Osiris new dawn pink screen. solution of problems. Osiris: New Dawn has no sound. I can not hear anything. Solution

List of features Osiris: New Dawn looks incredible, if not impossible. We are waiting for a multiplayer survival adventure in a futuristic scenery, complete with crafting and building a base, plus the opportunity to notably shoot in the first person. If the developer Fenix ​​Fire if you manage to make it all work - the game has every chance of becoming a hit on Windows PC (release on current generation consoles is planned later).

Initially, we were not going to make our project so ambitious. It's just a game we always wanted to play Brian McRae, developer

At the beginning of the game, you can join two factions: the United Nations of the Earth, or the Outlanders, which the developers liken to space pirates. Players who choose the UN will start on a planet similar to Mars, "outsiders" on a snowy planet similar to Hoth from the Star Wars universe.

Immediately after the launch, we will have to collect the scattered components of the shuttle, extract food and resources for the construction of the base camp using tools that have real analogues in NASA.

Total in Osiris: New Dawn there will be 3 classes: scientist, marine and engineer. Their characteristics will be slightly different, but each will have a single-shot energy pistol in their arsenal and assault rifle. You can also switch between first and third person view.

Each of the starting planets will be filled with representatives of the indigenous flora and fauna, among which there are huge worms, as in Frank Herbert's Dune. Yes, yes, references to science fiction icons are not always a bad thing. For example, if you are making a sci-fi game.

We wanted all the creatures to look and behave naturally for the given environment. For example, some predators will behave like velociraptors: while one or two will attack the player, the rest will try to surround him. Brian McRae

But O:ND- this is not a project about killing everything you see. The player will be able to tame many creatures and ride them. According to the developers, in this regard, their project resembles Ark: Survival Evolved(we would even say strongly reminiscent), the team of which helped in the development of some gameplay elements Osiris: New Dawn.

In addition to animals, the game will feature base building mechanics that will allow you to create large, habitable structures. They will be modular, so that the gamer can change, mix and match them as he wants. A range of vehicles will also be present: hoverbikes (flying motorcycles), 8-wheeled buses, tanks, Sahulanthrope's 9m 'Mechs, rockets, spaceships and entire stations.

In the future, we want to offer the ability to craft vehicles. We will allow players to be able to choose which parts you want to put on your mech, tank or hover bus. Brian McRae

In the near future, 10 separate servers will be launched, where players will be able to explore 60 square kilometers of the territory of an alien planet.

It takes two to three hours to walk from one end to the other. The locations and the entire game environment were created “manually”, without procedural generation. We resorted to it only to create erosion and various mountain deposits.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the multiplayer component, so that it will be possible to colonize a distant world together with other players. Gamers will have to work together to build a successful colony and together defend against aggressive alien fauna, survive cataclysms like meteor showers and defend against attacks from other players' colonies. If the settlement reaches sufficient development, it will even be possible to build spaceships and go to other planets.


Osiris: New Dawn could fix all of No Mans Sky's bugs, or it could be another flop that risks burying the entire alien survival sim genre. We will find out already on September 28, when the release will take place in Steam Early Access.

Brief description and useful information

Small disclaimer: Uv. AkylaShark, stop stealing information from my guide, didn't give you permission to do so.

Osiris: New Dawn- action-adventure mmo in a sci-fi setting.

In a nutshell about the plot

2046 year. Mankind already owns, though not perfect, but working technology of interstellar flights.

You are one of the colonizers of the second wave, sent to the system Gliese 581
( ) to search for and study habitable planets. While landing, your ship crashes, but you manage to survive.

From now on, your future fate depends only on you.

A little about the developers

Osiris: New Dawn is being developed by Fenix ​​Fire Entertainment consisting of only three people. The game was first shown at PAX West 2016 and has been available for purchase on Steam Early-Access since September 28.


Official website of the game:

Official site of developers:

Discussions for feedback, feature requests and bug reports:
(developers review them regularly)

Official English game wiki:

List of control buttons

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to remap control buttons in the game. You can see the list of assigned buttons when loading the game, and the settings menu or use this list:

  • Esc- Main menu
  • ~ - Autorun
  • 1-8 - Quick tool/weapon slots
  • E- Pick up/remove current tool or weapon
  • R- Reloading weapons
  • F- Use/pick up/open container/interact with other players
  • V- Camera change
  • M- Task list
  • Q- Cancel/skip the current task
  • Space- Jump (hold to use Jetpack)
  • Left Ctrl- sit down
  • Left Shift- Sprint
  • Left Shift+RMB- Quick transfer of items between inventories
  • L- Torch
  • R- Recharge
  • Enter- Start typing a message in a chat
  • Tab- Character Menu/Inventory
  • C- Cancel the last order to the droid

User interface (UI)

Standard Equipment

In Osiris, the player starts with a standard set of equipment that cannot be lost if killed. In other words, the player will respawn every time with this set of items in their inventory:

Buildings in Osiris are divided into three types:

  • Auxiliary buildings(they can only be placed outside)
  • Building
  • Interior objects(they, respectively, can only be placed inside buildings)

Auxiliary buildings

  • beacon(Lighthouse)
    The beacon can be used to track interesting places on the map. Radar is used to get directions to a specific beacon ( Map).
  • Depository(Storage)
    The vault is an outdoor container where the player or droid can store the contents of their inventory.
  • Flag(Flag)
    The flag is used as decoration for your colony.
  • Forge(horn)
    The main production facility, which should be one of the first to be built. In the forge, you can make some useful tools and materials necessary for further development.
  • Large Gas Tank and Small Gas Tank(Large and small gas tanks)
    Tanks are used to store gases and refuel ships. Unfortunately on this moment they are not available for construction.
  • Large Satellite(Large satellite dish)
    Designed to improve the functionality of the Radar. Several configuration options are planned, depending on which it will be possible to track animals, resources, and even other players.
  • Large Solar Panel(Large solar panel)
    It is a source of energy for buildings at the base, and can also be used to recharge vehicles and repair droids. Not working at the moment!
  • marker(Marker)
    A small decorative flag used to mark exploration in the world of the place.
  • Inflatable Dome(inflatable dome)
    This building can be used as a portable home. In it, you can save your progress, improve your health and replenish oxygen. The inflatable dome is available among the starting equipment of any colonist.
  • air lock(Atmospheric lock)
    A sealed structure that allows communication between zones with different pressures, different gas composition of the atmosphere on both sides of the device. Used as an entrance to your base. Without the use of a gateway, your base will not be considered airtight!
  • Habitat(Habitable module)
    Multifunctional compartment in which you can place a variety of different equipment. Several configuration options are available for module walls: solid wall, wall with a window, Connecting opening to add extensions.
  • Barracks(Barracks)
    A module that can accommodate various household items and devices, such as a shower or seating area. At the moment, not one of the objects of the interior of the barracks has no use.
  • Bio Dome(Biosphere)
    The biosphere is used as a greenhouse in which food and other resources can later be grown.
  • hallway(The corridor)
    It is intended for connection of compartments of base among themselves.
  • Laboratory(Laboratory)
    A production facility with which you can collect all types of available equipment.

Interior objects

  • bed(Bed)
    Can be placed in Habitat or Barracks
    When used, restores some health and saves the player's progress.
  • Chemistry table(Chemist's table)
    Can be placed in the Habitat
    With it, you can synthesize plastic, rubber, as well as some medicines and liquids.
  • Climate controller(Air conditioner)
    Can be placed in the Housing Bay
    Maintains a comfortable temperature inside the base.
  • computer desk(Table with computer)
    Can be placed in Barracks
    Planned as a database on various aspects of the game. Not working at the moment!
  • Couch(Sofa)
    Can be placed in Barracks
    A place of entertainment and relaxation. Not working at the moment!
  • Crates(Boxes)

    Warehouse is small.
  • fabricator(Assembly table)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    Used to produce high-level materials and components.
  • Kitchen(Kitchen)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    In the kitchen, you can cook meat or other more sophisticated dishes.
  • oxygenator(oxygen generator) Can be placed in the Hab
    Fills base compartments with breathable air. Having installed one at your base, you will be able to replenish oxygen while being inside hermetic rooms.
  • shower(Shower)
    Can be placed in Barracks
    Not working at the moment!
  • storage locker(Cupboard)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    Large warehouse.
  • water reclaimer(water collector)
    Can be placed in the Hab
    Using the water collector, you can quench your thirst or replenish water supplies in containers carried in the inventory.

List of all tasks with translation

  • Use Patch Tape to fix suit breach- Repair your suit with Isoletna.
  • Press [v] toggle camera perspective- Press "V" to change camera.
  • Find survival kit- Find a survival kit.
  • Find ammo box- Find an ammo kit.
  • Find Inflatable Dome Kit- Find an inflatable dome.
  • Build Inflatable Domes- Place the inflatable dome.
  • Save inside Inflatable Dome- Save in the dome.
  • Search for minerals to build Forge- Find and gather resources to build the Forge.
  • Build Forge- Build the Horn.
  • Search for minerals to build Habitat- Find and collect resources to build the Hab.
  • Build Habitat- Build the Hab.
  • Inspect missing habitat panel with Multi-Tool- Explore one of the missing walls of the Hab with the Multi-Tool.
  • Search for minerals to build and complete Habitat structure- Find and collect resources to complete the walls of the Hab.
  • Search for minerals to build Airlock- Find and collect resources to build the Gateway.
  • Build Airlock on Habitat coupler- Build a Gateway at the entrance to the Hab.
  • Build Chemistry Table in Habitat- Build a Lab Table in the Hab.
  • Build Fabricator in Habitat- Build an Assembly Table in the Hab.
  • Build Oxygenator in Habitat- Build an Oxygen Generator in the Hab.
  • Build Bed in Habitat- Build a Bed in the Hab.
  • Save your progress at Bed- Save in the Habitat using the Bed.

Online game

There are two types of servers available for a multiplayer game: Public ( Public) and Private ( Private respectively). Playing online with randoms or friends is very simple:

Public servers

To play on public servers:

  • Go to menu section Multiplayer -> Public
  • Choose any server you like from the available ones in the list

Private server to play with friends

To play on your personal server:

  • Go to menu section Multiplayer -> Private
  • Create a new universe with the necessary settings
  • In the next window, select the friends you want to invite to the server
  • Create a new character or choose an existing one
  • It remains to choose the universe you created from the list
To change the world settings or invite new players - go to the customization menu by pressing the button Customize in the universe selection list.

Creation of a colony and joint play

To create a colony, go to the character menu (button " Tab"), press the Colony button above the character's name and give it a name. After that, you can invite other players to join the colony by interacting with them with the " F".

ATTENTION! It is best to create a colony immediately after the start of the game, otherwise the allies will not be able to use the buildings that you built before the creation of the colony!

Known bugs

  • Occasionally, items from the colony's public vaults may go missing.
  • The character can get stuck on rooftops or in doorways.
  • There may be minor problems with object collision.
  • After restarting the game, the name of the colony may not be displayed correctly.
  • Mobs sometimes just disappear after death.
  • Fur is currently not available for crafting.
  • Problems with texture proportions in barracks and habitation module.
  • Suit color in the character menu ( Tab) is out of sync with the selected color.
  • The blueprint system has not yet been introduced.
  • Barracks are not sealed.
  • Sometimes corridors disappear, and sometimes they cannot be built.
  • Problems with finding the path of mobs in some situations.
The list is being updated...

Questions from the players (from the comments to the guide)

  • Has anyone else run into a single player problem. I can't launch it. I join publics without problems, but the sing does not work.
    As it became known later (thanks to the one who asked this question) - Single player game may not run if you have spaces or special characters in your Steam nickname.
  • How to start local multiplayer?
    Read about the server launch and other details of the multiplayer game in the "Multiplayer game" section.
  • Where to mine Azurium?
    Azurnium is mined in space, on asteroids located there. Sometimes it can be found on the planet in the form of fallen asteroids.
  • How to fix a droid?
    The droid can be repaired with the Multi-Tool.
  • What to do if a droid is destroyed?
    So far, there is no way to restore it in the game. Just save and re-enter the game - the droid will appear next to you, safe and sound.
  • Can a worm be killed?
    So far, there is no such possibility.
  • How to invite a friend to a party?!
    First you need to create a colony, and then go to a friend and invite him by pressing the "F" button. More detailed information- in the "Multiplayer" section of the guide.
  • Oxygen in the spacesuit is restored by itself (unless, of course, it has reached zero percent), is this a bug or am I not understanding something?
    No, this is not a bug, everything is as it should be. To spend less oxygen, you should use the Jetpack more often. You can also restore oxygen in the Inflatable Dome or Habitat (if an Oxygen Generator is installed there).

Unfortunately, there are flaws in games: brakes, low FPS, crashes, freezes, bugs and other minor and not very errors. Often problems begin before the game even starts, when it won't install, won't load, or won't even download. Yes, and the computer itself is sometimes weird, and then in Osiris: New Dawn, instead of a picture, a black screen, control does not work, no sound is heard or anything else.

What to do first

  1. Download and run the world famous CCleaner(download from a direct link) is a program that will clean your computer of unnecessary garbage, as a result of which the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers in the system using the program Driver Updater(download via direct link) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to the latest version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install Advanced System Optimizer(download from a direct link) and turn on the game mode in it, which will end useless background processes during game launch and increase performance in the game.

The second thing to do if you encounter any problems with Osiris: New Dawn is to check the system requirements. In a good way, you need to do this even before the purchase, so as not to regret the money spent.

Osiris: New Dawn Minimum System Requirements:

Windows 7 | 64-bit OS, Intel i5, 4 GB RAM, 5 GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 keyboard

Every gamer should at least have a little understanding of the components, to know why a video card, processor and other things are needed in the system unit.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device in a computer requires a set of special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that ensure the correct operation of the computer.

It's worth starting with the drivers for the video card. Modern graphic cards manufactured by only two large companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having found out which product spins the coolers in the system unit, we go to the official website and download the package of fresh drivers:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of Osiris: New Dawn is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to download quickly and easily latest versions drivers and install them with one click:

If Osiris: New Dawn does not start, we recommend that you try disabling your antivirus or put the game in antivirus exceptions, and also check again for compliance system requirements and if something from your assembly does not match, then, if possible, improve your PC by purchasing more powerful components.

Osiris: New Dawn has black screen, white screen, color screen. Solution

Problems with screens of different colors can be roughly divided into 2 categories.

Firstly, they are often associated with the use of two video cards at once. For example, if your motherboard has an integrated video card, but you are playing on a discrete one, then Osiris: New Dawn may run on the built-in one for the first time, while you will not see the game itself, because the monitor is connected to a discrete video card.

Secondly, color screens happen when there are problems with displaying the image on the screen. This can happen for various reasons. For example, Osiris: New Dawn cannot work through an outdated driver or does not support a video card. Also black/ White screen may be displayed when running at resolutions that are not supported by the game.

Osiris: New Dawn crashes. At a certain or random moment. Solution

You play for yourself, play and here - bam! - everything goes out, and now you have a desktop without any hint of the game. Why is this happening? To solve the problem, it is worth trying to figure out what the nature of the problem is.

If the flight takes place in random moment time without any regularity, then with a probability of 99% we can say that this is a mistake of the game itself. In this case, it is very difficult to fix something, and it is best to just put Osiris: New Dawn aside and wait for the patch.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash. In addition, you can download the Osiris: New Dawn save and bypass the departure point.

Osiris: New Dawn freezes. The picture freezes. Solution

The situation is about the same as with crashes: many freezes are directly related to the game itself, or rather, to the developer's mistake when creating it. However, a frozen picture can often become a starting point for investigating the deplorable state of a video card or processor.

So if the picture in Osiris: New Dawn freezes, then use the programs to display statistics on the loading of components. Perhaps your video card has long exhausted its working life or the processor is heating up to dangerous temperatures?

The easiest way to check the loading and temperatures for the video card and processors is in the MSI Afterburner program. If desired, you can even display these and many other parameters on top of the Osiris: New Dawn image.

What temperatures are dangerous? Processors and video cards have different operating temperatures. For video cards, they are usually 60-80 degrees Celsius. The processors are slightly lower - 40-70 degrees. If the processor temperature is higher, then you should check the condition of the thermal paste. It may have dried out and needs to be replaced.

If the video card is heating up, then you should use the driver or the official utility from the manufacturer. You need to increase the number of revolutions of the coolers and see if the operating temperature drops.

Osiris: New Dawn slows down. Low FPS. Frame rate drops. Solution

With stutters and low frame rates in Osiris: New Dawn, the first step is to lower the graphics settings. Of course, there are a lot of them, so before reducing everything in a row, you should find out exactly how certain settings affect performance.

Screen resolution. In short, this is the number of points that make up the picture of the game. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. However, the increase in load is negligible, so reducing the screen resolution should only be the very last resort, when everything else does not help.

Texture quality. Typically, this setting determines the resolution of texture files. Decrease the quality of textures if the video card has a small margin of video memory (less than 4 GB) or if you are using a very old hard drive with a spindle speed of less than 7200.

Model quality(sometimes just details). This setting determines which set of 3D models will be used in the game. The higher the quality, the more polygons. Accordingly, high-poly models require more processing power of the video card (not to be confused with the amount of video memory!), which means that this parameter should be reduced on video cards with a low core or memory frequency.

Shadows. They are implemented in different ways. In some games, shadows are created dynamically, that is, they are calculated in real time every second of the game. Such dynamic shadows load both the processor and the video card. In order to optimize, developers often abandon the full-fledged rendering and add shadow pre-rendering to the game. They are static, because in fact they are just textures that are superimposed on top of the main textures, which means they load memory, and not the core of the video card.

Often, developers add additional settings related to shadows:

  • Shadow Resolution - determines how detailed the shadow cast by the object will be. If the game has dynamic shadows, then it loads the core of the video card, and if a pre-created render is used, then it “eats” the video memory.
  • Soft shadows - smoothing out bumps on the shadows themselves, usually this option is given along with dynamic shadows. Regardless of the type of shadows, it loads the video card in real time.

Smoothing. Allows you to get rid of ugly corners at the edges of objects by using a special algorithm, the essence of which is usually to generate several images at once and compare them, calculating the most “smooth” image. There are many different anti-aliasing algorithms that differ in their level of impact on the performance of Osiris: New Dawn.

For example, MSAA works "head on", creating 2, 4 or 8 renders at once, so the frame rate is reduced by 2, 4 or 8 times, respectively. Algorithms such as FXAA and TAA operate a little differently, achieving a smooth image by calculating only the edges and using some other tricks. Because of this, they do not reduce performance as much.

Lighting. As in the case of anti-aliasing, there are different algorithms for lighting effects: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. All of them use the resources of the video card, but they do it differently depending on the video card itself. The fact is that the HBAO algorithm was promoted mainly on video cards from Nvidia (GeForce line), so it works best on the "green" ones. HDAO, on the other hand, is optimized for AMD graphics cards. SSAO is the simplest type of lighting, it consumes the least resources, so in case of slowdowns in Osiris: New Dawn, it is worth switching to it.

What should be lowered first? Shadows, anti-aliasing, and lighting effects are usually the most stressful, so it's best to start with them.

Often gamers themselves have to optimize Osiris: New Dawn. For almost all major releases, there are various related and forums where users share their ways to improve productivity.

One of them is a special program called Advanced System Optimizer. It is made specifically for those who do not want to manually clean up the computer from various temporary files, delete unnecessary registry entries and edit the startup list. Advanced System Optimizer will do this for you, as well as analyze your computer to find out how you can improve performance in applications and games.

Osiris: New Dawn is lagging. Big game delay. Solution

Many people confuse "lag" with "lag", but these problems have completely different causes. Osiris: New Dawn slows down when the frame rate at which the image is displayed on the monitor decreases, and lags when the delay when accessing the server or any other host is too high.

That is why "lags" can only be in network games. The reasons are different: bad network code, physical distance from servers, network congestion, incorrectly configured router, low Internet connection speed.

However, the latter is the least common. In online games, communication between the client and the server occurs by exchanging relatively short messages, so even 10 MB per second should be enough for the eyes.

Osiris: New Dawn has no sound. I can not hear anything. Solution

Osiris: New Dawn works, but for some reason does not sound - this is another problem that gamers face. Of course, you can play like that, but it's still better to figure out what's the matter.

First you need to determine the scope of the problem. Where exactly is there no sound - only in the game or in general on the computer? If only in the game, then perhaps this is due to the fact that the sound card is very old and does not support DirectX.

If there is no sound at all, then the matter is definitely in the computer settings. The drivers might not be installed correctly sound card, or maybe there is no sound due to some specific error of our favorite Windows OS.

Controls not working in Osiris: New Dawn. Osiris: New Dawn does not see the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Solution

How to play if it is impossible to control the process? The problems of supporting specific devices are irrelevant here, because we are talking about familiar devices - keyboard, mouse and controller.

Thus, errors in the game itself are practically excluded, almost always the problem is on the user's side. You can solve it in different ways, but, one way or another, you will have to turn to the driver. Usually, when you connect a new device, the operating system immediately tries to use one of the standard drivers, but some models of keyboards, mice, and gamepads are incompatible with them.

Thus, you need to find out the exact model of the device and try to find exactly its driver. Often, devices from well-known gaming brands come with their own software kits, since the standard Windows driver simply cannot ensure the correct operation of all the functions of a particular device.

If you don’t want to look for drivers for all devices separately, you can use the program Driver Updater. It is designed to automatically search for drivers, so you only need to wait for the scan results and download the necessary drivers in the program interface.

Often, the brakes in Osiris: New Dawn can be caused by viruses. In this case, there is no difference how powerful the video card is in the system unit. You can check your computer and clean it of viruses and other unwanted software using special programs. For example NOD32 . The antivirus has proven itself from the best side and has received the approval of millions of users around the world.

Suitable for both personal use and small businesses, ZoneAlarm is able to protect your computer with operating system Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP from any attacks: phishing, viruses, malware, spyware and other cyber threats. New users are given a 30-day free trial.

Nod32 is an antivirus from ESET, which has received many awards for its contribution to the development of security. Versions of anti-virus programs for both PC and mobile devices are available on the developer's website, a 30-day trial version is provided. There are special conditions for business.

Osiris: New Dawn torrent download not working. Solution

If the distribution kit of the game was downloaded via torrent, then in principle there can be no guarantees of work. Torrents and repacks are almost never updated through official applications and do not work over the network, because in the course of hacking, hackers cut out all network functions from games, which are often used to check the license.

Such versions of games are not only inconvenient to use, but even dangerous, because very often many files have been changed in them. For example, to bypass protection, pirates modify an EXE file. However, no one knows what else they do with it. Maybe they embed self-executing software. For example, which, when the game is first launched, will be integrated into the system and will use its resources to ensure the well-being of hackers. Or, giving access to the computer to third parties. There are no guarantees and there cannot be.

In addition, the use pirated versions- this, according to our publication, theft. The developers have spent a lot of time creating the game, investing their own money in the hope that their offspring will pay off. And every work must be paid.

Therefore, if you encounter any problems with games downloaded from torrents or hacked using certain means, you should immediately remove the "pirate", clean your computer with an antivirus and licensed copy games. This will not only save you from questionable software, but also allow you to download updates for the game and receive official support from its creators.

Osiris: New Dawn throws an error about a missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with the absence of DLLs occur when you start Osiris: New Dawn, however, sometimes the game can access certain DLLs in the process and, without finding them, crash in the most impudent way.

To fix this error, you need to find the required DLL and install it on the system. The easiest way to do this is with a program. DLL fixer, which scans the system and helps you quickly find missing libraries.

If your problem turned out to be more specific, or if the method described in this article did not help, then you can ask other users in our "" section. They will promptly help you!

We thank you for your attention!

Crashed on an unknown planet, you must explore the unpredictable environment, befriend the natives and build new ship. Wonders, hostile races and meteor showers await you. Wait, what's with the co-op?

After a hard landing on the planet, the main components of your starship fell into disrepair. Now it is desirable for you and your comrades to establish a colony on an open planet, explore it and find resources that will help restore the ship. You will have to fight or tame alien creatures, look for mineral deposits, build shelters from meteorites and get food.

In 2046, mankind managed to create an engine that allowed sending expeditions into deep space. Players will try on the overalls of the research team Osiris who went to explore the star system Gliese 581. While exploring potentially habitable planets, your high-speed engine malfunctioned and forced you to make a hard landing on an unexplored planet.

After disembarking, players will not be constrained in their freedom of choice - they can explore the celestial body, however, common sense advises you to first build an efficient base that will supply you with food, tools and weapons. The central base is a living compartment of the spacecraft, to which you can attach blocks - food, scientific, industrial and many others.

In the future, you will have to improve technology, and for this you will have to study the planet more deeply and find unique resources. And here the players are in for a surprise - in the far corners of the planet you will encounter grotesque creatures who, for example, can freeze your blood or drink it. As a rule, such "gifts" spawn near resource-rich places.

You can build a prosperous colony only with friends, so the game contains all the attributes of a quality multiplayer– crafting, building, joint research and combat system. Everything you need, you will have to create yourself - from protection against meteorites and miasma, ending with fortifications from other online players. The higher your technological development, the better the products will be.

For example, weapons are the first means of survival that will be your constant companion throughout the game. Immediately after landing, you can only scare the creatures that inhabit the planet. In the future, you will build a workbench that will allow you to upgrade your weapons to local realities. If you want war, then real workshops, machines and storage facilities will be required. But you can experiment and create amazing designs.

Finally, the final part of the adventure is the construction of a new spaceship, which will allow you to travel and discover other planets. It will be extremely difficult to achieve the goal, the components for the starship are at the very top of the production chain. True, at the moment it does not make much sense - space is empty, and new planets will appear only in the future.

Osiris: New Dawn is a typical indie project in early access. Nevertheless, the authors in all seriousness declare: “The game has AAA qualities such as: HDR lighting and textures high definition who create a frightening and magnificent world". In fact, the world of the game will not be difficult to go around in transport, and the AI ​​of hostile mobs will not create any difficulties for you.

Unfortunately, there are flaws in games: brakes, low FPS, crashes, freezes, bugs and other minor and not very errors. Often problems begin before the game even starts, when it won't install, won't load, or won't even download. Yes, and the computer itself is sometimes weird, and then in Osiris: New Dawn, instead of a picture, a black screen, control does not work, no sound is heard or anything else.

What to do first

  1. Download and run the world famous CCleaner(download from a direct link) is a program that will clean your computer of unnecessary garbage, as a result of which the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers in the system using the program Driver Updater(download via direct link) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to the latest version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install Advanced System Optimizer(download from a direct link) and turn on the game mode in it, which will end useless background processes during game launch and increase performance in the game.

The second thing to do if you encounter any problems with Osiris: New Dawn is to check the system requirements. In a good way, you need to do this even before the purchase, so as not to regret the money spent.

Osiris: New Dawn Minimum System Requirements:

Windows 7 | 64-bit OS, Intel i5, 4 GB RAM, 5 GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 keyboard

Every gamer should at least have a little understanding of the components, to know why a video card, processor and other things are needed in the system unit.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device in a computer requires a set of special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that ensure the correct operation of the computer.

It's worth starting with the drivers for the video card. Modern graphics cards are produced by only two large companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having found out which product spins the coolers in the system unit, we go to the official website and download the package of fresh drivers:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of Osiris: New Dawn is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to easily and quickly download the latest drivers and install them with one click:

If Osiris: New Dawn does not start, we recommend that you try disabling your antivirus or put the game in the antivirus exceptions, and also check the system requirements again and if something from your build does not match, then, if possible, improve your PC by purchasing more powerful components.

Osiris: New Dawn has black screen, white screen, color screen. Solution

Problems with screens of different colors can be roughly divided into 2 categories.

Firstly, they are often associated with the use of two video cards at once. For example, if your motherboard has an integrated video card, but you are playing on a discrete one, then Osiris: New Dawn may run on the built-in one for the first time, while you will not see the game itself, because the monitor is connected to a discrete video card.

Secondly, color screens happen when there are problems with displaying the image on the screen. This can happen for various reasons. For example, Osiris: New Dawn cannot work through an outdated driver or does not support a video card. Also, a black / white screen may be displayed when working at resolutions that are not supported by the game.

Osiris: New Dawn crashes. At a certain or random moment. Solution

You play for yourself, play and here - bam! - everything goes out, and now you have a desktop without any hint of the game. Why is this happening? To solve the problem, it is worth trying to figure out what the nature of the problem is.

If the crash occurs at a random point in time without any pattern, then with a probability of 99% we can say that this is a mistake of the game itself. In this case, it is very difficult to fix something, and it is best to just put Osiris: New Dawn aside and wait for the patch.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash. In addition, you can download the Osiris: New Dawn save and bypass the departure point.

Osiris: New Dawn freezes. The picture freezes. Solution

The situation is about the same as with crashes: many freezes are directly related to the game itself, or rather, to the developer's mistake when creating it. However, a frozen picture can often become a starting point for investigating the deplorable state of a video card or processor.

So if the picture in Osiris: New Dawn freezes, then use the programs to display statistics on the loading of components. Perhaps your video card has long exhausted its working life or the processor is heating up to dangerous temperatures?

The easiest way to check the loading and temperatures for the video card and processors is in the MSI Afterburner program. If desired, you can even display these and many other parameters on top of the Osiris: New Dawn image.

What temperatures are dangerous? Processors and video cards have different operating temperatures. For video cards, they are usually 60-80 degrees Celsius. The processors are slightly lower - 40-70 degrees. If the processor temperature is higher, then you should check the condition of the thermal paste. It may have dried out and needs to be replaced.

If the video card is heating up, then you should use the driver or the official utility from the manufacturer. You need to increase the number of revolutions of the coolers and see if the operating temperature drops.

Osiris: New Dawn slows down. Low FPS. Frame rate drops. Solution

With stutters and low frame rates in Osiris: New Dawn, the first step is to lower the graphics settings. Of course, there are a lot of them, so before reducing everything in a row, you should find out exactly how certain settings affect performance.

Screen resolution. In short, this is the number of points that make up the picture of the game. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. However, the increase in load is negligible, so reducing the screen resolution should only be the very last resort, when everything else does not help.

Texture quality. Typically, this setting determines the resolution of texture files. Decrease the quality of textures if the video card has a small margin of video memory (less than 4 GB) or if you are using a very old hard drive with a spindle speed of less than 7200.

Model quality(sometimes just details). This setting determines which set of 3D models will be used in the game. The higher the quality, the more polygons. Accordingly, high-poly models require more processing power of the video card (not to be confused with the amount of video memory!), which means that this parameter should be reduced on video cards with a low core or memory frequency.

Shadows. They are implemented in different ways. In some games, shadows are created dynamically, that is, they are calculated in real time every second of the game. Such dynamic shadows load both the processor and the video card. In order to optimize, developers often abandon the full-fledged rendering and add shadow pre-rendering to the game. They are static, because in fact they are just textures that are superimposed on top of the main textures, which means they load memory, and not the core of the video card.

Often, developers add additional settings related to shadows:

  • Shadow Resolution - determines how detailed the shadow cast by the object will be. If the game has dynamic shadows, then it loads the core of the video card, and if a pre-created render is used, then it “eats” the video memory.
  • Soft shadows - smoothing out bumps on the shadows themselves, usually this option is given along with dynamic shadows. Regardless of the type of shadows, it loads the video card in real time.

Smoothing. Allows you to get rid of ugly corners at the edges of objects by using a special algorithm, the essence of which is usually to generate several images at once and compare them, calculating the most “smooth” image. There are many different anti-aliasing algorithms that differ in their level of impact on the performance of Osiris: New Dawn.

For example, MSAA works "head on", creating 2, 4 or 8 renders at once, so the frame rate is reduced by 2, 4 or 8 times, respectively. Algorithms such as FXAA and TAA operate a little differently, achieving a smooth image by calculating only the edges and using some other tricks. Because of this, they do not reduce performance as much.

Lighting. As in the case of anti-aliasing, there are different algorithms for lighting effects: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. All of them use the resources of the video card, but they do it differently depending on the video card itself. The fact is that the HBAO algorithm was promoted mainly on video cards from Nvidia (GeForce line), so it works best on the "green" ones. HDAO, on the other hand, is optimized for AMD graphics cards. SSAO is the simplest type of lighting, it consumes the least resources, so in case of slowdowns in Osiris: New Dawn, it is worth switching to it.

What should be lowered first? Shadows, anti-aliasing, and lighting effects are usually the most stressful, so it's best to start with them.

Often gamers themselves have to optimize Osiris: New Dawn. For almost all major releases, there are various related and forums where users share their ways to improve productivity.

One of them is a special program called Advanced System Optimizer. It is made specifically for those who do not want to manually clean up the computer from various temporary files, delete unnecessary registry entries and edit the startup list. Advanced System Optimizer will do this for you, as well as analyze your computer to find out how you can improve performance in applications and games.

Osiris: New Dawn is lagging. Big game delay. Solution

Many people confuse "lag" with "lag", but these problems have completely different causes. Osiris: New Dawn slows down when the frame rate at which the image is displayed on the monitor decreases, and lags when the delay when accessing the server or any other host is too high.

That is why "lags" can only be in network games. The reasons are different: bad network code, physical distance from servers, network congestion, incorrectly configured router, low Internet connection speed.

However, the latter is the least common. In online games, communication between the client and the server occurs by exchanging relatively short messages, so even 10 MB per second should be enough for the eyes.

Osiris: New Dawn has no sound. I can not hear anything. Solution

Osiris: New Dawn works, but for some reason does not sound - this is another problem that gamers face. Of course, you can play like that, but it's still better to figure out what's the matter.

First you need to determine the scope of the problem. Where exactly is there no sound - only in the game or in general on the computer? If only in the game, then perhaps this is due to the fact that the sound card is very old and does not support DirectX.

If there is no sound at all, then the matter is definitely in the computer settings. Perhaps the sound card drivers are not installed correctly, or maybe there is no sound due to some specific error of our favorite Windows OS.

Controls not working in Osiris: New Dawn. Osiris: New Dawn does not see the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Solution

How to play if it is impossible to control the process? The problems of supporting specific devices are out of place here, because we are talking about familiar devices - keyboard, mouse and controller.

Thus, errors in the game itself are practically excluded, almost always the problem is on the user's side. You can solve it in different ways, but, one way or another, you will have to turn to the driver. Usually, when you connect a new device, the operating system immediately tries to use one of the standard drivers, but some models of keyboards, mice, and gamepads are incompatible with them.

Thus, you need to find out the exact model of the device and try to find exactly its driver. Often, devices from well-known gaming brands come with their own software kits, since the standard Windows driver simply cannot ensure the correct operation of all the functions of a particular device.

If you don’t want to look for drivers for all devices separately, you can use the program Driver Updater. It is designed to automatically search for drivers, so you only need to wait for the scan results and download the necessary drivers in the program interface.

Often, the brakes in Osiris: New Dawn can be caused by viruses. In this case, there is no difference how powerful the video card is in the system unit. You can check your computer and clean it of viruses and other unwanted software using special programs. For example NOD32 . The antivirus has proven itself from the best side and has received the approval of millions of users around the world.

Suitable for both personal use and small businesses, ZoneAlarm is able to protect a computer running Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP from any attack: phishing, viruses, malware, spyware and other cyber threats . New users are given a 30-day free trial.

Nod32 is an antivirus from ESET, which has received many awards for its contribution to the development of security. Versions of anti-virus programs for both PC and mobile devices are available on the developer's website, a 30-day trial version is provided. There are special conditions for business.

Osiris: New Dawn torrent download not working. Solution

If the distribution kit of the game was downloaded via torrent, then in principle there can be no guarantees of work. Torrents and repacks are almost never updated through official applications and do not work over the network, because in the course of hacking, hackers cut out all network functions from games, which are often used to check the license.

Such versions of games are not only inconvenient to use, but even dangerous, because very often many files have been changed in them. For example, to bypass protection, pirates modify an EXE file. However, no one knows what else they do with it. Maybe they embed self-executing software. For example, which, when the game is first launched, will be integrated into the system and will use its resources to ensure the well-being of hackers. Or, giving access to the computer to third parties. There are no guarantees and there cannot be.

In addition, the use of pirated versions is, according to our publication, theft. The developers have spent a lot of time creating the game, investing their own money in the hope that their offspring will pay off. And every work must be paid.

Therefore, if you encounter any problems with games downloaded from torrents or hacked with the help of various means, you should immediately remove the "pirate", clean your computer with an antivirus and a licensed copy of the game. This will not only save you from questionable software, but also allow you to download updates for the game and receive official support from its creators.

Osiris: New Dawn throws an error about a missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with the absence of DLLs occur when you start Osiris: New Dawn, however, sometimes the game can access certain DLLs in the process and, without finding them, crash in the most impudent way.

To fix this error, you need to find the required DLL and install it on the system. The easiest way to do this is with a program. DLL fixer, which scans the system and helps you quickly find missing libraries.

If your problem turned out to be more specific, or if the method described in this article did not help, then you can ask other users in our "" section. They will promptly help you!

We thank you for your attention!