What money is valued dearly. The most expensive and valuable coins of modern Russia. Rare coins of modern Russia. Regular coinage

Numismatists are happy to get the rarest coins of Russia (1991-2015) in their collection and they are ready to pay a lot of money, because they are expensive. And what is their value, why are they considered so?

Criteria for evaluating rare coins:

  • Circulation. This is the most important factor in determining whether a coin will be valued high and considered rare. For example, bimetallic 10 ruble coins from the series " Russian Federation"Yamal-Nenets autonomous region and the Chechen Republic were issued in 2010 with a circulation of only 100 thousand, while other coins from this series were issued with a circulation of millions. And the price of such copies reaches 15,000 rubles today.
  • No mint mark. Some copies produced by the mints of Moscow and St. Petersburg for some reason did not receive their marks. And they automatically went to the ranks of rare coins. The most famous such coin is 2 rubles Yuri Gagarin, minted in 2001. Its price is about 18 thousand rubles.
  • Rare minting defects. This can be: a wide edging (for example, 1 ruble in 1997 and 1998), the location of the mint mark, a stamp that has moved out, the magnetic properties of coins, rare defects in the coat of arms and denomination, other metal in the general circulation, and others.

Please note the approximate prices obtained from the results of the nearest last auction in 2017.

A photo Denomination, year of issue, mint, features Estimated price
1 ruble, 1997, MMD, wide piping 10 000 rubles
1 ruble, 1998, MMD, wide piping 10 000 rubles
5 kopecks, 1999 300 000 rubles
5 rubles, 1999 150 000 rubles
10 kopecks, 2001, SPMD, on the cloak of George the Victorious, transverse folds 2 000 rubles
50 kopecks, 2001 over 100,000 rubles
1 ruble, 2001 over 100,000 rubles
2 rubles, 2001 over 100,000 rubles
5 rubles, 2001 over 100,000 rubles
2 rubles, 2001, "Gagarin", no mint mark 18 000 rubles
5 kopecks, 2002, no mint mark 10 000 rubles
1 ruble, 2002 9 000 rubles
2 rubles, 2002 9 000 rubles
5 rubles, 2002 9 000 rubles
1 ruble, 2003 30 000 rubles
2 rubles, 2003 20 000 rubles
5 rubles, 2003 25 000 rubles
5 rubles, 2006 over 100,000 rubles
10 rubles, 2010, "Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug" 15 000 rubles
10 rubles, 2010, "Chechen Republic" 8 000 rubles
10 rubles, 2010, " Perm region" 4 000 rubles
10 rubles, 2011, SPMD over 100,000 rubles
50 kopecks, 2011, SPMD more than 100,000 rubles
10 rubles, 2013, "Republic of North Ossetia - Alania", magnetic 3 500 rubles

Someone says that all the rare coins of Russia have long been collected by collectors, someone says that they are still in circulation and can be obtained in a store for change. In any case, remember that they exist and if you find such a coin, you can sell it dearly.

I'll tell you not just about the most expensive Russian coins, namely those that can be found in wallets. About rare means expensive coins, which can be met by everyone when receiving change in a store, or can be found in a pile of “unnecessary” little things, when parsing their stash boxes and broken piggy banks. Agree, it is very pleasant to know that the coin costs not 5 kopecks, as it is written on it, but 15 - 20 thousand rubles. But for this you need to know which coins are expensive and how to distinguish them from other little things that are in front of you.

When examining the available coins, the general scheme of actions is as follows - since the denomination of the coin is immediately clear, therefore, first of all, we look at the year, then at the possible signs that are inherent in expensive varieties, and finally, at how the coin is executed, some coin marriages are very much appreciated by collectors. Now about all this in detail

1, 2 and 5 rubles in 2003, thousands of these coins were received for change and subsequently sold at the indicated prices.

1. The most expensive Russian coins in circulation

1, 2 and 5 rubles in 2003. In 2003, only penny denominations were minted in mass circulation. But at the St. Petersburg Mint, a small amount of 1, 2 and 5 ruble coins was made to compile annual souvenir sets. Even colorful packaging envelopes dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Peter were printed, but unknown reasons everything fell apart. Collectors never saw them, and the delegations that came to celebrate the anniversary were left without gifts. As a result, all 15 thousand coins of each denomination were packed into bank bags and sent to the vault, where they safely lain for almost three years. And only in March 2006, ruble denominations with the date 2003 began to appear in regular money circulation, causing a shock among numismatists. After all, before that it was believed that they simply did not exist, as, for example, coins of 2001. Since then, their prices have been constantly growing, reaching now 30 thousand for 1 ruble coin and 20 thousand for 2 and 5 rubles. New coins are constantly being found, who will dig up the pod, who will receive change, but every year there are fewer and fewer of them. Maybe you'll get lucky! Watch and look for the treasured figures of 2003.

5 rubles 1999. It's a ghost coin this moment only 3 copies are known. Officially, the Central Bank denies that they were issued, although all three coins are indisputably genuine and made at SPMD. The only question is why and how then they got into monetary circulation, and not for remelting. At least one of those sellers who put them up for sale for 210,000 rubles. tried to convince the “numismatic public” that he got this five in a minibus. Maybe so, although you can’t say anything for the sake of an extra hundred thousand rubles. But if you believe, look ... for information: for the first two years of minting new coins in 1997 - 1998. they released so many 5 rubles that then they were not made for ten years until 2008. In 2002 they were released only for souvenir sets (if they suddenly come across - the price is 10 thousand rubles), I wrote about 2003 above. Single copies of 5 rubles of 2001 and 2006 are known, also authentic and also with a very vague history of appearance.

5 kopecks 1999. At the moment, there are only about 5 of them in the collections of numismatists; all were found among ordinary coins, more than ten years after issue. For the first time they became famous in 2013, after at one of the "flea" markets of Kemerovo, a certain granny "attached" a bag of unnecessary trifles to a local merchant. Having reviewed it, he found 5 kopecks of 1999, which were considered non-existent until that moment. The sale of the coin was carried out through the Internet forum of numismatists, the auction began with 600 thousand rubles and at the figure of 300,000 the "Wishlist" of the seller and the desire of the buyer coincided numerically.

Where did these two rarities with the date 1999 come from. Perhaps, when new stamps for 1999 were prepared at the SPMD, they were tested and finished coins of all denominations, as usual mixed with the total circulation dated 1998. And everything would be fine if The Central Bank suddenly decided not to mint these denominations in 1999. The batch of coins, on which the new stamps with three nines in the date were tested, has already been distributed to the regions, but there was no "reinforcement" in the form of the main circulation. So it is quite likely that a hundred other such nickels and piglets are still waiting in the wings, lying down in egg-pods.

Bimetallic coins of 2010 - Perm region, Chechnya, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In 2010, according to the plan of the Central Bank, it was planned to issue all 10 ruble coins in the "Regions of Russia" series with a regular circulation of 10 million pieces. But interruptions in the supply of bimetallic blanks to MD violated these ideas. The minting of the Perm Territory coin stopped at the level of 200 thousand pieces. With an even smaller circulation, 100 thousand copies each, coins dedicated to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Chechen Republic came out.

With a certain amount of luck, they can be found in circulation; nevertheless, they were issued for circulation, and most of them got there. The only question is how long they were there. In any case, you need to know their approximate cost. A dozen dedicated to the Perm region is estimated at 3,000 rubles. The most expensive coin in the selection is "Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug", its price reaches 12,000 rubles. But if you come across the "Chechen Republic" is also good, collectors buy them for 10,000 rubles. a piece.

So we looked at the coins, if you didn’t find rare combinations of year - denomination, don’t be discouraged, the fun begins - the search for varieties that are inherent only in a small part of the circulation.

1 ruble 1997 and 1998 - a wide edging, a very rare and expensive variety.

2. Expensive varieties of Russian coins. Rare variants

1 ruble 1997 and 1998 - wide edging. Among the 1 ruble coins minted in 1997, collectors are especially interested in a variety that is found only on one of the ten thousand ruble coins of this year. It can be easily identified by the edge - it is much wider than that of ordinary coins. This difference is clearly visible on the side with the face value. Part of the top right leaf is overlapped by the piping, while on most coins, the leaf only slightly touches it. But that's not all, there are two versions of the wide edging. The most common execution is in the form of a step, the price of such an instance on the numismatic market is 3 - 4 thousand rubles. The second option, with a flat wide edging, is much less common. For such a coin in good condition, you can get more than 10 thousand rubles. So do not be lazy to look through ruble coins in search of an expensive variety. A similar, but less pronounced wide edging is also found on 1998 rubles - the issue price is 6 thousand rubles

2 rubles 2001 Gagarin - without monogram. In 2001, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, a commemorative two-ruble coin was issued. Coinage was carried out at both Moscow and St. Petersburg mints. This is evidenced by the MMD and SPMD monograms placed on the side with the denomination, which is located among the leaves, slightly to the right of the number 2. But very rarely there are copies without a monogram, their price among collectors reaches 12,000 rubles. Obviously overlooked, and on one of the stamps the monogram was not applied. As a result, several tens of thousands of coins came into circulation unfinished. If you buy such a copy for your collection, be careful, there are often fakes. From ordinary Gagarin rubles, "masters" simply cut off the monogram in order to deceive numismatists.

5 kopecks 2002 and 2003- without a monogram There are rare varieties among the 5 kopeck coins of 2002 and 2003. This is due to the absence of the designation of the mint on which the coin was produced on part of the circulation. That is, the letters SP or M under the front left hoof. If you come across such a coin of 2003, its cost is 3000 rubles, patches of 2002 without a monogram are much more expensive in this place, they can be sold for 10 thousand rubles.

5 kopecks of 2002 and 2003 - without a mint designation (there is no letter M under the horse's hoof).

These are only the main and most valuable varieties, but if you are interested in delving into the topic, you can see a few more examples from what is on the site:

  • 10 kopecks 2001- a raincoat with transverse folds - the price is 3000 rubles
  • 50 kopecks 2003. - SPMD, the bud does not touch the five - the price is 500 rubles.
  • 10 rubles 2010- the lines inside the zero touch the walls - the price is 1000 rubles.

3. Defective coins, with various types of technological defects

This refers to coins that received various defects due to a violation of production technology during the minting process, but were not rejected by the mint's control system and ended up in regular money circulation. In appearance, these are the most ordinary coins, just some kind of failure occurred during their manufacture. This does not happen often and therefore among collectors they are highly valued. The larger the defect, the more expensive.

Minted on non-standard blanks - color, size. This happens when mugs intended for a different denomination, although close, but still differ in size, and sometimes in metal, fall into the array of blanks on which coins are minted. For example, yellowish brass blanks for 50 kopecks (19.5 mm.) Are only a millimeter smaller than nickel blanks for 1 ruble. Sometimes this happens, though not often.

Here is this ruble (see below), according to the first owner of the coin, he brought it from the post office. The girl, the cashier at the counter, was very depressed that one of the rubles that she had prepared for change to the client was of a strange yellow color and somehow small. A young man standing nearby in line offered her to replace this ruble with his ten. A few days later, at a numismatic forum, this copy was sold for almost 30,000 rubles and is not a trifle and pleasant. The postwoman was rewarded ten times for her attentiveness, and the young man received a thousand times more just because he knew the “price of the issue” and understood coins. In the end, both were very pleased with themselves.

Sometimes the minting of ruble coins includes inner circles for bimetallic coins, which are much thicker than standard blanks, the price for such heavy rubles can reach 20 thousand rubles.

Double impact with image shift. Double strike is a very rare minting defect. It appears as a result of a repeated blow by the press on an already finished coin. This is possible when it is partially stuck in the stamp. When the image is re-applied, it is obtained with a certain shift, and the larger the shift, the higher the value of such a coin among collectors. In fact, at the mint, such marriages are screened out and sent for remelting. But coins, albeit with small offsets, may well slip through not very vigilant controllers. With circulations of hundreds of millions of copies, this is quite likely. The cost of coins with a strong shift can reach 15 - 20 thousand rubles. But even if there are just small defects in the minting and even a minimal shift in the image, collectors are ready to pay from a thousand rubles or more for such specimens.

Stamp split. Sooner or later, the stamps become unusable, some simply break and are replaced. Coins minted with such a stamp are of interest to collectors until it is replaced. The metal falls into the resulting crack and a sort of protruding strip is obtained on the coin. The stronger the crack on the stamp, the thicker and longer the resulting convex line, respectively, the more expensive the coin. Large and complete splits are especially valued - this is when a thick line goes from one edge of the coin and reaches the other. The collection value of such rarities exceeds 1000 rubles.

Image rotation. In case of incorrect assembly or loosening of the equipment used in the process of minting, the working stamps turn. As a result of this, the images on one side of the coin are rotated relative to the other. Small turns (up to 45 degrees) are not of particular interest, but stronger ones, for example, by 90 degrees. already make a coin ten times more expensive than face value. Particularly in demand among collectors are 180-degree turns, if you meet this, then this is at a cost of several thousand rubles.

And these are only the main variants of coin marriages in terms of occurrence, in more detail about the types and prices of marriage on coins. Of course, you can find such coins in everyday life, but keep in mind that everything is not so simple. The presence of rare and expensive varieties, among the money traffic, has led to close cooperation between numismatic dealers and cashiers, through whose hands a huge amount of coins passes. Dealers are ready to pay good money to cashiers of banks and shops for catching such rarities for them.

2 rubles 2001, "Gagarin" - without the mint's monogram.

4. How to sell such coins as expensive as possible

The answer would seem quite simple - you need to find collectors of numismatists and, if possible, avoid resellers. Where are these collectors? Here, too, so far everything is simple - on thematic forums on numismatics. I will name the most popular of them, which have sections for selling coins. Somewhere these sections are basic, somewhere related, the communication of collectors to a fairly large extent consists of mutual sales - purchases. Bidding everywhere goes in the form of free communication in the subject, whoever offers more is the buyer. So:

coins.su- "CFN" - the oldest site of all existing. The owner is a kind of brutal numismatist, on the one hand, unceremonious, and on the other, quite experienced, since he himself is a professional dealer in Soviet and Russian coins. As a result, he created one of the most reputable platforms with strict rules and a rigid rating system for participants, the possibility of running into fraud during a transaction is minimal.

forums-su.com- "Drying" - the same age as the previous resource. Actually, this is the largest Russian-language platform on the topic of phaleristics (signs - awards), but the numismatics section is presented adequately. There are almost no random visitors and everything is also quite reliable. The bidding process itself is based on an extremely simple rule, I gave my word - keep it. Its implementation is controlled by the forum moderators and violators are punished very strictly.

The sale of each of these coins began on one of the indicated forums.

coins.lave.ru- the so-called Samara Forum, this is the most visited site by numismatists. The reason for its popularity may lie in the fact that the situation there is extremely democratic. The forum is mostly aimed at selling - buying relatively ordinary coins, ranging from turnover worth 50 - 100 rubles to rarities of 100 thousand.

staraya-moneta.ru- an elite club of numismatists, although it mainly specializes in pre-revolutionary coins, but the section of modern coins is also well represented. Everything is intelligent and respectable.

But before putting up your valuable find for sale, everywhere you first need to just read the topics. See what was sold and how, rummage through the archives of topics, because you can certainly find sales of such a lot. This will help you navigate the price level. If this is not for you, then at least keep in mind - with direct sales from hand to hand, you will most likely fall into a reseller. He will not give more than half the price, he also needs to earn money on you.

Further, pure theory, about the really most expensive coins of Russia, but such specimens at a price of hundreds of thousands of rubles and higher are no longer found in circulation. These are either trial copies stolen from the MD, or, well, something made according to a "special" order, in a word, unique ...

5. The most expensive coins of Russia, their value. Non-circulation editions

The reason for the release, why and for what purposes such coins were made is not known, only hypotheses can be built. Documents from the State Bank and the mints could shed light on this, but they are unlikely to ever be disclosed. It is completely unrealistic to meet these coins in circulation, they are known only in the amount of a few pieces. In terms of design, they are no different from ordinary circulation coins, only unusual combinations of denomination, year of issue and the mint's monogram make them unique.

The most expensive 5 ruble coins of 1999 and 2006. The real price may be several times higher than indicated above.

5 kopecks and 5 rubles 1999. In 1999, SPMD minted 5 kopecks and 5 rubles. The circulation of coins remains a mystery to this day. Numismatist experts confirmed the authenticity of only three copies with a face value of 5 rubles and one 5 kopeck coin. Their appearance more than ten years after the date indicated on the coins made a splash in numismatic circles.

In 2009, a lot of 5 rubles of 1999 was put up for auction. The starting price for the auction was announced at 210,000 rubles. But none of the collectors dared to participate in the auction, fearing the appearance, after some time, of several more such coins, and as a result, a sharp drop in prices. It should be noted that to date, their known number has not increased. We can say that 5 kopecks and 5 rubles of 1999 confidently occupy the leading position of one of the most rare and expensive coins. modern Russia

50 kopecks, 1, 2 and 5 rubles 2001 Four coins about which there are more rumors and conjectures than real facts in the network. Only one thing is indisputable, that they were minted in 2001 at the Moscow Mint.

About existence 50 kopecks 2001 became known somewhat earlier than other coins of this year. She, one might say, is more promoted as a rarity, and therefore often becomes the object of attention of fake manufacturers. Yes, and the value of this coin declared in some catalogs at 100 thousand rubles also contributed to this. In general, fifty dollars of 2001, 2004 and 2007 are very similar to each other, and all fakes are usually made by re-engraving coins of the fourth and seventh years. Still, there are a number of differences that should be taken into account when determining the authenticity of the sample. In 2004, the font for writing the letter was slightly changed - I. The beveled stick acquired peculiar and clearly visible shelves at the top and bottom of the letter, the original 50 kopecks of 2001 do not have such shelves. Also, the 4 in 1 engraving can be recognized by the position and design of the unit in the designation of the year. Converted from the four, it will look, unlike the original, on the other side of the dragon's paw. Well, 2007 is easily recognized in a fake with a magnet, since it has a magnetizable steel base. The 2001 coins were made of non-magnetic brass.

1 ruble 2001 came into the field of view of collectors almost simultaneously with 50 kopecks. the same year. For a long time, this pair remained a permanent "legend of modern numismatics", as about other rarities now known (5 kopecks and 5 rubles in 1999, 2 and 5 rubles in 2001, 1, 2 and 5 rubles in 2003 MMD) was not yet known. 2 rubles 2001- this is another mystery coin, known in single copies. 5 rubles 2001 first "lit up" in 2014. First, her photographs were posted on the Internet on one of the forums. A little later, reputable numismatic experts, having looked at it "live", confirmed the authenticity of the coin. It is not yet possible to name the exact value of the coins of 2001, since there were no public auction sales, but it can be assumed that the price for each of them is more than 150 - 200 thousand rubles.

1, 2 and 5 rubles 2003 MMD. In 2003, ruble denominations were minted on the SPMD to a limited extent to form collector's annual sets (15,000 pieces each). But for some reason, instead of souvenir sets, all these coins were sent to the usual money circulation. And only in 2013, information appeared that there were 1, 2 and 5 rubles of 2003 made at the Moscow Mint, single copies of which ended up with collectors.

The fate of another mystery coin is very similar - 5 rubles 2006. For the first time, her photos were shown only in 2012 at one of the numismatic forums.

Coins of regular mint SPMD 2011 and 2012 In 2011 in St. Petersburg. Mint produced only commemorative coins. So, initially, the news of the existence of a complete line of all denominations for regular circulation of the SPMD monogram was met with distrust, but they exist, however, in the amount of only a few copies. In some directories, this selection was immediately estimated at 1.5 million rubles, i.e. at the already “familiar” price of 150-200 thousand rubles for each coin known in piece design. In 2012, similar coins with the SPMD monogram appeared again, but without 1 and 5 kopecks, so when buying a set in 2012, you can try to meet only 1 million rubles.

6. Speculative issues imitating expensive coins

The Mint today is a high-tech and sensitive enterprise engaged in minting coins by order of the State Bank. Workers, in order to get into and out of production, go through several stages of inspection. This largely eliminates the illegal removal of money by employees. But the desire to get rich quickly pushes some people to all sorts of tricks. It makes no sense to take out ordinary coins, which cannot be said about rare coin marriages and exclusive home-made coins. The demand for which among numismatists gives rise to bouts of "creativity" among unscrupulous masters of the mint.

Craftsmen mainly work in three areas:

- A rare technological defect and its imitation. The most textured type of marriage, moreover, quite easy when artificially imitating it, is the implementation of several strokes with a stamp on one workpiece, and preferably with a “beautiful” shift. At one of the auctions, a copy was sold, where supposedly the stamp "accidentally" walked over one blank five times (!) But the most demanded among numismatists is image shifts at the second blow, and not just a little, but “from the heart” by 30-40 percent (as soon as they don’t knock off their fingers ...) what is obtained at the output, then they sell 10 - 15 thousand for one product.

- Crossroads. Non-standard combinations of images on the front and back sides. In the good old days, this really happened, especially with 3 and 20 kopeck stamps, which are close in diameter. Now coins do not have such close diameters, so manufacturers have to fantasize to the fullest, collecting and combining various unnatural combinations. One side is from 10 kopecks, the other is from a ruble coin, a stamp for 50 kopecks is combined with equipment for minting 2 rubles. 2 rubles 50 kopecks And of course, it is not uncommon for “special” minting to be done in such a way that one coin has two obverse or two reverse sides.

- Third the direction of "creativity" is chasing on non-typical blanks. Allegedly experimental coinage of the mint, etc. In the collections of numismatists there are bimetallic 10, 50 kopecks 2015 and rubles 2014 - 2015, but not one reference book contains information about the production of such a coin. How did she get out of the mint? Everything is also worked out and put on stream, numismatic dealers, for a certain fee, order from workers to mint and take such coins out of the walls of the MD. Having paid several thousand per copy, they later try to sell them several times more expensive to gullible numismatists.

All this is a kind of counterfeiting and should (?) be prosecuted. Real collectors need to somehow learn to intuitively distinguish these products from the real varieties and natural coin marriages, which were described above.

Literate people believe that the most expensive coins of modern Russia are presented as exhibits in some museum. The rest believe that these coins are a rarity that is not found in an ordinary wallet. And that, probably, their obverse is nothing more than a page of history, minted from precious metal. Only a true connoisseur will look at every coin that is in his palm. An expensive copy can be found among ordinary nickels of the 2000s, the main thing is perseverance and attention.

Some of the most valuable coins

Since money itself is a value and plays a key role in the development of the country, people have always depicted on them the most important events of general cultural and historical value. These could be natural monuments, political or cultural figures, folk symbols, state paraphernalia, etc. But the list of expensive modern Russian coins demonstrates that these qualities are not always important.

One tiny nuance visible to the eye, one small and accidental deviation from the standard - and in front of you is a rare specimen, worthy not only of attention, but also of a solid monetary reward from a passionate collector. In tens of years, these coins will acquire historical value, but so far it lies in dissimilarity with other coins.

Finding a unique and different person is easy. Everyone has a mole, a special shape of the eyebrows, etc. If coins are issued in circulation in many hundreds of thousands, then even a slight difference indicates its rarity, despite the fact that this is a common manufacturing defect.

10 most expensive coins of Russia

These coins have been in circulation since the late 90s, and look pretty familiar. There are many varieties of expensive coins, but we will consider the most famous "top ten". The top 10 is systematized not on a historical basis, but in descending order of prices - starting with the most expensive, ending with a coin worth several hundred rubles.

The sudden appearance of a single copy of the coin is shrouded in mysticism. The coin was discovered in 2009. The copy was recognized by experts as genuine. But why is there only one? Coins are issued in stops, a single copy can only be a “proof” of a special minting method. These 5 rubles are minted in the usual way, there are no special marks.

The coin has become something like a “flying Dutchman” in Russian numismatics: everyone knows, but no one has seen it. If someone discovers the mystical five, they will receive at least 250,000 rubles. This is the cost of the most expensive coin of modern Russia.


Cupronickel-coated copper disc, not attracted by a magnet. The reverse shows the denomination of the coin and the branches of a stylized plant. One of the branches barely touches the edge. The letters in the word "rubles" are pointed at the bottom. This can be seen with the naked eye. On the obverse there is a relief image of a double-headed eagle, under the paw of which is the designation of the mint. Below is the year of minting - 1999. Otherwise, the coin would not have cost so much.

If the coin was not even put into circulation, where do collectors find it? They also cannot find it, as evidenced by the absence of the fact of coin sales. But numerous cases of fakes indicate that it makes sense to acquire a copy for the collection. With some tool handling skills, you can turn the usual “4” or “7” into the number “1” in the release date. A fake costs about 4500 rubles. The original is tentatively valued at 120,000 rubles.


The coin is made of brass alloy, the color is golden. The obverse depicts George the Victorious on horseback, piercing the head of a serpent with a spear. Edge includes 105 corrugations. You can find out other characteristics of the coin if you look at the catalog of modern Russian coins.

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1 ruble and 2 rubles in 2001. Another mystery of 2001 and the Moscow Mint. The coins have not been in circulation and are of UNC (“uncirculated”) quality. This means that the cost exceeds the face value by hundreds of thousands of times. In the catalog, both coins are designated as a rarity. Copies of 2002 can be obtained at least in a set, and the cost will not exceed 3000 rubles.

Some mistakenly take the anniversary options of 1 and 2 rubles for rare expensive items. They need to be distinguished. Anniversary 1-ruble coin was issued on November 27 in honor of the 10th anniversary of the CIS in a large copy. A series of coins "Red Book", with the same denomination, will acquire special significance in numismatics after a couple of decades.

A coin with a face value of 2 rubles with Gagarin costs a little more, but is not among the rare and valuable ones (however, if there is no mint mark, the cost of a copy increases to 2,500 rubles). Collectors are looking for the most ordinary 1 and 2 rubles of 2001, which for some reason did not go into circulation, but somehow got to the townsfolk.


Regular minted coins made of copper-nickel alloy, white. The cost of each coin in 2017 is up to 70,000 rubles.

The coin has not yet been withdrawn from the monetary circulation of Russia, and serves as legal tender. Therefore, the condition can vary from "very good" to "satisfactory". Despite the fact that several dozen coins were found, they were produced in a small number of copies. Minted by the St. Petersburg Mint in the period from 2002 to 2003 and from 2005 to 2009.

Special decals on the obverse and reverse are missing, as shown in the video. The demand for the coin is more driven by its small circulation than by its significance in a socio-cultural context. Numismatists are ready to pay 10,000 rubles for a rare item.


The white disk with a diameter of 20.5 mm is made of a copper-nickel alloy and has White color. On the obverse is a standard image of a double-headed eagle with a mint mark, the year of issue is indicated below.

A running coin, which was issued by the St. Petersburg and Moscow Mints in 1997-1999, as well as in 2001. The coin is effective as a means of payment, so the chances of finding it in everyday life are high. What is the value of an old, used coin? Maximum 10 rubles, if normal. But specimens with a wide edging deserve at least 5,000 rubles. The edge must be either wide or stepped: only then can one coin become a whole treasure.

How to determine if the edge is wide? It is necessary to conditionally "draw" in the imagination the dial on the disc of the coin and look at 13.00. If the edge cuts off a branch of an ethnic floral ornament, then it is wide. If it only touches, then the copy is of no value. Wide edging is a rarity. Any coin with distinctive feature a priori is valuable. Stepped - the same wide edging, but not smooth, but embossed, with a ledge on both the obverse and the reverse.


Made from an alloy of copper and nickel. Corrugated edge.

The determining factor in the value of the coin was the small circulation. This is one of the most expensive regular circulation coins. Coins were minted only at the St. Petersburg Mint, and in a small circulation. Since 2008, they have been issued regularly, but only copies of 2003 have value. In 2017, they are estimated at 3,000 to 6,000 rubles, depending on the condition.


Material - copper-nickel alloy, standard diameter 20.5 mm.

A penny can bring a non-penny income if you can read the symbols on it. An ordinary nickel has a smooth edge, has ferromagnetic properties (magnetizes) and a smooth edge. The circulation of the coin was sufficient, so they will pay a maximum of 5 rubles for it. You need to look at the reverse. George the Victorious has already plunged a spear into the monster. What's under the horse's hoof? If it's a mint mark, you can keep the coin. If there is empty space, this is at least 2,500 rubles.

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The same applies to any coin without a mint designation - it is valuable regardless of the circulation and other conditions. A five-kopeck coin that is not attracted by a magnet is also rare and is of value.


The coin is made of nickel silver plated steel. Produced by the Moscow and St. Petersburg mints.

The cost of coins in the numismatic market will exceed the face value by several tens of times only in case of good preservation. The circulation of coins does not allow us to talk about their rarity: 200 million were issued by the Moscow Mint and about 300 million by the St. Petersburg Mint. The mint has little effect on the value of this coin.

But the main role is played by the location of the exotic branches of the ornament. If the branch is located too close to the edge or as far as possible from it, the owner of the coin will receive about 500-800 rubles. for a well-preserved copy. However, at the philistine level, the authenticity of this characteristic cannot be determined. Whether the standards are violated, only an expert can say.


Ordinary coin made of copper-nickel alloy. Standard obverse pattern 1997

1 ruble "Pushkin" 1999. Despite the 10 million circulation, the demand for the coin does not fade away. They will pay 400-500 rubles for it. The coin was minted in 1999 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin. The obverse is identical to the obverses of coins with the same denomination of the 1997 coin. The reverse is Pushkin's self-portrait with the inscription "Alexander Pushkin". A little lower are the years of the life of the famous Russian poet. The coin is still in circulation in Russia. The same coin, but without the sign of the court, will cost several thousand rubles.


Material - copper-nickel alloy. White disc with a soft matte sheen.

A large five-ruble coin completes the list of the 10 most expensive coins in Russia. Neither the circulation nor the design of the coin attracts attention, and its value ranges from face value to 45 rubles. It was produced by both mints, however, a copy of the Moscow Mint with a deflated mark is of particular value to the numismatist.

It is located on the obverse under the paw of a double-headed eagle and is almost invisible. But if it is slightly lowered, then it catches the eye. The coin can be sold for 500 rubles.


Minted from copper clad with cupronickel. The diameter is 25 mm, the edge includes 60 corrugations.

To clarify some characteristics and data, a table is useful, which contains information about each coin. It usually contains the following information:

  • Year of issue of the coin;
  • Denomination;
  • Information about the location, whether it is possible to buy a coin and under what conditions;
  • Value for UNC quality.
Both the collector and the dreamer need to remember that the most expensive coin is the rarest coin. 250 000 rub. (the cost of the most expensive coin) are not lying on the road, and such a copy can hardly be obtained along with change in a store.

In the first half of the 2000s, people appeared who began to buy coins from the population, offering them several times their face value. Many then willingly agreed to this, not understanding what was the matter, joyfully selling ordinary money, considering the buyers a little eccentric. But, as it turned out, these people were not eccentrics. On the contrary, they turned out to be enterprising and were able to earn many times more from it.

There was no Internet then, therefore, in order to reduce the number of competitors, these people did not particularly talk about why they were buying ordinary money, offering dozens of times more than they cost. The truth became known later, when it turned out that some modern money in circulation has certain features, came out in a limited edition, or something else.

For example, officially, according to the documents, in 2001, fifty-kopeck, 1 and 2 ruble coins were not issued. However, some numismatists have them in stock, which suggests that such coins, by mistake, most likely, were minted and put into circulation in that year.

What is their value? No, they are not made from any precious metals etc., they are simply collected by numismatists who are ready to pay much more than their face value for a rare coin. Dozens of times, and sometimes tens of thousands of times. For example, if someone decides to put 50 kopeck coin 2001 release at auction, its value can reach 100 thousand rubles and higher.

Having learned about such coins, many rushed to their purses, wallets, piggy banks. Those who found them at home, most likely, have already sold. But there are those who were not particularly interested in all this, and perhaps somewhere he still had such valuable coins. After all, not everyone is looking for such coins, therefore, they can be in free circulation only because no one has ever paid attention to them, or did not know that they are of high value. Even if you do not look for and collect such coins purposefully, you can make a small revision in your wallet every time and check if there is anything of value there. What if you get lucky?! So, see our list of the most expensive coins of the Russian Federation.

Among ten rubles, 4 types of such coins are considered the most expensive:

Ten-ruble coin "Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug", which appeared 2010 year. Now on the market for it, on average, numismatists and just collectors give 16,000 rubles.

10 rubles Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: photo

Ten-ruble coin "Chechen Republic" which saw the light in 2010 year. For her numismatists collectors give 8500 rubles.

10 rubles Chechen Republic: photo

Ten-ruble coin "Perm Territory", which also saw the light of day in 2010 year. They will give for it 3500 - 4000 rubles.

10 rubles Perm region: photo

Ten-ruble coin "Republic of North Ossetia-Alania", which was minted and issued in 2013 year. Its approximate market value is approx. 3500 rubles. We must not forget about the ones that will be released in 2018. At the end of this year maybe

10 rubles Republic of North Ossetia Alania: photo

However, the rarest and, accordingly, the most expensive ten-rouble coin is a coin that was released in 2011 and minted in the northern capital ( SPMD). Only 13 of these coins were issued. The peculiarity of these coins is that in that year 10-ruble coins were to be issued only at the Moscow Mint. In the St. Petersburg Mint, several pieces were produced by mistake, and because of this mistake they became the object of close attention of numismatists. You can distinguish an SPMD coin from a coin by the mint icon under the left paw of the double-headed eagle. In auctions, connoisseurs are ready to pay for it from 100 thousand rubles and more.

The most expensive 10 ruble coin in Russia: 10 rubles SPMD 2011 (photo)

The above coins are very rare. Many were found in a single copy.

Expensive commemorative coins of Russia

Usually it's ten rubles again. But, not all of them are expensive. The most expensive are the above dozens. They can also be attributed to the jubilee, because their release was timed to coincide with some significant dates these subjects of the Russian Federation, which are depicted on them. As for the rest of the commemorative coins, their price is not so high. Rare commemorative coins include:

  • "Politruk" dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War

10 rubles Politruk: photo

  • "Gagarin", minted and issued for the 40th anniversary of the flight of the first man into space

10 rubles Gagarin: photo

  • coins of various ministries and departments, for example, Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Internal Affairs etc.

10 rubles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: photo

10 rubles MFA: photo

  • "Population census"

10 rubles Population census: photo

Their value does not exceed 250−300 rubles, because they were issued in large quantities, are in circulation and are stored at ordinary people and not from collectors.

Other expensive modern coins in Russia

Ruble coins:

  • 1 ruble (1997 Moscow) with a wide edging stands on average on the market 8-9 thousand rubles.
  • 1 ruble (2001. Moscow) stands on the market on average from 100-110 thousand rubles and more.
  • 1 ruble (2002 Moscow and joint venture) stands on the market on average 9-10 thousand rubles.
  • 1 ruble (2003 JV) stands on the market on average 25-30 thousand rubles. also worthy of attention.

Five-ruble notes:

  • (1999. JV) costs an average of 90-110 thousand rubles.
  • 5 rubles (1999. SPMD) is on the market from 200-260 thousand rubles.
  • 5 rubles (2001. Moscow) costs an average of 90-110 thousand rubles on the market.
  • AT 2002 5-five-ruble notes were issued, on which forgot to specify the mint, where they were minted, stand about 8-11 thousand rubles.
  • 5 rubles (2002. SP and Moscow) are on the market for about 8-10 thousand rubles.
  • 5 rubles (2003 SPMD) stands on the market on average 13-16 thousand rubles.
  • 5 rubles (2006 SPMD) stands on the market on average from 90-110 thousand rubles.

Two-ruble coins:

  • 2 rubles (2001 Moscow) today costs an average of 90-110 thousand rubles.
  • 2 rubles (2002 Moscow and joint venture) today on the market costs from 8-10 thousand rubles.
  • 2 rubles (2003. SPMD) on the market today costs from 17-19 thousand rubles.

Valuable penny coins:

  • 50 kopecks (1999. SP) are now at 90-110 thousand rubles, like coins with the same denomination, but minted already in 2001 in Moscow (M).
  • 5 kopecks, minted in 2002, which did not indicate the mint, stand 8-10 thousand rubles.

Who can sell these coins?

AT major cities there are special companies, shops where you can hand over such a coin or put it up for sale by paying a commission on profits. You can also, without contacting anyone, simply put up a coin on the Internet for sale using bulletin boards or specialized sites dedicated to this topic, where appropriate sites are provided so that those who wish can sell or purchase the coins they are interested in.

See also a video about the most expensive coins of modern Russia:

Among the millions of modern coins that we use for calculations, there are real rarities. These are banknotes, either existing in very small quantities, or with features inherent exclusively to them. For example, unique samples of metal money, for the minting of which stamps with the missing trademark of the manufacturer were mistakenly used. Enthusiastic people who are ready to part for a rare copy with a considerable amount, sometimes comparable to the cost of a new car, become their owners.

Speaking about the coins of modern Russia, we will mean metal money from non-precious alloys, which have been produced since 1991 and continue to be issued by the Bank of Russia today. The review below will be useful to novice collectors who want to get information about the most valuable coins of Russia and find out how much this or that collectible item costs.

Catalog with prices of rare Russian coins (by year of issue)

The inflation that hit the country in the early nineties of the last century led to the issuance of metallic money large denomination, which are in circulation for a short time and soon denominated. Each copy reflected the changes characteristic of the coins of this period. New words “BANK OF RUSSIA” appeared, a double-headed eagle was minted on the reverse, and only reminders in the form of a five-pointed star, a wheat ear and an oak branch remained from the Soviet symbols. Every year the market value of banknotes issued in 1992 increases.

The most expensive is a rare magnetic 10 ruble coin of the Moscow factory, erroneously made on a steel billet instead of a standard copper-nickel one.


In 1993, mints began to produce tens and twenties from steel, but a meager number of last year's copper-nickel blanks were still put into production. This explains the value of non-magnetic money. This is especially true for banknotes with the emblem of the Leningrad Mint.

Some sources claim that LMD bimetallic 50 rubles were erroneously included in selected bank sets of improved quality in 1992. A fifty-ruble coin (bimetal) with the year of minting "1993" is considered a numismatic treasure and is valued at auctions in the amount of about 150 thousand rubles.


It was this year that became the date of birth of a real numismatic legend - a copper coin with cupronickel plating in denominations of 5 rubles. The place of manufacture of the rarity is the St. Petersburg Mint. The first authentic copy, discussions about the origin of which either subside, then flare up with new force, was put up for sale in 2009 at a price exceeding 200 thousand rubles. Subsequently, information appeared on the Internet about the discovery of several more five-ruble coins of 1999.

A little later, it became known about the discovery of 5 kopecks in 1999. This coin was also not mass-produced, but in numismatic catalogs you can find its photo, which speaks of the real existence of a rare banknote.

year 2001

The beginning of the new millennium is a period of pleasant surprises for everyone who is passionate about collecting base coins modern Russia. It was then that the rarest specimens appeared, the names of which were not mentioned in official sources. The minting of these banknotes was not planned, but by some miracle they were made and, moreover, left the mints. High-quality pictures of valuable coins of 2001 from time to time appear on numismatic sites, and the authenticity of individual copies is even confirmed by experts.

Also on the 2001 list is the so-called commemorative coin. In honor of the 40th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's first space flight, the Bank of Russia issued commemorative 2-ruble banknotes. The large circulation was equally divided between the coin enterprises of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Almost all kopeck pieces that have entered circulation are marked with the mint mark. However, a small part of the copies remained without an emblem, by which one can determine the place of their manufacture. It is these samples with Gagarin that today are highly valued by collectors who are ready to part with 12 thousand for the sake of owning a rare two-ruble coin.


For the badge of the factories that produce coins, on modern kopecks there is a place under the front hooves of the horse. If on a five-kopeck coin of 2002 at the indicated point there are no letters "S-P" or "M", then for such a banknote you can get 9 thousand rubles.

Photo: 5 kopecks 2002. Notice the mint mark.
Obverse with the badge "M" (regular) Reverse Obverse without letters (valuable)

Rubles of 2002 were produced in a small circulation by the coin factories of St. Petersburg and Moscow only for annual souvenir sets. But it is possible to meet such expensive rubles in circulation.


In 2003, the St. Petersburg Mint minted the most common coins in denominations of 1, 2 and 5 rubles. Circulation data are unknown, but in all likelihood it was small. This is evidenced by the high demand for metal money that entered mass circulation this year, as well as the willingness of collectors to buy rare items at rather high prices. According to one version, the employees of the enterprise minted each of these denominations in a circulation of 15,000 copies. All products were planned to be sold in the form of bank sets. However, something unforeseen happened, which did not allow the plan developed to be realized. That is how they got into circulation. Currently, this money, as well as more than a decade ago, is legal tender, but it is very difficult to find it.

The most interesting thing is that not only SPMD rubles were found in circulation, but also with the MMD badge, which are even rarer.

Also in the catalog of valuable money dated 2003, 5 kopecks without letters are included. A version of the execution of an ordinary banknote, on which there is no designation of the manufacturer (the letters "M" or "S-P"), can bring 3 thousand rubles.


Three issues of 10-ruble bimetallic coins are extremely popular with numismatists. The reason for the high demand and the willingness of collectors to pay for commemorative gold pieces made of inexpensive alloys is quite significant amounts lies in the record-breaking small circulation. The number of coins dedicated to the Chechen Republic amounted to only 100 thousand copies. The current value of these coins in good condition is 7-8 thousand rubles.

Exactly the same number of bimetallic chervonets dedicated to the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region. Today, the actual cost of these discs has reached the mark of 10 thousand rubles and also continues to increase. The difference in the price of the two issues is explained by the smaller number of dozens of "Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug", preserved in "bag" (excellent) condition. The fact is that almost the entire circulation of coins "Chechnya" immediately after the release turned out to be resellers. And a significant part of the YaNAO coins was in circulation, so the price of a few well-preserved specimens is higher.

Chervonets "Permsky Krai" were issued with a circulation of 200,000 copies. To buy one such copy, you will have to part with an amount equal to three thousand rubles.


This year, the Moscow Mint was engaged in the production of metal banknotes of regular coinage. The plant in St. Petersburg, apparently, was also preparing for their release in 2011. He even minted a few trial coins of each denomination, but their mass production never took place. Such unique products are valued at amounts exceeding 100 thousand.

year 2012

The nature of the appearance of rubles and kopecks in 2012 with the letters "SPMD" is shrouded in mystery, since only the Moscow plant carried out mass production this year. Nevertheless, the collections of the richest numismatists also contain such rare money.

What coins from circulation can be earned?

The specimens listed above have a very high numismatic value, but to be honest, finding most of them is almost impossible. But what expensive coins you can catch and sell profitably, you will learn from the next video!

Valuable varieties and coins with defects

The catalog above does not take into account rare varieties and coin marriages.

Varieties. Banknotes, united by one denomination, year of issue and the emblem of the manufacturer, but having differences (sometimes elusive without a strong increase in the coin) in inscriptions, drawings, etc. are called varieties. Basically, such varieties appear due to the use of various stamps in the production. For example, a variety of 10 rubles in 2013 without a dot at the bottom of the number 3 is estimated at over a hundred thousand, since this type of performance of a dozen is almost impossible to find.

If you want to study and search for expensive varieties, you need to turn to popular catalogs, in which you will find several dozen variations of modern metal money, the price of which starts from a thousand rubles.

Coins with marriage. Spoiled money at mints can be a profitable find, and the more unique the coin, the greater its price. Banknotes, minted not on their blanks, with significant bites and cracks, can be estimated by collectors up to several thousand rubles.

Examples of coins with marriage
2 rubles in 2009, a coin marriage - a double blow, is estimated at 15 thousand rubles. 2 rubles in 2009, a smaller blank was used, the approximate price is 10-15 thousand rubles. 2 rubles in 1999, strong unmarked obverse, estimated at 1-2 thousand rubles.

We recommend that you carefully look at the metal money you have and do not miss your chance to find a valuable coin. After all, many owners of expensive collections began an exciting journey into the world of numismatics full of secrets and unexpected discoveries with one rare coin that happened to be among the little things in their wallet.

Turn over your piggy banks, do not miss a single coin that passes through your hands without inspection! And for the evaluation of coins, we have prepared convenient catalogs: