The scale of the map is 1,1000,000

Topography and orientation

The concept of a map, blanking, scale, types of maps, generalization:

Topographic maps- these are general geographical maps of scales 1:1000 000 and larger.

Scale- a value showing the degree of reduction of the lines on the map relative to the corresponding lines on the ground (how many times the linear dimensions of the object on the map are less than the linear dimensions on the ground.


- numerical -written as a fraction. The numerator is one, the denominator is a number showing how many times the terrain lines are reduced on the map. For example: 1:1000000 is read as one millionth (Attention: both sides are written centimeters!).

- named - is written in words, for example: in 1 cm - 10 km.

Linear - a graphic representation of a numerical scale, with which, without a ruler, you can measure or plot distances on a map:

Maps are divided into:

    Large scale up to 1:200000

    Medium scale 1:200000 – 1:1000000

    Small scale smaller than 1:1000000

Map nomenclature- this is the division of the map at a scale of 1: 1000 000 into squares. Vertical division lines forming columns correspond to the meridians, which are drawn every 6 (360: 6=60 columns). Each column is numbered in Arabic numerals from 1 to 60 and keeps its own score east from the meridian 180.

Horizontal dividing lines forming ranks, correspond to parallels that are drawn every 4. Rows are counted from the equator in both directions and are denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet from A to V.

Thus, the entire surface of the Earth is divided into cells at 6 in longitude and 4 in latitude (up to 60 latitude), from 60 to 76 the size of the sheet in longitude is 12, and north of the 76th parallel - 24.

Map nomenclature 1:1000000 represented by a capital letter of the Latin alphabet (from A to V) and an Arabic numeral. For example, the Moscow sheet is indicated N-37.

Map sheet scale 1:500000 is a ¼ part of a sheet of a million card and is designated by the nomenclature of a sheet of a million card with the addition of one of the capital letters (A, B, C, D) of the Russian alphabet, denoting the corresponding quarter:

Map sheet in scale 1:500000 St. Petersburg has nomenclature O-36-A

Map sheet scale 1:200000 formed by dividing the millionth leaf into 36 parts

The nomenclature consists of the designation of a map sheet at a scale of 1:1000000 plus one of the Roman numerals. For example, the nomenclature of a sheet with St. Petersburg looks like this: O-36-I

Scale map sheet 1:100000 is obtained by dividing a sheet of a millionth card into 144 parts 6

The nomenclature of a sheet of such a map will consist of the designation of a sheet of a map one millionth plus an Arabic number from 1 to 144. For example, the nomenclature of a map of St. Petersburg at a scale of 1: 100000 will look like this: O-36-1

Scale map sheet 1:50000 is formed by dividing the map 1:100000 into 4 parts and adding one of the capital Russian letters to the nomenclature 1:100000. For example P-36-121,122-V - glade of gatherings of the tourist club "Mummi-trolls". In latitudes north of the 60th parallel, the sheets are combined two by two, separated by a comma.

Scale map sheet 1:25000 obtained by dividing a map sheet at a scale of 1:50000 into 4 parts. Its nomenclature is the sheet nomenclature at a scale of 1:50000 plus one of the four lowercase letters (a,b,c,d) For example: R-35-131,132-V-g - station Kirillovskoe.

Frame size

Nomenclature example

By latitude



Thus, you can determine the scale of the map not only by its nomenclature, but also by the frame size in degrees.

Card types:

Plan- a reduced image of the terrain on a plane, built without taking into account the fact that the Earth has the shape of an ellipsoid. Compiled into small sections. As a rule, a plan is an image of the area at a scale of 1:500 - 1:5000, 1:10000 and smaller - already a map).

Tourscheme. A much less accurate depiction than a plan. It can be performed not to scale, significant distortions of distances and outlines are not uncommon. You can judge the relative position of objects relative to each other.

Croc- (from French croquis) - a drawing of a section of the terrain, displaying its most important elements, made during visual survey. Krok of the pass - a drawing of the pass with the corresponding designations on it (length of sections, steepness, nature of the slopes).

Generalization of topographic maps

Cartographic generalization- the selection of objects for the image on the map and the generalization of their outlines, is on all maps.

The main types of cartographic generalization:

    The generalization of geometric contours is not a mechanical simplification of the drawing, but the preservation and selection of essential features and details that can even be exaggerated and shifted.

    The generalization of the quantitative characteristic is manifested in the enlargement of the intervals. A good example of this is the generalization of the relief - increasing the height of the section.

    The limitation of the qualitative characteristic is to reduce the number of conventional signs.

    The selection of mapped objects aims to limit the content of the map to only the main typical objects, less significant and minor details are omitted. For example, on maps of scales 1: 10,000 - 1: 100,000, water bodies with an area of ​​​​less than 1 mm2, glades in the forest less than 4 mm2 are not depicted.

Gauss-Kruger projection, meridian convergence, magnetic declination, true azimuth, magnetic azimuth, directional angle .

When orienting on the ground, an important role is played by magnetic declination. It is different in different parts of the Earth. That is, the compass needle does not point to true north, but to the so-called magnetic pole. And on the map we see exactly the direction to the true north.

Therefore, when we orient the map to the north with the help of a compass, we actually orient it to the magnetic pole. Next, we take the direction to the object we need, which is measured in degrees, that is, we get an angle called magnetic azimuth. To obtain true bearing, magnetic declination must be taken into account.

Magnetic declination is the angle between true north and the magnetic pole.

true azimuth is the angle between true north and the direction of the object

Magnetic azimuth is the angle between the magnetic pole and the direction of the object

Ai \u003d Am + (+/- Skl.)

The eastern declination has a "+" sign, the western declination has a "-" sign.

The magnitude and sign of the declination must be looked at in advance at home, if it is not signed on the map.

For military maps, the concept is used - directional angle. This is the angle between the north direction of the vertical grid and the direction of the item. Vertical grid lines on military maps do not line up with true north because:

The earth has the shape of a geoid (flattened ellipsoid). When it is depicted on a plane, the ellipsoid must be cut, you get a camomile. It is divided into squares and a flat coordinate system is obtained - the so-called Gauss-Kruger projection. But the squares are actually trapezoids, as the meridians approach the poles. Therefore, the square grid line on the map does not coincide with true north, which is indicated by the meridian. The angle between the grid line and true north is convergence of meridians.

On military topographic maps, true north is indicated by the vertical edge of the map. It is often noticeable that the grid lines are at an angle to the vertical edge of the map.

Therefore, to determine true azimuth in advance on a military card is necessary to DU + (+/- sbl.m).

The convergence of the meridians begins to be noticeable only on maps with a small scale and at large distances. On maps 1:100,000 and larger, you can ignore it.

On civilian topographic maps, the grid angle and true north direction are the same. In them, the convergence of the meridians does not need to be taken into account.

true azimuth, grid direction.

Relief designation on topographic maps

- solid horizontal lines

The figure shows elementary landforms as contour lines. The figure shows that a small mountain (hill) and a hollow look, in general, the same - in the form of a system of closed contour lines encircling each other. Similar to each other and the image of the ridge and the hollow. They can only be distinguished by the direction of the slopes.

1) Mountain- a significant dome-shaped or conical elevation with a more or less pronounced base - the sole. 2) Basin- a closed bowl-shaped depression, usually with gentle slopes. 3) Ridge- a linearly elongated elevation, gradually decreasing towards one or both of its ends. 4) Hollow- an elongated recess, descending in one direction; has slopes with a clearly defined upper inflection - the edge. The types of hollows include: valleys, gorges, ravines, beams, canyons. 5) Saddle- lowering on the crest of the ridge between two adjacent peaks; to it from two opposite directions, transverse to the ridge, the upper reaches of the hollow approach.

- additional special signs - to mark pits, craters, cliffs, rocks, etc.

- layered coloring – used together with contour lines: each subsequent layer has an increasingly dark color (mountains: from yellow to dark brown, plains from yellow to dark green (lowlands))

- laundering - shading of slopes of irregularities) the shadow is superimposed with gray paint, as a rule, on the eastern and southern slopes)

Absolute and relative heights

Absolute altitude is the height of an object relative to sea level. Absolute zero is the level of the world ocean, the ordinar is located in Kronstadt.

Relative object height is the difference between its bottom and top, while the bottom usually does not coincide with absolute zero. Absolute heights are indicated on the map both on the tops and on the isolines. It is necessary to independently calculate the relative height by the number of solid horizontal lines and their step indicated on the map, or by knowing the absolute height of the foot and top.

On topographic maps, depending on the scale, solid isolines are drawn with a frequency of 5, 10, 20 m.

The distance between the horizontals, the so-called laying, shows the steepness of the slope. The closer the contour lines are to each other on the map, the steeper the slope. The greater the distance between two adjacent horizontals, the flatter the slope. A laying of 1 mm corresponds to a slope steepness of 10º, laying at 2 mm - 5º, laying at 5 mm - 2º, etc. As a rule, it is polygraphically difficult to accurately mark more than 3 isohypses per 1 mm on a map, therefore slopes from 45-50º are marked with a cliff sign.

Hydrography of topographic maps

Coasts of the seas, lakes, reservoirs, type of coasts, their outlines.

Low-lying, elevated shores are noted, capes, bays are highlighted , rocks, reefs, shoals. For sea coasts, high and low tide heights are important, the parts that completely dry out at low tide.

Lakes and reservoirs

Very small lakes may not be marked on the map, but lakes that are the sources of rivers and sources of fresh water in dry regions are necessarily marked.

The overflows of large rivers and lakes and areas flooded during the rainy season are shown, while the period of flooding is signed. Islands on the seas, lakes, reservoirs are shown on maps, as a rule, everything. With a large cluster of islands, larger ones are shown.

Rivers, canals.

The part of the valley floor that is flooded during the flood is called the floodplain of the river, it is indicated on the map, the breaks (channels and shoals) are also indicated.

The banks of the rivers are high or low, and the bottom of the T is solid (P - sandy, G-pebble, K - rocky) or viscous - B (clay, silty, peaty).

channel The river consists of stretches, rifts and rapids.

For navigable water bodies, the fairway is indicated.

The line of the highest water flow velocities forms a rod.

The difference between the heights of the water levels of the mouth of the river and its source is calledthe fall of the river , and the ratio of the fall of the river or its individual sections to their length -river slope (plots).

River mode- seasonal fluctuations in the water level in it and related changes in the width, depth and speed of the current, as well as the phenomena of drying, freezing and opening. Distinguish high water, high water and low water.

The rivers are mountainous and flat. Mountain rivers flow in deep valleys with a narrow bottom, the fall reaches several tens of meters per 1 km, the current is stormy (up to 7 m / s), the bottom is hard (stony), there are many rapids, rapids and waterfalls, the banks are steep and steep. Plain rivers flow in wide valleys, the fall is only a few centimeters per 1 km, the flow is calm (0.1-1.5 m / s), the channels are winding, the bottom is hard (sandy) or viscous (silty), the banks are gentle.

river network characterized by density, that is, the ratio of the total length of all rivers to the area of ​​their basin. It can be rare (less than 0.2 km/km2), medium (0.2 - 0.4 km/km2), dense (0.4 - 0.7 km/km2) and very dense (more than 0.7 km /km2).

across the river subdivided into narrow (up to 60 m), medium (from 60 to 150 m) and wide or large (over 150 m), by lenght- for small (up to 100 km), medium (100 - 500 km) and large (over 500 km). river depth determines the possibility of overcoming its ford and the use of various floating means. Signs for determining the location of the ford can be: the expansion of the river in its straight section, roads and paths suitable for the river, ripples on the surface of the water (on rifts). Important water flow rate.

There are engineering structures on the rivers: bridges, dams, dikes, water gauges, etc. They are marked on the maps. icons.

Rivers and streams when depicted on maps, they are divided into permanent and drying ones. Underground and disappearing sections of rivers are displayed with a special conventional sign, when the riverbed is not clearly expressed. The maps show in detail the nature and relative density of the river network, the exact position of the channels, clearly distinguish the main rivers, show the connection of the river network with other elements of the terrain. All rivers are depicted in one or two lines, depending on their width. The coastline of the rivers, depicted with the preservation of their actual width on the scale of the map, corresponds to the line of the water's edge in low water.

Also portrayed:

Canals, ditches, waterfalls, rapids, fords, wells, springs.

On the maps indicate the speed of the surface movement of water with an arrow.

Water cuts. Determination of the average slopes of rivers. Longitudinal profile of the river.

water line - this is absolute height for a given location of a reservoir / river in relation to absolute zero, that is, to the level of the world ocean.

Medium slope - this is the ratio of the difference in heights of the beginning and end of the section to its length. Measured in meters per 1 km. For example, flat rivers have no more than 1 m per 1 km.

Mid-mountain rivers, or rapids of individual lowland rivers, have a slope of up to 10 m per 1 km.

Mountain rivers have a slope of more than 10 m per 1 km. A slope of more than 20 m per 1 km is typical for individual sections of complex mountain rivers; it is selected by cascades of rapids or breakthroughs.

Longitudinal profile of the river - this is an image of a vertical section of the channel from source to mouth, that is schedule height selection, showing in which parts of the river the fall is more and in which it is less. Vertically - meters (height), horizontally - kilometers (distance).

The profile depends on the rocks in which the river flows and the age of the river valley.

Unfinished Profile– a young river or solid rock means that the height difference is chosen more or less evenly. Pistajoki, many rivers of Ladoga, Bashkaus.

Produced profile- an old river or soft means a steep fall at the beginning and a gentle one at the end. Shavla, Kuban.

Determination of the standing point by point and linear landmarks and alignment

1. Orient the map using a compass and a coordinate grid to the cardinal points.

2. If there are at least two prominent landmarks on the map, look around you and see if you can see them on the ground or not.

A) if yes, then for each of the visible objects, draw an imaginary or straight line between the object and its image on the oriented map, which is in front of you on a half-bent arm at eye level. At the intersection of these imaginary lines you are.

B) if you have found only one landmark, then you need to estimate the distance to it, draw a straight line between this landmark and its image on the oriented map along the ruler. Then, on this straight line, set aside the distance from the object - at the end of the segment, there will be a standing point.

3. If you are standing on a characteristic linear landmark (road, lake shore, clearing, power lines, etc.), then you need to find at least 1 point landmark on the ground. An imaginary or straight line is drawn from it between the object and its image on an oriented map, you are at the point of its intersection with a linear landmark.

4. If you find yourself at a point where 2 point landmarks line up on the same line from you, this means that you are in their alignment. You just have to orient the map, draw a line on it through these two landmarks and set aside on it the distance to the nearest of the landmarks - this will be the point of your standing.

If there is a pronounced point landmark near the alignment, you can not measure the distance, but draw a straight line through the landmark on the ground and its image on the map until it intersects with the alignment line on the map.

Features of orientation in conditions of limited visibility

Limited visibility- these are not only weather conditions (rain, fog, snow, darkness), but also the presence of obstacles that block the direct visibility of the point you need to get to (forest, mountain, bend in a hollow, etc.).

Thus, in tourism orientation in most cases occurs in conditions of limited visibility.

It is necessary with the help of a map to break the path into fairly short segments with clear landmarks.

In foggy conditions, you should not rely on audibility tables, and even more so visibility.

In such a situation, you will have to use the method of calculating the distance in steps, you need to understand that this is not the most accurate way.

You also need to remember that the compass error when walking reaches 5 degrees, therefore, the segments should not exceed 100 - 150 meters, because otherwise for 1 km - the error will be up to 100 m. In conditions of fog, dense forest, night - this error is more than significant.

Try, if possible, not to move in azimuth, but to become attached to paths, rivers, streams, roads, to characteristic clearly readable bends in the relief - a ridge, a narrow hollow, even if this path to the final goal will be longer.

If there are navigation devices such as GPS, use them.

When moving, for self-checking, pay attention to the characteristic long-term obvious changes in the relief (loss or climb, etc.): there are 2 options a) the movement deviated from the desired direction b) it is slower than it seems.

On a clear night, celestial bodies can help you navigate.

Actions in case of loss of orientation:

    Stop moving.

    Determine the standing point in any of the ways.

    Take a bearing to the nearest point or line landmark and continue moving

Features of orientation in a water trip

On the walking part of the water trip, the principles of orientation are common.

Directly on the river, clear landmarks are:

Nominal, described and known from photographs thresholds, blockages

Sharp narrowing of the channel, clinging to the rocks, spills

characteristic islands.

Described parking

Noise of obstacles

Bridges, access roads, marshes, re-vegetation of banks, power lines

The bend of the channel can rarely serve as a reference point, only if it is very characteristic (for example, on Chirko-Kemi), basically the bends of the channel are not accurately marked on the map, or not all of them.

It is difficult to determine the distance by the speed of movement, since in addition to the different speeds of the rivers, the group will move at different speeds due to the different complexity of different areas and exploration.

Route planning on the map

Take into account the time, the preparation of the group, the severity of the backpacks (the purpose of the trip).

Examine the availability of all possible trails and roads, even if it lengthens the route

Find on the map (by relief) the most easily passable parts of the terrain with obvious landmarks.

In areas where there will be movement in azimuth, pre-mark intermediate landmarks, calculate the values ​​of true azimuths and distances between points. Assess the relief and estimate the speed of the group passing through this section

When calculating distances, both on land and along the river, take into account the correction factor for the relief (meandering for rivers). In mountainous areas, these coefficients are taken as 1.2-1.3, in hilly areas 1.1, and on flat areas 1.0.

Identify the places of the main obstacles, places of possible bivouacs.

On the map, assess the complexity of possible fords and the presence and condition of bridges across rivers and streams.

820. Determine on the map (Fig. 36) the distance from the edge of the forest (point A) to the point of intersection of the road with the river. Map scale 1:100000.

821. The distance between cities A and B on the map is 8.5 cm. Find the distance between cities on the ground if the scale of the map is 1/1000000.

822. The length of the railway Moscow - St. Petersburg is approximately equal to 650 km. Draw this road as a line segment using a scale of 1:10000000.

823. The distance from Brest to Vladivostok is more than 10,000 km. Will this distance on a scale of one ten-millionth fit on one page of a notebook?

824. Figure 37 shows the plan of the apartment on a scale of 1:100. Determine from the plan what dimensions the kitchen, bathroom and rooms have and what their area is in reality.

825. A segment on the map, the length of which is 3.6 cm, corresponds to a distance on the ground of 72 km. What is the distance between cities if on this map the distance between them is 12.6 cm?

826. Length railway line 3140 km. What is the length of the line depicting this highway on a map made to scale:
a) 1:10000000;
b) 1:2000000?

827. A segment on the ground with a length of 3 km is depicted on the map as a segment of 6 cm. What is the length of the segment on the map depicting a segment of 10 km? What segment on the ground represents a segment on the map with a length of 1.8 cm?

828. The length of a part in a drawing made on a scale of 1:5 is 7.2 cm. What will be the length of this part on another drawing made on a scale of 1:3? in 2:1 scale?

829. Calculate orally:

830. What number must be subtracted from the numerator and denominator of a fraction in order to obtain a fraction equal to 5/9?

831. Make three proportions using the correct equality:
a) 18: 2 = 54: 6;
b) 4.5: 1.5 = 1.26: 0.42;
c) 2.8 45 = 6.3 20;
d) 3.9 0.14 = 0.6 0.91.

832. Two thirds of two thirds of a number are equal to two thirds. What is this number?

833. How many hectares are in 1 m2? How many hours in 1 s? How many liters in 1 cm3?

834. It is known that the volume of a pyramid is 3 times less than the volume of a prism of the same height and with the same base (Fig. 38). Calculate the volume of a quadrangular pyramid, at the base of which is a rectangle with sides 2/3 dm and 9/10 dm, and the height is 5 dm.

835. To prepare 4 servings of potato casserole, you need to take 0.44 kg of potatoes. How many potatoes does it take to make 12 casseroles?

836. A swallow flew some distance in 0.5 hours at a speed of 50 km/h. In how many minutes will a swift fly the same distance if it flies at a speed of 100 km / h?

837. Draw a circle and construct two of its radii, the angle between which is 120°. Paint over the part of the circle between these radii. What part of the circle will be shaded and what part of the circle will remain unfilled?

838. Solve the problem:
1) The sum of two numbers is 7.2, and 1/3 more is equal to the smaller number. Find these numbers.
2) The difference between two numbers is 1.5, and 1/4 of the larger number is equal to the smaller number. Find these numbers.

839. Solve the equation:

840. Use the map to find the distance from Moscow to Kyiv.

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Lesson Objectives:

  • show the practical application of the concept of scale;
  • to form in students practical skills related to mathematical calculations in solving text problems;
  • to promote the development of the ability to draw conclusions based on their own observations, comparison, generalization, use of personal experience; develop logical thinking and spatial representations;
  • consolidate the skills associated with the transformation of quantities.

Equipment: computer, multimedia lesson development, projector, models of cars, copies of apartment plans with BTI, models of geometric bodies, geographical map.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

2. Oral counting, oral work.(slide2)

1) express in kilometers:

What needs to be done to express these values ​​in km? /since 1km = 100000cm, then you need to divide by 100000./

2) express in meters:

What needs to be done?

Knowledge update.

Tell me, what did you work with now, what knowledge did you apply? / Measures of length/.

We can't do without them in class today. Recall the translation of some units into others (Slide 3).

Well done. The topic that we are going to study today will show the practical application of relationships.

3. Learning new material

1)) Preparatory work. (slide 4)

Make relationships:

a) 1cm to 4000m;

b) 1 cm to 120 m;

c) 1 cm to 10,000 km;

d) 1 cm to 25 cm.

What needs to be done first? /bring to the same units of measure/

Working with the concept of "scale".

Good. Write down all measurements in centimeters.

You and I know that areas of the earth's surface, machine parts and much more are depicted on paper in a reduced form.

If you meet such relationships on a map, plan or drawing, then this scale map, plan or drawing.

What are we going to study today? /Scale/ Write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook. (slide 5)

Clarification of the concept based on existing knowledge.

So, scale. What does this word mean to you?

Children's answers can be supplemented with a demonstration of real models of objects (earth globe, geographical map, showing models of cars)

We have seen that the use of scale allows you to create models of real objects.

The very word "scale" came to us from the German language. Mas means: “measure”, headquarters means “size”, which already speaks of a connection with mathematics. The word “scale”, coming from the German language, has taken root well in our speech. What related words can you name for it? (large-scale, large-scale). The word “scale” is less commonly used, which means to change all sizes by a certain number of times. We need this word today.

(Slide 6). The full definition of "scale" sounds like this: The ratio of the length of the segment on the map to the length of the corresponding segment on the ground is called the scale. The same can be said about a drawing or a plan.

Scale - a measured rod or a measure, a yardstick, a sizer, a linear measure adopted for a drawing or other work. (From explanatory dictionary IN AND. Dalia.) (slide 7)

Let's go back to the relationships already written. Explain what these scales mean (slide 8-9)

/ students' answers: a) if the scale of the map is 1: 400,000, then on this map the length of each segment is reduced by 400,000 times. On such a map, a distance of 4 km will be displayed in 1 cm.

A map scale of 1:400,000 indicates that the map is drawn to a scale of 1400,000, and so on.

Good. Well done. Complete this task. (slide 10)

The distance from the school to the house where Kolya studies is 200 m. Draw this distance as a segment on a scale of 1:4000.

Record the solution in a notebook. Let's express 200 m in cm. 200 m = 20000 cm. A scale of 1:4000 means that 1 cm on the plan will be 4000 times less than the distance on the ground.

20000: 4000 = 5 (cm)

Answer: The length of the segment is 5 cm.

Check (Slide 11-12)

A task.(slide 13) The length of the segment on the map is 15 cm. Find the length of the corresponding segment on the ground if the map scale is 1: 10000.

What does scale 1:10000 mean?

We will decide this task, making a short record in the form of a table.

Solution: Let x(m) be the distance on the ground.

Distance Scale
On the map

On the ground

15 cm 1


X = 150000 (cm) = 1500 m = 1.5 km

1.5 km distance on the ground

Answer: 1.5 km


Consolidation of the studied material, practical work on textbook No. 820 p. 134

Read the task. Can we find the distance right away?

What do you need to know? /The length of the segment on the map/

How to find out the length of a segment on a map? /measure with a ruler/

Measure the distance on the map. What does scale 1:100000 mean? /1cm on the map is equal to 100000cm on the ground/

Let's write a short record in the form of a table

Distance Scale
On the map

On the ground

3 cm 1

Let's make a proportion: 3: x \u003d 1: 100000; x \u003d 300000 cm \u003d 3000 m \u003d 3 km - distance on the ground

Answer: 3 km.

No. 821 page 134 (slide 16)

Read the task. What is known? What to find? What does this scale mean? /1cm on the map is equal to 1000000cm on the ground/

Let x(m) be the distance on the ground.

Let's make a proportion: x: 30000000 = 1: 1000000; x \u003d 1 * 30000000: 1000000 \u003d 30cm - length on the map

Answer: 30 cm.

No. 822 independently, with subsequent verification. (Slide 17)

Distance Scale
On the map

On the ground

x cm

650km = 65000000cm


Let's make a proportion: x: 65000000= 1: 10000000; x = 1*65000000: 10000000=6.5cm

Answer: 6.5cm

The ability to zoom is also inherent in cameras and camcorders: we zoom in and out of objects for shooting. At the same time, all their sizes equally increase or move away.

Work in groups - pairs

The scale of the apartment is 1: 100. According to the plan, determine the dimensions of rooms No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and what is their area in reality.

Solution: According to the plan, the dimensions of the first room are 27mm * 41mm; second room 38mm*43mm, third room 30mm*28mm. If the scale is 1:100, then the dimensions of the first room are 2700mm * 41mm = 2m 70cm * 4m 10cm; second room 3800mm*4300mm = 3m 80cm * 4m 30cm, third room 3000mm*2800mm = 3m * 2m 80cm.

Answer: The area of ​​the first room is 11.07m2; the area of ​​the second room is 16.34m 2 ; and the area of ​​the third room is 8.4m 2 .

Homework: task No. 842, 844, No. 846 (a).

Creative task: come up with and beautifully design your task

To answer this question, let us first consider topographic maps and plans, their types and scales.

Scales of topographic maps and plans

Here is what is on Wikipedia for this query:
Scale(German Maßstab, lit. "measuring stick": Maß "measure", Stab "stick") - in general, the ratio of two linear dimensions. In many areas of practical application, scale is the ratio of the size of an image to the size of the depicted object.

That is, on maps, plans, aerial or satellite images this is the ratio of the length of the segment to its actual length on the ground.

Types of indication of scales

  • Numerical scale(the most common and convenient) - a scale written as a fraction, where the numerator is the number one, and the denominator is a number that shows what distance in centimeters on the ground corresponds to 1 cm on the map (example: 1:100,000; 1:15,000)
  • Named or verbal scale- more understandable transfer of the numerical scale (example: 1 cm 5 km).
  • Linear scale-Auxiliary measuring ruler at the bottom of the map for easy measurement of distances.

The scale remains constant at any point on the same map.

Standards for topographic maps and plans

In Russia, standard numerical scales are adopted:

  • for topographic maps: 1:1,000,000, 1:500,000, 1:100,000, 1:50,000, 1:25,000

Useful scale table

Named Scale

In view of the fact that the distance on the ground is usually measured in meters, but on maps, plans, etc. - in centimeters, it is convenient to use the verbal form of the scale, for example:

Let's say there is a map with a scale of 1:10,000, that is, it means that 1 cm on the map corresponds to 100 meters on the ground. To easily translate the scale into a clear verbal scale, the denominator must be divided by 100 (100 cm in 1 meter).

Scale Accuracy

Scale accuracy is very important when plotting a path.

To determine the accuracy (or possible error), the denominator of the scale must be divided by 10,000. So, for a map with a scale of 1:50,000, it is 5 m.

Now we can answer the question posed at the beginning.

If we compare two different numerical scales, then the larger one will be the one whose denominator is smaller, and vice versa, the larger the denominator, the smaller the scale

That is, a scale of 1:100,000 is larger than a scale of 1:1,000,000.

The concept of nomenclature in topography is completely different from its other meanings in our daily life. This is a collection or list of names, terms used in any branch of science, technology, art, etc., this is also a circle of officials appointed by a higher authority. The semantic concept of nomenclature in topography comes from the fact that the adopted provisions should provide an unambiguous designation of topographic sheets or any other maps of various scales.
Nomenclature is a system for designating sheets of maps of different scales.
Layout - the system of dividing the surface of the Earth by meridians and parallels. Each sheet is bounded by a frame.
The basis for dividing maps into sheets in our country is adopted international layout maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Graphing and nomenclature
topographic maps at a scale of 1:1000000.

The breakdown into rows (belts) by parallels is made from the equator every 4º of latitude. Rows are denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W. Columns within their boundaries coincide with the 6º zones of the Gaussian projection, but they are numbered from the meridian ±180º to the east. Thus, the column number differs from the zone number by 30 units in one direction or another. Columns are designated (by numbers) with Arabic numerals.

Rice. 5.2. Layout and nomenclature of topographic
maps of the CIS countries at a scale of 1:1000000.

Suppose that the number of the column in the international layout is indicated by the number 47. Then the number of the corresponding Gaussian zone will be 47 - 30 = 17. If the column number is less than 30, then 30 should be added to the column number to determine the zone number. The nomenclature of a sheet of a topographic map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 is composed of the Latin letter of the row and the Arabic numeral of the column number . For example, S-47. For maps of the southern hemisphere after the nomenclature in brackets indicate (Yu.P.).

Layout of map sheets at a scale of 1:500,000 is made by dividing by the middle meridian and the middle parallel of the map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000 into four parts, which are indicated by capital letters of the Russian (Ukrainian) alphabet. Nomenclature of map sheets at a scale of 1:500,000 consists of the nomenclature of the map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000, of which it is a part, and the corresponding letter.

Drawing sheets of maps at scales 1:200,000 and 1:100 000 is made by dividing each sheet of the map at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 by meridians and parallels, respectively, into 36 and 144 parts (Fig. 5.3). Sheets of maps at a scale of 1:200,000 are numbered with Roman numerals, and at a scale of 1:100,000 - with Arabic numerals in rows from west to east. The nomenclature of sheets of maps of the indicated scales consists of the nomenclature of the corresponding millionth sheet and its own number, which for sheets of maps of scales 1:200,000 and 1:100,000 is indicated to the right of the nomenclature of the millionth sheet.

Rice. 5.3. Layout and nomenclature of sheets of maps at a scale of 1:500,000,
1:200,000, 1:100,000 in a map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000

Sheets of the map scale 1:50 000 are obtained by dividing map sheets at a scale of 1:100,000 into four parts (Fig. 5.4), denoted by capital letters of the Russian (Ukrainian) alphabet. The sheet measures 10' in latitude and 15' in longitude.

Rice. 5.4 . Layout and nomenclature of map sheets at a scale of 1:50,000, 1:25,000 in a map sheet at a scale of 1:100,000.

The nomenclature of these sheets is formed by attaching the corresponding letter to the nomenclature of the sheet at a scale of 1:100,000, for example, N-37-4-A. (Fig. 5.4)

Sheets of the map scale 1:25 000 are obtained by dividing map sheets at a scale of 1:50,000 into four parts (Fig. 5.4), each of which is indicated by lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet. The dimensions of these sheets in latitude are 5′, in longitude - 7′30″, and the nomenclature is supplemented with the corresponding letter: N-37-4-В-в.

A map sheet at a scale of 1:25,000 is divided into four map sheets scale 1:10 000, each of which measures 2'30" in latitude and 3'45" in longitude. They are indicated by Arabic numerals, which are indicated after the nomenclature of the map sheet at a scale of 1:25,000, of which they are part, for example, N-37-134-B-v-2.

Layout of map sheets at a scale of 1:5,000 is produced by dividing map sheets at a scale of 1:100,000 into 256 parts (16 rows in latitude and longitude). The sheets are numbered in Arabic numerals in rows from west to east. The size of each sheet is 1′15″ in latitude and 1′53.5″ in longitude. The nomenclature of these sheets is formed by attaching the corresponding number in brackets to the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:100,000, for example: N-37-134-(16).

Rice. 5.5. Layout of map sheets at a scale of 1:5,000

Sheets of the map scale 1:2 000 obtained by dividing map sheets at a scale of 1:5,000 into nine parts and denoted by lowercase letters of the Russian alphabet, for example, N-37-134-(16-zh). The size of each sheet is 25″ in latitude and 37.5″ in longitude.

Topographic surveys on a large scale in areas less than 20 km 2 are carried out in private systems rectangular coordinates, unrelated to the geographic system. The layout of plan sheets in these cases is carried out not by meridians and parallels, but by grid lines. The sheets are in the form of squares with dimensions of 40 × 40 cm for plans at a scale of 1:5,000 and 50 × 50 cm for plans at a scale of 1:2,000 - 1:500. The layout is based on a plan sheet at a scale of 1:5,000, denoted by Arabic numerals.
A plan sheet of a scale of 1: 5,000 corresponds to 4 sheets in scale 1:2 000 , denoted by capital letters of the Russian alphabet (Fig. 5.6),.
Plan sheet on a scale of 1:2,000 is divided into 4 plan sheets scale 1:1000 , denoted by Roman numerals, or 16 sheets of plans scale 1:500 , denoted by Arabic numerals (Fig. 5.6).

Rice. 5.6 . Layout and nomenclature of map sheets at scales 1:2,000, 1:1,000, 1:500

On fig. 5.7 shows the general scheme of layout and nomenclature of topographic maps adopted in Ukraine.
Other systems for designating large-scale plans are also possible when surveying various objects. In these cases, outside the sheets of plans, the accepted schemes for their division and numbering are indicated.

Rice. 5.7 . The general scheme of layout and nomenclature of topographic maps adopted in Ukraine.

Due to the fact that when moving to the north or south pole, the parts projected onto the plane earth's surface decrease in longitude, the sheets of topographic maps become narrow and inconvenient for practical use. Sheets of topographic maps for latitudes 60º - 76º are published double in longitude, and for latitudes 76º - 88º - quadruple in longitude. For areas of the Arctic and Antarctic located at latitudes from 88º to 90º, large scale maps published in azimuthal projection.


The system of layout and nomenclature of map sheets makes it possible to determine the geographical coordinates of the corners of the frame of any sheet of topographic maps of the entire scale range, as well as to find the nomenclature of a map sheet of any scale on which this point is located by the geographical coordinates of a point.
south latitude the frame of the map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000 can be determined using Table 5.1.

Numbers and designations of the zones of the northern hemisphere


If there is no belt designation table, then first determine the serial number of the Latin letter of the belt (serial number 1 corresponds to the Latin letter A, 2 - B, 3 - C, ...). Then the belt number is multiplied by 4 and the value of the geographical sprat is obtained. φ north parallel of the sheet. Decreasing this value by 4. get the latitude of the southern parallel of the sheet frame.
To determine the longitudes of the meridians bounding the sheet, it should be borne in mind that the Greenwich meridian is taken as the beginning of the counting of longitudes, and the beginning of the counting of the columns comes from the meridian, which has a longitude of 180 . Therefore, for columns with numbers 31-60 (east of the Greenwich meridian), the column number is reduced by 30, multiplied by 6º and the value is determined geographical longitude east meridian sheet. Decreasing this value by 6º, one obtains the value of the longitude of the western meridian of the leaf.

Example. For a map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000 with the nomenclature N-37, determine the geographical coordinates (Fig. 5.8).

  • the serial number of the letter N in the Latin alphabet is 14;
  • by serial number we determine the latitude of the northern parallel 14 × 4 = 56º
  • decreasing the north latitude by 4, we get the latitude of the south parallel of the sheet frame 56º - 4º = 52º
  • determine the longitude of the eastern meridian (37 - 30) × 6º = 42º
  • decreasing the value of the longitude of the eastern meridian by 6, we obtain the value of the longitude of the western meridian 42º - 6º = 36º

Rice. 5.8. Geographic coordinates of frame corners
map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000 with the nomenclature N-37


By the geographical coordinates of a point, you can determine the nomenclature of any sheet of a topographic map on which this point is located
For this it is necessary:

  • determine the number of the zone in which the sheet is located, dividing the latitude in degrees plus four by 4.

Attention! In order to get an integer number of degrees in the remainder, division should be performed without using a calculator.

  • By the belt number from table 5.1 determine belt designation (Latin letter).

The Latin letter of the belt can be calculated using a computer. To do this, in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, enter the formula:
=CHAR( belt number+64)

  • determine the number of the column by dividing the longitude in degrees plus six by 6 and add 30 to the quotient;
  • by the remainder (degrees and minutes), determine the nomenclature of sheets of maps of a larger scale.

Object coordinates: latitude 53°50'N; longitude 40°30′E.
Determine the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:500,000.

Belt (row) number (53 + 4) : 4 = 14 integers.
1º in the remainder of the division and 50' latitude (total remainder 1°50') will be used to determine the nomenclature of the map sheet of a larger scale.
14 integers is the ordinal number of the row. The number 14 corresponds to the Latin letter N. The symbol N corresponds to the belt of the map at a scale of 1:1,000,000.
Column number
(40 + 6) : 6 + 30 = 37.
Remainder in longitude 4° + 30" = 4°30".

The nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000 will be N - 37.

We draw up a scheme for dividing the sheet 1: 1,000,000 into equal parts in longitude and latitude (Fig. 5.9).

Figure 5.9. Determination of the nomenclature of a map sheet 1: 500,000

We count from the southern border of the scheme 1 ° 50' (remainder in latitude) and from the western border 4 ° 30' (remainder in longitude). We get the intersection of the lines at a quarter, indicated by the capital letter G. Thus, the required nomenclature of the map sheet at a scale of 1: 500,000 will be N-37-G.

To determine the nomenclature of maps at a scale of 1:200,000, the method for determining the trapezoid number is the same as for a scale of 1:500,000.

Figure 5.10. Determination of the nomenclature of a map sheet 1: 200,000

At the intersection of the dotted lines (Figure 5.10) we see the Roman numeral XXIII. We add the Roman numeral to the nomenclature of the sheet 1: 1,000,000 and get the nomenclature of the sheet of the map at a scale of 1:200,000 N-37-XXIII.
By composing sequentially the schemes for dividing sheets with the designation of their coordinates, it is possible to determine the nomenclature of sheets of maps of a larger scale.


To select the necessary map sheets, prefabricated tables are used - schematic maps small scale, which show the layout and nomenclature of maps. In order to select a sheet, a given route or area is applied to the prefabricated table of the appropriate scale, and according to the layout indicated on the prefabricated table, the nomenclatures of the sheets included in the intended area are written out.

Rice. 5.11. Fragment of the prefabricated table of sheets
maps scale 1:100 000

In the absence of a prefabricated table, the nomenclature of map sheets is determined using layout schemes made independently. In this case, two cases are possible. If the nomenclature of one or more sheets is known and it is required to determine the nomenclature of a number of adjacent sheets, then the layout scheme for maps of the appropriate scale is performed, these sheets are marked on it and the nomenclature of adjacent sheets is written out.
If you have to determine the nomenclature of map sheets for a new area, then you need to use some geographical map determine the geographical coordinates of an object located in the desired area, use them to find its position on the layout of sheets of a map at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 and write out the nomenclature of this sheet. Then, according to the layout scheme of map sheets of the appropriate scale, taking into account the latitude and longitude of the corners of the map sheet at a scale of 1: 1,000,000, the position of the object is found by its geographical coordinates and the nomenclatures of the required sheets are written out.

Rice. 5.12. Signatures on the sides of the frame of the nomenclatures of adjacent sheets of the map

The nomenclature of sheets adjacent to the existing sheet of the map can be recognized by the signatures on the frame on the corresponding side (Fig. 5.12).
Examples of drawing up diagrams of adjacent sheets of the map are shown in fig. 5.13, and 5.14.

Rice. 5.13. Scheme of adjacent map sheets at a scale of 1:100,000.
The fill highlights adjacent sheets.

Rice. Fig. 5.14 Scheme of adjacent sheets of the map at a scale of 1:200,000. Adjacent sheets are highlighted with fill.


The digital nomenclature of cards is used to record cards and draw up applications for cards using a computer. Each letter denoting belts has been replaced by two-digit numbers. These numbers correspond to the serial number of the belt (or letters in the Latin alphabet). For example, A-01, B-02, C-03, D-04, E-05, F-06,
The digital nomenclature of the map sheet at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 K-38 will be written 11-38.
Each map sheet at a scale of 1: 200,000 is designated by a two-digit number from 01 to 36, and at a scale of 1: 100,000 - by three digits from 001 to 144. Letters in the nomenclature of sheets of maps at scales 1: 500,000, 1: 50,000 and 1: 25,000 are replaced by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively.
The digital form of nomenclatures for all scales is given in Table. 5.2.

Table 5.2.

To the nomenclature of maps of the Southern Hemisphere, to the usual nomenclature, the letters YP are added in brackets, for example, M-Z6-A (YuP). Before the digital nomenclature of sheets of maps of the Southern Hemisphere put the number: 9, for example, M-36-A (YuP) has the form 9-13-36-1.


The selection of the necessary sheets of maps for a point of the terrain given by coordinates is carried out according to prefabricated tables.
Prefabricated tables are a blank version of a small-scale map, on which the layout and nomenclature of maps are indicated. For the convenience of choosing maps, larger rivers, lakes, settlements, borders and other terrain objects.
To select the required sheets of maps for a point in the terrain given by coordinates, it is necessary to put this point on the combined table according to the coordinates and write out the nomenclature of maps of the required scale.
To select maps for a given area, it is necessary to put the borders of the area on the combined table, and then write out the nomenclature of the required map scales.
When gluing sheets of maps into a block, it is necessary to know the range of sheets adjacent to each other. To do this, use the layout of sheets, which is placed under the southern frame of the map. On large-scale maps, the layout of sheets is not printed, and the nomenclature of adjacent sheets is indicated on each side of the map frame.
According to the known coordinates of the point, it is possible to determine the nomenclature of the map sheet. To do this, you first need to determine the nomenclature of the scale map sheet

1: 1,000,000. The belt of the desired sheet is determined by dividing the latitude of the point in degrees by 4. The column number is determined by dividing the longitude of the point in degrees by 6. 30 is added to the resulting number. In both cases, if the division results in a fractional number, the result must be rounded off in big side. Having received the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1: 1,000,000, one can easily determine the nomenclature of a map sheet of any scale.

Example. The geographical coordinates of the object are given: latitude 56°20′,
longitude 70 ° 30 ". Determine the nomenclature of the March sheet of scale 1: 1,000,000.
1. Determine the number of the belt: 56 °: 4 = 14, the remainder is 20 ". Round up to an integer, then the serial number of the belt will be 15, which corresponds to the letter O of the Latin alphabet.
2. Determine the column number: 70°: 6 = 11, the remainder is 4°30", i.e. the required column will be 12 + 30 = 42.
The nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 would be O-4

Questions and tasks for self-control

  1. Give definitions: "layout of maps", "nomenclature of maps".
  2. How is the layout made and what symbols make up the nomenclature of scale maps: 1:1,000,000, 1:100,000, 1:50,000, 1:25,000, 1:10,000, 1:5,000, 1:2,000?
  3. How is the layout made and what symbols make up the nomenclature of scale plans: 1:5,000, 1:2,000, 1:1,000, 1:500?
  4. How to determine the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:500,000 if the geographic latitude and longitude of a point (object) are known?
  5. How to find the nomenclature of adjacent and adjoining (corner) sheets according to the nomenclature of a map sheet at a scale of 1:200,000?
  6. What is the digital nomenclature of maps?
  7. What is the difference between the nomenclature of maps of the southern hemisphere and the nomenclature of maps of the northern hemisphere?
  8. What are prefabricated tables?
  9. How is the selection of maps for a given area according to prefabricated tables?

Topography and orientation

The concept of a map, blanking, scale, types of maps, generalization:

Topographic maps - these are general geographical maps of scales 1:1000 000 and larger.

Scale- a value showing the degree of reduction of the lines on the map relative to the corresponding lines on the ground (how many times the linear dimensions of the object on the map are less than the linear dimensions on the ground.


- numerical -written as a fraction. The numerator is one, the denominator is a number showing how many times the terrain lines are reduced on the map. For example: 1:1000000 is read as one millionth (Attention: both sides are written centimeters!).

- named - is written in words, for example: in 1 cm - 10 km.

Linear - a graphic representation of a numerical scale, with which, without a ruler, you can measure or plot distances on a map:

Maps are divided into:

1. Large scale up to 1:200000

2. Medium scale 1:200000 - 1:1000000

3. Small scale smaller than 1:1000000

Map nomenclature- this is the division of the map at a scale of 1: 1000 000 into squares. Vertical division lines forming columns correspond to the meridians, which are drawn every 6° (360°: 6=60 columns). Each column is numbered in Arabic numerals from 1 to 60 and keeps its own score east from the meridian 180°.

Horizontal dividing lines forming ranks, correspond to parallels that are drawn every 4°. Rows are counted from the equator in both directions and are denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet from A to V.

Thus, the entire surface of the Earth is divided into cells of 6 ° in longitude and 4 ° in latitude (up to 60 ° latitude), from 60 to 76 ° the size of the sheet in longitude is 12 °, and north of the 76th parallel - 24 °.

The nomenclature of the map 1:1000000 is represented by a capital letter of the Latin alphabet (from A to V) and an Arabic numeral. For example, the Moscow sheet is designated N-37.

Map sheet scale 1:500000 is a ¼ part of a sheet of a million card and is designated by the nomenclature of a sheet of a million card with the addition of one of the capital letters (A, B, C, D) of the Russian alphabet, denoting the corresponding quarter:

Map sheet in scale 1:500000 St. Petersburg has nomenclature O-36-A

Map sheet scale 1:200000 formed by dividing the millionth leaf into 36 parts

The nomenclature consists of the designation of a map sheet at a scale of 1:1000000 plus one of the Roman numerals. For example, the nomenclature of a sheet with St. Petersburg looks like this: O-36-I

Scale map sheet 1:100000 is obtained by dividing a sheet of a million card into 144 parts 6 °

The nomenclature of a sheet of such a map will consist of the designation of a sheet of a map one millionth plus an Arabic number from 1 to 144. For example, the nomenclature of a map of St. Petersburg at a scale of 1: 100000 will look like this: O-36-1

Scale map sheet 1:50000 is formed by dividing the map 1:100000 into 4 parts and adding one of the capital Russian letters to the nomenclature 1:100000. For example P-36-121,122-B - glade of gatherings of the tourist club "Mummi-trolls". In latitudes north of the 60th parallel, the sheets are combined two by two, separated by a comma.

Scale map sheet 1:25000 obtained by dividing a map sheet at a scale of 1:50000 into 4 parts. Its nomenclature is the sheet nomenclature at a scale of 1:50000 plus one of the four lowercase letters (a,b,c,d) For example: R-35-131,132-V-g - station Kirillovskoe.

Thus, you can determine the scale of the map not only by its nomenclature, but also by the frame size in degrees.

Card types:

Plan- a reduced image of the terrain on a plane, built without taking into account the fact that the Earth has the shape of an ellipsoid. Compiled into small sections. As a rule, a plan is an image of the area at a scale of 1:500 - 1:5000, 1:10000 and smaller - already a map).

Tourscheme. A much less accurate depiction than a plan. It can be performed not to scale, significant distortions of distances and outlines are not uncommon. You can judge the relative position of objects relative to each other.

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