Mende map of the Nizhny Novgorod province 1857 urban. Old maps of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Such is the story

As a rule, when a free minute is given to search for a treasure, there is not a single tool suitable for this at hand. I went to the forest for mushrooms and came across the remains of an old farm. There is definitely a treasure here - but you won’t dig up the whole estate!

You walk along the street of your native locality. An ancient, even pre-revolutionary house is going to be demolished! And there is certainly a treasure in it, and more than one! But try to pierce with your eyes all these walls, chimneys, floors, basements, attics…

Most likely, we have a device for searching for a treasure. He, in the form of a small ownerless piece of wire, is lying around somewhere nearby. Or somewhere nearby it grows in the form of a bush or tree.

The method of searching for treasures (as well as ores, water, underground passages, foundations of ancient buildings, etc.) with the help of a vine is called dowsing and has been known to mankind for 5000 years. An Egyptian papyrus is at least that many years old, which reports the use of a tree branch in the form of a slingshot for underground searches.

In the 2200s BC. with the help of such a branch (vine) they discovered gems and groundwater in China.

In 1979, in the USSR, a commission that studied the problems of dowsing adopted the term "biolocation", and the effect of the vine's response to something hidden underground was called "biolocation". The change in terms was justified - since the invention of the wire, dowsers around the world have switched from Y-shaped vines to U- and L-shaped wire frames. And some, and on pendulums.

As a rule, a frame for searching for treasures, underground passages, old masonry and cellars is made (on its own) from copper, aluminum or steel wire with a diameter of 2 to 5 mm. L-shaped frames with a handle length of 12–15 cm and a shoulder of 15–25 cm (sometimes up to 30–35 cm) have received the greatest popularity at the present time. Some craftsmen make such frames with a long telescopic arm, the length of which can vary from 10 to 50 cm.

If there is no wire at hand, then you can make a classic search rod, which resembles a slingshot with long, 30 - 50 cm, flyers and a short handle. To make it, you need to cut a branch of a suitable Y-configuration from any tree. This branch should be flexible, bend well and not break when bent.

If you decide to look for treasures with the help of a pendulum, then it is better to use 20-30 gram balls (pyramids, cones) made of copper, steel or bronze, which are suspended on a thread 20-30 cm long, as a weight.

Dowsing abilities are innate. Therefore, the development of dowsing is a series of purely technical measures. The short end of the L-shaped frame should be gently clamped in your hand (so that the frame is in it like in a bearing). The long end is parallel to the ground and oriented forward along the dowser. Sometimes, to facilitate rotation, the handle of the frame is closed with a PVC or steel tube. When passing over the treasure, the long arm of the frame will deviate in the horizontal plane.

If you arm yourself with two L-shaped frames, then when the dowser enters the anomalous zone, the long arms of the frames will either approach each other, or, conversely, diverge.

As a rule, a person with ordinary dowsing abilities does not succeed the first time - the frames do not deviate even over a bucket of water. This is due to excessive mental stress associated with the expectation of a "miracle". But if you do not immediately become disillusioned with dowsing, then (for someone in an hour, and for someone in a week), the frames will certainly deviate, pointing to the desired object.

A million dollars is certainly good. But what about the curse that can guard these treasures?

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What is biolocation? This is an inborn or developed by training ability to determine the presence of water, metal or ... .. any traces of bygone centuries in the earth. In general, dowsing does not involve the use of metal detectors and electronic instruments in general, however, we will consider its use precisely as something that facilitates the search with a detector.

One of the confirmations that this method is not a myth can be considered an investment by oil producing and geological exploration companies of serious money in dowsing. Apparently investments are justified, because gentlemen investors know how to count money.

No mysticism, such simple tools like a frame or a pendulum, they only serve to enhance the subtle and negligible, uncontrollable muscular movements of the shoulders and arms, and the person himself is the receiver of information.

There are quite a few theories explaining the reasons for such a phenomenon, but here we will not consider them, as well as the methodology for developing the ability to dowsing in oneself. Yes, it is development, because. experiments have shown that approximately 8 out of 10 people can work as frame or pendulum operators. Those who wish will find enough information on this issue in the literature and the Internet. We are also interested in how dowsing can help in searching with a metal detector.

Initially, of course, this is work with a pendulum. The pendulum is simply a weight weighing 30 grams on a thread. When working, it is held by holding it with the thumb and forefinger. Work is being done on the map, nothing worse map or a hand-drawn diagram. I have heard of people working on a horizontally lying computer monitor.

  1. The pendulum rotates clockwise - the reaction is positive.
  2. Rotates counterclockwise - the reaction is negative.
  3. It swings like a pendulum - the reaction is neutral.

Some operators show individual reactions of the pendulum, and only the experimenter himself will understand them, by experience.

Moving a pencil or pen around the map, you think about the object you are looking for and wonder if it is here, while having a good idea of ​​the surveyed area in real life.

And, of course, having received (if received) a response from your pendulum, take the detector and go for treasures!

In fact, there are many ways to work with a pendulum, here I have given only one as an example.

Thus, they are looking for a lot - oil, gold, archaeological sites and missing people by the way.

Working with L-shaped rods or V-shaped rod (like an ancient wicker rod) is used, as a rule, directly on the ground and, accordingly, requires a little more time and effort. As they say - the legs of the Lord, the legs. L-shaped rods are held horizontally to the ground in each hand and parallel to each other. When they are above the object of interest to you, they intersect. V - shaped rod, it will simply move up and down, when under it, in the ground, there will be what you are looking for.

If you succeed, you will save time and effort, which means a lot more interesting places you can explore.



“... Almost daily, operational and investigative workers, by the nature of their activities, collect, study and use integrative (combining at the same time methods, concepts, theories, achievements of a number of sciences and scientific areas) information necessary for solving the persons and objects facing them in a circle of operational search and other service tasks.

Such information can be divided into those having: a) evidentiary and b) auxiliary value. Regardless of the source and method of obtaining the information sought, the basic requirements for it remain the same: completeness, reliability, quality and timeliness.

The subject of this article is to consider the issue of obtaining exclusively auxiliary information, which can then be used in operational work, when searching for hiding places of any type and prescription, as well as missing persons, etc.

The experience of dowsing work with "Z" - shaped and other ("Hartman's loop", ring-shaped, "P" and "G" - shaped, universal, pendulum) indicator frames allows us to draw some preliminary conclusions about the merits of using such a phenomenon as dowsing, and the possibilities its use in operational, search and other special purposes.

It should be clarified that in official medicine and biology, the term "biolocation" (bio + locati - placement) is commonly understood as the ability of animals to determine the position of an object or their position in space. This is a general definition, which, however, does not fully explain the phenomenon under consideration.

Dowsing (author's conclusion - note "L"), otherwise "dousing", "radiesthesia", "dowsing" - the ancient art of detecting objects that are visible or outside the visual perception, as well as bio-, geo-, technopathogenic anomalies (individual "points "and zones), based on the natural ability of a person (dowsing operator) as a result of special training to achieve the so-called" dowsing effect "(BLE), which makes it possible with the help of motor skills and the simplest indicator devices (frames or dipoles, pendulums, etc.) to receive subconscious level expressed in binary code "Yes" and "No", "+ or -" and the like, target information adequate to the accuracy of the task (question or "search formula")

The "black box" that gives the dowsing operator one or another answer is, according to current estimates, his own brain and central nervous system, "embedded" in the infinite world of nature. A scientific description of all the features and capabilities of the human brain is still not possible.

According to some estimates, the history of dowsing goes back at least five thousand years and dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt and Ancient China(It is known about the ancient Chinese scientist dowser Yu, who lived in the era of the Xi dynasty - 2100 BC).

The art of dowsing flourished very rapidly during medieval Europe. So, in 1556, he was described and graphically illustrated in his book "On Mining and Metallurgy" by Georg Agricola. G. Agricola's science Russian Empire Mikhailo Vasilievich Lomonosov, who actively studied and personally mastered the methods of dowsing (“biolocation”), completely mastered and, in the interests of developing the domestic ore business, surpassed Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

In the 1960s, acting jointly, Soviet archaeologists (A.N. Kirpichnikov and others), as well as dowsing specialists, discovered a number of unique underground objects (the foundations of ancient city walls) dating back to the era of the Novgorod Republic

For information: Anatoly Nikolaevich Kirpichnikov - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist Russian Federation lives and works in St. Petersburg.

There are many documented examples similar to the one above.

On the topic of dowsing, related effects and properties (opportunities) to this phenomenon, domestic scientists write: d.m.s. L.P. Grimak, d.b.s. A.P. Dubrov, Ph.D. V.N. Pushkin, Ph.D. - m.s. Professor A.I. Pluzhnikov, as well as R.K. Balandin, I.S. Borisova, T.G. Dichev, O.A. Krasavin, A.B. Sutin, A.P. Martynov, A. Bykova, Serbian power engineer Milivoje Matein and others.

The listed scientists and practitioners pay considerable attention to dowsing, dermatoglyphics, dermavision, intrascopy, mental photography, psychokinesis, psychometry, teleportation, extrasensory perception, retro- and proscopy (there are a number of synonymous terms for these words).

For the convenience of readers, let us explain that retroscoping is understood as an individual supernatural ability of a person to observe the events of past times. Proscopia is the individual supernatural ability of a person to observe the events of future times.

Here is one example of a person's eternal interest in dowsing (as amended by the new spelling): “... Sunday, April 7, 1913. "ISKRA". N 14. Illustrated magazine. Published weekly by the newspaper Russkoe Slovo. Page 107.


The Second International Congress of Experimental Psychology, organized by the Societe Magnotiguedie Prause Society, which deals exclusively with mysterious phenomena and mediums, ghosts, doubles, predictions of the future, etc., has just finished its meetings in Paris.

The “nail” of the congress is magical wands. These are branched (N-shaped) branches of some tree - hazel, beech, elm, a finger thick and about 20 centimeters long (each end); this branch is held by the “baton-bearer” by the ramifications with both hands so that his palms are straightened up, and the rod connecting the ramification is forward. In the Middle Ages, such a branch was cut off with spells, by three carvers - “... in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit” - and the “rod-bearer” began his search, moving to the East, until the branch, with downward movements, indicated to him the place under which it was supposed to there is water, a mineral or other desired object.

At the congress, magic wands of the most diverse forms, made of iron wire, whalebone, were presented, but still, an old branch prevailed. In addition, many wand-bearers, instead of any wand, use primitive pendulums, in the form of a metal ball on a chain, or simply their pocket watches. Such pendulums begin to oscillate in the hands of the wand-bearer when they approach underground water, underground voids, or this or that metal.

A number of experiments showed that many wand-bearers successfully operated with their branch, discovering the location of underground sources, but there were also failures during the experiments and the mystery of the “magic wand” still remained unclear.

A number of photographic images are attached to the publication, including those relating to the successful "determination with the help of the" wand "the location of underground galleries in the Bois de Vincennes (near Paris)".

As you can see, it is no coincidence that Johann Wolfgang Goethe in the poem "Faust" ("Faust"), created by him in the period from 1774 to 1832, forever left such lines (translation - N. Kholodkovsky, A. Fet, V. Bryusov) :

To a vein of gold in granite

To the deposits of iron ore

Instead of a guiding thread

The dwarf is given a magic rod.

The great interest in the topic is also illustrated by other printed publications. For example, the work of P. Ringger "Parapsychology is the science of the occult" (translation from German of the book "Ringger P. Parapsyhologie Die Wissensihaft des Okkultiz Werner Classen Verlag, Zurich, 1957, 115 S)".

In 1990, an illustrated monograph by Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, was published in our country. V.N. Pushkin and d.b.s. A.P. Dubrova "Parapsychology and Modern Natural Science" (Joint Soviet-American Enterprise "Sovaminko". (M. 1990), containing the following parts:

1. Psychology and parapsychology. 2. Experimental psychology of the paranormal. 3. Fundamental concepts of natural science and parapsychology. 4. Modern parapsychological research in the USSR and abroad, etc.

Over the past time, mankind has not only not lost the skills and experience of dowsing, but has actively improved and, one way or another, accumulated them. engineering, architecture, public utilities, etc.

All civilized and wealthy states of the world spare no means to recognize the possibilities of the "supersensitivity" of the human body, state and departmental use of existing and newly acquired knowledge in professional and even national interests. True, for obvious reasons, this kind of scientific research and the results of the practical application of such special knowledge are not advertised.

In the pre-war and wartime, dowsing was also paid attention to by the statutory documents (including the special Manual) of the Red Army - especially in terms of field deployment of troops and provision of needs, the latter for drinking water and for technical needs. Relevant specialists were identified and trained in the military-administrative order.

What now?

In June 1990, a group of developers of modern technical search tools from a departmental research institute, having prototypes of products, conducted (at the initiative of the author - note "L") on the territory of the Borovsky Pafnutiev Monastery, which was not operating at that time (the city of Borovsk, Kaluga Region) a comparative analysis of the results of the operation of devices (technical search tools) and the dowsing operator, independently tested during the examination of anomalous points and zones in the northern aisle of the central temple of the indicated structure.

It should be noted that, without a doubt, a person is the most complex biological "device", which has a set of outstanding characteristics and the highest resolution. His memory is constantly working on a conscious and subconscious level, fixing in his "coordinate system" everything that happens in the body and environment changes (including minor ones). In principle, information about them can be requested in real scale time.

Contrary to skeptical assessments, and, as a result, the vacuum in this area of ​​research in the development of departmental science, in the middle of 1984, on an initiative basis, the study of issues related to the possible use of dowsing in operational work began - to search for objects of forensic significance, dowsing diagnostics of the state of health of persons representing professional interest for law enforcement, etc.

An additional impetus to this was the well-known fact of the use of dowsing in 1970 in the interests of the USSR Ministry of Defense. So, on August 31, 1970, one of the higher military educational institutions, together with specialists from the Interdepartmental Commission on the Problem of Dowsing, set up an experiment to detect the locations of wells in the mine chambers of which there were only wooden boxes with explosives (thin pieces). As a result, all camouflaged chambers with land mines were discovered in a short time.

In accordance with the certificate on the effectiveness of the application of the dowsing method in the national economy, prepared by the Scientific and Technical Society of the RES named after. A.S. Popov in 1986, more than 100 (One hundred) cases of successful application of dowsing in engineering geology, in the search for ores, water, oil, gas, non-metallic minerals, geological mapping, public utilities, archeology, etc.

We note a peculiarity in the practical application of dowsing when searching for hiding places on the ground or indoors: if the dowsing operator previously even unintentionally visited the place of the future search, then after days, weeks, months and even years, he is sometimes able (obviously, as a result of "memory "organism"), being at a considerable distance from the object, reproduce all anomalous zones on the corresponding maps, drawings, plans, diagrams, drawings, layouts and photographs.

To confirm this observation, in July 1992, in one of the cities near Moscow, a group of dowsing operators checked the presence of underground utilities built on the territory of the local Kremlin (fortification) in the 17th - 20th centuries.

First, without going to the site, according to identical schemes of the specified area, two operators, independently of each other, being in different parts of the city, did a dowsing of underground utilities at the “information” level (according to the squares of the grid plotted on the schemes). So, "from memory" they received results that are subject to verification at the "physical" level. Such a check was already carried out by another group of dowsing specialists directly on the surveyed settlement. The second group did not have the results of the first stage of work, and its participants were not able to compare their own newly obtained results with each other. Summing up showed that up to 90 percent of the locations of anomalous points identified at the "information" and "physical" levels coincided. Later, with the help of historical sources, a survey of old-timers and the local administration, the data obtained on underground utilities were confirmed and a number of previously unknown structures that were out of visual perception and control were identified.

As you can see, the human subconscious not only does not “sleep”, but actively and intensely works constantly, regardless of the consciousness serving us, and is ready to give out the information stored by it, the subconscious.

Let's touch on one more aspect.

Practice shows that a person who has mastered the use of BLE, as a rule, specializes in one or more types of dowsing surveys and (or) research, forms and improves his own arsenal of indicator frames and techniques, techniques (including complex ones) of search work.

Let us dwell on ways to search for anomalous zones on the ground, predict certain situations, diagnostics (from the Greek diagnosticon - capable of recognizing), and, more precisely, operational dowsing diagnostics (sensory research methods for recognizing diseases and the condition of a sick person, his habits and behavioral patterns , special signs, social conditions of life, place of stay, etc.).

Such a study becomes possible and even relatively fast as a result of the use of BLE.

Note: according to medical data, up to 90 percent of information about the world around us is available with the help of vision. At the same time, as the practice of dowsing surveys of objects shows, a person receives a wide range of information with the help of the eyes, as it were, at two levels: conscious (apperception) and subconscious (perception). Information received by a person with the help of the eyes at a subconscious level is usually not claimed by consciousness and remains “invisible” for the beholder. This can be illustrated by the following example.

In August 1991, a representative of the authorities of one of the cities near Moscow asked an experienced dowsing specialist A. to double-check the information received earlier that in a forest area, on an area of ​​​​up to 450 - 500 square meters. (a clearing overgrown with shrubs) there are several mass graves 180 years old. Presumably, three such bioactive places (the place of a cemetery, burial of some organic matter is distinguished by a powerful anomalous field) were recorded by a group of dowsing operators using the pendulum method. The specified group solved the task assigned to it by the method of dowsing scanning within 12 astronomical hours.

Having no information specifying the location of the objects (anomalous areas) being sought, the “checker” chose the following tactics of the frame (“Z”-shaped frame) dowsing search: stand in the center of the clearing and slowly rotate around ((360 degrees) the vertical axis of his own body , fixing with the help of a scanning gaze and an indicator frame the boundaries of the anomalous zones detected at the subconscious level.To clarify the results obtained during the first 360-degree turn, the technique was repeated twice more.The visually identified anomalous points were immediately drawn on the oriented diagram of the area and indicated by numbers from "1" to "4".

The representative of the authorities and his assistants, who were at a distance of 300 m from the dowsing specialist, met with them and presented a diagram prepared based on the results of the work of a group of dowsing operators "pendulum". Three points were marked on it, which ideally coincided with the result of the "checker". The fourth desired point was not found by the first group of dowsing operators. Thus, the visual (eye) framework method for detecting anomalies corresponding to the places of ancient burials seems to be preferable and, as practice has shown, when searching on the ground, it is 72 times more effective than the pendulum one (it took no more than 10 minutes to solve the problem).

However, the above does not mean at all that the pendulum dowsing indicator is not very effective as a search tool.

The pendulum came to modern dowsing, starting its journey from Ancient China. This device, as noted above, is identical to the dowsing frame (dipole). The pendulum device can also be used to obtain supporting information.

The pendulum is especially effective for operational dowsing diagnostics real person or for the same purpose in his photographic, portrait, television and other images. According to current expert estimates, up to 85-90 percent of “interested” people can master the use of a dowsing pendulum. Unlike the frame, it is simple and more accessible to use.

For example, such a case of pendulum dowsing is known. The trained cameraman N. became interested in a small newspaper publication, which reported on the robbery of one of the Moscow research and production firms. Everything seemed simple: the firm's security guard opened the front door, and the criminal, lurking on the street at the entrance, unexpectedly used a canister of nerve gas against him. As a result, the guard lost consciousness, which led to the implementation of the criminal plan. The damage amounted to a significant amount. The note gave the company's phone number and promised a large reward to anyone who would help solve the crime. There was enough information to obtain additional information about the objective side, object and subject of the crime with the help of a pendulum and correctly composed "search formulas".

Within 10 - 15 minutes, the operator N. "received" information that a leading employee of the specified company took part in the robbery. The operator contacted its general director by phone and, having provided additional information, offered to meet in order to clarify the identity of the offender and the location of the stolen valuables.

The director was worried about the message, but avoided the meeting. Then the operator N., taking into account the voice of the director stored in the memory, “examined” with the help of a pendulum the most probable (in his opinion) model of a specific criminal situation. The main thing that followed - the organizer of the robbery is the mentioned General Director.

Approximately a year later, a message appeared in the press that the specified company "took" a loan in one of the banks in the amount of several tens of millions of rubles, after which it immediately "disappeared" along with its General Director. Thus, the prediction of a dowsing specialist about the criminal behavior of a certain General Director and his close associates can be considered important additional information, which, unfortunately, at the right time remained out of sight of the competent authorities.

In early 1988, the well-known Russian psychic scientist S. was asked to assist in the search for a responsible worker who had gone missing.

S. was provided with a map of the city, a photograph of the missing person, brief information about him and the circumstances of his disappearance. At first, S. worked for 10 minutes with a photograph of the “disappeared”, reported that he was “not alive”, since on “his body” (recreated image), using dowsing diagnostics, zones of damage (occipital part of the head) characteristic of chopped wounds. Subsequently, S. reported that the death of the person he was looking for was violent, and several persons of criminal behavior took part in the murder. In addition, the criminals used a car that belonged to the victim. With the help of a pendulum indicator (S. owned all known dowsing indicators), having tuned in to the "image", the specialist conducted a dowsing search for the location of the corpse on the map of the city, and indicated a specific place. The inspection carried out found that the wanted man was indeed killed with a hunting hatchet (a wound in the back of the head), the body was found in a fire well 15-20 meters from the point indicated by S. During the operational-search measures, the instructions made by S. were completely confirmed.

All members of the criminal group were searched for, detained and confessed.

As you can see, the information offered by just one capable and efficient specialist was implemented immediately and gave a positive result.

Information support for a dowsing forecast can be minimal, and even based on one or two fleeting information components.

For example, a 13-year-old boy was admitted to the emergency department of the children's city clinical hospital. The experienced dowsing operator A. managed to see the figure and part of the patient's face from the bottom up only briefly when the child passed along a short corridor, which at the same time served as a room for visitors. A minute later, muffled voices of the doctor of the emergency department, the mother of the patient and the teenager himself were heard from behind the door. While the doctor was filling in the first sheet of the newly begun medical history with biographical data, it was possible to conduct an operative dowsing diagnosis of the sick child by his voice, “keeping” his “instant” image in memory. Five minutes later, the child's mother came out and sat down beside him. After asking permission, A. told her about her son's main and concomitant diseases, the injuries he had previously suffered, bad habits, and that, currently suffering from an asthma attack, he smoked a lot last night with friends, standing in the hall, near the door of his apartment . Obviously, the reported information significantly exceeded the amount of information presented by the woman and her son to the doctor a few minutes ago. In response, it sounded disarmed and surprised: “How do you know everything?”.

In the above case, in our opinion, the main object of study in real time was the voice, while the auxiliary object was a truncated and “instant” image stored in the memory of a specialist.

Let's continue to consider the possibilities that the use of the "Z"-shaped frame gives. More examples.

On October 7, 1990, in the evening, on the Moscow TV channel, a meeting was shown live between the deputy editor-in-chief of a popular magazine and one of the specialists in the field of dermatoglyphics (chirologist) F., which was led by a well-known television observer who asked the chirologist to predict whether he, a journalist, would take another trip to one of the countries South-East Asia, and whether there will be, complicating the trip itself, and in the subsequent circumstances of his stay abroad. In particular, the columnist said that if the forecast comes true, then he is "... ready to eat his own tie."

Dowsing specialist L., who watched this program, memorable to many, had the opportunity to use the BLE with the help of a “Z”-shaped frame and record in the observation diary the results of operational dowsing diagnostics of the TV presenter-journalist, the image of which periodically appeared on the TV screen for ten minutes.

The newly received information about the state of health of this person and the prognosis for his future were unfavorable: in March-April 1992 - the initial (hidden) period of a certain disease; in 1993, during his stay abroad, he could probably end up in a clinic there, where, as a result of a severe exacerbation of the disease or "poisoning", a fatal outcome would occur. Unfortunately, exactly three years later, the forecast was confirmed. It became known that, while on a business trip abroad, this famous journalist was taken to a clinic, where he died of a rapidly progressing lung disease. The cause of death was general intoxication of the body. Specialist L., who made the said advance forecast, regretted that he did not dare to warn the interested person in time, to suggest that he undergo an urgent medical examination.

In the last days of December 1992, a program was shown on Russian television, one of the plots of which was a story about the secrets of a rock above Gibraltar (UK territory). The plot was preceded by a brief announcement showing in the frame a static video image of the rock itself, taken from a long distance, using a camera equipped with a telephoto lens or “telephoto”.

Having information that it will be about military structures, with the help of a “Z”-shaped frame visually, within 15 seconds, the dowsing operator L. managed to identify anomalous horizons on a flat photo image of a rock monolith. The subsequent directorial translation of a static television image into a dynamic, multiple approximation of the object and the detailing of individual sections of the surface of the indicated rock, where there were loopholes and windows of hidden communications, confirmed the infallibility of visual dowsing of anomalous points and zones.

Thus, the dowsing method of detecting and studying objects (even by their two-dimensional and black-and-white television image) makes it possible to overcome the gap in the necessary information communication between the subconscious and the consciousness of the researcher.

Further, we note that, according to practitioners, a person's face, like his voice, fingerprints (traces) of fingers, the appearance of their hands, ankles and auricles are objects that are extremely informative for dowsing forecasting.

Here it is necessary to introduce the concept of an image as an object of dowsing interest. The presence of an image or its reconstruction is the most important condition for a dowsing specialist to obtain the desired result.

The image is the result and the ideal form of reflection of objects, phenomena of the material world in the human mind.

The image at the sensory level of knowledge is sensations, perceptions, representations. At the level of thinking - concepts, judgments, conclusions. The material form of the embodiment of the image is practical actions, language, various sign and other models.

In dowsing, several types of images should be subdivided.

Firstly, a real physical image (for example, a specific living person present next to a specialist).

Secondly, an image-image (for example, an image of a face on a photographic card, a sculptural portrait, an aerial photograph of the area, etc.).

Thirdly, a speculative image (caused in memory).

Fourthly, a really observed phantom image (for example, transferred by the eyes from a photographic image into space).

Under the term "phantom" - (French fantome, from Greek phantasma - ghost) something unreal is supposed in everyday life. In the case under consideration, this is the transfer (call, demand) of a thin flat image, based on the realization of the natural abilities of a dowsing specialist.

Sixthly, the image-robot, which is formed in the mind on the basis of familiarization with the verbal portrait of a person, etc.

Seventh, the image demanded at the subconscious level when seeing parts of the body (hands, ankles, auricles, fingerprints, footprints, etc.).

In this regard, other types of images are also possible.

The image proposed for dowsing research should, as far as possible, fully reflect the general and special features of the object, suitable for its possible identification.

The face-image, like a data bank, carries a wide range of information about a person’s health, his habits, special signs, and features of the social and everyday sphere of stay, which, depending on the preparedness of a specialist, can be identified down to a detailed level.

Today, information biophysics, which is being formed as a scientific direction, considers the surrounding world, the Universe, as a hologram: any particle of which contains information about a single whole. It is suggested that a person is also a living particle of the universe, which is why he, a person, has unclaimed information about the diverse characteristics of the Universe. If so, then you need to learn how to extract target information from your subconscious. It is probable that empirically derived for thousands of years and partially described here, the method allows us to assume successful approaches to solving a number of problems.

In general, dowsing practice is the basis on which the assumptions of scientists are based (E. le Roy, Teilhard de Chardin, V.N. Kazarin, N.F. Fedorov, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Vernadsky, Yu.G Mizun, V. I. Safonov, N. N. Sochevanov and others) about the existence in the noosphere and in space of the so-called. “information field” (the terms that define a possible phenomenon vary), at each point of which contains all the information about any object of living and non-living nature, about the ability inherent in a person to apply in a certain way to such a field and receive the required information in one form or another.

It cannot be ruled out that the human brain, its genetic memory, store the totality of knowledge about objects and events (including past, present and even future) of the surrounding world, is capable, upon proper request, to some extent, of detailing or fully realizing it with the help of the communication connection "subconscious - consciousness".

Probably, it is this ability that is the fundamental stone of human intuition (from the late Latin intuitio - contemplation), the ability to comprehend relative truth by direct observation of it without substantiation with the help of evidence. The question of whether intuition is the only true means of knowledge has always been relevant.

In addition to the above, some practical results of the use of BLE for dowsing diagnostics of living and non-living people are proposed based on their lifetime black-and-white (two-dimensional) image on photographs made for domestic or administrative purposes.

In June 1991, an employee of Ch. turned to a dowsing specialist with a request to conduct dowsing diagnostics using a photograph of his 17-year-old son, who had left home in a state of stress and disappeared without a trace.

Working on the photograph of the young man using the “Z”-shaped frame showed that in the past he had suffered injuries and suffered from the following main and concomitant diseases:

Birth trauma of the skull (with difficult and protracted childbirth);

The presence of congenital strabismus (this was not visible in the photographic image);

Increased nervous excitability;

Before - right-sided pneumonia;

For a long time - nocturnal enuresis;

Defect of the lower left limb, etc.

In the subsequent conversation, Ch. fully confirmed all the listed illnesses and injuries suffered by his disappeared son.

In addition, the specialist received (but for moral and ethical reasons was not reported and left for control) information about injuries to the left side of the skull and torso of the young man, which could have caused his death. The one who asked for help was advised to look for his son in the area of ​​one of the railway platforms near Moscow, where he is "in a difficult situation."

A month later, by the measures taken by the search, it was established that the missing person, in fact, died (a case of suicide) under the wheels of an electric train in the area of ​​one of the suburban platforms. The nature of the injuries on the body of the corpse corresponded to the above dowsing prognosis.

In December of the same year, an employee of the internal affairs bodies K. asked the dowsing specialist L. to provide possible assistance in obtaining additional information about his 16-year-old daughter, who left home for college two weeks ago and never returned. The search measures taken to establish what happened to the girl and where she is, by that time failed.

At the same time, a certain “clairvoyant”, to whom K. previously addressed, made a sharply negative forecast, saying that the girl was killed - strangled and her body was thrown into one of the construction pits.

In the absence of K., the following information was obtained from the submitted photo of the missing girl using a “Z”-shaped frame for about 5 minutes:

Wanted is probably alive;

The following anomalous zones are revealed on her body:

a) the back of the head

b) throat at the level of the tonsils;

c) the genitourinary system.

The invited K. explained that his daughter was generally a healthy girl, but in the last period of time the following incidents took place with her:

As a result of domestic negligence, the daughter fell off a stool and hit the back of her head on a steam heating battery (had an injury);

About three weeks ago, she developed a sore throat, burst a blood vessel, and had a noticeable hemorrhage that caused dismay in the household. At the time of the disappearance, the symptoms of the disease persisted;

It was on the day of the dowsing diagnostics that the girl should have started "menstruation", which usually proceeds very painfully.

After a few days, the girl called, and then came home in the company of new acquaintances.

In November 1992, a medical worker from one of the city hospitals, N., handed over to the dowsing specialist L., through an intermediary, a photograph of her husband and asked him to tell everything possible about him, because they, in fact, parted, and there were no meetings for more than six months (no other information was reported).

Dowsing diagnostics of a man by his photographic image gave the following results:

Chronic disease of the left ear and nasopharynx - the result of otitis media and sinusitis;

Caries and prosthetics of the dental apparatus (numbers of specific teeth of the upper and lower jaws are indicated);

The phenomena of gastritis of the stomach;

Previously transferred sexually transmitted disease, which gave a complication;

The presence of a stone in the renal pelvis;

Periodic inflammation of the bladder and prostate adenoma;

Postponed surgery for appendicitis.

The following was reported about the identity of the diagnosed person:

Grew up in an incomplete family (father died);

In the past, he showed a penchant for learning foreign languages;

She currently lives with her mother, does not work, has stopped ties with other women, abuses alcohol;

Due to the lack of financial means to conduct the divorce proceedings, he avoids contact with his wife and does not report the place of his stay.

The information recorded and transmitted to the initiator of the request was fully confirmed.

In practice, with the help of dowsing, it is possible to diagnose a person, in addition, by video, film, holographic, sculptural, portrait images, etc.

Observations of the last period show that the BLE can be applied in a metropolitan area with remote visual or direct scanning of buildings and adjacent areas of the terrain to identify anomalous zones, for example, corresponding to hidden communications, locations in specific rooms and on floors, as small groups, and significant concentrations of people, as well as the dynamics of their movement.

Using the described method, it is not difficult to identify non-technical, techno-, and biopathogenic zones that adversely affect the state of buildings, people's health, the growth of traffic accidents, etc.

In a word, the field for the possible use of dowsing is on land, underground, sea and in the air.

Is the ability to dowsing elitist?

According to existing estimates, out of 10 young and healthy people, 7, as a rule, can master the basics of dowsing in a short time. Then there is the process of improvement. As you know, “... evaluation does not turn a lie into a truth and a truth not into a truth. Evaluation is a choice between useful and harmful ”(Mo - tzu. V century BC).

An experienced dowsing operator is able to quickly, and if required, covertly actuate the “Z”-shaped indicator frame. The speed at which it starts working is approximately equal to the speed at which it starts combat use personal weapon (pistol) in a holster.

Are dowsing experts wrong in their predictions?

An exact answer to the question of the completeness and reliability of information obtained in this way should be given by science, practice and statistics.

At the same time, according to current estimates, depending on the level of abilities and skills in dowsing, the effectiveness of the frame and pendulum methods of operational dowsing diagnostics ranges from 40 to 100 percent (sometimes the person being examined admits an excess of information about his health, confirmed by a subsequent targeted medical check) . Average success rates are 70 to 75 percent.

We note, however, that if the moral side of the use of dowsing in the above areas is in the process of formation and the dowsing specialist in difficult cases (especially those related to the fate of people), ultimately, and, as a rule, despite the result obtained, has the freedom of choice form and content of the response, then in the legal aspect, this circle of relations seems to be unsettled.

Above, an example was given when a certain “clairvoyant” imposed, asserted on a relative of a missing girl his opinion about the allegedly violent death of the latter, which, as it was established, did not correspond to reality in any way, but could lead to serious consequences for the family.

A strong factor forcing citizens, in order to find the missing, to turn to the help of persons, again, allegedly possessing clairvoyance of the past and future (retro - and proscopia), are the increasing cases of disappearances and the unknown absence of citizens, mass vagrancy, migration of the population, secretive abandonment a permanent place of residence in order to find a decent income (including for the purpose of prostitution abroad), the problem of refugees from ethnic conflict zones and the armed conflicts themselves, accompanied by victims, both among combatants and civilians.

Naturally, under these conditions, it is much more difficult for modern “competent authorities” to solve the problems of searching for persons declared on the local and federal wanted list. At the same time, it is precisely this circumstance that should move scientific thought to the search for means and methods that facilitate the work of practitioners.

In conversations, some colleagues express a skeptical opinion about the possibility of using non-traditional means and methods in the fight against offenses, in solving forensic and other problems: they say, individual attempts to work with people who knew dowsing skills and promised success did not bring the desired result in practice.

Note that any business is argued when a specialist, confident in his abilities and skills, works uninhibitedly, on the rise of mental and physical strength, creatively, when he is really a master of his craft, who has managed to comprehensively assess the features of the task being solved, correctly choose the path to achieve goals, and maybe upset the early failure of the unlucky customer.

In the field of application of BLE, there are things that are controversial and indisputable.

Dowsing is the art of the possible, and one should not recklessly extrapolate the positive results of the above practice to the solution of any, including untenable and poorly provided figuratively-informational tasks.

Only solvable tasks should be set before the dowsing specialist, for which, before the start of dowsing proper, in complex cases, it is required to obtain preliminary express assessments of a group of specialists independent of each other (using the so-called "Deli method"). A superficial or consumer attitude to the use of dowsing can compromise the method being formed and lead to the unreliability of the result.

Forewarned means forearmed, - the ancients said, paying tribute to timely and reliable information.

Without difficulty, but with unknowns, the views and experiences of dowsing that have been suffered over time are put together into a theory.

When can a theory be considered scientific? - writes one of the remarkable scientists of our time. - There has long been a standard answer, - he answers, - science differs from pseudo-science in its empirical method, that is, the method of scientific observations and experiments. However, one such answer cannot be exhaustive. Take, for example, astrology, which, strictly speaking, is not considered a science. Astrology operates with a huge amount of empirical material obtained as a result of painstaking observations and generalizations - astronomical and generic data, horoscopes and methods for compiling them, biographical studies, comparative analysis results, ephemeris tables, body charts and methods for their description, traditional and targeted software .

It turns out that confirmed evidence should be taken into account only in cases where it is the result of a real check for consistency and strength.

A theory that is not refuted by any conceivable event is unscientific, that is, fundamental unrefutability is not a virtue, but a vice. It is for this reason that the criterion for the scientific status of any theory is its testability and, as noted above, its fundamental refutation.

So, "refutability" is a field of science; "irrefutability" is the realm of faith.

Dowsing, retro-proscopia, as well as other amazing “tools” of people's insight, wisdom, ingenuity and skill (if all this, in general, are not manifestations of the same thing) that have survived millennia have long deserved close attention of fundamental and departmental science. So, maybe it’s time to overcome inertia and inertia, thoroughly explore the old folk “know-how” and put the best at the service of the Fatherland?”




1. CACHES, CONCEPTS, TREASURES OF 1812. Notes of a local historian (2007).


3. CACHES OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC. Commander Ponedelin and others (2010).

4. BORIS STONES. Amazing movements in Space-Time. Novel-chronicle of the Noosphere in two parts: part one - "The Phenomenon of the Telescope"; part two - "Tepelskopus Mission" (2012).

5. DOROKHOV NOBLERS: NAMES AND FATES (XVII - XX centuries). Biographical trilogy (parts: the first - "General Dorokhov associates: unknown"; the second - "The mysterious nobles of the Dorokhovs"; the third - "Rufin Dorokhov - fate and creativity").

Author's email address (for feedback and business proposals):

Email: [email protected]

Site: site

LISKIN YURI ALEKSANDROVICH - graduated from a military school (1969), Faculty of Law of the Red Banner Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense (1976), editorial faculty IPKIR (1988); member of the Moscow city organization of the Writers' Union of Russia.

During 1980 - 1995, as a specialist, he was the developer of a documentary search base, methods and tactics for carrying out activities to search for caches (including those of a long time ago).

Published since 1982.

A painstaking researcher of archival primary sources, a zealot of the glorious military and labor past of the Fatherland.

In 2007, the book by Yu.A. Liskin "Cashes, concealments, treasures of 1812. Notes of a local historian.

In 2008 - the book "Four centuries of the Moscow region. Mysterious Southwest. Notes of a local historian.

In 2010, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Victory over fascist Germany, the Author presented the reader with a rare military-historical and biographical study - the book: “The Caches of the Great Patriotic War. Commander Ponedelin and others.

On the basis of many years of cooperation with the archives of Russia, other domestic, foreign organizations and specialists, the Author continues to publish books in the thematic series "The Ages and Fates of the Cache".

A new work (books one and two) in the named series - “Borisov stones. Amazing movements in Space-Time. Novel-chronicle of the Noosphere (2012).

Currently, the Author, within the framework of the book series "The Ages and Fates of the Cache", is finishing work on the biographical trilogy "The Dorokhov Nobles", which has no thematic analogues in domestic and foreign literature.

Author Email Address: 2008 book@

In addition to groundwater, geopathic zones can also be found with the help of dowsing. Moreover, the method of detecting both groundwater and geopathic zones is essentially the same (and in relation to geopathic zones is described in the article “Geopathogenic zones and dowsing“). And today we will turn our attention to the use of dowsing specifically to search for underground water. Why do you need to search for water for a well / well on the site?

It is generally believed that water is everywhere. The only question is the depth of the aquifers in the summer cottage. Dowsing - Finding water for a well with the help of a frame is intended to facilitate the work of building wells on the site by indicating places where water naturally rises above and penetrates through impervious layers. With the help of dowsing, you can find the so-called underground "keys" - the places where underground water exits on the site or the path of spring veins.


The effectiveness of the methodology for finding water for wells with a frame will be checked by the control drilling method.

What is the point of dowsing when looking for a place for a well? The point is to save money. If there is a water vein on the site, then it can be found and positioned optimally relative to the found vein. This, in turn, firstly, will ensure the constant filling of the well with fresh spring water, and secondly, will significantly save money on sinking the well.

Is there a possibility of error? Oddly enough, it approaches the error in a conventional, geophysical search for water.

Now let's move on to the practical aspects of underground water dowsing.

It is believed that best time to find water:

  • from 5 to 6 o'clock in the morning,
  • from 4 pm to 5 pm and
  • from 20 to 21 and
  • from 24 to 01 pm.

It is undesirable to look for water in the period from 18 to 19 and from 22 to 23 hours. It is better to look for water on an empty stomach and not in a state of alcoholic (and any other) intoxication.

Before searching for water using dowsing, you need to tune in to the frame (or any other dowsing device). To interact with the frame:

  1. Take one of the frames in your right hand.
  2. Bend your arm at a 90° angle.
  3. Hold the bioframe with a slight tilt away from you.
  4. With the palm of your left hand, approaching or moving away from the frame ring, enter into interaction with it, that is, mentally send an order to the frame ring so that it repeats the movements of your left hand.

Accordingly, the purpose of the exercise is for the frame to obey your mental orders. So, to search for water in the frame area, we take absolutely any metal (steel, copper, aluminum) wire. We bend it in the shape of the letter "G". We take in our hands the short ends, so that the long ones can rotate freely. We enter into interaction with the frame. And slowly (or quickly - depending on the goals) we go in search of water in the area. The mind should be concentrated only on this task. Otherwise, there will be a big error (you will find all sorts of nonsense).

Where there is a key underground, the long ends of the wire cross. The more they intersect, the closer the water is to the surface or the stronger the key. Experienced water seekers are advised to find two veins (underground streams) on the site and, if they intersect, put a well in this place. That's all. No secrets and paranormal tricks in the search for water frame.

With a high sensitivity of the dowsing frame operator, it can respond not only to underground springs, but also to the “nodes” of the magnetic field. If you see that the frame reacts regularly after 1.8-2.5 meters, this means that you are reading the "nodal points" of the magnetic field (Hartman network). In this case, put them on the site plan and ignore them when working. With the proper setting of the operator, the frame does not react to these “nodal points”.

The approximate depth of the key can be determined using a regular ruler or tape measure and a golden ring on the thread. Having determined the exit point of the underground key using the dowsing method, we put a ruler on this place and slowly lead a golden ring on a thread along the ruler. Near the mark corresponding to the depth (1 cm = 1 m or another “your own” scale) of the occurrence of the aquifer, the ring will begin to sway intensively.

Test drilling or digging should be carried out very carefully - in small layers. A spring vein can be only 5-10 cm thick, and with inaccurate drilling it is easy to “slip through”. Water quality may improve as it is pumped. Or it can worsen sharply - here you can’t overdo it with pumping.

Also exists alternative method of dowsing underground water - one frame. That is, you can search for water with the help of one frame. A wire 30 centimeters long is bent at a distance of about 10 cm. The short end is taken into a fist so that the long end is horizontal. Direction forward. You don't need to tighten the wire too much. Everything. We walk around the area. In some places, the end of the wire will deviate to the side as from a single-pole magnet. We keep the direction of the greatest resistance. The place we need is where the wire will rotate.

And now the classic method of finding water - using vines. A logical way to find an aquifer is with a wooden fork (two branches that grew close to one another, connected by a piece of the trunk). They are pre-unbent, dried, the angle between the ends should be at least 150 °. They take the fork in two hands, pull them horizontally in front of them and pass the surveyed area. In the place where the aquifer is located, the trunk segment will noticeably lean towards the ground.

Please note that often during the survey of the territory, indicators (two frames, one frame, a vine, a pendulum, etc.) do not react: they do not close anywhere and do not bend. This means that there is most likely no aquifer here. Water should be sought elsewhere.

And finally, the promised video lesson about underground water dowsing:


By the way, have you noticed that the frames are made of conventional welding electrodes? But it works 🙂 But not always.

So, keep in mind that water is everywhere: both in the person himself and in the environment - anywhere (including underground, at a depth of, say, 500 meters). And since water is everywhere, water-finding devices (vines, frames, wires, etc.) can all time deviate, spin, bend (depending on their device).

Why is this not happening or happening? Either there is no talent, or the mood for underground water is weak 🙂 Nevertheless,

Biolocation of underground water is possible! The only question is the reliability of the results ...

Based on materials