Werewolves in the elder scrolls online. Werewolves in TES Online. Being a Werewolf: Advantages and Disadvantages


One of the features The Elder Scrolls Online, which the game adopted from the fifth part of the series, is that the character can become ill with vampirism and then turn into a vampire, or werewolf. Despite the fact that both of these evil spirits seem to be similar, in fact there is a whole gulf of differences between them. So let's look into them, and also understand whether we need it, and whether it is so fun and careless to be a werewolf or a vampire in the vastness of Tamriel.

For starters, to be completely honest and short, playing as a werewolf in The Elder Scrolls Online is easier and cheaper. The vampire, despite all the strengths, has many more weaknesses. However, you can not turn into anyone at all, but it happens that you may not be asked. Therefore, let's immediately denote the strong and weak sides this and that evil spirits.

Pros and cons of vampires and werewolves.

All vampire attacks are based on magicka. The werewolf acts more simply: all his attacks are based on a reserve of strength. A vampire may well use some completely non-vampire skills, for example, he can sneak well and use the “stealth” mode in the process of combat, but a werewolf does not know how, but he has some passive bonuses that make him extremely useful in a combat group, which you can’t say about the vampire, who is not so valued in the group and is more focused on a single passage. The werewolf has a huge potential in terms of melee attacks. The vampire, in this regard, boasts improved combat qualities at night. If the werewolf can control the crowd, then the vampire can put on armor and brandish weapons. If a werewolf must constantly eat, then a vampire, even if he leaves the vampire image, returning to human form, will still retain all the vampire weaknesses. Well, and finally, the werewolf is very sensitive to poison, to poisoned weapons, and the vampire has an increased vulnerability to fire. In fairness, it should be noted that in The Elder Scrolls Online there are many more fire-related attacks than poison-related attacks. Consequently, the life of a vampire is not as easy and exciting as it seems at first glance.

In other words, having turned into a werewolf, we have a hefty, strong beast that does not wear armor, fights exactly in close combat and does not use weapons, then the vampire remains like a person, can carry weapons, armor and does not differ in the daytime from everyone else. In general, it is easier to play and fight as a werewolf. More tricks will be required from playing as a vampire. Well, as for the fight one on one, but the vampire has a significantly less chance of winning, especially if the fight takes place in a confined space where the werewolf can impose close combat on the enemy.

In addition, becoming a vampire by ordering the appropriate bite is somewhat more expensive than being bitten by a werewolf. On average, somewhere around 15-25 thousand versus 10-15 thousand, respectively. At the same time, more expensive does not mean better.

To become a vampire, one must be bitten by a special vampire at a special time. If you want everything to work out for sure, then find someone who would agree to bite you, as they say, with a guarantee. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the ability to infect with vampirism recharges for a whole week, which is why the bite is so worth the money. If there is no money, then they will not bite you, because vampires store this ability for their allies, those who are in the guild.

The incubation period lasts about three days. During this time it will be possible to recover. But you need to understand that in order to withstand a vampire bite, the hero must not die right on the battlefield, so your character will have to withstand several blows. Once you become infected, you will immediately receive a quest called Scion of the Blood Matron. In the process of passing you will have to decide, or finally go to dark side or get treated. Naturally, you cannot get infected with vampirism if you already have the werewolf disease Sanies Lupinus in your characteristics.

If it was noted above that the werewolf must constantly eat, then the vampire, by the way, must also do this. Once in half an hour he must drink someone's blood, otherwise he will begin to weaken. There are four stages of attenuation in total. After the onset of each stage, the vampire loses some of his lives, and his abilities become more expensive. But as soon as you managed to attack a living person, then you immediately return to the first stage. The vampire will have to stealthily sneak up on the warm-blooded victim, using all sorts of tricks, and use the Feeding skill on the victim. You will have to feed every half hour. If you're not ready for this twist, then it's best to hold off on the prospect of becoming a vampire and maybe consider becoming a werewolf. He is less capricious, although he also has enough problems of his own.

The vampire has an excellent skill "Flock of Bats", which can be learned at the very beginning of the vampire path. Within five seconds, the enemy will receive damage of 11 points from this very flock. As they level up, the mice become stronger and act more seriously. As for active skills, most of them consist of stunning the victim for some time, during which the vampire can drain the life force from him. Passive skills are usually non-combat skills and simply help the vampire survive before, after and between fights.

Any of the priests of Arkay can cure you of vampirism. Not free, of course.

As mentioned earlier, in order to become a werewolf, you will need to catch the Sanies Lupinus disease. In this case, you will have two possibilities to do this. The first option is to fight an NPC who is already a werewolf. If you are lucky, then during the battle you will pick up the right sore from him. Once the disease has been picked up, you will also be given a special Hircine's Gift quest, at the end of which you will also be required to decide whether you agree to the transformation or not. The second option is to get another real player to bite you for money. This skill also recharges for a week and no one will bite anyone for nothing.

If you still decide to become a werewolf, then by doing so you activate a special line of skills and characteristics. They are in the World Skills tab. Further, everything is simple: you run much faster, take much less damage, and hit harder. The higher your stamina, the stronger your attacks. The use of weapons will become impossible for the duration of the transformation.

At the very beginning, pump "Sudden Jump". This is a great starting move that allows you to quickly and far jump. The best way to do this is by jumping into a crowd of enemies, hitting them and causing them to flee. You will also need the Roar skill. You will be able to scare enemies within six meters. If you have a PvP battle, then the enemy will simply lose control over his hero for a few seconds, which you can perfectly use.

Naturally, if you plan to become a werewolf, but do not pump magic at all. You won't need it at all. At the same time, if you decide to become a vampire, then you will have to pump both endurance and magic. If magic has the upper hand here, then you won't get very far with zero stamina either. The werewolf in this regard is much more versatile.

However, think thrice before becoming a werewolf or vampire. Although it will be more interesting to play, the werewolf can be easily dealt with, armed with a poisoned weapon. At the same time, even if you are in a normal, human form, the poison will still have a 50% more destructive effect on you. The same can be said for fire and vampires. Their only trouble is that fire is used in the vastness of Tamriel much more often.

Naturally, no one forces you to choose this or that path without fail. The game can be played without touching on either vampire or werewolf themes, but as far as diversity gameplay, then, of course, these abilities will bring a lot of new and interesting things to the game. For example, you can create your own clans with a special rite of passage, you can fight in a very special way, and, in the end, you can simply make money on those who want to be bitten. On the other hand, nothing is given just like that, and many pluses turn into minuses. In the same PvP battles, an experienced opponent, seeing you as a werewolf or vampire, will immediately take the appropriate steps to poison your character with poison or fire, respectively. On non-infected heroes, this technique will not work.

Werewolves, they are Lycanthropes (Lycanthropes) are violent, half-human, half-animal creatures found throughout Tamriel. The cause of this strange disease is unknown. During the day, the patient is indistinguishable from ordinary person, at night, especially on the full moon (two moons) turns into a terrible beast. Werewolf claws are their natural magical weapons. While the term "lycanthropy" should only refer to werewolves, these are just subtleties of semantics. Of course, there are some differences between the seven described forms of lycanthropy in Tamriel, but basically all cases are similar. Lycanthropes cannot exist without fresh blood and flesh. To maintain their vitality in their form as a beast, they must feed on the meat of freshly caught prey at least once a night, most often a human or elf. The creator of lycanthropes is Hircine, the Daedric prince of the hunt. Hircine keeps a close watch on them from his Hunting Grounds, for when they die, werewolves are doomed to forever be trapped in Oblivion's plan.

werewolf (Werewolf) is the most common type of lycanthrope found throughout Tamriel. Transforms into a bloodthirsty upright wolf. In combat, he uses powerful claws with intimidating effectiveness. Despite what the legends say, werewolves do not revert to human form upon death, although there have been documented cases of lycanthropes reverting to their true form after death, but this has been very rare. It is customary to burn the corpses of lycanthropes at the stake.

Become a werewolf The Elder Scrolls Online you can if the player is bitten by a special monster (which only appears on a full moon) that appears in the last location of each alliance if it is bitten by another player, or you can buy the beginning of the quest in the Crown Store for 1500 . After that, the quest "The Gift of Hircine" will begin, in which Hircine will endow the player with the gift of lycanthropy.

Hirsin worship places are near Sphinx Moth Fort Wayshrine (Death Mark), Troll Toothpick Wayshrine (Bangkorai), The Rift (Riften). If a character is infected by a monster, he will have to search the city for a character named Toreki, who will explain to him how to become a werewolf. If your hero was bitten by another character, then you can become a werewolf simply by reading the scroll and entering the portal that appears.

To heal from lycanthropy, you need to visit the priest Arkay Prelate Sabin in the Mages Guild of the last area of ​​​​the player's alliance (Riften, Evermore or Rol "ha). To cure, he will require a certain amount of gold, based on how strongly your character is pumped. When cured, the player will not the skill points spent in the lycanthropy branch are returned.


Werewolf abilities are grouped into one skill tree. Active abilities consume either stamina (Stamina) or magicka (Magicka).

  • Each ability has one type of target from the list of possible:
  1. Enemy- the ability is applied to a single hostile target from a certain distance (Distance - minimum allowable / maximum allowable, in meters), unless otherwise specified in the description.
  2. To myself- the ability is applied to the player's character, unless otherwise specified in the description.
  3. To the ground- the ability is applied at a certain distance (Distance - minimum allowable / maximum allowable, in meters) from the player and acts in a certain zone (Radius - in meters).
  4. Region- the ability is applied to several targets at once in the form of a cone emanating from the player. It is set either by the maximum distance of action in meters, or by a circle with the player in the center and the indicated radius in meters.

Ultimate Ability

Icon Name Lv. View Type of Target Time Price, unit abs. With. Description
Werewolf Transformation 1 Absolute Instant To myself 30 sec. 400 Cost: unit absolute ability.
3 4 2356 8 9966 units If selected, increases stamina recovery by 15 %.
Pack Leader 1 Development Instant To myself 30 sec. 300 Also summons two Wolf allies to fight at your side.
Turns you into a monster, scaring you up 3 nearby enemies within 4 sec. After transforming, your Light Attacks inflict Bleeding, inflicting 2356 units physical damage over 8 sec., and your Physical and Spell Resistances are increased by 9966 units Summons 2 wolf allies for the duration. If they are killed, they reappear after sec. If selected, increases stamina recovery by 15 %.
Werewolf Berserker 1 Development Instant To myself 30 sec. 300 Bleeding damage caused by normal attacks has been increased.
Turns you into a monster, scaring you up 3 nearby enemies within 4 After transforming, your Light Attacks inflict Bleeding, inflicting 2356 units physical damage during during 8 sec. and additionally 40 %, and your Physical and Spell Resistances are increased by 9966 . If selected, increases stamina recovery by 15 %.

Active abilities

Icon Name Lv. View Type of Target Dist./Rad. Price, stamina Description
Pounce 2 Active Instant Enemy Dist. 5-22 m 4050 2 s., if it is out of balance.
Brutal Pounce 2 Development Instant Enemy Glad.
5 m
4050 Deals additional damage to the target and all nearby enemies.
Attacks an enemy with primal fury, dealing units physical damage and stunning him for 2 s., if it is out of balance. Deals additional units physical damage to the target and nearby enemies.
Feral Pounce 2 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 5-22 m 4050 Throwing from at least 10 meters increases the time spent in werewolf form.
Attacks an enemy with primal fury, dealing units physical damage and stunning him for 2 s., if it is out of balance. Attack from a distance of at least 10 meters adds sec. by the time he was in werewolf form.
Hircine's Bounty 3 Active Instant To myself 4590
of magic
units health.
Hircine's Rage 3 Development Instant To myself 4590
of magic
Increases weapon damage.
Places the Hunter's Blessing, healing you for units health and increasing weapon damage by 10 % during With.
Hircine's Fortitude 3 Development Instant To myself Dist. 20 m 4590
of magic
Provides a long lasting healing effect.
Places the Hunter's Blessing, healing you for units health and additionally 1976 units health for 8 sec.
Roar 5 Active 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 m
4163 sec. Affects up to 3 nearby enemies.
Ferocious Roar 5 Development 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 m
4163 Killing fearful targets unbalances and disorients nearby enemies.
A bloodthirsty roar strikes fear into nearby enemies, causing them to scatter in fear and unbalance for 4.3 sec. Affects up to 3 nearby enemies. If the affected enemy dies, nearby enemies are disoriented and thrown off balance for With.
Rousing Roar 5 Development 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 m
4163 Increases weapon damage of nearby allies.
A bloodthirsty roar strikes fear into nearby enemies, causing them to scatter in fear and unbalance for sec. Affects up to 3 nearby enemies. Grants Major Brutality to nearby allies, increasing Weapon Damage by 20 % on the With.
Piercing Howl 6 Active Instant Enemy Dist. 10 m 4050 3 With.
Howl of Despair 6 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 10 m 4050 Grants the Devouring Devouring synergy, which empowers allies' normal and heavy attacks.
Crushes an enemy with a deafening roar that deals units physical damage and knock down 3 sec. Allies can activate the Devouring Greedy synergy, increasing damage from normal and heavy attacks by 10 % on the 15 With.
Howl of Agony 6 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 10 m 4050 Deals additional damage to enemies affected by fear.
Crushes an enemy with a deafening roar that deals units physical damage and knock down 3 sec. Damage dealt to enemies affected by fear is increased by 30 %.
Infectious Claws 9 Active Instant To the ground Glad.
7 m
3240 [x] Bol. damage during 10 c.
Claws of Anguish 9 Development Instant To the ground Glad.
7 m
3240 Targets hit receive less healing.
Crushes the Corruption of all enemies in front of you with its claws, inflicting units physical damage and extra disease damage during 10 c. Major Defile also hits enemies, reducing their healing by 30 %, for the duration of the effect.
Claws of Life 9 Development Instant To the ground Glad.
7 m
3240 Provides a heal over time based on the amount of disease damage dealt.
Crushes the Corruption of all enemies in front of you with its claws, inflicting units physical damage and extra disease damage during 10 c. Also restores health for 50 % of disease damage dealt.

Passive abilities

Icon Name Level Type of Description
Pursuit 3/7 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) On the % increases the amount of stamina your power attacks restore.
Devour 3 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Allows you to devour the corpses of humanoid creatures to extend your werewolf form for 12 seconds.
Blood Rage 4/8 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Each time you take damage, the time you spend in Werewolf Form is increased by 3 seconds. This effect can only occur once per 5 c.
bloodmoon 6 Passive Lets you once in 7 days to infect another player with lycanthropy. It is necessary to return to the place of the werewolf ritual. Players already infected with Sanguinare Vampiris cannot be infected with Lycanthropy.
Savage Strength 6/7 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Increases weapon damage by %.
Call of the Pack 7/10 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Reduces the cost of staying in werewolf form by % for each converted werewolf in your party, including yourself, up to %.

The werewolf in any form also has the following passive effect:


To increase the skill level and ability ranks, it is necessary to kill in the form of a werewolf. The more kills, the faster the level rises. Below is a complete table of the required number of kills to advance.

Rank It takes kills
for next. rank
Total kills
for rank
1 25 0
2 50 25
3 75 75

Lycanthropy is a virus or disease that can cause you to become a werewolf. It can be contracted if you are bitten or scratched by another werewolf.

So, how can you get infected with lycanthropy or, more simply, become a werewolf The game Elder Scrolls Online? The answer is quite simple, and we will now look in detail at several ways to bring this idea to life.

First I would like to say why you need to become a werewolf. First of all, the incarnation in this character gives its advantages, including additional damage, speed, stamina and armor. But, like everywhere else, it has its drawbacks. Once you have fully reincarnated as a werewolf, you will no longer be able to use weapons and skills from your other skills. In addition, werewolves are very vulnerable to poison, although this type of attack is still not enough in TESO, it is still a significant drawback.

Now how do you transform into a werewolf? First of all, you cannot be infected with vampirism, as this immediately makes it impossible to turn into a werewolf. If you are not infected, then you have 2 options:

  1. Get a disease from another infected person
  2. Get infected directly from a werewolf.

Let's consider the first case in more detail. Encountering a virus-infected Sanies Lupinus isn't easy, much less getting it to bite you. But this also happens sometimes. This is best done at low levels, besides, it is also a prerequisite that the player must be in a special ritual place. After you do become infected with the virus, all you have to do is complete the task, completely reincarnated as a werewolf, or cured of the disease. To do this, you will see the Sanies Lupinus icon on your screen in the current effects.

The first case is also difficult due to the fact that it is quite difficult to find an infected player who will agree to bite you. Everyone wants to keep this privilege for themselves and their fellow guild members.

Therefore, there is a second way. Everything is much simpler here. You find yourself a werewolf at high levels, fight with him and become infected from a bite or scratch. Werewolves quite often appear in high-level locations, but if you are unbearable, then you can always go on a task in which they will definitely be. This quest is in Mournhold and it will be quite difficult here, as you will be attacked by myriads of these monsters. By completing this task, you will not avoid infection from these creatures.

When bitten by a werewolf, you will again be presented with the choice to reincarnate or heal. By choosing the first option, you will become a werewolf and acquire unique combat skills and characteristics.

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~ Vampires ~

Vampirism- not one specific disease; vampirism has many varieties and manifestations. For centuries, and for completely obscure reasons, the diseases collectively known as vampirism have been transmitted different ways and with varying degrees of injury. In this work I will attempt to outline, to the best of my ability, the salient features of the form of vampirism typical of our era, known as noxiphilic sanguivoria, and to provide the reader with an idea of ​​the ways in which vampires of this type are recognized.

However, at the outset, I believe there should be a word of warning. This work is in no way intended to be a guide to hunting vampires or countering them in any way. In all cases, these will be tips on how to avoid contact with a suspected vampirist and in no case enter into a fight with him. Vampires of all stripes are supernaturally strong and will make short work of any hunter in no time - unless the most experienced can survive.

The most important thing to remember about those suffering from Noxiphilic Sanguivoria is that, as the name suggests, daylight does not weaken them at all like other vampires, but in addition they gain additional strength during the night hours.

How this is possible is difficult to understand. One of the craziest theories claims that this was due to some secret agreement between the Daedra princes Hircine and Molag Bal, who decided to give the blessings of moonlight to those suffering from Noxiphilic Sanguivoria - as werewolves receive it.
At night, these hunters gain extreme stamina and a powerful ability to regenerate health.
Sufferers of noxiphilic sanguivoria - when interviewed during periods of calm, of course - described an incredible transition from the moment of the first bite to the onset of the disease. Some told how they entered the ritual chamber, in which it was necessary to plunge into a pool of black blood. Whether the transformation really includes such a monstrous ritual, or is it just a hallucination - it is impossible to judge without personal experience.

If you've been bitten, or suspect you've been bitten, and now you're at risk of Noxophilic Sanguivoria, don't panic. If you managed to escape from the attacker, then immediately contact the priests of Arkay. You can immediately fall ill with noxiphilic sanguivoria only if the vampire drinks all your blood without a trace, and then lets you drink his own.

~ Werewolf ~

Lycanthropes(Lycanthropes) are cruel demi-humans - demi-animals that live throughout Tamriel. The cause of this strange disease is unknown. During the day, the patient is indistinguishable from an ordinary person, but at night, especially on the full moon (two moons), he turns into a terrible beast. Werewolf claws are their natural magical weapons. While the term "lycanthropy" should only refer to werewolves, these are just subtleties of semantics. Of course, there are some differences between the seven described forms of lycanthropy in Tamriel, but basically all cases are similar. Lycanthropes cannot exist without fresh blood and flesh. To maintain their vitality in their form as a beast, they must at least once a night feed on the meat of freshly caught prey, most often a human or elf. The creator of lycanthropes is Hircine, the Daedric prince of the hunt. Hircine keeps a close watch on them from his Hunting Grounds, for when they die, werewolves are doomed to forever be trapped in Oblivion's plan.

The werewolf is the most common type of lycanthrope found throughout Tamriel. Transforms into a bloodthirsty upright wolf. In combat, he uses powerful claws with intimidating effectiveness. Despite what the legends say, werewolves do not revert to human form upon death, although there have been documented cases of lycanthropes reverting to their true form after death, but this has been very rare. It is customary to burn the corpses of lycanthropes at the stake.

~ Pros and Cons of Vampires and Werewolves ~

While the vampire's attacks are based on magicka, the werewolf's moves are simpler: as befits a beast, all his attacks are based on his stamina. The vampire may well use some completely non-vampire skills, for example, he can perfectly sneak, as well as use the "stealth" mode during the battle.

The Werewolf, unfortunately, doesn't do that well, but he makes up for it with some passive bonuses that make him extremely effective in a combat group, which cannot be said about the Vampire, who is not so appreciated in the group and is more focused on passing in solo mode. The werewolf has potential for melee attacks, while the vampire boasts improved combat abilities at night.

A werewolf cannot wear armor and weapons, unlike a vampire, who, in turn, feels great in everything that you put on him. To maintain his appearance, a werewolf is simply obliged to constantly feed on his victims, a vampire, even without completely leaving the vampire image, will still retain all vampire weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Well, and finally, the werewolf is very sensitive to poison, to poisoned weapons, and the vampire has an increased vulnerability to fire.

~ How to become a vampire ~

In order to become a vampire, you must buy an upgrade from the game store and be bitten by a special vampire at a special time. If you want everything to work out for sure, then find someone who would agree to bite you (friends or a member of your guild). Unfortunately, the ability to infect with vampirism has a very long cooldown for the player, as much as seven days, so the bite is very expensive if you want to find a player who is a vampire on the side.

For those who bought for crowns (Price 1.500):

  • The incubation period lasts three days. During this time, you can heal. But you need to understand that the hero must survive for the vampire bite to work, so he must be able to take a few hits.

~ Method one - For crowns ~

While adventuring, you may get lucky and run into Bloodfiends, which appear in strictly defined places and only in specific zones, namely in Bangkorai, The Rift and Reaper's March. They appear only at night.

IMPORTANT: After killing, the next respawn of Bloodfiends will have to wait at least an in-game day.

Possible spawn points Bloodfiends:

Once you've been bitten, you'll receive a quest called Scion of the Blood Matron. In the process of passing you have to decide whether to go over to the side of the vampires, or to recover from this scourge.

~ Method Two - Vampire Player Bite ~

The second way to become a vampire is through a blood ritual ( blood ritual). To put it simply, a character who has already become a vampire (a friend or a member of your guild) can convert another player once a week. The ritual can be performed at the altar that you visit during the quest Scion of the Blood Matron.

It was said above that a werewolf must constantly eat to maintain his appearance, a vampire, by the way, must also do this, otherwise he weakens. There are four stages of attenuation in total. After reaching a certain stage, the vampire loses some of his lives, and his abilities become more expensive:

~Vampire Altar~

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 stage:

Regen. health - 0%, -25%, -50%, -75%.
Fire Damage - 0%, +15%, +20%, +25%.
cost way. - 0%, -7%, -14%, -21%.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: A player infected with a ghost is considered undead, so passive skills from the Fighters Guild branch work on him.

But as soon as you managed to attack a living person, then you return to the previous stage. The vampire will have to stealthily sneak up on a warm-blooded victim, using all sorts of tricks, and use a certain skill on the victim, which automatically appears in stealth mode. If you're not ready for that, then it's best to refrain from the prospect of becoming a vampire and consider becoming a werewolf.

~ How to get rid of vampirism and become the same ~

If you don't want to be a vampire, drink the blood of living creatures, and strike fear into the hearts of other players with your hungry eyes, then you need to turn to the same NPC that starts the quest to obtain the abilities of a vampire. He will direct you to a priest who, for a moderate fee, is ready to cure you of the curse. Remember, you can heal at any time and at any stage, but skill points invested in lifesteal do not return, so if there is a shortage of SP, it is better to remove skills in your capital before healing.

~ How to become a Werewolf ~

The principle of operation is not very different from a vampire. In order to become a werewolf, you need to catch a disease Sanies Lupinus. By the way, the cost is the same: 1500 crowns. So you still decided to become a werewolf, bought this ability yourself, or someone bit you from friends or guild members, and now you can activate a special line of skills and characteristics. They are in the tab. World Skills. Further, everything is simple: you run much faster, take much less damage and hit harder. The higher your stamina, the stronger your attacks. The use of weapons will become impossible for the duration of the transformation. Now let's take a closer look.

~ Method one - For crowns ~

Just like with Vampirism, in order for you to become a Werewolf, you must first be infected by another werewolf. After you manage to do this, you will acquire an amusing state - Sanies Lupins. You need to find the place where a special werewolf appears, it can be found in the following locations: Reaper's March, Bangkorai or The Rift.

After the werewolf has bitten you and in the character's characteristics window you will have Sanies Lupins, go to the nearest waystone. Here you will be given a task - "Hircine's Gift", upon completion of which you will become a full-fledged werewolf.

IMPORTANT: You need to look for it only in the dark

On a note!

    • Skill Pack Leader Changes the color of the character in Werewolf form to white.
    • Skill Werewolf Berserker Changes the color of a werewolf character to black.
    • Armor Set Bonus Savior's Hide(Reduces the cost of becoming a werewolf by 33%) reduces the cost of the ultimate ability to 200 abs. och.

    Activate the skill at the very beginning "Pounce - Surprise Attack" . This will allow you to jump quickly and far. The best way to do this is by jumping into a crowd of enemies, hitting them and terrifying them. You will also need the skill "Roar - Growl" . You will be able to scare enemies within six meters.

Spawn points for special werewolves are the same as vampires!

~ Method Two - Werewolf Player Bite ~

Your friend or guildmate who has already acquired the Bloodmoon passive skill can convert you at the ritual altar. After that, you can start the task "Hircine's Gift" by examining the scroll on the altar.

If you plan to become a furry animal, then there is no point in pumping magic. At the same time, if you decide to become a bloodsucker - a vampire, then you will have to pump both endurance and magic. I also advise: think three times before becoming a werewolf. Although it will be much more interesting to play, the werewolf can be easily dealt with by armed with a poisoned weapon. At the same time, even if you are in an ordinary human form, poison poison will still affect you more strongly on 50% .

~ Werewolf Altar ~

~ How to get rid of lycanthropy and become the same ~

Visit the same NPC that is the starter for the "Hircine's Gift" quest and talk to him, he will offer you to visit the neighboring town, where the priest is ready to cure you of the curse for a moderate fee. Remember, you can heal at any time and at any stage, but skill points invested in lycanthropy do not return, so if there is a shortage of SP, it is better to remove skills in your capital before healing.

Thanks to the resources for the information provided:




P/S - If you found errors in the article, inaccuracies, or just wanted to add something, then write in the comments. Thank you.

If you've played Skyrim, you must remember the Companions. They were a group of ferocious warriors who could transform into werewolves to defeat their enemies. Elder Scrolls Online also gives you the opportunity to become a werewolf and feel the power of these mighty monsters.

Werewolves are very strong and terrible creatures, a cross between a humanoid and a wolf. Most people are afraid of werewolves because of their numbers and Lycanth Ropia (Sanies Lupinus), a disease that turns infected people into these bloody monsters.

Quote from the official website:

We want you to be able to send yourself into a frenzied killing spree and feel the uncontrollable power of the transformation given to you. I think you can imagine that witnessing the deeds of a werewolf is truly exhilarating, and it is certainly one that strikes fear into those who have the opportunity to witness it.

How to become a Werewolf?

There is only one way to become a Werewolf - you must be bitten by another Werewolf and contract the disease Sanies Lupinus.

There are 2 main ways to get this disease, after which you can unlock the skills of the Werewolf:

  1. You need to find the Werewolf NPC and confront him. If you're lucky. The NPC will infect you with Sanies Lupinus and you can become a werewolf. Such NPCs are found in places high level, and you can only get bitten when fighting them. After you get bitten, a special quest will begin. This quest will help you complete the reincarnation. When I played ESO, I saw some werewolves in Cyrodiiil. I do not remember the exact coordinates, but if I meet them again, I will add a screenshot here. If you guys know where to find Werewolves, please leave a comment.
  2. The second way to become a werewolf is to find another player who is already infected with the disease and ask him to infect you. A player who can transform can bite another player once every 7 days near the Ritual Site. After biting, you will see Sanies Lupinus in your active abilities and you can accept a special quest: Hircine's Gift. This quest gives you the option to either become a werewolf or cure a disease if you don't want to join these monsters.

It is impossible to bite a player infected with lifesteal. There is no single way that you can be a Werewolf and a Vampire at the same time. You will have to make a choice.

Werewolf skills

Once a player becomes a Werewolf, they receive a special skill line that is not available to others. This skill line can be found in the tabWorld Skills. Skills can be used during your transformation into a werewolf, and cannot be used until you transform into one.

Transformation into Werewolf

The Werewolf Transformation skill costs a lot of Ultimate Energy and will take up your main slot.

Thus, you can consider reincarnation as your main ability. The transformation will make your character much more powerful, adding additional stamina, armor, running speed and damage dealt to him. Damage dealt is out of your maximum stamina. During the transformation, you cannot use any other skills except those related to the Werewolf skill line.

You also cannot use your weapons. You become a beast and fight like a beast using your own claws and teeth.

sudden jump- This is a great starting ability that allows you to jump into a crowd of enemies, quickly attack them and plunge them into a state of shock.

Growl- This is the main control spell that frightens all enemies that are within a radius of 6 meters.In PvP, your opponent will lose control of his character and be unable to attack you, while you can attack him without any difficulty.

All active abilities use Stamina, but do not use Magic at all. So this can be to your advantage if your character has a lot of stamina. As you saw, there are only 2 active abilities. This means that you will deal the main damage with light and heavy attacks.

Being a Werewolf: Advantages and Disadvantages

First of all, players get a special skill line that is not available to others. These skills make them much more powerful than other players. Transformation increases stamina, armor, running speed and damage dealt.

Morphing makes these bonuses even better by adding new effects such as increasing attack speed with each hit and applying bleeding DoT to the target.

Being wary of players in PvP is also a very useful control ability. Such an increase in power can affect the balance, and that is why, as a counterbalance to the Werewolves, the developers have made the Fighters Guild skill line extremely powerful.

Passive skill Beacon (Skilled Tracker) allows all Fighters Guild skills to affect not only Undead and Daedra, but Werewolves as well. It's unknown if these skills affect you once you've directly transformed, but it looks like they do.

The second downside is that Werewolves take +50% Poison Damage, whether they've Transformed or not. Although on this moment There are only a few poison skills in ESO: Poison Arrow and Lethal Arrow, almost all RDD (Range damage dealer) with bows use these abilities.

Other Reasons to Become a Werewolf

Now that we've discussed the advantages and disadvantages, let's talk about other reasons to become a werewolf.

One of the most important reasons is the ability to turn into a deadly beast right on the battlefield, scaring all the players around. Believe me, the transformation process looks formidable and I think that some of the players will be very surprised and shocked by this.

Another reason is that you get a lot of role-playing opportunities. You can create a werewolf guild or group and hunt other players in PvP or monsters in dungeons. Such guilds or groups will be extremely powerful. In addition, you can make a special sacred ritual for accepting new members to the guild. Do you remember that the werewolf must bite the player in order to infect him? You can use this for role play.

Werewolf or Vampire?

As you probably already know, you can also become a Vampire in ESO. But you can't be a Werewolf and a Vampire at the same time. Will have to choose. Both options offer amazing opportunities for outstanding play and both are weak against Fighters Guild skills.

But there are differences: Werewolves' skills consume only stamina, while Vampires use Magic and Primal energy. Werewolves must transform so that you can use their abilities, while Vampires do not have transformation. A vampire is always a vampire, but suffers penalties if not fed.

Ultimate Ability

Icon Name Lv. View Type of Target Time Price, unit abs. With. Description
Werewolf Transformation 1 Absolute Instant To myself 30 sec. 400 Cost: unit absolute ability.
3 4 2356 8 9966 units If selected, increases stamina recovery by 15 %.
Pack Leader 1 Development Instant To myself 30 sec. 300 Also summons two Wolf allies to fight at your side.
Turns you into a monster, scaring you up 3 nearby enemies within 4 sec. After transforming, your Light Attacks inflict Bleeding, inflicting 2356 units physical damage over 8 sec., and your Physical and Spell Resistances are increased by 9966 units Summons 2 wolf allies for the duration. If they are killed, they reappear after sec. If selected, increases stamina recovery by 15 %.
Werewolf Berserker 1 Development Instant To myself 30 sec. 300 Bleeding damage caused by normal attacks has been increased.
Turns you into a monster, scaring you up 3 nearby enemies within 4 After transforming, your Light Attacks inflict Bleeding, inflicting 2356 units physical damage during during 8 sec. and additionally 40 %, and your Physical and Spell Resistances are increased by 9966 . If selected, increases stamina recovery by 15 %.

Active abilities

Icon Name Lv. View Type of Target Dist./Rad. Price, stamina Description
Pounce 2 Active Instant Enemy Dist. 5-22 m 4050 2 s., if it is out of balance.
Brutal Pounce 2 Development Instant Enemy Glad.
5 m
4050 Deals additional damage to the target and all nearby enemies.
Attacks an enemy with primal fury, dealing units physical damage and stunning him for 2 s., if it is out of balance. Deals additional units physical damage to the target and nearby enemies.
Feral Pounce 2 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 5-22 m 4050 Throwing from at least 10 meters increases the time spent in werewolf form.
Attacks an enemy with primal fury, dealing units physical damage and stunning him for 2 s., if it is out of balance. Attack from a distance of at least 10 meters adds sec. by the time he was in werewolf form.
Hircine's Bounty 3 Active Instant To myself 4590
of magic
units health.
Hircine's Rage 3 Development Instant To myself 4590
of magic
Increases weapon damage.
Places the Hunter's Blessing, healing you for units health and increasing weapon damage by 10 % during With.
Hircine's Fortitude 3 Development Instant To myself Dist. 20 m 4590
of magic
Provides a long lasting healing effect.
Places the Hunter's Blessing, healing you for units health and additionally 1976 units health for 8 sec.
Roar 5 Active 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 m
4163 sec. Affects up to 3 nearby enemies.
Ferocious Roar 5 Development 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 m
4163 Killing fearful targets unbalances and disorients nearby enemies.
A bloodthirsty roar strikes fear into nearby enemies, causing them to scatter in fear and unbalance for 4.3 sec. Affects up to 3 nearby enemies. If the affected enemy dies, nearby enemies are disoriented and thrown off balance for With.
Rousing Roar 5 Development 1 sec. Region Glad.
8 m
4163 Increases weapon damage of nearby allies.
A bloodthirsty roar strikes fear into nearby enemies, causing them to scatter in fear and unbalance for sec. Affects up to 3 nearby enemies. Grants Major Brutality to nearby allies, increasing Weapon Damage by 20 % on the With.
Piercing Howl 6 Active Instant Enemy Dist. 10 m 4050 3 With.
Howl of Despair 6 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 10 m 4050 Grants the Devouring Devouring synergy, which empowers allies' normal and heavy attacks.
Crushes an enemy with a deafening roar that deals units physical damage and knock down 3 sec. Allies can activate the Devouring Greedy synergy, increasing damage from normal and heavy attacks by 10 % on the 15 With.
Howl of Agony 6 Development Instant Enemy Dist. 10 m 4050 Deals additional damage to enemies affected by fear.
Crushes an enemy with a deafening roar that deals units physical damage and knock down 3 sec. Damage dealt to enemies affected by fear is increased by 30 %.
Infectious Claws 9 Active Instant To the ground Glad.
7 m
3240 [x] Bol. damage during 10 c.
Claws of Anguish 9 Development Instant To the ground Glad.
7 m
3240 Targets hit receive less healing.
Crushes the Corruption of all enemies in front of you with its claws, inflicting units physical damage and extra disease damage during 10 c. Major Defile also hits enemies, reducing their healing by 30 %, for the duration of the effect.
Claws of Life 9 Development Instant To the ground Glad.
7 m
3240 Provides a heal over time based on the amount of disease damage dealt.
Crushes the Corruption of all enemies in front of you with its claws, inflicting units physical damage and extra disease damage during 10 c. Also restores health for 50 % of disease damage dealt.

Passive abilities

Icon Name Level Type of Description
Pursuit 3/7 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) On the % increases the amount of stamina your power attacks restore.
Devour 3 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Allows you to devour the corpses of humanoid creatures to extend your werewolf form for 12 seconds.
Blood Rage 4/8 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Each time you take damage, the time you spend in Werewolf Form is increased by 3 seconds. This effect can only occur once per 5 c.
bloodmoon 6 Passive Lets you once in 7 days to infect another player with lycanthropy. It is necessary to return to the place of the werewolf ritual. Players already infected with Sanguinare Vampiris cannot be infected with Lycanthropy.
Savage Strength 6/7 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Increases weapon damage by %.
Call of the Pack 7/10 Passive (IN WEREWOLF FORM) Reduces the cost of staying in werewolf form by % for each converted werewolf in your party, including yourself, up to %.

The werewolf in any form also has the following passive effect:


To increase the skill level and ability ranks, it is necessary to kill in the form of a werewolf. The more kills, the faster the level rises. Below is a complete table of the required number of kills to advance.