League of Legends, Varus: guide. Varus, "League of Legends": description of the hero. Guide: Varus - champion of two positions New runes league of legends season 7 varus

Description of skills
Living Vengeance - an excellent passive that allows you to increase Varus's attack speed even by simply finishing off minions. In team fights, the passive plays a very important role, since even for helping to kill Varus gets 40% attack speed for a whole 6 seconds.

Piercing Arrow- an excellent combat skill that allows you to deal very good damage at a very long distance. The fired arrow flies fast enough, so it will not be difficult for her to hit. An important advantage of the skill is that it can deal damage to several targets at once. Also, the arrow is a great way to activate the additional damage from the Blighted Quiver passive.

Blighted Quiver- this skill allows you to deal good additional damage with auto attacks. An important feature is that after 3 hits on the target, you can use any Varus skill and thereby deal additional damage as a percentage. Even the first level of the skill already allows you to deal damage equal to 6% of the target's health.

Hail of Arrows- this skill combines several positive qualities at once. First, it deals good area damage. Secondly, it is good at slowing down the movement speed of enemies. Thirdly, it imposes an effect that reduces the effectiveness of healing skills.

Chain of Corruption ult is very effective team fights, especially when opponents are not far from each other. A well-used ult can greatly affect the outcome of the battle, as it deals good damage and immobilizes each hit target for 2 seconds.

Build for Varus
Spell Selection:

In some cases it is also good to use Barrier and Cleanse.

Artifact selection:
In most cases, when starting to buy for Varus, it is best to take a standard sword and cans for health.

If the team has powerful control skills, then the Mercurial Scimitar artifact can be included in one of the assemblies. If protection is not required, then Lord Dominik's Regards can be included in the build to be able to break through the armor of enemies.

Pros and Cons of Varus
Good massive damage.
Excellent control skills.
The ability to impose on opponents an effect that reduces the effectiveness of treatment.
A fairly simple and understandable champion.
Strong champion in the first half of the game.
A very good passive that increases attack speed.
No escape skills.
Some skills need to learn how to hit.
Slow champion.
Allies of Varus
Let's take a look at a few champions that Varus would be most comfortable laning with.

A plus sona the fact that Varus can play very aggressively with her and, in principle, it’s not even a problem that these champions have too few control skills at the beginning of the game. With the right focus of the enemy, this bunch of champions is able to earn the first frag already at the first levels. The most important thing here is that your actions are as coordinated as possible.
Leona is a very good support and can stack well with most champions. Accordingly, Varus is no exception here. Leona's main advantage is her large amount of control skills and good potential for unleashing a fight. Leona usually uses a simple but effective Zenith Blade + Shield of Daybreak combo. The most important thing at the same time is that you are nearby and at the moment of Leona's jump, they already begin to attack the target.
Zyra she is not able to protect you from enemy attacks in any way, that is, she does not have any support skills, but she is a very good magician. Even without special artifacts, Zyra is able to deal good damage with her skills and aggressive colors. She has good AoE damage and the ability to pin multiple enemies to the ground at once. This bunch of champions can play very aggressively from the first minutes of the match.
Lulu is one of the best supports in terms of various buffs and debuffs. She can control enemies equally well by slowing or turning them into animals, and is great at protecting her ally in lane with her shield and haste. Lulu herself also deals quite good damage even with auto-attacks at the expense of her little fairy. Together with Lulu, you can freely dominate the lane and at the same time receive minimal damage.
trash has very powerful control skills, and in difficult times can even pull you to him and thereby save a life. Thresh's regular attacks deal very good additional damage and if he attacks, he will be great to help you. Thresh is far from being an easy champion and a lot of the success of such a bunch of champions will depend on how well your ally plays.
Enemy Champions
Below, I would like to draw your attention to a few champions who, for various reasons, easily stand against Varus and can even safely kill him.

Lucian is one of the best champions, especially in the early game, as after each use of the skill, his Lightslinger passive gives him a very large damage boost through double shots. If there is a support with some kind of slows or stuns along with Lucian, then it is likely that from the very beginning of the game he will actively try to kill you. It will be quite difficult to hit Lucian with skills, since he has an excellent Relentless Pursuit, after using which he can quickly go on the attack.
At Sivir there is very good shield Spell Shield, with which she can easily block spells. Varus' combat skills are used very explicitly and Sivir will always have a little time to quickly react and turn on the shield. At the same time, Sivir itself is of course good not only due to the shield. She deals very good damage and you will never be able to run away from her, especially after level 6.
Graves has a slightly reduced attack range, but this is more than offset by his powerful skills. Graves can easily dodge your abilities with the Quickdraw skill. Also in the arsenal of this champion is the excellent Smoke Screen grenade, once affected by which, you will not be able to see enemies and accordingly attack.
Of the supports, I would like to separately note Leon, since it is she who represents the greatest danger for Varus due to the large abundance of all sorts of stuns and slowdowns.
General Game Tips
From the start of the game Varus can play very aggressively and calmly kill enemies. First of all, you must learn how to quickly deal with the minions, quickly finishing each one. Secondly, you must not let the enemy do the same. Every time an enemy gets close, in order to finish off a minion, you need to deal damage to him with an auto attack (preferably at least 2), and then use a Hail of Arrows hail of arrows. This technique will be most effective from level 3-4, when you already have one passive. Right after the hail of arrows, you can fire a few more shots at the slowed down enemy and then release a Piercing Arrow. One such combination deals a huge amount of damage. If at the same time your support does not sleep and actively helps you, then you will kill the first enemy very early. Also note Living Vengeance's initial passive. Try to calculate so that you start the attack immediately after finishing off some minion. This way you will have a bonus to attack speed, and in the early game this is very important. Of course, all your attacks on the enemy should not interfere with the farm. It will be great if you kill enemies in the lane over and over again, but this does not always work out, so you need to finish off all the minions. If you manage to stand well in the lane and you drove the enemy to your own tower, then you should start looking at the minimap more often. Varus doesn't have an escape skill in his arsenal, and in the event of a gank, he is unable to immediately escape from danger. Therefore, when you press the enemy to the tower, you must constantly ensure that the enemy jungler does not suddenly appear from the bushes.

When Varus opens at level 6 ult, then killing enemies becomes even easier. Hitting with an ult is not difficult, and if the enemies are also standing next to each other, then this is just perfect. The ult combines good damage and a long immobilization, during which you can stuff the enemy with arrows or even just kill them. However, in the middle of the game, Varus stays in lane until the first tower falls. Then it will be possible to move towards the dragon or, together with your support, go to another lane and start actively breaking buildings. In any teamfights, Varus needs to be played as carefully as possible, as he is very vulnerable to the enemy's focused attack. At the beginning of the fight, you can use an arrow, as it flies a very long distance and deals good damage. Do not rush to use the ult, as it may turn out that it will only deal damage to one target, but you need the immobilization to receive the maximum number of enemies. Of course, in a situation where you are facing an enemy carry, it is better to use your ult almost immediately to instantly kill the enemy. In general, in all mass battles, Varus feels quite comfortable due to the good attack range and the ability to slow down a large group of enemies.

Late game Varus continues to deal very good damage due to purchased artifacts. In a matter of seconds, he can kill several enemies at once and greatly affect the outcome of the battle and the match as a whole. Always remember your weaknesses and once again do not get hit. Constantly move along with your allies and never climb forward. Make sure that your support places wards around the Dragon and Baron and kill these neutrals along with your allies as soon as possible, since the buff from these neutrals plays a very important role, and in some cases even decisive. If during the match your team kills the Dragon over and over again, then with a very high probability you will end the match with a victory.

Varus is a very strong and generally easy to train champion. All his skills are clear and easy to use. You just need to get used to them a little and understand how they work. Varus doesn't have a lot of counter picks, i.e. champions, against whom it is very difficult for him to lane. In team battles, he is one of the key figures and with a good game, you will greatly influence the outcome of each battle and the match as a whole. If you're looking for your favorite bot lane hero for the damage dealer role, then Varus could very well be the one.

game video

Once upon a time, Varus was a consummate archer and a man of great honor. For his merits, he was put on guard of the sacred Ionian temple, which concealed a burial ground with an ancient curse. When Noxian invaders invaded Ionia, Varus was faced with a choice: stay to defend the sanctuary or return to his village and protect his family. He chose the sanctuary, as honor did not allow him to leave his important post. After he returned to the village and saw that only ashes were left of it, he cursed himself more than once for having chosen the temple. He went to the burial ground and let in the curse of the black flame. It absorbed his pure soul, but in return endowed him with infernal power that could help him make retribution. Now his goal is to find and destroy all the Noxians who attacked and destroyed his home.

“The life of an arrow is fleeting. It has nothing but purpose and direction."


Arrow of Vengeance

Characteristics :

Health 400 (+82) Damage 46 (+3)
Health regeneration 4.5 (+0.55) attack speed 0.658 (+3%)
mana 250 (+36) Armor 13.5 (+3.4)
Mana regeneration 6.5 (+0.5) Magic resistance 30 (+0)
attack range 575 Movement speed 330

Pros and cons :



Varus is weak against:
Varus is strong against:

How to counter Varus:

Summoner Abilities:

Varus has no retreat skills. Try to focus him in teamfights first.

Try to move away from the ally that Varus hit with his ultimate as quickly as possible Chain of Corruption. If this is not done, then the effect of this skill will pass to you.


Living Vengeance (Vengeance itself)

Passive: When a champion is killed, Varus gains 40% attack speed for 6 seconds. When a minion is killed, Varus gains 20% attack speed for 3 seconds.

[Q] Piercing Arrow(piercing arrow)

Pressed: Varus begins to draw the string for the next shot, gradually increasing the range and damage.

While preparing to fire, Varus cannot auto-attack or use other skills, and his movement speed is slowed by 20%. When 4 seconds pass, Piercing Arrow is automatically cancelled, going on a full cooldown and restoring half of the mana spent on the skill.

Released: Varus fires, dealing physical damage to all enemies in the path of the arrow. Damage on each subsequent target is reduced by 15% (up to a minimum of 33% damage).

Minimum Damage: 10/47/83/120/157 (+100% from AD)

Max Damage: 15/70/125/180/235 (+160% AD)

Minimum damage reduction: 5/23.3/41.7/60/78.3 (+53% from AD)

Max damage reduction: 3.3/15.7/27.7/40/52.3 (+33% from AD)

Range: 850 – 1450

Rollback: 16/14/12/10/8

Price: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

[W] Lighted Quiver(Corrupted Quiver)

Passive: Varus' normal attacks deal bonus magic damage. They also inflict Defile, stacking up to 3 times.

Other skills detonate Defile, dealing magic damage equal to a percentage of the target's maximum health per stack. The maximum damage against monsters cannot exceed 360.

Magic damage from each attack: 10/14/18/22/26 (+25% of AP)

Magic damage per stack of Corruption: 2/2.75/3.5/4.25/5% (+2% for every 100 AP) target's maximum health

Maximum Magic Damage: 6/8.25/10.5/12.75/15% (+6% for every 100 AP) target's maximum health

[E] Hail of Arrows (hail of arrows)

Active: Varus fires a hail of arrows that deal Physical damage and defile the ground for 4 seconds. Defiled Ground reduces healing effects by 50% and slows enemies' movement speed.

Physical Damage: 65/100/135/170/205 (+60% from additional AD)

Slowdown: 25/30/35/40/45%

Range: 925

Rollback: 18/16/14/12/10

Price: 80 mana

[R] Chain of Corruption

Active: Varus hurls a blast of corruption that hits the first champion it hits, dealing magic damage and rooting them in place for 2 seconds.

The Corruption then spreads to other Champions within 550 AoE, dealing the same damage and also rooting them if they are near the Infested Champion for 2 seconds in a 600 AoE. The Corruption will continue to spread until there are no more suitable targets. Each champion can only be infected once.

Magic Damage: 150/250/350 (+100% of AP)

Range: 1075

Rollback: 120/105/90

Price: 120 mana

The order of pumping skills:

LVL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

At the first level we pump Hail of Arrows. This skill will help us more easily trade damage with the enemy, as he will be slowed down and will not be able to respond to us. At the second level we take Piercing Arrow, with which we can poke enemies. At the third level we pump Blighted Quiver. With this skill, we will be able to harass enemies even more effectively.

We prioritize skill Piercing Arrow, since with its help we will deal much more damage than with the skill Hail of Arrows. Also Piercing Arrow will allow us to poke enemies with impunity from a great distance. Don't forget to upgrade your ultimate Chain of Corruption at levels 6,11 and 16.



9 x - Greater Mark of Attack Damage

These runes will increase our damage, which will allow us to finish off minions more easily and poke enemies harder.

Seals (Seals):

9 x - Greater Seal of Armor

Armor runes will increase our survivability and help us better deal damage with the enemy AD carry.

Glyphs (Symbols):

9 x - Greater Glyph of Magic Resist

Magic resistance runes will increase our survivability and also reduce the magic damage of most supports and some AD carries.

Quintessences (Quintessences):

3 x - Greater Quintessence of Life Steal

In conjunction with Doran's Blade, fifths on lifesteal will provide us with a high heal in the lane. Every 30 auto attacks will restore us 150 health, which is equal to one Health Potion.

Talents :

21 points are invested in a branch Offensive, for maximum increase in physical damage, and 9 points in a branch Defense to slightly increase our survivability.

More detailed information about talents can be found in the article.

Summoner Abilities:

Flash (Jump)

Flash- Mandatory ability for Varus. With it, we can better position ourselves, jump over walls, make a combination Flash and Chain of Corruption. We will use this ability to retreat or initiate teamfights.

Barrier (Barrier)

On the this moment, Barrier is the best defensive ability for an AD carry. In most games, the enemy team will definitely have an assassin, for example Kassadin, Ahri, Zed or Aatrox. Barrier help to withstand their burst damage. Also, this ability will help you trade damage with the enemy in the early stages of the game or lure enemies under the tower.

One of the main drawbacks of the champion is his lane phase. To fully reveal its potential, Varus needs at least a few things - this is high speed attacks and the presence of an ultimate. At first, you will not have either the first or the second, which is why life will not seem sweet. The ult gives you much needed instant CC and 3 instant stacks, removing which with any subsequent skill will deal a decent amount of damage, and the attack speed is needed to build a passive W outside of the ult, in order to then again deal damage from the enemy’s maximum health. In general, the whole "rotation" of the varus consists in auto-attacks - the use of Q or E, then repeat. Although when actively trading health with enemies in the lane, the healing reduction from E will greatly help you, but only in situations where the enemy has an active healer.

Otherwise, Varus does not shine either long distance auto-attacks, nor harassment skills (Q damage is extremely small, as is the damage radius E). You don't have blinks to allow yourself the audacity to get close to characters like Blitz or Thresh, even Nami's bulb will be harder to dodge. Therefore, prepare yourself for a quite average, in some ways even weak lane phase.

late game

Starting from the mid-game, Varus reveals his potential, having 1-2 items in stock, feeling the damage from attacks mixed with the damage from removing the stacks of the passive skill, the ult will provide opportunities for good engagements or save enemy assassins from flying in more than once. The attack speed from the passive will also be felt in fights, allowing you to snowball during main fights after killing an enemy.

The problem with Varus gathering through Guinsoo and Death of Mind is that by late game the damage numbers from the second item become ridiculous, Tabi Ninjas who often like to buy do not give any buff in combat, because there you will be one shot both with them and without them if you fall under enemy control. Runaan's Hurricane won't give you any advantage if the enemy team is made up of mostly long-range characters, while having one initiator that will always fly into your face, and your attacks will not be able to hit anyone other than him.

The Varus build through Guinsu, Mind Death, Runaan and Guardian Angel will deal massive damage in the mid game. Mixed damage is great, but mixed damage scales much less late.

reply Prikolist43 (08.07.2017) About app varus. It turns out a certain auto-attacker-skillovik. And the assembly...
At the beginning there is a standard purchase for most adc: Doran's Blade + Health Potion + totem of control. And then we start to get smart ... Blade of the Ruined King is the 1st item, because we will have a little less damage due to others runes (on ap) and talents (thunder nada). Then everything is standard: Berserker's Greaves and Runaan's Hurricane. The runaan hurricane can be replaced with Nashor's Toothif the situation on the lane is good (there are a couple of kills, and even we are not far behind), but both items are needed, because. the hurricane will help to hang the passive on 3 targets at once, and the tooth is 50% of AIDS attacks and 80 ap. After these 4 items on... The 5th item goes to improve our beloved Varus: Void Staff (click on the item and see the description of the buns). 6th subject according to the situation: everything is fine - Guinsoo "s Rageblade, we want a lot of ap and a lot of one-time damage - please - Lich Bane ... We want to finally be a killer - Rabadon" s Deathcap. And if we die on cd - Guardian Angel.
As a result, we have a champion who, with the help of 3 auto attacks and 1 skill, can cut off approximately 30% of the target’s maximum health (whether there is at least a fat tank like Chogat or a gentle glander like Soraka (who doesn’t want to die in any way... I know this xD)) why so many? Because the passive called "desecrated quiver" at the maximum level removes 5% of the target's maximum health, and the increase is only from the AP, therefore, with a full-up build, we add another 5-6%, which, with 3 stacks on the target, has a total of somewhere around 30%.
Tired of writing...
P.S. nickname original (you can find it), on varus rank 6 (7th hunting, but laziness).

reply Leo (22.08.2017) Well, let's go in order:
1. Early game and mid game: AP Varus is unreliable and not practical crap, he will be just no damage until you build 4-5 items, Q and E, your combat skills are scaled from AD, and how will you damage the first 2/3 of the game ?
2. Late game: suppose you are about to go into a full slot, another ADK runs out at you, for example, Lucian, you stacked your W, but the custom missed, and all your 30% of hp went down the drain. Even if you hit you took down 30% of hp, and what's next, stack again, and skillshots can already be on CD, and without them you won’t activate the passive with W. Any full-slot ADK with auto attacks will simply eat you up in three seconds, and you’ll this time you can take down 30% of max hp, and shoot another 400 from your hand, well, it’s very useful when some Ash in a crit build will bite off at least 600 from you per hit, with a speed of 2.0+, and if she has a bloodsucker, then she will not even feel all your damage.

reply Prikolist43 (24.08.2017) Well, if you want, go to mid, if the adk lays out with a 2.5 asp and dodges all your skills like a snapper.
I just posted a possible assembly, yes, maybe crap, but it's better than nothing... Yes, and the attack speed here is considerable, the items yield 100-110% + ginsu + passive when triggered. There is also an ult for people like lutz, and the kushka, when pressed instantly, definitely has a range of 550 units, so no matter how hard you try, you won’t miss close. Ult has an increase from ap. The build option is more in the mid than in the adc, for the adc it is written above.

reply LeoRio (27.08.2017) Yes, the point is not that he can miss, the point is that he simply will not have damage, 30% of the maximum hp, with a not very simple implementation, and an expensive assembly, this is just a terrible indicator, I would even say that unplayable, because not competitively capable. In a solo, such a Varus will not kill anyone, and why do you need a carry that cannot kill, in order to lose someone by 30% hp in a batch, it’s even ridiculous.

reply Prikolist43 (29.08.2017) Once someone in the comments above asked for an assembly of an ap varus, I suggested a possible one. yes, there is still a botrak.

reply LeoRio (31.08.2017) Once upon a time he was playable through AP, and not so long ago he was a mid player played through Muramana, armor penetration and cdr, which with Q took down 1k+ in the late game, but nerfs and rebalances did their job, and now he is just mediocre ADC.