How to make a sword in Minecraft, or learn how to create weapons. Weapons and tools from Minecraft What are swords in minecraft

In Minecraft, the emphasis is on physics, so for your own comfort it will be better if your arsenal is not limited to fists. Even if you are not going to fight with other players, there are enough aggressive opponents in the world of this game who dream of taking your life. Yes, even the extraction of resources in this game is easier and easier if you have the right tool in your hands. This time it's about the sword.

In addition to melee, the sword in Minecraft destroys various blocks, losing its durability at the same time - two units per block. Because of this, many players have learned to think strategically, destroying entire armies by digging a ditch and building a roof over their heads.

Unfortunately, this tactic does not work against spiders and zombies, they are equal in height, so it is up to each player to come up with strategies against them.

Now we will talk about the types of swords, at the same time recalling that they can fight with RMB, and defend with LMB.


Because swords can be made from different materials their characteristics and types differ. There are five types, let's start with the most durable: diamond, gold, iron, stone and the last type - wood.

Their characteristics:

  • diamond sword It deals 3.5 hearts of damage per hit, its critical damage is six hearts, and the number of hits before it breaks is 1562.
  • From golden sword damage two hearts, critical damage - three hearts, durability is enough for thirty-three hits.
  • Damage from iron sword three hearts, critical damage - five hearts, durability is enough for two hundred and fifty-one hits.
  • Damage from stone sword- 2.5 hearts, critical damage - four hearts, durability is enough for one hundred and thirty-two hits.
  • Strength wooden enough for sixty hits, his damage is two hearts and three hearts - critical damage.

Craft swords

Now let's practice sword crafting. First, let's take the wooden one and try to craft it through the inventory. To do this, the three middle vertical inventory slots must be occupied, starting from the top, with two blocks and a stick. That's it, the sword is ready. Other swords are crafted in the same way, only the materials change.

For example, for a stone sword, stone blocks are used instead of wood.

For iron, iron.

Sooner or later, many players have a question about how to make a sword in Minecraft. After all, the game world is literally teeming with various surprises, dangers and enemies, and your health is not "rubber". Will have to defend. So let's better talk about how to do different types swords.


So, the first type of our today's weapon is a wooden sword. This is the easiest and most common way to quickly create your character. But what does it take to create?

So, if you are thinking about how to make a sword out of wood in Minecraft, then you will have to stock up on some resources. Do not be afraid that you will need something special - as a rule, for "initial" items and weapons, all materials are relatively easy to get.

For a wooden sword, you will need sticks and boards. If someone has already tried to make a real one, then it will not be so difficult to guess about it. A stick is obtained by combining two wooden boards. In turn, the board is obtained when working with any tree. In order to answer the question of how to make a wooden sword in Minecraft, take one stick and two boards. It is enough to combine them. Such a weapon deals 4 damage and lasts for 60 hits. Not the best ally in a battle with a serious enemy. So let's see what else we can do.

A rock

And now it's time to talk about more serious weapons. For example, how to make a stone sword in Minecraft. This is already a solid item with which you can protect yourself from troubles and enemies.

So, in order for you to safely make a stone sword modification, you will have to collect a few resources. Not like last time. Now you will need a stick, as before. You already know how to get it. But, unlike wooden version, our current sword is also made from cobblestones. They are obtained by working with stone blocks. They are used in most crafting, like wood. In order to answer how to make a sword out of stone in Minecraft, you will have to take one stick and 2 cobblestones. After combining, you will receive a weapon that deals 5 damage and lasts for 132 hits. True, there are several other varieties of this weapon. Let's talk about them in more detail.


After you have made sure that a stone and wooden sword is not a very convenient, albeit affordable weapon, you can start trying to make an iron sword. In order to be able to craft it, you will need, of course, a wooden stick. Not a single sword can do without it.

True, if you are thinking about how to make a sword out of iron in Minecraft, then you will also have to find an iron ingot. It appears when processing iron blocks. In addition, you can get it from lava and water. And, of course, knock out of the stone golem. From one such mob falls from 3 to 5 units.

After you combine one wooden stick and two iron ingots, you will get an iron sword. It deals 6 damage, durability is 251 hits. This is already a good item for self-defense. True, quite often people prefer to use other variations of swords in Minecraft. "How to make a diamond sword?" - this is the question that can be heard from the "oldies" of the game. Let's try to figure out with you what is needed for this.


So, now we will talk with you about the most powerful and effective type of swords. These are the same options that are made with the help of diamonds. The strongest and most durable sword, it deals 7 damage, is durable (1562) and lasts for about 781 kills.

If you heard a question in you can be sure that we are talking specifically about the option of diamond. After all, according to appearance he really is somewhat reminiscent of his laser counterpart.

So, first you need one stick. After that, you will have to find 2 units of diamond. These stones are obtained by working with diamond ore. Very often can be found in treasures and caves. They can only be mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe.

Collect wood blocks. Move the mouse over the tree, hold down the left button. After a while, the tree will disintegrate into wood blocks, which will automatically go into your inventory (if you're standing close enough). Repeat the process several times.

  • The type of wood does not matter.

Open inventory. If you have not changed anything in the settings, then the E key is responsible for this. You will see a 2 x 2 square next to the character image. This is the crafting menu.

Drag the tree blocks to the crafting menu. This is how you create boards. Drag the boards back to inventory. Now you have boards, not just blocks of wood.

Split two boards into sticks. Place one of the created boards in the bottom row of the crafting menu, place the second above it. You will get sticks that you will need to take back to inventory.

Make a workbench. To do this, fill all 4 cells of the menu for creating items with boards. Drag the workbench to the shortcut menu at the bottom of the screen, close your inventory and place the workbench on the ground (select the block and press right click where you want to install the workbench).

  • Do not confuse planks and wood blocks - for this recipe, planks are needed.
  • Open the workbench. To do this, simply right-click on it. You will have access to the item creation menu, which will be larger than the first - already 3 x 3 cells.

    Create a wooden sword. The creation of a sword occupies three cells vertically, while all the ingredients must be in one column (which one is not important).

    • board from above
    • Plank in the middle (just below the top)
    • Stick from below (right below the sticks)
  • Use the sword. Drag the sword to the shortcut menu and select it to equip. Now left clicking the mouse will activate the sword, not your hands, which is much more effective in killing enemies and animals. However, be careful and do not get carried away - wooden swords are quite fragile and weak. Read on for more powerful swords.

    Wooden Sword (Console, Pocket Edition)

    1. Collect wood blocks. AT Minecraft game wood can be broken even with bare hands. In version Pocket Edition to do this, just hold your finger on the tree until it turns into separate blocks, and on the console versions of the game you need to press the right trigger.

      Learn to create items. In these versions of the game, everything is quite simple. In the item creation menu there is a list of available recipes, any of which can be clicked on and, if you have the necessary items in your inventory, the final result will immediately appear. Here's what to do to create a sword:

      • Pocket Edition: Click on the three dots icon and select Craft.
      • Xbox: Press X.
      • Playstation: click on the square.
      • Xperia Play: Press Select.
    2. Create a workbench. The workbench will give you access to more advanced recipes, including sword recipes. So:

      • Make planks out of blocks of wood.
      • Build a workbench from four boards.
      • Select a workbench and place it on the ground (in console games, this is the left trigger).
    3. Make a wooden sword. For this:

      Use the sword. When the sword is in the hot slot, clicking on the screen or activating the left trigger will activate the sword attack. So you will inflict much more damage to animals and enemies than with your bare hands.

    Better quality swords

      Gather the required materials with a pickaxe. To collect stone or metals, you will need a pickaxe, and you still need to make it ... however, this is a topic for another article, and we will talk about other materials for swords:

      • Stone is the most accessible material and can be found in the mountains or in a few blocks under any surface. You can collect stone with a wooden pick.
      • Iron (its blocks look like stone with beige flecks) is also quite common, found underground and requires a stone pickaxe.
      • Gold and diamonds are extremely rare, found very deep underground.
    1. Create a stone sword. For this you need two stones and one stick. Such a sword deals 6 damage, its durability is 132 hits (for a wooden sword, these are 5 and 60, respectively).

  • Toy weapon from Minecraft– Category of professional equipment!

    A miner armed with a wooden pick in Minecraft will not last long - in the dungeons there are solid resources that break unhardened tools. In the forest it is even more difficult - a wooden ax will not cope with a log, and a sword made of wood chips will not be suitable for attacking a skeleton camp. The future champion needs a reboot - a descent into the mines for minerals and a change of equipment.

    In the virtual universe, you should pay attention to the following forging ingredients:

    · Iron - a working resource that allows you to acquire tools suitable for exciting adventures at the beginning of the hero's path. The material is mined in the upper layers of the earth, melted in furnaces, folded into ingots into the right weapon.

    · Gold is a precious ore hidden deep underground, among nondescript cobblestones. It blinds with a bright glow, attracts attention, charges with transcendent energy. Gold bars have low durability, but they reward the owner with outstanding style.

    · Diamond is the king among minerals. The material is located in the heart of the intricate mines, right at the mouth of a sprawling volcano, among enemies and traps. Only a true brave man is capable of climbing so deep, withstanding the face of death, and even bringing the accumulated resources to the surface.

    Materials are precious and always in demand - a diamond sword or an iron ax will protect you from enemies, a golden pickaxe will allow you to go down the winding road to hell, a diamond shovel will replace ten workers on the farm. But outside of Minecraft, weapons will come in handy - for example, in a dispute with friends, the owner of a high-quality and detailed diamond ax or a golden sword will win! Professional equipment from Minecraft with delivery throughout Russia is made of non-allergenic materials, fits perfectly in the hand and completely repeats the original game items.

    High-quality tools are difficult to use without a loose fantasy - so the arsenal should be expanded as much as possible, it will help recreate the atmosphere of a realistic adventure! A diamond pickaxe will allow you to work in mines, an iron shovel - in the garden, a golden sword - to defend your opinion in difficult battles. Even better, recruit a team of like-minded people and use all your strength to build an entire empire, fully protected and well equipped!

    Weapons Minecraft- completely repeat pixel graphics computer world. Stylish, lightweight accessories are made in the scale of real objects. Thanks to these original products, you can bring a part of the Minecraft world to reality and share them with your friends. The toy is suitable for both children and adults who love to play Minecraft. AT virtual world weapons are used to deal damage and defend against enemies, of which there are plenty. In real life, you can fight with friends or fictional opponents, thereby stimulating the development of fantasy. While playing, you will have to spend a lot of time getting the necessary materials and components to create the necessary items, but in life everything is much simpler, you can simply order the accessory you like on the site. Completely different game items, with which gamers extract resources for themselves and destroy monsters.You can buy yourself a powerful diamond sword or an ax for cutting wood. If you prefer to be a miner and mine from the bowels of the earth precious metals and stones, then the ideal choice would be a pickaxe, which is present in three varieties: iron, diamond and gold. But an iron sword or a more powerful golden one will look no less cool in real life.Whatever you choose, it will look great and retain its original appearance for a long time. Such a toy will be an excellent topic for discussion in any company, and will noticeably raise the overall degree of fun. All products are available for all ages, because every person lives Small child. It is also an advantage that the toys are made of environmentally friendly and high-quality materials that are safe for health.

    Many associate Minecraft with a game where you only have to build, but this is absolutely not the case. One of the most important responsibilities of all players is not only building, but also protecting their own territories and obtaining certain materials for manufacturing.

    This means that you need items to fight. The most powerful is the sword. But how to craft a sword in Minecraft? This question torments many, therefore now we will explain.

    To craft it, you need to have quite a lot of different materials and know in advance what type of sword you will have. For example, for crafting diamond sword you need to place two diamonds and a stick as follows:

    There are several types of swords: diamond, iron, wood, stone and gold, which are unique in their own way, and in certain situations their use will greatly help you.

    Below you can see the crafting schemes for these swords.

    Iron sword craft

    Golden sword craft

    Stone sword craft

    Craft wooden sword

    Just do not get carried away with the battle, because in case of failure you will be defeated, and everything that you have achieved will go to another player.

    Be sure to be smart in this game, even if it seems quite simple at first glance. As for the control, the left mouse button is responsible for hitting, and the right mouse button is for blocking an enemy hit.

    Well, that's all you need to know about sword crafting in the game. Good luck to everyone in this, of course, difficult game.