, but they have grown several years. Only Yulia remains in the camp, for whom the hero goes a few days later. Now all the key characters are back in the real world. The ending is considered the most correct and canonical, which was emphasized by the creators of the project in their interviews.

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Appearance and character

Miku is a vocaloid girl beautiful appearance, with one distinctive feature- very long blue hair, tied in two tails, reaching to her knees. Very cheerful and positive, but too talkative, which quickly tires others.

Full description

Miku is the Miku from Vocaloid. Gest is old, sort of. She is a constant and only visitor to the music club - she sticks out there almost all the time. Many people think it's stupid. Well, not that completely FOOL, but simply. Kawaii is such a fool, baka-baka. The depth of thinking is completely absent. Whatever came into her head, she blurted out. Music and nothing else. Absolutely always suspects nothing and is not in the know. And then, as a rule, he does not understand how it all ended. Syroezhkin is in love with her.


She was not seen in communication with other heroes besides Alice and Semyon. With the first, perhaps, he is friends, and shares an interest in music. Semyon often becomes her interlocutor involuntarily, and also has several events in the game associated with her. She lives in the same house with Lena, from which we can conclude that they also communicate with her.

Interesting Facts

Above Miku's bed hangs a poster of the concert film "You Just Want to Know", dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, but released after his death, namely in 2006, which goes beyond the era in which "Owlet" supposedly lives (80 years). Whether this is a background artist's mistake or an intentional reference is unknown.

Getting the ending

Any ending must be unlocked Seeds

The rest of the choices don't matter.
1. No, I will stay here (prologue, very beginning).

2. Take the keys (end of the first day).

3. Go for cards alone.

4. Go to the bus stop (search for Shurik), then "Agree" (help Miku with the song).

5. Do not eat (apple).

6. Go alone (in search of Shurik at night).

Story and ending (!!!BEWARE SPOILER!!!)

Initially, Miku was planned in the game as a comedic supporting character without his own root. However, later during development, one story, originally planned as an expansion but not completed on time, was rewritten to fit it.

Miku has his own single ending route. It has a big horror focus, and is also the most fantastic of all the routes, which in general makes it stand out from the rest.

Despite the fact that it is called by her name, Miku does not actually play in the route itself. big role, and was instead replaced by another, similar character, to the displeasure of fans.

In the end, Miku turns out that Semyon dreamed of everything that happened and in fact he is a member of the film crew, and Miku (Masha) is his ex-girlfriend. After a hard day of shooting in the hellish heat, Miku and Semyon remember the happy days when they were together, make love and fall asleep. In the morning they wake up in the camp, where Olga Dmitrievna arranges a debriefing due to their behavior. Then you become a participant in the events of the game "Left 4 Dead": Slavya disappears, the counselor goes in search of her, the attack of the zombie camp begins. Suddenly, Semyon wakes up, while Masha is sleeping on his lap, and next to him lies a stack of script sheets that accurately describe the events of the zombie horror.