Official issue of coins for a year. Plan of commemorative coins made of base metals

The review includes lists of commemorative coins of 10 rubles issued in 2015, as well as information about their value.

In 2015, the Bank of Russia did not please the country's numismatists with the continuation of the well-known series of bimetallic coins with a face value of 10 rubles "Ancient cities of Russia" and " the Russian Federation". But collectors were not left without new coins. This year, instead of the usual eight, 9 new coins were issued at once as part of the Cities military glory", as well as three bimetallic tens dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

List of commemorative 10 ruble coins issued in 2015

Name Series Type of Mint Circulation
The official emblem of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory 70th anniversary of the Victory B/m SPMD 5 million
liberation of the world from fascism 70th anniversary of the Victory B/m SPMD 5 million
End of World War II 70th anniversary of the Victory B/m SPMD 5 million
Grozny Cities of military glory Steel mmd 10 million
Kalach-on-Don Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million
Kovrov Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million
Lomonosov Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million
Khabarovsk Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million
Taganrog Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million
Maloyaroslavets Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million
Mozhaisk Cities of military glory Steel SPMD 10 million

Coins 10 rubles 2015 from the series "Cities of Military Glory"

If we turn to the catalog of commemorative coins of 10 rubles, we will see that since 2011, the Bank of Russia has been issuing eight coins from the Cities of Military Glory series every year. The same procedure was planned for 2015. But an adjustment was made and instead of the usual eight issues, there were nine at once. This time, the coats of arms of the following cities bearing the title of "City of Military Glory" appeared on the coins:

  • Grozny
  • Kalach-on-Don
  • Kovrov
  • Lomonosov
  • Khabarovsk
  • Taganrog
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
  • Maloyaroslavets
  • Mozhaisk

All coins (with the exception of 10 Grozny rubles) were minted by the St. Petersburg Mint. The circulation of each issue is 10 million coins.

Not all 10 ruble coins of 2015 from the "Cities of Military Glory" series have reached circulation, falling into the hands of merchants who, taking advantage of the increased demand for new coins, raise prices. So at present, prices for some coins of the "City of Military Glory" reach 200 rubles. It is to be expected that over time, the prices of 2015 coins will drop significantly.

Coins 10 rubles 2015 from the series "70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

The Bank of Russia did not miss a single round date associated with the celebration of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. So in 2015, when the whole country was celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the Bank of Russia prepared and issued three 10-ruble coins as part of the 70th anniversary of the Victory mini-series.

As part of the series, there were three issues of bimetallic 10 ruble coins:

  • The official emblem of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory
  • liberation of the world from fascism
  • End of World War II

The coins bear the stamp of SPMD (St. Petersburg Mint). The circulation of each issue is five million copies.

The value of coins is currently relatively high. The average price at auctions for coins of 10 rubles in 2015 of the "70th anniversary of the Victory" series is about 150 rubles.

Good afternoon friends! This weekend I decided to write about a coin that is somewhat unusual. Coin (not) existing. The coin is a ghost. This 1 ruble 2015. One of the most popular denominations and the current year. I know that many readers are interested - how much is 1 ruble in 2015? Is this coin valuable? modern Russia? Is there anything unusual about her? There are many questions, but little information on the Internet. Therefore, I decided to dot the “i” and present in this article the most reliable and up-to-date information about this coin.

Where to begin? Perhaps I'll start with a reminder that I already wrote about. If you are interested, you can follow the link and read. There is also about an ordinary coin, and about a coin with a ruble sign, and about unusual rubles. But back to today's topic.

Before discussing the value of this coin, let's think about it - does it really exist? Indeed, were such coins minted as 1 ruble in 2015? Now we'll find out.

The history of the issue of ruble coins of modern Russia

To understand this issue, it is necessary to recall the history and features of the issue of ruble coins in modern Russia. If we go back a little to the past, we will see that the modern design ruble appeared for the first time in 1997. Since then, this denomination has been issued in the following periods: from 1997 to 1999, and from 2005 to 2014 of the year.

It should be noted, however, that although from 2001 to 2003 rubles were not officially issued small trial or technical batches were issued (perhaps due to an error) and today such coins (1 ruble 2001, 1 ruble 2002, and 1 ruble 2003) are very valuable rarities. For example, the same ruble of 2003 (SPMD) costs 20-40 thousand rubles, depending on the state and safety.

Another nuance is that since 2011 the St. Petersburg Mint has not minted ordinary coins. Since that time, it has switched exclusively to the issue of anniversary and commemorative coins. Therefore, starting from 2011, rubles with the stamp “ SPMD” is also a rarity and, moreover, very valuable (it’s even hard to say how much so far). And such coins, in fact, are found, although extremely rarely. There were precedents.

So what do we know? The fact that with a break of five years (from 2000 to 2004) rubles have been minted annually since 1997. That is, the coin was issued without interruption for 10 years. What about the current 2015?
All catalogs and price tags in the column "1 ruble 2015" put a laconic pass or a modest dash, or write "no data". Like, we don’t know anything, we haven’t heard about the coin. I did not come across a ruble this year (and you, probably, too). Is it really so, and this time the 1 ruble of 2015 did not see the light of day?

So was 1 ruble minted in 2015?

Alas (precisely “alas”, after all, such a gap for the numismatist’s collection), but 1 ruble of 2015 was not issued and its release is not indicated in any official plans. Thus, our coin is a ghost, a phantom. Her does not exist.

If, however, to dream up a little and assume that they would still decide to issue 1 ruble of 2015, then, most likely, the design of the coin would remain the same - sample 1997. As shown in the photo below.

Or another option (but very unlikely) that the Central Bank will switch completely to the issuance of ruble coins with the sign of the Russian currency - ruble symbol. In the end, last year, similar coins were already issued. And perhaps now the Bank of Russia is busy preparing for the issuance of such rubles. We'll see.

In any case, if 1 ruble of 2015 were minted, it would be a coin with a diameter of 20.5 mm and a thickness of 1.5 mm. Its mass would be 3.25 grams, and the material would be an alloy of copper and nickel. Add here the ribbed edge and the indispensable stamp of the Moscow Mint on the obverse with a double-headed eagle. The obverse is either the familiar number "1" with a floral ornament and the inscription "RUBLE", or the sign of this same ruble.

But all this is a hypothetical coin. But if for some reason a small batch of ruble coins of 2015 is nevertheless minted and falls into your hands ... then you will become the owner of the rarest and insanely expensive rarity!

Also, I want to note that in the open spaces of the network there are announcements for the sale of a coin of 1 ruble of 2015 of the Pridneprovsky Republican Bank. This is a coin of a small state, not yet recognized all over the world. This coin has nothing to do with us. Does not apply to. Although the design is interesting, no doubt.

Commemorative coin 1 ruble 2015, from precious and ordinary metals

However, we were talking about the usual ruble. But there are also investment coins (from precious metals: silver, gold, platinum) and anniversary (dedicated to memorable and round dates, both from precious metals and not). Maybe 1 ruble of 2015 will be found among these categories of coins? Let's see the release plan of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Let's start with commemorative coins made of precious metals. They released a lot this year. Among them you can find, for example, 25-ruble coins of the "Architectural Masterpieces of Russia" series made of 925 silver. There is also a gold coin with a face value of 50 rubles, the issue of which is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Released even gold coin 10,000 rubles "Snow Leopard". Although these coins are mainly of the sample of other years.

And finally, the release is planned and silver coins 1 ruble 2015. In total, three different coins will be issued during the year as part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation series, specifically they will be dedicated to the surface forces of the Navy. The circulation of each is up to 5,000 pieces. But these are precious metal rubles, which are valued for their beautiful and impeccable appearance - the PROOF minting technology (they are even sold sealed in a protective capsule so as not to be scratched), as well as for high-grade silver (925, silver content - 92.5%).

Another investment coin of this year will be (issue in the 2nd half of the year) 1 ruble of 2015 of the EMERCOM of Russia. Also 925 sterling silver and PROOF condition (proof). The circulation is the same - up to 5,000 pieces.

Summing up. In the current year, the usual running coin is 1 ruble of 2015 regular coinage not released. The only thing planned for release is 4 different commemorative silver rubles.

For now, this is the situation. I will update the article as new information becomes available. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments.

UPD. As I was kindly reminded in the comments, the situation with the 1 ruble coin of 2015 has changed. The Bank of Russia nevertheless issued a coin of this denomination this year as well. The ruble was minted by the Moscow Mint. And, alas, according to current data, the coin is not valuable. Although perhaps a little later we will learn about the presence of its rare varieties.

UPD2(25.02.2016). A rare and valuable ruble of 2015 "lit up" at auctions. Its feature is NOT magnetic material. Ordinary rubles are made of coated steel and they are well magnetized. I will write a separate article about a rare and non-magnetic coin later (when I collect more data).

Sincerely, Gregory.

Attention! The information presented on the site was obtained from open sources, the prices are approximate as of the date of writing the article and are not an official offer. The author is not an expert in the field of numismatics, does not bear any responsibility for the content of the site (including the content of comments) and does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided in it.
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Such an area as issuance investment coins in Russia is regulated at the legislative level. Regulatory legal acts, in particular, provide for the procedure and procedure for the annual planning of the national issuance of investment coins. The plan for 2015 was published in autumn 2014. According to the published list, 44 coins of various denominations will be issued in 2015, including both commemorative and investment coins.

General analysis

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, when planning the issue and commemorative coins annually, focuses, in particular, on the following indicators:

  • demand already applied to;
  • the presence of significant events and dates in the calendar plan of the coming year;
  • interests of the numismatic and investment industries.

An analysis of the list-plan for issuing coins presented on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation makes us convinced that 2015 will not be an exception in terms of continuing the issue, united by the theme of the seventieth anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The anniversary year of 2015 for this significant event will be marked by the release of an additional series of six coins. Now this series will consist of twenty-four coins, eighteen of which are in denominations of five Russian rubles, three coins - in denominations of ten rubles, and three coins in denominations of three, twenty-five and fifty rubles, respectively.

It is important! Piggy bank of coins base metals will also add two more series in 2015:

  1. "Cities of Military Glory".

  2. "The Russian Federation".

The largest coin, which is expected to be issued in 2015, will be a gold coin with a face value of ten thousand Russian rubles, which will replenish the series of coins "Save Our World".

investment coin plan

Plan of gold commemorative coins

Series nameMetal and sampleDenomination, Russian rublesRelease into circulationCirculation, thousand pieces
"2000th anniversary of the founding of the city of Derbent, Republic of Dagestan"Gold 99950 throughout 2015up to one thousand
"70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"Gold 99950 first half of 2015up to one and a half thousand
"Save Our Peace" (Moose)Gold 999, 7.78 grams of gold, chasing "proof"50 throughout 2015up to one thousand
"Save Our Peace" (Moose)Gold 999, 15.55 grams of gold, chasing "proof"100 throughout 2015up to seven hundred and fifty copies
"Save Our Peace" (Moose)Gold 999, 1000 grams of gold, proof-like chasing10000 throughout 2015up to hundreds of copies
"155th Anniversary of the Bank of Russia"Gold 9991000 first half of 2015up to one hundred and fifty five copies
"Eurasian Economic Union"Gold 999100 throughout 2015up to five hundred copies

Plan of commemorative coins made of base metals

Series/coin nameMetal and embossingDenomination, Russian rublesRelease into circulationCirculation, thousand pieces
Series: "Cities of Military Glory"
"Kalach-on-Don"10 throughout 2015ten
"Kovrov"Steel with brass galvanized coating; uncirculated10 throughout 2015ten
"Lomonosov"Steel with brass galvanized coating; uncirculated10 throughout 2015ten
"Taganrog"Steel with brass galvanized coating; uncirculated10 throughout 2015ten
"Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky"Steel with brass galvanized coating; uncirculated10 throughout 2015ten
"Maloyaroslavets"Steel with brass galvanized coating; uncirculated10 throughout 2015ten
"Mozhaysk"Steel with brass galvanized coating; uncirculated10 throughout 2015ten
"Khabarovsk"Steel with brass galvanized coating; uncirculated10 throughout 2015ten
Series: "70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
"The official emblem of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War"Ring: brass,
10 first half of 2015five
"Liberation of the world from fascism"Ring: brass,
Disc: cupronickel; uncirculated
10 first half of 2015five
"End of World War II"Ring: brass,
Disc: cupronickel; uncirculated
10 first half of 2015five

Such a variety of coins will undoubtedly attract new investors and numismatists to this market, and will be able to support existing investors and numismatists in terms of high-quality and timely filling of the market with goods. In general, 2015 promises to be an interesting and effective year for the sphere of "metal" investments.

Alexander Igorevich

Reading time: ~ 4 minutes

Every year, the Bank of Russia publishes a list of coins that will be issued next year. Thus, numismatists can familiarize themselves and choose interesting specimens for themselves, so that after release they can be purchased as soon as possible. Let's take a quick look at the this moment positions.

Series of coins made of precious metals

And tops the list series dedicated to George the Victorious. During the year, two copies of 3 and 50 rubles will be produced with a circulation of up to 500 thousand each. Variety denominated 3 p. will be made of gold, and 50 rubles will be made of silver.

Next will be "Outstanding Personalities of Russia". It will include 4 positions of 2 p. and will be dedicated to the following individuals:

  • Composer Tchaikovsky P.I.;
  • Composer Glazunov A.K.;
  • Pianist Richter S.T.;
  • Artist Serov V.A.

All but the second on the list should be expected in the first half of the year, while the copy, the release of which is timed to coincide with the birthday of A.K. Glazunov, should be expected in the second half of 2015. All coins will be made of silver, and the circulation of each will be up to 3,000 copies.

  • St. Sophia Cathedral, Tobolsk, Tyumen region, 3 rubles;
  • The building of the railway station, Vladivostok, 3 rubles;
  • Holy Ascension Military Cathedral, Novocherkassk, 3 rubles;
  • Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery, Perm region, - 3 rubles;
  • Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Joy of the Holy Dormition Dalmatov Monastery, Kurgan Region, 3 rubles;
  • Petrovsky Travel Palace, Moscow, 25 p.

The circulation of each copy will be 3 thousand. The metal of manufacture is silver, up to 1 thousand each. Two coins from the series "Architectural Masterpieces of Russia" will be issued. The metal of manufacture is silver, the estimated face value is 25 rubles.

To the series "Treasures of World Culture" will be assigned coins with the name "Creations of Michelangelo Buonarotti". The estimated circulation is up to 1 thousand, the metal of manufacture is silver.

A series will appear with the name "70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", to which will belong three copies of precious metals and three of non-precious metals of various values.

There will also be a collection "Save Our World", which will include copies of various denominations under the general name "Moose".

In addition, it is planned to release varieties "Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", whose coins will be dedicated to the navy.

In addition to the release, three series of non-precious metals are planned. So 8 more varieties will appear in the collection of the "City of Military Glory", the circulation of each will be 10 thousand pieces.

Also in series "Russian Federation" it is planned to add 1 representative - "Republic of Mordovia", which will be released with a circulation of up to 10 thousand copies.

Of course, this list is not final and will change throughout 2014. Speaking of coins that will be released in 2014.