Creating a beautiful appearance for a character in Skyrim. Character creation in Skyrim. Can your companion be killed

Creating your character in Skyrim- this is the first decision that you have to make when you start playing Skyrim. There are a huge number of external settings and parameters appearance your character, but the only significant point that affects the further game is the choice of a playable race. Nevertheless, the key point affecting the characteristics of the hero is directly himself. game process, not its creation.

Decisions you have to make:

  • Playable race selection
    • Determines the starting skill bonuses and special abilities specific to the race.
  • What's your gender
    • Gender has no effect on skills and abilities, however, many characters in Skyrim can treat a hero of one gender or another differently, which often translates into a better ability to trade (see the corresponding skill).
  • Appearance
    • Various settings and parameters of the hero's appearance do not affect the gameplay in any way.


A table of basic parameters for each of the races can be viewed on the page Skyrim races.
There are ten races available to choose from.

Altmer: Focused on magic skills, High Elves have a starting mana boost of 50 mana, quick mana regeneration, and an additional bonus to various magic skills.
Argonian: With a focus on thieving skills, Argonians are good at security skills. They also have increased health regeneration and Change skills.
Bosmer: They're Wood Elves are perfect for a ranged thief, though their other skills leave a lot to be desired.
Breton: Bretons have a relatively poor skill set, but have 25% magic resistance.
Dunmer:Dark Elves have innate magical abilities, are good at Destruction magic and have 50% fire resistance.
Imperials: Have an increase in sword fighting and shield skills. However, despite game description, which says that they have a bonus to eloquence, there are no facts confirming this.
Khajiit: Bosmer-like has similar thief skills and similar starting bonuses.
Nords: An excellent choice if you are going to play as a fighter, especially for those who want to use a sword in two hands. Like the Dunmer, they have 50% cold resistance.
Orcs: Another choice to play as a war machine. Good at sword and shield and wearing heavy armor, but have low magic resistance.
redguards: Redguards have the best early game one-handed swordsmanship, decent stamina, and decent sword and shield combat.

game class

In fact, unlike previous games in the series, Skyrim does not have game classes as such. In fact, when choosing a race, you need to decide for whom you are better off playing: for a thief, mage or warrior. If thief skills and stealth are important, then the Khajiit with their night vision or the Argonian with their silent tread will work well for you. If this is a fighter, then Redguards, Orcs or Nords will come in handy for you. The Dunmer and Altmer will make good Mages.

From the creator skyrim character There's a lot more to it than meets the eye, so it's important to understand what character creation really is. Easy to choose character type The Elder Scrolls Skyrim based on aesthetics alone - maybe you think the reptilian Argonians are the most interesting, or maybe the feline Khajiit will pique your curiosity. However, there's more to it than that, so you need to know exactly what you're getting into when you create your first Skyrim character.

Understand hidden stats with each race

First of all, each race has its own unique range of characteristics. Wood elves start out with a natural affinity for ranged combat, so their base archery stat is higher than that of Nords. Nonetheless, dark elves are more attuned to the art of destruction magic, so this is one of their stats that is inherently boosted.

It doesn't really matter in the long run, as you can always just level up something else - just because Destruction is initially up doesn't mean you have to refrain from using swords and shields. However, it does matter early on. If you received this initial promotion, you should try to use it. There's no point avoiding Destruction from the start if you're a High Elf, as your pursuit of it will lead to a much easier task early in the game. Here full list initial buffs for each race in Skyrim:

  • argonian: +10 lock picking, +5 sneaking, light armor, pickpocket, restoration, rework
  • Breton: +10 Sorcery, +5 Speech, Alchemy, Illusion, Recovery, Alteration
  • Dark Elf: +10 Destruction, +5 Stealth, Alchemy, Light Armor, Illusion, Alteration
  • High Elf: +10 Illusion, +5 Destruction, Spell, Alteration, Restoration, Enchanting
  • imperial: +10 Recovery, +5 Enchanting, Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Block, Destruction
  • Khajiit: +10 theft, +5 lockpicking, archery, pickpocket, one-handed weapon, alchemy
  • nord:+10 Two-Handed, +5 Blacksmithing, Block, Light Armor, One-Handed, Speech
  • orc: +10 heavy armor, +5 blacksmithing, one-handed weapons, block, enchanting, two-handed weapons
  • red guard: +10 One-Handed, +5 Archery, Block, Blacksmithing, Destruction, Alteration
  • Forest Elf: +10 Archery, +5 Stealth, Alchemy, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Light Armor

At the beginning of the game, you should choose the race and gender of your character, then decide on his / her appearance. The very process of character generation in Skyrim has become simpler in comparison with previous games in the series: there are no classes, birth signs too (you can choose the patronage of one of them instead), attributes such as strength, dexterity, intelligence, etc. also abolished (only health, magic and stamina remained). In addition, there is also no opportunity to correct anything in your character upon completion of the training, whom you blind initially, you will play with that ...


Traditionally, there are ten races to choose from: Altmer (high elves), Argonians, Bosmer ( wood elves), Bretons, Dunmer (dark elves), Imperials, Khajiit, Nords, Orcs, and Redguards. The race of the character determines the receipt:

  • bonuses to the initial values ​​of skills,
  • special abilities and talents (can be used once a day).

Note: the choice of race and gender of the character will not significantly affect the gameplay later.

Altmer or High Elves (Altmer or High Elves)

natives mysterious island Summerset, the high elves are the most magically gifted of the ten races. By calling on their Highborne power, they can quickly replenish magicka (once per day).

  • +10 to Skill: Illusion
  • +5 Skills: Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Enchantment
  • Abilities: High Origin (+50 Magicka)
  • Talents: Magic Regeneration (Magic regenerates faster over 60 seconds)


Intelligent reptiles are able to breathe underwater and do not succumb to disease. They are well adapted to life in the dangerous swamps of Black Marsh and can quickly restore their health by turning to the sacred Hist tree.

  • +10 to Skill: Lockpicking
  • +5 Skills: Pickpocket, Stealth, Light Armor, Alteration, Recovery
  • Abilities: Disease Resistance 50%, Water Breathing
  • Talents: Bark of the Hist (Argonian regenerates health 10 times faster over 60 seconds)

Bosmer or Wood Elves

The inhabitants of the forests of West Valenwood have long had a reputation for dexterous thieves, scouts, and unrivaled marksmen. They have an innate resistance to poisons and diseases, they also know how to subjugate animals to their will, forcing them to fight on their side.

  • +10 Skill: Marksmanship
  • +5 Skills: Stealth, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Light Armor, Alchemy
  • Abilities: Poison and disease resistance 50%
  • Talents: Command creature (animal becomes ally of Bosmer for 60 seconds)


All Bretons have a spark of natural magical talent, any of them boast the ability to resist magic, and "Dragon Skin" allows them to absorb spells. The Bretons are especially proficient in sorcery magic.

  • +10 to Skill: Sorcery
  • +5 Skills: Illusion, Recovery, Speech, Alchemy, Alteration
  • Abilities: Magic Resist 25%
  • Talents: Dragonskin (Breton absorbs a portion of hostile spells for 60 seconds)

Dunmer or Dark Elves (Dunmer or Dark Elves)

Dark elves specialize in destruction magic and they are very good at it, in addition, the Dunmer are distinguished by a developed stealth skill. They are born with fire resistance and the ability to surround themselves with protective fire.

  • +10 to Skill: Destruction
  • +5 Skills: Illusion, Alteration, Stealth, Light Armor, Alchemy
  • Abilities: Fire Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Wrath of the Ancestors (Dunmer surrounds himself with fire, damaging enemies that approach him)


The Cyrodiils have always gravitated towards diplomacy and trade, so they somehow manage to find a little more gold everywhere than others. They are proficient with weapons and magic, and the "Voice of the Emperor" allows them to calm opponents.

  • +10 to Skill: Recovery
  • +5 Skills: Destruction, Enchantment, One-Handed Weapon, Block, Heavy Armor
  • Abilities: Imperial Luck (more gold to find)
  • Talents: Emperor's Voice (Imperial calms nearby human enemies for 60 seconds)

Khajiit (Khajiit)

Native to Elsweyr, the Khajiit are smart, very fast and agile, and naturally gifted with stealth, making them excellent thieves. All Khajiit can see in the dark and deliver deadly claw strikes.

  • +10 to Skill: Stealth
  • +5 Skills: Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Alchemy, Marksmanship, One-Handed
  • Abilities: Khajiit Claws (claws deal extra damage in unarmed combat)
  • Talents: Night vision (Khajiit sees well in the dark)

Nords (Nord)

Tall and blond, Nords are known for their strength and endurance. Their martial talents (especially in the use of two-handed weapons) and insensitivity to cold are well known.

  • +10 to Skill: Two-Handed Weapons
  • +5 Skills: Block, Light Armor, One-Handed, Blacksmithing, Speech
  • Abilities: Cold Resistance 50%
  • Talents: Warcry (Hearing this cry causes enemies to flee for 30 seconds.)

Orcs (Orc)

Inhabitants of the Wrothgarian Mountains and the Dragontail, orcs are skilled blacksmiths. Orc warriors in heavy armor are one of the the best soldiers in the Empire, and the fury of the berserker makes them even more fearsome.

  • +10 to Skill: Heavy Armor
  • +5 Skills: Block, Enchant, One-Handed, Blacksmithing, Two-Handed
  • Talents: Berserker Rage (Orc takes half damage and deals double damage over 60 seconds)

Redguards (Redguard)

Hammerfell Redguards are considered to be the best warriors in Tamriel, they are distinguished by a strong physique, have an innate resistance to poisons, and outbursts of uncontrollable rage help them in battle.

  • +10 to Skill: One-Handed Weapon
  • +5 Skills: Alteration, Shooting, Blocking, Destruction, Blacksmithing
  • Abilities: Resist Poison 50%
  • Talents: Battle Fury (Redguards regenerate stamina 10 times faster over 60 seconds)

Stones-symbols of the celestial constellations of Tamriel

Traveling through Skyrim, in its various corners, you can find thirteen special stones, each of which is associated with one of the celestial constellations of Tamriel. Almost certainly the first you will see these three stones - Warrior, Mage and Thief, located on the way from Helgen to Riverwood. Your character can take the patronage of one of these stones and, thereby, gain the effect of increasing the growth rate of martial, magic or thief skills. Subsequently, having found other standing stones, it will be possible to change patronage - this is not forbidden to do at any time, you just need to remember that you cannot get more than one effect at the same time, so you will have to stop at the blessing of one stone, the most valuable for your hero.

The Warrior Stone
  • Effect: All martial skills (marksmanship, one-handed and two-handed weapons, heavy armor, blocking and blacksmithing) grow 20% faster.
The Mage Stone
  • Effect: All magic skills (Alteration, Conjuring, Destruction, Illusion, Restoration and Enchantment) grow 20% faster.
  • Location: On the way from Helgen to Riverwood.
Thief Stone ( The Thief stone)
  • Effect: All thief skills (stealth, lockpicking, pickpocketing, light armor, Alchemy and Speech) grow 20% faster.
  • Location: On the way from Helgen to Riverwood.
The Apprentice Stone
  • Effect: Magicka regeneration speed is doubled (+100% magicka regeneration), but also magic vulnerability is doubled (+100% magic vulnerability).
  • Location: Between Morphal and Solitude.
The Atronach Stone
  • Effect: Permanently increases magicka by 50, 50% chance to absorb spells, magicka regenerates twice as slowly.
  • Location: south of Windhelm.
Stone Lady (The Lady Stone)
  • Effect: Health and Stamina recovery speed is increased by 25%.
  • Location: North of Falkreath.
The Lord Stone
  • Effect: Magic resistance is increased by 25%, damage resistance is increased by 50.
  • Location: East of Morthal.
The Lover Stone
  • Effect: All skills grow 15% faster.
  • Location: East of Markarth.
The Ritual Stone
  • Effect: once a day, you can raise all the dead in the area so that they fight for you for 200 seconds.
  • Location: East of Whiterun.
The Serpent Stone
  • Effect: once a day, you can paralyze the enemy for 5 seconds. and deal 25 damage to him. damage.
  • Location: East of Winterhold.
Shadow Stone ( The Shadow stone)
  • Effect: once a day, you can cast invisibility on yourself for 60 seconds.
  • Location: South of Riften.
The Steed Stone
  • Effect: Equipped armor grants no movement speed penalty, and carry capacity is increased by 100.
  • Location: West of Solitude.
The Tower Stone
  • Effect: Once a day, one expert-level lock can be opened.
  • Location: Between Dawnstar and Winterhold.

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Do dragons bother you? Do you have problems with local wildlife such as bears, wolves and saber-toothed tigers? Don't worry, we have a solution! No matter which playstyle you prefer, we will still try to create the perfect Legendary Dragonborn as you travel through the province of Skyrim. Accumulating the necessary skills and using your current ability points will allow you to pick up the key to creating this time the perfect Dragonborn.

For professional assassins and battle-hardened warriors, we have a guide to help you develop your skills properly so that those pesky dragons don't bother you anymore.

Choose a race

For an assassin, we need a race that has the initial bonuses to Archery, Alchemy, Stealth and at the same time to Light Armor, which will also be useful. Races such as the Dark Elf, Khajiit, and Wood Elf are great for creating assassins due to their innate skills. It's easiest to start with the Khajiit as this race has a base stealth skill of 25.

Choosing the right perks

As an assassin, you must focus on getting close to the target in order to deal the maximum possible damage, and Stealth perks will help you in this difficult task:

  • stealth: By learning all 5 ranks, you will be 40% harder to spot while sneaking.
  • Backstab: Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons are increased to 6 times the damage.
  • Assassin's Blade: Sneak attacks with a dagger deal 15x damage.
  • strong hand: Learning all 5 ranks will allow you to deal double damage with one-handed weapons
  • double vortex: Learning all 2 ranks will allow you to strike with two blades 35% faster
  • Double grinder: Dual-handed power attacks deal 50% more damage.

Other perks you need to distribute between Light Armor and Alchemy. Reducing the weight of your armor will allow you to pick up more items from dead bodies. Alchemy is useful if you like to create poisons, they do quite a lot of damage without your deadly attacks.

Playing as an assassin

As an assassin in Skyrim, you must be fast and silent, detection can be fatal for you. To prevent this from happening, you should wear light armor and arm yourself with two daggers. You can equip the bow to launch sneak attacks from afar, or use it defensively if you're spotted. As you approach the enemy, you will try to stay in the shadows, get close to him and stab him in the back, a similar tactic can be successful with a bow. If you still haven't been spotted, this is a great opportunity to continue killing your targets with one hit. If you're more into one-hit kills, I suggest you take advantage of Mehrunes Dagon's Razor, a powerful dagger just right for an assassin. Invisibility spells are great, especially if your stealth level isn't as high as you'd like, a great alternative is the Shadowmark spell, which allows you to become invisible once a day.

Choose a race

As a warrior, you must be enduring as you wear heavy armor and heavy weapons such as two-handed swords, battle axes and hammers. Famed warriors have always been Nords and Orcs if you're into two-handed weapons, and Imperials with Redguards if you're more into one-handed swords and shields.

Choosing the right perks

You will have to wear heavy armor like your second skin and wield one-handed weapons as if they were an extension of your arm. You should pay attention to the following perks:

If you're going to wield a shield and a sword

  • Strong hand: Learning all 5 ranks will allow you to deal twice as much damage with one-handed weapons.
  • Combat stance: Power attacks with one-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
  • Flat power strike: You can land power strikes.
  • Disarmament: You have a chance to disarm the enemy when you land a flat power strike.
  • Elemental Protection: While shielding, you reduce Fire, Cold, and Shock damage taken by 50%.

If you just want to crack a couple of skulls

  • Barbarian: Learning all 5 ranks will allow you to deal twice as much damage with two-handed weapons.
  • Champion Stance: Power attacks with two-handed weapons cost 25% less stamina.
  • Juggernaut: Learning all 5 ranks will increase your heavy armor class by 100%.
  • Good equipment: You get a 25% armor bonus if you equip the full set.
  • Center of gravity: When wearing only heavy armor, you lose balance 50% less often.
  • Power Strike: You can inflict a power strike.

Playing a Warrior

Your warrior is designed to go ahead, and the word "stealth" will make you laugh. Try to meet enemies with a power attack, and then they will stagger from the first seconds of meeting you. While they are moving away from the first attack, try to land as many hits as possible with your weapon. Once they've recovered, use your shield or two-handed weapon to break their attack. You can use a bow, which will allow you to shoot weak opponents from afar before you enter into close combat with them.

Choose a race

To create a magician, we need a race with a large supply of mana. Races such as dark elves, high elves and imperials are excellent magicians, because most of their initial bonuses are addressed specifically to the school of magic. If you're inclined towards battle mages, then you should go for the Imperials, as they are well versed in destruction and one-handed weapons.

Choosing the right perks

Mages need high level magical training to more effectively cast spells that ignite, freeze, and electrocute enemies to death. You will devote most of your time to the School of Destruction and the School

Witchcraft in order to do the most damage and not forget about your own safety. The following perks you should learn:

  • Double Destruction: When using spells from the school of destruction with two hands, a stronger form is obtained.
  • Enhance Fire, Cold, or Electricity: Fire, Cold, and Shock deal 50% more damage.
  • Summoner: Learning all 2 ranks will allow you to summon atronachs or raise the dead three times further.
  • Elemental Power: Summoned Atronachs are 50% faster.
  • Double illusion: When using spells from the school of illusion with two hands, a stronger form is obtained.

Other perks you can use to learn the Twin Souls skill, which will allow you to summon two atronachs or raise two zombies at the same time.

We play a magician

A physically weak character, so during the battle we must be at a remote distance from the enemy. Wear robes that will give you an extra bonus and mobility. Always use summoning spells in combat to summon creatures, but be sure that creature can take the brunt of it, otherwise you will die. Atronachs are yours best friends, they are durable and capable of dealing significant damage to your enemies. When your enemy approaches, summon an atronach and let it melee, step back, cast your most powerful destruction spells, and watch your enemies die.

Hi friends! This is my the first blog (and far not last in this direction), dedicated to fashion on Skyrim. In this article, I have collected the best (on my look) fashion that will help make us pleasing to the eye character in our favorite The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

P.S. All the mods that are listed in my blogs are on playground. Go..

Advanced selection of exterior shades

The choice of shades for your character in standard Skyrim is very poor, but this mod will fix everything.

Mod adds 25 degree options brightness, 34 shade, and 4 degrees saturation, Total - 3400 tones for hair. 34 shade 18 brightness levels to all other sliders requiring coloring (skin, etc.). And also 26 gradations gray.

Now you can make a character with any shade of skin and hair that you can think of and personally get the look of a goth, vamp, drow, clown, or even an alien!

Expanded color palette

Another mod from this category. Now your heroines will appear new kit cosmetics, new colors for eyelids, cheeks, eyelashes and lips. New colors will be added to the character customization menu.

Realistic faces for male races

Great mod that affects faces all male races in Skyrim.

Global improvement of elves

Elves in the original Skyrim, to put it mildly, are not handsome). This mod aims to fix that. " Ethereal Elven Overhaul"is a comprehensive rework of the elven races of Skyrim. It changes literally every aspect of their appearance, making it much more attractive, while maintaining the original idea and its inherent realism. EEO also affects every character of the elven race in the game and adds new types.

Improved Khajiit

And kittens did not cheat! Retexture, making Khajiit more beautiful. Included textures high permissions, new colors and eyes.

Retexture of the beard and pigtails in the Nordic style

A man's beard is like a woman's big boobs, only better! HD a retexture of a beard and braids in the Nordic style for your hero. High textures 2048x2048px.

girls from final fantasy XIII

In fact, these are just textures for your character, affecting the races of Nords and Imperials.

Long-legged women

For those who love model appearance. The mod is compatible with any body replayers, clothes and animations.
Doesn't conflict with anything replaced by mods that change the female skeleton.

IMHO, the best replayer female bodies. Also, all standard armor and clothes are adapted for it. In general, I will not list all the delights, it is better to look at fashion page.

Jewelry for Lady Body

A collection of jewelry for body replayer Lady Body. Includes over 100 decorations. Earrings, tiaras, pendants, beads, crowns, neck jewelry, ear and face piercings.

84 new eye textures for female and male characters. From myself I say: it looks great!

We continue the theme of the eyes. This time the mod was presented to us by Aber. A whole collection of new beautiful textures eyes that will suit both women and men, human and elven races. There are about 150 new eye textures for women and men in total.

P.S. Some textures are not lore)

Mod adds to Skyrim 17 new fantasy-style eye textures for all races. On this we will finish with the eyes, and move on to a much more important part - the hair.

animated hair

The mod adds an animated and physics-based hairstyle to the game that can be used by characters of both sexes. Watch the video on the mod page!

Women's hairstyles with physics

Five more hairstyles with HDT physics, there is also an alternative collection containing 8 static hairstyles.

I think everyone knows Apachii and the mod needs no introduction. 39 new hairstyles for women, 21 hairstyles for men and 5 hairstyles for women Khajiitok-2 hairstyles for male Khajiit. This mod is also required for physics hairstyles to work (see above)

Hairstyle set by SG

As many as 268 New high-quality hairstyles for female characters human races.

Hairstyle set by RadioReggae

Another hair pack from a very good modmaker. A large number of very high quality hairstyles for your characters, enough for everyone, even Khajiit, orcs and argon !

The last mod for today, for real nefors, skinheads and ready!) Ten combat tattoos for ladies and gentlemen. Use!)

That's all friends. I know you can’t please everyone, but I think that everyone will find the mod they need on the blog)

P.S.S my Dunmer drug addict and Nord warrior)

To be continued..