Synopsis of the game hospital in the second junior. Plot - role-playing games in the hospital in the younger group. experience of children, expand the plot of the game, bring children to

Autonomous preschool municipal formation of Dolgoprudny kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 24 "Birch"
(AOU kindergarten No. 24 "Birch")
Role-playing game"HOSPITAL"
in the younger group
Compiled and conducted by: Beresneva O.A.
DolgoprudnyStory "At the appointment with a pediatrician"
Prepared and conducted by the teacher: Beresneva O.A.
Purpose: To form in children the ability to play the role-playing game "Hospital"
Tasks: To teach how to create a game environment using real objects and their substitutes. To form in children the ability to play according to their own plan, to stimulate the creative activity of children. To develop the ability to engage in role-playing interaction with peers (to build a role-playing dialogue, the ability to negotiate with each other in the game). To develop in children auditory and visual attention, memory, imagination, intonational expressiveness of speech. To cultivate friendly relations between children, respect for the work of a doctor.
Methodological equipment of the lesson: a chest, riddles, a white coat, a doctor's hat, a game set "Doctor", medical records for each patient and geometric figures, dolls.
Vocabulary work: pediatrician, nurse, phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, prescription, registry.
Preliminary work: excursion to the nurse's office, acquaintance of children with appearance doctors, with tools, reading the fairy tale "Aibolit" by K.I. Chukovsky, consideration of plot illustrations, conversations based on the personal experience of children about doctors, hospitals.
Lesson progress
Organizing time.
Teacher: Hello guys. Sit down. Let's start our lesson by wishing well to each other. Turn to face each other and say: We wish each other well.
The main part of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful chest I have. Guess the riddle and you will find out who it belongs to.
Educator: Who is the most useful in the days of illness?
Heals us from all diseases?
Children: Dr.
Educator: This chest belongs to the doctor. What do you think is in it? (It contains the tools and medicines that the doctor needs to work.) Guys, let's look at these tools and call them (phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, nose drops, spatula ...) Well done.
Educator: What do you think what game we are going to play now? (In hospital)
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the dolls in the play corner.
- Look how sad our dolls are. What happened to them? Maybe they got sick? Do you remember the name of a doctor who treats children? (Pediatrician). What other doctors do you know? (ENT, surgeon, therapist)
- And with whom did you go to the doctor? (children's answers). - So our dolls need to be taken to the hospital for an appointment with a pediatrician (pediatrician)
Let's do a physical minute, and then we will distribute roles with you
We sit on the bus and look out the window.
We look back, we look forward, well, the bus is unlucky.
The wheels are spinning, forward we rolled
Let the bus carry us, we are going, we are going forward.
(Children make the movements that are mentioned in the poem, repeating the words after the teacher).
Educator: Let's choose a doctor with you. For the first time, it will be the one who is the most responsible among you. We have a real clinic with you.
The teacher asks the doctor to choose a nurse. Then they get out: a nurse to the registry, patients with sick dolls (the teacher distributes toys to the children, asks them to take pity and reassure them, invites them to take a card at the registry and stand in line for the doctor so that he can help them.) And now we need to choose a very main role - this is a nurse, because she keeps the whole hospital clean, her work is very important - because if they don’t clean the hospital, it will be unpleasant for visitors to come there.
The teacher explains to each his role. Children go to their play areas (pharmacy, hospital, reception). Dressing gowns, preparing their jobs.
Reception Dialogue:
Children say hello, give their first name and ask for a patient card.
The registrar issues a card to the patient. (on geometric shapes which are on the cards and on the patient)
Reception starts at the clinic. The caregiver reminds the “visitors” to get in line with the doctor. Before entering the office, you need to knock on the "door". Upon entering the office, say hello to tell what hurts your daughter?
Dialogue in the hospital of the patient and the doctor:
P: Hello.
D: Hello, what hurts your daughter?
P: She has a high fever and a headache.
D: Don't worry, I'll examine her now and prescribe treatment.
The child in the role of a doctor renders medical care, examines the patient and offers the nurse to give an antipyretic injection, then writes out a prescription and offers to buy medicine at the pharmacy.
Visitors sit in line, do not make noise, do not swear, and wait for their turn. While the patients are waiting for their turn, a nurse appears at the door, washing the floor. She diligently washes everything and asks visitors not to litter.
The teacher makes sure that the children do not forget to say "thank you and goodbye."
game over
The polyclinic is closing: it's already late, there are no patients left, everyone has been cured. Doctors take off their gowns and put the medical equipment in its place. Parents, take those who did not have time for prescriptions and go to the pharmacy for pills and vitamins. We need to take the children home and put them to bed. Now we have complete order in the group.
At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children how to save their health, and what needs to be done for this.
Children answer: do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.
Educator: guys, let's do exercises with you (Children do exercises to music
The sun peeked into the bed
One, two, three, four, five.
We all do exercises
We need to sit down and stand up.
Stretch your arms wider
One, two, three, four, five.
Bend over - three, four.
And jump in place.
On the toe, then on the heel.
We all do exercises.
(Children make the movements that are mentioned in the poem, repeating the words after the teacher.)
Educator: Guys, what did we play with you today? (Hospital) What did you like most about our game?
Educator: Guys, I wish you good health. Now I will give you delicious healthy fruits. (Children are given apples)

Attached files

Target: To educate children about the value of health.

Program content:

  1. To acquaint with some of the labor operations that make up the work of a doctor.
  2. Develop speech, imaginative thinking, activate the vocabulary of children.
  3. Build awareness of your own health.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the medical office, viewing illustrations about the work of a doctor, reading the work of K. Chukovsky "Aibolit".

Material: A doll, a bed for a doll, a white coat for a doctor, a suitcase with medical supplies (a thermometer, a phonendoscope, a spatula, a pen, a prescription form).

Game progress:

At the beginning, a demonstration of the game with the doll is held. The teacher draws attention to the doll, which came to the hospital to see a doctor.

V.- Guys, Katya has a hot forehead, she has a temperature, she is sick.

What happened to make her sick? (children's answers).

The teacher brings a doll to her ear and says that Katya ate snow on a walk yesterday.

What should we do, how can we help her? (children's answers give medicine)

But we cannot give medicine on our own, we are not doctors, a doctor should examine her.

Opposite sits a doctor in a white coat

What happened to you? (doll Katya got sick).

I will examine her. First I will take the temperature. Here is a thermometer, raise Katya's pen, (puts it under her arm) and you need to wait a bit.

R., yes, Katya has a high fever, you need to urgently take medicine to relieve the high temperature.

Katya, now let me listen to you, do you have wheezing in your chest? (pulls out phonendoscope)

The teacher calls the name of the subject to be heard. She puts it on her chest and tells Katya to breathe deeper.

Everything is fine here, no wheezing.

Or maybe you have a sore throat. Open your mouth wide and say "A-A".

The teacher takes a spatula, says the name of this item, and looks at the throat.

Katya, you have a very red throat, you probably ate too much ice cream, or drank cold water?

R., have you tried snow, because it is so white, fluffy, and probably very tasty? (children's answers).

Well, Katya, I looked at you, and I’ll tell you that you need to be treated urgently. Do you guys agree with me?

Now I will write you a prescription with medicines that will help relieve the temperature, treat the throat. (Writes a prescription on the form)

R., and who can buy and give medicine according to my prescription? (Adults only)

Yes, only adults will be sold medicine in a pharmacy, and an adult can give medicine to a patient. Here I am handing over (to the child) the recipe, and he must pass it on to the adult (teacher).

In order not to get sick, you must always take care of your health! Follow my advice: do not drink cold water, do not eat snow on the street, tie a scarf around your neck, do not take off your mittens when walking, dress warmly. Goodbye! (Katya goes home)


Why is Kate sick?

Who treated her?

How did the doctor know that Katya was ill?

What did the doctor advise?

Guys, but with you, as with our Katya, this cannot happen? I hope you will follow the doctor's advice. You will always be cheerful and joyful.


"MDOU Kindergarten No. 81, Yaroslavl

( IIjunior group)

Prepared by educators: Dyachkova I.V.

Kolosova S.V.

Project type: cognitive and playful.

Project participants: 3-4 years.

Project type: short-term, 2 weeks from 11/01/2016 to 11/15/2016.

Location of the project: MDOU Kindergarten No. 81.

Relevance: the inability of children to deploy role-playing interaction - role-playing dialogue, the narrowness of the plot of the game.

Target: Enrichment gaming experience children, leading children to create their own play ideas.

Tasks:- contribute to the enrichment of the gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline;

Develop the ability to choose a role, perform several interrelated actions in the game (doctor-patient, nurse-patient) .;

Encourage children to try to pick up attributes on their own;

Cultivate interest in the game.

Stages of project implementation.

  1. I.Preparatory stage.

Studying the conditions for the implementation of the project;

Definition of goals and objectives;

Creation of conditions for project implementation;

Preparation of equipment: a doctor's case with tools, a doctor's coat and cap, illustrations, substitute toys;

Development of a long-term work plan;

Compilation methodological manual and literature to work on the project.

  1. II.Practical stage.

Forms and methods of work.

cognitive development. Excursion to the medical office.

Tasks: - to acquaint children with the work of a doctor (examination of the throat, tell, measuring temperature with a thermometer, etc.);

Build respect for the doctor.


"Health and disease"

Objectives: to contribute to the formation of ideas about health, illness, about what helps to be healthy.

"What to do in order not to get sick"

Tasks: to form an idea of ​​the value of health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

"Health and Purity"

Objectives: to form the habit of keeping the body clean, to tell that health depends on cleanliness.

"Me and my health"

Tasks: to form elementary representations about how to take care of your health.

"Profession doctor"

Tasks: to acquaint children with the profession of a doctor.

"What does a doctor need to work"

Tasks: to acquaint children with medical instruments.

"What does mom do when I get sick?"

Tasks: to form the ability to realize the need for treatment.

Socio-communicative development.

Situation games.

"Toys at the Doctor's"

Objectives: To teach children how to care for the sick and how to use medical instruments. Introduce the concept of "hospital", "patient", "treatment".

"Journey with Dr. Aibolit"

Tasks: to teach children game actions, their implementation in a certain sequence.

"Journey with Dr. Aibolit»

Objectives: to continue work on the development and enrichment of story games.

"Katya got sick"

Tasks: to diversify the role participation of children in the game with the doll. Contribute to the enrichment of the plot of children's games.

"An ambulance takes Katya's doll to the hospital"

Tasks: to form the ability to interact in plots with two characters (doctor-patient).

"Forest Hospital"

Tasks: to form in children the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions, use medical instruments during the game, contribute to the emergence of a role-playing dialogue.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Purpose: to form the ability to play the role-playing game "Hospital".

Tasks: - to develop the ability to take on a role (doctor, nurse, patient);

Learn to act with substitute objects;

To form the ability to accompany their actions with verbal designations.

The development of speech.

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", "Fedorino grief"; V. Berestov "Sick Doll"; E. Blaginina "Sick Bunny".

Dictionary Enrichment:

Professions: Nurse, Doctor, Patient;

Tools: spatula, thermometer, phonendoscope, syringe, pipette, pills, vitamins, iodine, brilliant green, bandage, cotton wool.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Modeling: vitamins for Katya's doll.

Drawing: road sign "Hospital".

Physical development.

Daily exercises, daily walks, outdoor games, gymnastics after sleep, physical education.

Working with parents.

Ask to sew a dressing gown and a hat for the doctor, introduce books about the profession of a doctor for home reading, a screen “Healthy lifestyle of the family”.

  1. III.The final stage.

Introduction into independent activity of the main process through observations and games.

Expected result:- lack of fear of doctors;

Children will often use the role-playing game "Hospital" for games and play it with great interest.

Project product: doctor's coat and cap.

Program content:

consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, enrich the dictionary, develop the speech of children;

to form in children the ability to play according to their own plan, to stimulate the creative activity of children in the game;

teach new game actions;

to form friendly relations in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness;

keep both girls and boys interested in participating in the game by performing certain roles: (girls - mothers, nurse; boys - fathers, doctor)

preliminary work:

an excursion to the medical office in order to observe the work of a nurse in kindergarten;

reading: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", V. Suteev "About a hippo who was afraid of vaccinations";

viewing illustrations « Hospital» , "Pharmacy";

listening to a song "The doll is sick" music A. Filippenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Material: white coat, hat, medicine jars or boxes pasted over with colored paper, a set of medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, phonendoscope, substitute items (cotton wool - a piece of foam rubber, tablets - drawing on cardboard).

Game progress.

Children go into group stand around the educator.

caregiver: Guess guys riddle:

Seryozha coughs loudly.

He seems to have bronchitis.

They call the clinic

And they say to Seryozha:

Don't be afraid and don't cry

Good is coming to you (doctor)

caregiver: That's right, guys, this is a doctor.

caregiver: If someone gets sick, adults or children, where do we go?

Children: AT hospital.

caregiver Q: What is the job of a doctor?

Children: Inspect sick prescribe treatment.

caregiver Q: What should a doctor be like?

Children: Attentive, caring.

caregiver: Well done boys! Well, our time has come, let's play now! Do you want to play?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: Guys, before we start treating, let's play a game with you "What does the doctor need?"(children choose from the proposed items the doctor needs, tell why, in their opinion, this or that item is needed).

caregiver: I will be a doctor, but I need an assistant - a nurse. Who wants to be a doctor? Who the sick will be treated? (we choose a nurse among children). Nastya is a nurse and will help me, put on a white hat, a dressing gown, you will examine sick and prescribe medication. Guys, and you will be dads and moms today, look, our baby dolls have been waiting for us, they are sad sitting in the house, (we go into the play area into the play corner; children choose for themselves "children").

caregiver: Take the kids, yeah hospital soon. How can we get to hospitals?

Children: On foot, by car, bus, ambulance.

caregiver: Open hospital for all people, go to be treated in it as soon as possible! We go to see the doctor. In order not to push, not to interfere with each other, you can sit on the chairs, wait for your turn.

Doctor: Hello, sick! Come on, sit down! Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

A patient: Hello. My daughter fell and sprained her arm.

Doctor: Hello. Let's see what's in your hand. Which big wound, now we will process it well, grease it with iodine, like this. Please go to the nurse, she will give you pain medication (makes an injection with a syringe). Get well. Goodbye.

A patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello. Come on, sit down. Tell me what happened?

A patient: My son has a stomach ache.

Doctor: Let's see, listen patient with a phonendoscope: “Breathe, don’t breathe” (the doctor examines sick) .

Doctor: In life we ​​need

Lots of vitamins

Don't count everyone now

Need you eat more

Meat, vegetables and fruits

Organic products,

But the chips, always know

This is bad food.

Doctor: Get well. Goodbye.

A patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello. Tell me what happened?

A patient: My daughter has a sore throat.

Doctor: Go to the nurse, she will give you a thermometer to find out if you have a temperature or not. The temperature is normal. Let's see the neck (spatula looks throat).

Oh-oh! Throat red.

Frequent cough day and night

Breaks your peace

Need to rinse

Drink chamomile tea.

Get well. Goodbye.

caregiver: All people are examined, vaccinated, examined by a doctor. You see, guys, doctors help both adults and children. What are we going to tell them for this?

Children: Thanks!

caregiver: in order not to get sick, in the morning you need to do exercises.

Phys. minute

Do you all exercise in the morning? Let's make it together.

The sun peeked into the bed

One, two, three, four, five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider

One, two, three, four, five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

caregiver: Oh, so you don't forget, the doctor ordered everyone to take vitamins! (Giving out vitamins).

Plot - role-playing game in the younger group "Doctor Aibolit at the zoo."


To teach children to understand an imaginary situation and implement a game plan.

To expand children's understanding of the work of a doctor and a nurse.

Fix the names of medical instruments (thermometer, spatula, syringe).

To form the ability to convey basic emotions with facial expressions, gestures, movements.

Develop communicative competence, imagination, memory, thinking.

Cultivate a sense of empathy, goodwill, mutual assistance.

Dictionary: passenger, veterinarian, veterinary clinic, prescription, pharmacist.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", an excursion to the medical office, didactic games“Dr. Aibolit’s suitcase”, “What to whom?”, Involving parents in the manufacture of attributes for the game, playing out the plots of the game “Good Doctor Aibolit” (“Hare’s paw hurts”, “Mishka’s ear hurts”, “The fox got hit by a car” and others); viewing illustrations "Hospital", "Transport".

Corrective Goals: stimulate the speech activity of children through dialogue, dramatization; activate words on the topic in speech.

game material: a doctor's gown and cap, gowns and caps for a nurse and a pharmacist, a suitcase with medical instruments, caps and animal masks, a cap, steering wheel, animal tracks, juice.

Playing roles: doctor, nurse, pharmacist, zoo animals, driver, passengers.

Game progress:

Introductory conversation.

caregiver: Do you like animals? What animals do you know?

Children name wild, domestic, exotic animals.

caregiver: Do you know where you can see all these animals at once? Have you been to the zoo? I suggest you go there. I already booked a tour bus, here it is (the bus is built from chairs), on it and go to the zoo. Sit down. And who will take us?

Children: driver.

Educator: and the driver will be Maxim (I give a cap and steering wheel). And we, with you, who?

Children: we are passengers.

Educator: Natasha, who are you? Polina, who are you?

We are going by bus, the song of E. Zheleznova “Bus” sounds.

Educator: Here are the tracks of the animals. They will lead us straight to the zoo. Let's go stepping on every footprint correction track "Traces of animals").

On a large screen there are images of various animals. Hanging castle. Reading ad:

“The zoo is closed. All the animals are sick

caregiver Why do all the animals get sick? How could this happen?

One of the children reads a poem:

The monkey got sick

But I didn't want to heal.

Walked with the animals

She coughed and sneezed at everyone.

The zoo has closed.

Who is to blame for this?

Children: monkey.

caregiver: and we know the main rule:

If you get sick, my friend,

Cough into a handkerchief.

Not dissipated to

On others, your microbes.

caregiver: the zoo is closed because the doctor treats the animals there. What doctor do you know who treats animals?

Children: Dr. Aibolit.

caregiver: Yes, he always comes to the aid of animals. Why was the doctor called Aibolit?

Children: when it hurts someone, he calls the doctor, cries, complains, says: “Oh, it hurts!” If so, the doctor will always come and cure. So they began to call the doctor Aibolit.

caregiver: the animals have their own doctor, and have their own hospital. This hospital is called a veterinary clinic. Guys, what's the name of the animal hospital? A doctor is called a veterinarian. I will be a veterinarian I put on a hat, mask, robe). Come in, have a seat children sit on chairs). Here is my office. I have a suitcase with medical supplies ( I post the doctor's tools: a spatula, a phonendoscope, pills, a bandage, cotton wool, a syringe, a thermometer).

Children consider, name tools and their purpose.

Doctor: The doctor is helped by a nurse to see patients. Nurse will be Natasha I will make appointments and the nurse will help write prescriptions for treatments. What is a recipe?

Children: A prescription can be bought at a pharmacy for a medicine prescribed by a doctor.

Doctor: and now, guys, spin around, spin around and turn into little animals.

Children wear masks of different animals.

Psychogymnastics. Show how sick animals feel.

Doctor: Now we will take your temperature. Nurse, help put the thermometers.

Children put thermometers.

Doctor: while you measure the temperature, I will look at your necks. Necks are slightly red.

Collecting thermometers.

Your temperature is normal, you have a slight cold. Here's a potion for you.

I take out on a tray cups "with medicine» (juice).

Doctor: you drank the medicine. How do you feel now? Better?

I think the lioness hurt her paw.

He sits and can't take a step.

Hurry, to cure the poor little paw,

She needs to get to the doctor as soon as possible.

Doctor: hello sick. What happened to you? How can you help the lioness?

Children: anoint the paw with iodine and bandage it.

Doctor: I'll look at the paw. It's okay, now the nurse will anoint the wound with iodine and bandage it with a bandage.

Nurse performs an action.

Doctor: my shift with the nurse is over. Let's all rest together.

Physical education minute to the song of E. Zheleznova "The giraffe has spots."

The animals sit down.

caregiver: and now doctor Yura and nurse Polina are coming to replace (children put on a bathrobe and hat). Take your jobs.

Educator: Hear the bear roar -

He has a stomach ache.

Doctor: Hello, patient. Come on, sit down. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? Now I'll take a phonendoscope and listen to you. Breath! Do not breath. The lungs are clear.

Educator: How can you help a bear?

Children: give a pill.

Doctor: Polina, write a prescription for a pill for stomach pain.

Educator: Where can you buy prescription drugs?

Children: in a pharmacy.

Educator: who works in the pharmacy? (pharmacist). What is he doing?

Today Yegor will be the pharmacist, he will dispense the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Take your place in the pharmacy (the child puts on a bathrobe and hat).

bear cub(pharmacist): hello.

Apothecary: hello.

bear cub: Give me a pill for stomach pain, please. Here is the doctor's prescription.

Apothecary A: Here's your pill. Please. Take it after dinner.

bear cub: Thanks. Goodbye.

Educator: So that the tummy does not hurt,

In life we ​​need

A lot of vitamins

Don't count everyone now.

you need to eat more

Meat, vegetables and fruits -

Organic products,

But chips, always know -

This is bad food.

The doctor, nurse and pharmacist ended their working day. You can relax with our animals.

caregiver: to get sick less, you need to keep clean. Animals take care of their skin, wash themselves in their own way. Therefore, I suggest that you put yourself in order.

Animal massage(in a circle).

In paws we take combs:

We do our hair.

We clean our ears, we clean our cheeks,

Forehead, beard, mustache.

And now let's scratch the stomach.

We do not get the back

We give it to a friend.

Here. And now vice versa.

We are healthy and happy.

We are beautiful and sweet.

caregiver: show how happy the little animals are.

caregiver: circled, circled. And they turned into kids. It's time to go back, take your seats on the bus.


Where have we been?

What happened at the zoo?

Why do animals get sick?

Which doctor treated animals?

What is the animal hospital called?

Who were you today?

Well done! You did a wonderful job as a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, driver; helped the lioness to cure the paw, the bear - the stomach. All the animals thank you, say "thank you". Next time the doctor and nurse who will treat the sick will be other guys.