Outdoor games for a walk 2 junior. Walk in the second younger group. outdoor games and game exercises for a walk

"Leaf fall"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the color, size of autumn leaves; teach children to move around the playground, following the instructions given in game form; specify the concept of leaf fall.

Material: autumn leaves.

Game progress

The teacher says: “Guys! You will all be leaves, choose a leaf that you like: some are yellow, some are red, some are big, some are small. Each child shows and names which sheet he chose in color and size.

The teacher says: “The leaves are light, they slowly fly through the air. (Children run and wave their hands.)

Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

The yellow leaves are flying!

Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Children perform actions with yellow leaves.)

Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Children perform actions with red leaves.)

They all turned around and sat down on the ground. (Children squat.) Sit down! They sat down and froze. (Children do not move.)

A light breeze came and blew." (An adult blows, followed by children.)

The teacher continues: “The leaves rose, scattered in different directions. (Children run around the playground.) Spinning, spinning, spinning!

Falling leaves! Falling leaves!

Leaves fly in the wind.

The breeze subsided, and once again yellow, now red leaves slowly fall to the ground.

The teacher reads a poem by V. Mirovich "Falling Leaves".

At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Wave, wreath!"

Target: teach children how to dance.

Material: wreaths with flowers and ribbons.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to play and distributes wreaths to everyone. Each child, choosing a wreath, names a flower, its color, and the teacher and the rest of the guys help those who find it difficult to name.

The teacher says that beautiful flowers have grown in the clearing (points to the children).

All together they select flowers by name: “This is a chamomile, here is another chamomile, and this is also a chamomile. And this is a cornflower and this is a cornflower. Come here, cornflowers!”

The teacher says: “A breeze blew, the flowers began to play pranks, scattered across the clearing. (Children run away.) The girl Dashenka came and said: “Wave, wreath! Curl, wreath!" (An adult helps the children form a circle.) What a beautiful multi-colored wreath we have! Curl, wreath! Curl!"

Together with the teacher, the kids lead a round dance and sing any cheerful song in chorus.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Along the narrow path"

Target: teach children to step from circle to circle (drawn with a stick on the sand, chalk on the pavement).

Game progress

The teacher draws circles on the ground (there should be more circles than playing children), then explains that you can go through the stream “on pebbles” - circles, otherwise you will get your feet wet.

The teacher pronounces the words and shows actions:

Along the narrow path

Our feet are walking!

All children follow the teacher, approach the "pebbles". An adult shows how to step from circle to circle. Children imitate his actions.

By pebbles.

by stones,

By pebbles!

Suddenly, the teacher suddenly says: “And into the hole - bang!”, Jumps out of the circle, crouches, and after him all the children.

The game is repeated.

"Run to what I call"

Target: remind children of the names of objects; teach to run "flock"; exercise in orientation on the ground.

Rules: be able to listen to an adult.

Game progress

Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. The teacher explains: “Where I say, you will run there and wait for me.” Then he says: “One, two, three. Run to the sandbox!

Children flock to the sandbox. The teacher follows them, does not hurry, gives them time to rest. Praises that everyone ran correctly, and says:

One two Three,

To the veranda - run!

Then the game is repeated: the children run to the swing, to the table, to the slide, etc.

"Shaggy Dog"

Target: to teach children to listen to an adult, to move around the playground, following the instructions that are given in a playful way.

Material: large toy dog.

Game progress

The teacher puts a bright toy dog ​​near the veranda and explains to the children: “The dog is sleeping, let’s try to wake her up.”

The teacher reads the poem, inviting the children to perform the appropriate actions with a gesture:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

He buried his nose in his paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see if something happens.

Children sneak up on the dog, quietly calling: “Dog, dog, play with us!” The dog is barking. Children, at the command of an adult, run to the veranda, behind the veranda, hide in the "house" (drawn circle).

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


(pair dance)


Game progress

The adult takes the hands of the wishing child and sings slowly, giving the child the opportunity to repeat the movements:

Ah yes! (For each syllable of the song, an adult and a child slowly roll over from one foot to the other. Repeat 4 times.)

Our feet were stomping

The kids were dancing! (Stomping at a fast pace, smiling.

Repeat 2 times.)

Ah yes! (Clap hands, laugh.)

"Our Pens"

Target: learn to act in accordance with the words of the poem.

Game progress

The adult sings a song. Wishing children imitate his actions:

Where is, where is

Our pens?

We don't have pens. (Hands behind the back, slightly shake the body from side to side. Repeat 2 times.)

Here, here are our pens,

Here are our pens!

They dance, they dance

Our pens

Our hands are dancing! (Hands above your head or in front of you, circular movements with your hands.)

Where is, where is

Our legs?

We don't have legs! (Squat down and wrap your arms around your knees,

Repeat 2 times.)

Here, here are our legs,

Here are our legs!

They dance, they dance

Our legs

Our feet are dancing! (They get up and stomp their feet cheerfully.)

Where is, where is

Our eyes?

We don't have eyes! (Cover eyes with palms.

Repeat 2 times.)

Here, here are our eyes,

Here are our eyes!

Look, look

Our eyes.

Look at our eyes! (Remove palms from face, jump, squat.)

"At the bear in the forest"

Target: teach children to understand the meaning of the text and act according to the words.

Material: a large soft toy - a bear.

Game progress

The teacher puts the bear under a bush and tells the children that in the fall you can go to the forest, pick mushrooms and berries; asks which of the children went with their parents for mushrooms: “Did you bring a lot of mushrooms? Did you find raspberries in the forest? Who loves raspberries? Of course, a bear! He comes to feast on sweet berries, and when he sees someone, he immediately growls, drives everyone away, wants to pick berries alone. Look what a sweet-tooth bear! Let's go to the forest!"

The teacher slowly reads the poem:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

And the bear looks

And growls at us:


Listening to the text, the guys slowly approach the bear (soft toy).

As soon as the bear growls, everyone scatters in different directions.

Then the teacher asks: “Who wants to be a bear? Are you Misha? Will you growl? Then sit next to me. We will have two bears."

At the request of the children, the game is repeated 3-4 times, the bear children can change, if they wish, they can run after the children.

"Inflate, my balloon!"

Target: teach children to perform a variety of movements, forming a circle; practice the pronunciation of the sound "sh".

Game progress

The teacher says: “Come on guys, let's inflate Balloon. We will inflate it so that it becomes big, big and does not burst.

Everyone stands in a circle close to each other, join hands, actively blow. Then the adult slowly, singsongly pronounces the words, stepping back:

Inflate, my balloon!

Blow up big...

Imitating an adult, everyone stops, holding hands and forming a large circle. The teacher continues:

stay like this

And don't crash!

The adult clarifies: “Look, what a big balloon we inflated!” And suddenly, all together for an adult: “Shhhh!” Without releasing their hands, everyone runs to the middle.

"Our balloon is deflated! - states the educator. "Let's do it again!" - and repeats the words of the game.

On the third time, the children, holding hands, disperse, forming the widest possible circle.

The teacher commands: "Clap!" Children unhook their hands and scatter in different directions: “The ball burst!”

"Let's go to the forest"

Target: exercise in the use of substitute objects; clarify the names of plants, develop orientation in space.

Material: mushroom chicks, flowers made of corrugated paper or nylon ribbons, two cords, 5-6 baskets.

Game progress

The teacher, together with the children, decorates the clearing with flowers, puts mushrooms near the trees, pulls two cords on the site (marking a bridge over the river).

The teacher is buzzing, depicting a steam locomotive: "Uuu!" Children - trailers go, buzzing: "Uuu!" Here is the stop. "Shhhh!" the children repeat after the teacher.

"Where are we here?" the teacher asks. If the kids find it difficult to answer, it helps: "The train brought everyone to a clearing where flowers grow." Children collect flowers.

All the flowers are collected in baskets, the locomotive gives a long whistle. The train travels across the bridge to the "forest", where the children collect mushrooms together, and then run from tree to tree, hiding behind them.

Again the lingering whistle of the locomotive—everyone is leaving for home.

In the “forest”, the teacher can ask if the children know the names of such trees as a Christmas tree, a birch, if they can show them.

"Birds and Rain"

Target: teach children to act on the command of an adult, exercise in pronouncing sounds.

Material: emblems of birds.

Game progress

The teacher distributes bird emblems to the children, clarifies who has which one, and explains: “Everyone should listen to the words during the game and perform the named actions.”

The teacher begins: “The birds fly (children run around the playground), peck grains (children sit down,“ peck ”), fly away again.

Suddenly, an evil autumn wind blew up, howled, rustled. ("Vvv!" - say the children.) Frequent rain dripped, pounded on the roof.

“Here! Here! Knock!" the children repeat.

"Hide, birds! And then all the feathers will become wet, the adult calls. - All the birds hid: some under a bush, some under a leaf (children sit down).

The rain passed, and again the birds flew, they sang a cheerful song, they rejoice ”(children imitate the voices of familiar birds).

The game continues. You can complicate the plot by the appearance on the site of a dog, a car. Each time, the bird children scatter in different directions.

"Children went to kindergarten"

(based on a poem by A. Kondratenko)

Game progress

The teacher reads the poem:

The children went out into the green garden

Dance, dance.

La-la! La-la-la! (Children move arbitrarily, dance.)

The geese became surprised

Cackle, cackle ... (Children shout: “Ha-ha-ha!”)

The gray horse neighed in the stable:

“Igo-go! Yoke! (Children repeat: “Yo-hoo! Igo-hoo!”)

Why do you need to spin

For what, for what? (All children are spinning.)

And the cow was surprised:

"Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo!" (Children repeat: “Moo-moo-moo!”)

What are you so excited about?

I don't understand, I don't understand!

The teacher pretends to gore everyone. The children run to the side.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

1. "Who will pass quietly"

Tasks: to acquaint with walking in a given direction, to develop the ability to maintain balance.

Game progress: Children walk in a free formation in one direction. The teacher offers to walk quietly on tiptoes (shows how to do this). Then he gives a signal: "And now we walked quickly." The walking speed on the signal changes several times.

2. "Ball"

Game progress: Children depict how balloon gradually filled with air: slowly raise your hands up and puff out your cheeks. But the ball “burst”: the children are slowly in a relaxed state and sink to the floor saying: shhh

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

3. "Grains"

Tasks: to teach children to act according to the rules, to develop endurance.

Game progress:
Educator: They planted grains in the ground. (Children sit on the floor, shrink into a ball.) It rained, and then the sun shone. The grains began to germinate, sprouts appeared. (Children slowly rise, pull themselves up, raising their hands - "sprouts" up - and turning towards the "sun").

4. "Bubble"

Tasks: to teach children to act on the command of the teacher, to develop attention.

Game progress: Children, together with an adult, stand in a circle holding hands.
Inflate the bubble.
Inflate big.
stay like this
Don't crash.
Children gradually stepping back expand the circle. At the words “The bubble burst”, they lower their hands and say “sh-sh-sh”.
The game is repeated 2-4 times
Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

5. "Kwa-kva-kva"

Tasks: develops auditory memory and to some extent coordination of movements and attentiveness.

Game description:

The leader is blindfolded with a bandage, and the rest of the children stand around him.
The leader begins to spin and say the chants:
"Here is a frog on the path
Jumping, stretched out her legs,
I saw a mosquito, I screamed ...
“On the word“ screamed ”, the presenter points fingers in front of him.
The player pointed to by the leader (or closer to whom) says: "Kwa-kva-kva." The facilitator should call the name of this player.
If the leader guessed correctly, then the identified player becomes the next leader, otherwise the leader repeats everything.

Rules of the game
1. The leader is blindfolded, and the rest of the children stand around him.
2. The host spins and pronounces the above chants.
3. On the word "shouted", the host points his fingers in front of him, and the player to whom he points must say: "kva-kva-kva".
4. If the leader correctly guesses who is in front of him, then this player becomes the leader, otherwise the game starts anew from the second point.


The host is not allowed to touch the players.
To complicate the game, it is allowed to pronounce qua-qua in an unnatural voice for yourself.

6. "Kitty"

Tasks: the game develops artistry, dexterity.

Game progress:

The child crawls on all fours, depicting a cat. Stops and turns his head (the cat looks around), then tilts his head (the cat drinks milk).
For children over two years old, you can complicate the game: the cat crawls between the legs of an adult, under a chair, climbs onto the sofa, lies down, purrs.

7. "Humpty Dumpty"

Game progress

Children stand in a relaxed position, arms hanging freely. Under the text that the adult pronounces, turn the body to the right and left (hands should hang freely, like a rag doll).


Humpty Baltai
Sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty.
Fell off in a dream.

Children relax on the floor. The game can be played with one child or with a subgroup of children.

8. "Cold-warm"

Tasks: develops attention, thinking.

Game progress:

Children sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish.

Educator: The north wind blew. It has become cold, cold. (Children shrink into balls, arms crossed over their chest.)

At the signal “The sun came out. It became warm-warm” children relax and fan themselves. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Source: O.N. Morgunova "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

9."Find a Pair"

Find a Pair - the game develops classification and sorting skills, hand-eye coordination, hand motor skills, and mental skills.

Game description

Objects are laid out on the table that are combined with each other according to some signs. Mix them up. The child is invited to take any object and find a pair for it, and then explain why he considers these objects to be paired.

Rules of the game
1. Gather various items that go together (pencil and paper, sock and shoe, lock and key, etc.)
2. Lay out the items on the table and mix.
3. The child is seated at the table.
4. An adult chooses any object and asks the child to find a pair for him (or
the child chooses the subject independently).
5. If the child finds a mate, they put it aside.
6. Take the next item and repeat the same.
7. The game continues until all the items are collected in pairs.

Instead of objects, you can use pictures from the object.
Source M.F. Litvinov "Russian folk outdoor games"

10. "Find by description"

Find by description - a game for children of two or three years. Promotes the development of observation, memory and attention of the child.

Game description:

Ask the child to show what you describe to him.
For example: “Please show me the object. It is round, one side is red and the other is blue. You can play with it: roll it, throw it to each other ”(this is a ball).

Rules of the game:
1. Describe an object to the child: its color, shape, what it is made of, what you can do with it
2. The child guesses and names the object from the description


You can describe people, animals, nature - precipitation, trees ... (yes, everything that surrounds us) and ask the child to guess who / what you are talking about.

11. "Silence"

Tasks: the game develops speech and memory with the help of rhymes.
Before the game starts, the chorus players say:

Primroses, worms
The bells rang.
By the fresh dew
In a different lane.
There are cups, nuts,
Honey, sugar.
After the word "Silence" everyone should be silent. The host tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words, nursery rhymes. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a phantom. At the end of the game, the children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs, read poetry, dance, and perform interesting movements.

Babich Anna Petrovna
Methodological development "Games and game exercises for a walk in the second junior group for the fall"


In its historical development, the human body was formed in conditions of motor activity. Primitive man every day I had to run and walk tens of kilometers in search of food, constantly flee from someone, attack. Millions of years of movement were the main condition for the existence of man - the one who mastered them better survived.

The activity of children is expressed, first of all, in movements. The first idea about the world, about things comes to the child through movements. The more varied the movement, the great information enters the child's brain. The development of movements is one of the indicators of the correct neuro-psychic development. Movements are the first sources of courage, endurance, determination of a child.

Movable games and play exercises are of great importance for the comprehensive, harmonious development of children junior preschool age. Although an outdoor game is a complex emotional motor activity, due to clearly established rules that make it possible to identify a quantitative result or a qualitative result -

increasing motor activity through outdoor games (especially on fresh air) provides a healing, restorative effect.

Careful planning and use of outdoor games and game exercises aimed at increasing the motor activity of children in the future will allow:

avoid hypodynamia,

enrich children with knowledge about the diversity of physical exercises and outdoor games,

form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

In order for children to maintain a cheerful, cheerful mood, so that favorable conditions are provided for the successful solution of the problems of physical, mental and moral development, it is advisable to alternate game exercises fixing one or the other motor skills; reasonable to distribute them in time each walks.

Initially offered play exercises and games in walking and running, since it is these types of movements that are available to children junior preschool age. Then movable games and play exercises in jumping, throwing, climbing, balance.

All games are included in the complexes taking into account the gradual increase in the motor load, the diversity and variability of all game tasks.

At the end of each complex, games medium and low mobility.

Maintaining the joyful mood of the players, the teacher carefully monitors each child: encourages one to more energetic movements, limits the other, removing excessive excitement.

In this manual, when selecting material, the following didactic principles:

The principle of accessibility and gradualness, compliance with the age characteristics of children, the amount of knowledge should be small, and the content should be understandable.

Principle repetition, multiple repetition movements helps successful physical development, memorization.

The principle of visibility, visual aids are a means for creating new and reproducing existing images in the minds of children.

The principle of consciousness and activity, children reproduce the knowledge, skills and abilities that are related to the new. Only on the basis of the known, it is possible to master the new. A conscious attitude presupposes, first of all, the formation of cognitive interests.

The principle of complexity and integrativity is the solution of health problems in the system of the entire educational process and all types of activities.

The principle of targeting and continuity is to maintain links between age categories, taking into account the different levels of development and health status of children.

The teacher can use the entire proposed complex game exercises and outdoor games or its separate parts, taking into account their own experience of working with children of this age group groups.


Program tasks:

Continue to learn to walk and run after each other.

Exercise jumping on two legs in place; in all directions; in walking a snake between the cubes

Develop motor activity, dexterity.

Equipment: ball, 5-6 cubes.

1. Guys, let's go on a trip with you. Stand next to each other. You will be trailers, and I will be a locomotive. On signal "train speeds up"- running in a column one at a time, on a signal - "train slows down"- walking in a column one at a time.

I don't want to stand still.

Sit down, I'll take a ride.

Here we have arrived. Look how beautiful the ball is, how well it jumps. Let's jump with you like balls. All the guys circled and turned into balls.

2. P/I "My cheerful sonorous ball"

into words:

"My cheerful sonorous ball

Where did you jump off.

Red, yellow, blue - children jump in place on two legs

Don't chase after you. - the children run to the opposite side of the playground, the teacher catches up with them.

Well done! Following an exercise"Come on, don't touch"- walking in a column one by one between the cubes.

Listen to the riddle:

"Jumps deftly, gnaws a carrot"

That's right, bunny.

The game "Hares"

Children stand scattered throughout the playground and perform jumps on two legs in place with words:

“Bunnies jump, jump, jump, jump.

To the green to the meadow

Jump, jump, jump.

Jump, jump, jump.

To the green meadow.

Tired bunnies, let's rest.

The game "A gray bunny is sitting"

Gray hare sits - children squat

And wiggles his ears. - Put your hands on your head

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

It is necessary to warm the paws - rub the hands together

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to dance. - hands on the belt, put the foot on the heel

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to dance.

Well we played. Now get in the wagons, let's go home.

"Choo - choo, choo - choo, puff, puff,

I don't want to stand still.

Choo-choo, choo-choo, puff, puff,

I'll take you home now.

Program tasks:

Continue learning to walk and run between objects.

Strengthen the ability to quickly respond to a signal.

Exercise in the ability to throw the ball and catch it with both hands, hit the ball on the ground and catch it after the rebound.

Develop auditory attention.

Cultivate a desire to exercise.

Material: 10 cubes, balls according to the number of children. Wolf mask. Bandage.

1. game exercise"Do not hurt"- walking one by one. On signal "Let's go for a walk"- children go scattered around the area between the cubes, at the signal "Let's run"- children run scatter between objects.

2. game exercise"Who quickly" Children stand in a circle, in the center is a toy. On signal "Take it fast"- children on two legs jump to the toy, whoever jumps first - lifts the toy up, returns back with a step.

3. P/I "Hares and the wolf"

On the forest lawn - children run scattered around the playground

Bunnies ran away.

Here are some bunnies

Bunnies are jumpers.

The hares sat in a circle, - the children form a circle, squat down

They are looking for a spine

Here are some bunnies

Bunnies are jumpers.

Here the top runs - the children run away "wolf" catches up with them.

Gray barrel.

Looking for where the bunnies are

Jumping bunnies.

4. Game exercise with the ball. Children are located all over site:

A) throwing the ball up and catching with both hands.

B) throwing the ball on the ground and catching with both hands.

Children stand in a circle, in the center - blindfolded driver. Children with words walk along circle:

"We all gathered in a circle,

You listen to us, my friend,

At the direction of the teacher, one of the children He speaks: "It's me, know me", the driver must find out who called him and name the child.

Program tasks:

Develop imagination by doing gaming imitative movements.

Continue to develop interest in outdoor games.

Material: hoops according to the number of children, wolf mask.

1. game exercise"By bus"- children stand in a column one by one.

Get together - ka friends,

It's time to hit the road.

Bus ahead

Rides mischievous people - walking and running with a change of direction.

2. game exercise"Funny Bears"

We are funny guys - walking in a column one at a time.

Our name is bear cubs.

We love to run and play - running in a column one by one.

We love to jump and jump.

The bear went through the forest - walking high raising his knees.

Wandered along the way.

Raises paws higher

So as not to break the bushes.

The bear walked, walked, walked - walking with a turn in the opposite direction.

I came to a quiet river.

Made a full turn

Wade across the river.

The bear swam, swam, swam - an imitation of swimming.

And swam to the shore.

The bear walked, walked, walked,

Came to the lawn.

He jumped on the lawn. - jumping on two legs.

Quickly, deftly like a bunny.

3. P/I "Funny Bunnies"

Hoops are laid out on the site according to the number of children - these are bunny houses. “Mom - a hare - a teacher.

Small houses in the forest are dense. - the children sit on their haunches.

Gray bunnies in the houses sitting - hands are applied to the head.

Mom - a hare ran through the forest,

She tapped everyone on the window with her paw. - the teacher imitates a knock on the window.

“Knock, knock, knock rabbits, let's go for a walk - the children run around the playground in all directions.

If the wolf appears, hide again - it appears "wolf"- children run away.

4. Game of low mobility "Little Bunnies"

Children form a circle, hold hands and walk in a circle with words: Somehow little bunnies

During the day we walked on the lawn.

Suddenly a shadow flickered

Bunnies hid behind a stump. Children walk in a round dance in the other direction.

Maybe it's a gray wolf?

He clicks his teeth, yes click!

Suddenly he sits behind a bush,

A gray wolf with a big tail?

The wolf bunnies got scared

Jump - galloped out of the forest. After the last phrase, the children put their hands on their belts, jump on two legs to the center of the circle, stop, squat, show their ears (put their palms perpendicular to the crown, move them back and forth.

Program tasks:

Continue to learn to walk and run in a column one by one.

Exercise in jumping in place and running with dodging.

Develop visual attention, perform movements according to the show.

Material: Balls for each child, a cap for Parsley.

All the guys love

play balls,

With colorful balls

Exercises to perform!

Balls are different

Green and red

Strong, new

Voiced, cheerful - walking running with balls in a circle.

1. Ball exercises.

1."Higher Ball"

I. p. legs slightly apart, the ball is lowered. Ball up, look down, say "way down" (4-5 p.)

2. "Here he is"

I. p. legs apart, the ball is chest forward. Tilt forward, ball forward, say "here he is" (4-5r.)

3. "Funny ball"

Spread legs slightly, ball in front of feet, hands behind back.

Sit down, roll the ball from hand to hand, stop and quickly straighten up. (4-5r.)

4. "Bouncing"

Spread legs slightly, ball on the ground, hands on the belt. Jumping around the ball (3r. in alternation with walking)

5. "Toward and Down"

I. p. the same, the ball is lowered. The ball is towards you, with your nose - inhale. Lower the ball on the exhale, say "in-and-out" (3-4r.)

2. game exercise"Ride - Catch"

Children are arranged in two lines, one opposite the other, divided into pairs, roll the ball to each other.

3. P / s "Naughty ball"

Children with a teacher stand on the opposite side of the playground.

Multicolored fast ball

Jumping along the path, jumping. The teacher hits the ball on the ground.

The ball is fun and big,

We will jump with you! Children jump on two legs in place.

Jump, jump more fun

Don't feel sorry for your feet!

Stop! Children stop, in - l holds the ball in his hands.

And now - one, two, three! Children run to the opposite side of the playground

We run, you - catch up! The teacher rolls the ball after the children.

4. Game of low mobility "Parsley"

Children form a circle, the teacher stands in the center and He speaks: “I am Petrushka, I came to play with you!” children hold hands, walk in a circle. The teacher moves in the opposite direction and says text:

I am a fun toy

And my name is Petrushka!

I have a bright cap

And a smart coat.

Do all your movements

Follow me without delay.

Hey guys, don't yawn!

Exercise repeat!

5. Respiratory an exercise:

My children, my children, children are squatting

My kids are fast asleep. - eyes closed, palms under the cheek

My children, my children

They sniff softly. - inhale - exhale

Sun is up! Stop sleeping!

It's time to get up. - stand on toes, hands up

Program tasks:

Strengthen the skills of walking and running with high knees.

Exercise rolling the ball in a straight line.

Continue learning to throw a bag of sand at a distance.

Cultivate the desire to play mobile games games.

Material: Balls for each child, sandbags for each child, skittles 5-6 pieces, cubes for each child.

1. game exercise"Funny sparrows and horses"- walking in a column one by one. On signal "Sparrows" The children stop and wave their hands. On signal "horses"- running high knees.

2. Game "The Frogs"- a circle is laid out from colored cubes according to the number of children. Children depict frogs, the teacher is a water one. Each child stands in front of the cube, hands behind their backs. In the center - water. The frog, approached by the merman, quickly crouches down and puts his hands on the cube, protecting his bump.

3. game exercise"Ride and crash". Children stand in a line in the hands of the ball. At a distance of 2 meters there are skittles. On a signal, the children roll the balls, trying to knock down the skittles.

The players take their starting position. In the hands of each bag of sand. On signal "threw"- children throw a bag at a distance.

5. P/I "Cat and Mice".

On one side of the site, a rope is stretched at a height of 50 cm - this is the house of mice. At some distance from the house of mice is a cat. On the the words:

“The cat guards mice, pretended to be asleep”- children - mice crawl under the rope and run in all directions.

into words:

"Hush the mouse, do not make noise and do not wake the cat"- cat is a child "wakes up" and catch mice. Children - mice run home, crawling under the rope.

6. Handles - legs

Children are scattered around the room. The teacher pronounces the words of the test and shows the movements. Children perform.

Everyone clapped their hands

Friendly, more fun!

(clap their hands.)

Our feet are pounding

Louder and faster!

(knocking feet.)

Let's hit the knees

Hush, hush, hush!

(clap on knees.)

Handles, handles raise

Higher, higher, higher!

(slowly raise their hands.)

Our hands are turned

(turn the brushes to the right - to the left,

Were down again.

Spin around, spin around

And stopped

(drop hands).

Program tasks:

Continue to teach to perform movements corresponding to the text, develop auditory attention.

Exercise in the ability to maintain balance when walking in a limited area, jump up on two legs, touching an object suspended above the child's raised hand.

1. game exercise"Come with us!"

Children are scattered. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the text and shows the movements.

Let's go with us

(raise hands to sides)

Let's stomp our feet

(stomp their feet, standing still,

Let's clap our hands

(clap hands).

Today is a good day!

(raise straight arms up - to the sides.)

2. Outdoor switchgear complex "Friendly family"

a. I. p. legs in a path, hands behind your back, clap in front of you on the words:

Dad, mom, brother and me

Together friendly family - put your hands behind your back.

b. I. p. legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, palms on knees, look forward.

Let's all lean together

Let's do physical activity!

in. I. p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, hands down.

Dad is big

And I'm small

Let me be small

But - remote.

g. I. p. legs in a path, hands behind the back.

Jumping in alternation with walking.

We jump together

This is very necessary!

Who will jump higher -

Mom or Misha?

d. I. p. The same, hands down.

Hands to the sides, inhale through the nose; and. n. - exhale through the mouth.

We breathe air through our noses

We exhale air with our mouths.

We are not afraid of a cold,

We don't need doctors!

3. game exercise"Through the Brook" Two parallel tracks are laid out from the cords. caregiver He speaks: “Beautiful flowers grow on this bank of the river (multi-colored shreds are scattered on the site, let's collect them,” the teacher addresses the children. “But first we will walk along the bridge.” Children one after another cross to the other side of the river (stream, collect flowers ( squat, bend over, then return to their seats. An exercise performed 2-3 times. The teacher makes sure that the kids walk along the board carefully, without bumping into each other. friend: "Be careful. Don't fall into the river.

Children walk one after another, freely balancing their arms to maintain balance.

4. game exercise"Catch a Mosquito" A rope is attached to the end of a small stick, and a mosquito cut out of paper is attached to it. Children stand in a circle, and the teacher rotates a stick with a mosquito over their heads. Children jump on two legs, trying to catch a mosquito.

5. Game of low mobility "My palms"

Show them quickly - the children show their hands

Clap, clap more fun!

Clap - clap, clap - clap - clap and say the words

With these palms - they walk along the site and clap their hands

Let's clap a little.

Let's clap a little.

Clap - clap, clap - clap!

Hidden palms! - stop, clench your palms into a fist

Open the cam soon, - they show their hands, clap

Show your palms!

Let's clap these hands a little."

Clap - clap, clap - clap!

Teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

Exercise children in the ability to run without bumping into each other, to perform movements on a signal.

Material: umbrella, rope, small toy - frog.

1. game exercise"On the walk". Children walk around the room in different directions. On signal" Walk!" Each of them finds a mate and everyone goes through the gate formed by jumping racks; make arbitrary movements in pairs. Hearing the words "It's raining!", The children run in all directions to the teacher under the umbrella. Pupils can also turn into different animals that go out to walk and hide from the rain.

2. P/I "Aircraft"

The plane flies - point the finger up

I took off with him.

He took the right wing away - take his right hand to the side,

He took the left wing - left hand to the side,

I start the engine - rotational movements with my hands in front of me

And I'm watching closely

I rise to the heights - I fly-u-u-u - rise on my toes, spread my arms to the sides and run

I'm flying for landing

I want to land. land on one knee, hands down

3. Logarithmic an exercise"Herons went hunting"

The herons went hunting

Wander importantly through the swamp (walk slowly, knees high).

Looking for frogs around

Look here and look there (side turns).

Frogs to the right, frogs to the left (tilts).

The herons' eyes widened,

They were left without frogs (spread arms to sides, walking in place).

4. P/I "Heron and Frogs" in the middle of the site a circle of cord is laid out - this is a swamp. Children squat in a circle - frogs, one child - a heron, stands far from the circle.

On signal "frogs"- children jump out of the circle and jump around the playground not far from it. On signal "heron"- the children should quickly jump into the circle, and the heron walks high raising his knees, and looks for frogs.

5. sedentary game "Find the frog"

The teacher shows the children a small toy - a frog and offers to close their eyes. Children close their eyes, the teacher hides the toy. On signal "Opened the eyes", children open their eyes and start looking for a toy.

Program tasks:

Continue to develop visual and auditory attention. Exercise rolling the ball in a straight line. Continue to learn to respond to the signal.

Material: cubes, skittles, rings - according to the number of children, large balls according to the number of children, two leaves for each child, hoops according to the number of children.

1. "Line up" Children are divided into three subgroups with an equal number of participants. One for each child subgroups given one of the same items(pin, cube, ring). At the beginning of the task, the participants take their place on the site marked with the same subject which is in their hands. At the first signal, the children scatter around the playground, making arbitrary movements with subject; on second signal, they return to their place and line up in a column.

2. game exercise"Ride and catch up" Children stand in one line. Each has one large ball. On signal "Roll" children roll the ball in a straight direction and catch up with it.

3. P/I "Birds in the nest" hoops are laid out on one side of the site - these are nests. Children - birds fly out of the hoops and run, imitating the flight of birds. On signal "birds in the nest" The children run into their hoops.

4. game exercise"Leaf fall"- children have a piece of paper in their hands.

Leaves, leaves - running in circles on toes, waving your arms

They fly in the wind.

Children under their feet

They rustle quietly.

And gently swaying - gently swaying from side to side

Lead a round dance. - hands raised up

And wind autumn

Sings a song to them.

Now to the right, then to the left - running in all directions, waving your arms

The leaves are flying.

Saying goodbye to us

Our autumn garden.

Leaves swaying

Lead a round dance. - sway from side to side, hands up

And the wind autumn

Sings a song to them.

Program tasks:

Continue to learn to perform movements on a signal.

Exercise in jumping on two legs between objects.

Material: small toys, two large hoops.

1. game exercise"Complete the task" Walking in a column one at a time. On signal "horses"- walking high raising your knees, on a signal "frogs"- sit down, hand on your knees; on signal "grasshoppers" perform movements in accordance with the text.

Here the grasshoppers are walking - walking one after another

One, two, one, two.

And now they take off - jumping on two legs with advancement

One, two, one, two.

scatter run all over the site.

2. game exercise"Dimble Bunnies" Along the site are 5-6 cubes. Children pretend to be rabbits and jump on two legs between the cubes.

3. P / I "Transfer objects"

On one side of the hall are various items. Children take one object at a time and transfer it to the other side of the hall, girls - in one hoop, boys - in another.

4. P/I "Hares and the wolf" On one side of the site is a house of hares, on the other - a wolf. On the the words:

Bunnies are jumping

Jump - jump - jump,

On the green - on the meadow.

They pinch the grass - they eat it.

Listen carefully

Is the wolf coming?

On signal "wolf", the children run to their house, "wolf" catches up with them.

5. Game of low mobility "Everyone clapped their hands"

Everyone clapped their hands - simultaneously clapping and stomping

Friendly, more fun.

Our feet are pounding

Louder and faster.

We hit on the knees - slap on the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles, handles - slowly raise your hands up


Higher, higher, higher

Our pens spun - turn the hands to the right and left

Were down again.

Circling, circling - circling in place.

And they stopped.

To develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction while walking and running and change it depending on the situation, teach them to run in different directions, not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Material: balls by number of children, hoops by number of children

1. game exercise"Smooth Circle". The children walk in a circle holding hands. Walking and running in a circle is carried out to the right and left side, then running in all directions.

2. P/I "Catch the ball" The teacher shows the children a basket of balls and offers to stand next to him along one side of the room or playground. "Catch the ball"- says the teacher and throws the balls (according to the number of children) from the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions as far as possible. Children run after the balls, take them (each one ball is carried to the teacher and put in the basket. Game repeats.

3. P/I "Birds in nests" On one side of the site or room, hoops are freely laid out according to the number of children. Each child stands in his hoop - this is a nest, a bird lives in it. At a signal, the birds fly out of their nests and scatter all over the site. The teacher feeds now at one end, then at the other sites: children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips - pecking food. "The birds flew into the nests!"- the teacher says, the children run to the hoops and stand in any free hoop. The game repeats.

4. Game of low mobility "We stomp our feet" The players stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the text.

We stomp our feet - stomp our feet, hands on the belt

We clap our hands - clap our hands

We shake our heads. - "spring", hands on the belt, nodding head

We raise our hands - through the sides of the hand up

We lower our hands - through the sides of the hand down

We give hands - join hands, forming a circle

And we run and we run, we run in circles at a slow pace

And we run around.

Program tasks: Exercise in walking in pairs in all directions, in running in all directions. Learn to find your color on a signal.

Material: cubes by the number of children, flags of two colors by the number of children.

1. game exercise"Find a Pair"

Children calmly walk around the hall in pairs, holding hands. At the signal of the educator "One!" unhook their hands and scatter in different directions throughout the hall, make arbitrary dance movements, and at the signal of the teacher "Couples!" children quickly find their mate, meet each other with their hands, backs, knees.

2. game exercise"Take a Cube" Cubes are laid out in a circle on the platform. Walking and running in a circle, on a signal you need to take a cube.

3. P/I "Find Your Color" One half of the players have blue flags, the other half have red flags. Children are running around. H signal "find your color"- children with flags of the same color become pairs.

4. Verbal motion games. "We will go with you..."

We will go with you to the right - 1, 2, 3

And then let's go left - 1, 2, 3

And then we turn - 1, 2, 3

And clap your hands - 1, 2, 3

Hands to heels and to ears

On your knees and shoulders

Hands to the sides, on the belt, up.

And now a funny laugh.

All the girls - ha ha ha

All the boys are ho ho ho


Program tasks:

Continue to learn to walk and run in circles.

Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Exercise throwing the ball with both hands.

Develop dexterity and agility.

Material: Blocks, ball, rattles for each child, dog mask.

1. game exercise"Smooth Circle". A circle is laid out from the cubes. Walking and running in a circle without touching the cubes with a change of direction.

2. Playing with rattles.

There are funny toys

Their name is rattles,

Boom-bom-bom, boom-bom-bom!

Children love to play in them

Jump and jump with them"

Children walk in a circle with rattles

The children took the rattles - running with jumps

They walked one after another.

They started running and jumping

Play with rattles.

We need to become in a circle now - turn our faces into a circle

Show rattles. - rattle forward

Rattles raise, - rattles raise up

And then drop them. - lower the rattles down

The children began to squat, - the children squat

Rattle with rattles.

Knock - knock - knock - knock,

What a fun sound.

And now we're all running - running in circles

We rattle with rattles.

3. game exercise"Throw - Catch". The children stand in a circle with the teacher in the center. The teacher throws the ball to the child, the child to the teacher.

4. P/I "Shaggy Dog". One child is assigned as a dog that sits down on a chair at the end of the platform, as if sleeping. All children go to the dog from the opposite side of the playground and they say:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

He buried his nose in his paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's get closer to him.

And hear him breathe.

After these words, the dog catches up with the children, the children run away.

5. Game of low mobility "Find a rattle".

The rattle is pre-hidden on the site. Children form a circle, holding hands, walk in a circle with words:

We will go for a walk with you

We will find the rattle.

One, two, three, four, five -

We will all look for her.

We walk quietly

We are looking carefully

We will definitely find a rattle!

Go, children, look for a rattle! Children walk around the playground looking for a rattle. Whoever finds it brings it to the teacher.

Planning summer games and game exercises for a walk in the second junior group


We all know that for preschool children, the main activity is play. The most acceptable for kids are games with a simple and accessible plot, as well as game exercises based on the performance of specific motor tasks. I selected these tasks in games and game exercises in such a way that they corresponded to the capabilities of young children. First of all, these are movements such as walking, running, bouncing, jumping from low objects, crawling and crawling. Wherein game tasks, exercises do not need to be looked for in special literature, we come up with them ourselves based on the development of which motor skills and abilities requires special attention during this period.

Outdoor games and game exercises are of great importance for the comprehensive, harmonious development of children of primary preschool age.

Careful planning and use of outdoor games and game exercises aimed at increasing the motor activity of children in the future will allow:

avoid hypodynamia,

enrich children with knowledge about the variety of physical exercises and outdoor games,

form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

In order for children to maintain a cheerful, cheerful mood, so that favorable conditions are provided for the successful solution of problems of physical, mental and moral development, it is advisable to alternate game exercises, fixing one or the other motor skills; it is reasonable to distribute them during each walk.

At first, game exercises and games in walking and running are offered, since it is these types of movements that are available to children of primary preschool age. Then there are outdoor games and game exercises in jumping, throwing, climbing, balance.

All games are included in the complexes, taking into account the gradual increase in motor load, diversity and variability of all game tasks.

At the end of each complex, games of medium and low mobility are given.

Maintaining the joyful mood of the players, the teacher carefully monitors each child: he encourages one to more energetic movements, the other limits, removing excessive excitement.

In this manual, the following didactic principles were used in the selection of material:

The principle of accessibility and gradualness, compliance with the age characteristics of children, the amount of knowledge should be small, and the content should be understandable.

The principle of repetition, repeated repetition of movements helps successful physical development, memorization.

The principle of visibility, visual aids are a means for creating new and reproducing existing images in the minds of children.

The principle of consciousness and activity, children reproduce the knowledge, skills and abilities that are related to the new. Only on the basis of the known, it is possible to master the new. A conscious attitude presupposes, first of all, the formation of cognitive interests.

The teacher can use the entire proposed set of gaming exercises and outdoor games or its individual parts, taking into account their own experience of working with children of this age group.

The systematic motor activity of children, filled with a variety of content, plays an important role in their physical and mental development. The expansion and enrichment of children's motor experience is one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten teacher.

A large place in working with kids is occupied by plot outdoor games. In these games, along with the development and improvement of movements, we teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game.

The fulfillment of these tasks, first of all, depends on us, educators, on how much we managed to interest the kids in the game. Therefore, we try to explain the game emotionally and expressively and take a direct part in the game, showing interest in the actions of children. All this helps to create a good emotional atmosphere in the game, encourages children to take action, makes them want to repeat the movements. Performing a particular role in the game, we not only suggest how to move, but also show an example of the correct execution of movements.


Week 1.

Program tasks:

Exercise children in walking and running one after another in a circle.

Exercise in jumping on two legs in place; in all directions;

Develop motor activity, dexterity. attention dexterity, speed.

Equipment: chicken mask.

1. Carousel


Children, together with an adult, run in a circle, holding hands, and say or sing:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, and then

Everyone run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two

So the game is over! (E. Tiheeva)

In accordance with the words of the song, the children run in a circle faster and faster, then slower and stop.

2. Mother hen and chicks


Children sit or stand. On one side of the site, a "chicken coop" is fenced off with a rope, where "chickens" (children) with a "brood hen" are placed. Side to side is a "big bird" (one of the kids). The mother hen leaves the chicken coop, crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. She calls the “chickens”: “Ko-ko-ko”, the “chickens” crawl under the rope at her call and walk with her on the site (“the grains peck”: they bend down, squat, etc.). At the words of an adult: "A big bird is flying!", The "chickens" run home. The "chickens" caught by the "big bird" are eliminated from the game.

3. "My cheerful sonorous ball"


To the words:

"My cheerful sonorous ball

Where did you jump off.

Red, yellow, blue - children jump in place on two legs

Don't chase after you. - the children run to the opposite side of the playground, the teacher catches up with them.

4. Cat and mouse


An adult depicts a cat, a child - a mouse. The child sits "in a mink" (behind a chair, the cat walks around the room, while saying:

The cat is walking in the yard

Looking for mice Vaska-cat,

The cat is looking for mice.

Quietly the mouse sits

She looks at the cat

He looks at the cat. (E. Tiheeva)

An adult sits on a chair and closes his eyes - he is sleeping. The mouse child comes close, sees that the cat is sleeping, runs and plays around the cat. The cat stretches, opens its eyes, meows and rushes to catch the mouse. The mouse child runs into a hole.

2 weeks.

Program tasks:

Teach jumping on the spot, create an emotional mood for children to play. Develop dexterity. Practice throwing and catching the ball. Develop auditory attention. Cultivate a desire to exercise.

Material: bear mask, 4-5 balls.

1. Bees.


Children depict bees, run around the room, waving their wings, "buzz"" An adult appears - "bear" - and says:

The bear is walking

Honey from the bees will carry away.

Bees, go home!

"Bees" fly to a certain corner of the room - "hive". "Bear", waddling,

goes there. "Bees" says:

This hive is our house.

Get away, bear, from us!

W-w-w-w! (A. Anufrieva)

The bees flap their wings, driving away the bear, fly away from him, running around the room. The bear catches them.

2. Bunnies


Children stand in a circle, one in the center. The adult sings, and the children move in accordance with the words of the song:

The children went out to the meadow,

We looked under the bush

We saw a bunny

Beckoned with a finger.

(Children put their right palm to their eyes, "peer", "Bunny" squats in the center, children beckon him with their finger.)

Bunny, Bunny, jump

Your paws are good.

Our hare began to jump,

To entertain small children.

(Clap hands, "bunny" jumps.)

Together with the bunny soon

We will jump more fun!

(All children jump in their places, and the "bunny" is in the center of the circle.)

A "wolf" appears (an adult, all the children run away.

3. Game exercise with the ball.

Children are located throughout the site:

A) throwing the ball up and catching with both hands.

B) throwing the ball to each other and catching.

4. The game "Guess whose voice"


Children stand in a circle, in the center - blindfolded driver. Children with words go in a circle:

"Dima, you are in the forest now

We call you "Ay!"

Well, close your eyes, don't be shy.

Who is calling you, find out as soon as possible.

At the direction of the teacher, one of the children says: “Ay!”, The driver must find out who called him and name the child.

3 week

Program tasks:

Continue to teach to walk and run in a column one by one, teach jumping.

Develop imagination by performing game imitative movements.

Continue to develop interest in outdoor games, expand vocabulary.

Material: hoops according to the number of children, wolf mask, apples or balls.

1. Pick an apple.


An adult depicts an apple tree, in each hand he holds an apple or a ball. The arms are extended at the level of the child's head - these are "branches" that move from the wind. The child is offered to pick an apple. He stretches out his hands to him, but the "apple tree" does not immediately give in: the "branches" sway from side to side, up and down.

The child jumps up, trying to grab the apple, and, in the end, he succeeds. Picked apples remain with the child, and the adult takes other apples and offers to pick them.

2. Game exercise "Three Bears".

Three bears were walking home Children are walking in place waddling

Dad was big. Raise your arms above your head, pull up.

Mom is smaller with him, Hands at chest level.

And the son is just a baby. Sit down.

He was very small, Crouching, swinging like a bear.

Walked with rattles. Stand up, hands in front of the chest clenched into fists.

ding ding, ding ding. Children imitate playing with rattles.

3. Funny bunnies


Hoops are laid out on the site according to the number of children - these are bunny houses. “Mom - a hare - a teacher.

Small houses in the forest are dense. - the children sit on their haunches.

Gray bunnies in the houses sitting - hands are applied to the head.

Mom - a hare ran through the forest,

She tapped everyone on the window with her paw. - the teacher imitates a knock on the window.

“Knock, knock, knock rabbits, let's go for a walk - the children run around the playground in all directions.

If a wolf appears, we hide again - a “wolf” appears - the children run away to their houses.

4. The game of low mobility "Who knows how to cleanly wash?"


The game is accompanied by the movements described in the lyrics of the song:

Who knows how to clean?

Who is not afraid of water?

This is us! This is us!

Who doesn't want to be dirty

Do you wash your ears well?

This is us! This is us!

We can wash

We wash my neck with a washcloth.

And that's it! And that's it!

And so that the legs are clean,

We washed them a little.

And that's it! And that's it!

And then we'll wash it smartly

We are above the basin head.

And that's it! And that's it!

We washed like big ones

Here we are clean!

Look! Look! (A. Anufrieva)

4 week

Program tasks:

Continue learning to walk and run using the entire area. Develop attention, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, the ability to move rhythmically. Develop the ability to imitate.

Material: Basket with cones (can be balls or other small items, bear mask; balls for each child; toy dog, bowl.

1. Crows


Children portray crows, they stand in a "flock" and imitate all the movements of an adult who sings or speaks in a singsong voice:

Here under the green tree

Ravens jump merrily.


All day they screamed

The children were not allowed to sleep.


(Children run around the site, waving their arms like wings.)

Only at night they are silent,

Crows sleep, rest.

Quiet. "Kar-kar-kar!" (A. Anufrieva)

(Squat down, hands under the cheek - "fall asleep".)

2. Cones


The child sits on a chair or on a rug. An adult brings a basket and invites the child to go "into the forest" with it for cones. Cones are scattered on the floor, the child runs "into the forest" and "collects cones" in a basket to the song.

Olya walked through the forest,

Olya collected cones.

Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli!

Olya collected cones,

And put them in a basket.

Ay, lyuli, ah, lyuli!

(After that, the adult asks how many cones are collected and asks to show the filled basket. Squatting down, the kid puts the basket on the floor and rests.)

Olya sat down to rest,

She wanted to sleep.

Bye-bye, bye-bye. (A. Anufrieva)

A bear appears (an adult takes a teddy bear). The bear growls (not very loudly so that the child is not frightened) and asks: "Where are my bumps?" An adult, turning to a child, says: "The bear is coming for the cones. Hurry, pour out the cones and run home!" The child pours the cones out of the basket and runs away to his place. The bear walks slowly at first to allow the child to pour out the bumps, and then catches up with the child, saying: "Where are my bumps?" The child shows an empty basket and answers: "We have no cones, go away, bear!" The bear leaves, the game is repeated at the request of the child.

3. Crows


Crow children sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle. Children "sleep" (close their eyes, bowing their heads on their hands with folded hands) to the poem.

The crows are fast asleep

All are sitting in nests.

And wake up at dawn

They will croak in the yard.

(“The crows” wake up, flap their wings, shout “kar-kar-kar”. Then, they “fly” (run) around the room, waving their arms-wings spread apart. During the “crow flight”, the adult sings further.)

Fly, fly

The crows flew, "Kar!" (2 times)

Aunt went out on the path,

Crows sprinkles crumbs.

(He comes to the middle and pours imaginary crumbs from the cup. The children sit on the chairs, and the adult continues to sing.)

The crows flew

Everyone was bitten by the crumbs. (2 times)

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock -

They banged their beaks. (2 times)

(Children run up to the place where the “crumbs are poured”, squat down and “peck”, tap their fingers on the floor.) The adult says:

Tuzik walked around the yard,

Raven scared! (A. Anufrieva)

(An adult takes a toy dog, “barks” and catches up with the fleeing children.) Later, the children themselves “sprinkle crumbs” and portray the dog.

4. Breathing exercise:

My children, my children - children sit on their haunches

My kids are fast asleep. - eyes closed, palms under the cheek

My children, my children

They sniff softly. - inhale - exhale

Sun is up! Stop sleeping!

It's time to get up. - stand on toes, hands up

Children are arranged in two lines, one opposite the other, divided into pairs, roll the ball to each other.