Poker secrets. The most important secret of poker. The greater the distance, the greater the chance of success

Almost every novice poker fan, looking at successful professionals, wonders what needs to be done to achieve the same results? Is it a natural instinct or the result of hard work? Or maybe there are poker secrets that guarantee a positive result, but are available only to the elite?

Some beginners rely on the 3rd option, that there is some secret knowledge that will allow you to get a stable income in the game. We immediately want to dispel this myth. Of course, among the top players there are many simply talented people who by nature have a predisposition to gambling. But even they devote a lot of time to work on their game.

Secrets of online poker

Many players begin to learn the basic concepts of the game and various strategies, thinking that this will be enough to start winning consistently. In practice, everything turns out quite differently. Often, inexperienced poker players are faced with dispersion and relocation and give up before they really start their career as a player. And so that you do not repeat such mistakes, we will describe in more detail some kind of secrets or secrets of poker that will help you become a professional.

Poker math is the basis of success

Watching the top players, it may seem to you that they make all decisions only by following their intuition. In fact, this is not at all the case. It's just that professionals are so good at all poker mathematics that all the necessary calculations are made in a matter of seconds.

Having played hundreds of thousands of hands, experienced poker players will even tell you in a dream what is the probability of getting a made hand on any of the streets, how their hand stands against the opponent's range and what equity this or that action will have (calling, raising, etc.). What needs to be done in order to master this most important element in the game in the same way? The answer is simple: play a lot, regularly calculate and analyze game situations, be able to accurately determine the possible cards of your opponents.

Don't be lazy to spend at least 2-3 hours a week to work on the technical aspects of poker. Without this, no one will be able to achieve any significant results.


Clear planning in any field of activity is an important component of success and poker is no exception. Despite the fact that it has already been said thousands of times how important it is to strictly observe bankroll management, there are still new players who play at too high limits. This leads to the fact that instead of becoming a strong regular, such users move into the category of “gamblers” and adventurous players.

It doesn't matter what limits you play. It is necessary to immediately determine for yourself those rules, based on which decisions will be made in which tournaments to register and which cash tables to sit at. Strict discipline will allow you not to go bankrupt ahead of time and save your capital during a protracted downstreak.

What is important for you to always remember is not to invest all your money in the game. Such investments, of course, can become super-profitable, but too high a risk of losing still cannot justify such investments.

Allocate for the game the amount, the loss of which will not be fatal for your life outside of poker and will not worsen its quality.

The greater the distance, the greater the chance of success

As 2005 WSOPC winner Chris Ferguson said:

One day in poker is 90% luck and 10% skill. One year in poker consists of 10% luck and 90% skill.

And this is the most important secret of playing poker. Regardless of your experience and skill, on a given day a player can end up both in the black and in the black. Even if you are a strong regular or professional, you need to play a lot in order to have a more or less stable income.

Another thing is that if your “black” streak has dragged on and you have been losing for several days in a row, even weeks, then you should pause and look at your played hands. Even if it's just that luck has turned away from you temporarily, this will be a good reason to once again do the analysis hands played. Perhaps you will find weak spots in the game, which means you can fix them, which will make you a little closer to poker tops.

Game selection

With a serious approach to playing poker, the secret of success can be called right choice games. Any professional player, choosing a place to play, will not sit down at the first table that comes across free places. First of all, top poker players will look at who is sitting at this very table. Are there any fish there or most of the opponents are regulars. Often there are situations when several poker pros attack one particularly wealthy fish at once, and when a weak player leaves the game, the rest also leave the table.

You need to embrace this principle. No need to bang your head against the wall and try to beat all the players at your limit. You can always find weak opponents and try to play most of your hands with them.

The choice of discipline must also be approached wisely. We are all different, some prefer less variance cash games, while others feel more comfortable in more dynamic tournaments. If you have not yet decided in which direction to develop, try different option and choose the one you are most comfortable with.


Today there is no simple manual "Secrets of poker - learning to win" that could describe the specific steps that guarantee the result. As in almost any other field, to become a successful professional, you must first acquire the relevant knowledge, and then good experience. Only painstaking work in all areas and continuous improvement of skills can guarantee you stable success.

Watching the poker news from the tournaments, many have probably noticed that in most cases the winners are the same people over and over again. They are called professionals. Beginners mistakenly think they know some poker secrets allowing them to constantly win resounding victories.

But the masters do not have any super knowledge, they are on an equal footing with any poker player in the world. So what is their strength? The answer is logical and simple: pros learn a lot and constantly improve their skills, develop their own strategies. But most importantly, they do not ignore those aspects of poker that are so unloved by many players: mathematics, psychology, tactics, game analysis and the fight against emotions.

Let's look at some poker success secrets that are available to everyone, but are not taken into account by many.

Probability theory

Perhaps this is the most unloved topic of the players, it is too boring, difficult for many. That is why most poker players simply ignore mathematics and probability theory. And in vain.

After all, those who master these disciplines have a significant advantage over their opponents, they can correctly calculate the odds of the bank, the combination of a combination and fold their cards in time, or go for broke.

A simple example of the use of mathematics in poker. Initially, the player knows how many cards are in the deck, how many suits. After the deal, he sees his own pocket cards and the cards on the table, based on this, he can calculate what are the chances of a certain combination falling out and how many outs are left in the deck. Further, it is easier to make a decision whether to continue the game or fold the cards.

Similar theoretical calculations are applicable in all game elements poker, you just need to learn how to use them correctly. To do this, read books, take lessons from the masters and constantly practice.

Financial management

The most important secrets of playing poker include proper bankroll management. If you calculate the movement of finances incorrectly, they will be lost very soon. Here it is important to remember a few generally accepted nuances:

  • The entry fee for any tournament must not exceed 5% of the total bankroll. This will allow you to recoup faster in case of success and minimize losses in case of loss.
  • It is allowed to take up to 10% of the bank for cash tables. But in no case do not add them if failure followed. It's better to change tables.
  • Funds won should be distributed wisely. Send part for withdrawal, part as a reserve, and another part for further play.
  • Mandatory financial accounting. This will allow you to better understand how to allocate money.

These elementary rules will allow you to keep the money in the account intact and not invest your last hard-earned money there to the detriment of the family budget.

Rival analysis and table selection

What happens if a beginner is at the same table with highly experienced professionals? The answer is obvious: he will lose everything. Therefore the secrets online poker but they say that it is necessary to choose cash tables and opponents "too hard". For beginners, the question quite naturally arises, but how do you know that a venerable poker player is hiding under a nondescript nickname?

Determining who is a "shark" and who is a "fish" is very simple. To do this, it is enough to use the help of one of the programs or online services, of which there are a great many on the network.

They work according to the following algorithm: the user enters the opponent's login and the name of the room in a special field, the system gives out detailed statistics on the poker player over the past few years. This will separate the masters from the inexperienced players.

It should be noted that the services of such services are paid, but both beginners and more experienced poker players will be able to find a suitable tariff. Free functionality will be limited to only a few requests, which is not suitable when participating in tournaments.

Continuous learning

If you ask professionals about the secrets of poker, they will answer: "Learning to Win Constantly". No player has achieved success by accident or luck, behind it lies many years of hard work, regular training and constant practice. Moreover, masters do not stop learning something new throughout their career, they read colleagues, get acquainted with fresh video lessons and learn from someone else's experience.

Therefore, novice players should also tirelessly undergo training and improve their skills in the game. This is the only way to really achieve heights in poker and fully support yourself financially.


These are the main secrets of poker, which in fact are not such secrets, but the daily routine of successful players. But every poker player who wants to improve their skills must know them.

Poker games online at recent times enjoy great popularity. Simply put, this is a game for millions of people. Statistics say that no more than five percent of players win poker, the rest are in constant red.

What then is the main secret successful game poker? Why do so few people manage to win, while there are many more losers. It seems to us that poker tips are contained in a combination of some special qualities of the player, his attitude to the game, the expected effect. The most important components of success are knowledge, distance, purposefulness and concentration of efforts. The basis of the secret is that only a combination of these qualities gives you the opportunity to win at poker. Let's consider everything in order.


Without them, it is absolutely impossible to participate in poker.. And who does not want to learn to play poker for free or does not have the opportunity to do so, will constantly lose. You should be prepared for the fact that your certain time will have to sit over textbooks, studying the theoretical foundations of poker. You should not think that only new players need to improve their game. Not at all. Each professional player spends a certain part of his time on improving theoretical knowledge. Here is your first secret. successful poker- always learn.


Many expect instant scoring games from the game. We will disappoint you, but this never happens. This is not a movie where, putting everything on the line and playing a few hands, you can be stunned by winning. Professionals are well aware that the secrecy of the game of poker lies in the exact mathematical calculations. The basis of the secret is that each hand must bring a positive result. Even in the case when the victory in principle is not possible. You should not put everything on one card and rely on chance. Do not rush, and success will surely come to you.

Concentration and discipline

It is clear that it is quite difficult to follow all such advice, but no one said that it will be easy to learn how to play video poker even using it. After all, you always want to bring the denouement of the game closer. Therefore, we put discipline in third place. It is necessary to think correctly when playing each hand. If you made an erroneous action or decided to hope for a chance - you will have another minus. And even if one day you are lucky in a similar situation, this is not a reason for repetition. The secret is that the outcome of the game primarily depends on your calculations. Everyone wants to do this good players. After all, playing poker, you should not lose concentration. It is necessary to control your feelings, emotions, physical condition. After all, the game is for real money.

Online poker has become quite widespread. In different parts of the world, millions of people every day have the opportunity to test themselves in the game. But, according to statistics, only about five percent of players have a win, the entire majority are in the red.

  • So what is the fundamental secret of online poker that helps you win?
  • What is the reason that the vast majority of players lose, and there are always quite a few people who win?

It seems to us that the main secret of poker lies in the combination of some human qualities, as a person, and, most importantly, his methods of approach to the game, desired to obtain results. Remember that the basis of success is not the various secrets of tournament poker, but your knowledge, distance, concentration on the game and determination. Only the presence and proper combination of these qualities will give you the opportunity to win. It is worth considering all these qualities in more detail.

Required knowledge

In poker, they are important, however, as in any other important business.. With them, you are guaranteed success. Those who do not want to learn should be prepared for unambiguous losses. Therefore, tune in to the fact that you will spend a significant part of your time studying theoretical aspects, learning the basics of strategy, sorting out the secrets of the game, sorting out controversial points with other players on the forums. It should not be thought that only beginners study theory. Even professional players with decent experience find time to analyze their actions. Here is the first secret of the game for you - to learn at any time, not to stop at existing positions, to strive to improve skills.


A typical mistake for many players is the expectation of a big win from the first games.. Remember - there are no such cases. By participating in a few rounds and betting everything, you win a small amount at best. And be sure, carried away by success, you will lose it at a time. Strong players have long known that the main secret of playing Texas Hold'em poker lies in the correct application of mathematical knowledge on any game stage. In each scenario, one should strive for a positive, even if small, result. Even when there is a strong impression of the impossibility of winning, you should try to play your hand with maximum success. According to research, you need to play ten thousand hands, and only then will the luck of the net income smile. Here is the formula:

4% * 1000 * X, where X is the average profit from the change won

And if on average in a winning game you have 5 dollars in profit, then, according to the formula, net you will receive 2000 dollars. Here's another poker secret - don't get upset, be pragmatic. You should not rely on chance and thoughtlessly put everything at stake. Correct tactical technique there will be a long game, giving a guarantee to take your winnings, and the use of various poker tricks.

Concentration and discipline rules

Naturally, all these rules are quite difficult to follow.. Often there is a desire to stake the maximum amount and hope for a one-time win. It is for this reason that we want to talk about the rules of discipline and concentration on the game. Taking on the game and striving to win, you should play each hand correctly. But if you made a mistake and hoped for luck, you are guaranteed a loss. And if you are still lucky - this is not a reason to take risks in this way all the time - you can lose everything. The secret is that the game will always be profitable if all your decisions are taken in plus according to the existing winning situation. Professionals always aspire to this principle of the game. Hence the conclusion - in no case during the game should not spray your concentration. Only complete control of your emotions and feelings and complete rejection of thoughts that you can lose. After all, playing for money does not tolerate mistakes.

The study of any area of ​​activity begins with basic concepts, the basics, but true professionalism in any sense comes only after a long study of the subject empirically.

After all the steps, the true secrets of mastery are revealed, with which a person makes a name for himself in the field that he has chosen.

Gambling is subject to the presence of tricks and secrets to a much greater extent than other areas, since the stakes are high here. The secrets of poker collected in this material will allow the player to stay with a positive deposit longer, and with sufficient demands on himself, and solidly increase it.

Knowledge in any field is an investment that can pay dividends in the future., poker tricks can pay off in net money today.

What do the gurus say?

Gambling industry gurus offer training and share the secrets of their success from the pages of a book and at relatively rare open seminars. Conventionally, all players can be divided into three camps according to their professed style of play:

  • . Representatives of this group firmly stand on the use of subtle calculations and making the game more mechanical, less risky and profitable in principle;
  • . The key role is played by the internal state of the player, the ability to hide thoughts and read the situation on the faces of opponents;
  • Mixed style. Both directions, when combined, make success more profitable and less risky, although it makes you work much more on yourself than either separately.

Literature covering the secrets of poker is devoid of general statements and analyzes specific game situations, as well as the tactics of their acting out in the general theme of the book. Don't take every piece of advice literally. For players who have become successful, the secrets they describe seem simple, since they have a different degree of training than most. They studied, for example, mixed gambling initially, and did not switch between them. As a result, the proposed secrets turn out to be difficult for many or seem useless, due to a banal misunderstanding.

Before learning the secrets of poker, you need to get enough basic training.. Moreover, it should be not only practical, but also practical, especially with a game for money.

Poker secrets

Making a compressed extract from the popular ones, we get three main secrets of poker:

  • Analytical thinking . Evaluate each hand globally, imagine combinations of opponents based on the cards that open on the table. Memorize and use the tables of chances of falling out of certain combinations, depending on and cards and. The tables also show the betting behavior when different maps, it can also be used to determine the potential of opponents' cards;
  • Psychological stability . , and other tactics are designed to throw opponents off balance and make reckless bets. On the other hand, by such behavior, it is often possible to identify those players who use false tactics without serious combinations, often put everything in the hope of taking a modest pot, which leads to the loss of a deposit;
  • Verification of each move and bet . For many it seems like a matter of course when we are talking not at the gambling table. When playing a hand, everything happens on emotions and common sense often refuses even experienced players, knowing the secrets poker. Make up a game strategy before you sit down at the table and follow what is written without emotion.

Tricks of playing poker online

AT network game there is no way to evaluate the behavior of opponents visually, it remains only to calculate the behavior and not make mistakes yourself. However, the secrets of playing online poker are also present. More about them:

  • Training . For Online Games or a tournament, it comes down to more than just turning on the computer and loading up the poker room. The first step is to protect yourself from household or office distractions, turn off your phone, notifications on your laptop, and everything else that is used during the day. After that, take a break from all the daily hustle and bustle for at least 15 minutes and sit in silence, gathering your thoughts about the upcoming game;
  • Automatic buttons . They allow you to take action automatically as soon as your turn comes. The modern technical base allows you to program the action for a full circle of distribution and for all scenarios. Their use will facilitate the game at several terminals at the same time and will allow you to mislead opponents and gradually piss you off with instant answers, then long, on the verge of a foul decision-making;
  • Muck - hand reset button . The secrets of playing poker are not limited to a specific hand game or tournament. The player acquires a certain reputation that accompanies him for a long time and often helps in victory. So here is the button to discard weak cards at any stage is an important aspect involved in answering the question of how to win at poker. The essence of the secret is to hide the cards before. Periodic display of weak starting hands when exiting the hand at the final stages, the indicator of an active bluff, in which players can catch with high bets. Many deliberately sin with a demonstration to mislead opponents and force them to finish hands more often, but the system is not tactically justified.


The material contains shared secrets poker games lying on the surface. Understanding the deep variations and applying them to your own style of play will come with experience and constant analysis of each hand and the game as a whole. Study the works of poker gurus and use their secrets - it's worth it.