Board game body parts for kids. Board game SPIN MASTER Fibber. The kit includes such worksheets for kids

We are studying in the fourth week parts of the human body. This set is not ordinary, but in the form of a book. I competed with her. About the creation of the book, little tricks and our games with it.

Games are designed for kids from 1.5 years to 3 years. For classes with a small child (from 1.5 years old), you can print out not a complete set, but only those games that are more suitable and you like. We use some tasks of the set once (we color, cut, etc.), while others are hidden in a file in order to draw on top with a dry-erase marker and erase.

Game set aimed at: the development of speech, fine motor skills, logic, memory, attention, coordination of movements, preparing the hand for writing.

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Thematic set “Parts of the human body”

The kit includes the following worksheets for kids:

  1. Sheet-cover for coloring and application. You can stick hair from threads together with your child, decorate clothes, etc.
  2. Coloring book with signed body parts. It is necessary to color the boy and name the parts of the body. Mom can slide her finger over the inscriptions while reading them so that the child can see what mom is reading.
  3. Coloring book with and a verse about him. Read, color, name parts of the body, show wings and a halo.
  4. What to wear where? Task: draw lines from the object to the place where it is put on. For example, a bow is put on the head.
  5. Model the facial features of a person from dough and plasticine. Mom can give the child blanks that she will mold with her own hands, and the baby will simply stick them on: eyes, mouth, eyebrows. The baby can stick the hair himself from small pieces or one large piece.
  6. Connect the face and its shape. This task is for children closer to the age of 3 who know simple geometric shapes. Toddlers can follow their mother's instructions or hand in their mother's hand.
  7. Finger gymnastics “Finger, finger, where is your house?” You can read a poem, play with the baby's palm, draw a house on it. When asking a question to a finger, we gently pull for it, and when the finger answers, we bend it to the center of the palm into a house. We show fingers in the picture, call them.
  8. Color the dress. We dip our finger into the paint and try to paint only the dress.
  9. Draw a line. Task for the development of speech and preparation of the hand for writing. Let the kid draw a line with a marker, and mom will tell us what we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Perhaps older kids will be able to answer these questions on their own.
  10. Book-game “Pick up the body to the head”. fun game to select the appropriate head and body.

P.S. As always, a deep bow and many thanks for the reposts and word of mouth!

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To make your vacation more fun and exciting, website put together a few for you cool games, which will help you laugh a lot, once again train your convolutions and learn a lot about each other. They do not require special props, so go for it.


All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. And then the fun begins: the players take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they come across in a limited amount of time, and everyone else tries to guess them. The most successful receive victory points, honor, fame and a medal around the neck.


Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say his first association to this word in the ear of the next one, the second says to the third, and so on, in a chain, until the word returns to the first. If from the "elephant" you get a "stripper" - consider that the game was a success.

get to know me

Several people sit in a row. The leader must, blindfolded, by touch recognize the hidden person in the sitting ones. Moreover, you can guess by different parts of the body - for example, by the arm, legs, hair, depending on how far everyone is ready to go.


A tower is built from even wooden blocks, and the laying direction alternates at each level. Then the players take turns carefully pulling out one block at a time and placing it on top of the tower. All this must be done very carefully, otherwise the tower will collapse. The player, as a result of whose actions the collapse occurred, is considered the loser.


This popular game, in which, with the help of gestures, movements and facial expressions, participants show the hidden word, and other players try to guess it. The driver is forbidden to pronounce any words or make sounds, use or point to surrounding objects, show letters or parts of a word. The lucky one who guesses what in question, in the next round he himself depicts the word, but already different.


One leader is selected, and all the rest become in a very close circle - literally shoulder to shoulder. Players' hands must be behind. The essence of the game is to imperceptibly pass a cucumber behind the backs of the host and, at every opportunity, bite off a piece of it. And the task of the presenter is to guess in whose hands the cucumber is. If the presenter guessed correctly, then the player caught by him takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It is very funny!


The host thinks of a word and calls the rest of the players the first letter of this word. For example, the word "catastrophe" is conceived - the first letter "K". Each of the other players comes up with a word that starts with that letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly they have in mind without naming it. If one of the players understood which word was intended by those who explained, then he says “There is a contact!” and both (the one explaining and responding) begin to count aloud to ten, and then each say his own word. If the word matched, then the leader calls the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to invent and explain the word with the initial letters already given. If the word did not match, then the players continue to try to come up with and explain a new word.


Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word puzzle, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the rest must restore the sequence of events. Questions can only be asked that can be answered with "Yes", "No" or "Irrelevant", hence the name of the game.


Good old children's game. The players collect one of any item, which are put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The leader pulls out things in turn, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it. Tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or walk the iron.

Fibber- funny card game for children and adults. Translated from English, Fibber means "liar, deceiver." The task of all players is to "catch" Fibber if he is telling a lie. If a player is caught, he puts a “nose” on his glasses. When all the noses are played, it's time to take stock. The special charm of the game is given by bright and funny accessories: glasses and caps, which are suitable for both children and adults. Children will laugh at the "new face" of the neighbor. The player with the shortest nose wins. Game for 3 - 4 players.

Brief instruction:
All players wear noses.
The playing field is in the center of the table, the noses are in a circle. The gray nose shows the turn transition.
The cards are distributed equally to all players.
The first player looks for the cards indicated by the gray nose and puts them in the center. playing field. In doing so, he can discard other cards.
Anyone who suspects this player of cheating should shout out: "Fibber" (i.e. a liar).
If the first player did not cheat and folded the cards correctly, the one who accused the first player takes the whole deck. If the first player lied, then he takes the deck.
The loser of this turn puts one nose on his glasses.
The game continues in a circle.
The player with the shortest nose wins!