Kks all quests and the order of their passage. KKS: General discussion and questions on the passage. "Guadeloupe", "Caribbean Mores" and "Dishonest Competitor"

Hello everyone, you are on a blog about fantasy and science fiction! Sometimes there are issues that are not related to science fiction, but this is not the case. In these "Corsairs" there is enough devilry. In all senses.

The game turned out to be made on the engine of the past corsairs, that is, the same bearded year. Even then, everything that his senile relics are capable of was squeezed out of him, so the picture cannot boast of anything new. Unless some screensavers, character models and icons were redrawn. Added a couple more videos.

However, I'm comfortable enough to play like that.

So, game. We don't have a choice of character, we can only play one - a Frenchman named Charles de Maur. Next, we select parameters, focusing on fencing, handling heavy weapons, pistols and muskets, or trade and oratory. In my opinion, it is better to choose something from the first two options. I settled on rapiers and swords.

Attention! In no case do not set the difficulty above the Second level! All but the most avid nerds, play on the lowest difficulty. Masochists confident in their God-chosenness can choose the second difficulty. AT different versions games, this is either the Boatswain, or the Brave privateer.

The game is insanely difficult, and if you feel confident on the "Captain" difficulty in the "City of the Lost Ships", then set the minimum difficulty here and set all possible concessions in the menu next to it.

If you played the Admiral, and you were more or less tolerant, then you can risk setting the second difficulty.

When choosing more high level difficulty, you will quit the game after a few hours, cursing the developers and the whole wide world. I'm serious.

No, you will swear and yell in any case, even on the minimum difficulty, but then at least there will be a chance that you will not quit the game, but will go online for tips and manuals.

Important! This game must be completed exclusively with a detailed manual! This is due not only to the extreme complexity of the game, but also to bugs - without knowing at what point the catch is, you will not have a chance to avoid a fatal bug. I will give a link to one of these at the end of the article.

Okay, the difficulty is selected, everything is set, let's go!

I did this: Z - shot, Q - active action key, C - power strike and parry (instead of the wheel). So it's pretty easy to play.

First Impressions

They are excellent. We are introduced to the game in detail, we are led a little by the hand, talking about the buildings and gaming opportunities. It seems that the game is designed for new players who are unfamiliar with previous parts franchises. Don't be fooled by this!

The first difficulty is that over the past time I have quite forgotten the controls in battle, but here no one is in a hurry to explain which keys to press. Therefore, to understand the types of strikes, feints and parries, go either to YouTube or to thematic sites. For those who are familiar with the early parts, I will briefly explain the innovations:

1) A new parameter for melee weapons is balance. It is very important, and closely related to two factors: the type of weapon (rapiers, sabers or broadswords), weight, type of blow.

For a rapier, the ideal balance is 0.0. In this case, lunges (default, right button mice) deal maximum damage. Chopping and power strikes are not for light weapons.

Sabers perform well with a balance closer to 1.0. They can cut, and stab, and carry out power strikes. The problem is that none of this saber does very well. In Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships, the saber was the most convenient weapon for me. Here they are kind of useless. I do not advise.

Broadswords and axes. The balance is closer to 2.0. Chopping and power attacks. It hits hard, but consumes a huge amount of stamina.

It was not possible to find out how weight affects damage. Most likely, just like the balance - than more weight, the stronger the damage of slashing weapons. In this case, it is better to choose rapiers as light as possible.

2) Pistols can now explode when fired. This happened to me with Stroyev and Dueling pistols. Repeating shots, muskets and shotguns did not explode.

3) New types of charges: in addition to bullets, there are shot, harpoons and nails. There is also a manual mortar with grenades.

New is good, but there is a big but here. The shot hits only one target, thereby completely devaluing itself. I have a Combat Cartridge shot at the crowd (although if you believe the thematic forums, this should not be), but the damage there is ridiculous.

Removed the "berserk" skill, which was white in the previous part. On the one hand, right - the thing was absolutely cheating, turning any duel into nonsense, but I somehow got used to it. And with her, the local quest duels would not tear one place like that.

First quests

The first serious problems you will have in Guadeloupe - when you need to go to Fadey.

Important! Yes, these problems will be the first only if you play by the manual. Otherwise, you will be stuck in Martinique. Play only according to the manual!

I still don't understand how Fadey's quests work. If you take them in the wrong order, you will easily break some scripts, and he will not give you the assignment that your brother spoke about.

If you have the patience to cope with all this, then you have to choose a side - the Dutch Gambit quest.

I played as the Dutch - there are tricky restrictions on the level, reputation and skills. The Dutch are unpretentious about this.

To play as England, you must be: positive reputation, level below a certain value (it seems to be different in different versions, I was less than 12).

Secret organization: negative reputation, all weapons have been upgraded to a certain level (somewhere around 30+).

Difficulties await you here. Time-limited missions, mind-bending duels and more. But if you played the previous parts, you can master all this.

And I'll be the cherry on the cake.

Quests that break the player

This joy is called "Pirate Saga". It's global, mandatory, and story-driven interesting quest. Made by complete sadists.

The first difficulty is that you will need to save one girl - Rumba, she is Helen - in 16 calendar days. This will be at the very beginning of the quest line. And if you fail this rescue, then fill up the entire line.

The first difficulty is that there is not a word about the deadlines in the task log.

The second difficulty is that even with a fair wind, you will not have time to sail to Antigua on time. No way.

What to do? go out to battle map, and swim along it, periodically going to global map to check the direction.

How do you like this game design?

AT " Pirate saga There are many more complexities, but I will move on to another extravaganza of absurdity:

Two naval battles contract. First you have to deal with a corvette and a frigate on half acre (3rd class ship). And then board a heavy frigate on the same half acre. And it's just tin, even on the second difficulty.

Then you can still break the scripts in many places if you complete the quests in the wrong order, and a lot of other exciting things.


Because of the really interesting storyline company, I can't bring myself to call the game bad. I got a lot of pleasure from her. Yes, it was a somewhat perverse pleasure, especially until I thought of digging into the manual, but still.

Big, varied and interesting plot. It's cool, and for this developers a lot of respect.

A good partner is Mary Kasper. But if you don’t play according to the manual in life, you won’t guess what to do so that she joins your team. Yes, you may not even meet her. Despite the fact that the location of the Island of Justice is not so big. But confusing...

Reworked characteristics of ships. Now corvettes are useless troughs. Otherwise, the balance is good.


If you are well versed in the game series, then you should arm yourself with a manual and detailed walkthrough, and play "Corsairs: To each his own."

If you are more or less fumbling in the Corsairs, then you can try your luck on the minimum difficulty. Again with the manual and walkthrough. But be prepared to suffer.

If you haven’t played Corsairs before, then starting with To Each His Own is a worse idea. "City lost ships” at one time was called the most difficult game series, and “To each his own” - every 5 times it is more difficult ...

It’s always like this: a good story doesn’t want to get along with good game design. Almost always you have to choose one thing, especially in more or less independent projects like this one.

Play at your own risk. I'll get through the game to the end. Now I brought 3 church relics to the inquisitor, and took a long pause - to calm my nerves.

The walkthrough I used: The Beginning of the Walkthrough. on the same site there are detailed manuals for later quests.

See you soon!

By the way, The Witcher: Blood and Wine announced the best RPG 2016 🙂 Yeah, addon. I have on the site who has not played or not seen all the endings - I recommend that you read it. There are also links to 2 other articles on the world of The Witcher.

Where to find big ships?

In the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", the developers have reduced the probability of encountering huge ships of the first rank. If you want to find them, you will have to use thematic forums.

After what will the countdown for the quest "Pirate Saga" begin?

After the entry appears in the journal that Helen entered the service of you as an officer.

How to make Helen stay on the team forever?

For this to happen, you must fulfill the prophecy that the gypsy spoke of. And for this you will have to:

  • Do not take a hundred doubloons from Gladys MacArthur as a reward.
  • Give the found Hangman's chest to that same Gladys.
  • Don't take the gun that Gladys gives you.
  • Address Helen by her mother's last name - Sharpe.

How to give Mary Kasper a Narwhal blade?

In order to do this, you must ensure that two conditions are met:

  1. When you meet Shark Dodson, ask about his clinic, Narwhal. After that, talk to the weapons master, Jurgen, to make the appropriate blade.
  2. Retrieve three meteorite ore and bring them to Jurgen. You can bring these pieces with you by purchasing from some vendor or by finding buried treasure inside. You can also find a meteorite at the bottom of the OS.

Where to rent warehouse space?

To rent a warehouse, head to Isla Tesoro in Sharptown. In addition, you can visit the capitals of each state. As for Isla Tesoro, here the warehouse is run by a merchant inside the store. Chat with him and you will see a dialogue phrase corresponding to the lease.

To rent warehouses in other cities, you need to look into their shipyards and go to the back room to talk with the boss. If you contacted him for the first time, then you will need to start the dialogue again, after which the desired phrase will appear.

Why are there no useful things in the treasure?

If you bought the card from a tavern, then keep in mind that you can only get the treasure of the first level, which includes conventional weapons and amulets, as well as all sorts of jewelry. In addition, half of a card can be found in such a treasure. If you find the other half, you can create a second level map and get the corresponding treasure. In such a hoard one can often find unique weapon, not related to quests. And in general, much more expensive and valuable production comes across, but there is still a chance that there will still be rubbish inside.

Where can I find guns larger than 32 caliber?

To find such weapons, you must capture enemy ships that have them, then remove and transfer them to your own ship.

Is it possible to stand in the service of a certain nation?

In this modification, this is not possible. All quest chains for nations have been removed from the game, but you can enter the service of France, which happens on storyline. In this case, you will be given an officer, a whole ship and equipment. If you agree, you will have to give 10% of the production, and also avoid shooting at friendly ships. In addition, you can not get new quests.

Passage of Corsairs To each his own Burden of the State End
From the log: October 1, 1654 11:14 Thy works are inscrutable, O Lord! Burden of the Gascon
Who could have imagined six months ago that the brave knight of Malta Michel de Monpe, the hero of Barcelona and others, would cast a dirty shadow on the glorious name of the noble Henri de Monpe, and I, his “prodigal son”, “rake” and “Zhigalo”, would be offered wipe off the traces of the turbulent life of my "infallible" brother. And here I am, like a mad Don Quixote, rushing at full sail to the ends of the world, leaving behind Paris and the unfinished portrait of Poole in the form of Aphrodite emerging from the foam. By the way, I must admit that, unlike the charms of this devil, sea foam actually looks a little different than it seemed to me until now. I'll have to take that into account when I get back... I hope my adventure doesn't last past Christmas and Lulu's hubby disappears on the eastern borders, leaving her alone with his baboon jealousy. Because of him, the air of Paris in recent times became really deadly for me. I will need to make inquiries about the mission of the Order and my disgraced brother. I believe that Governor Jacques Diehl du Parque is aware of what is happening in his domain. Although the servant de Brignet verbally warned me once again to be careful and not look for direct paths, which are far from always the shortest. Good thing I still have a couple of trinkets from Pulu's bounty, and some silver. It will be something to live on for the first time and come back as soon as I find out what our restless Michel could have done.
We go into the residence, the governor is sitting on a chair, talk to him, after that you will be arrested.
Before I even had time to ask properly about my brother, I was immediately arrested and placed in prison. Brr, I will remember these days in the company of rats and bedbugs for a long time. However, everything ended happily - some pompous dandy, who introduced himself as Philippe de Poinsy and turned out to be the governor-general of the French colonies, visited me in the casemates and ordered my release. It turns out that our brave Michel has done some very dubious things here! According to this de Poinsey, my brother is suspected of almost all mortal sins. However, I will not waste time and rush to him - let him tell how he managed to make such a mess that even the mere mention of his name can determine a person behind bars.
I'm going to the underground base of the Order of Malta in Saint-Pierre.
The meeting with the dear brother took place. Gee! I still can't come to my senses. Michel is accused of embezzling the money of the Order, and owes Philippe de Poinsy, Governor-General of the French colonies, a whole million pesos! Incredible! But even more incredible is that his debt will have to be paid to me! It looks like my stay here is going to be long, and poor Lulu will have to find herself a new favourite. However, knowing her habits, this will not be the case. And a “brilliant” prospect, according to Michel, opened up before me - to become a sailor and captain of my own ship. It just wasn't enough for me! But I have no choice - I will have to come to terms with such an unexpected twist of fate. Michel said that the local shipyard is good ship, lugger, as he called it, for which bail was posted. You should visit the local shipbuilder and talk to him about buying the ship. But where do you get the money to buy? Michel has pledged 5,000 pesos for the ship, leaving only 15,000 pesos left. Where to get them?
First of all, go to the residence and take your sword, pistol, light leather corset. We start earning money for the ship.
Passage of Corsairs To each his own. Rum for the bartender
You take this task from the bartender.
From the log: Looks like I'll have to learn the trade of a smuggler. Lugger Ghost will anchor off Lamentin Beach, on the northern tip of the island, by night tonight. I need to get to this lugger on a longboat, go up on deck, tell the captain the password and get several cases of bottled expensive rum. Then the longboat must be taken to the bay of the pirate settlement of Le Francois. If everything goes well, I will receive five thousand pesos for the work. So, at 19-00 you need to be on the same left pier, go on a longboat with five sailors to the Lamentin beach area, find the Phantom ship and board. Say the code phrase and wait for the rum to be loaded onto the longboat. Next, you need to sail to the bay of the pirate settlement Francois. But this task will need to be started at 19-00, until that time is still far away. When 19-05 comes, the journal will update the entry “The longboat is at the pier. You can be on your way."
Go to the left pier, follow the longboat. You can use the ship's tack, get out of the bay as much as possible taking a little to the right, then the landmark, the farthest rock on the right and swim to it, the coast should be on the right, rounding it, press Enter, the icon of the Ghost ship should appear in the list at the top left - click on it. Now re-open the menu and select the boat - swim aboard the Ghost. The captain of the ship will approach you - tell him the password. Passwords in the game are randomly generated. If you suddenly forgot it and did not write it down, then here are some of them:
Boards and tow will be in the morning
Don't wait for the south wind
Old Thomas was waiting for a beer
Camels go north
The bay is ready for landing
In my case, it was the last option. At the same time, write in such a transcription in which the innkeeper gave you - no need to put a dot at the end! The rum is loaded on my longboat. Now - to the Bay of Le Francois. Land at the port, talk to the smugglers and go to the tavern. The bartender paid off according to the agreement - he paid me five thousand pesos. In addition, he left me a spyglass as a gift and presented me with three bottles of rum.
Passage of Corsairs To each his own. call girl
From the log: On the streets of the city, a certain nobleman named Apollinaire Sizus approached me and asked for one unusual service: go to a brothel and arrange with the owner, Angelica, to provide one of her girls named Lutisse "to take away." Arthur gives us 6000 pesos, saying that we will have to pay 3000-3500 pesos per night. Agree!
By agreeing, you will recognize the name - Lutiss. You will need to bring the girl no earlier than 23-00. The girl will need to be taken to the scrap of a nobleman, a two-story mansion with a red roof near the residence, after eleven in the evening. Follow the brothel, talk in the room with Aurora - the local pimp. Say you need Lutiss. Pay 2500 pesos. Aurora will say that Lutiss will be released at 11 pm and must be picked up before midnight. At 23-00 to 24-00 go to the brothel, to the common room. Where are some girls. Start a conversation with the blonde Lutiss. Tell her to follow you. Leave the brothel, go towards the residence and, facing it, approach the house on the right side - with a red roof and two floors. The girl herself should ask if you are there. Answer yes, wait for her to go inside, and thus complete the task. It is not necessary to come for Lutiss the same night, you can the next day. It is important to appear from 23-00 to 24-00! The girl was delivered to the customer's house. Well then. I think everyone was happy, me too. and a nobleman, and Lutiss ...

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At the beginning of the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to approach the sailor and talk to him, and then move inland and go inside the residence in which the governor lives. Approach him and chat. After that, you will be arrested and placed in a cell. After some time Philippe de Poinsy will visit you. Be sure to talk to him and go free. After you are released from the prison, go outside and turn right and go around the building. So you will find yourself in front of the entrance to the dungeon. You can go down and approach the ladder to go down it. Then turn right again and in the right chamber, at the very end, you will find your brother. Talk to him.

After that, you will find out that Michel made an advance payment of 5,000 gold, but you need another 15,000 coins. But that's not all, you will also have to hire a navigator. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and move to Guadeloupe. Disembark and start searching for Fadey. After he repays his debt, you can go to the pier, and then turn left to be near the shipyard. Go inside and chat with Gaspard Blondel. It turns out that you owe him 17,000 gold. He will give time to repay the debt - 3 days. Do not be upset, go to the tavern and chat with its owner for a job.

Then again go to the governor's residence and talk to him so that he gives your things.

Rum for the bartender

Constantly look at your watch and try to be near the left pier at 19:00 to board the longboat. Your team will include five more sailors with whom you need to go to Lamentin to find the schooner "Ghost" there. When you board the longboat, start sailing to the port of Le Francois. Come ashore, wander a little, and then return to the board and start moving to the left of the coast. There will be a rock in front of you, go around it and head straight until you have the opportunity to turn left.

As soon as you go around the next rock, take out the compass and start moving north. Look at the clock and at 02:00 press Enter. Now look at the top list and notice the icon of the ship "Ghost" there, click on it. Then open the menu and select one of the boats to get to this ship on it. After his captain approaches, you have to tell him the password. It is worth noting that in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, passwords are generated randomly, so you have to choose from the options offered.

I advise you not to put a period at the end of the sentence, because the password will not be accepted. You will now have the rum and you can return to the port of Le Francois. After disembarking, chat with several characters, and then move to the tavern to receive the promised reward.

call girl

Walking through the streets of the town, you will meet a man dressed in a light brown suit who calls himself Arthur Scalone. He will ask you to help him. You need to get into the brothel, find and chat with Aurora. Then take it off at night. He will also give you 6000 gold, of which you will have to pay a part for the services of a prostitute. By all means agree, and you will know one more name -

Go to the brothel and find a pimp named Aurora there to place an order for Lutiss. Give her 2500 gold and find out that the girl will be free around 23:00, and you need to pick her up before 24:00. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and wait for the right time to head back to the brothel. Find Lutiss there and talk to her. Once outside, head towards the governor's estate, and then face them and go into the house on the right. Another landmark is the red roof. Sooner or later she will ask if you are still there. You should answer yes to this question and wait until she disappears through the door. This task will count. It is worth noting that you will need to return for the girl the next day, only around 23:00 - 24:00. So you can not wait for her appearance that same night.

Manuscripts of the Priest of Saint-Pierre

Face the governor's estate and find the church on the left side of it. Go there and chat with the priest who is busy reading prayers. Then, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will need to begin the next task, namely, to find and bring the manuscripts of Father Capsterville. It can be found on the island of St. Christopher. No need to wait long, hurry up to go there immediately.

warehouse worker

Approach the prison and look for a store near it. Go into it and chat with Francois Laroux, ask him about the work. However, he will want you to find Gralam Lavoie who works in the warehouse first. He will also say that you will not find him in the city. So hurry to get into the jungle and follow the path until you are near a fork. Move left and then turn right. I advise you to stick to the left side and go to the lair of the corsairs.

In this village, there is a shop on the right side, go into it and find Gralam Lavua there. He will be at the counter. After talking with him, you can return to St. Pierre and tell the seller that they found the person. He will pay you off and entrust the next task, which is to find another person named Francois Laroux. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and return to the corsair lair and go to the tavern. Find its owner and ask him about the workers. Then pay him 1000 gold to tell you about them.

Wait an hour and go back to the innkeeper. By the way, you can take a break this time on the second floor of the store where Lavoie was found. When you arrive at the tavern at the right time, you will see three selected workers. Approach them and chat. It is worth noting that they will offer you a bribe for you to choose it. After choosing the most suitable one, wait until he leaves the tavern, and then follow him. Climb aboard the ship and head to Saint-Pierre. Find a vendor and return to the shop after an hour to receive the promised 5,000 gold.

stolen jewel

From the governor's residence, go to the fork and turn left. Before you will be the gate through which you need to go. This will take you to the jungle. When you reach the fork, turn left and continue on. After a while, you will see two foreigners hurrying to escape. You don't have to chase after them. Better pass to the right and approach the lifeless body.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to carefully examine it to find earrings. Take them and return to the city. Head to the merchant from the local shop and sell them for 4000 gold. But you can also not sell them, but go to the governor and show the find. He will say that these are his wife's jewelry, thank you for the find and give you a map of the archipelago.


Now you need to get to the Port Authority House. Once inside, you will see a certain Paul Géry, with whom you need to chat. It turns out that his comrade is going to go to war with the Indians, who settled in the jungle. He asks for help. You can continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and get out of the building, then turn left and meet Prosper Troubal near the gate. Approach him and chat. Then go through the gate and head into the jungle to fight the Indians. I advise you not to let them get close to Prosper.

Together with Prosper and head inside the cave. Start shooting the Indians one at a time, and then talk to Troubal again to find out that his daughter is alive. Explore the cave and find a stranger in the same place. This man's name is Dilbert Kursi. Be sure to chat with him and go outside to talk with Prosper again. Now go to the city to get a well-deserved reward for completing the task.

Burden of the Gascon. Continuation

So, you should have about 24,000 gold in your pocket right now. Head to the shipbuilder and pay him the debt for the ship. Now you have become the owners of the schooner. You can head to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper that you have intentions to assemble a team. He will tell you that there is a sailor behind him who is not serving yet. Approach him and talk. He will tell you that he agrees to serve you, and together with him 40 sailors will go for it. Only you will have to fork out for 8000 gold.

Continue the passage of Corsairs: To each his own and go to the store to buy food for the ship. Only then return to the sailor and tell him that you agree to his terms, as well as that all the necessary goods, including medicines, are already in stock. Now it remains to hire a navigator.

Approach the innkeeper again and ask him about it. But he cannot advise anything, so go outside and approach the man who will have a dark beard and hair. Also on his head is a bandana and a sword in his hands. Meet him and find out that his name is Appolinaire. Tell us that you are looking for a navigator and he will help you by talking about a person who is now behind bars. Head to the prison you were in and approach the commandant. As soon as you talk to him and ask about Volk, he will direct you to the moneylender. Find it in the bank opposite the prison. Talk to him and find out that the prisoner owes him 10,000 gold. But you don't have them, ask him if there's anything he needs to do. He will agree and give you a new task.

Engineer from Spain

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you have to win back this engineer's friend from the corsairs. You need to go to Le Marin bay. Then go into one of the buildings to take a break. After a good night's sleep, head for the jungle and go deep into them. After a while you will find yourself near the water, where the pirates are holding the Spanish engineer captive. Approach them and chat.

After you cut the throats of two corsairs, you will need to engage in a fight with an engineer who will not immediately believe that you are positively disposed towards him. Try not to cause him much damage, and after you defeat him, chat. Remember that in the city you should not appear closer to the night. Because there are guards at the gate. So hurry to the tavern and rent a room for a day. As soon as 00:40 ticks on the clock, head from St. Pierre. I advise you to avoid meeting with officers who are walking around the streets of the city at this time. After you get to the moneylender, talk to him and make Folke write a receipt.