Route sheet travel in 1s. Formation of route sheets. Initial data and tasks

Many businesses have a problem operational delivery planning products. Forming machines, optimizing shipping costs.

I propose a solution that is quite suitable for small organizations.

For example, let's take the configuration "Integrated Automation edition 1.1".

Initial data and tasks

1. We have some quantity overhead(document "Sales of goods and services"), which must be delivered to customers. Clients are located in various parts of the city.

2. We have some quantity in stock cars with the given parameters - carrying capacity, volume. Cars can be both own and hired.

Tasks to be solved:

1. Distribute invoices available vehicles in such a way as to minimize the distance traveled by each vehicle.

3. Create a mechanism fast printing accompanying and other documents.

4. Under all other conditions, add to the configuration minimum change.

Logistic solution and an example of its implementation.

The main idea is to break the entire delivery area into separate areas and assign a district to each counterparty or outlet.

How to organize the districts is the business of the logistician. For example, you can simply divide the map into sectors - Center, Zavolzhsky district, Zheleznodorozhny district, etc. You can organize districts radially, by sectors. You can take into account the load on specific areas and create "sub-districts" (for example, Center-North, Center-Lenin, etc.). In any case, this is a matter of logistics.

For this purpose, we are creating a new directory "Regions".

Directory of areas

I also implemented backlighting so that in the future the logistician could more clearly see the areas by color.

To account for cars, we create directory "Cars".

We add details, except for the standard ones:



state number;

load capacity;



Color coding

Directory of cars

Document "Route sheet"

We create a new document that will contain information about each specific flight: car, driver, forwarder, area, as well as information about the documents and goods that the driver is carrying.

route sheet document

Also, this document contains information about the cost of the flight, it is also possible to calculate the cost according to some criteria - articles, for example, the number of points (waybills), etc.

Route Sheet Print Console

A route list can include dozens of documents and delivery points. For each point, you need to print various documents - TORG-12, invoices, waybills, registers of certificates, and you never know what printing forms are used in the organization. You also need to print out the freight forwarder's actual itinerary, according to which he will carry the goods.

AT normal mode the operator needs to go into each document, print the necessary forms.

When using the Print Console, you can pre-set which documents you want to print. Once configured, documents can be printed in batches.
That is, the operator, by pressing one button, prints all the configured documents. The operator only needs to stamp the papers with seals, sign and give the entire pack to the forwarding driver.

Print Console
Setting up the print console

In our case, it is possible to independently create the necessary external printing forms and upload them for processing. The mechanism is fully implemented using external printing forms.

Formation of routes

A special external processing has been created, which allows the logistician to analyze what kind of cargo (waybills) needs to be delivered, where to deliver it and by what means to deliver it.

This processing allows the logistician to evaluate the weight, the quantity of goods, the volume that will be loaded into the selected vehicles, and will also help distribute sales among the vehicles.

The result of the processing is the formation of documents "Route sheet".

Formation of routes

In this solution, any adjustments at the request of the customer are possible.

If you have any questions, or you are interested in this solution - write.


Launched a trading system in a large food distributor. Initially, the project started in a branch in St. Petersburg. And after a successful launch, it was already planned to launch in Moscow. And just before the launch, the logistician informed me that the proposed routing option did not suit him at all, it was inconvenient to work with the system. At that time, in St. Petersburg, it was necessary to route about 200 points and 15 cars per day, in Moscow - 500 points and 40 cars. The most interesting thing is that the idea of ​​using maps was immediately rejected by the logistician. He proposed his own version, especially since he used to work in a similar way, but in a different program (not 1C). I had to create processing for visual routing (and it turned out better than in old program logistician). And now processing is used in 4 countries in our branches: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Tested on release:

1C 7.7.27, 1C++, Windows XP (on Windows 7 there are problems with line coloring in the 1C++ library).

What processing does:

Allows you to divide shipping documents into non-routed and routed, as well as group documents by sectors and delivery points. The result of the processing work is the created documents "Route sheet" with the completed tabular part from the documents of shipment and receipts.

Who benefits from the treatment:

A programmer who needs a local cargo delivery routing function in 1C 7.7 and if he is ready to make changes to the configuration.


The configuration and processing will have to be changed. Processing works with configuration objects:

  • Directory "Delivery Points"- to indicate the points of delivery of the goods and I do not like the idea of ​​using Counterparties for this function (those who worked in trading companies know that one legal entity can have several outlets. For example, the largest retail chain in Russia has more than 3 thousand points) .
  • Directory "Sectors of delivery"- allows you to group delivery points into sectors to simplify routing (now in my company Moscow and the region are divided into 200 sectors).
  • Directory " Delivery blocks" - allows you to group one or more points into a block to issue a task to storekeepers to collect cargo. Each block means a separate task. In my case, the directory was created to synchronize with the WMS "Warehouse Management".
  • Document "Itinerary sheet"- stores information about the car, driver and a list of shipment documents (separate route sheets are created every day, there can be several route sheets for one car if the driver performs several trips).
  • Directory "Carriers"- to store information about motor transport organizations
  • Directory "Cars"- information about cars, subordinated to Carriers
  • Directory "Drivers"- information about drivers, subordinated to Carriers
  • In documents "Realization", "Return from buyer", "Receipt from the buyer", "Decommission" added props " Driver".

How processing works:

The logistician selects the day of routing and displays a list of documents (Implementation, Return, etc.) in the table of non-routed documents. Documents are grouped by dot so that multiple dot documents appear on the same line. You can view the list of documents by point by clicking on the triangle icon. The transfer between the tables of unrouted and routed claims is done by double-clicking the mouse or pressing Enter.

To make it convenient to work with a large number of points, the logistician needs to install a monitor with a diagonal of 20 inches or more.

A waybill is a document on the basis of which the costs of fuels and lubricants (fuel and lubricants) are taken into account. The printed form (form according to OKUD No. 0345001) is not mandatory for all organizations, except for transport companies. In typical 1C 8.3 configurations, there is no waybill printed form (it can be added as an external one), but several methods are implemented:

  • According to advance reports
  • By coupons
  • By fuel cards

Consider step by step instructions and some features of each of them.

The accounting scheme looks like this:

  • Issuance of cash to an accountant
  • Preparing an advance report
  • Return of cash to the cashier
  • Write-off of expenses for fuel and lubricants on fuel cards

Figure 1 shows an advance report, which reflects several operations at once: a report on the advance payment issued, posting of gasoline to the warehouse, data on the invoice (if any).

In Figure 2, you can see the postings of the document. In order for accounting accounts for the nomenclature "Gasoline AI-92" to be filled in automatically, it is necessary to add a line for the group "Petroleum and lubricants" in the information register "" (see Fig. 3)

The printed form of the waybill can be connected as an external report or processing to the "Additional reports and processing" directory (see Fig. 4). The report itself will have to be ordered from specialists or purchased at Infostart.

The return of money according to the advance report (in our example it is 8 rubles) is issued by the document "", which is filled in automatically in the "Enter based on" mode from the document "".

Write-off of fuel and lubricants on fuel cards

Unlike coupons, fuel cards are not recorded as, but as strict reporting forms on off-balance account 006.

In general, the accounting scheme consists of the following items:

  • Posting a fuel card
  • Posting of gasoline received on a fuel card
  • Writing off costs.

The crediting of the cost of a fuel card can be registered as a service receipt - see Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. And the card itself should be taken into account on account 006 by a manual operation (Fig. 13)

The receipt of fuel is documented by the document "" (see Fig. 14, Fig. 15).

According to production orders, route sheets are formed, according to which production is dispatched at the local level. Formation of route sheets is not available if the schedule is not calculated for the order:

And if the schedule is calculated, then route sheets become possible to form:

Dispatching of route sheets created in subdivisions with operational management is carried out in the workplace - Production scheduling (MES):

Dispatching of route sheets created in subdivisions with the production management method - BBW / BBW - is carried out in the workplace Production scheduling (BBS):

At the same time, in the case of BBW, in addition to dispatching route sheets, dispatching of work centers is also available:

Question 11.7 of exam 1C: Professional in ERP Enterprise Management 2.0. Route sheets are created based on:

  1. Generated production schedule
  2. Scheduled production
  3. During the execution of the production schedule

Checked. The correct answer is the first one, see the analysis above.

Question 11.39 of exam 1C: Professional in ERP Enterprise Management 2.0. The "Production scheduling" workplace allows you to dispatch route sheets and work centers of departments for which the following methodology is used:

  1. Operational planning
  2. Options 1 or 2
  3. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Checked. The correct answer is the fourth. In the case of operational planning, the work center is dispatched from a separate workplace.

Question 11.40 of exam 1C: Professional in ERP Enterprise Management 2.0. When using the operational planning methodology, route sheets are formed from:

  1. production order
  2. Workplace "Scheduling of production"
  3. Workplace "Procedural planning"
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 3
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Checked. The correct answer is the fourth. You can generate a route sheet from a production order:

From operational planning - in any case. ( Moment - in release 2.1, the workplace is called not Operational Planning, but Production Scheduling (MES))

Question 11.46 of exam 1C: Professional in ERP Enterprise Management 2.0. After generating route sheets (status "Created"), you can work with them in the workplace:

  1. Production scheduling
  2. Execution of route sheets
  3. Route sheets of production
  4. Options 1 and 3
  5. Options 1 and 2 and 3

Checked. The correct answer is the fourth. You can work with them in the Workplace Dispatching route sheets.

Many organizations deliver goods to customers using their own delivery service. In the process of work, it becomes necessary to create a route sheet for each courier - a list of orders indicating buyers, delivery addresses and other additional information.

The program "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" is generally not intended to automate the delivery service, but with the help of some tricks you can achieve the desired result.

Features of processing customer orders for the purpose of generating route sheets

Each buyer's order is registered in the database using the "Buyer's order" document. In general, the order is filled in as usual, but there are some peculiarities.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Customer Orders

Let's add a new order, specify the buyer, the shipment warehouse and the list of goods sold:

In the "Shipping" field, it is desirable to indicate the date of the expected shipment / delivery. Then, when printing a route sheet, you will need to filter out orders that need to be delivered today. The date of shipment can be specified immediately or later, at the time of distribution of orders between couriers.

The "Additional" tab indicates the delivery address and other additional information:

Distribution of orders in 1C between couriers

At the end of the day, you need to select orders that need to be delivered tomorrow and distribute them among couriers. The employee is responsible for the distribution of orders, because. in the typical configuration "Trade Management" there are no route planning assistants. In each order, you can specify information about the courier. You can also immediately indicate the date of shipment, if you did not do this at the time of creating the order.

We will distribute orders using the customer order list form. To see only the necessary orders, you can set the filter by the date the order was created:

Or make a selection by the date of shipment of the order, if you fill it in at the time of creating the order:

Thus, we received a list of orders that need to be processed. We will distribute them among the couriers and indicate the courier in each order.

To specify the courier, we will use the mechanism of properties and categories - we will create the "Courier" order property.

You can create and specify order properties in the form of the order itself. Open the form of one of the orders by double clicking.

Open list additional properties You can order by clicking the button:

Initially, the list of properties is empty, there are no additional properties in the database yet:

To create a new property, click the "Add" button, in the "Select property assignment" window, select "Buyer order document". Next, specify the property name - courier, value type - individuals.

After creating the property in each order, it will be possible to specify the courier. We will choose a courier from the "Individuals" directory, where a list of company employees is stored.

Click the OK button to save and close the property.

The new property immediately appears in the window for editing the properties of the order, let's select Volkov A.I. as the courier:

Important: you only need to create the "Courier" property once. Once created, it will be displayed on all orders.

In the same way, we will set couriers in other orders that need to be delivered tomorrow.

If you do not specify a shipping date at the time of order entry, be sure to include it at the time of distribution of orders. This can be done at the same time as choosing a courier.

ATTENTION! For automatic distribution of couriers along the routes, you can use the development of automation of the delivery service from the team

Formation of route sheets in 1C

For the formation of route sheets, we will use the report "Statement on customer orders". The report will require additional settings.

Menu: Reports - Sales - Order Analysis - Customer Order Sheet

Printing a route sheet for one courier

Open the report and go to the settings by clicking the "Settings" button. Enable the use of properties and categories in the report:

Click the "Add" button in the "Selections" table. In the field selection window, find the buyer's order, expand it by plus and double-click to select the field "Courier (buyer's order)":

As a value, select the desired courier - Volkov A.I.

In the same way, let's add a selection by the field "Date of shipment" of the buyer's order:

After that, only orders for tomorrow for Volkov will remain in the report:

There are a lot of columns in the order by the quantity and amount of delivered goods. Disable unnecessary indicators in the settings in the "Indicators" table. Let's leave only two indicators: "Quantity" (end balance) and "Amount of mutual settlements" (end balance):

In addition, we will display additional fields in the report: delivery address, addition to the address, counterparty. To set up additional fields, you need to switch to the advanced settings mode (check the "Advanced settings" flag in the lower left corner).

On the "Additional fields" tab, repeat the following settings:

Thus, we have replaced the number and date of the order with information about the counterparty, and next to the counterparty, in separate columns, the delivery address and additional information will be displayed.

An example of a finished report:

Printing a route sheet for all couriers

In order to print a route sheet for all couriers, you need to make small changes in the current setting (it is better to switch from advanced to normal settings):
  1. Let's delete the line of selection by courier (table "Selections" below).
  2. Let's add a grouping of lines “Buyer's order. Courier" (table "Row groupings" at the top in the middle), let's make this grouping the first.
Changed settings:

An example of a generated report: