Computer addiction - signs, symptoms and how to get rid of? I. Role-playing computer games. Symptoms of computer gaming addiction

And addictive behavior (from English addiction - addiction, addiction; Latin addictus - slavishly devoted) is a special type of forms of destructive behavior, which are expressed in the desire to escape from reality through a special change in one's mental state. Synonym: addiction.

There are main types of addictions:

  • abuse of one or more mental state-altering substances, such as alcohol, drugs, drugs, various poisons;
  • participation in gambling, including computer games;
  • sexual addictive behavior;
  • binge eating;
  • workaholism (workaholism);
  • listening to music for a long time, mainly based on rhythms.

When addiction is formed, reduction occurs, i.e. simplification, smoothing of interpersonal emotional relationships.

The symptom complex of mental disorders caused by excessive computer or Internet addiction is described by psychiatrists under the name computer and Internet addiction or computer syndrome.

Pathological attraction to computer games and the Internet refers to non-chemical or behavioral addictions, that is, addictions that are not based on specific biochemical substrates (unlike alcoholism, drug addiction, nicotine addiction).


Scientists have made attempts to study the consequences of computer addiction at the psychophysical level and found the following.

Physical changes in the body are due to the influence of several factors:

  • prolonged sitting in a monotonous position, often distorting the posture and internal organs of a person;
  • flickering monitor;
  • electronic radiation.

The consequences of the impact of the above factors physicians include:

  1. Decreased immunity (protective properties of the body) - a predisposition to infections, oncological diseases.
  2. Neurological disorders - there are a number of observations by pediatric neurologists about the development of convulsive seizures, provoked by the effect of monitor flicker and frequent image changes during the game (photostimulation of convulsive activity of the brain occurs).
  3. Neurovegetative changes - these include fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, fever, headaches.
  4. vascular disorders. Due to the monotonous posture, congestion develops in the vessels of the organs, edema, and varicose veins.
  5. Posture change.
  6. Reproductive dysfunction.
  7. Visual impairment.
  8. endocrine disorders.

So, in Japan, studies have found that computer games stimulate, for example, only a limited part of the brain in children, so they need to read, write and count more. In addition, in order to stimulate the brain and its normal development, it is important that children play with their peers in the air and communicate more with others.

According to American scientists, excessive passion for violent computer games leads to a disruption in the transmission of impulses between nerve cells and slows down the brain (which was confirmed by the results of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies conducted on adolescents participating in the study). Such inhibition is especially strong in adolescents with behavioral disorders, in whom activity in the cortex of the frontal lobe (responsible, among other things, for emotions and impulsivity) is already significantly reduced.

According to statistics obtained in the United States, the average sixth grader watches TV 4 hours a day - and this is not counting the time that he spends for various games in front of a computer or TV screen. Children admit that they often play longer than intended. Not infrequently, because of this, they start their studies.

By some estimates, about 40% of American children between the ages of 5 and 8 are obese. This, obviously, has a lack of physical activity - a consequence of long hours spent at the TV or computer. One company has even developed special simulators on which you can work out without looking up from computer games. But wouldn’t it be better to devote not so much time to these games so that it would be enough for other activities necessary for the versatile development of the child’s personality?

And here is another danger that electronic games are fraught with: eyes suffer from long sitting in front of the screen. Evidence suggests that at least one in four computer users has vision problems. One of the reasons lies in the reduction in the frequency of blinking, which causes dryness and irritation of the eyes. When a person blinks, it stimulates the release of tear fluid, which bathes the eyeball, protecting it from contamination. Children, carried away, forget about everything in the world, and therefore they can play at the computer for hours, almost without interruption. This leads to eye strain and focusing problems. Experts recommend taking a break for a few minutes every hour of working with a computer.


Today's pace of computerization exceeds the pace of development of all other industries. A modern person begins to interact with a computer all the time - at work, at home, in a car and even on an airplane. Computers are rapidly taking root in human life, taking their place in our minds, and we often do not realize that we are beginning to largely depend on their performance.

Along with the advent of computers, computer games appeared, which immediately found a lot of fans. As computers improved, so did games, attracting more and more people. The market for electronic games is expected to expand steadily in the coming years. A whole class of people-fans of computer games is being formed in society; the game becomes their main activity. The circle of social contacts they have is very narrow, all other activities are aimed only at survival, at satisfying physiological needs; the main thing is to satisfy the need to play on the computer. Experience shows that many of them do not benefit from this hobby, and some seriously need help. Most of them are people with well-known psychological problems: an undeveloped personal life, dissatisfaction with themselves, and, as a result, the loss of the meaning of life and normal human values. The only value for them is the computer and everything connected with it.

For mental health, the biggest danger of video games is addiction. A person is most susceptible to addiction to computer games, since the events in computer games do not repeat themselves and occur quite dynamically, and the game process itself is continuous. Before the end of any game, there are certain logical stages, which, for the most part, are quite rigidly tied to each other, which makes the subject not be distracted, but perceive the passage of the entire game from beginning to end as a kind of single process.

Computer games, especially role-playing ones, are one of the ways of the so-called addictive implementation, i.e. escape from reality.

Completely immersed in the game and achieving certain success in it, a person realizes in this way (virtually) most of the existing needs and ignores the rest. In any society there are people who prefer to run away from problems. Those who choose alcohol as such a method are called alcoholics, drugs - drug addicts, work - workaholics, gambling - pathological gamblers. Internet addicts, computer games - cyber addicts, etc. In the latter case, instead of solving problems here and now, a person goes headlong into a computer game. There, in the game, he feels good: he is strong, brave, armed, successful ... The time spent playing does not make him stronger and more successful in real life. Therefore, emerging from the virtual world to the real one feels discomfort, feels small, weak and defenseless in an aggressive environment. And he wants to return to where he is the winner as soon as possible.

Full immersion in the game creates the effect of the player's participation in some kind of virtual reality, in some complex and mobile process that exists only for him. It is this property of computer games that does not allow the game addict to interrupt the process to fulfill any social obligations in real life. Some of them sit at the computer all night long, falling out of real life. People around are worried, but often do not know what to do. One young computer gamer said: When I communicate with people on the Internet, I seem smart and elegant to them. And when they see me in real life, they advise me to lose weight.

Thus, a person moves away from reality into a fictional world. Here is one reviewer's apt description for gamers: For the network player, the fictional world is much more attractive than the real one. Life outside the game for him is reduced only to earning the minimum funds necessary to continue the game.

Of course, the developers of such software products are interested in making the game as exciting as possible. The task of gaming software manufacturers is to create the maximum immersive effect, so that when the next series is released, a person addicted to computer games will not hesitate to buy their product.

Computer developments are aimed at improving the transmission of multimedia effects, which is directly related to gaming processes. Today, there are many ways to create the effect of the participation of the player in the process, ranging from the logic of the game (first-person, team play, etc.) and graphic execution (3D graphics, isometric view) to musical accompaniment(digitized voice, psychologically intriguing or intense music) and natural sound effects.

The addiction to computer games is not an addiction to any one computer game, as it is more of a psychological chain reaction. Having completed one game in any genre that he liked the most, the game addict looks for other games of the same genre, made in an identical style and not inferior in psychological stress, and then the desire to go through all (at least known) games of this type, of which in this moment there are many on the market.

Many games have overlapping game genres, which encourages the addict to move on to other types of games. It should be noted that the passage of a new computer game takes from 5-6 hours to several days, sometimes even weeks. In order for the gambler to play this or that game for as long as possible, the developers introduce additional small sublevels into them, the so-called secrets, the search for which takes a lot of time. A person obsessed with a computer game does not finally say goodbye to it until he finds all the secret levels, rooms, collects all the bonuses. By creating secret sub-levels, the manufacturers seem to push the player towards a kind of competitive feeling of who wins? , which is one of the many causes of addiction to computer games.

Games in which events depend directly on the player, i.e. developing independently along with the player, focusing on his weak and strong points, or having a lot of random parameters that the player sets, make the addict go through them again and again. Each time in each new situation, the player checks what will happen if he behaves differently. Such games absorb even more than those that are built on scenarios, since they provide even more freedom of action for the player, give him the opportunity to feel like the developers of one or another level or scenario of a computer game.

Another way to put a subject on a computer needle is to provide a software package bundled with the game for developing your own scenario levels of the game, and sometimes even for creating own characters and replacement of voice and sound effects, i.e. providing wide multimedia opportunities. Such programs temporarily give the popular game a cult character. In virtual conferences and on fan sites, levels for a particular computer game appear, made directly by the players and provided for public passing and evaluation. If the game supports multiplayer systems (simultaneous play of two or more players), this further enhances the psychological dependence of subjects on the game. Several players can compete with each other in who has found the tactics of the game more effective, and playing against a computer is much less interesting than the same game, but against a living person. Moreover, playing against a person in a level developed by the player himself really excites his mind, at the time of the game it seems to him that he has fallen into his own virtual world, where he needs to prove his power, strength and playing skills.

Thus, the negative consequences of computer addiction are both dependence, expressed in psychopathological symptoms (such as the inability to switch to other entertainment, a sense of superiority over other people, impoverishment of the emotional sphere), and a narrowing of the circle of interests, and difficulties in communicating with peers, and somatic disorders (loss of vision, fatigue).

Risk factors for development computer addiction can be grouped into three groups:

1) Social

Insufficient preventive and explanatory work in the family, weakening the control of occupational health at the computer.

Mass enthusiasm of peers and adults (parents) around the child for computer games and the Internet.

Financial incentive - the opportunity to win money by playing the totalizator, on-line casino.

Lack of alternative leisure - unwillingness or inability to do anything other than a computer.

2) Hereditary biological

Hereditary predisposition to the development of a certain type of higher nervous activity. In the human genome, 31 genes have been decoded that are responsible for the production of mood hormones - neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA). Individual characteristics of the psyche largely depend on the rate of production and transmission of these substances in the human central nervous system.

Pre-, peri- and postnatal hazards (harmfulness of the neonatal period), neuroinfections, craniocerebral injuries, intoxications, severe diseases contribute to the development of organic inferiority of the brain and form certain characterological properties of the personality.

3) Psycho-characterological

Young people with low self-esteem, insecure, emotionally unstable, having difficulties in communication, immersed in the world of their own experiences (introverts), feeling a lack of attention and support from relatives and friends are more prone to addiction to computer games and the Internet. He feels good in the game: he is strong, brave, armed, successful ... When emerging from the virtual world into the real one, he feels discomfort, feels small, weak and defenseless in an aggressive environment, and wants to return to where he is the winner as soon as possible.

The young man gets used to a realistic computer game so much that it becomes much more interesting for him there than in real life. There are quite specific tasks set, the failure to fulfill which will not lead to any losses, to bad grades, to abuse from the parents. The mistake made can be corrected by repeatedly passing one or another moment of the game.

The future addict is attracted to the game:

  • the presence of his own (intimate) world, in which there is no access to anyone except himself;
  • lack of responsibility;
  • realism of processes and complete abstraction from the surrounding world;
  • the ability to correct any mistake by repeated attempts;
  • the ability to independently make any (within the game) decisions, regardless of what they may lead to.

It should be noted that since in childhood the mental abilities of a person develop in the process of interaction and adaptation to the environment, and, unlike an adult - a mature personality with formed psychological defense mechanisms, the child accepts without criticism what is offered to him, then he becomes addicted faster than an adult. Therefore, the issues of early prevention of computer addiction are in the area of ​​competence, first of all, of parents.

In general, the mechanism of drawing a person in, forming a gambling addiction is based on partially unconscious aspirations, needs: avoiding reality and accepting a role. These mechanisms are activated immediately after a person gets acquainted with role-playing computer games with more or less regular playing of them and work regardless of the person's consciousness and the nature of motivation. gaming activity.


All computer games can be conditionally divided into role-playing and non-role-playing.

Role-playing computer games are games in which the player assumes the role of a computer character, i.e. the game itself obliges the player to act as a concrete or imaginary computer hero. Role-playing computer games give rise to a qualitatively new level of psychological dependence on the computer than non-role-playing games or any kind of non-gaming computer activity. Obviously, the psychological dependence on role-playing computer games is the most powerful in terms of its influence on the personality of the player.

We single out the criteria for a computer game to belong to the class of role-playing games:

A role-playing game should encourage the player to enter the role of a computer character and the atmosphere of the game through its plot and multimedia (graphic and sound design) features.

A role-playing game should be built in such a way that it does not cause the player to be motivated by passion - to accumulate more points, thereby breaking someone's record, to move to the next level, etc.

Although there is an element of excitement in any computer game, this factor should not be of paramount importance in a role-playing game.

The classification proposed below is not all-encompassing, complete and complete. It looks like this:

I. Role-playing computer games.

  • Games with a view from the eyes of your computer hero.
  • Games with an outside view of your computer hero.
  • Leader games.

II. Non-role computer games.

  • Arcade.
  • Puzzle.
  • Games for speed of reaction.
  • Traditional gambling.


I. Role-playing computer games

The main feature is the greatest influence on the psyche of the player, the greatest depth of entry into the game, as well as the motivation of game activity, based on the needs of accepting the role and avoiding reality. Three subtypes are distinguished here, mainly according to the nature of their influence on the player, the strength of drawing into the game, and the degree of depth of psychological dependence.

1) Games with a view from the eyes of your computer hero. This type of game is characterized by the greatest force of delay or entry into the game. The specificity here is that the view from the eyes provokes the player to complete identification with the computer character, to full entry into the role. After a few minutes of playing (the time varies depending on individual psychological characteristics and gaming experience playing) a person begins to lose touch with real life, completely concentrating on the game, transferring himself to the virtual world.

The player can take the virtual world quite seriously and considers the actions of his hero to be his own. A person has a motivational involvement in the plot of the game.

2) Games with an outside view of your computer hero. This type of game is characterized by a lower force of entering the role compared to the previous one. The player sees himself from the outside, controlling the actions of this hero.

Identification of oneself with a computer character is less pronounced, as a result of which motivational involvement and emotional manifestations are also less pronounced compared to games with a view from the eyes. If in the case of the latter, a person can turn pale and fidget in a chair during critical seconds of his hero’s life, trying to dodge blows or shots of computer enemies, then in the case of a view from the outside, external manifestations are more moderate, however, failures or death of oneself in the guise of a computer hero are not experienced by the player. less strongly.

3) Leadership games. The type is so named because in these games the player is given the right to direct the activities of computer characters subordinate to him. In this case, the player can act as a leader of very different specifications: the commander of a special forces detachment, the commander-in-chief of the armies, the head of state, even a god who directs the historical process. At the same time, a person does not see his computer hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. This is the only class of role-playing games where the role is not given specifically, but is imagined by the player. As a result, the depth of immersion in the game and its role will be significant only for people with a good imagination. However, the motivational involvement in the game process and the mechanism for the formation of psychological dependence on the game are no less strong than in the case of other role-playing games.

II. Non-role playing computer games

The reason for isolating this type is that the player does not take on the role of a computer character, as a result of which the psychological mechanisms of addiction formation and the influence of games on a person's personality are less strong. The motivation of gaming activity is based on the excitement of passing and (or) scoring points. There are several subtypes:

1) Arcade games. Such games are also called console games, because, due to the low demands on computer resources, they are widely distributed on game consoles. The plot is usually weak and linear. All the player needs to do is to move quickly, shoot and collect various prizes by controlling a computer character or a vehicle. These games in most cases are very harmless in terms of influence on the personality of the player, because. psychological dependence on them is most often of a short-term nature.

2) Puzzles. This type of games includes computer versions of various board games(chess, checkers, backgammon, etc.), as well as various kinds of puzzles implemented in the form of computer programs.

Motivation based on excitement is associated here with the desire to beat the computer, to prove one's superiority over the machine.

3) Games for speed of reaction. This includes all games in which the player needs to show dexterity and speed of reaction. The difference from arcades is that they have no plot at all and, as a rule, are completely abstract, not connected in any way with real life. Motivation based on excitement, the need to complete the game, score more points, can form a completely stable psychological dependence of a person on this type of game.

4) Traditional gambling. This includes computer variants of card games, roulette, simulators slot machines, in a word - computer versions of the casino gaming repertoire. The psychological aspects of the formation of dependence on these computer games and their real counterparts are very similar and, therefore, we will not focus on this.

So, role-playing computer games, to the greatest extent, allow a person to enter virtuality, renounce (at least for the duration of the game) from reality and get into the virtual world. As a result, role-playing computer games have a significant impact on a person's personality.


Manifestations of computer addiction syndrome increase gradually and do not immediately become noticeable to others. At the same time, the dependence on computer games is primarily realized by friends, relatives, acquaintances surrounding the subject, but by no means himself, which is very similar to any other type of addiction.

The main symptoms that determine this disease are the following:

  1. absorption, preoccupation with the game (memories of past games, planning for future ones, thoughts about how to find money for the game);
  2. a feeling of emotional uplift while working with a computer, agitation and excitement during the game;
  3. unwillingness to be distracted from playing with a computer;
  4. feelings, anxiety or irritation, if necessary, stop the game;
  5. using the game as a means to get rid of unpleasant experiences;
  6. attempts to win back after a loss, to correct the situation;
  7. lies and attempts to rationally justify their behavior in order to hide the true degree of their involvement in the game;
  8. forgetting about household chores, responsibilities, studies, meetings during the game on the computer, deterioration of relations in an educational institution, with parents, with friends;
  9. borrowing money from others to buy a new game.
  10. neglecting one's own health, hygiene and sleep in favor of spending more time at the computer;

If a person has four or more symptoms, this is already a disease ...


Currently, scientists cannot unequivocally say whether there is a need to solve the problems of computer addiction in the youth environment in a tough way. On the one hand, such dependence absorbs a person, taking a lot of time for development and education, excluding the subject from an active social process, on the other hand, dependence on computer games is a passing, temporary phenomenon.

Computer addiction is different from smoking, alcohol, drugs and hobbies gambling by the fact that at some point in time saturation with the computer occurs. Further, the subject either deals with it professionally, or the computer ceases to have such a significant place in his life. This question remains open primarily for the reason that it is never clear at what point a computer addict, in particular, a game addict, will have a moment of satiety. Will it be too late to learn and catch up? Will he lose his social status, being in the euphoria of computer games, in this case, it means expulsion from school or college, dismissal from work, loss of title or position.

It is possible that a glut of computer games in early childhood will require much less time than, for example, a university student. It is possible that the child will quickly get tired of the monotony of the screen, compared with the infinity of possibilities and undiscovered moments of the real world. But, unfortunately, there are no guarantees that the child's psyche will not be damaged in such an unjustified experiment.

A proven way to prevent a person from becoming addicted to computer games is to involve him in real life for him to realize himself in it. There are a lot of interesting activities (communication with nature, yoga practices, reading developmental literature, etc.), which not only allow you to learn own world, develop vigilance and awareness, as well as train the body and normalize the psychological state. Virtual reality, on the other hand, is the immateriality of the impact, the conditionality of the parameters and the ephemeral nature, is not life, it is only its secondary part, a parallel, but not the main process. There's no point in ignoring computer capabilities, you need to use them as needed, and combine entertainment in the form of computer games with real activities in the real world.

There is an addiction to virtual communication or types of addiction typical for adults: shopping on the Internet, auctions, online casinos, studying information pages, watching movies. All this is nothing less than games taking people out of reality into the virtual world. Computer addiction develops in 58% of cases per year, in 25% - within six months, in 17% - after a year of active use of a computer.

Computer addiction is an obsessive need to use a computer and the Internet, accompanied by social maladaptation of the individual and psychological symptoms. A dependent person is characterized by an inadequate perception of himself and the world around him.

The American psychiatrist Ivan Goldberg coined the concept of "Internet addiction", but preferred to use another term - "pathological computer use". This is a broader term, it is still used today. This concept includes all possible situations of using a computer, and not just or online games.

There are three stages in the development of computer addiction:

  1. Familiarity with the Internet and interest in its capabilities. Their application to your life.
  2. The gradual replacement of the main areas of life by the computer: working on the network (some people even know how to make money on games), buying and selling things, ordering food, virtual tours, etc.
  3. Almost complete or complete escape from reality into the world of the Internet and the computer.

Regardless of the pronounced signs of addiction or the characteristics of the behavior of the individual, it is customary to focus on losses in real life, and not on the time spent at the computer. And losses usually occur in the sphere of family relationships, daily duties, sleep and rest, sports, communication and walks with friends, reading printed publications, hobbies, sex life.


Game or computer addiction in adults threatens, including divorce. Often there are financial problems such as unreasonable spending on a computer and the Internet (upgrading a computer and paying for Internet services), on the basis of taking loans and getting into debt (especially true for casino games).

Loss of access to the Internet or failure in the game can cause a person to have a state that leads to nervous breakdowns and emotional disorders. Deaths due to chronic sleep deprivation have been reported.

In the course of real communication and social interaction, a person learns and gains experience and knowledge. With computer addiction and the accompanying social isolation, a person loses the ability to interact with people. A person can communicate and assert himself in a circle of similar addicts, but in other respects he becomes insolvent. For him, such categories as reflection, self-identification disappear, the ability to put oneself in the place of other people and imagine how others see the individual himself is lost.

For those people whose profession is related to working at a computer (programming, writing articles, creating videos and photos, etc.), addiction borders on workaholism, that is, one addiction turns into another and vice versa. It is not necessary only to play at the computer in order to be divorced from reality. In terms of health consequences, all types of computer addiction are equally harmful.

Features of computer games

Most of the games are built in such a way that a person looks at the virtual space through the eyes of a hero, that is, there is a maximum identification with the character. It is this entry into the role that causes the loss of connection with reality and with one's true "I". Gradually, a conflict develops between the I-virtual and I-real.

Signs of Addiction

Signs of pathological computer use in adults include:

  • good health or euphoria during the time spent at the computer;
  • the impossibility or unwillingness to stop working or communicating on the Internet (in the real world there is nothing more interesting, more valuable or more important);
  • a systematic increase in the time spent at the computer (growth of tolerance), the impossibility of planning a session at the computer, respectively, and other elements of life;
  • unsuccessful attempts or unfulfilled desire to control the pastime at the computer;
  • a lot of time is spent not only on work or play itself, but also on computer-related activities (search for programs and browsers on the Internet, increasing computer power, distributing information into folders, communicating on thematic forums);
  • neglect of family, friends and work;
  • feeling empty and out of work at the computer;
  • lie or concealment of real activity (activity at the computer);
  • ignoring physiological needs, skipping meals or irregular meals;
  • sleep disorders;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • using a computer, despite a pronounced deterioration in health, problems in the family or professional sphere, care of loved ones.

In addition, Internet addiction will be hinted at:

  • craving to check e-mail or a page on the network every minute, a profile in the game;
  • anxious expectation of a new access to the Internet, which happens, for example, immediately after work and against the background of ignoring the household duties of the individual and physical needs;
  • complaints from others that a person spends too much time on the Internet;
  • complaints of others (family members) that a person spends a lot of money on the Internet (many modern games require investments).

Physiological symptoms include dryness and redness of the eyes, blurred vision, muscle cramps and pain, joint problems, headaches, and back pain.

Two features serve as diagnostic criteria: computer use causes distress; causes damage to the physical, psychological, family, economic, social and interpersonal.

That we are talking It is precisely the problem of addiction that is also evidenced by the withdrawal syndrome, which is observed from a couple of days to a month after the individual has stopped “communication” with the computer. Withdrawal symptoms include:

  • psychomotor agitation and anxiety;
  • obsessive thoughts about what happened during this time on the Internet;
  • finger movements imitating computer activity (voluntary or involuntary);
  • fantasies about what is happening on the Internet or what awaits a person when he returns.

Symptoms disappear as soon as a person returns to their previous computer activities.

Personal characteristics of addicts

It has not yet been established exactly what is primary: personal characteristics or computer addiction, that is, the question is open whether the computer causes the following personal changes or these features are prerequisites for the development of computer addiction:

  • perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals;
  • high ;
  • disregard for social norms;
  • developed abstract and creative and a penchant for;
  • focus on the process of activity, and not on the result;
  • coldness and unemotionality in communication;
  • lack of empathy;
  • conflict;
  • lack of responsibility.

It should be noted that these features are considered not only in the context of gaming or network addiction, but also in terms of dependence on a computer for the sake of self-realization, self-development. If we assume that these traits are primary, then it is not surprising that computer addiction arises - in real life, it is difficult for a person to fully socialize with such a very contradictory set. Then a person finds a job on the net, friends on the net, education courses on the net, etc.

Often the development of addiction is preceded by the individual's open opportunity and ability to regularly replenish knowledge and learn new ones, which serves as a source of self-esteem. Along with this, there is an unexpected awareness of the personality of its own intellectual potential, new interests and hidden abilities or forgotten talents.

Causes of Addiction

There are several prerequisites for pathological computer use:

  • low, tendency to depression;
  • inability to independently plan free time and life;
  • dependence on the opinions of others;
  • feeling of insecurity, and incomprehensibility;
  • the hardships of work, study, family, that is, dissatisfaction with one's life;
  • search for new sensations and feelings, something new;
  • the desire to get support, to be understood and accepted, the opportunity to speak out, the desire to get rid of real troubles;
  • the desire to stand out from the crowd and improve their computer skills, to become a "guru" in the world of technology and the Internet.

How to fight

Whatever activity a person does at a computer, if we are talking about addiction, then the goal of such activity is the same - escape from reality, creating the illusion of safety and security, restoring balance and inner harmony. The more a person gets mired in the computer world, the weaker become his ability to volitional regulation.

Thus, getting rid of computer addiction involves a complex work, starting with determining the specific reasons for avoiding reality. These problems are individual, but all addicts are united by a weak ability to adapt, impaired, the desire to avoid solutions and avoid problems, low.

To deal with the problem, you need to remove the roots of computer addiction:

  1. Eliminate the discomfort experienced by a person in everyday life, that is, increase resistance to and stress resistance.
  2. Work on increasing responsibility and determination. As a rule, computer-dependent people are endowed with increased sensitivity to life's difficulties, they are not able to resist the blows of fate, they deny their own importance in the development of life.
  3. Achieve a change in mental state and mood from negative to positive. That is, to find activities interesting for the individual in the real world and form.
  4. Work on overcoming.

It is impossible to cope with the problem of addiction on your own - the patient himself has an altered consciousness, those around him rarely have the appropriate competencies. To determine the true reasons for the desire to escape from reality and their study, I recommend that you contact a psychologist for a personal consultation.


The purpose of prevention is to help a person realize responsibility for their own health and life, to make a person informed in decision-making and their consequences, as well as in risk issues. computer world. Preventing computer addiction is easier, it is within the power of every person. Prevention of gambling and computer addiction involves:

  1. The formation of media culture and the development of personal resistance to the aggressive influence of the computer environment (more on this in the article).
  2. To hone practical skills and abilities, they are suitable for increasing psychological stability, reducing the level of anxiety, increasing self-confidence, correcting self-esteem, and overcoming difficult life situations.
  3. Self-realization and satisfaction in the real world, respect for oneself as, following one's interests.
  4. The ability to express and regulate their emotions, relieve stress.
  5. Improving self-organization skills. Start small - make a plan for the day and stick to it.
  6. The ability to relax and turn off the computer in time. At first the computer becomes a means to an end, but gradually it becomes an end itself. Set your daily limit on the computer, translate it into something meaningful just for you. If the work is related to the computer, then indicate the daily earnings, which will be enough. If you are fond of networks and games, then translate this into the damage that they cause - you missed dinner with your family, you do not have time to read a book. At the stage of prevention, you can still cling to it; at the stage of dependence, no “translations” will help.

The main rule for the prevention of gambling and computer addiction is to live the life that you yourself want. Of course, there are generally accepted social norms that must be observed. But where you have the right to choose and vote (work, relationships, hobbies, self-realization), you need to use it.

And, of course, it's important. People run from themselves much more often than from reality. Actually, this is why reality does not develop as we would like - there is no love for oneself and understanding of oneself.

A few decades ago, a computer for people was a breakthrough in technology. To meet him in the apartment was a rarity. Today, everyone has it. It is used for work, searching for the necessary information, rest.

There is not a single person on the planet who has not played or at least not heard of computer games. The first simulators were invented back in the 50s. Often such programs are based on the plots of books and films.

The production of computer games has become global. A couple of hours a week of such a pastime, of course, will not harm anyone. However, excessive enthusiasm provokes the formation of cravings.

The game is present in everyone's life: football, entertainment in kindergarten, checkers and others. But computer simulations are different: they make you immerse yourself in a fictional world that is far from reality.

Game dependence on computer games is a departure from reality into cyberspace. The psychological state of the addict changes. The patient confuses reality with an imaginary world. In advanced cases, the imagination becomes the only habitat.

There are many types of computer games.

The most dangerous for the psychological state are network.

The addict plunges into the life of a fictional character: falls in love, makes friends, quarrels. In cyberspace, emotions are brighter, richer.

The psychology of gambling addiction is characterized by:

  • disorientation in time;
  • an endless sense of something new;
  • distorted understanding of one's "I";
  • impaired consciousness;
  • antisocial characteristics;
  • a sense of virtual power;
  • violation of the volitional aspect.

Schoolchildren and students are more susceptible to addiction. This is due to immaturity mental development suggestibility due to young age.

The disease is also observed in adults. A person leaves the real world for cyberspace during crises, difficulties, in the presence of serious illnesses.

When depending on the simulators, changes are observed:

  • increased feelings of anxiety;
  • severe fear, panic attacks;
  • excessive aggressiveness, irritability;
  • deviant behavioral model, sociopathy;
  • the emergence of a tendency to violence;
  • increased risk of mental disorders.

According to statistics, teenage boys are more prone to gambling addiction. 80% of them spend more than seven hours a day in virtual reality. 50% of girls play for a maximum of five hours a day.

Computer gambling causes serious harm to the human psyche. Dependent people "drop out" of society, become aggressive, irritated. They are almost impossible to control.

The concept of gaming computer addiction

Gaming computer addiction is defined as a disorder of the brain, motivation, memory and systems interconnected with them. These problems cause certain psychological, physiological, social and spiritual manifestations.

The addict loses the ability to abstinence, control over behavior. He has a strong craving, an abnormal emotional reaction. He does not realize and does not see his problem. The disease is characterized by remissions and relapses. If you do not take action, then the pathology will lead to disability and death.

Computer gaming addiction is a kind of human-machine relationship. This is an excessive emotional addiction not to technology, but to what it gives. The patient wants to fill all the time with games, but this is impossible for objective reasons.

The school and parents interfere with the child. Adult - family, work. If these factors do not exist, then the addict will completely immerse himself in a fictional world. It's extremely hard to get him out of there.

The final stage in the development of addiction will be a complete immersion in cyberspace. Sounds daunting, but it must be accepted as inevitable. However, this can be avoided if treatment is started.

Formation pathogenesis

A common cause of the formation of pathological attraction is personality traits, character traits. Touchy people who are prone to chronic depression and have low self-esteem tend to move away from the "cruel" reality.

In reality, they cannot establish interpersonal relationships, they become a kind of "outcast". In cyberspace, no one "gets" them, does not torment them with questions. There they can be whatever they want. Thus, an addiction is formed, which is difficult to cope with without professional help.

Pathology can develop due to a lack of perception of yourself as you are, from loneliness and misunderstanding of loved ones. The patient is constantly in a tense state, emotional exhaustion.

Dependence is a consequence of upbringing in childhood and is due to overprotection or high demands of parents.

In the first case, the child grows up dependent. He is used to the fact that his relatives decide everything for him and in adulthood he is not able to do something himself. Everything is simpler in the game: it is simple in actions and everything is decided in advance in it.

In the second situation, the child develops a very low self-esteem. In a computer, you can constantly be a leader, assert yourself through virtual reality.

Often people are not interested in their real life, so they are immersed in cyberspace. They just do not understand that you can find a hobby, a hobby. Go in for sports, start traveling, and not run away from reality in games.

Stages and consequences

The development of pathological traction occurs in stages:

  • Light interest: the patient undergoes adaptation.
  • Enthusiasm: A strong attraction is manifested. Each session is longer, the stakes increase. At this stage, a person can still resist his attraction.
  • Addiction: Simulation cravings are at their highest. Man constantly struggles with the desire to play. Giving up a "hobby" becomes almost impossible. Time spent at the computer increases dramatically.
  • Attachment: the previous stage lasts for a long time. After that, the thrust subsides and gains momentum with greater force. The game becomes the meaning of life for the patient, money is only a symbol. A person is not able to overcome his addiction on his own. The addict is distracted from the computer only under duress.

Consequences of gambling mania:

  • regular conflicts with relatives, the collapse of the cell of society;
  • loss of friends;
  • lowering social status;
  • large financial debts;
  • degradation.

To avoid all these problems, the pathological condition must be identified and treated in a timely manner.

Signs and symptoms

It is not difficult to determine pathological cravings. Signs of computer gaming addiction:

  • Before the game, a person is in a good mood, in ecstasy before the start of the action. He seeks to quickly finish all things in order to immerse himself in the virtual world.
  • During the game, the addict is overexcited, his emotional state is elevated. All feelings are heightened.
  • If for some reason you need to break away from the computer, the person gets annoyed, worried.
  • It becomes impossible to reduce the time spent behind the equipment.
  • Craving initially manifests itself in episodes, then becomes systematic.
  • The patient constantly promises to stop playing and start spending time with loved ones. His words lead nowhere.
  • The game is a way of avoiding difficulties, loneliness, bad mood, etc.

All of these signs indicate the formation of dependence. It must be dealt with in order to avoid adverse consequences.

  • You need to carefully monitor the time spent at the computer. It is advisable to write down on paper what time the game started and when it ended. At the end of the week, calculate the number of hours spent on a dubious activity. The figure will make you think seriously.
  • You need to set a limited time in the game. For convenience, you can set a timer. If even after his signal, the action on the computer does not stop, at least the exact time spent on the "hobby" will be known. If the addiction is not quite in its advanced form, you can choose certain days or hours dedicated to virtual reality. It is recommended to set a monetary limit that will be spent monthly in the game.
  • It is advisable to choose simulators, the passage of which does not take much time. Some games are hard to pass, and they drag you into the virtual world even more.
  • You can not perceive the simulator as a kind of competition. This is just a game and you should not be afraid to stop it before reaching the final. This is a virtual world, no one will blame you for not finishing the job.
  • You have to earn time at the computer. You can not sit down for the games until all the things are done. You don't have to give up your passion completely. You just need to understand the versatility of the world around you.
  • Computer games are recommended to be replaced with broadcasts. At this time, it is not necessary to be at the monitor. You can do useful things. For example, clean the apartment or cook dinner.
  • If there is a realization that it is time to return to reality, it is recommended to drastically abandon computer games. This is hard to do, but necessary. You can remove all simulators from the equipment, give disks to friends for a certain time. After that, more time will be spent with loved ones and the realization will come that cyberspace cannot replace the real world.
  • To get rid of addiction forever, you need to determine the reason why it was formed. Eliminating it, it will turn out to be freed from pathological attraction.

If you cannot overcome the addiction on your own, you need to contact a specialist.

To determine the presence of addiction, you must agree or refute the following statements:

  • Being at the computer lasts for hours. You can refuse to consume food, hygiene procedures and other things to extend the session in the game.
  • Regularly there are delays in the game more than the planned time.
  • A person thinks about himself as a virtual character with a reputation in the game, and not as a real person.
  • Cyberspace is more important than communicating with people in the real world (even sometimes).
  • After passing the game, pleasure is felt. I want to experience euphoria, adrenaline, satisfaction again.
  • It's hard to break away from the simulator, even at someone's request.
  • It is difficult to stop the game during important events (battles, fights, etc.).
  • I have to hide my passion for computer games, because it's embarrassing to admit how much time it takes.
  • Relatives notice a pathological addiction.
  • Because of the simulators, there is not enough time for study, household chores, work, etc.
  • If you can’t sit down at the computer, your mood worsens.
  • Immersion in a fictional world occurs even in the workplace, in an educational institution.
  • Because of the games there were absenteeism at work, study.
  • At the computer, it is much easier to relieve stress than using other methods.
  • Because of the games, relationships with friends and family worsened.
  • Simulations are invested cash required for other purposes.

The more positive answers, the higher the risk of developing gambling addiction.

If they are more than 50%, then you need to seek the advice of a specialist. Pathology began to develop.

Preventive actions

There is no specific prevention. To reduce the likelihood of developing cravings for computer games, following the recommendations will help:

  • if a person devotes a lot of time to virtual reality, he needs to be shown to a doctor;
  • you need to try to understand the meaning of the simulators that your loved one plays: this will help you find common ground, build trust;
  • you can’t criticize games in front of a person who is passionate about a computer: you need to gently express thoughts on this matter;
  • it is necessary to understand what exactly attracts in cyberspace, what is lacking in reality;
  • limit access to books, movies, games with violence: this will suppress aggressiveness.

The above will reduce the risk of addiction. However, if a person spends a lot of time at the computer, the first symptoms of pathological attraction appear, he must be persuaded to pay a visit to the doctor.

Dependence on computer games is a new type of psychological dependence, in which a computer game becomes a leading human need.

It seems that this type of addiction is not as terrible as alcoholism or drug addiction, in which toxic substances become indispensable for normal metabolism. But this is only at first glance, because the psychological dependence on the computer is no less strong than any other. In addition, modern computer games are becoming more and more "advanced" and more and more perfectly imitate reality, so more and more people become their hostages.

Some statistics

Statistics on the prevalence of this dependence varies significantly among different researchers. Doctor of Psychology Alexander Georgievich Shmelev believes that about 10-14% of people who use a computer are "hardcore gamers". At the same time, Maresa Orzak, a psychologist at Harvard University, cites much less comforting statistics: she believes that among people who play computer games, 40-80% are addicted.

There are some gender and age aspects of such addiction. The intensity of passion for computer games is more pronounced among boys than among girls. Young men, on average, spend twice as much time on computer games. The older and more educated a person is, the less time he spends on computer games (completely different goals appear, and it becomes a pity to waste time).

The reasons

The causes of addiction to computer games are as follows:

  • lack of bright and interesting moments in real life. Everything is so everyday and ordinary that a person is looking for a simple and often cheap way to diversify his life. So he begins to join the virtual world;
  • a hidden inferiority complex, different in childhood and adolescence, are the result of the fact that a person “underplayed” in a timely manner, so he is trying to catch up;
  • quite often, such an addiction develops on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, when relationships with the opposite sex do not add up, and a person tries to “switch” to something;
  • sometimes the first step towards the development of this addiction is "extra" time. For example, people who are forced to stay at the workplace from 9 to 18, when this time just needs to “sit out”, begin to join computer games or aimlessly surf the net.


At the heart of the mechanism for the formation of computer addiction is a departure from reality and the need to assume a certain role. In most cases, this is a means of compensating for life's problems. At the same time, a person begins to realize himself in the game world, and not in the real one.

Now there are many computer games, fortunately, not all of them are equally dangerous. Conventionally, they can be divided into role-playing and non-role-playing. By determining which category it belongs to, you can assess how dangerous it is.

Role-playing games are distinguished by their pronounced influence on the human psyche. At the same time, a person "gets used" to a certain role, identifies himself with some character, while moving away from reality.

There are 3 types of role-playing games:

  • with a view "from the eyes" of the character;
  • with an “outside” view of his hero;
  • leadership games.

The games with the view “from the eyes” are the most “addictive”. The gamer fully identifies himself with a certain computer character, enters the role as much as possible, because he “looks” at the virtual world through the eyes of his hero. Literally a few minutes after the start of the session, a person begins to lose touch with the real world, completely transferred to the virtual world. He identifies himself with the computer hero so much that he can consider the actions of the computer character as his own, and the virtual world itself begins to be perceived by him as real. At critical moments, he can fidget in his chair, trying to dodge shots or blows, turn pale.

If you look at your hero "from the outside", then the power of entering the role is less compared to the previous type of games. Despite the fact that the identification with the computer character is less pronounced, the emotional manifestations associated with the game are still present, which can be seen during the failures or death of the computer hero.

In leadership games, a person leads several (or many) characters. He does not see his hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. Expressed "immersion" is possible only among people with a developed imagination. Psychological dependence, which is formed during leadership games, is quite pronounced.


There are a number of signs of addiction to computer games:

  • one of the main symptoms of computer addiction is pronounced irritation that occurs in response to the forced need to remove oneself from a favorite activity. When the game resumes, you can immediately notice the emotional upsurge;
  • a frequent symptom of computer addiction is the inability to predict the end of the session, the player will postpone it again and again;
  • the computer becomes the center of the life of an addicted person, therefore, when communicating with others, the most interesting topic for him will be the discussion of his favorite computer game;
  • as the addiction progresses, the social, labor and family adaptation of a person is disturbed - he forgets about work, household chores, studies, loses interest in them;
  • the presence of psychological addiction is also reflected in the habits of a person: in order to spend more time at the computer, he increasingly eats without leaving the monitor, neglects personal hygiene, sleep time is reduced, and the computer sessions themselves are lengthened.

Fortunately, this addiction does not develop overnight, it goes through a series of stages. The sooner you notice its presence, the easier it will be to deal with it.

Stages of addiction development

There are 4 stages of addiction from computer games:

  1. The initial stage is an easy passion. It comes when a person has already played several times, as they say, “got a taste”. Such a pastime gives a person positive emotions. At this stage, the game has a situational character, a person plays episodically, only under certain conditions, when there is free time, but he will not play to the detriment of something important.
  2. The next stage is passion. The transition to this stage can be determined by the emergence of a new need - the game. At this stage, a person already plays systematically, and if this is not possible, then he can sacrifice something in order to make time for his favorite pastime.
  3. And finally, the addiction stage. In the pyramid of values, the game is elevated to the top level.
  4. Over time (this may take several months or even years), the attachment stage begins. The gaming activity of a person fades away, he begins to be interested in something new, social and labor contacts can be established. However, a person cannot completely “say goodbye” to the game on his own. This stage can last for many years. The appearance of new games can provoke a surge in gaming activity.

Dependence can manifest itself in one of two forms - socialized and individualized.

An individualized form is the worst option, it is characterized by a loss of contact with others. A person spends a lot of time at the computer, he does not need to communicate with family, friends, others. The computer and everything connected with it for such people is a kind of “drug”, it is necessary to regularly take the next “dose”. Otherwise, there is a "breaking" in the form of depression, increased irritability.

The socialized form is characterized by the preservation of social contacts. People suffering from this addiction prefer online games. Such an occupation for them is not so much a "drug" as a competition. This form is less detrimental to the psyche compared to the individualized form.

Consequences of this addiction:

  • self-esteem decreases, a person’s self-consciousness is violated, over time he can consider himself more as a computer character than a real person;
  • people suffering from such an addiction get used to the fact that pleasure can be achieved without any serious actions, volitional efforts, over time in the real world they stop showing initiative, become passive, personality degradation occurs;
  • The consequence of addiction may be a violation of family and social adaptation. The player devotes more and more time to the computer, on this basis conflicts arise in the family. Over time, friends may turn away if they do not share hobbies for a computer game;
  • the growing craving for the game is also reflected in the professional activity of a person: he can play during working hours, when some urgent business needs to be done. Lack of initiative, the desire to leave work as soon as possible, neglect of one's work duties inevitably lead to problems at work and even to dismissal;
  • in order to play some computer games, you need to pay for different services. The consequence of dependence on similar games may become debt. Hoping to win, a person can borrow substantial amounts of money, take loans;
  • When sitting at a computer for a long time, not only the human psyche suffers, but also its physical condition. Visual impairment, overweight and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract due to insufficient motor activity and irregular nutrition, problems with the spine, hemorrhoids - these and other diseases can develop due to excessive passion for computer games.

But this is only at first glance, because the psychological dependence on the computer is no less strong than any other. In addition, modern computer games are becoming more and more "advanced" and more and more perfectly imitate reality, so more and more people become their hostages.

Some statistics

Statistics on the prevalence of this dependence varies significantly among different researchers. Doctor of Psychology Alexander Georgievich Shmelev believes that about 10-14% of people who use a computer are "hardcore gamers". At the same time, Maresa Orzak, a psychologist at Harvard University, cites much less comforting statistics: she believes that among people who play computer games, 40-80% are addicted.

There are some gender and age aspects of such addiction. The intensity of passion for computer games is more pronounced among boys than among girls. Young men, on average, spend twice as much time on computer games. The older and more educated a person is, the less time he spends on computer games (completely different goals appear, and it becomes a pity to waste time).

The reasons

The causes of addiction to computer games are as follows:

  • lack of bright and interesting moments in real life. Everything is so everyday and ordinary that a person is looking for a simple and often cheap way to diversify his life. So he begins to join the virtual world;
  • a hidden inferiority complex, various psychological traumas in childhood and adolescence are the result of the fact that a person “underplayed” in a timely manner, so he is trying to catch up;
  • quite often, such an addiction develops on the basis of sexual dissatisfaction, when relationships with the opposite sex do not add up, and a person tries to “switch” to something;
  • sometimes the first step towards the development of this addiction is "extra" time. For example, people who are forced to stay at the workplace from 9 to 18, when this time just needs to “sit out”, begin to join computer games or aimlessly surf the net.


At the heart of the mechanism for the formation of computer addiction is a departure from reality and the need to assume a certain role. In most cases, this is a means of compensating for life's problems. At the same time, a person begins to realize himself in the game world, and not in the real one.

Now there are many computer games, fortunately, not all of them are equally dangerous. Conventionally, they can be divided into role-playing and non-role-playing. By determining which category it belongs to, you can assess how dangerous it is.

Role-playing games are distinguished by their pronounced influence on the human psyche. At the same time, a person "gets used" to a certain role, identifies himself with some character, while moving away from reality.

There are 3 types of role-playing games:

  • with a view "from the eyes" of the character;
  • with an “outside” view of his hero;
  • leadership games.

The games with the view “from the eyes” are the most “addictive”. The gamer fully identifies himself with a certain computer character, enters the role as much as possible, because he “looks” at the virtual world through the eyes of his hero. Literally a few minutes after the start of the session, a person begins to lose touch with the real world, completely transferred to the virtual world. He identifies himself with the computer hero so much that he can consider the actions of the computer character as his own, and the virtual world itself begins to be perceived by him as real. At critical moments, he can fidget in his chair, trying to dodge shots or blows, turn pale.

If you look at your hero "from the outside", then the power of entering the role is less compared to the previous type of games. Despite the fact that the identification with the computer character is less pronounced, the emotional manifestations associated with the game are still present, which can be seen during the failures or death of the computer hero.

In leadership games, a person leads several (or many) characters. He does not see his hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. Expressed "immersion" is possible only among people with a developed imagination. Psychological dependence, which is formed during leadership games, is quite pronounced.


There are a number of signs of addiction to computer games:

  • one of the main symptoms of computer addiction is pronounced irritation that occurs in response to the forced need to remove oneself from a favorite activity. When the game resumes, you can immediately notice the emotional upsurge;
  • a frequent symptom of computer addiction is the inability to predict the end of the session, the player will postpone it again and again;
  • the computer becomes the center of the life of an addicted person, therefore, when communicating with others, the most interesting topic for him will be the discussion of his favorite computer game;
  • as the addiction progresses, the social, labor and family adaptation of a person is disturbed - he forgets about work, household chores, studies, loses interest in them;
  • the presence of psychological addiction is also reflected in the habits of a person: in order to spend more time at the computer, he increasingly eats without leaving the monitor, neglects personal hygiene, sleep time is reduced, and the computer sessions themselves are lengthened.

Fortunately, this addiction does not develop overnight, it goes through a series of stages. The sooner you notice its presence, the easier it will be to deal with it.

Stages of addiction development

There are 4 stages of addiction from computer games:

  1. The initial stage is an easy passion. It comes when a person has already played several times, as they say, “got a taste”. Such a pastime gives a person positive emotions. At this stage, the game has a situational character, a person plays episodically, only under certain conditions, when there is free time, but he will not play to the detriment of something important.
  2. The next stage is passion. The transition to this stage can be determined by the emergence of a new need - the game. At this stage, a person already plays systematically, and if this is not possible, then he can sacrifice something in order to make time for his favorite pastime.
  3. And finally, the addiction stage. In the pyramid of values, the game is elevated to the top level.
  4. Over time (this may take several months or even years), the attachment stage begins. The gaming activity of a person fades away, he begins to be interested in something new, social and labor contacts can be established. However, a person cannot completely “say goodbye” to the game on his own. This stage can last for many years. The appearance of new games can provoke a surge in gaming activity.

Dependence can manifest itself in one of two forms - socialized and individualized.

An individualized form is the worst option, it is characterized by a loss of contact with others. A person spends a lot of time at the computer, he does not need to communicate with family, friends, others. The computer and everything connected with it for such people is a kind of “drug”, it is necessary to regularly take the next “dose”. Otherwise, there is a "breaking" in the form of depression, increased irritability.

The socialized form is characterized by the preservation of social contacts. People suffering from this addiction prefer online games. Such an occupation for them is not so much a "drug" as a competition. This form is less detrimental to the psyche compared to the individualized form.

Signs of addiction to computer games

Doctors put on a par with drug addiction and alcoholism. All these ailments cause rapid and painful addiction, subjugate the will of people, “tear off” from a full-fledged socially adapted life. Rarely, a gamer can show willpower and independently part with an addiction. In most cases, such people need the help and support of loved ones, as well as treatment by a psychotherapist.

What is gambling addiction

The mechanism of influence of computer games on the brain is the same as that of drugs or alcohol. Just when using narcotic substances, endorphin is produced as a result of chemical reactions occurring in the body, and in the case of gambling, this hormone is produced as a response to a sense of excitement, joy from virtual victories and achievements. Striving for a constant feeling of happiness, a person spends more and more time playing computer games.

The disease develops gradually, if others do not notice changes in behavior in time, then over time it will form into a severe form of gambling addiction. When a real gamer is torn away from his favorite pastime, he begins to experience physical and psychological torment. In such a situation, with the help of conversations alone, the problem cannot be eliminated; treatment by a specialist will be required.

In most cases, dependence on a computer, the Internet, games is observed in the younger generation. It is quite rare for a conscious adult to spend days and nights playing online games.


Psychotherapists conditionally divide addiction to computer games into two groups: attraction to local games and craving for networked online games. According to certain symptoms, you can distinguish an ordinary lover of playing on a computer from a gamer. An addict who needs treatment experiences the following behavioral changes:

  • inability to plan your schedule and time;
  • neglect of vital matters, for example, study, work, caring for appearance;
  • aggressive behavior in relation to factors distracting from games;
  • no events can force the gamer to voluntarily be distracted from the computer;
  • during the game, the mood is always good, and when there is no opportunity to do what you love, the person becomes angry and irritable;
  • ever-growing cash "infusions" in paid games and various add-ons to them;
  • the time a person spends playing is constantly increasing;
  • a constant desire to check if a game update is available;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, health and other factors in favor of the game;
  • refusal to communicate with others, replacing them with virtual characters.

The last two points are the most serious symptoms. If you notice them in a lover to spend time at the computer, then you should know that the person needs treatment from a specialist. The remaining signs are no less disturbing, but in some cases the problem can be solved with a simple conversation.

Long games on the computer leave an imprint not only on the mental health of a person, but also on the physical. A game addict constantly experiences the following sensations:

  • pain in the wrists and back;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache and migraine;
  • sleep problems;
  • constant drowsiness, fatigue, feeling of weakness.

If a gamer has already developed functional disorders on the part of organs and systems, then psychological help alone is not enough for treatment. It will be necessary to turn to doctors to eliminate acquired physical diseases.

How to get rid

There is no single answer to the question of how to get rid of gambling addiction. In each case, treatment should be individual, thoughtful and gentle. Psychotherapists consider radical measures unacceptable. Constant remarks and reproaches, a ban on leaving the house, deleting all games from the computer can only aggravate the situation. The gamer will withdraw into himself, and psychotherapy will not give a positive result. Moreover, a person may refuse to communicate with anyone at all, he may experience attacks of aggression, and even suicide attempts.

Not only the addicted to games needs the help of a specialist, but also his relatives, who also experience stress. It is necessary to improve relations in the family, to understand how to communicate with a gamer, how to help him return to normal life. Very often, family therapy gives positive results. Thanks to such sessions, a person addicted to computer games is easier to give up his addiction and easier to endure the rehabilitation period.


Preventive measures can help prevent the development of gambling addiction:

  • consult a psychotherapist, offer the gamer a meeting with a specialist;
  • try to understand the process and the meaning of the addict's favorite games, this will help to find common ground, establish contact, go for rapprochement;
  • try to avoid negative and harsh criticism of your passion for computer games, try to express your opinion as gently as possible;
  • find out what exactly attracts a person in the virtual world, why he does not like real life;
  • limit the addict's access to games, books, films containing scenes of cruelty and violence, this will help stop attacks of aggression.

Do not forget that a computer game addict is a person who needs help. If you notice signs of a gambling addiction in a loved one, do not turn away from him, on the contrary, try to help. On their own, without the support of relatives, and often the help of a professional psychotherapist, a gamer will not be able to get rid of his addiction and return to normal life.

The whole truth about video game addiction

Young people are predominantly prone to gambling addiction. However, among people prone to gambling there are many adults and seemingly serious people. But it is young people, children, who most often become victims of the harmful effects of virtual reality.

The essence of the problem

Although gambling is not officially recognized as a science, in some countries, at the state level, measures have been taken for several years to combat addiction to certain types of games. Such measures are not taken out of the blue.

A person addicted to computer games is easy to distinguish from the crowd. In the later stages of addiction, the behavior of a gamer, cut off from the computer, becomes inadequate, antisocial. The game freak stops watching his appearance, forgets to wash, cut his nails and even sleep. In such cases, we are no longer talking about normal nutrition, a person sits on water, chocolate bars and other fast food. And such nutrition sooner or later leads any person to at least gastritis, and even to an ulcer.

There are cases around the world, including in Russia, when teenagers, for the sake of continuing the game, killed their brothers, sisters, who interfered with the game and their parents, who hid the game console or keyboard from them.

By the way, the restriction of a person dependent on computer games in access to the game leads him to a state similar to breaking a drug addict.

The fragile children's psyche is especially negatively affected by games in which scenes of violence against people are regularly reproduced. Children who are too deeply immersed in the process of violence in the virtual world transfer such a model of behavior to real life, with difficulty distinguishing between virtual reality and "real". Sometimes, when people get used to the role of their virtual characters, meetings of virtual opponents in real life end in mutilations and murders.

In addition to mental disorders, a person who plays computer games is at risk of acquiring a number of physical diseases and related problems. If you sit at the computer for a long time (more than hours in a row), there is a risk of getting a heart attack and stroke due to blood stagnation. In addition, non-ionizing radiation emanating from computers negatively affects the possibility of procreation in men and kills the gene pool. Continuous sitting in front of the monitor negatively affects the condition nervous system, increases irritability and excitability. Often, people who are addicted to computer games suffer from hypertension and headaches, not to mention the deterioration of vision, which can then be restored, but with great difficulty.

Causes of the problem

The reasons for the dependence on computer games lie in the human psyche in the first place. A gamer is a person who has not been able to realize himself in real life. having significant internal problems, conflicts with society. Computer games, not necessarily online, often captivate a person during periods of destruction of hopes, in the absence of the opportunity to realize their dreams and plans.

It is known that most of all dependence on computer games extends to teenagers, young people who are in a transitional period. Games give them the opportunity to psychologically assert themselves, self-actualize, without risking anything.

The same thing happens with mature people who have crossed the threshold of 40 years. This is another important and dangerous age period, when a person evaluates the results of the years of life already lived, begins to feel the approach of old age. If a person realizes that half, and perhaps most of his life has already passed, and he has not come a step closer to his dream, life has not gone at all the way he once imagined, then a crisis begins.

Most try to drown their sadness in alcohol, others use drugs to escape from an unpleasant reality. Some try to make up for a short period of everything that they missed, which they refused in their youth. But some of the adults go into virtual reality, and some of them are drawn irrevocably.

Today, it is not uncommon for summer men to sit at the computer for days on end, playing tanks, quit their jobs, forget that there is real life, family, children. Computer games have become hell for these families.

Addiction treatment

Despite the fact that most doctors and medical organizations, dependence on virtual games is not recognized as a disease, in some countries, measures have been taken for several years and methods have been developed to treat and prevent the onset of this disease.

In one of the clinics in the UK, a department has been opened that specializes in the treatment of addiction to computer games. Over the past decade, several children's camps have been opened in China, in which teenagers who have gone headlong into the world of computer dreams return to real life. And in South Korea, Internet service providers are required to reduce the speed of Internet access for users who devote too much time to online role-playing games.

Unfortunately, the above measures are only general character and are only accepted in some countries. Thanks to this, the problem of addiction to computer games is slowly but surely gaining momentum against the backdrop of the Internet becoming more and more accessible and cheaper computers.

Alas, the attempts of the patient's relatives to independently cure him of addiction are doomed to failure the more the problem is rooted. In the later stages of the disease, when a person neglects work, study, proper nutrition and sleep, when a person is no longer interested in sex, he needs the help of a qualified specialist. It must be borne in mind that, first of all, a person addicted to computer games needs to realize that he has a problem. Otherwise, he will subconsciously and consciously oppose the healing process.

The treatment consists primarily in the fact that working with the patient, psychologists and psychotherapists bring him not just to a superficial understanding, but to a deep awareness of the meaninglessness and futility of games. Their task is to help the patient realize the importance of those things that happen to him in the real world while he is immersed in the virtual world. After psychotherapy, supplemented by drug treatment, it becomes much easier for the addict to give up computer games.

Drug treatment primarily consists in normalizing the metabolism of the body and restoring the functioning of its various systems. An important link in the treatment of addiction is the reduction of irritability and nervousness with sedative drugs. Plus vitaminization of the body, depleted by a long period of malnutrition and sleep.

Addiction Prevention

However, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and addiction to computer games is no exception. The conditions and circumstances under which there is an increased risk of over-indulgence in computer games have already been described above. It must be understood that people are not equally at risk. If we compare a group of people who are already quite familiar with computer games and a group that has not come across games before, then, of course, the risk of getting addicted to computer games will be an order of magnitude higher for the first group.

To prevent the development of gambling addiction, you should monitor your emotional state during critical periods of life. If depression sets in, it would be a good idea to apply the methods for preventing and combating depression described in this article. They will help diversify life and raise the overall tone of the body.

If you want to go into the virtual world, you need to consciously engage yourself in real things, such as reading books, putting things in order at home, or playing sports. It would be nice to find some permanent hobby. An ordinary walk in the fresh air, cycling is also a great opportunity to get distracted, get new impressions, perhaps even interesting acquaintances.

The same applies to children as well. If they already know what computer games are and actively play them, you should not ban them from playing computer games. There is a saying: “if you really don’t want to do something, strictly forbid your children from doing it ...”. You just need to pay attention to the interests of children that exist in addition to the computer and encourage them to support children in this direction, respecting the hobby for computer games. After all, if a person devotes several hours a week to computer games, then this cannot be called an addiction. But the line between passion and addiction is thin.

Like many other diseases, gambling addiction is a treatable disease. However, it requires desire and diligence on the part of the patient himself and great patience, love and support from his relatives. Not much more than is required in order to return your loved one to the side of real life in time and not to start the disease to the last stage.

Be attentive to your loved ones. Be healthy!

Addiction to computer games

How to understand how harmless a computer game is? What is gambling addiction and how to deal with it?

The global technological progress has given us a lot of new and interesting things. A computer, which a few decades ago was a unique miracle of technology, available only to a select few, is now present in almost every home. It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his day without this universal device - it is our faithful companion both at work and at home, when we "rest" after a hard day. Undoubtedly, there is nothing terrible in watching an interesting movie on the World Wide Web in the evening or searching for the necessary data. But this is far from all that a computer can offer us ...

There are probably few people left on Earth who are not familiar with computer games, or at least have not heard of them. According to experts, the history of computer games has a little more than half a century - the first of them appeared in the distant 50s. By definition, a computer game is a program that serves to organize gameplay, connections with gaming partners and / or itself being a partner. Often such games are based on books and films. And since 2011 in the US, computer games have been officially recognized as a separate art form.

In recent years, the production of computer games has become a whole huge industry. Of course, demand creates supply, which means that more and more people want to play. Naturally, an hour or two of playing once a week "for relaxation" will not kill anyone. But is everything as simple with computer games as we would like to believe? Let's figure it out.

What is computer gaming addiction?

Computer gaming addiction, or gambling addiction, is a form of addiction that manifests itself through an obsessive passion for computer games and video games. Dependence is formed especially quickly in cases when, with the help of a game, a person tries to solve his psychological problems and tasks. For example, in the game you can feel like a completely different person, not the same as in real life; you can show feelings that are not customary to experience openly: aggression, anger; you can discard the real anxiety from the present time and go into the virtual world. According to research by experts, online games cause the strongest addiction. In history, cases of the fatal consequences of such fun are known - for example, in 2005, a Chinese girl who lost World of Warcraft for many days in a row died of exhaustion.

At the moment, gambling addiction is not recognized as a disease. Such an ailment is not officially included in the International Classification of Diseases. But the debate over the adoption of this term is ongoing. According to experts, additional tests are needed to study in detail the impact of gambling addiction on the human body.

However, the results "on the ground" speak for themselves. Network games have captured the minds of mankind. The number of players is already in the millions. What is the catch of such a seemingly harmless activity? And the thing is that it, like any other addiction, can drag you into its networks. The player forgets about everything in the world: about food, sleep, basic hygiene, obligations to family, loved ones, children, not to mention physical activity and walks in nature. Unable to interrupt the gaming process, gamers can lose their jobs and families. The real world for them is completely replaced by the virtual one.

But, of course, teenagers have the hardest time. These “no longer children, but not yet adults”, already experiencing one of the most difficult periods in their lives, go into games “with their heads”. As a result, relations with the family deteriorate, exams fail, sessions fail. Former honors roll down to deuces. In addition, over time, games begin to require more and more cash investments. And where can I get them for a person who does not yet earn money on his own? Many begin to beg from their parents, and when they stop giving, they take without asking. In such cases, urgent help is required - the young man is no longer able to get out of this endless marathon alone ...

Symptoms of computer gaming addiction

How to recognize a gaming computer addiction? Experts call such symptoms:

  1. Unwillingness to be distracted from a computer game;
  2. Irritation with forced distraction from the game;
  3. Euphoria or just feeling good while at the computer and playing a game;
  4. Failure to schedule the end of the game session and the time spent at the computer;
  5. Forgetting about home and work responsibilities, studies, agreements, scheduled meetings during the game on the computer;
  6. Large cash investments to ensure constant updating of devices and computer software;
  7. Neglect of sleep, hygiene, health, in favor of spending as much time as possible in the game;
  8. Refusal of normal meals, preference for mechanical "absorption" of irregular, monotonous meals in front of the computer;
  9. Abuse of psychostimulants: coffee, various energy drinks;
  10. An obsessive desire to discuss a computer game with everyone who understands at least something about it.

In addition, dependence on computer games negatively affects both physical and mental health of a person. Common physical symptoms include:

  • Visual disturbances, dry eyes;
  • Headache;
  • Changes in sleep patterns, sleep disorders;
  • Digestive disorders due to irregular and malnutrition;
  • Frequent back pain caused by a long sitting position;
  • posture problems;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Constant feeling of tiredness;
  • Tunnel syndrome - damage to the nerve trunks in the wrist. Such a violation occurs due to uncomfortable working conditions with the mouse and keyboard and prolonged muscle strain;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene and related problems.

The psychological symptoms of addiction are less visible to the naked eye, but no less significant. The player himself may not notice how much time he spends on games, how he forgets to eat and moves away from relatives and friends.

According to psychologists, the most prone to game computer addiction are people who are insecure, with low self-esteem, having difficulties in communication, dissatisfied with life and themselves, shy by nature and having complexes. The game gives them the opportunity to go to another reality, fulfill their desires, experience new emotions, feel strong, meaningful, armed. That is, in fact, there is a substitution of real life for a virtual game.

Causes of computer gaming addiction

The main reasons for the development of gaming computer addiction psychologists include:

  1. Lack of real quality communication. Most this problem offends children and adolescents whose parents are overly busy or overprotective. The lack of real communications makes people look for them in the virtual world;
  2. Lack of bright interesting moments in life. When a person's everyday life is filled with dullness and boredom, he tries to "get" positive emotions in the game;
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction. Basically, the “victims” of gambling addiction are people who are dissatisfied with their personal lives or do not have one. Also, sometimes various sexual disorders and deviations from the norm are masked under a pathological attraction to games. After all, the beauty of toys is that the player is, in fact, anonymous, no one will “bite” him and point fingers at him, which means that you can manifest yourself in different ways;
  4. Unformed psyche. It is not uncommon for players to "hang out" mentally in childhood or adolescence, unwilling to accept adult life with all its responsibilities;
  5. Social fears, phobias. Often behind the increased craving for games is the fear of interpersonal relationships, society as a whole, the inability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, lack of creativity, flexibility. The virtual world of the game in this case can replace the reality that he is so afraid of, provide a more comfortable environment for a person. All this poses a serious threat to success in real life;
  6. Conflicts, discord within the family. When everything is tired, “it doesn’t work out”, it doesn’t work out, there is a great temptation to go to a place where you will not be judged, and in general no one knows you;
  7. A chance to get away from real life problems. It begins to seem to a person that with the help of the game he will be able to relieve his stress, anxiety, depression, "escape" from problems in school, overload at work, discord in the family and circle of friends;
  8. The presence of psychopathy. Psychopathy does not mean a disease, but pathological character traits that, under adverse conditions, lead to prolonged stress and chronic diseases. Psychopaths are considered the most prone to various addictions.

According to psychologists, role-playing games are the greatest danger. The very meaning of such games involves the "entry" of a person into the game, identifying himself with the character, the loss of the player's individuality and his integration with the computer. And, the stronger the effect of immersion, the more difficult it becomes then to break away from the game.

Stages and consequences of gaming computer addiction

Computer games attract many people, but not all become gamers. Players can be conditionally divided into 4 categories:

  1. situational game. Such people play when there are external factors: free time, competition. If there is no outside influence, there is no interest in the game either;
  2. episodic game. In such cases, people start playing computer games from time to time, but they are able to control themselves and limit the time spent in the game;
  3. systematic game. Such players are addicted to computer games, but wasted time and unfulfilled duties cause them remorse, as a result of which they may stop playing;
  4. Gambling. For people from this group, the game becomes the meaning of life and takes virtually all the time. When at the moment a person does not have the opportunity to play, he still plans the course of the game in his thoughts, waiting for the moment to return to it. Unfulfilled obligations, unfinished business, losing instead of being suspended from the game, on the contrary, provoke him to continue on and on. In this case, we are talking about true gambling.

The development of addiction to computer games occurs in several stages:

  1. The stage of mild infatuation. At this stage, adaptation to the game takes place;
  2. Passion stage. Sharp and fast formation of dependence. There is an increased desire to play, gaming sessions become longer. The stakes in the game increase (if the game is played "for money"). At this stage, there is still no struggle between the desires to play or not to play, and a person can still refuse to play even if he wants to sit down at the computer;
  3. addiction stage. At this stage, the magnitude of the dependence reaches its maximum value. The struggle of motives “to play” or “not to play” is clearly manifested, it is more and more difficult to choose “not to play”. The time spent at the computer increases sharply, excitement increases, it becomes very difficult to break away from the game. If the player receives cash winnings, they immediately return to the game;
  4. attachment stage. The strength of addiction for a long period of time remains stable, then decreases a little and is fixed again and remains stable. Now the game becomes the center of the whole life of the player. Money becomes only a symbol of the game. At this stage, a person can no longer independently overcome the desire to play. The goal of the game is the process itself, not winning. It is very difficult for a person to refrain from gambling, such intervals are extremely small and arise only forcibly. The player is always immersed in his gaming fantasies.

What are the consequences of gaming computer addiction? Psychologists include:

  • private and protracted conflicts at home, often - family breakdown;
  • loss of friends and close circle;
  • loss of social status;
  • large financial debts;
  • personality degradation.

Prevention and treatment

Any violation is always easier to prevent than to cure. And gambling is no exception. According to psychologists, a very important part of the prevention of computer gaming addiction (as well as other addictions) is explanatory work, primarily among young people. It is necessary to give them examples of how such an addiction ruined human lives, led players to poverty, to the loss of their favorite activities and former interests. It is important to point out that often gambling is the result of a weak character and lack of willpower. Also, in the prevention of gambling among children, the positive example of the parents themselves and close adults is also important - constantly observing how bright and interesting real life can be, taking part in it on their own, the child is unlikely to want to exchange it for a virtual one. And, of course, you should not neglect close emotional contact with the child - finding him in the circle of relatives and friends, the child will not be forced to chase him, running away to the computer.

If such an addiction has already arisen, it is important to know that it is also treatable. But, depending on the stage of addiction to the game, its treatment can take months or years, full of prohibitions and restrictions.

Among the recognized methods of treatment of computer gambling addiction are the following:

  • Conversations with a psychologist. The task of such sessions is to convince the player of the ephemeral nature of his virtual world, to show him all the beauty, perfection of real, real life;
  • Medical treatment. An experienced doctor can prescribe special psychotropic drugs - antidepressants, antipsychotics;
  • Attention to a loved one. It is very important to notice in time when a family member is immersed in games, try to pay more attention to him, diversify life, add new colors and impressions to it. After all, if a person, in addition to computer games, has other interests and hobbies, study, work, sports, a constant lively social circle, the likelihood of getting sick with gambling addiction is negligible.

All these measures work best in combination, and under the supervision of specialists. Often, in the treatment of a gamer, family psychotherapy is used - at the same time, many related problems of family members are also solved.

If you are worried about the pathological passion of your family member for computer games, do not hush up the problem! It is very important to notice alarming "bells" in time and seek qualified help. But do not forget - a holy place is never empty. If you do not fill the space freed from games with lively productive deeds, there is a chance that other addictions will come in their place - alcoholism or the same drug addiction. Indeed, in fact, a person who finds himself in such a difficult situation tries to find a way out for himself, a kind of “surrogate” for a normal life, which does not exist for him in real life. But to help find, create and fall in love with it is already a specific task for the player himself and his relatives. The task is difficult, but doable, as many examples show.

“Be attentive to your loved ones, choose live communication, real life and always be happy!”

Addiction to computer games

Gaming addiction is an alleged form of psychological addiction that manifests itself in the obsession with video games and computer games.

The most addictive games are most often considered online, especially MMORPGs. Cases are known when long game led to fatal consequences. So, in October 2005, a Chinese girl (Snowly) died of exhaustion after playing World of Warcraft for many days. Following this, a virtual funeral ceremony was held in the game.

Computer games are often the object of criticism. A number of scientists believe that they cause addiction, along with alcohol and drugs, but a consensus on this issue has not yet been reached.

German researchers at Charite University conducted an experiment in which a group of 20 people were shown screenshots of their favorite games. Their reaction turned out to be similar to that shown by patients with alcoholism and drug addiction when they see the object of their pathological passion. A study by Nottingham Trent University called the International Gaming Research Unit showed that 12% of a control group of 7,000 people had signs of addiction to online computer games. 19% of Facebook's 250 million users have admitted to being heavily addicted to gambling. Some authors believe that gambling addiction arises from online games, and, accordingly, is a type of Internet addiction. There is also an opinion that some people have problems not from the game process, but from inefficient time management and even from the stigma associated with computer games.

A number of researchers believe that some of the criteria used to assess the prevalence of computer game addiction artificially inflate the percentage of prevalence, are not reliable, are not suitable for clinical tests and need to be revised - their studies are often criticized for using symptoms that are suitable for drug addiction and ludomania, but not suitable for computer games as a form of pastime. Psychologist Christopher Ferguson states that studies focusing on the extent to which playing computer games interferes with the lives of gamers speaks of it as a relatively rare phenomenon - approximately 1-3% of the gaming population, while studies using more dubious criteria cite absurdly high 8-10%.

Currently, gambling addiction is not officially recognized as a disease. The international classification of diseases does not contain such an ailment. However, information about the imminent adoption of this term appeared repeatedly. Since 2007, the American Medical Association has been conducting research into the symptoms of a suspected disease. However, after a long debate, doctors came to the conclusion that at the moment, addiction cannot be recognized as a disease. They believe that the issue at hand requires further testing. At the moment, according to experts, gambling is not a problem for society.

There is an ongoing debate about whether video game addiction is a separate syndrome or a symptom of underlying problems such as depression or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Psychiatrist Gerald Block notes that the addiction to games is much stronger than to Internet pornography. British therapist Steve Pope, writing in the article Gaming addiction grips youngsters from the Lancashire Evening Post, stated that two hours spent on a console is comparable to taking a line of cocaine. As negative examples of addiction, he cites situations where gamers abandon friends, switch to unhealthy food, drop out of school, they have increased aggressiveness, a tendency to violence, and a number of other factors. The article caused a wide resonance in the press and was heavily criticized due to its biased nature and lack of any evidence.

So, according to the psychologist Ivanov M.S., role-playing games represent the greatest danger, since the very mechanics of the game consists in the “entry” of a person into the game, integration with the computer, loss of individuality and identification with a computer character. The researcher highlights his own criteria for "harmful" role-playing games: firstly, it is the strength of the immersion effect, and secondly, the absence of an element of excitement or a significant decrease in its value. It is believed that addicted gamers need psychological help, their problems are an unfinished personal life, dissatisfaction with themselves, loss of the meaning of life and ordinary human values. Other difficulties appear - reduced mood, well-being, activity; increased level of anxiety and social maladjustment.

Penny: Get to the point, I'm about to level up!

Leonard: If a person is dissatisfied in real life, it is very easy for him to dissolve in the virtual world, where he allegedly achieves some kind of success.

Penny: La-la-poplar. So guys, Queen Penelope is online again.

Penny: Get to the point. I'm about to level up here.

Leonard:If a person doesn't have a sense of achievement in their real life, it's easy to lose themselves in a virtual world where they can get a false sense of accomplishment.

Penny: Yeah, jabber, jabber. Boys, Queen Penelope's back online.

The scientist also identified the dynamics of the development of computer addiction, dividing it into four stages: initially, the process of adaptation takes place (the stage of mild enthusiasm), then there comes a period of sharp growth, rapid formation of dependence (the stage of enthusiasm). As a result, dependence reaches a maximum, the magnitude and nature of which depends on the individual characteristics of the individual and environmental factors (dependence stage). Further, the strength of dependence remains stable for a certain period of time, and then declines and again is fixed at a certain level and remains stable for a long time (attachment stage). Ivanov, as a decisive factor determining dependence, calls the impossibility complete failure from computer games, despite the realization of the futility of the gameplay. The mechanism itself consists in “avoidance of reality” and “acceptance of a role”, that is, isolation from real problems and identification with fictional characters of virtual worlds.

According to the neurologist Baroness Greenfield, games are the cause of dementia, as modern means of entertainment lead to increased excitability of the nervous system. Over time, a person gets used to such a state, addiction occurs, as a result, the risk of developing dementia increases. As proof of his theory, Greenfield cites the growth in the number of trolls in social network Facebook - which, in her opinion, indicates the degradation of the mental abilities of the teenage generation. These claims have been criticized as unsubstantiated and speculative.

Douglas Jantal, in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics, conducted a study on the impact of games on human health. About 3,000 children were under observation, every tenth child is addicted. “Children addicted to games had increased levels of depression, anxiety and social phobia, and their academic performance declined. When they got rid of addiction, these symptoms decreased to normal values, ”the doctor noted. In response to this work, the Software and Game Manufacturers Association of America stated that no concrete evidence has been presented, the methods are questionable, and the conclusions do not stand up to scrutiny.

Currently, a number of medical institutions and programs are being created and operating in a number of countries that provide treatment and prevention of gambling addiction. In England, on the basis of the Broadway Lodge rehabilitation center, a department has been opened that specializes in working with gamers. The twelve-stage program is designed for both children and adults. The South Korean Ministry of Culture and Sports has developed the Nighttime Shutdown program to combat gambling addiction, which affects more than 2 million users in the country. The essence of the ongoing activities is to close access to gamers under 19 years of age to MMOG-games for six hours a day. According to another program, the Internet connection speed is gradually reduced for those users who play MMORPG games for more than a certain time, which ultimately leads to the impossibility of the game process. In China, where, according to analytical data, about 13% of World Wide Web users are dependent on online games or the Internet, a summer rehabilitation camp was opened in 2007. The treatment consisted in the fact that for 10 days children and adolescents communicated with each other, a psychologist and nature. Another practiced method is the integration into computer games of a special system that prevents a game that lasts more than three hours. The longer the game time, the more abilities and skills lose game character. The Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam plans to impose severe restrictions - providers and owners of gaming cafes will be required to block the ability to play online games from 10 pm to 8 am. "Local departments of the ministry will inspect online activity throughout the country and take action against organizations that violate this ban, up to the termination of their activities," said Deputy Minister Le Nam Than. This measure is aimed at improving the way of life of the younger generation.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of video game addiction

Dependence on computer games is one of the forms of psychological dependence, which manifests itself in a person in an obsessive passion for computer games. Such dependence is one of the forms of addictive human behavior, a way of avoiding the existing reality by transforming one's psycho-emotional behavior and requires competent correction.

The reasons

Computer addiction in children has become epidemic. The average student spends at the computer from 2 to 6 hours. About 70% of American children spend their free time playing games with plots of cruelty and violence. In these games, killing is the goal and the main element of the game. Children confuse virtual reality with the real one, which is why it is increasingly common for minors in America to open fire with guns and pistols at school.

Any addiction or mania is the result of deep psychological problems. With the help of computer games, a person tries to get away from an exciting life situation or replace some missing element in his life (the attention of loved ones, social status, the absence of a loved one).

Possible causes of computer addiction:

  • Various mental disorders (psychopathy). Pathological character traits of a person, lack of sociability, complexes and modesty often lead a person to Internet addiction. Some patients with the help of a computer realize their childhood fears and fantasies;
  • Lack of communication. This problem is relevant for children and adolescents whose parents are constantly busy earning money;
  • Intra-family conflicts. To get away from family scandals, some people are immersed in the virtual world, which further aggravates the situation and leads to divorce;
  • social phobias. A person is afraid of real society, interpersonal relationships. Computer games allow you to get away from reality, to feel strong and significant. A computer for a person becomes an interlocutor, life partner and sexual partner.


The pathophysiological mechanisms of the formation of computer addiction and gambling addiction are the same. They are based on the stimulation of various pleasure centers in the brain. Both teenagers and independent adults fall into dependence on computer games.

This pathological state manifests itself in the form of a feeling of euphoria and psycho-emotional upsurge during immersion in the virtual world. The patient cannot plan his time spent at the computer. In order to overcome sleep and stimulate mental activity, he begins to use caffeinated drinks and other psychostimulants. For some adult gamers, beer and various fast foods become the main product of “food”. A person who is mostly immersed in the virtual world does not follow the rules of personal hygiene: he forgets to brush his teeth, comb, take a shower. He eats poorly, sleeps and leads a sedentary lifestyle.

If the computer is broken, the patient is in a frustrated state, may be aggressive with loved ones and people around him. Such a person begins to spend all his money on updating programs, computer consoles, new games. He does not think about his personal life, about work or study, his world narrows down to completing the next mission in the game.

As addiction progresses, a person cannot give up computer games, although he is well aware of their futility. He constantly leaves the existing reality and plunges into the virtual world, takes on the role of a certain character and lives his "computer" life.

The patient communicates with other people on various computer topics. Gambling addiction leads to an overload of the central nervous system, excitatory impulses constantly enter the human brain.

After some time, the patient has a decrease in mood, general well-being, social activity, increased anxiety and impaired adaptation in society. As computer addiction develops, adults develop dissatisfaction with themselves, the meaning of life is lost, and deep depression develops.

In adults with gambling addiction, libido decreases, various disorders in the sexual sphere occur. "Dependent" people, as a rule, have an unsettled personal life, are closed, taciturn.

Manifestations in adolescents and children

Computer addiction in adolescents, as a rule, is severe. They become angry and aggressive if their parents ask them to get away from the computer even for a minute. Signs of gambling addiction in children are the fact that they begin to skip school, lie to parents and teachers. Some underage patients beg or steal money to spend on their favorite computer game.

Computer games cause cruelty in children, because there you have to shoot and kill, and for this you are supposed to be rewarded in the form of points, bonuses and gifts. The immature psyche of a child is overloaded with game effects. In the mind of a modern child, virtual reality is no different from real life.

Computer addiction in adolescents adversely affects their health and academic performance. The child begins to drink and eat without leaving the computer monitor. At school, all his thoughts and desires are directed towards the anticipation of playing at home.

Adolescents with gambling abandon friends, begin to eat unhealthy foods, and abandon their studies. Many juvenile patients become aggressive, prone to violence. Some scientists argue that computer addiction in children leads to dementia.


Dependence on computer games adversely affects human health. Over time, his eyesight deteriorates, problems with the spine and joints appear. Many "addicts" suffer from headaches and insomnia. As a result of sitting at a computer for a long time, a person develops weakness, increased fatigue, and a decrease in appetite. Sitting at a computer for a long time leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases: angina pectoris and coronary heart disease.

Long-term use of drinks containing caffeine and other stimulants leads to exhaustion of the nervous system, arterial hypertension. Given that "dependent" people do not eat well, they develop gastritis and gastroduodenitis, a tendency to constipation.

Computer games in children develop those parts of the brain that are responsible for vision and movement. Gambling stops the development of the frontal lobes, which are responsible for training memory, learning, emotions.

Children who are addicted to computer games spend little time outdoors and do not go in for sports. Most often, these children have a pale appearance, "bruises" under the eyes, a poorly developed musculoskeletal system.

Diagnostic criteria

Before applying for a qualified medical care you need to make sure that your family member has a computer addiction, and not just an excessive passion for video games. There are a number of criteria based on which you can differentiate the problem:

  • The patient does not want to be distracted from the game and reacts aggressively to such requests;
  • Lack of critical attitude to their behavior;
  • The patient neglects his social responsibilities (study, work), does not participate in family affairs and his social activity is sharply reduced;
  • The patient loses interest in the world around him, and experiences an emotional upsurge only during a computer game;
  • Disregard for the norms of personal hygiene, behavior in society;

In addition to deviant behavior, the patient has sleep disturbance, headaches, discomfort in the back. Also, due to the prolonged forced position of the hand, the development of carpal tunnel syndrome is possible.

If these criteria are met, the patient can be diagnosed with addiction to computer games.

Therapy Methods

You can not consider computer addiction as a completely independent disease. It is a consequence of more serious psychological problems. Therefore, it is important for a specialist to identify the root cause of the disease and deal with it.

To treat the consequences of computer addiction, psychotherapy, drug methods, and hypnosis are used. It is important to take a holistic approach.

With this dependence, psychiatrists use autogenic training, behavioral, family psychotherapy, psychosynthesis. Psychotherapy is aimed at correcting intra-family relations, eliminating various psychological attitudes of a person (isolation and lack of sociability), treating children's fears and sexual problems in adults.

Gestalt therapy methods are successfully used in adults. This is due to the fact that the passion for computer games is a way to get away from a previously unresolved problem. And these methods suggest how to "close the gestalt" i.e. resolve the situation.

Symptomatic drug therapy is aimed at treating insomnia, irritability, increased anxiety and depression. Adult patients with gambling addiction are prescribed herbal sedatives to reduce the excitability of the nervous system. These can be herbal tinctures, but most often doctors prescribe tranquilizers or antipsychotics. Sleeping pills are used to normalize sleep cycles.

Mandatory drugs in the treatment of computer addiction are antidepressants. They relieve psycho-emotional stress, normalize mood and improve overall well-being.

It is important to establish proper nutrition, which takes into account the already formed problems with digestion. The patient is additionally prescribed a course of vitamins and restorative medicines.

Stages of psychological assistance

Specialized assistance has a certain staging. This structure has been identified as the most effective in the treatment of computer addiction.

At the first stage, it is important to help the patient overcome internal resistance to treatment. This is a key point, without which further therapy loses its meaning. The patient must be aware of the problem, as well as the need for outside help to resolve it.

The second stage is aimed at determining the depth of the problem. The patient, together with the attending physician, must identify all the pitfalls that may interfere with social rehabilitation. The doctor's tactics in this case are supportive and guiding.

In the third stage, the doctor's goal is to prepare the patient for real action and change. There is a gradual rejection of computer games. The patient spends more time walking, doing daily activities. The doctor records his progress and encourages him.

Psychotherapy for this problem takes a long time and requires delicacy and full understanding between the doctor and the patient.