Kerch map online real time. Satellite map of Kerch - streets and houses online. Brief history of Kerch

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Kerch. Yandex map.

Allows you to: change the scale; measure distances; switch display modes - scheme, satellite view, hybrid. The Yandex-maps mechanism is used, it contains: districts, street names, house numbers, and other objects of cities and large villages, allows you to perform search by address(square, avenue, street + house number, etc.), for example: "Lenin street 3", "Kerch hotels", etc.

If you did not find something, try the section Google Satellite Map: Kerch or a vector map from OpenStreetMap: Kerch.

Link to the selected object on the map can be sent by e-mail, icq, sms or posted on the site. For example, to show the meeting point, delivery address, location of a store, cinema, train station, etc.: align the object with the marker in the center of the map, copy the link on the left above the map and send it to the addressee - by the marker in the center, he will determine the place you specified .

Kerch - online map with a satellite view: streets, houses, districts and other objects.

To change the scale, use the "mouse" scroll wheel, the "+ -" slider on the left, or the "Zoom in" button in the upper left corner of the map; to view a satellite view or a national map - select the corresponding menu item in the upper right corner; to measure the distance - click the ruler at the bottom right and put points on the map.

Kerch is one of the oldest cities in the world. In this city there are many monuments of architecture and history belonging to different cultures and eras. A satellite map of Kerch shows that the city is located on the Kerch Peninsula. There is a mountain in the center of the city Mithridates. The terrain is predominantly hilly.

Various small rivers flow throughout the city, and near Kerch you can see mud volcanoes. A map of Kerch will help you find salt lakes that are located in the vicinity of the city.

A map is the best assistant in any journey, it saves a lot of time and makes it difficult to get lost in any unfamiliar area.

Map of Kerch with streets

Kerch is divided into three large districts, and the city is also territorially divided into separate microdistricts.

The city has well-equipped parks and squares. Many streets have vegetation.

  1. central District city ​​is the most comfortable. A map of Kerch by districts will allow you to find all the important objects of the district: a market, a bus station, entertainment and government institutions.
  2. In the southwestern part of the city is Arshintsevo district. This area is characterized by an abundance of green spaces. In the center of this area there is a large park with a wonderful view of the sea.
  3. In the Voykovo area most of the city's high-rise buildings are located. There are also supermarkets, a market and beaches in the area. All these objects will help you find a detailed map of the city of Kerch.

Kerch is a port city with a favorable location near two seas. The city has a port and a ferry.

The city has a well-developed transport network. Fixed-route taxis, buses and even trolleybuses move around the urban area.

Map of Kerch with houses. City architecture and sights

Today in Kerch, residential buildings are being reconstructed and facade parts are being updated.

Map of Kerch with streets in good quality will help you to travel around the city and find all the famous sights:

  1. For lovers of antiquity and archaeological values, excursions to the excavations of ancient cities are provided.
  2. Various mounds are of great historical value: Melek-Chesmensky and Tsarsky.
  3. An interesting place is the archaeological museum, which contains more than 130 thousand various exhibits. It is easy to find with the help of a map of Kerch with streets and houses.
  4. The Church of John the Baptist is considered to be a remarkable architectural monument.
  5. A place of memory of the difficult events of the Great Patriotic War are the Adzhimushkay quarries.
  6. You can go on a trip to the mud volcanoes, which are located in the village of Bondarenkova. Kerch routes on the map will help you find this amazing place. In the center of this area is a beautiful lake, which is constantly changing its shape.
  7. With children, it is worth visiting the ostrich farm. On it, in addition to ostriches, you can see ponies, peacocks and various birds. A variety of souvenirs are also sold here.
  8. Fine art lovers are advised to visit the art gallery.
  9. A map of Kerch with streets will allow you to find valuable architectural monuments: the large Mithridatic stairs, the Yeni-Kale fortress, the City gymnasium and other attractions.

Kerch is a popular recreation area. In the city itself and in its environs there are wonderful beaches. All beach places are distinguished by developed infrastructure and ecological cleanliness. A map of Kerch with houses will help you find the nearest shops and shopping centers.

Numerous entertainments are provided for the guests of the city. These are boat trips on high-speed boats, exciting bus excursions to the most picturesque places of the peninsula, beach attractions and various clubs.

Economy and industry of Kerch

A map of Kerch with house numbers will help you find all the city's budget-forming enterprises. The largest include a building materials plant, switch and shipbuilding plants, ports and a ship repair plant.

17 enterprises are involved in fish harvesting and processing. The transport sector is represented by ports and ferries.

Currently, a cement plant is being built near the city. Most of the population is employed in the industrial sector.

The city authorities pay great attention to the development of the tourism business. Yandex maps of Kerch will show all the important objects of the resort industry. There are more than thirty various sanatoriums, boarding houses and other health organizations in the city. For many healing procedures, therapeutic mud from the famous Lake Chokrak is used.

Kerch is a city in the Crimea, located on the eastern shore of the Kerch Strait. A satellite map of Kerch shows that the city is located on the shores of the Azov and Black Seas. The territory of the city is hilly: Mount Mithridates is located in the center. The city covers an area of ​​108 sq. km.

Kerch is a port city, the economy of which is largely based on the activities of the port and tourism. Among the largest enterprises are shipbuilding and metallurgical plants, food industry and fishing enterprises.

The transport situation in Kerch is favorable: there is a commercial sea port, an airport, a bus station and a railway station. From Krasnodar Territory every 2-3 hours ferries run through the Kerch ferry crossing.

Panorama of Kerch

Brief history of Kerch

8000-4000 BC – sites of the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods

X-V centuries BC. – Kizil-Koba culture

7th century BC. - the ancient city of Panticapaeum with the acropolis on Mount Mithridates

483-370s BC – Panticapaeum becomes the capital of the Bosporus state

VI century - part of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire

VIII century - part of the Khazar Khaganate as the city of Karsha

IX-X centuries - the city falls under the rule of the Slavs, the new name is Korchev

1318 - becomes part of the Genoese colonies of the Northern Black Sea region, the new name is Vospro

1475 - part of the Ottoman Empire

1774 - after the Russian-Turkish war passes to the Russian Empire

1941-1945 – the city was almost completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War

Turkish fortress Yenikale

Sights of Kerch

Kerch is a popular resort town. On the detailed map Kerch with streets and houses, you can see some natural attractions: Mount Mitridat, Cape Lantern, salt lake Chokrak and the valley of mud volcanoes Bulganakskoe field.

The history of Kerch dates back thousands of years, so many historical cultural monuments have been preserved on the territory of the city. Among them are the ruins of the ancient cities of Panticapaeum, Mirmekiy, Nymphaeum and Tirataka, the tomb of the Bosporan king Tsarsky Kurgan, the Turkish fortress of Yeni-Kale and the fortress of Kerch (XIX century).

Ruins of the ancient city of Panticapaeum

Among the main attractions of Kerch are the temple of the beheading of John the Baptist, the ancient crypt of Demeter, the Great Mithridatic Stairs and the Lapidarium. It is also worth visiting the Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum, the obelisk of Glory on Mount Mithridates, the Adzhimushkay quarries and the Golden Pantry.

Note to the tourist

Gulrypsh - holiday destination for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the case.

Kerch- one of the most major cities Crimean peninsula. The territory of the city occupies 42 km along the bay and includes 109 square kilometers. The population of the city exceeds 140,000 people. As evidenced by satellite map Kerch, the city has access to the Azov and Black Seas.

In 2017, Kerch turned 2617 years old. Over the years of its existence, a rich history has accumulated, which today includes many legends and facts. In 1973 the city joined Russian Federation and received the honorary title of Hero City.

Kerch is one of the most favorite cities for tourists, combining all the conditions for a comfortable stay, as well as a huge number of monuments, burial mounds, fortresses, the remains of ancient cities, which makes the city a resort and historical place. In addition, Kerch is the largest economic and industrial center, on the territory of which the port is located. Kerch is included in the program of the Great Silk Road and is under the control of UNESCO. Here you can relax your body and soul, go on excursions, see dozens of sights, thanks to which Kerch is the cultural and historical heritage of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Sights of Kerch on the city map from the satellite

On the satellite map of Kerch online you can see the location of all monuments of history and architecture. Most of the sights are available for viewing in the maximum proximity.

The most popular places of interest among tourists and travelers are the Museum of History and Archeology, ancient barrows, fortresses, the Mithridates stairs and Mount Mithridates.

The Google map of the city of Kerch from the satellite will help you quickly find the location of the most important sights and cultural places. Also, using the map of Kerch with the streets, you can quickly find the desired institution: hotels, hotels, restaurants and cafes, gas stations, banks. Also on the map, houses with numbering are marked, which will allow you to quickly find the desired object and lay the shortest route to it.

On the page interactive map Kerch city from the satellite. Read more at. Below is satellite map and real time search Google Maps, photos of the city and the Kerch region of Crimea online.

Satellite map of Kerch - Crimea

The ability to find out on the satellite map of Kerch (Kerch) exactly how the buildings are located on the streets of Gagarin and Shchors. Also see the entire territory of the Kerch region, the streets - Karl Marx and Lenin, squares and lanes.

Shown here in mode online map The city of Kerch from the satellite contains photographs of the area, and will help you find the address of any house. Where exactly does st. Frunze and Eremenko. Using the Google search service, you will find the desired object in the city. We advise you to change the scale of the scheme +/- and move its center in the right direction, for example, to find the streets of Kerch - Gorky and 23 May.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, Kirov and Mitridatskaya streets. On the page detailed information and location of all roads and objects. To find the necessary house in real time on the map of the city and the entire region in Crimea, Ukraine.

Detailed satellite map of Kerch provided Google service Maps.

Coordinates - 45.3583,36.4731