Overview of Mount and Blade: Warband - from timid sorties to the crown. Game review Mount & Blade: Warband Mount and blade warband game review

Didn't work the first time? You just need to try again! Turkish igrodely from Taleworlds apparently learned this rule sacredly. And obviously it was under this motto that they prepared the first addition to their action / RPG "with horses and checkers" - Mount & Blade: Warband.


Didn't work the first time? You just need to try again! Turkish game makers from Taleworlds apparently they have learned this rule. And obviously it was under this motto that they prepared the first addition to their action / RPG "with horses and checkers" - . Although they did very well the first time.

The original game, released two years ago, turned out to be ambiguous, but very pretentious. There have never been such equestrian fights anywhere else and still are not! And the impressions of the most authentic virtual Middle Ages, enchanting battles and complete freedom of action were not spoiled even by outdated graphics and not the most convenient interface. The project turned out to be so attractive that it even fell under the warm wing of the Swedes from Paradox Interactive and grew from an indie development funded by donations from the Internet community into a full-fledged commercial project.

What could be expected from the addition? New cities, new sides to the conflict, even more epic battles and equestrian fights, as well as, finally, corrected the main drawback - outdated graphics beyond any measure. What did we really get? And what we got is that, as it turned out, the Turks are quite aware of the global trends in the development of games. In the addon, they introduced an aspect that the original game lacked, but still was not a critical flaw for it. went online!

Everyone who played the original and the addition will feel like a fish in water (or, more importantly, like Chapaev on a horse). The developers have added exactly what is essential for any good sandbox - variety. Not to say that the original game would suffer from monotony and dullness, but, as they say, more chips and buns have never harmed anyone. A new faction, the Sarranid Sultanate, has entered the political arena of Calradia, and with it new zones, troops, and challenges. A complete set so to speak.

Besides, Taleworlds apparently allocated money and hired a professional screenwriter. The quality of the story component and dialogues in the game has increased significantly. Of course, this is not yet dragon age: Origin or Mass Effect, but delving into the ups and downs of the events taking place in Calradia has become much more pleasant, and most importantly, easier.

In addition, we were given new levers of influence on the events and political life of Calradia. Now, in order to defeat the enemy, it is by no means necessary to crush him with all the might of our cavalry. You can not only defeat intractable neighbors, but also use an old diplomatic move on them - to take and enter into a politically advantageous marriage. If earlier only our military leaders could marry among themselves, thereby saving us from many problems, now this is also allowed for the main character.

But, of course, the most important and main innovation of the add-on is multiplayer. The developers did not waste time on trifles - as many as seven modes are waiting for us, starting from the classic Deathmatch and ending with large-scale Sieges. Up to 64 players participate in online battles at the same time, and you can play both through the official game servers on the Internet and via local network. It’s easy to imagine what passions are unfolding on the online fields of Calradia, how much more palpably it tickles the nerves the realization that that knight over there, rushing at full speed at you with a raised sword, is not just an abstract computer dummy, but a very real Vasya from a neighboring entrance. However, not without a fly in the ointment - many network cards suffer from a lack of balance. And the multiplayer, although it gives considerable pleasure, but, unfortunately, does not reach the status of "nationwide Internet fun".

And in conclusion, it is impossible not to say a few words about the main problem of the original - graphics. Despite the fact that the game has long grown from an original indie project into a full-fledged commercial game, this did not affect the number of polygons and texture resolution. inherited all the graphic "charms" of the original. And only the anti-aliasing and draw distance options that have appeared in the settings demonstrate that the creators still spent time on this issue. However, the hands of the Turks did not reach the customization of the user interface. The lack of the ability to automatically follow, an overabundance of menus on the screen and many other annoying little things have moved to the add-on unchanged.

On the other hand, paradoxically, but a fact - a lot of work has been done on the sound. Music is pleasant to the ear, quickly remembered, not boring and very sensitive to changes in the game situation. However, even here there were some nonsense: combat commands are still not voiced, and the cries of soldiers are mostly meaningless.

In general, it is a good addition to a good game. It can be recommended without a twinge of conscience to both fans and veterans of online battles looking for new experiences. If you are in original game not played, then starting right away with would be the best solution.

The Turkish studio gave the world the opportunity to feel in the shoes of a medieval warrior back in 2008 by releasing its debut major project - Mount & Blade. Large - very relatively: monotonous and aimless gameplay, weak graphics, poor sound and the lack of multiplayer prevented the game from gaining high popularity. But the idea of ​​crossbreeding a sandbox and a hand-to-hand combat simulator was a good one. Good enough that it allowed the project to gather a devoted fan base around itself. The announcement of the next part, which turned out to be a global work on the bugs, was not long in coming. Actually, this kind of remake called Mount & Blade: Warband (“The Age of Tournaments”) will be discussed.

How to earn a living? We all have a huge choice of millions of opportunities, thousands of job openings and dozens of universities. We are spinning, cunning, looking for our place in life... And the warrior, looking at the pitiful sight, grins into his mustache, wipes the blood-stained ax and continues to cut wallets from the corpses. No wonder - in medieval Europe, the war was one of the most profitable sources of income for the average man in the street.

Mount & Blade: Warband relentlessly follows the canons of history. Military craft here - practically the only way relatively quickly to come to success, as, indeed, the most exciting. Low bow to the side TaleWorlds who created a realistic and at the same time easy to learn combat system. At your service are 4 types of strikes (as well as the directions of the blocks), in which it is allowed to invest the desired force. The uniqueness of the system is that the impact force is always different and is honestly calculated in physics. Cut backhand, retreating? It is unlikely that the sword will cause significant harm to the enemy. But a crushing blow from a running start will instantly knock out the spirit from the adversary - only heavy armor will save him. The type, length of the weapon and the angle at which the blow was struck play a significant role: it is useless to try to swing a spear in close contact, while a short sword will come in handy. In general, the choice of murder weapons in Warband inspires respect: standard swords, huge two-handed weapons, axes, halberds, scythes, pitchforks and dozens of other examples that can satisfy the most seasoned maniacs. Are you into long range combat? Bows, crossbows and a variety of throwing weapons are at your service. By the way, the battle at a distance will not present any surprises, even if it is worked out qualitatively. Arrows and other projectiles fly, honestly considering the laws of gravity and the force of the bowstring. Meanwhile, weapons should be chosen based on the characteristics of your warriors. However, they can always be picked up on the battlefield or traveling around Calradia (this is the name of the world invented by the developers). The hero learns how to handle various weapons directly in the process of cutting enemies, and he receives no less important points of basic characteristics and perks after the battle, growing in level. The growth of the level occurs after the accumulation of a sufficient amount of experience, which is issued for ... cutting enemies. That's the way it is in this world.

Second feature gameplay- horses. A faithful combat friend is an invaluable assistant on the battlefield. Let the infantry be the "queen of the fields", but on a horse the chances of surviving are rapidly increasing. The point here is both in the sharply increasing speed, and, consequently, in the force of the blow (a spearman on a horse is a terrible thing), and in the most banal opportunity to run away and retreat away from the thick of the battle. You will have to use this maneuver often. There can be 150 people on the battlefield at the same time, and at times there is a serious mess. The participants are diverse: heavy infantry, cavalrymen, shooters... There may be an association with Medieval 2: Total War - and for good reason. Firstly, different kinds troops in Mount & Blade have about the same combat missions, as their counterparts from the well-known strategic series. For example, a forest of spears will stop the cavalry, but heavy infantry will thin out such a "forest" at a time. Secondly, the protagonist can quite successfully lead the brave warriors, forcing them to crumble or rally ranks, attack or hold a position, and so on. And thirdly, before getting to all this splendor, the player must wander around the global map to his heart's content.

And she lives her own life. We could observe something similar in the game "Space Rangers". Caravans scurry from city to city, transporting various goods and thereby affecting the balance of prices in stores (as well as the player's desire to embark on the winding path of the robber). Bandits prey on weak travelers and hide from the powerful. Tournaments and festivities await the lords, who travel at the head of their armies and faithfully serve the crown. Many events are connected with them - noble ones - in which the player happens to take part. With each, you can talk on topics that interest you or scrape out some task. There are many quests: some simply assign the player the role of an errand boy, others give a chance to enter the service of the king. At first - as a captain of mercenaries, and later - as a full-fledged vassal, owning his own village or even a castle. But first you have to prove your loyalty by participating in wars that any sovereign wants. All 6 states present in the game differ in their culture and race, as well as in tactics and preferred type of troops. So, there are more than enough interesting unique fights here.

However, the player alone has nothing to catch in such skirmishes. And collecting your own hardened soldiers is a long process. A large detachment is recruited easily by visiting nearby villages and offering peasant boys a taste of life. But of course, these guys are not trained to fight. And the player will have to train them by attending training camps, sparring, or throwing youngsters straight into battle. In the latter case, your wards gain experience incomparably faster, but be prepared for big losses. Although, in any case, quality is better than quantity, and after a couple of fights you will be able to raise the newly minted thugs and give them improved equipment. The development lines for each fighter are branched, so anyone can be molded from an untrained rookie.

Despite all the above splendor, the game has enough shortcomings. The most notable of these is the graphics. Of course, compared to the 2008 version, it stepped forward: they added trendy effects like HDR and Depth of Field, tweaked the textures. But this did not save the game from the overall visual poverty. The only good thing is that the picture does not interfere with perceiving what is happening on the screen and responding to enemy attacks in time. The audio hasn't gone far either - funny character screams and unconvincing combat sounds add to the visual dullness. Only the soundtrack shows itself from a worthy side, corresponding to the spirit of the Middle Ages.

The gameplay is also far from perfect. For example, here, as in many decent "sandboxes", there is trade. The player can actually track prices in various parts country and make a considerable fortune on it. Only now this process looks rather dull and unattractive against the backdrop of magnificent and no less profitable battles. Although, if you gravitate towards such a routine (realistic, however), then this element may not be superfluous for you. But the most annoying thing is that, with all its diversity and high-quality warhead, the game will sooner or later get bored for one simple reason - the lack storyline and end goal. Not everything is so bad with the plot: in your wanderings you will meet many characters who want to stand under your command. Everyone has a sentimental story about his life path in reserve, but, as you understand, this does not pull on a full-fledged plot. The realization that the most that you can achieve in the course of the game is to become the leader of one of the factions is finishing. After that, gray everyday life and hopeless boredom are prepared for you.

When you get bored, feel free to turn on the multiplayer. In it, the game shows itself from a new side. For here it is spared from the imperfection of the combat AI, as a result of which the already interesting combat system reveals its true potential. There is no multiplayer campaign here, but it is not needed - after all, the battles are done perfectly. Where else can you meet with an opponent on swords, without swearing at the crooked controls and technical flaws of the game? There are many modes: from the siege / defense of the castle to the duel. Only unusual complexity can scare away, because in a battle against a person, many schemes developed when playing offline simply do not work. Even after playing online for a year, you will notice an increase in personal skill. This is understandable: there is no character development here, unlike in a single player game - the players are equal in their capabilities. Success rests on reaction, dexterity and tactical flair, which can be improved endlessly.

This is Mount & Blade: Warband - mediocre in many ways, but exciting game. You will not find anything from high art here, if you do not call it a masterful recreation of the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Aesthetes are also blocked from the path - there is nothing to rejoice at the eye. But connoisseurs of high-quality action will be satisfied and may want to stay in the game for many months, or even years. A pleasant Single player game and an excellent network part will contribute to this.

Beginning of the game.

1.Creating a character. You'll figure it out yourself. If you don't feel like creating your own, just make money randomly until you find a skin that you like.
2. Pre history. You will be asked a series of questions, starting equipment and stats will depend on these questions. I advise you to choose as noble a past as possible for more intelligence at the start and better equipment.
3.Stats for the character's stats there is a separate section where you can see what affects what, but in the beginning, in my opinion, it's better to download intelligence.
4. Arrival at the kingdom. You will be asked which ship you want to board
1) Kingdom wedding (orange)
2) Sultan's kingdom (yellow)
3) Khergit Khanate (purple)
4) The Kingdom of Rodok (green)
5) The kingdom of vegir (white)
6) Kingdom of the Nords (blue)
If you are playing on a low difficulty level, it is better to go to the vegir, the bandits and robbers in the vegir have very good equipment.

Character stats.

There are three main sections in character stats: 1) Attributes 2) Skills 3) Skills
1. Attributes are the most basic skills of a character, there are 4 in total (1) STRENGTH (2) AGGRESSION (3) INTELLIGENCE (4) CHARACTER
1. Strength. Every 2 points add one health point.
The maximum skill point depends on strength:
1) Vitality
2) Strong blow
3) Strong throw
4) Powerful shot
These skills make up 1/3 of the strength for example: if the strength is 3 - survivability is not higher than 1
strength 12 Strong throw no higher than 3.
2. Agility. Each point earns 5 weapon proficiency points and increases weapon speed by 0.5%.
The maximum skill point depends on dexterity:
1) Shields
2) Athletics
3) Possession of weapons
4) Riding
5) Rifle shooting
6) Collection of trophies
These skills are 1/3 of dexterity for example: if dexterity is 3 - Shields are not higher than 1
dexterity 12 Collecting trophies 3.
3.Intellect. Each point of intellect adds +1 skill point.
The maximum skill point depends on intelligence:
1) Training
2) Tracking
3) Tactics
4) Finding a path
5) Packing
6) Vigilance
7) Dressing
8) Surgery
9) First aid
10) Engineer
11) Persuasion
4. Character. Each skill point increases the maximum squad size by 1.
The maximum skill point depends on the character:
1) Leadership
2) Maintenance of prisoners
3) Trade
There are only 24 skills that affect everything from the number of prisoners to the speed of movement on the global map.
1) Vitality: each new health level +2
2) Powerful blow: damage dealt by melee weapons is increased by 8%
3) Powerful Throw: Throwing weapon damage is increased by 10%
4) Powerful shot: bow damage is increased by 14%
5) Weapon Mastery: Makes character training easier and increases skill limit by 40
6) Shield Mastery: Reduces damage dealt to the shield by 8%, increases shield speed
7) Athletics: increases running speed
8) riding: increases the speed of the horse
9) Mounted archery: allows you to shoot more accurately and deal more damage in the saddle with a bow
10) Collecting trophies: the amount of loot received is increased by 10%
11) Training: your squad gains more experience
12)Tracking: global map becomes more informative.
13) Tactics: every even level of this skill increases the advantage in combat by 1
14) Finding the path: movement speed increases by 1
15) Vigilance package: the unit's field of vision is increased by 10%
16) Wound dressing: squad healing speed increased by 20%
17) Surgery: 4% chance to survive when mortally wounded
18) First aid: after the battle, the hero and commanders resurrect 5% of health
19) Engineering: the speed of construction of siege towers and buildings in the city increases
20) Persuasion: helps you win people over to your side
21) Maintenance of prisoners: increases the maximum number of prisoners by 5
22) Leadership: the maximum number of soldiers increases by 5, reducing spending on the army
23) Trade: prices in stores are reduced by 5%
24) Packing: your inventory capacity is increased by 6 points
how much i play mount blade I still don’t understand what they are for. Most likely they don’t give a big bonus of speed and damage, there are a lot of different bonuses, but they are all not significant, in support of my words I’ll say that my favorite long-range weapon is a crossbow and with the level of shooting from a crossbow it came down better and dealt more damage. There are 6 in total.
1) One-handed weapon
2) Two-handed weapon
3) Three-handed weapon, joke, polearm
4) Archery
5) Shooting from a crossbow
6) Throwing

Factions (Mount and Blade: Warband)

There are 6 factions in this game. They are listed below:

The Kingdom of Swad is an influential faction. This faction has the strongest knights and fairly well-equipped horses. The capital of this faction, Praven, is almost the largest city in the game. The throne of this faction is claimed by Lady Iseult de Suno. This faction is ruled by King Harlaus. The prototype for this faction is Germany.

The Kingdom of Vegyr is a faction that exists in the snows. Knights are the weakest. Lots of archers, but they don't aim well. Prince Waldym-Bastard claims the throne of this faction. This faction is ruled by King Yaroglek. The prototype of this faction is Russia.

The Kingdom of Rodok is a faction located in the mountains. They have no cavalry and foot troops are inferior to the Nords. Lord Castor de Veluca claims the throne. The faction is ruled by King Gravet. The prototype of this faction is Italy.

The Kingdom of Nord is the northern faction. She has no cavalry. But they have the strongest infantry. Ideal for capturing castles. But it can also come in handy in open combat. The Nords have the best fortified castles. The throne of this faction is claimed by Letvin the Wanderer. This faction is ruled by King Ragnar. The Normans are the prototype for this faction.

The Saranid Sultanate is a new faction that exists purely in the warband. Archers of this faction are pretty strong. The Mamluks, in turn, are only slightly below the Swadian knights. Arva claims the throne of this faction. Sultan Hakim rules the faction. The prototype of this faction are the Arabs.

The Khergit Khanate is the weakest faction in the game. There is only cavalry. But the Khergits have pretty fast horses. Dostum Khan claims the throne. Rules the Sanjar Khan faction. The prototype for this faction is the Golden Horde.

When capturing the castle, the character creates his own faction, it is red, and you come up with its name yourself.


Mount & Blade: Warband has a multiplayer mode. Multiplayer in this game supports up to 64 players. Some modifications allow you to use multiplayer, the maximum number of players in which is 222. There are different battle modes: Massacre, Wall to Wall, Capture the Flag, Conquest, Battle, Duel and Siege. In these fights, you can earn money, for which you can then buy new equipment for your character.


Companions can be found in taverns in various cities. Each of them has his own biography, which he sets out when he joins your squad. Some of the companions require an advance payment, some agree to travel with you for free. You can keep several satellites at the same time, but they will constantly swear among themselves. But if you have lost your companion, you can always find him in some tavern and take him back. Below are the relationships of the satellites to each other.

-friends with Ymira
-feuds with Marnid and Nizar

-friends with Lezalit
- feuds with Jeremus and Kletty

-friends with Rolf
-feuds with Marnid and Catherine

-friends with Marnid
- feuds with Kletty and Deshavy

-friends with Katherine
-feuds with Lezalith and Rolf

-friends with Kletty
-feuds with Rolf and Borcha

-friends with Firentis
-feuds with Matilda and Artinmenner

-friends with Alaen
-feuds with Matilda and Lezalith

-friends with Bunduk
-feuds with Baheshtur and Firentis

-friends with Deshavi
-feuds with Borcha and Artinmenner

-friends with Artinmenner
-feuds with Bunduk and Ymira

-friends with Borcha
-feuds with Baheshtur and Alaen

-friends with Nizar
-feuds with Ymira and Jeremus

-friends with Mateld
-feuds with Firentis and Alaen

-friends with Baheshtur
-feuds with Deshawi and Bunduk

-friends Jeremus
-feuds with Nizar and Katrin
After that, from the satellite you can make your vassal with his own army. If your companions fall out in the end, one of them may leave, but perhaps you can dissuade him with enough persuasion skill. A certain companion does not sit in a certain tavern, they all travel.

To activate cheats, select the settings menu in the game's boot menu and check the box next to "Enable cheats" ("Enable Cheats"). In the game, use the following key combinations:
Ctrl + F5 - during the battle, your character is controlled by artificial intelligence;
Ctrl + H - heal your character (during combat only);
Ctrl + Shift + H - heal horse (during combat only);
Ctrl + F3 - deal damage to your character (only during combat);
Ctrl + X - +1000 gold (on the inventory screen);
Ctrl + X - +1000 experience (on the character screen);
Ctrl + W - increases weapon handling skills;
Ctrl + Alt + F4 - all opponents fall unconscious;
Ctrl + Shift + F4 - knocks down the enemy, on which the increase;
Ctrl + Shift + F6 - knocks down all your allies;
Ctrl + F6 - knocks down one of your companions;
Ctrl + F4 - knocks down one of the enemies;
Ctrl + T - allows you to see all objects on the global map;
Ctrl + left click - teleports you to the point you specified on the global map.
I strongly do not recommend using cheats because of them the game will last a maximum of an hour.
If you still use cheats during combat using a combination of all opponents fall unconscious, do not accidentally press alt + f4, this will close the game. Also, with cheats enabled, you will not receive achievements.

When capturing a castle, you can appoint yourself as a leader, choose a flag and name the kingdom. In order for vassals to come to you, you need to appoint a capital (main city),
for this you will need silks and tools that you can either buy or take from the peasants, silks cost about 1000 dinars, and tools 450. The higher your honor and glory, the more often vassals will come to you. If vassals do not come to you, but you really want to you can appoint your companion as a vassal. To do this, go to the detachment section, click on the satellite, speak after clicking I want to ask you and ask him if he wants to get a land allotment, then choose what to give him. Soon you will see him patrolling your lands.
Relations with vassals.
If you already have many vassals and you give away another allotment, relations with the vassal who received the allotment increase and worsen with the rest. If one of the vassals has no allotments for a long time, relations with him will deteriorate.
In your squad, you can recruit not only soldiers, but also heroes (vassals). There are 16 such heroes in total. they constantly quarrel among themselves, it is usually recommended to have 5-7 heroes at the same time, no more. NPCs can download squad skills that are transferred to the entire unit. You can have a doctor hero, or an engineer hero, etc. , thereby not spending your points on those skills. Heroes are immortal, they can only be stunned during the battle, they can be taken prisoner, but they cannot be killed. NPC-heroes swing in the same way as the main character. Alien tactics 1
Artimanner Tactics 2, Engineer 4, Trade 3, Observer, Pathfinder 1
Borcha Pathfinder 3, Pathfinder 2, Observer 3
Bunduk Tactics 1, First Aid 2
Jeremus Surgery 4, treatment, first aid, trade 3
Catherine Trade 3, Treatment 2, First Aid 1
Cage Pathfinder, Observer, Pathfinder 2
Marnid first aid, treatment 1, trade
Meteld Tactics 1
Rolf First Aid, Surgery 1, Tactics
Ymira first aid, trade 3 surgery, treatment 1

List of 8 NPCs that do not quarrel among themselves. (there is not a single Noble NPC in it)

— Deshavy

— Jeremus

— Catherine

— Bunduk

— Marnid

Gathered around him a close-knit army of fans. Using unencrypted resources, they created an abyss of serious modifications - not repainted blankets and +10 swords, but global add-ons and individual universes. On the one hand, the love of the public warms the soul. Not every blockbuster released on PC gets that kind of attention. On the other hand, demand from a full-fledged supplement Warband from TaleWorlds was very high. Sophisticated fans are not easy to surprise.

From dirt to Kings

At first it seems that the Turkish developers failed. There are no radical changes in single player mode, and you won’t immediately notice smaller ones - after all, we are talking about a project with open world. But the prettier graphics catches the eye. Warband endowed with a gentleman's set of visual effects, including HDR and changing the "depth of field". The models and textures of the characters have become more detailed. attraction Mount & Blade never depended on the quality of the picture, but this is a solid step forward.

To feel all the differences, you need to hold for Warband at least a few days. The hero will mature, stop chasing bandits through the forests and enter the political arena. It is here that the most interesting thing happens, because instead of serving one of the kings, the player can now establish his own state and, with due diligence, unite all of Calradia. His vassals will be NPCs from the detachment or lords of other principalities who have become disillusioned with the previous master. By the way, the Sarranid Sultanate joined the five familiar powers.

In fact, the creators listened to numerous requests and added to M&B super task. Conquering power for yourself is much more pleasant than helping offended heirs, and there is more use in the management of possessions. Unfortunately, TaleWorlds did not go further and introduce plot inclusions, as their counterparts did in " With fire and sword". They limited themselves to a short chain of starting quests, a handful of fresh errand templates, the opportunity to have a romance and get married or get married.

Smart meat grinder

However, even the most banal tasks in Warband does not tire. The main thing is not to shy away from bloodshed. Due to the "gadgets" that have developed an already complex combat mechanics, the game can hardly be attributed to action games. It's more of a medieval battle simulator that has no competitors on the PC.

Where else will you be allowed not only to stab the enemy, but to fool him with a cunning feint or knock him out with a vile kick? Well, except in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Where a good reaction will allow you to parry attacks with a blade? Blocks are more reliable, but shields quickly scatter into chips. True, they have their advantages - hanging on the forearm or back, they also cover from blows and arrows.

Besides, Warband gives a reason to put aside bored swords and spears and pick up something unusual. For example, a universal halberd with a variable grip or a huge hammer that crushes (if it hits) any defense. In general, the "queen of the fields" is no longer a harmless victim for the horsemen, and the number of various tactics has increased greatly.

The battles have become more meaningful, although they involve not 100 warriors (as in the original), but 150. Thanks to the new control system, the leader can give orders while continuing to gallop at full speed. To send subordinates to a specific point, just hold down the F1 button and place a mark with the cursor. More complex orders are hidden in context menus. They are much more convenient to use than the old "strategic" screen. By setting your own types of units in addition to the standard "infantry", "cavalry" and "shooters", you can flexibly manage maneuvers and get by with minimal losses. By the way, the utterly defeated enemy is now turning to flight.

"Green" players are unlikely to win in vain - the artificial intelligence in the addon is aggressive and skillful. Nevertheless, it is impossible to see the real intensity of passions in the "single".

On the walls!

Main novelty Warband- multiplayer - has little in common with the usual Mount & Blade. There is not a hint of a global map, role-playing elements or army command in it - only uncompromising "meat" of unprecedented proportions (64 participants instead of the 32 promised in the announcement). It is curious that in the crowd it is not difficult to discern a true comrade or sworn enemy. The fact is that players sculpt faces in an advanced editor and select a coat of arms, so the appearance of all avatars is unique.

Rules Warband vaguely resemble Counter strike or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. For each killed thugs write out a bonus. After dying and respawning at the base, they spend gold on armor, weapons, and horses (the assortment of the store depends on the chosen class - archer, horseman, or infantryman). .

It’s a pity that it’s hard to coordinate efforts with allies: no voice chat, no breakdown by squad, no bonuses for mutual assistance. These tools would be especially useful in Siege, the most successful mode Warband: storming and holding castles is much more interesting than stealing flags or mindlessly stuffing frags. It is somewhat disappointing that only five cards have been allocated for it. However, the scenarios that can be played by playing off the six available sides in different combinations are still full, and new arenas will certainly appear.

* * *

That this is only the beginning, and Mount & Blade a cloudless future awaits, there is no longer any doubt. After all Warband- not just a smart addon that made the fuss in the medieval "sandbox" even more fun. By adding multiplayer skirmishes, the authors have provided the game with a cult status for years to come. And then there's the sequel.